Page 1: · Sub!lcrlplions l'ayat>le In Advance fillS' area and had IT}any h~re. They afe forrner r1. · .. in this

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-f.;~~.~J'lwc~f)(aplt~k~~~ ~~:t~t:;~:~.~~~HJ~~~~;~: .. --· __ ';_ __ · ___ --·--n..... . FUn~.-al ~rvlce,il w~te t\11ld Sat·

· .. ' · eoht .County. Fu~er•t•e~Ice~ tor 1ir<1oy ~rt.ern®n~at · t. "'e· JtA .. rdlng ' · · the ltgel\ woman ·(known attec - ''

...1 tlonately u·~ptl\e~ ~ullan) ·were and Orr .Citapel, ~~ PallO; wll'h heT1.LSunday ~net~QOn at capt. ~ev. Gene Sp~•rmail offlclaUng,

-1 h v u Interment .w•s. 1\t Evergteen ' -tan W t · ernon 4 ayne,.. compan) Cemetery there; Pallbearers In·

' • •

. servant. (If t~-t C~p~tan CQmPttt•) ~l.Jided Ell in~.-. ·Pelnnt>Y, J.. n ·n ·· ~r JettovaJl'tJ Wltrfe~li, ~on na~kett, Dr/ C.arl Stralt>y, L. Y. ...~ .

.tucUne the .last. rite$. Intermen Jackson, Uugh Jackson and Pat · · was ·In· capitan, Cemetery In ac

' ' Clltdance with. the d'esfre ot tbt Driskell .. llonorary pallbetuMs . •etder.y woman WhQ- hill\ plaqned were '.Toe Sweeney,· Mnrvln Ful·

:ta, the d.etalliJ. or ber qwn tunera. lte~on, J. R. Rucker, M. M. Boa• I ·· • d t h · tl~. Morrls DunngEm, George

JQm~t m~ ,n a vance 0 e1 Ycmri~::, c. c. Callender, Larry deatb. · · l{ensler, Tel\ Krmlker, W. R.

Palll>earer~ wa-e .Joe Wtgley Johnson, John Stewart, Dill Cap. Randle, lJert Cheney, UolU~ · •

- and Jim



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•~~··~ :-. ~~~~~-~~Fr~d M ... cDon~. f~a~li«tF.aT.n~di· ~ll~n~~e~r~·· .V<I.Df· Luton, A. J.' Gorman ~MW~~~~.--------~

b'een named .ns a party to the !suit ana thnt Walker shOuld have ln· slltuted contest proceedings wben he found no ballotB lh the Ana· pra box.

"" eluded Jt, Jill lie :F~rgQ Mrs. Myrtle 'Straley. Klle, Paso-; 11. • aon• Mr. Nort011, Lpula Cumnl1ns a son, Tom·Knlght,.Ancho: a siR·

Frnnk Morris and Sam Bli~r •er, Mrs. Elsie Short, Cisco. Tex.; . 1

• · ClnreJJce Shaw ot the T. E. Kellc.> five brothers, Elbert, Emmel't. Fpneral llonie, Carrizozo, took Cecil and J. W. Klle, Cisco, and

.. I I

; J . .

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. ' '



• clulrgc t>! funeral arr&Jliements L. A. Kit~ lloulfl>n, Texas: "Happy Afe the 'MercltJll" w1u The ilecea~d. a retire!) brldee the title ot 'the hymn· sung snd building foreman ·tor· thf' memory of -Mrs. Jullan. l)outh~rn PaeUle (!ompany, had

. . 'l'hc~cceased, Who had spcn! been·'llvlng In El Paso. for the • 30 years ln the 1\otel buslneB!J II rew months where he was em· · capnun, wa.a blfi'fi D~'12; 1004, QJoyed as a real estate. salesmah

ln Mont~romcry County, ARrltk.·e'lle)' .. ~wJth the finn of Rucker, Fulker· daughter of Mr. qnd Mrs. son ~and Sweef\ey. A member or ~he mi'rrled Jamea B. Julian the Masonic LOOgt>, Mr. Klle wao Bentcm, Ark., wben abe was 23 well known In Lincoln County years old. lie prteeded her f'n wherl.! he was held In htgh es· death a number of years a~ro. !l.'(lm by his many frlend.!l.

• lrln. Jullan came to Ltnroln Out-of-town relatives who at· County 1n April, 1901. ended the Jalt' ·rues wero Mr.

The ·aafd woman, a member ol and Mrs.. Cecil Kiln and Elbert, .Jtib l'fnt. ChrlaUan Church at Emmett and J. w. Klle, all llf i64land, Tt¥8, wu well known ClBco. The l'ntlro Straley fatlll1Y A.nd ·bfioVe4 ·tot her kindly deed!. were alBo tn El Paso for the fu· _. well ai rreoplzed tot her neral, tn•llY abUJUH. .

Sbe leave. no survivors. NOGAL MESA

'·'* ltt t»


Council Accepts QuHn . ·Names -


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Will btt Cfl& a fiVe•·

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July 1 - .. - .. ~. 00 ~· !SG

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Page 2: · Sub!lcrlplions l'ayat>le In Advance fillS' area and had IT}any h~re. They afe forrner r1. · .. in this

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· SanPatriciQ s..lttnel . NOGAL · ·.

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, , . . • . . ·. 'll b. . . . By ,.ms, A. )), ZUH\VALTt JR. . Frlends · :>f E. J. B~~e~ W! .·. e ·Little r.~d!l $teal'n.Wa1! Jll iJ:te

'·; ' '


sorry. to know _iha~ . fie hospital Jastwcel{, . ·· a$ny Friday evenlng.lle : Mr. an4 Mrs. BIU Lacy . or the "oldttmerl!i'"Vt'Raswelt-and rosa were vllifth1.1l;lt·l~~~;~i

I A j


l •.



• "

• 1 • ! • L Jthmard.. Edltol!' and Publlsbca

1 • - .. , l'ltcre~aa seco clnsa %nt· ,j . --~· .

~~ July 3{), 1926. a he Post i' ' - - ot.nce at Carrlwzo1 New M!!xlco .·• · · , under the AM of Mnr~h 3, 1.879

' .•

• •

~·~ ..... -

SubscrlplloJJ,: · ln Llncoln Count} $2 Per Year~ Six Months $1,25;. · OutBJdc Lincoln County,

$2.50 Per ¥ear ~ Slx'Months,. $1.50 ·

' --Sub!lcrlplions l'ayat>le In


fillS' area and had IT}any h~re. They afe forrner r1. · .. in this valley. He owned a sum· IfQgal. · · , .. · · mer h.oR'lc In· ~uldosQ. ];Je Is sur· Mrs. L. R, Zumwalt· ~nd , het vlved by ':Mrs. Bates. 1t;fe~aJY!el:l sons, Hunter ana Peny, ot ~rte· Tom Rigsby, B. J. Bmu\ell, Fted !1\(J, were working on their LaMay and Mr. an.d Mrs. Elzy cabin In Nogal Canyon. · · Perry Jr. went to ltoswell ~onday Mr; an" Mrs. A. B. Zumwalt Sr, to attend the tuncral. , werOthcre from Ar~esla this week.

Mr. rmd Mrs. Fcrmln·P~c}Jeco 8 . Mrs. -cora Dutton has. rt!Q'Jed voungest ·son sutterc£1., a broken back to Noga,l, · . • arrnrcccntly .. Seems as If be wa$ Mr. Mrs .. Jack Ptlngsten 'Qf •ry\ng to be a rodeo han~ and In ~l}!n~ visited one day with tb.e •lu• attempt go,t thrown. He was Homer 1\{cDanl!;!,l!;l. • . tak(•n to RuiUI.l:lo for treatment.. • Mr. and Mrs. Edwa.rd 'Davts of

Mr!!. n. J. · Bonnell ha;s be~>n E~ Ptrso were· here .w.ltll .M.ra, •pa'ftyl ng", this ~cck. S~c; · ~rs. on vis' rather, Walter 'Snell. • w. F. Coe and Mrs. Tom B!lbcrs. Lee-Peck, kJ,amogordo, was- up 1w•ndl'd the Gardl.'n Club meet· Sunday wUh his 11Jster, Mrs. M.

i-i111 nt Milt Mable's Tuesday. a: z~u:m~·w~~a~lt~: :~·~~~·~· ~-~~ Mr. and Mrs. Mr. artil . . .

. ••

w£'nt to thf' reeept ln Tularo.~a .. p.1u 11u -~flw Ltrwuln l'<~un1y ~l'W!! ll ror ·Jan Cla}'\.on. Thtm, on Weu·

n 11t••<l wllh tn'l'f"H' •h•• followlnJ.l rwHday. l!h£' ~nt to the Extcn· lll"m whh'h •IJ•I'''nr••<l In laJj' qlon {'Jub· m£>etlng at Mrs. Roy W('P)I'!i l~BUI· of !Ill' Hultlu!o<• 'IPI!ion'll hCJm(l rn Ruidoso.

and Mrs. RQbert·Poage of Albl!qucrque came . to .their son, Scott. who ls wltb hls grand· mother. Mt,s. Pearl Stf!~rvs .

• Mrs, Adams 1~ here from El Paso to stay a tew days with h~r sstter, Mrs. Pearl Stearna, .

.. ·-· ·-· I

'I ,.

•• •

N•·w~: .. m:J•HJ·;sr·:.'i'I=ATIVE r;ciJo:. B<'lll' r"rry 11nd children. Ron· TO STA'fF <"AI'lTA·l. AJI''fEH .1Jd and FrNldn-· Hclc~ were RfJAI> FU!'<!IS Sta:•· lt•·p. L l" hunlnP!ls viHitore In Carrizozo Frl· •ll<'a vy, l>rnlw l•·f! !l.!on<lay t.rJ! In)'. l.uvln Cht\V~Z and Mnry Kll· !olanta F•• to •·rnJt't•r \\ 11h NIHil· 'Jlf'<'B w<'r£' II'\ Carrizozo Snturda:Y. ·highway uflu·L•l~ '"''' r;..v l•:•l Mr and Mm. Clyde Well~ .o! M••l'h••rn t" il'•k fw ·"""w of tlu fun.rrwarl vl!lil<'d· Mr. nnd Mrll. SU!OOOOO In f<•rl.•r;,l furrrh Vh"'' rom Uabl'rs Thursday nigh\. ·'

vlsiUng· -Ed at tHe time and they took h1m to the de>etor.

r· •

. -

~··w M•·xk<• !or ltnt.r••'1nt' la!r•rrr· t;l•·nn JIIC'IU11Jll1, un old friend nr ·tarm to m·rrlw' r.t•~"l' f11r th• ,f th•• Coc• family, 11topped at lhC H<~ldnr;u ~~·,, .• 1 !.;>.!•''"''' "r llrl' lril !!unm•tl run'Ph (or a nhort vlstt '''' l>ralu• 111 lwtni• Ltr<·rl fur h~ ·> .. turday. ' . I)J(• UulriO'>Il I h.>lll+Wf or ('om Bt·n and' Cetllll Sahch'l'Z qrc

n ITII'II'IiTJtJt TJt"tfr. I

w,. WPfl' urlfh•r ,,,,. trn)m·•>~>l••r• 'W''' you nil bacll In Stln Pat. llmt tlw """I , 1111 .,, 1., 11 In J.ln [l!•fl!• und Yr{'ddtl UI.'ICnfl Perry

,,., 11 'rtr .. r••uHhl~ tnd f'rUI'Itn Chavl-i _w.imt to.:Rol)· r h•· I< >Ill' WI' II W •••I nt•!!dny.

"-.~'"''" n;• prlorl J!,rlph !Jllnnt•ll. P"II Pflnr,ot~n. ": t•m of , a H••rt l'fln~ll11'n and Auntln Albert

r . ~ .. , - •alr<·all.~ 11, haH• to. C~lorndo ~o loolf1

nt I I " ,,, tlr•· ."'r 111 , ..• nmf' t•r"·klnN,· jWlnls to get pont·

<'I' \'(t( nll' •IJ' Jt -~ " n 1 lllghwnv f)Pp:rrt f'f~ 1111 how to run•thltl. loc~.flnl!. r•<l It "r•xr·r·ll•·rrl ioun<lll ltlntl of llshy to me. · l'•••lt'Cul uu 11 .. 111 .,f r·utttr.~-nr .• Tt.i·;;-i·-~ .v.f1 U11nnf'll had A run·ln with a 1" <JIIr lwm\ l<·•lv•· h.w ,..,t ) ,.. r•ll! onrl nu• [Ill! rnme uut winner. ht·t•n r•·•·•·•""1 ""' 11 '\··~- •h•· '"' r\H• pltfn tunlt I'Ut l::tl:n_teg. Ralph lie·! ur tlw h,,,,,. ·•l'""n""11'iat thr· j.·.,n•q(l(' C!nd riomc (rll'~tlll wrrt>

·Mrs. Ora Tull)' apent .a . feW rlays with her sister, Mrs. Felix· l'vflller, In Tulnros~ 'lhlJ! w£>ek.

The tac:eG seemea to. be. the popular sport thls Those there were the Babers,

do Guiterrez. Dan· Lu· cps, Shorty El11s, Mrs. B. 1. Bon· nllll and the Wilbur McKnJiiht tamlly. Rodeos this weekend the Fourth ahould thin o~t thnt bunch.. " I

I hear there Is. quite a blt or llpt>culaUon no to lhe writer .or thls. eolumn. All l -ean say .. Mrs. Hurd, IS just leave youi" news at the postortJcc and I wlll appre· · date .u.

• • nuy u. s. 'Ocfcnse ~onda. - .

JtfU!!f1lfll l!loUI•I 1111'1'1 \\\th Ill<' ----------:..---------"T""-------­ilft)lfOV,rl uf tho· f•••h·r.<l lt~lf<'llll If

/Jh•• nt•\\'tlp;•p,•r .utlt·h· lt1 nJtr••c·1 \\1' ltrl' WIIIHII•tllll: \\h', ~1r )irttllf' t~huui,J t.•k•· it "''"n him hl'lf t11 ptmw••r• ,.,,,,) hull•llrtl: lr• u11t• nc•rtlr•n r•f thf) .:••unt)' .,,,., ,,nutlwr rdiN prlurtlu•~ fnr fl\11'1• • '"""' rurt tun 11 .• "' ,, ! ,. .... 1; trl<l';t. •·••lahlllllll•ll '\\'o• • h""~·hl lu· w.1 t ! •• , ... ,,,,1 lo u·prr·t•·r,l Ou· ••uflr&· l•lllfll~· \\'1' rJ.'., 'l'lf'',ll"ll 1111' ,., hkr; ••I \1r I,; <111' -... j,-.1', lilt~ ,. '

pc~nnr rt1uru·~ fr11rf1 ·• n ••r t~n ntt:a Jlull lu t•turnult• 1111' lttll'rl.'l'ilO ttl I> !II' Bl'<'llnn 11! t h,. '' trr, I\ '''<'I

- -lhc.-!li.JlCUl. .. l\ blk J.wl..ULl+: dll nl. fkP thrrt Ntllo f.,r "'l''"'·•·•l.!•all<m ul I hr ••n t I 1"1' (lira

l'rntu•r not 1<-P \~ ,, ~ gh I'll 1 Ill" \,orlmw rw< ttnnu nf LH11nln f'fltlll l\ 1•rtnr to thp u·t)•·t, uf rn•.' hu:n of H•J•rr·r;e·n!,,u,. •·n hom e•,u h nu"a In ru\•h• ~nn n•·'-" t..l•:'i'''r _.u tlrll'!l 1-llrrll'<l notic.,.u ,f lhr \8

rltn!R l'nnfr•t•·m~'" If ;m\ ro•r•l rii'OIII nf th•• Jhtt•l<>'-" .tr<'.l t\l'fl' • nut llrttlrJflr><l to.l•l• fl~t·lr prlnrltk~

fnr rolld <'ttnc.• fll< llnrt l It(' ~ nhuuld hn\e• · \nl••••l thl'lt 1'11111

t•lnlntg nt thn<l' <t>nc•l:nf'9 Tri llw hr>!ll ltni>W)I'i'll:l' nf f'lllll (l~pllr. lhl' ruad l•ronrnm "ll~ '"'''""'•! ol nat tnr cll'tury Olll• f'\'t•n 1 h~>ut:h r.nmo m.•) hnvr tll"ni!P•I •n "''''' Htrl• IJrt>illl aMll!lll'<l lrif•h•·r prlnrlf~

II IR nur hnllr•f llul ln'l'rh•r rnc-f' In thl~ l"n~· ~.•••t:•· '"-"1 1''" arnm fl\('f \\hlrh " fllttnbf'f nr l.lnl'nln !'IIIHII\ rt·<~ltlc>rl!n ll(ll'llt

r:C'\Pral n·lhfl'l"' nf h.ud wmk Joi'V ftl(·tlng l'an """ r••r.ul! In tit(> elelny of ·~·n ... aruH inr. hndly nvl."dC?tl m,:ub In lhi" ''"""'~ Tht> fl'dl'rnl bur<'.lu • .111nur hriJt hut wondPr tll lhP npJ•llf>llt ln.thlllt~ nf l.tnroln ('mull) tn •Jc••ltlr on u rood proarnm It lnlt•rfr•rt>n'C'C' In nttC'mptr,J at thlo l.llill!l'

Jf lJ1 lhP bPIIP( uf 11\t' l.lnPOIII •:ounty Nf'Wll lh:'l! fnr rln l.'lN'tl'•l offldnJ In OI'U'Jll l'll(ll'llUI' (JUIII,\ from 0 ~:roup <:PI'ItlnJ.! tu promult'

• thC' Wf'lfnrr of ''"'' <:l'<'llnn on Ill not In Offllf(l Wlfh thP TI.'-{!Uff(.>· mt•ttfli or 'hl!l l>Ultlk om('(' whfl'h prnvldp that he rt>(lfl"!:f'nl thP ('II. t\r{' nr('n umll'r h\ll \llfllldlrtlnn

.l( )'OU ant puttlnC trl • M'W wtlf that mutt JO

dtcp t• &ct' wa~ct ••• i£ fCKl art rcptacra., your 61Uacip ·wilt -pump,--ct()ft~'bily a u~ u~it utttU you f&lltcd. t6 w about thla aent&Uonat l'alr&anb·MorJe aubmcuibte

J'uJf afnrftJahlreJ of th• • . Falrbctnkt•Mor~e •ubmerslblel

Wt• rnthPr thlnlt tl I fit' artlt•ll!;~h~l r----~~;tr~~~ll~~~~~r.J~~~ii~~i . __ the nuldu!lQ-NP-.~~ d--l,~lo.U rPsld('ntrJ nt othl'r f.l('{'lloM ut l.ln·

of Mr. Pt!~IC<''ll lll'tlon


jctt1 ._odl. Ol J!lit&fti tO ·ua·ti'i · ~~•tei

. . lftOt!)Ubt.(u. .. t ttaln•

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.. • . .. ""'·~"'= ._-q;<.

• <II'-~ •

' •

• •


'· · Whole. Swift Premium • •

For That Picnic on the 4th •

• -- , "' • Per-Pound . . ..

. _,, . ........ ·•

• '

· BCJIPgna, Veal-Loaf • 1 Pimiento Loaf, Liver,

Peyton Pel Norte ... ....-

· Delicious Baked ·

Per Pound •

Armour Star . - --- - - --- --­

As Advertised in Life Magozine •

Per Pound.· . .

American Beauty

Per Dozen ••

• . . •


. GINGERAl.E-Canado Dry -- 4tor-2Ac-:- . -. -L-IPtO~'S TEA . . · · · ··· ·· ' · ·asc · J:Ar-g• .,_ ... . ... .. .. , .. ,. .,- 1/cl'GUDCI .. _u, ...... :.~:a··~..,··--.,."'u•'••u•··•··· ........ u ..... -. . .-. -~·"~""*" ' . I

··!~s~!c!ISFr~s·turkiit · ·· . ·.·· .. ·-. 2f~, . ~~- ~~~~ ~~-· ... :.~~.~~~~.~ .. -.. -~~ ·.· .... ~·~.·: ... : ,:~f1c' ~ • •

~EP~~~~TA CHEE~E · · -~ ... . .• ~!:~~.:.~~!..~.~~~ .. ~~.~ ... :. _ ..... 79c •

5 co- -· · 96-··· .... 2 1: lou~ .... . .... ~.~~.~~.~~~~ • .. ....... '........ C . SALAD WAFER CRACKERS·. Supreme, PoiUid

........ 15c !~L.· ~~~~ ... ·.~.~~~~~~~.~ .. ~~.~~-~· PUFFIN BISCUITS t-39 -'!. • . ' •• <

STRA WBERltY PRESERVES -- - ;• ~. t"'l

' .q ....

• Welcb'a. lO·OL ,• •

.a·-2c: . Swansons Boned Chicken for Salads 54c. 1IJ.lx•0L CaD ............. u ....................... _...,. ••. u .... no ................ .' •.•.• su •.•• -~ ~ ..,

·~~~11Ns~-Silk Assprte~ Colors . ..... 14c WAX PAPER-:.Sitk, Roll .. 125 Ft. ..


150 For *·

PLATES" ALUMINUM . .... . ' 'Ia Donn·· •


• -.. ----.

.. 25c 1ftc

---~·-····· ., . .

1SC a~

. ~};!~~~:!!~L .............................. 25c SWANSON$ CHICKEN SPREAD aoc· ...

- " . - . llx•O'Ia Call. •<.~ ..,..,, .... s ........ u .... uu.ft.o."•-••uU>OU.-otF••·••.-•·· •·•··••••·•·• '.

HORMELS POnED MIATS. 10· c 312·0:1. ca.. ~--~•·~"-••-H•••••<>:.:..ooH•·"""" •. ._.-;·_:!!;,· .. ..,._.~ .... , .. ,. • •·•U-• o ••

-- . '

HOJtMELS fiGS RET · 48c For Tbot• 'Wllo Ut• 'Ez:a., 14oOL ~tue; ·-·· -·· .. __ ,,.. . .U . .

. HOR..,ELS '"UVER PATE-Delicious 1sc· nr .... ~ ~. ·~··· ·•· -"--·~:-~·~··'"'"···-- -u ...... 4 ••• ~ .. ~·~··-•·u- .... ' ....... ..


lb.~ • •

• •

·f+\f--· ._.....!.~ -·-·--· _._ ... " ___ ....... _. -~--"""' ... - -~~-···-···-··+--~"""oi A U ltUhnun. lgmwlo. ('olo,

e1 n•f formt>t r€'nldc>nl of J.lnroln t'uu nty, I!!Jn new llUb~~.>ribtlr to U\~ Lhwoln 1'ounty N'tWal. Ulllmcm llllld he lUred to ru:\'D m

• •


~. '

I .. •

• •

with hoppcnlnr.n of Utl!l oount~·. • • • •

Mfa. Ftt'd' RntHn and small son, Dolin ld, of Loll A In mo!l, ur(l IIP<mdlnrt tho !lumm(lr with ht't p:m•ntll, -mu t.. Z Mantfi.iil,

o hr-r huabnJllt .nU~>ntln tht> v::~l.'atltm t:t>aJlon at tlplv.mllty, !A11 Vt'gn!'L J\nnthl'r dnuahtcr. Mm. Bob Millt>t tmd hf.r two atrln, Lot11 and Sll!l:tn, ot Lombnrtl. lit.

a~ • DeUWH tltf te1.a0 l•sJ.h. .~ )00. toohtliioJi-11$tUttbAliow•·'*'*tt ~ PSlti!ORMANcnPltO'YBD t'tY~ <it1Mt\NTEEDt ,


:rtt!! s~~ _Wh Clos_td JJJJ __ 4th altd :Sth . · · 'W• Giv• s. & H. Gr••n Sta~p• . .

• • • • • •

.nrc <>XJ,Jf:,Cit~d -nr-tl~.twr~· 11 rt--n,-t -lr·"'· ·I--···· •

Uy and nc.oomp:.ut,y them on . tho l't}tUtn Ulp •

• '..t-:v• • • • • '· . --- ~- --

• • . .

' ' •

~ ·- • . . _,

. :· . . •

• •

, ." ~~~~~~~ -~~.~~~~~,. ~~~.!~.~ .. · .. 27C :;!L~!~.~~~~~ .. !.:~.~.~ ... m ..... ~ .. : ........ 27¢ . -TOMATOES' . - · --.-.. ----~~-~--=~ifti!I.~..:Q~· NIONS :--- . .. bu~~ --~.c'

PoUnd' ..... ,._,.u •• ~ ....... ~l~ ............. ,. -··· ............ ,. ••• : ........ ~-·-·•·n~ •• tiVD w.wr~~-.....-. .. '11 2 . 13 :.. • •


" ~ . -. • I

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'I'D ---- ,,._,_,~.,,. ........ ~-....... . - -. .. - ' •-. - . .

This ~t-on VJUl ~ c~:. All iUy 'tldaY· ~· 4 . ' .· - - -- "-_" ' - -- -· . - ~ -~--- ~--- ---·

• ••.. :c ..... ' -· ~-----

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Page 3: · Sub!lcrlplions l'ayat>le In Advance fillS' area and had IT}any h~re. They afe forrner r1. · .. in this

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wf) {lff) rortunnta to hnvc thlt modPrn lilllttr(lr:JJ mnnufacturlng roncern ln thin trade tcrtltory nnd their hlah quality DijEME· DILT lnnPrilprln~: Mattretu:cn nnd flmt ·elo.t:m renovo lfnsz m a k o 11 them worthy of the nupport ot our mnny readera. .

. ' -~ . r . '

• ....- .

• • • ' ·• " . • , . .


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Page 4: · Sub!lcrlplions l'ayat>le In Advance fillS' area and had IT}any h~re. They afe forrner r1. · .. in this

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Fr,tday, .July 4, 1952 •

CORONA· . . '

., ..

• ' ... ~ :Ciqssified Ads ' ·FORT .STANTON · ·.· :. · ~ , •· JC9ntJm.!e4 FronfPue 1) By MRS,ntJctfAIJU.R · . •.r ~~~-·-_...,.,..__...;._.,.f-c

'Funeral se~vtees wert~ iteld tor · Betty Bon~ and· Mrs. Geraldine Tom Donald Wedne.!!day~· Jurie Perldns. ,25;· ~IHfadly mhJsed' by aU ot

CUSI'OM ASSAY OFFICE . ChemlstB and Acmaycm

.... Shippers Rcprcsentatlve.s ,, Carlton Bond, !!Otl ot Mr. and us her~ · ·

1\frs. E. T. Bond. Is taking ROTc nen lrender anlved tioin ·rtewl·-~....,._,.""'"'_:::;~~~~~rat advance training ·at .(\l,)erdeen, '·'"'··•~h -~ ·

r•. o. Box 811 · . El Paf!O, 'l'exat; ------,··--....----~

WANTED-AU klndn uaed fur · nllurp. Hl~C5t prices J!£1ld. Cai • " 00 lor opprlllsa!. .Jaci,'B Tradllll

I' .at, Cartf2(tl'.0.

Md. His paferits expect lllrn home . Guy Rayi/; · dog; '".Btlbbellto," he~!'~ and •• with. In abOl\f six W('CIUl. . ' ' hns adopted the two skunks have . .

Mrs. Bl'IIY 'Walker werit to that belong. ·to Olive. J{ut~ler. if Stamford,. Tf.>xas, this week and Sf!elng Ia bQUevlng and 'It Is.

Anyc~w flmllnr, 11 billfold c:on wtU t•ntl'r the !lmllll'\lr rvcll'o cQP· R!f!azfng . tq watch h~r car~ Jpt • talnlng valullblc> papl'r!! an tr-llt_R thvre. Wo nope !j})e praves tfiern as ;ft t·hey_ ... vere heir own which waa !ost ln Capltun, p,lt•ah tu he> on~.> of the wlnnNS, return to 'A. I.· Sanchn ut,:_I~)od Ot•ol'ge Weynnnd, Sonny· :King, Dooley. has n•turnecl, said rtanch, Cu~lfun Alton Len !VtcKlbbcn, Jim Uogers. he had mndo thre!J-trlps !o nea~ --- --·- .. ~--- - .. --------. AlbPrt Mulltey and Joe Atldn11on Mike Koval ·ana Frnnclscp Al·

AilE. YOU . W(•nl fishing last week. pen left. tor New York ln9t week, -;t~tcd 0~ :~~~ing for Mrr; Katherine Cormier, •rue· Bl1nkcy Fa vier nrrlved' from

, 1

•,on, Arli.', mother ot Mra, L. W. ~emphls atld Mobile. · . or IHI! you uruwlng uil t•r Wi<fl''-'',.'1. .srlwr. has moved· to Corona and Dr. and Mrs, Darllng~~m sprmt

• lJ bright tufuu•" Plu fmtubllsht·•: ,~ 11vlng In the KJipatrlck homo. _HltoPJ>lnr. I.!F.· .. ·.~.I Paoo •·umjlany hnu ·"l'l'r1lrl"fj for nwa · l l 'IHU'il:~ " Slw plami tu make her 10mc llm •• · -· - · ..... :·• ln 11 bunlnt•:m uf t lwlr own wlu·r• n ncl we• wC'It•umo h£''f w Corona. The Scouts ore doing very, p~ro~~~~ll~n;~a~rcj0,fefxc~ti'l~h·~n7it ~a;j;"~t1,1~n~of'feju~.f:r.i=::~~~t~~-~7"~1J!;.::f,e:Y· · 'Tul r·tllj,.JHIIW Th Jd 11 050 · 11on. Torl'lmy. · ot. CY so , pounds •·~stmtlul' Wr lle ht•rc> Iaili Wl.'l•kend visiting Mrs. ,.veek. .

• A C. MYJ>;m~ Gr~,>y''i p:w•nts, Mr. and Mrs. Alex ·TcdJMltchell ofAlbi~querqtje Is ;.!401 LDrlnwr St lJt•uwr, ('ulu J••ultlnR. , vlsftlng tbe.Armer boys,' -PAINTiNG AND DECOJh\TING. Vlfly fJ!ItiH iJt mhv fJkQtCil w~r~ Jimmie Keller returned' Thurs·

AU Work Ouarantecd urcl~.>rc•d and arrived last week for day from Washington; D. C. • Pbono 111 or ·160.·11. l~g_rry Morrin~ u~:.· at Uw Youth Canlf!ID. The S~L'med glad to be back In the

c·;t nt l'l•n Is sponsored by .fh(' Co· Lan!l or .Sunslijne .. He sale\ too '--------. --·-~-NOTARY PUBLIC

. PUBL,JC STEf~OGHAPIIER • J01fl'f1£'8 P ActtAGE fiTqllE

-··-- . ----- ---

:una Wqman's Club, and ·thoro much rain back-Eallt. iJrc• uwally a large group . of The Sorority Club of Rnlctoso fall. to enter college at Las yt~un!J pN1ph• Jn attendance c~cry m!lde n Ylsll·to t11e ho11p1tal Fd· Cruces A&M under the· 6tudent J·"rltln,- trom 7 to 9 P. M. 'day with the Grey Ladles and tl'~;~lnee program, wheri.> he wUl go

-· r.

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·All Jor lllillon- -:1 ..... hl!t Jrll/f,_!J .,., 1M 1-1 IA/tlf,

. -

: . ~·' yo.ur ca-. of C~k• now . • • • .,_ P.,r•) fQr · . · · · .,·~~~t :ali~ lt9JPitallty . . . ... ,.

'')I :

' '

' •

• ..

24. Bottle CISI $1~ PluJ Dtj>OII...-.At YQur Dea'-'

lomfD tJioiiiU AUIHOJil"t OP TH. COCA-COlA COMPAAY JY ' ' I ' ~ .




• LUCILLE ZUMW AI. T Notary Public

Pllooe f/6 - Carrlzozt

Mrs A F.. Mulkey nQd dnugh· presented each pallent with a to school abc months and work . • , ~ 19, 0, Tl:• Coco.Colo C'o..P""Y

tf.>r. KIL'n~ un~ Mm Ma~am ~lo~l ~~cl~h~d~~ys~.m~t~atWWtcSan~P~· -~----------~----~·~~-------------~-----·-c·rumrr. Hlster·ln·law ot Mrs. bar. The lacllcs say they have lng Grounds. He wlJJ graduate •. J

~------ --T. E. KELLEY YUNEnAL JIOMt

• ilmbulanCCJ Scr.vlco Funeral Dlrcc:tor

l'bo"~• "33-- · · -- -- cmrlzoz, . - -·~ ... -- --~---·--

HOBERT M. ROSS " ·""Notary Publlc

Phone 30 Carrlzorc

Mulk1•y, nnd hQr daughter, M,fs. BOilUl nlc.c plans t4l !lrtortnln the. wJtl} ~ulCgree· .cit meclu!.Dfcnl .en· Card -of Thanks l>Plort'H Wlx and sonu. Jimmy and paUenttl t,hls tall. I'm sure It will wnccr, This has been Sklpp(JJ"S "'The beau11tul (!oral offerings I Stf.>vc. of Wichita, Kun .. made a be appreciated, too. - · and he hnli worl(ed hard for and other .kl.nd or

••l lrull werlc. •ll*~ff-flBfl-ft-li*nW'ii'i'

Carl Craig ot El Paso :were vis· to do lt Ray told all his ltors on the station Friday. Mrs. Scouts set a noaf and stlcl( to lt. Craig's daughter, Ruth. Jean. ls · The patients., took up a collec· Dpendlnr. a tew days with Claire tlon to byy Dr. Torney a gltt. We

of Mrs. lMotherl Jullan are grea-tly appreciate!]. . •

Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph Rench.

Boyd. • all hated to see· tltm leave and Grace Wchlono and son 1Billle wish him the best ot luck. •

• THE.CALS . ~

Come In, and see our fascinating kltt;hen gadgcln: .


• •

• ••


• '


11. ELFnED JOfJE£1 Attorno yat Law

AllllOf'lfj lt•cl \\II h I it"fJ. II Shlplt')

ThPrco will br a Vn'catlon Bible ~:t·h•,ol 'nr -tho. Coronn Baptist Churd1 July 7·Ui, at 8:30 to ll:30 ••ri-M morning Monday through ~·rltlny All £'hlldron ogc 3 thruur.h 10 nr~.> urged .to attend.

1\lr un!l 1\frn. Curl J. Ryberg and IJUllll made D. bl!nlnC1!!1 trip ctill'ur.o lunr wt•c>l(. Mrs. Ryberg

Joe ot El Paso ure houseguests oC Mr. Qullllnn has rcturn('d after the Goulds. · ·· a tew months srny 111 nurcam. ne

FHENCH-FBY CUTTEilS, two ldncb. one 11 aure to pltOM. · ~ - · PJlESTO CHEESE SLICEIIS-Two SlnJ< '



ATJILETE·s FOOT GEnM .snd rhlldrf.>n remalned for a JfOW To' KILL (f, mnnth'S'-'tlt"ntion with hPr crand·

Ul ONE IIOUH par~'>ntn. 11 not J•l•••uwcl y11ur <Ill!' tmrl.. Tlw Gallo Roping Club- hold 'I h 1 11 s T 111 J !i u f 11 11 r. 1 ,. 1 ,1 , "nutlwr rodf.>o with calf roping, st.<JUGJJS (JJ<T the> uutc>r nkln 1, hulldugglnJ: and bronco rldlnn t·•JlO!lC hurlrd luur:L Ktllu 11 ...,, Sundu) ufrrrnoon, June Z!J. .-ontnct ,,,., c:ri'CHll'lt''l'l, lnutana Tlwrc> wan a donee at thtr Dill clrylng T 1 1. ut ""·~ tbut: ~>tun· lJru:tt>l runeh Saturday night with 'fqtJny at Hullarufo Uru~: 'lrrm· '' lnrr." crowd cittrnlflng. ··r l'ndt•ll'ft IJTUI' Sturt• ("fltrl7070 Mrn. n. w. tnrnndmnl Chanc~y

• · __ hnn br:f.>n Ill the paot wcdt, but Ia

Skl_pJJCr GQYh!. loti 'l'hUr1lday hrul.all\tle dl!!lctlltY At !it'!lt but tor New York to work at La Guar· Js doing all right now. · din Field. He wlll return In U1c Dr. and Mrn. Heclc and family ---------...;..• --· ---__ -1 "~"· Moha&y Tor lbeir nc\v stn'flon


!fo. n ODEll ~AITEJUI


In Galveston, Texas, .Everyone hates to cec lhcae nlre follw leave. Good luck. -

Jda_Mno and Dlllhl Hale and daughter .of Inglewood• arc homl' vlnltii'Jg their parenttJ, Mr. and Mra. Minter of Fort Stanton and ltfr. and Mrn. !fall In SuODet.


TtJ,pJJ-9Jll 11-1a · . :-If 1 Don't Jrcne It Lllt.C.

111 Fla4 lt.


• •

Refrigeration •••

HHTY .xiTCHEH SAW8-Ileol Barg'aln-ot-39«:~ .... ·- u-­

GRISCEJIS-Tho .. Super s·a·a~ Makera. , . . WOODEN SALAD BOWLS-A !Fork aa4 Spoon F1:" wltb

Each &wL ··· -·•- · ·· Ena~eled Wo,e PlcnJc Strvlc:e for Slx-PlgtH. &wll cmc1 Cupa. RAHCIIER:s COFfEE TAP-Mtosurta tht CoffM aa4 ICHpa

tbt Jtnt FrHb. · • •



Splt:e Raclu Clecnutr Raclu Sack Tra,p11 .Ltd Racks


l'lonnliiiJ fur: thr lulur~•? 811\ llmprovlnst, She wlll be 92 · ._ l'lnnnlnu tor--thP future>? nu} old In .September. She Ill the>

~ motht•r of Mrll. Katherine Tnom·

Meet 011 the Firat Thursda,y In Each Month

Vflltillsrltara CckcUally InYlted Mn. Frances Shaw, w. M.

Carol and Earl Payne of Los Angeles • surprJccd Cnr61'o rolltn, Mr. and Mrn. Bingham, with o visit. Rose Marie Womack also Is home to see her nlnter, enrol. Tires and Tubes

Road Service


--·--- ------ oon and Jad; Chancl.'y ot Corona. Mia. .lunette Lemon, Secretary • Mrs. Burleson entertained th£'

lAdles' Bridge Club 'J'hurnda:•. ,-------------. C'lnr('n('(> Anhrrcdt Jr., A/3c, ltJ


Sundoy· & ~onday JulyU-~-

. Dean MartJn.Jouy Lcwla


"Sailor Beware"


TuM.-Wed.-Thun. July 0·0·10

Xlrk Dou;Jiaa·EVO NlUCt•

• PatJia Wytuore

ln -

1111 ('mrrnel'ft:y lenvo from his sta· Hun nt Gr-nYUic.•, & C., to- uc-t \\ llh hlo ol!ltN, \'llonnl.', uc•muu•

ill ol 1Jt!' ~!rl:z~zo ho!ljllt{IJ .. JMtf.>ntn, Mr nn Mrn. t'lnrcnro :\r,Jwrntr Sr .. an · other mcmbl.'ro ui hill tomlly will be the cucsttl

A. P. ItA. II. Tile ladles presented Mrn. Darl· -1..Nr• K• .Cl-- · · · , · ·• -wltb a--cUt rut--tl- rentcnH-.- -•. : ----, --·~-.55. •· - · --- -~

. Ccr:rriJIItzo. Hew Mhico brn·n-co··· from the club. Mrn. Fer· IUSTE!I BOOHE & TOM O'llEU

nc~~wn:-~~ng ~:~ ~· lo~lr~.~i~~~/r~ . .hJgb !iCQ.rf: R!ld. f>trt1 !181. !boiSe 82 . B~. P~o-~- 143·B

Wm. It Nfckelt, W. J.t Roy Shafer, Secret.aey

ul thP tulhN .Kin(:ll dUfllllJ the r-:;;;;;;;;;;;~;-;:::::::-R I n r c• r ' 11 • ho!lpll~rnttun. The DAlJQHtiiS Ot UIEXAH vnunn.nlrmo11 In art'ompanled by od c.cdonr z.ocsg. Jfo. 15 hill Wife> lh(' rorlllf'r noaalli! Mcctla,a Datrt 2nd .antl-lth . t ·amJ•hc'll ot Cl'darvale. Thursday• of Each ldonth;· 8. P.M.

Tlw nl'W ratc:oh·nll oobbler "hltlD mode> or den lin -111lth do·

FJorlce Barnum, Noble Gran!l JuJla Shenlll, Secreta:ey · .

t ru h.allll' JW!'l:rtn · will (tJimlnnlc rnn_ny Imrie -nnd·tortb trfpll when 'ou'r" dranlnu. Th«'Ct! roomy n'l""h","· wll! hold..nll your sud 'linn DUfllllll's-brunhen, apongt'n,l tlr) nnd damp elothll. Don't worry

r. o. o. r. .. ... '

about coli 111mtn; ruaacd denlma CAUIZO:td LODQJ: Jfe. 30 •·a n he ton.c:rd Into the Wll!lhlng Jnmi!A Thompson, Noble Grand mnehlnl' In good hot coapsuds Ray. Evant. Sectetary nntl th(J)' will bounce bnck just ML>eUna Each Tuesday Night

BRADLEY'S GARAGE Hondo. Ktw Mexico


Olea oad A. M.lro4lt'f

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EatablJJlh~ 1106 . . ,. Phone 30 •

C~ndy,1v1agazines, Cosmetics, Fountain Se A Com et• Line of

·------------~--------+----------- -----JIADL\TOllB WHO~AW. -llETIUL

Dlatributora fo! H9-fl.11011r .McCord aod G. & 0. C1temlAg • .,!e~QJJCU$d BtcorlDi• On. Day Senk.e




. • MAIL COUPON TODAY. • Without Ohllg-aUon. Plea.. .SelWS N• tntormaUon on the followtaga ~ · 0 Htw SplMU 0 Ulld Sploeta 0 Hew Grcusda U Ulld Ora~ 0 Uprlgbta i.J School or Church Jllanoa 0 Home Orva.n.t Q Ch\Udl Organa


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Lamp of Fre~doni

It Uehts new hopes nnd kJntlles cheer-1'hlitl6:Rliilie ho~ds on hlah- · · For men In tyrant lands oJ tenr Who'd give thelt Uves to buy The tr~dom celebrated here Each fourth day of July. • . " • • It AU year round we'll help 1t &lmv, An~ :'freedom!" 11 ow cry, 'l'he Whole wlde world wlll one day know A "tourth day ot July<'!

Thll bank wlll not transact biulness on July 4th.

Lincoln County· Agency · CtllztJrl .sTAT£ BJUflt OF VAUGH!f

Ccmiloao.lfew Nmco

Member Pedtral beposlt Inlurcmc. ~011 • ..


HEADQUARTERS FOl · f.!J£ NDl-t-t£1Yttf

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· Fr!4_ay & St.tturday

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July 11·12


Jebnny Nack lrown


. ··We Give S. & H. Gree11 Stamps

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·Save every Jar Yotr Canf •

........ BALL '


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. ' El _.,~so. Texas __ --' .

1.04 Rooms, Art with Tub Bath or Shower ' ..

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Modern . · · Air Conditioned' • I ---. v-· •

....... M'oderafe 'Rates· .. ll< . --·-

Loecated in th• Heait of the City •

• • ' fry Qur· ·coffee Sh~p Famous For Food •

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-AIIlt·~AJa · · ·· · •- ·· · · . ~~~~&RQUE,·H.Mt-• . ... . ·- • . .

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