Page 1: Study smart, not hard


Page 2: Study smart, not hard

The Study Cycle

1. Prepare

for success

2. Preview,

Read, Recall

3. Self-tesr

4. Test

Page 3: Study smart, not hard

1. Prepare for success

Study when and where u are most alert and plan your time

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2. Preview, read and recall

Identify relevant texts or notes; scan chapter heading, keywords and diagrams; read chapter intro and summary; and formulate questions u want to answers. Read actively, find answers to your questions, take notes during lectures, and synthesize lecture and reading material. Talk with your professor, TA, or other students and consult your textbooks to fill in gaps and correct misunderstandings; put the main ideas of lectures and readings into your own words.

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3. Self-test

Create possible test questions, keeping in mind different level of learning. Do practice problems and apply your knowledge to real-world solutions. Trade and discuss your questions with a partner or a group.

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4. Test

Arrive early with necessary materials. Use appropriate test-taking strategies, and analyze returned test.

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