  • 7/28/2019 Sub-types of Schizophrenia



    Presented by Dr Pavan kumar

    Chaired by Dr Safeekh A.T

  • 7/28/2019 Sub-types of Schizophrenia



    Kraepelin in 1899 classified dementia praecox into

    hebephrenic, catatonic, and paranoid groups.

    E. Bleuler(1911) added simple schizophrenia as 4th group.

    Cameron (1947) classified in accordance with behavioristicconcepts into 3 main groups:

    the aggressive,

    the submissive, and

    the detached.

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  • 7/28/2019 Sub-types of Schizophrenia


    C. Schneider(1942) described three symptom-complexes in

    schizophrenia as disorder of complexes of functions in CNS. These syndromes are

    - the thought withdrawal syndrome experience of

    alienation of ones own acts and

    Gedankenlautwerden ( thoughts becoming loud)- the desultory syndrome disorders of social feeling and

    bodily hallucination and

    - the drivelling syndrome primary delusions.

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    Thought withdrawal syndrome

    Thought withdrawal associated with fragmentation of thought,verbal derailment, and blocking.

    Inspirations or sudden delusional ideas which appear to come

    from natural sources are also a part of this syndrome.

    Patients have cosmic, universal, or religious experiences. The experience ofloss of personal control over ones actions

    frequently occurs so that the patients experience their own

    actions as being made or forced upon them from outside.

    The outstanding affective disorder in this syndrome isperplexity (confusion).

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    Desultory syndrome

    Characterized by desultory (disconnected) thinking, i.e.thought makes jumps and therefore

    proceeds in an irregular way.

    Lack of inner drive, unable to react quickly and adequately to

    environmental changes. Affect is flattened

    Patients are unable to feel happy or sad, but may pass into

    states of anger, anxiety, whining, or despair.

    Feel changed in themselves and have bodily hallucinations.

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    Drivelling syndrome

    Vague drivelling (silly) thinking No gross grammatical disorder

    Although speech and thinking are superficially integrated, the

    content is drivel.

    Delusions of significance and primary delusional experiences Affect is inadequate

    Lack of interest in real things and values.

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    Kleist from Frankfurt school regards schizophrenia as a

    disease of nervous systemwhich may be confined to one neurological system or

    which may affect different systems within neurological system.

    Typical schizophrenia made up of many subgroups whichare due to different neurological system illnesses.

    More insidious in onset, more steadily progressive

    Atypical schizophrenia due to disorders of many differentneurological systems

    More episodic, marked remissions

    Greater genetic loading than typical.

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    He divides schizophrenia into 4 major groups

    Paranoid, catatonic, hebephrenic and confused Confused schizophrenia - severe disorder of speech or

    thought which gives rise to grossly muddled expressions.

    He divided

    Paranoid - into 7 typical and one atypical form, catatonia - into 7 typical and one atypical form,

    confused - into 3 typical and 2 atypical forms and

    Hebephrenia - into 4 typical forms

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    Leonard (1936) who studied chronic schizophrenia classified

    systematic and non-systematic types which correspondto Kleist's typical and atypical forms.

    Like Kleist, he separated from schizophrenia a group of non-

    affective functional psychoses having favorable outcome

    called cycloid psychoses

    The Cycloid Psychosis

    Anxiety-Elation Psychosis

    Exited-Inhibited Confused Psychosis Hyperkinetic- Akinetic Motility Psychosis

    He considers non-systemic schizophrenias more closely

    related to cycloid psychoses than to systemic psychoses.

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    The Unsystematic Schizophrenias

    Affective Paraphrenia Cataphasia (Schizophasia)

    Periodic Catatonia

    The Systematic Schizophrenias

    Simple Systematic Schizophrenias Catatonic Forms

    Parakinetic Catatonia

    Manneristic Catatonia

    Proskinetic Catatonia

    Negativistic Catatonia

    Speech-Prompt Catatonia

    Sluggish Catatonia

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    Hebephrenic Forms

    Foolish Hebephrenia

    Eccentric Hebephrenia

    Shallow Hebephrenia

    Autistic Hebephrenia

    Paranoid Forms

    Hypochondrical Paraphrenia

    Phonemic Paraphrenia

    Incoherrent Paraphrenia

    Fantastic Paraphrenia

    Confabulatory Paraphrenia Expansive Paraphrenia

    Combined Systematic Schizophrenias

    Combined Systematic Catatonias

    Combined Systematic Hebephrenias

    Combined Systematic Paraphrenias

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    Clinical Syndromes in chronic schizophrenia

    Positive and Negative symptoms (Andreasen et al. 1983)

    Positive symptoms Negative symptoms



    formal thought disorder,

    bizarre behaviour


    Affective blunting,

    Alogia (impoverished thinking and speech),



    disturbance of attention

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    Positive, Negative, and disorganization syndromes

    (Liddle, 1987)Reality Distortion Syndrome



    Psychomotor Poverty Syndrome poverty of speech, decreased spontaneous movement,

    unchanging facial expression, paucity of expressive gesture,

    lack of affective responsiveness, lack of vocal inflection

    Disorganization syndrome disorganization: inappropriate affect, incoherent speech,

    poverty of content of speech syndromes are validated by recent factor-analytic and neuroimaging studies

    (Liddle et al. 1992)

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    Deficit syndrome (Carpenter et al. 1988)

    Primary, enduring negative symptoms reflect a distinct neuralsubstrate

    emphasis on distinguishing primary from secondary negative

    symptoms (e.g.Parkinsonism, depressed mood)

    Continuum of psychosis (Crow, 1990; Greisinger, 1870)

    single psychosis, with schizophrenia most severe,

    affective disorders least severe,

    schizoaffective disorders occupy intermediate position.

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    Crow classified schizophrenia patients into

    Type 1 and type 2 On basis of presence or absence of positive(productive) and

    negative (deficit) symptoms.

    Type I Type II

    positive symptoms,

    good response to treatment,

    relatively better outcome

    negative symptoms,

    poorer response to treatment,

    relatively poor outcome,

    MRI changes.

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    Neurodevelopmental classification (Murray et al. 1992)

    Congenital schizophrenia

    abnormality is present at birth

    more likely to involve minor physical abnormalities, abnormal

    personality, or social impairment in childhood more likely to be male and have a poor outcome

    Adult-onset schizophrenia

    more likely to exhibit positive and affective symptoms

    may have a genetic predisposition to manifest

    symptomatology anywhere along a continuum from bipolar

    disorder, schizoaffective disorder, to schizophrenia

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    ICD 10 ICD 9 ICD 8

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    Paranoid schizophrenia

    Commonest type

    dominated by relatively stable, often paranoid delusions,usually accompanied by hallucinations, particularly of the

    auditory variety, and perceptual disturbances.

    Disturbances of affect, volition, and speech, and catatonic

    symptoms, are not prominent.

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    Examples of the most common paranoid symptoms are:

    (a)delusions of persecution, reference, exalted birth, specialmission, bodily change, or jealousy;

    (b)hallucinatory voices that threaten the patient or give

    commands, or auditory hallucinations without verbal form,

    such as whistling, humming, or laughing;

    (c)hallucinations of smell or taste, or of sexual or other bodily

    sensations; visual hallucinations may occur but are rarely


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    Differential diagnosis.

    exclude epileptic and drug-induced psychoses, and toremember that persecutory delusions might carry little

    diagnostic weight in people from certain countries or cultures.

    Excludes: involutional paranoid state (F22.8), paranoia


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    DCR 10

    F20.0 Paranoid schizophrenia

    A. The general criteria for Schizophrenia must be met. B. Delusions or hallucinations must be prominent (such as

    delusions of persecution, reference, exalted birth, special

    mission, bodily change or jealousy; threatening or

    commanding voices, hallucinations of smell or taste, sexual or

    other bodily sensations).

    C. Flattening or incongruity of affect, catatonic symptoms, or

    incoherent speech must not dominate the clinical picture,

    although they may be present to a mild degree.

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    295.30 Paranoid Type

    A type of Schizophrenia in which the following criteria aremet:

    A. Preoccupation with one or more delusions or frequent

    auditory hallucinations.

    B. None of the following is prominent: disorganized speech,disorganized or catatonic behavior, or flat or inappropriate


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    F20.1 Hebephrenic schizophrenia

    A form of schizophrenia in which

    affective changes are prominent, delusions and hallucinations fleeting and fragmentary,

    behaviour irresponsible and unpredictable, and

    mannerisms common.

    The mood is shallow and inappropriate and often accompanied by giggling or self-satisfied,

    self-absorbed smiling, or by a lofty manner, grimaces,

    mannerisms, pranks, hypochondriacal complaints, and

    reiterated phrases.

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    Thought is disorganized and

    speech rambling and incoherent. tendency to remain solitary, and

    behaviour seems empty of purpose and feeling.

    This form of schizophrenia usually starts between the ages of

    15 and 25 years and tends to have a poor prognosis because of the rapid

    development of "negative" symptoms, particularly flattening of

    affect and loss of volition.

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    In addition, disturbances of affect and volition, and thought

    disorder are usually prominent.

    Hallucinations and delusions may be present but are not

    usually prominent.

    Drive and determination are lost and goals abandoned, so

    that the patient's behaviour becomes characteristically

    aimless and empty of purpose.

    A superficial and manneristic preoccupation with religion,

    philosophy, and other abstract themes may add to the

    listener's difficulty in following the train of thought.

    Di ti id li

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    Diagnostic guidelines

    The general criteria for a diagnosis of schizophrenia must be


    Hebephrenia should normally be diagnosed for the first time

    only in adolescents or young adults.

    The premorbid personality is characteristically, but not

    necessarily, rather shy and solitary.

    For a confident diagnosis of hebephrenia, a period of 2 or 3

    months of continuous observation is usually necessary, in

    order to ensure that the characteristic behaviours described

    above are sustained.

    Includes: disorganized schizophrenia


    DCR 10 F20 1 H b h i hi h i

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    DCR 10 F20.1 Hebephrenic schizophrenia

    A. The general criteria for Schizophrenia above must be met.

    B. Either (1) or (2): (1) Definite and sustained flattening or shallowness of affect;

    (2) Definite and sustained incongruity or inappropriateness of


    C. Either (1) or (2): (1) Behaviour which is aimless and disjointed rather than


    (2) Definite thought disorder, manifesting as speech which is

    disjointed, rambling or incoherent. D. Hallucinations or delusions must not dominate the clinical

    picture, although they may be present to a mild degree.


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    Diagnostic criteria for 295.10 Disorganized Type

    A type of Schizophrenia in which the following criteria aremet:

    A. All of the following are prominent:

    (1 ) disorganized speech

    (2) disorganized behavior (3) flat or inappropriate affect

    B. The criteria are not met for Catatonic Type.

    Di i d h b h i hi h i

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    Disorganized or hebephrenic schizophrenia

    ICD 10 requires flat or inappropriate affect AND either disorganized speech OR

    disorganized behavior

    DSM 4 tr def is more severe in that disorganized speech, disorganized behaviorAND flat or inappropriate affect are all required.

    DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria include disorganized speech, disorganized behavior,

    and flat/inappropriate

    affect and exclude catatonia and delusions and hallucinations that are systematizedinto a lucid theme.

    ICD-10 criteria are similar to DSM-IV-TR criteria but add that the

    disorganized/hebephrenic subtype should normally be diagnosed for the first time onlyin adolescents or young adults, with a period of 23 months of observation ensuring

    sustained characteristic features.

    ICD-10 also indicates that the premorbid personality of these individuals includes timid

    and solitary behavior.

    ICD 10

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    ICD 10

    F20.2 Catatonic schizophrenia

    Prominent psychomotor disturbances are essential anddominant features and

    may alternate between extremes such as hyperkinesis and

    stupor, or automatic obedience and negativism.

    Constrained attitudes and postures may be maintained forlong periods.

    Episodes of violent excitement may be a striking feature of

    the condition.

    For reasons that are poorly understood, catatonicschizophrenia is now rarely seen in industrial countries,

    though it remains common elsewhere.

    These catatonic phenomena may be combined with a dream-

    like (oneiroid) state with vivid scenic hallucinations.

    Diagnostic guidelines

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    Diagnostic guidelines

    general criteria for diagnosis of schizophrenia be satisfied.

    Transitory and isolated catatonic symptoms may occur in thecontext of any other subtype of schizophrenia, but for a

    diagnosis of catatonic schizophrenia one or more of the

    following behaviours should dominate the clinical picture:

    (a)stupor(marked decrease in reactivity to the environment

    and in spontaneous movements and activity) or mutism;

    (b)excitement (apparently purposeless motor activity, not

    influenced by external stimuli);

    (c)posturing (voluntary assumption and maintenance of

    inappropriate or bizarre postures);

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    (d)negativism (an apparently motiveless resistance to all

    instructions or attempts to be moved, or movement in the

    opposite direction);

    (e)rigidity (maintenance of a rigid posture against efforts to

    be moved);

    (f) waxy flexibility (maintenance of limbs and body in

    externally imposed positions); and

    (g)other symptoms such as command automatism

    (automatic compliance with instructions),and perseveration

    of words and phrases.

    Includes: catatonic stupor

    schizophrenic catalepsy

    schizophrenic catatonia

    schizophrenic flexibilitas cerea

    DCR 10

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    DCR 10

    F20.2 Catatonic schizophrenia

    A. The general criteria for Schizophrenia must eventually bemet, though this may not be possible initially if the patient is


    B. For a period of at least two weeks one or more of the

    following catatonic behaviours must be prominent:

    (1) Stupor or mutism;

    (2) Excitement

    (3) Posturing

    (4) Negativism

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    (5) Rigidity

    (6) Waxy flexibility (7) Command automatism

    C. Other possible precipitants of catatonic behaviour,

    including brain disease and metabolic disturbances, have

    been excluded.

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    Catatonic schizophrenia

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    Catatonic schizophrenia

    ICD 10 one ore more predominating

    DSM 4 TR minimum of 2

    Share most features in common except for echolalia and echopraxia (in DSM 4TR) and command automatism (only in ICD 10)

    DSM-IV-TR diagnosis includes two or more and ICD-10 specifies at least one of the

    following behaviors:stupor (marked reduction or suspended sensibility) or mutism, excitement not

    influenced by external stimuli, bizarre postures, meaningless resistance toward

    instructions or attempts to be moved, rigidity, waxy flexibility, and echolalia or


    Differential diagnosis includes brain disease, metabolic instability, substance abuse, ormood disorderssuch as bipolar disorder.

    F20 3 Undifferentiated schizophrenia

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    F20.3 Undifferentiated schizophrenia

    Conditions meeting the general diagnostic criteria for

    schizophrenia but not conforming to any of the above

    subtypes (F20.0-F20.2), or

    exhibiting the features of more than one of them without a

    clear predominance of a particular set of diagnostic


    This rubric should be used only for psychotic conditions (i.e.

    residual schizophrenia, F20.5, and

    post-schizophrenic depression, F20.4, are excluded) and

    after an attempt has been made to classify the condition into

    one of the three preceding categories.

    Diagnostic guidelines

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    Diagnostic guidelines

    This category should be reserved for disorders that:

    (a)meet the general criteria for schizophrenia; (b)either without sufficient symptoms to meet the criteria for

    only one of the subtypes F20.0, F20.1, F20.2, F20.4, or

    F20.5, or

    with so many symptoms that the criteria for more than one ofthe paranoid (F20.0), hebephrenic (F20.1), or catatonic

    (F20.2) subtypes are met.

    Includes: atypical schizophrenia

    DCR 10

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    DCR 10

    F20.3 Undifferentiated schizophrenia

    A. The general criteria for Schizophrenia above must be met. B. Either (1) or (2):

    (1) There are insufficient symptoms to meet the criteria of any

    of the sub-types F20.0, .1, .4, or .5;

    (2) There are so many symptoms that the criteria for morethan one of the subtypes listed in B(1) above are met.

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    Undifferentiated schizophrenia

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    Undifferentiated schizophrenia

    ICD 10 either insufficient symptoms or more than one of the subtype

    DSM 4TR- cases that dont meet criteria any of other subtype

    Individuals should meet criterion A of DSM-IV-TR (APA 2000) and should not have

    symptoms of catatonia or paranoid and disorganized schizophrenia.

    ICD-10, although following DSM-IV-TR criteria, includes the stipulation thatundifferentiated schizophrenia should not satisfy the criteria for residual schizophrenia

    or Post-schizophrenia depression.

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    F20.4 Post-schizophrenic depression

    A depressive episode, which may be prolonged, arising in theaftermath of a schizophrenic illness.

    Some schizophrenic symptoms must still be present but no

    longer dominate the clinical picture.

    These persisting schizophrenic symptoms may be "positive"or "negative, though the latter are more common.

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    It is uncertain, and immaterial to the diagnosis,

    to what extent the depressive symptoms have merely beenuncovered by the resolution of earlier psychotic symptoms

    (rather than being a new development) or

    are an intrinsic part of schizophrenia rather than a

    psychological reaction to it.

    They are rarely sufficiently severe or extensive to meet

    criteria for a severe depressive episode (F32.2 and F32.3),

    it is often difficult to decide

    which of the patient's symptoms are due to depression andwhich to neuroleptic medication or to the impaired volition and

    affective flattening of schizophrenia itself.

    This depressive disorder is associated with an increased risk

    of suicide.

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    F20.4 Post-schizophrenic depression

    A. The general criteria for schizophrenia (F20.0 - F20.3above) must have been met within the past twelve

    months, but are not met at the present time.

    B. One of F20 G1.2 e, f, g or h must still be present.

    C. The depressive symptoms must be sufficiently prolonged,severe and extensive to meet criteria for at least

    a mild depressive episode (F32.0).

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    Research criteria for postpsychotic depressive disorder

    of Schizophrenia

    A. Criteria are met for a Major Depressive Episode.

    Note: The Major Depressive Episode must include

    Criterion Al : depressed mood.

    Do not include symptoms that are better accounted for asmedication side effects or negative symptoms of


    B. The Major Depressive Episode is superimposed on and

    occurs only during the residual phase of Schizophrenia.

    C. The Major Depressive Episode is not due to the direct

    physiological effects of a substance or a general medical


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    F20.5 Residual schizophrenia

    A chronic stage in the development of a schizophrenic

    disorder in which there has been a

    clear progression from an early stage (comprising one or

    more episodes with psychotic symptoms meeting the general

    criteria for schizophrenia described above)

    to a later stage characterized by long-term, though not

    necessarily irreversible, "negative" symptoms.


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    (a)prominent "negative" schizophrenic symptoms, i.e.

    psychomotor slowing,


    blunting of affect,

    passivity and

    lack of initiative,

    poverty of quantity orcontent of speech,

    poor nonverbal communication by facial expression,

    eye contact, voice modulation, and posture,

    poor self-care and social performance; (b)evidence in the past of at least one clear-cut psychotic

    episode meeting the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia;

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    (c)a period of at least 1 year during which the intensity and

    frequency of florid symptoms such as delusions and

    hallucinations have been minimal or

    substantially reduced and the "negative" schizophrenic

    syndrome has been present;

    (d)absence of dementia or other organic brain disease or

    disorder, and

    of chronic depression or institutionalism sufficient to explain

    the negative impairments.

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    If adequate information about the patient's previous history

    cannot be obtained, and it

    therefore cannot be established that criteria for schizophrenia

    have been met at some time in the past, it may be necessary

    to make a provisional diagnosis of residual schizophrenia.

    Includes: chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia


    schizophrenic residual state

    DCR 10

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    F20.5 Residual schizophrenia

    A. The general criteria for Schizophrenia must have been met

    at some time in the past, but are not met at the present time.

    B. At least four of the following 'negative' symptoms have

    been present throughout the previous twelve months:

    (1) Psychomotor slowing or underactivity;

    (2) Definite blunting of affect;

    (3) Passivity and lack of initiative;

    (4) Poverty of either the quantity or the content of speech;

    (5) Poor non-verbal communication by facial expression, eyecontact, voice modulation or posture;

    (6) Poor social performance or self-care.

    DSM 4 TR

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    Diagnostic criteria for 295.60 Residual Type

    A type of Schizophrenia in which the following criteria are


    A. Absence of prominent delusions, hall ucina tions,

    disorganized speech, and gross ly

    disorganized or catatonic behavior.

    B. There is continuing evidence of the disturbance, as

    indicated by the presence of negative

    symptoms or two or more symptoms listed in Criterion A for


    present in an attenuated form (e.g ., odd beliefs, unusual

    perceptual experiences).

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    F20.6 Simple schizophrenia

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    p p

    An uncommon disorder in which there is an insidious but

    progressive development of oddities of conduct, inability to

    meet the demands of society, and decline in totalperformance.

    Delusions and hallucinations are not evident, and the disorder

    is less obviously psychotic than the hebephrenic, paranoid,

    and catatonic subtypes of schizophrenia. The characteristic "negative" features of residual

    schizophrenia (e.g. blunting of affect, loss of volition) develop

    without being preceded by any overt psychotic symptoms.

    With increasing social impoverishment, vagrancy may ensueand the individual may then become self-absorbed, idle, and


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    Diagnostic guidelines

    Simple schizophrenia is a difficult diagnosis to make with any

    confidence because

    it depends on establishing the slowly progressive

    development of the characteristic "negative" symptoms of

    residual schizophrenia (see F20.5 above)

    without any history of hallucinations, delusions, or other

    manifestations of an earlier psychotic episode, and

    with significant changes in personal behaviour,

    manifest as a marked loss of interest, idleness, and social

    withdrawal over a period of at least one year.

    Includes: schizophrenia simplex

    DCR 10

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    F20.6 Simple schizophrenia

    A. Slowly progressive development over a period of at least

    one year, of all three of the following:

    (1) A significant and consistent change in the overall quality of

    some aspects of personal behaviour, manifest as

    loss of drive and interests, aimlessness, idleness, a self-

    absorbed attitude, and social withdrawal.

    (2) Gradual appearance and deepening of "negative"

    symptoms such as marked apathy, paucity of speech,

    underactivity, blunting of affect, passivity and lack of initiative,

    and poor non-verbal communication (by facial expression,eye contact, voice modulation and posture).

    (3) Marked decline in social, scholastic, or occupational


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    B. Absence, at any time, of any symptoms referred to in G1 in

    F20.0 - F20.3, and of hallucinations or wellformed

    delusions of any kind, i.e. the subject must never have met

    the criteria for any other type of schizophrenia, or any other

    psychotic disorder.

    C. Absence of evidence of dementia or any other organic

    mental disorder listed in section F0.

    DSM 4 TR

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    Research criteria for simple deteriorative disorder

    (simple Schizophrenia) 771

    A. Progressive development over a period of at least a year of

    all of the following:

    (1) marked decline in occupational or academic functioning

    (2) gradual appearance and deepening of negative symptomssuch as affective flattening, alogia, and avolition

    (3) poor interpersonal rapport, social isolation, or social


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    B. Criterion A for Schizophrenia has never been met.

    e. The symptoms are not better accounted for by Schizotypal

    or Schizoid Personality Disorder, a Psychotic Disorder, a

    Mood Disorder, an Anxiety Disorder, a dementia, or

    Mental Retardation and are not due to the direct physiological

    effects of a substance or a general medical condition.

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    F20.8 Other schizophrenia

    Includes: cenesthopathic schizophrenia

    schizophreniform disorder NOS

    Excludes: acute schizophrenia-like disorder (F23.2)

    cyclic schizophrenia (F25.2)

    latent schizophrenia (F23.2) F20.9 Schizophrenia, unspecified

    Schizophreniform Disorder 295.40

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    A. Criteria A, D, and E of Schizophrenia are met.

    B. An episode of the disorder (including prodromal, active,

    and residual phases) lasts at least 1 month but less than 6

    months. (When the diagnosis must be made without waiting

    for recovery, it should be qualified as "Provisional.")

    Specify if:

    Without Good Prognostic Features

    With Good Prognostic Features: as evidenced by two (or

    more) of the following:

    (1) onset of prominent psychotic symptoms within 4 weeks of

    the first noticeable change in usual behavior or functioning

    (2) confusion or perplexity at the height of the psychotic


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    (3) good pre morbid social and occupational functioning

    (4) absence of blunted or flat affect

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    DSM V

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    Deletion of Subtypes. The current classic subtypes of

    schizophrenia provide a poor description of the

    heterogeneity of schizophrenia,

    have low diagnostic stability,

    do not exhibit distinctive patterns of treatment response or

    longitudinal course, and are not heritable.

    Except for the paranoid and undifferentiated subtypes, other

    subtypes are rarely diagnosed.

    As a result, it is proposed that these subtypes of

    schizophrenia be eliminated from DSM-5.

  • 7/28/2019 Sub-types of Schizophrenia


    Dimensions will be assessed on a 0-4 scale cross-sectionally,

    with severity assessment based on past month.

    There are distinct psychopathological domains in psychotic

    illnesses (most clearly noted in schizophrenia) with distinctive

    patterns of treatment-response, prognostic implications, and


    The relative severity of symptoms across these domainsvaries across the course of illness and among patients.

    This is a major change that will potentially be of great clinical

    value and will also be of additional research utility

    0- Not Present 3- Present and moderate

    1- Equivocal 4- Present and severe

    2- Present, but mild

  • 7/28/2019 Sub-types of Schizophrenia



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