Page 1: Student Information - American Political Science… · *17.A constitutional government ALWAYS includes limitation

Student Information

1. Your first name*

2. Your last name*

Please entermonth/day/year






3. What is your date of birth?*

4. What grade are you in?*






5. Name of your school*

6. Name of your teacher*

7. What is the name of this class?*

8. Is this a We the People class?*

Yes, We the People class

No,not a WE the People class

Chapter 8: “Active Learning and the Acquisition of Political Knowledge in High School" by Owen and Riddle

Page 2: Student Information - American Political Science… · *17.A constitutional government ALWAYS includes limitation

9. Is this class required or elective?*

Required Class

Elective Class

10. Is this an Advanced Placement (AP) class?*



11. To the best of your knowledge, what is your GPA?If possible, please use a 4 point, unweighted scale.


12. What is your gender?*



13. What is your race?*


Black or African American



Native American or Alaskan Native

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

Multiple Races

Page 3: Student Information - American Political Science… · *17.A constitutional government ALWAYS includes limitation


14. John Locke states: "Absolute arbitrary power, or governing without settled laws, can neither of them beconsistent with the ends of society and government."Which of the following statements is most consistent with the Locke quotation above?


Weak government is worse than no government.

Governmental power should be limited.

Laws should never be changed.

Only wise people can exercise power.

Don't know

15. Which of the following did critics of the Articles of Confederation consider the document’s greatest flaw?*

There were no provisions to amend the Articles of Confederation

The President had the exclusive power to declare war

Each state, regardless of population, had only one vote in electing the President

The national government was too weak for the effective implementation of needed policies

Don't Know

16. "We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by theircreator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; . . ."This quotation is evidence that some of the basic ideas in the Declaration of Independence were


limitations of the principles underlying most European governments of the 1700’s.

adaptations of the laws of Spanish colonial governments in North America.

adoptions of rules used by the Holy Roman Empire.

reflections of the philosophies of the European Enlightenment.

Don't Know

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17. A constitutional government ALWAYS includes*

limitation of powers

a strong executive

a written constitution

judicial review

Don't Know

18. Which characteristic serves as a long-term protection against tyranny and is a foundation of liberty inthe United States?


the commerce clause

the elastic clause

the right to trial

the rule of law

Don't Know

19. The proposal at the Constitutional Convention that membership in the House of Representatives wouldbe based on proportional representation and that Senate membership would be based on equalrepresentation is called


The New Jersey Plan

The Three-fifths Compromise

The Virginia Plan

The Great Compromise

Don't Know

20. At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a bicameral legislature was proposed as a solution to thedisagreement over


State representation in the national government

Taxation within each state

Control of interstate commerce

Limits on the treaty-making power of a President

Don't Know

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21. The authors of the United States Constitution believed that the voice of the people should be heardfrequently. Which part of the Government was instituted to respond most directly to the will of the people?



House of Representatives

Supreme Court


Don't Know

22. The primary purpose of the Bill of Rights was to*

limit the spread of slavery in the United States

limit the power of the federal government

establish judicial review

allot specific powers to the states

Don't Know

23. The establishment clause in the First Amendment says that*

a free press should be established

free speech is guaranteed

the government may not set up an official religion

government must establish the right to bear arms

Don't Know

24. Thomas Jefferson wrote the following to John Jay in a letter in 1786: " . . . our liberty, which cannot beguarded but by freedom of the press . . ." Why should freedom of the press be guarded?


to provide the news media with a guaranteed profit

to keep the government from becoming the primary information source

to keep the news media from controlling the political process

to provide the government with an accurate information source

Don't Know

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25. The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states: “All persons born or naturalized in theUnited States . . . are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shallmake or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny toany person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”Under what historical circumstances was the Fourteenth Amendment passed?


It was passed soon after the American Revolution to limit the power of the federal government.

It was passed soon after the Civil War to protect the rights of former slaves.

It was passed soon after the First World War to protect the rights of immigrants.

It was passed during the Vietnam War to protect the freedom of antiwar protesters.

Don't Know

26. The Constitution requires that the President's nominations to the Supreme Court be approved by theSenate. This is an example of


legislative supremacy


checks and balances

judicial review

Don't Know

27. What is the last step in amending the U.S. Constitution?*

The voters approve the amendment in a national election

The president signs the amendment in a public ceremony

Three-fourths of the state legislatures ratify the amendment

Two-thirds of both houses of Congress ratify the amendment

Don't Know

28. In the United States, what occurs when state and national laws are in conflict?*

The state law is enforced

The national law is enforced

The state decides which law to enforce

The public holds a referendum to decide which law should be enforced

Don't Know

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29. How many Senators are in the U.S. Congress?*

30. How long is the term for members of the House of Representatives?*

31. What is one responsibility that modern Presidents have that is NOT described in the U.S. Constitution?*

Commanding the armed forces

Proposing an annual budget to Congress

Appointing Supreme Court justices

Granting pardons

Don't Know

32. Which of the following is a power of the President*

the pocket veto

voting on a bill

declaring a law unconstitutional

levying taxes

Don't Know

33. After the Vice President, who is next in line for the U.S. presidency?*

President Pro Tempore of the Senate

Speaker of the House of Representatives

Secretary of the Treasury

Secretary of State

Don't Know

34. How many justices serve on the U.S. Supreme Court?*

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35. The War Powers Act was an attempt by Congress to check the power of the President because*

The courts had begun to play a large and independent role in foreign policy

Presidents had failed to respond aggressively to the spread of communism

Presidents had involved the United States in wars that Congress had not declared

The framers of the Constitution had intended that Congress, rather than the President, exert direct control over the military

Don't Know

36. What happens to most of the bills introduced in the House of Representatives?*

They become laws.

They are passed but then vetoed by the President.

They are passed by the House but not by the Senate.

They are never sent by committees to the full House.

Don't Know

37. To override a presidential veto, how much of a majority is required in the U.S. Senate and House ofRepresentatives?






Don't Know

38. Filibusters were used by United States Senators from the South in the 1950s and 1960s to*

block passage of civil rights bills

protest United States involvement in Vietnam

override presidential vetoes of environmental bills

gain approval of presidential appointments to the Supreme Court

Don't Know

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39. Which of the following statements represents James Madison’s views about political parties asexpressed in Federalist 10


Political parties provide a crucial service to the body politic by fostering open debate

Political parties are factions that can be controlled

Political parties are factions that should be eradicated

Political parties should be organized, durable, and represent competing interests

Don't Know

40. Federalism: A way of organizing a nation so that two or more levels of government have authority overthe same land and people.Which fact about American government reflects the above definition of federalism?


Power is divided among legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

Private organizations in the United States do much of the work that is performed by local governments in other countries.

Citizens in the United States are subject to both state and federal laws.

Citizens in the United States have a right to protection from intrusion into their private affairs

Don't Know

41. The federal system encourages the growth of organized interest groups by*

Allowing states to pay part of the operational costs of such groups

Offering several levels of government where groups can attempt to influence policy

Giving interest groups building space in Washington, D.C.

Encouraging interest groups to take over many of the responsibilities of political parties

Don't Know

42. In Marbury v. Madison (1803), the Supreme Court established judicial review which is*

the authority of the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional

the power of the Supreme Court to make laws

the power of Congress to overturn decisions of the Supreme Court

a special power of the President granted in times of crisis

Don't Know

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43. In the Supreme Court case of Schenck v. The United States (1919), Schenck was prosecuted forhaving violated the Espionage Act of 1917 by publishing and distributing leaflets that opposed the militarydraft and United States entry into the First World War. The court ruled in favor of the United States. Belowis an excerpt from the majority opinion.“We admit that in . . . ordinary times the defendants . . . would have been within their constitutional rights.But the character of every act depends upon the circumstances in which it is done. The most stringentprotection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic. .. . The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such anature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the evils that Congress has a rightto prevent.”The decision reflects the tension between


providing economic equality and protecting political equality

defending civil liberties and protecting national security

defending the right of free speech and protecting people from slander

protecting the power of the Congress and enhancing the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review

Don't Know

44. Which U.S. Supreme Court case ordered an end to segregated schools “with all deliberate speed”?*

Plessy V. Ferguson (1896)

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978)

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)

Miranda v. Arizona (1966)

Don't Know

45. What lessons did future U.S. leaders learn from the 1974 U.S. Supreme Court caseUnited States v. Nixon?


The president is accountable for obeying the law.

The president is responsible for enforcing the law.

The president is not allowed to hold secret talks with foreign governments.

The president is not allowed to have private meetings with cabinet members

Don't Know

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46. In order to register to vote, some states require that citizens*

pay a poll tax

pass a literacy test

satisfy a residency requirement

be 21 years of age

Don't Know

47. To revise the electoral college system for selecting the President, changes must be made to*

the President’s Cabinet

voter qualifications

system of primary elections

the federal Constitution

Don't Know

48. United States citizens choose the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates by*

voting for delegates to national conventions

secret ballot on election day

a recall vote in each state

extending a Vice President’s term of office

Don't Know

49. Which of the following statements is NOT true about American presidential elections?*

A candidate can win the popular vote and not be elected president

Ties in presidential elections are decided by the Supreme Court

The electoral college is mandated by the U.S. Constitution

Presidential candidates are selected by delegates to the parties’ national nominating conventions

Don't Know

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50. The major role of political parties in the United States is to*

provide oversight of voting in legislative bodies

insure that free and honest elections are held

meet constitutional requirements for choosing the President

nominate candidates for public office and conduct campaigns

Don't Know

51. Traditionally third parties have had the greatest impact on American politics by*

requiring additional presidential primaries

reducing the costs of presidential campaigns

supporting issues often ignored by the major parties

endorsing candidates of the major parties

Don't Know

52. A political action committee (PAC) is*

an organization associated with an interest group that raises campaign contributions for candidates or political parties

a standing committee in the U.S. Senate that reviews campaign contributions to every candidate seeking election to the Senate.

a group that coordinates directly with a candidate’s campaign to raise funds

a branch of a political party charged with raising money for candidates

Don't Know

53. In the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled ina split 5-4 decision that


Government may prohibit corporations and unions from spending “soft money” for or against candidates in elections

Corporations may give money directly to candidates’ campaigns

Corporations and unions cannot run ads for or against candidates

Political spending is a form of protected speech under the U.S. Constitution

Don't Know

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54. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a system of proportional representation in voting?*

It is a first-past-the-post system

Elections are held for multiple seats in a district which allows for seats to be allocated according to the proportion of votes won byparticular political parties

The system used in most European democracies

A candidate must have a majority of votes in order to gain office

Don't Know

55. Investigative journalists of the early 20th century who exposed social and political corruption wereknown as





Yellow Kids

Don't Know

56. Which of the following is a direct result of television’s role in elections?*

the strengthening of national political parties

the rise of candidate-centered campaigns

an increase in voter turnout

a decrease in election spending

Don't Know

57. Which statement identifies a characteristic of a free-enterprise economic system?*

The individual and the government work together to make a profit

The government makes most of the economic decisions

Profits from businesses are used to benefit needy members of society

Investments and profits are controlled by individuals

Don't Know

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58. In The Melting Pot (1908), Israel Zangwill states, “America is . . . the great Melting Pot! Here you stand,good folk, think I, when I see them at Ellis Island, here you stand in your fifty groups, with your fiftylanguages and histories, and your fifty blood hatreds and rivalries. But you won't be long like that, brothers. . . Into the Crucible with you all! God is making the American.”Which of the following phenomena does the passage celebrate?






Don't Know

59. What is the term associated with an appreciation of the unique cultural heritage of ethnic and racialgroups?






Don't Know

60. When necessary to achieve justice, Martin Luther King, Jr., urged his followers to*

use violence to bring about political change

engage in civil disobedience

leave any community in which racism is practiced

demand that Congress pay reparations to African Americans

Don't Know

61. Affirmative action refers to efforts enforced by government to*

forbid discrimination on the basis of “race, color, religion, or national origin” in public accommodations and employment

increase the percentages of racial and ethnic minorities and women in higher education and the workplace

ensure that voting rights are extended fairly to all citizens

desegregate secondary schools

Don't Know

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62. Which of the following beliefs and values are NOT associated with American political culture*





Don't Know

63. What is one important difference between international politics and domestic politics?*

In international politics there is no single government with the authority to resolve disputes among nations; within a country thegovernment normally has such authority.

In international politics countries often have conflicting interests; within a country citizens have common interests.

In international politics countries stay in alliances for long periods; within a country citizens change political parties often.

In international politics countries never change borders; within a country the borders of states change often.

Don't Know

64. In the area of United States foreign policy, Congress shares power with the*

Supreme Court

state governments


United Nations

Don't Know

65. The case of John Peter Zenger (1735)*

set a precedent under the First Amendment

was a symbolic victory for press freedom

found Zenger guilty of seditious libel

resulted in a hung jury

Don't Know

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66. The Supreme Court case of Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)*

gave Congress the power to charter a national bank

expanded the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce

used Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution to limit congressional authority

established state's rights over federal supremacy

Don't Know

67. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a capitalist economic system?*

Private ownership of the means of production

Public ownership of the means of production

Decisions by consumers and businesses determine economic activity

Individuals are free to own property, build up capital, and make a profit

Don't Know

68. In a mixed economy*

Businesses regulate themselves without government intervention

Private enterprise is outlawed

The government has no role in the business sector

The government has a role in regulating business

Don't know

69. The Federal Reserve System was created by Congress in 1913 to maintain sound banking conditions.Which of the following is true about the Federal Reserve System?


The Federal Reserve is in charge of putting U.S. currency into circulation

All national and state banks must belong to the Federal Reserve

Any citizen can open an account at a Federal Reserve bank

The Federal Reserve does not have power to set credit and loan limits for banks

Don't Know

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70. All of the following are true about the theory of classical republicanism EXCEPT that*

government must ensure that individual interests are paramount to public concerns

government promotes the common good

political power is vested in the electorate

government is administered by representatives who are responsible to the people

Don't Know

71. The concept of "positive rights" in United Nations' Universal Declaration of Rights requires that*

governments allow people to pursue liberty on their own terms

citizens are not to be subjected to an action of another person or group

governments can tell citizens how they may or may not act

governments assume responsibility of ensuring social welfare by providing services, such as health care

Don't Know

72. The legal basis for the escalation of United States involvement in the Vietnam War was the*

declaration of war by Congress

passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution by Congress

United Nations resolution condemning the North Vietnamese invasion of South Vietnam

mutual defense provisions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Don't Know

73. The term "Cold War" refers to the*

race between the United States and the Soviet Union to claim ownership of Antarctica

contest between the United States and the European Union for economic domination in the West

struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union to gain political hegemony in world affairs

competition between the Soviet Union and China for the resources of the Pacific Rim

Don't Know

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74. Which of the following has reduced the power of political parties?

A surge in soft money campaign contributions

Stricter voter registration requirements

A decline in the number of political action committees (PACs)

Caucuses to select presidential nominees

Don't Know

75. The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan represented attempts by the United States to deal with the*

national debt

spread of communism

arms race

space race

Don't Know

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Civic Skills

I definitely can’t I probably can’t I'm not sure I probably can I definitely can

Create a plan to addressthe problem

Get other people to careabout the problem

Organize and run ameeting

Attend a meeting aboutthe problem

Express your views infront of a group ofpeople

Identify individuals andgroups who could helpyou with the problem

Write an opinion letter toa local newspaper

Call someone on thephone that you hadnever met before to gettheir help with theproblem

Contact an electedofficial about theproblem

Organize a petition

Use social media topublicize the problem

Use social media toorganize people to takeaction to solve theproblem

Other (please specify)

76. If you found out about a problem in your community that you wanted to do something about (forexample, illegal drugs were being sold near your school, or high levels of lead were discovered in the localdrinking water, or there was a need for a community center to serve young people), how well do you thinkyou would be able to do each of the following using this scale: I definitely can’t; I probably can’t; I'm notsure; I probably can; I definitely can.


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77. How prepared do you feel you are to handle a problem in your community? Would you say you arewell prepared, somewhat prepared, slightly prepared, or not at all prepared?


Well prepared

Somewhat prepared

Slightly prepared

Not at all prepared

Don't Know

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Civic Dispositions

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strongly disagree disagree uncertain agree strongly agree

Being actively involvedin community issues ismy responsibility

Being concerned aboutstate and local issues isan importantresponsibility foreverybody

I believe I can make adifference in mycommunity

By working with others inthe community I canhelp make things better

I think it is important forpeople to follow rulesand laws

I am interested in acareer in politics andgovernment

I may run for office oneday

I enjoy talking aboutpolitics and politicalissues

It is my responsibility tofollow government andpolitics in the media.

I listen to people talkabout politics even whenI know that I disagreewith them

When I see or read anews story about anissue, I try to figure out ifthey are just telling oneside of the story

When I hear news aboutpolitics, I try to figure outwhat is REALLY goingon.

78. How much do you agree or disagree with each of these statements?*

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79. How inclined are you to take part in politics? Would you say that you feel very inclined, somewhatinclined, slightly inclined, or not at all inclined to take part in politics?


very inclined

somewhat inclined

slightly inclined

not at all inclined

Don't Know

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After High School

not at all likely very unlikely maybe somewhat likely extremely likely

Contact or visitsomeone in governmentwho represents yourcommunity.

Contact a newspaper,radio, or TV talk show toexpress your opinion onan issue.

Use digital media toexpress your opinion onan issue

Sign an e-mail or writtenpetition.

Use social media toengage in a politicalcampaign

Work with others tochange unjust laws

Vote in presidentialelections on a regularbasis.

Vote in local elections ona regular basis

Wear a campaign buttonto support a candidate.

Work on a candidate'spolitical campaign

Volunteer for a politicalparty.

Participate in a boycottagainst a company.

Refuse to buy clothesmade in sweatshops.

Participate in politicalactivities such asprotests, marches, ordemonstrations.

80. When you think about your life after high school, how likely is it that you would do each of thefollowing?


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Try to talk to people andexplain why they shouldvote for or against one ofthe parties or candidatesduring an election.

Express your viewsabout politics on awebsite, blog, orchatroom.

Use social media toshare your views withothers.

Participate in a poetryslam, youth forum, livemusic performance, orother event whereyoung people expresstheir political views.

Work as a canvasser fora political or socialgroup, or a candidate

Do volunteer work tohelp needy people.

Get involved in issueslike health or safety thataffect your community.

Work with a group tosolve a problem in thecommunity where youlive.

Serve the United Statesin the military.

Serve on a jury.

not at all likely very unlikely maybe somewhat likely extremely likely

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not at all useful a little bit useful not sure somewhat useful extremely useful

Print Newspapers


Radio News

News Magazines

Political Websites

News Websites

Social Media


81. How useful to do you think each of these media outlets is in helping you to learn about news, currentevents, and politics?


82. How well prepared are you to use social media to engage in political and civic affairs?*

Very prepared

Somewhat prepared

Not very prepared

Not at all prepared

Don't Know

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In Class

strongly disagree disagree uncertain agree strongly agree

students have a voice inwhat happens

students can disagreewith the teacher if theyare respectful

students can disagreewith each other if theyare respectful

students areencouraged to expressopinions

I talk to my classmatesabout politics

I am interested in myclassmates’ opinionsabout politics

my classmatesencourage me toexpress my opinionsabout politics even ifthey are different fromtheir views

83. In this class*

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84. Shay's Rebellion was significant because*

It demonstrated the weakness of the government under the Articles of Confederation

It became a symbol of the oppression of the British government

It led to calls to amend the Constitution by adding a Bill of Rights

The expense of suppressing it led to higher taxes and a need for the new United States to borrow from foreign governments

Don't Know

85. . In which of these cases did the Supreme Court rule that the Constitution protects a right to privacy?*

Korematsu v. United States

Texas v. Johnson

McCulloch v. Maryland

Griswold v. Connecticut

Don't Know

86. In the case of Baker v. Carr (1962) the Supreme Court established that*

political parties are responsible for drawing district lines

the House of Representatives would oversee redistricting

“one person, one vote” was not applicable to American elections

federal courts had jurisdiction to intervene in voter redistricting

Don't Know

87. Texas v. Johnson was a Supreme Court decision concerning*

Political expenditures by corporations

Separation of church and state

States rights

Desecration of the American flag

Don't Know

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88. Which of the following is true of amicus curiae briefs?*

They are used by interest groups to lobby courts.

They are now unconstitutional.

They are the means by which a litigant seeks Supreme Court review of a lower court decision.

They are primarily used by conservative interest groups.

Don't Know

89. Which of the following is argued by James Madison in Federalist 10?*

A system of republican representation helps to limit the excesses of factionalism.

The elimination of the causes of factionalism is the best protection against tyranny.

The presence of a few large factions helps to protect minority rights.

Participatory democracy is the best way to prevent tyranny.

Don't Know

90. The voting patterns of members of Congress are most strongly guided by*

their socioeconomic status

the location of their districts

their political party affiliation

the population density of their districts

Don't know

91. Women were guaranteed the right to vote as a result of the*

12th Amendment

14th Amendment

16th Amendment

19th Amendment

Don't Know

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92. . The influence of direct primaries has been*

To curb the effects of media in campaigns

To hasten the decline of candidate-centered elections

To promote the rise of third parties

To weaken the influence of political parties over the electoral process

Don’t know

93. The process by which political attitudes, values and behaviors are passed on to the next generation is*

Political transmission

Political engagement

Political socialization

Political efficacy

Don’t know

94. The Americans with Disabilities Act, which provides protections for the disables, is an example of*

Horizontal federalism

A federal mandate

Affirmative action

Dual federalism

Don’t know

95. Which act of Congress was designed to balance the budget by providing automatic spending cuteswhen the deficit exceeded a set of fixed targets?


Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Hatch Act

Dodd-Frank Act

Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act

Don't Know

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96. What type of tax takes a higher percentage of income from upper income groups than from lowerincome groups?


Regressive Tax

Progressive Tax

Flat Tax

Fair Tax

Don't Know

97. The iron triangle is a term used to describe the policy-making relationship between which three groups?*

Congressional committees, interest groups, government agencies

The president, congressional committees, Supreme Court

The president, the bureaucracy, Congress

Congress, interest groups, and the Supreme Court

Don't Know

98. The primary system of selecting presidential candidates has had which of the following effects?*

It has increased the importance of state party organizations.

It has loosened the hold of political party leaders over the nominating system.

It has reduced the role of voters in the candidate selection process.

It has led to a decline in the importance of party voter registration drives.

Don't Know

99. Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the two major political parties inthe United States?


Parties are centrally organized to provide a smooth transition from one national campaign to the next

Parties have no formal organization except at the national level

Separate and largely independent party organizations exist a national, state, and local levels

Parties are organized much like a large corporation, in that decisions flow from national to state and local levels

Don't Know

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100. Which of the following best describes the politics of Libertarians?*

Conservative on economic issues and unconcerned about social issues

Liberal on economic issues and conservative on social issues

Conservative on economic issues and liberal on social issues

Liberal on economic issues and liberal on social issues

Don't Know

101. A key idea of pluralism is that the public interest will be best served by a political system that*

systematically incorporates only a few government recognized umbrella organizations into the policy making process

is based on universal suffrage

maximizes efficiency in the policy making process

facilitates competition among groups, with each advocating its own policies

Don't Know

102. Which of the following is NOT true about 527 Groups?*

They may collaborate with a party or candidate to determine how to spend their money

They must register with the IRS and disclose their donors

They may not advocate for a specific candidate

There is an individual contribution limit of $2,500 per election per year

Don't Know

103. Which statement best describes the mass media in the United States?*

Publicly owned which gives it more political freedom.

Not regulated by the government.

Privately owned and dependent on advertising for income.

Dominated by newspapers.

Don't Know

Page 33: Student Information - American Political Science… · *17.A constitutional government ALWAYS includes limitation

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104. Do you have any comments about your experience in this class as it relates to the learning of civicsthat you would like to share?


Copyright © 2017 by the American Political Science Association. This document is part of the online supplemental material for Teaching Civic Engagement Across the Disciplines, published by APSA and edited by Elizabeth C. Matto, Alison Rios Millett McCartney, Elizabeth A. Bennion, and Dick Simpson. APSA grants permission to cite or quote from the above document, cited as follows: ‘Copyright © 2017 by American Political Science Association (Matto, McCartney, Bennion, and Simpson, editors). The cited/quoted material may be found at: ___. Used with permission.’ Permission is granted only for noncommercial use. All other rights reserved.

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