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  • Ning Chien 355126

  • Fallingwater| Frank Lloyd Wright | 1939 | Pennsylvania |

    From Fallingwater, can feel the harmony between the building and the waterfall, the environment surround it, it is so merge into the environment, but at the same time not letting the environment to take away all the attention. It is like a strong respect of each other between the Falling water and the waterfall. It is amazing.

    The Fallingwater is a breathtaking ar-chitecture, it not only draws peoples attention to the discourse of organic architecture, and it also set a great ex-ample of how the architecture can inte-grate with the environment and intro-duced a new perspective of aesthetics of architectures.

  • The Fallingwater develop the dis-course of organic architect and it is one of the most important build-ings in this discourse. Frank Lloyd Wright believed architecture is to be harmony with humanity and its environment.

    Considerations in the design brief of the Wyndham project Dia-logue between sculpture and landscape, the integration with the surrounding landscape. The Fallingwater has defi nitely fulfi lled these issues and become a land-mark of Pennsylvania.

    Even though this is built almost 80 years ago, its still a learnable and a great inspirational piece for contemporary architecture. In Contemporary architecture, we can fi nd work that also contains the aspects of what Frank Lloyd Wright stated in Fallingwater of what organic architecture is and some are developed even further-er and satisfi ed contemporary ex-pectations.

  • | Heatherwick Studio | 2010 | Shanghai |

    Speed Cathedral, is another stunning ar-chitecture which open peoples eye of what architecture could be like. The structure of Speed Cathedral is extremely eye catch-ing; no doubt people would take the sec-ond look even tough there are 230 more different outstanding pavilions. The pavilion makes British people proud of it, it shows to others, shows to the world of what UK can do, the pavilion is innova-tive, eye-catching and beautiful.

    The gateway for Wyndham City, it is to be seat beside a high-speed traffi c, it is only no more than 30 seconds that most of the visitor can see the design, how we can design something that is simple but strong enough that can attract attention and the viewer can understand and can receive what the design want to deliver within the speed they travel.

  • The designer has used innovative design to show the relationship between nature and cities (Heatherwick was inspired by this idea). Example of another way of how innovative design can cooperate with the nature. The relationship between the natu-ral environment and the activity of human settlement, this is also what the Wyndham city is taking care of.

    Seed Cathefral is a great example of how a architecture can become a pride of a coun-try. How can our project become a pride of Wyndham city?


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    Digital DesignChanging design methods form hand drawing to digital design; digital designing has made various merits. The most fundamental benefit of shifting from papers to computers is that archi-tects are able to work more efficiently, using less time to find more alternative possible design solutions and the most importantly, by using computers, architect are able to do things that couldnt be done previously and enable architect to bring their design solutions to a whole new level.

    In the design brief of the Wyndham city gateway project, can understand that Wyndham city is seeking an innovative design solution. By using digital design as one of the design process, can help to generate innovative design solution.

    1. |Beijing National Aquatics Center| 1

    The soap bubble-like structure ceiling of the Water Cube is designed with a parameter software specially written for the purpose .

    Parametric DesignParametric can aids designers in their design process. By using parametric design, even without an idea of what the design outcome may be look like, the designers were able to explore and experiment freely with all the possibilities within the constraints and find the best design solution for their client, and in our case, for Wyndham City.

    Using parametric design, we are able to achieve a innovative outcome that we could never be able to discover without parametric design.

    (I am not a confident grasshopper user, and this is my first time getting involved with parametric de-sign. This is very different to what I used to know about design process. Even though I have a image in my mind of how my design outcome is going to be look like, but with parametric design, I feel that that is not nessecery in parametric design, what important is we set the constrains and input the el-ements we want to include in the design. And then we are able to test so many different possibilities within the data we input in a very short time, and play with and test many different possible solu-tions until we get the best outcome. But because Im still not totally confident with grasshopper, many of things we wanted to try, but we werent able to get it work in grasshopper. Parametric de-sign gave us opportunity to discover design solu-tions that we were not able to find on our own, but at the same time, limit our ability to put in many of our ideas to the design. Also, due to my limitations, I am not able to write script or use super compli-cated definitions, the design outcomes I generate might be lake of variations. But with parametric design, I still believe that we will be able to cre-ate a innovative design which jumps out my own imagination with parametric design. )

  • Topostruct is a software for structural topology optimization. It is developed based on the the-ory of topology optimization (by Marin Philip), a methodology that produces optimal geometry and material distribution. It has a potential to reduce material usage and evolving innovative structure.

    Through the exploration of material or struc-ture with Topostruct, designers are able to gain knowledge of structure and material behavior therefore in the design process; de-signers are able to generate more pre-solu-tions to the design problem. The designers can therefore produce more surprising and innovative design outcomes that lead the ma-terial to its limit or best possible use.

    The British Pavilion 2010 is a example of the use of Topostruct. (Generate different distribution meth-ods for the 60,000 spikes of the pavilion.)

    The architects are able to optimize the geom-etry, the formation and to explore the optimal shape and the distribution of material of their design. And find the best possible design so-lution within the context for a design problem without having prior knowledge of engineering.The software allows architects to have innova-tive design outcomes that were hard to achieve by traditional design methods.


    Panagiotis Michalatos and Sawako Kaijima (Adams Kara Taylor/AKT), TopoStruct software, 2008Screen capture of the TopoStruct software for structural optimisation.

    Different combinations of boundary conditions and forces give rise to a variety of structural forms and patterns, some familiar from living organisms or typical steel structures and others more unexpected.

    The pavilion is constructed from 60,000 7.5-metre (24.6-foot) long acrylic rods suspended in a timber frame structure.

    Heatherwick Studio, British Pavilion, Shanghai, China, 2010Screen captures from software made for a spike distribution study at AKT for the British Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo.



    Panagiotis Michalatos and Sawako Kaijima (Adams Kara Taylor/AKT), TopoStruct software, 2008Screen capture of the TopoStruct software for structural optimisation.

    Different combinations of boundary conditions and forces give rise to a variety of structural forms and patterns, some familiar from living organisms or typical steel structures and others more unexpected.

    The pavilion is constructed from 60,000 7.5-metre (24.6-foot) long acrylic rods suspended in a timber frame structure.

    Heatherwick Studio, British Pavilion, Shanghai, China, 2010Screen captures from software made for a spike distribution study at AKT for the British Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo.


    Panagiotis Michalatos and Sawako Kaijima (Adams Kara Taylor/AKT), TopoStruct software, 2008Screen capture of the TopoStruct software for structural optimisation.

    Different combinations of boundary conditions and forces give rise to a variety of structural forms and patterns, some familiar from living organisms or typical steel structures and others more unexpected.

    The pavilion is constructed from 60,000 7.5-metre (24.6-foot) long acrylic rods suspended in a timber frame structure.

    Heatherwick Studio, British Pavilion, Shanghai, China, 2010Screen captures from software made for a spike distribution study at AKT for the British Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo.

    Michalatos, P., Sawako Kaijima and Adams Kara Taylor (AKT) (2011), Intuitive Material Distributions. Archit Design, 81: 6669. doi: 10.1002/ad.1270


  • | CUT Definitions |

    We used the Matrices to experiment further with the grasshopper tools. A number of tools resulted in interesting outcomes however others were not as well defined. Some of our most interesting outcomes utilised the surface grid tool which was used to cre-ate undulating forms. They remined us of rolling hills and the sea.

  • In the models above we can see how the surface grid can be used to break down a solid surface into smaller uni-form elements, in this case we have broken down the surface into circles. We like the way the circles gather and seperate in certain points to follow the curve. This could be used to break down a surface into other shapes such as triangles or polygons. This could be interesting if the size of the shape would increase to ensure it is touching another shape.

    The above model uses the image sampler and maths function to create a dynamic representation of the input image. We like the way that some cir-cle are drawn closer together while others are seperated to give the illu-sion of depths. By utilising these tools with the surface grid it may be possi-ble to breakdown a surface into a pat-tern that represents an image while ensuring that the edges of the smaller shapes are always touching.

  • Bio mimicry| Why Biomimicry |

    a new science that studies natures models and then imi- tates or takes inspiration from these designs and processes to solve human problems.

    Bio mimicry in design has aided in the development of more effi cient, sustainable and unique design outcomes. By emulating patterns, forms and systems that have already evolved and survived the test of time in the natural world, and by embracing what nature has to teach us, we can achieve more advanced outcomes.

    1 2 3

    Many issues we face today have already been solved in the natural world, and by utilizing these solutions and replicating these systems,

    We can create a gateway for Wyndham City that demon-strates their commitment to seeking economical design so-lutions while paying tribute to Wyndham citys natural beauty.

    By adapting parametric with bio mimicry, we are able to take the best elements of our observantion of the natural system to alter our defi nition and constraints and make it relevant to our design an spe-cifi cs to Wyndham City.

    The concept of biomimicry in itself is nothing new. Human structures have borrowed from nature throughout history. Our fi rst shelters, for example, were little more than upturned birds nests; formed of branches and insulated against the elements by whatever materials were readily available. In fact, it could be argued that biomimicry is not a new movement, but a return to our earliest inspirations. New technologies, however, have al-lowed us to investigate and rep-licate systems that our ancestors were unable to exploit on a grand scale.

    Wyndham city has a stronge relationship with the nature world, having a number of natural beauties including the Werribee River K Road Cliffs (1), Point Cook Coastal Park (2), Heathdale Wetlands and the Victoria State Rose Garden (3).

  • Biomimicry has been used across a vast fi eld of disciplines to achieve innovative outcomes by engaging in this discourse we seek to archive the same in the design of the Wyndham City Gateway.

    1.Werribee River K Road Cliffs http://www.victorianfl 2. Point Cook Coastal Park Victoria State Rose Garden Ark Hotel Concept 5.5 Crystal Palace

    4 5 6

    Jaseph Paxton designed the crystal palace in 1851 based of the structure of water Lil-lies while George de Mestral created Velcro after observing how burdock seeds attached to his clothes. Nissan recently developed the BR23C micro robotic car which included a safety system modeled on the structure and inner workings of a bees eye.

    Nature has vinspired many creation including the Ark Hotel concept which was de-signed by Remistu-dio and is a shell inspired bio-sphere that is com pletely self sustainable and can be con-structed from prefabricated elements within three to fourmonths while withstand-ing tidal waves, earthquakes and other natural disasters. maining of the cuttingedge of technology and de-sign.

    | Biomimicry in different

  • This project explores the architectural transfer of biological principles of the sea urchins plate skeleton morphology by means of computer-based design and simulation methods.

    Precedents - biomimicry in architecture

    Computer-controlled manufacturing methods were used for the creation of 6.5mm panels that form the pavilions shell. The skeletal shell of the sand dollar is a modular system of polygonal plates, which are linked together at the edges by fi nger-like calcite protrusions.

    The particular geometric arrangement of the plates and their joining system allows for a high load bearing capacity. This project is successful because it utilises the biological system to create a effi cient use of materials without compromis-ing structural strength.

    Beijing National Stadium was designed by Swiss architects Herzog & de Meuron and is an innovative building in terms of its design and the way it functions through its use of biomimicry. The stadium rises out of the landscape to replicate a giant upturned birds nest. The building itself has become icon in the community and has been hailed a marvel of design. For this simple reason this stadium can be viewed as a great success. We hope to achieve a design of a similar iconic standard for the Wyndam city gateway.

    | ICD/ITEK Research pavillion 2011 |

    Beijing National Stadium (Bird Nest)|Herzog & de Meuron | Beijing | 2008 |



    Taking the structure of soap bubbles as inspi-ration (and mimicking natures way of fi lling 3-d space most effi ciently), PTW Architects and Arup gave the Cube an elegant, lightweight de-sign: a rectangular box covered in iridescent bubble wrap. The 100,000 square meters of the Tefl on-like translucent plastic ETFE tha make up the buildings bubble cladding allow in more solar heat than glass, making it easier to heat the building, and resulting in a 30 per cent reduction in energy costs. The futuristic LED-lit bubbles not only act as adjustable insula-tors, turning the building into a greenhouse, but also serve as storehouses for warm air that can be pumped into the Cube as needed.

    We are also looking to create a self sustain-able design for our Wyndham ciry gateway. As it is to be on a not so a accessebul site, with dust fl ying around by the traffi ces, self clean-ing could be important.

    Beijing National Aquatics Center (Water Cube)|PTW Architects | Beijing | 2008 |

  • 30 St Mary Axe The structure of this building is re-markably similar to the Hexactinellid (type of sponge with skeleton, also known as glass sponges). By mim-icking Hexactinellid Sponge, enabled the structure stiff enough to resist lat-eral structural loads without extra re-inforcement. And by that, the building is able to mimic how the Hexactinel-lid sponge fi lters nutrients from the water by sucking water from its base then expelling the water through the holes at its top, the building venti-lates air in a similar way. The air in the building is able to circulate au-tomatically, thereby reducing energy consumption.

    30 St Mary Axe is another great ex-ample of how human can leanr from the natural structure to solve prob-lems.

    Hexactinellid Sponge



    (The Swiss Re Headquarters)| Foster and Partners | London | 2004 |

  • 30 St Mary Axe The Eden Project| Nicholas Grmshaw | Cornwall, UK | 2001 |

    The Eden Project used inspiration from natural forms to produce transfor-mative solution. The Eden project showed us how seeking inspirations from the nature can also help to develop an outcome with the least impact to the surrounding environment. Bio mimicry isnt just a taking inspiration from nature, it also invites us to look more closely and appreciate at the environ-ment we live in or design for. Wyndham city is a city which value its natural environment and promotes its relationship between the human and nature, we believe by designing with bio mimicry, will allow not only us, visitors and residents of Wyndham city to have a deeper understanding of the strong bond between Wyndham city and its natural environment.



    Bees always use hexagons to create their nest- the honeycomb. Honeycombs also found their way into architecture.

    1. Structural property. Bees use hexagon because it is the most effi cient shape to create the honeycomg. Hexagon is able to create the strongest while with the least use of material (same amount of surface). Reduce material useage. Even if create tunnel with hexagon structure over the road, because of its structural property, we will be able to create a tunnel withouth blcoking the natural lights.

    It is also proven that the hexagon allows for the greatest strength from the least meterial and labor.


    Water Cube AAAAAAAAF_s/BE6TIZRS_N0/s1600/water-cube.jpg


    Honeycomb Skyscraper

    The Eden Project

    Diamond Structure

    2. Aesthetic property, The Hexagons can be used to create elegant interlock-ing patterns. Honeycomb Skyscraper by MAD is a great example of the use of hexagon pattern to create innovative and eye-catching design. And by using digital design, the architect was able to bring the hexagon pattern which could be found in honeycomb to the next level.

    3. Can create curve surface, the most familiar example will be the soccer ball . We can also fi nd example of using hexagon panels to create dome in the Eden Project at UK.

    4. The hexagon grid has been used throughout history to produce tiles, or breakdown space effi cently. This is be cause hexagons are one of the most effi cent tessalating shapes.

  • Case StudyThe Spanish Pavilion| Foreign Offi ce Architects | Japan | 2005 |

    The Spanish Pavilion is selected the as the basis for our design because it in stantly reminded us of a beehive. We could see the inspiration of the beehive through the hexigrid system and we attempted to replicate this in our development models by using the CUT defi nitions. WE also see from the Spanish Pavillion individual modules, each hexagon is a seper-ate unit which was been stacked to produce the facade. It creates strong connections between each module to produce a structurally soundgrid system. This demonstrated the structural properties of a hexagon grid.

    The faade is not only a beehive looking faade. The hexagon tiles are tinted in one of six colours to invoke the colour of the Spanish fl ag and many of Spanish cultural such as wine, roses, bullfi ghts, sun and sand. In our proposal for the gateway, we are also intend to create a design completely unique and personally signifi cant to Wyndham City.

  • Spanish Pavilion 2005




    1 2

    Our fi rst model (image 1 ) replicated the Spanish Pavilion by us-ing the hexigrid and image sampler tools in grasshopper. We have altered it slightly from the Spanish Pavilion by extruding the hexigrid to produce a waved surface. While this is interesting it does not push the limits hexagons as a structural shape nor does it create a model that will truely represent Wyndam City. This defi nition can only mimic the colour from an image input. We may be able to personalise this more by further integrating the image sampler into our defi nition.

    Our second mode (image2&3), black and white (with gradian) image of sailboat is being inputed into the defi nition to infl uence the extrusion levels, colour and radius of the internal hexagons to produce a pattern that mimics the image itself.

  • | model development |

    The matrices helped us to develop our design idea and paramet-ric design aided us to produce more possible design slutions. We manipulate the model by changing the definitions ans data inputs. we were able to make the model more dutiable for Wyndham City.

    We returned back to the matrices to better develop our ideas using the image sampler. In doing this we realised that our most successful outcomes incorporated the image sampler in exer aspect from the radius of the hexagons to the colour. This achived a better imitation of the image input.

  • Testing image sampler, exploring the what is the best working image(different colours, filters, brightness/ how clear we can see the image in the model)

    Decided to go with the sail boat image. Because it is simple but with adding the gradient to the image, we were able to get more variation in the extrusion level and thikness. Trying different arrangement to make a more interesting shape.

    changing the number sliders of the extrudion level and the radius of inner hexagons.

    Through the use of parametric de-sign we are able to create a defi-nition that can change and adapt toconstraints and become specific toWyndham city. By adapting parametricswith biomimicry we can take the bestelements of a natural system that weobserve and alter the constraints onthe system to make it relevent toour design and specific to the Wynd-ham city location.

    We returned back to the matrices to better develop our ideas using the image sampler. In doing this we realised that our most successful outcomes incorporated the image sampler in exer aspect from the radius of the hexagons to the colour. This achived a better imitation of the image input.

  • Our defi nition can be adapted to mimic any image we input into the image sampler allowing us to create a design completely unique and personally signifi cant to Wyndham city. In this defi nition the image sampler completely controls the results, depicting the level of extrusion, radius of the internal hexagon and colour of the hexagon modules. As a result our models mimic the image input.

    Our defi nition can be adapted to mimic any image we input into the image sampler allowing us to create a design completely unique and personally signifi cant to Wyndham city. In this defi nition the image sampler completely controls the results, depicting the level of extrusion, radius of the internal hexagon and colour of the hexagon modules. As a result our models mimic the image input.

    Beehive Defi nition

  • Beehive Defi nition

  • Yorkshrine Renaissance Pavilion ( The Yorkshire Diamond )| Various Architects | UK | Competition Finalist |

    The Yorkshrine Renaissance Pavilion is a 400m2 Inflatable mobile pavilion. The pavilion itself is an attraction with a striking exterior. The inflatable tubes are arranged in the atomic structure of diamonds. The Pavilion is designed for maximum flexibility. The modular constriction system allows for the several basic configurations of the structure. The project is modeled mostly in Rhino only without any parametric design. In our case, with the use of parametric design, we will be able to explore a large numbers of possible configurations that suit the constraints of the site. We will also be able to use program such as TopoStruct to exanimate the structure to find out all removable carbon atom units and remove them to generate more variations of configurations for the openings to the most suitable one for Wyndham City gateway. The hexagonal atomic structure is extremely stiff on its own. Even over the freeway, with the wind and the traffics, we are still confident that the hexagonal structure will no deflect.

    using Rhino to refabricate

    - biomimicry in architecture

  • Yorkshrine Renaissance Pavilion ( The Yorkshire Diamond )| Various Architects | UK | Competition Finalist |

    2D 3D

    For our final modular hexagon model, while we did achieve our goal we do not feel that this model fully represents Wyndham city. It still does not push the limits of this technology and fails to demonstrate the connections between Wyndham city, Mel-bourne and the transition between rural and urban landscapes. This is more a sculpture of the side of the road than an experience. We want the driver to experience our gateway.

    Our Concept for this design is to create a drive through gateway that frames the two different landscapes of Wyndham city, the rural and the urban. We are hoping to create a dynamic tunnel that represents the transforma-tion from rural to urban. We have selected a hexagon lat-tice that represents a diamond molecule because as part of this transformation Wyndham has pushed for diamond in-terchanges on the Princess Hwy to deal with the iWhile our beehive definition does create a solid structure through the modular hexagon grid we wanted to push this idea further and take it towards the lattice structures of diamonds. With this in mind our focus has moved towards representing Wyn-dhams development into a more urbanised city scape. We propose a drive through gateway that frames the new urban-isation of Wyndham. sing the council to push for this change. We are hoping that by creating a gateway in this fashion we can represent the connections between Wyndham city and Melbourne and Wyndham citys rural and urban landscapes.

    Even though our beehive definition does create a solid structure through the modular hexagon grid we wanted to push this idea further and take it to-wards the lattice structures of diamonds. With this in mind our focus has moved towards representing Wyndhams development into a more urbanised city scape. We propose a drive through gateway that frames the new urbanisation of Wyndham.

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