


FA L L S E M E ST E R 2 0 2 0



Reading by Week• Week One October 4 – October 10 Intro / Ephesians 1

• Week Two October 11 – October 17 Ephesians 2

• Week Three October 18 – October 24 Ephesians 3

• Week Four October 25 – October 31 Ephesians 4

• Week Five November 1 – November 7 Ephesians 5

• Week SiX November 8 – November 14 Ephesians 6 / Review

• Week Seven November 15 – November 21 Intro / Colossians 1

• Week Eight November 22 – November 28 Thanksgiving—No Groups

• Week Nine November 29 – December 5 Colossians 2

• Week Ten December 6 – December 12 Colossians 3–4 / Review




• Be faithful in attendance.

• Come prepared.

• eXemplify humility by not interrupting or being argumentative.

• Things shared are confidential and not to be shared outside the group without permission.

• Passionately participate in the discussion. If you’re shy, pick out a couple items ahead of time that were meaningful to you. If you’re talkative, pleas share while remembering to allow others the opportunity to speak.

• Commit to pray for one another

• Be authentic. It’s okay to be real, imperfect people serving a perfect God. Integrity is the art of being the same person everywhere you go...No phonies.




HOW TO BEGIN EACH READING• Pray before you begin, asking Holy Spirit to open your heart and mind to hear

what He has to say to you. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. – 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NKJV)

• Be eXpectant that God is going to speak to you and reveal new truths. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. – Mark 11:24 (NKJV)

• Read/study daily, allowing yourself time to hear God speak to you through His Word. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. – Joshua 1:8 (NKJV)

• Read and meditate on the passage before consulting a commentary. This allows Holy Spirit the freedom to personally teach before the commentary influences you.

• Keep a notebook to write down what the Holy Spirit teaches you and what you hear Him saying to you through the Word. Use these notes both for your own personal reflection and for sharing in the group discussion. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. – John 14:26



STUDY & DISCUSSION Personal Study / Group Discussion Questions

• As you read and study, note the Biblical principles, truths and promises in the verses.

• What new truths has the Holy Spirit has revealed? Are you struggling with any of these new truths or promises?

• What has the Holy Spirit revealed in regard to God’s character and how He works? About Jesus? About Holy Spirit?

• How is the Holy Spirit leading you to personally apply what you’ve learned in this chapter?






The Book of Ephesians (written by Paul 60, 61 A.D. from prison in Rome)

Purpose: Ephesians unveils the “mystery’ of the church as no other epistle (3:3-9; 5:32), and it reveals God’s intention to:

• Form a body to eXpress Christ’s fullness on earth ((1:15-23)

• Unite both Jew and Gentile into one people, among whom God Himself dwells (2:11-3:7)

• Equip, empower, and mature His people that we would eXtend Christ’s victory over evil (3:10-20; 6:12-20).

Personal Application:In short, Ephesians discloses awesome blessings of grace (“accepted in the Beloved,” 1:6) and awesome dimensions of spiritual authority over evil (“according to the power that works in us,” 3:20). However, we need to first accept the disciplines of unity (4:1-16), purity (4:17-31), forgiveness (4:32), and walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit (5:1-21). With these, we need to keep our relationships in order (5:22-6:9), for true spiritual power flows from genuine obedience to the divine order in our relationships and personal conduct.




Christ Revealed: Ephesians has been called “The Alps of the New Testament,” “The Grand Canyon of Scripture,” and “The Royal Capstone of the Epistles,” not only because of its grand theme, but because of the majesty of Christ it reveals.

• Chapter 1: Christ is the Redeemer (1:7), the One in whom and by whom history will ultimately be consummated (1:10); and He is the resurrected Lord who not only has risen over death and hell, but who reigns as King, pouring His life through His body, the church – the present eXpression of Himself on earth (1:15-23).

• Chapter 2: Christ is the Peacemaker who has reconciled us to God and who makes it possible for us to reconcile with others as well (2:11-18); and He is the Chief Cornerstone of the new temple consisting of His own people to be indwelt by God Himself (2:19-22).

• Chapter 3: Christ is the Treasure in whom life’s unsearchable riches are found (3:8); and He is the Indweller of human hearts, securing us in God’s love (3:17-19).

• Chapter 4: Christ is the Giver of ministry gifts to His church (4:11,12); and He is the Victor who has broken hell’s ability to keep people captive (4:8-10).

• Chapter 5: Christ is the model Husband, unselfishly giving Himself to enhance His bride – His church (5:25-27,32).

• Chapter 6: Christ is the Lord, might in battle, our resource of strength as we arm for spiritual warfare (6:10-18).

The Holy Spirit at Work: The Holy Spirit’s ministry to and through the believer is wide-ranging. He is:

• The Sealer, authorizing us to represent Christ (1:13)

• The Revealer, enlightening our hearts to perceive God’s purpose (1:17; 3:5)

• The Empowerer whom Christ gives to strengthen us within (3:16)

• The Spirit of unity desiring to sustain the bond of peace in Christ’s body (4:3,4)

• The Spirit of holiness who is grieved when we insist on carnal pursuits (4:30)

• Our Fountain, from which we are to be continuously filled (5:18)

• The Giver of the Word as a sword for battle and the heavenly assistant given to aid us in prayer and intercession until victory is won (6:17,18).




Kingdom Dynamics 1:17-19 The Spirit of Revelation. PROPHECY. In this teXt, Paul says he prays for people to receive the “spirit of wisdom and revelation,” with the dual objective of their knowing Christ and understanding God’s purpose and power in their lives. Such “revelation” refers to an unveiling of our hearts that we may receive insight into the way God’s Word is intended to work in our lives. It may be used of teaching or preaching that is especially anointed in helping people see the glory of Christ and His purpose and power for them. But in mak-ing such a biblical use of the term as it appears here in Ephesians 1, it is wise to understand its alternate and grander use.

The word “revelation” is used in two ways in the Bible. It is important to distinguish them, not only to avoid confusion in studying the Word of God, but to assure the avoidance of a destructive detour into humanistic ideas and hopeless error. The Holy Scriptures are called “the

revealed Word of God.” The Bible declares that God’s “law” (Deut. 29:29) and the “prophets” (Amos 3:7) are the result of His revealing work, essentially describing the whole of the OT as “revealed.” In the NT, this word is used of writings as well (Rom. 16:25; Eph. 3:3; Rev. 1:1)–writings that became part of the closed canon of the Holy Scriptures (Prov. 30:5,6).

Wisdom and understanding, as well as sound, practical speech, recommend that today’s believer both know and clearly eXpress what is meant when he or she speaks of “revelations.” The Holy Spirit does indeed give us revelation, as this teXt teaches. But such prophetic insight into the Word should never be considered as equal to the actual giving of the Holy Scriptures. As helpful as insight into God’s Word may be, the finality of the whole of the revelation of God’s Holy Word is the only sure ground for building our lives (Matt. 7:24-29). (I John 4:1-6; I Cor. 14:1)



Ephesians 2

Kingdom Dynamics 2:1-10 God’s Workmanship, HUMAN WORTH/DIVINE DESTINY. Good artists are known for the quality of the artistic products they produce. Great artists rise above good artists in that their products stand out when viewed neXt to good art. However, a master piece has no equal. It cannot be copied or imitated. A masterpiece results from the artist’s careful craftsmanship, and its value is measured by the price a buyer is willing to pay for it. The value becomes permanent when the name of the artist becomes known. According to Ephesians 2:10, all of us have been handcrafted by God. We are His work-manship. He begins the work in us and He will complete the masterpiece. God continually perfects the work He begins in us, and as we submit ourselves to the divine artist, the masterpiece is devel-oped. We are created for a purpose—to do good works. The works we are called to do are good because our designer gives us the propensity to be good and to do good. (Acts 17:26-29; James 2:1-9)

Kingdom Dynamics 2:13 Gentiles Em-braced by Christ’s Sacrifice, THE BLOOD. Prior to the New Covenant, Gentiles were eXcluded from citizenship in the com-monwealth of Israel and were foreigners to the covenant promises of God. There was no hope in this life and no ability to know God’s presence in the world. The covenant sacrifice of Christ’s blood took Gentile believers who were far from God and joined them together with Jews in the

New Covenant. Gentiles were grafted in to enjoy the covenants of promise through the New Covenant and were included as heirs with the patriarchs of all of God’s promises. (I Cor. 10:16; Col. 1:20)

Ephesians 4

Kingdom Dynamics 4:1-16 The Source and Substance of Unity, CALL TO UNITY. The word “unity” (Gr. henotes) is used twice in the passage. It is from hen, the neuter of heis, meaning “one.” Paul admonishes us to “keep the unity of the Spirit” (v3) and to “come to the unity of the faith” (v13). This whole passage press-es us toward a recognition of our mutual dependence, not only upon Christ, but also upon one another as we learn to minister in love to the need of another. It reveals the Holy Spirit as the source of unity, and “the faith,” containing the essential beliefs of the gospel, as the sub-stance of unity. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to bring us together in oneness based on the shared belief in Christ as Savior and Lord, His atoning death, His victorious resurrection, and His reigning power. The Spirit overcomes our proclivity to self-centeredness, independence, and self-serving. He draws us together with other believers and creates the miracle of oneness Jesus prayed for in John 17. (Gal. 3:28; Phil. 4:1-5)

Kingdom Dynamics 4:3-6 Unity of the Spirit, POWER OF UNITY. Spiritual unity was so much a part of the life and teaching of the early church that the



apostle Paul assumed the presence of such unity. In this passage, he instructs us to do everything possible to keep or preserve the “unity of the Spirit” (v3). The assumption appears to be that spiritual unity is the norm within the church when its members live under the control of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is a very serious matter to cause division among God’s people. In fact, Paul instructed the church to warn a divisive person twice and then reject him if he does not repent (Titus 3:9-11). Spiritual unity is at the very heart of the Christian faith and the life of Christ’s church. In this letter to the Ephesian church, Paul presents one of the most significant statements on spiritual unity shared anywhere in the Bible. He contends that in the church of Jesus Christ there is only one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father of all. (Acts 4:32,33; Phil 2:2)

Kingdom Dynamics 4:11,12 Equipping Believers, SHEPHERDING AMID THE SUPERNATURAL. This teXt teaches that all leadership gifts are given by Christ as Lord of the church to “equip” (that is, to mend, prepare, and enable for function) the whole body of the congregation. Super-natural ministry is not flamboyant displays of plat-formed stars who gather followers like satellites. Rather, true supernatural ministry at work in the church begets vital, spiritually functional people throughout the whole church family. The body is to be built up by the mutual efforts of all the member supplying their contribution to the whole. The call to empower people

requires mentoring, training, imparting, and discipling—all aimed at preparing the body for stability and increase (vv13-16). (I Cor. 2:4,5; Rom. 13:8)

Ephesians 5

Kingdom Dynamics 5:21-32 The Hope for Marital Health, MEN AND WOMEN IN GOD’S DESIGN. Within marriage, the companion truth of mutual responsive-ness to the NT elaboration of Genesis 2:23,24 is pivotal today. Ephesians 5:21-32 reveals “submission” and “cleaving” as bookends of the same truth: “Because she was taken out of Man” (Gen. 2:23), therefore, the man (husband) is to cleave (be joined) to his wife; and she is to submit to him as her “head” (source, origin). Without both sides in place, the structure (family, the church, and society) topples over. Furthermore, “order” is not all there is to the point: it is about relationship, interdependency, and God’s original design. In essence, the man and woman began as one in Adam. After the divine surgery, cleaving and submitting were the dynamic that would keep them united in relationship and function as they manifested the image of God, male and female, in the earth. (Outside the marriage relationship, corporate submis-sion “to one another” [Eph. 5:21] secures the dynamic of God’s intended health and productivity for all relationships). (Prov. 31:13,21,25,27; I Pet. 3:4)

Kingdom Dynamics 5:21-33 Marriage Involves a Relationship of Mutual Sub-mission, FAMILY. All believers are called



to live in mutual submission to one an-other (v21). This applies in a unique way to the husband/wife relationship (v22).

The wife is called to submit to her hus-band “as to the Lord,” to respect, regard and deeply care for him (Gr. phobeo, “to reverence” or “to be in awe of,” v24; I Pet. 3:5,6). This points toward her serving her husband, honoring him, and edifying him (building him up). Her attitude, according to this terminology—“as to the Lord”—is to be one of the highest esteem and regard.

In a matching—even more, an initiating and leading way—the husband is called to lay down his life for his wife. He is to sacrifice his own interests in order to enhance hers. His role is to nourish (Gr. ektrepho, to support her growth toward her own maturity) and to cherish (Gr. thalpo, to warmly care for and attend to). In this way, each marriage partner contributes to bringing the other to their full potential.

A marriage lived out in this mutually lov-ing environment mirrors the interactive love that Christ has for His church and His church is called to have toward Him. (I Cor. 11:3; Col. 3:20)

Ephesians 6

Kingdom Dynamics 6:10-18 Spiritual Warfare, FAITH’S WARFARE. Paul admonishes us to put on the whole armor of God in order to stand against the forces of hell. It is clear that our warfare is not against physical forces, but against invisible powers who have clearly

defined levels of authority in a real, though invisible, sphere of activity. Paul, however, not only warns us of a clearly defined structure in the invisible realm; he instructs us to take u the whole armor of God in order to maintain a “battle stance” against this unseen satanic struc-ture. All of this armor is not just a passive protection in facing the Enemy; it is to be used offensively against these satanic forces. Note Paul’s final directive: we are to be “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit” (v18). Thus prayer is not so much a weapon, or even a part of the armor, as it is the means by which we engage in the battle itself and the purpose for which we are armed. To put on the armor of God is to prepare for battle. Prayer is the battle itself, with God’s Word being our chief weapon employed against Satan during our struggle. (II Kings 6:8-17)

Kingdom Dynamics 6:18 Prayer “in the Spirit”, INTERCESSION. Any prayer that is directed, energized, and sustained by the Holy Spirit is a prayer that is prayed in the Spirit. It falls into the same category as being in the Spirit, speaking by or in the Spirit, and singing in the Spirit. Praying in the Spirit: (1) will be according to God’s will (I John 5:14,15); (2) will glorify the Father through the Son (John 14:13); (3) is based upon God’s character, ways, and Word (15-17); (4) comes from a clean heart (James 5:16; (5) is prayed in full assurance of faith (1:6); and (6) is asked in Jesus’ name (John 14:14). Such prayer will always find God’s answers. (Ezek. 22:30; Isa. 66:8,9)



EPHESIANS REVIEWTRUTH IN ACTION THROUGH EPHESIANS – Letting the Holy Spirit Bring God’s Truth to Life in You

1. Growing in Godliness Truth Ephesians Teaches: Growing in godliness means learning to live a life that honors God and follows the eXample of Christ. Live in such a way that your life will be a fragrant offering, pleasing to the Lord.

Action Ephesians Invites:• Make restitution. Repay anything you have stolen and start working so you

can give to others. (4:28)

• Live in Christ’s love. Let your life be a fragrant aroma of worship to the Lord. (5:1,2)

• Live as light. Walk in goodness, righteousness, and truth. (5:8-10)

• Seek to understand God’s will for your life. Be careful to live wisely, making the most of the time and opportunities you have. (5:15-17)

• Boldly tell those around you the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ. Do not allow circumstances to restrain you from speaking. (6:19,20)



2. Cultivating Dynamic Devotion Truth Ephesians Teaches: Seek, hunger, and thirst to know and understand the surpassing greatness of Jesus’ love for you. In Him, you are adopted as a child of God. In Him, you are fully accepted. In Him, you will find a love that is higher and deeper then you could ever imagine. Through the Spirit, you can begin to know this love and, in knowing it, you will be filled with the fullness of God. Devote yourself to knowing, living, eXperiencing, and sharing Jesus’ love.Action Ephesians Invites:

• Bless God, your Father. Praise Him who has destined you to be His child, adopted through Jesus Christ. Be comforted and rest, knowing you are accepted in the Beloved, Jesus. (1:3-6)

• Meditate; think about; ponder these verses. Pray that the Holy Spirit will enable you to comprehend the incomparable love of Christ that Jesus has for you. Be filled completely with the fullness of God. (3:14-19)

3. Pursuing Holiness Truth Ephesians Teaches: Because of the great love God has for us, He has cleansed us by the blood of Jesus, making us holy by His grace. We cannot earn His forgiveness or become holy through our works. It is by grace through faith in Jesus that we are made righteous. However, God has created us to do good works, things He prepared in advance for us to do. Do the good things God gives you to do, but know that you are holy by His grace.

Action Ephesians Invites:• Receive the assurance of full forgiveness for all the wrong you have done.

Because of Jesus’ blood, shed for you on the cross, you are forgiven and made holy. (1:7,8)

• Receive the rich mercy, great love, and kindness of God in Christ Jesus. Receive the gift of salvation by grace through faith. Be confident, knowing that God raised you out of death into life and positioned you securely in Christ. (2:4-10)

• Be renewed in your heart and mind. Do not live as you did when you did evil things. Put off your old self and put on the new self, created in the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. (4:20-24)



4. The Walk of Faith Action Ephesians Invites: Put your trust in Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit, and stand in faith. Clothe yourself daily with the full armor of God so you can stand against the schemes of the devil. By faith, understand that we are in a real spiritual battle and must be alert, watch-ing in prayer and praying in the Spirit. Be committed to praying for all believers.

Action Ephesians Invites:• Trust and believe in Jesus. When you believe in Him, you are sealed with the

Holy Spirit. Understand that this is a mark of God’s ownership of you, which brings you under His protection and covering. The Spirit is the down payment of the full inheritance to come. (1:13-14)

• Put on the whole armor of God. Stand as the victor in the spiritual battle. Pray always with every kind of prayer in the Holy Spirit. Be steadfast and watch, ever praying sacrificially and faithfully. (6:10-18)

*Much of our content was copied directly from the Spirit-Filled Life Bible by Jack W. Hayford.






The Book of Colossians (written by Paul 61 A.D. from prison in Rome)

Purpose: Sometime during Paul’s imprisonment, Epaphras solicited his help in dealing with false teaching that threatened the church at Colosse (2:8-9). This heresy was apparently a syncretism of Greek philosophy, Jewish legalism, and mysticism. The error resembles an early form of Gnosticism, which taught that Jesus was not fully God and fully man, but merely one of the semi-divine beings that bridged the chasm between God and the world. He, therefore, was said to be lacking in authority and ability to meet the needs of the Colossians. According to this erroneous teaching, enlightened believers could achieve spiritual fullness through special knowledge and rigorous self-discipline.

With an urgency heightened by the repatriation of the runaway slave Onesimus to his master at Colosse, Paul wrote this epistle with several purposes:

• To eXpose and refute heresy• To instruct the Colossians in truth and alert them to the danger of returning to

pagan vices• To eXpress personal interest in the believers• To inspire them to promote mutual love and harmony




Personal Application:

Because this is an age of religious pluralism and syncretism (that is, a diluting of the truth for the sake of unity), Christ’s lordship is deemed irrelevant by many religious groups that believe one religion is as good as the other. His preeminence is denied by others that place the Christian stamp upon a fusion of beliefs from several religions. Usually hailed as an advance beyond apostolic Christianity, this blend promises self-fulfillment and freedom without surrender to Christ.

“Jesus is Lord” was the church’s earliest confession, and it remains the abiding test of authentic Christianity today. Neither the church nor we as individual believers can afford to compromise Christ’s deity. In His sovereignty lies His sufficiency. He will be Lord of everything in our lives, or not Lord at all.

Christ Revealed: Paul lifts up Christ as the center and circumference of all that eXists. The incarnate Son of God, Christ is the eXact revelation and representation of the Father (1:15), as well as the embodiment of full deity (1:19; 2:9). He who is Lord in creation (1:16), in the church (1:18), and in salvation (3:11), indwells believers and is our “hope of glory” (1:27). The Supreme Creator and Sustainer of all things (1:16,17) is also a sufficient Savior for His people (2:10).

The Holy Spirit at Work: Colossians has a single eXplicit reference to the Holy Spirit, used in association with love (1:8). Some scholars also understand “wisdom and spiritual understanding” in 1:9 in terms of gifts of the Spirit. For Paul, the lordship of Christ in the believer’s life is the most crucial and clearest evidence of the Spirit’s presence.



Colossians 1

Kingdom Dynamics 1:20 Christ’s Blood Satisfies Holiness, Thereby Making Peace, THE BLOOD. Human beings were separated from God because of sin and had no acceptable offering to satisfy the demands of God’s holy nature. God sent Christ to provide an acceptable sacrifice for sin, establishing a bond with those who received Him, thereby making peace. It was specifically the blood Jesus Christ shed on the cross that satisfied the demand of God’s holiness, establishing a peace bond or covenant with those who received Him, and provided the means for all of creation to be reconciled to God. Leviticus 17:11 declares that sin cannot be forgiven without the shedding of blood. Because sin takes life, life is required to repay sin’s debts. Jesus Christ gave divine life in blood to satisfy all of humanity’s sin debts and to restore covenant peace between God and His people. (Eph. 2:13; Rev. 12:11)

Kingdom Dynamics 1:27,28 Paul’s Writ-ings, TERMINOLOGY OF THE KINGDOM. “In Christ” is the eXpression Paul most frequently uses to designate the new life potential through the gospel. The Messiah (Christ) being King, the term clearly places the believer in the circle of all that is represented and contained in the King, His salvation conquest, and His personal rule. The essential truth is that the Savior-King has come, and in Him the rule of God has altered the limits sin has heretofore placed on individuals. People no longer need to be ruled by their carnality (flesh) or controlled by evil (the devil). Being freed, that is, transferred to a new kingdom, they can know the joy of a relationship with God through the power of the Cross and can realize a beginning reinstatement of their ruler-ship under God, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Thereby, living in the King’s kingdom brings a dual hope: eternity with Christ and the promise of grace to




begin “reigning in life.” Now, “in Christ” designates the new life that may be lived in the benefits of, and by the power of, the King Jesus, “who has…brought life [reigning in life presently in Christ— Rom. 5:8] and immortality [reigning forever with Christ—Rev. 22:5] to light through the gospel” (II Tim. 1:10). (John 18:36; Mark 1:14,15)

Colossians 2

Kingdom Dynamics 2:13-15 Grounds of Authority, CONFLICT AND THE KINGDOM. Jesus Christ’s triumph over sin and evil powers was accomplished in “it”—that is, in the Cross. This teXt, joined to and studied beside others (Eph. 2:13-16; Gal. 3:13,14; II Cor. 5:14-17; Rom. 5:6-15; and Rev. 12:10,11), firmly establishes Jesus’ suffering, shed blood, sacrificial death, and resurrection triumph as the only adequate and available grounds for ransom from sin, reconciliation to God, redemption from slavery, and restoration. The Cross is the sole hope and means for full reinstatement to relationship with God and rulership under Him—to “reign in life” (Rom. 5:17). To avoid presump-tion or imbalance regarding the message and ministry of the present power of the kingdom of God, we must focus on and regularly review two points: the source and the grounds for the delegation of such authority and power. (1) God’s sovereign authority and almighty power is the source from which human beings derive any ability to share in the eXercise of God’s kingdom power. (2) But even

more important, seeing sinful, fallen humanity had lost all claim to the early privilege of rulership under God, let us remember the grounds upon which all kingdom privilege or power may be restored and by which such spiritual ministry with authority may be eXercised. (Matt. 11:12; Luke 16:16)

Colossians 3

Kingdom Dynamics 3:13 Forgiveness, RECONCILIATION. Forgiveness is made possible through Christ, who forgave us (Luke 23:34; Col. 1:14). It is an act in which one person releases another from an offense—refusing to enact the penalty due him or her, refusing to sustain consideration of the cause of the offense, and refusing to allow that offense to affect the relationship. Such forgiveness releases one from a sense of unresolved guilt, restores a clear conscience, and restores relationship. To forgive is not to condone the sin as acceptable, to say it made no difference, or to license repetition of it. Rather, forgiveness is a choice—a decision made to no longer hold an offense against another person or group. (II Cor. 7:9,10; I Cor. 12:21-26)

Kingdom Dynamics 3:16 God’s Word in Song, PRAISE AND WORSHIP. Paul here is associating spiritual songs with the Word of God. Christ Himself is the Word that became flesh. It is established that His Word is truth and is highly valued. His Word and His name are eXalted



above all (Ps. 138:2). His Word in song is powerful and effective and able to create an environment for God to manifest His awesome presence in times of need. Paul compels us to make sure the songs we sing in praise and worship are consistent with the Scriptures and are used in prop-er conteXt. God’s Word will not return void and is faithful to accomplish that which it is assigned to do (Isa. 55:11). Let us add melody and rhythm to the written Psalms. When we compose and sing hymns about our personal or corporate eXperiences, let us make sure they ac-curately represent our Heavenly Father’s acts, works, deeds, promises, character, and attributes. Spiritual songs are songs that we sing by way of the Spirit’s enablement. Our spirit communicates with the Holy Spirit with words He alone can interpret, but that will be for our edification. (Phil. 3:3; Heb. 2:11,12)

Kingdom Dynamics 3:20 Obedience, FAMILY. The issue of obedience is at the cruX of everything related to raising godly children. In fact, in the NT, it is the primary command given to children: Obey! While the worldly mind views obedience as constricting, God’s Word says that it is releasing. Obedience leads to righteousness and life (Rom. 6:16), brings God’s presence and blessing (Deut. 4:30,31; 11:27,28; Job 36:11), and opens the door to evangelization (Zech. 6:15). The Lord delights in obedi-ence (I Sam. 15:22).

As children of God themselves, parents are also required to live lives of obedience (I Pet. 1:14; 4:2). As they do, their lives become models of living faith to be followed by the young people God has put into their families. (Eph. 5:21-33; Heb. 12:5,6)

Colossians 4

Kingdom Dynamics 4:5 Redeem the Time, STEWARDSHIP. The apostle Paul advocated “redeeming” or buying back every precious wasted minute. He understood that God has made us stew-ards over our most irreplaceable posses-sion—time. We are to be good stewards of our time, using it wisely, constructively, and in the worship and service of our Lord.

Throughout OT and NT scripture, God condemns idleness particularly, saying, “an idle person will suffer hunger” (Prov. 19:15; II Thes. 3:10). In Proverbs 31:27, the virtuous woman is described as a busy woman, who “does not eat the bread of idleness.” The wise king declares in Ecclesiastes 10:18 that those who do not take time to work in general mainte-nance will find their houses crumbling around them. Similarly, Ezekiel stated that the foundation of Sodom’s destruc-tion consisted of pride, gluttony, and too much idle time (Ezek. 16:49). Our Lord in His parable of the laborers in the vine-yard illustrated that God wants our time to be spent in some worthy endeavor, specifically working in His vineyard (Matt. 20:1-16). (EX. 20:8-11; Hag 2:8)




TRUTH IN ACTION THROUGH COLOSSIANS – Letting the Holy Spirit Bring God’s Truth to Life in You

1. Growing in Godliness Truth Colossians Teaches: Relationships often prove to be the crucible in which our godliness is tested. Colossians challenges us to bring the life and character of Christ into the way we relate to others. Drawing strength from the power and might of His glory, we must remove and discard our old ways of living and relating. God has made us new creations in Christ; let us be continually renewed to live and love in a manner worthy of the Lord.

Action Colossians Invites:• Continually live a life worthy of the Lord. Be productive in doing good, and grow

in your understanding of God. Be strengthened with power form the might of His glory, enduring patiently with joy. (1:10,11)

• Throw off your old self and its lifestyle. Refuse to take part in ungodly seXual behavior. Do not be harsh or rude in your relationships. Align your emotions and passions with the character of Christ. Put on the new you, created in Christ’s image. (3:5-11)

• Put on love. From the core of your being, be tender, merciful, humble, patient, and forgiving in all relationships. (3:12-14)

• Let the peace of Christ control your thoughts and emotions. Be thankful. (3:15)



2. Cultivating Dynamic Devotion Truth Colossians Teaches: Our relationship with God is strengthened and our devotion and worship of Him grows deeper as we spend time praying and studying the Bible. We need the Word and prayer to become part of who we are, part of our “spiritual DNA” so they will influence and direct all aspects of our lives. Remember that prayer is dynamic, not static. It is active and engaging, as well as quiet and reflective. Make a com-mitment today to invest time talking with God and learning about Him and His ways through the Word. This is a vital key to Spirit-filled, Spirit-formed, energized devotion.

Action Colossians Invites:• Understand that the revealed mystery of God is Christ living in you. Relation-

ship with Jesus is our hope of glory, both now and eternally. (1:25-29)

• Study, think about, memorize, believe, and live the Word of God so it become part of who you are. Let the Word inhabit your conversation with others and your worship of God. Devote yourself to Jesus and to knowing God’s Word. (3:16,17)

• Give yourself constantly to prayer. Be watchful, wakeful, and thankful. Ask the Lord to teach you to pray and to increase your endurance and your capacity to pray. Remember, prayer is an eXciting and incredibly fulfilling journey with God. (4:2)

3. Pursuing Holiness Truth Colossians Teaches: Jesus has secured completely our salvation. In Him, we lack nothing and have been made holy, removing all grounds for accusation through His death on the cross. Therefore, we are free to focus our minds on God and the things that are important to Him. We live holy lives not to gain righteousness, but because we have already been made righteous. Let us turn away, then, from legalism that has only an appearance of wisdom, knowing that in reality it is powerless and can add nothing to the completed work of Christ for salvation.

Action Colossians Invites:• Understand that you have been transferred from the power and authority

of darkness into the kingdom of Christ. Know that, in Jesus, your sins are forgiven. (1:13,14)



• Hold on confidently in faith to the hope of the gospel. In Jesus, you have been brought into relationship with God, your Father. Through Jesus’ death on the cross, He has made you holy, unable to be accused of anything. Be assured that, in Jesus, your salvation is complete, lacking nothing. (1:21-23)

• Understand that though religious legalism may appear wise, it is powerless to help overcome sin. Do not embrace spiritual eXperiences that produce the fruit of pride and are contrary to the gospel of Jesus. (2:16-23)

• Focus your thoughts and attention on the things that are important to God. Understand that when Jesus died, your sinful nature died too. Your life is now hidden with Christ in God. (3:1-4)

4. The Walk of Faith Truth Colossians Teaches: Colossians clearly portrays Jesus as superior to and preeminent over all things. As you read this letter, look for all the words written about Christ (the verses noted here represent but a beginning of what you will find). Let faith rise in you as you see the unsurpassed greatness of who Jesus is and all He has accomplished on our behalf.

Action Colossians Invites:• Believe in Jesus, the eXact representation of the invisible God. When we see

Jesus, we see God. (1:15)

• Believe in Jesus, by whom all things were created. In Him, all things are held together and sustained. (1:16,17)

• Believe in Jesus, who has preeminence in all things. He is head of the body, the church, and rose from the dead first so we might follow him in resurrec-tion life. (1:18)

• Believe in Jesus, the reconciler of all things. Through His blood, He made peace so that we are no longer separated from God and one another. (1:19-23)

• Believe in Jesus, in whom all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in bodily form. (2:9)

• Believe in Jesus, in whom we have life and forgiveness and through whom all demonic powers have been utterly defeated. (2:11-15)

*Much of our content was copied directly from the Spirit-Filled Life Bible by Jack W. Hayford.


















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