Download - Structure

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Structure•Spiders calculate your content relevancy•White Space Programme

Text-to-Code w/ Whitespace

•Ability of the S.E and humans to read your websiteSearch Engine Friendly URL


•The effort of organizing and relating information in a way that simplifies how people navigate and use content on the Web

Complete Content Architecture

• It has a big impact in the search engine's ranking algorithms •The benefits are increased ranking, branding and click-throughs.Correct Title Tag Usage

•Helps organize and navigate to relevant content•Data added to content by people other than the content creator (tags, rating, comments..etc)Social Meta Data

•Micro data properties good for keywords•e.g. Youtube and hashtags

Property to Word Count Ratio

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•Rightly coded information for a website•W3c Validator analysisCorrect Schmena Syntax

•Properties of a website identified by a search engine.•What google checks at first like keywords and codes. Size map!Number of Set Properties

•Text code for an image published on web page. It is useful in SEO when targeted keywords included within tag

•Example: < img alt=" image description (ALT TAG)" src="webopedia.jpg" >Number of Alt tags

•main text that describes an online document•fewer than 70 characters•2nd most important on–page SEO element, after overall content•in three key places: browsers, search engine results pagesand external websites

Number of Title tags

•substitute images or other media by text•How? With CSS: Cascading Style SheetsMedia Replacement Text

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Importance of structure for SEO:• enables spiders to properly crawl sites and index them• improves website usability

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• Google wants newest versions & consistent syntax in code

• Obsolescence

Many search engine spiders still don't support frames keep search engines from spidering your site.

Nested tables waste space, inefficientGoogle likes efficiency

Underscores & space do not specify any function to Google search better to use hyphens (much easier to identify what the page is about).

Presentation Semantics

Website Foundation

Dynamic Elements

ControlGet Information

Read & Enhance data

« Clean » Website

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• Mobile– Google adjust their website to the customers mobile devices. The website

provides an optimal viewing experience. It is easy to read and navigate. – Some devices have flash, the ones who doesnt have it, can use an

alternative content as in YouTube embeds or HTML5 video. They improve search engine reults and user experience.

• Trust– Google uses algorithms to adresses the vast majority of spam and malware

(malicious software). It adresses other spam manually to prevent it from affecting the quality of results.

– Users have the possibility to request a malware review or to report spam on websites to google.

– Users have to send a GET request to google to get a trusted IP adres.

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Technical Performance Evaluation

Load Speed: Time it takes to load page. Takes into account size and order of each element being loaded. Answer given in seconds, less is better.


Deferred Parsing & Asynchronize Loading: Best ways to order the stages in which a webpage’s javascript loads. Pass/fail test.

Prompt Server-Side Code & Database Processing Wait : How quick are the „robots“ processing the user‘s actions and how fast is the speed of trading (sending and receiving) data with the database. Pass/fail Test


Parser is HTML in its loading state. Net is the time that script is being loaded to life. Execution is the time that script is brought to life in the user’s browser

SIZEMain Document File: size of the main document on the webpage.

Image sizeTotal size of all images on webpage. Optimize to attract traffic from image based search engines and page load time.

Total Stylesheet & Script size: Size of CSS and JavaScript files, the smaller the better as they help improve load speed.

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1. All Movable Javascript in External JS file(s):Have all scripts in an external Javascript file(s) in order to improve load speed, search engine appeal and reduce coding errors, and redundancy (having to write the same code more than once)

2. Consolidated & Minimized CSS & JS filesMinimizing the ammount of lines your CSS and JS files are written in, thus improving load speed and improving performance.

3. Content is gZip CompressedgZip is a compression program that can reduce the size of your web page files by up to 70% achieving faster loading times.


CONNECTION SPEEDNumber of referenced FilesOptimize cachingCache can be used as storing device that includes CSS files, image files, JavaScript files.Initiation Waiting Time = Time to initiate the loadThis Is the time from when the URL is entered into the browser until the user has the first visual indication of the page that gets loaded.

If we look at Google’s official blog post announcing site speed as a factor, we read: “While site speed is a new signal, it doesn't carry as much weight as the relevance of a page. Currently, fewer than 1% of search queries are affected by the site speed signal”

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Links & Usability LinksBacklinks• Incoming links to a website or web page any link received by a web node (web page, directory, website, or top level domain) from another web node.• The number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page (for example, this is used by Google to determine the PageRank of a

webpage)• Discovering the number of backlinks can be an easy way for websites to find out whether any other websites find the information on the page to be pertinent to the

chosen keywords or not.• It can also be used as a way to re-evaluate the text on the page, and any information that could be changed to bring in more positive results.• Many search engine algorithms use backlinks to determine page rank too

Reciprocal LInks• A mutual link between two objects, commonly between two websites, to ensure mutual traffic. • Website owners often submit their sites to reciprocal link exchange directories in order to achieve higher rankings in the search engines. • Reciprocal linking between websites is no longer an important part of the search engine optimization process (Google and other search engines now do not give credit

to reciprocal linking as it does not indicate genuine link popularity)

Unique referring IP addresses• Two absolutely unrelated websites- coming from 2 different places

UsabilityLanguage for SEO• The language of the code does not have a direct effect on SEO. All that is vital is that the code is clean, error free and contains Heading, Title, and Meta tags etc…

508 Compliance

Section 508 of the U.S. Code • Is the law that requires federal agencies and their contractors to adhere to a minimal level of accessibility.

While complying with the 508 code, you indirectly increase website size and therefore increase your website rankings.

Print friendly style sheet• A print style sheet formats a web page so when printed, it automatically prints in a user-friendly format.

If programmed incorrectly, Google spiders can see the Print friendly page as a duplicate page which can have negative results on your SEO efforts. It is therefore advised to create a CSS template or exclude the duplicate pages in the Robottext.txt file.

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Index & Navigation

Index1. XML Sitemap- Webmaster creates the sitemap which lists all the URLs for a site that are available for crawling.2. Robots.txt- A text file that advises the crawler which pages to categorize and archive. Pages that need to be excluded will

be written in this text file.3. Indexed pages- Crawler indexes your pages and stores them in a massive index which is then used during searches.

XML Sitemap, Robots.txt, and Indexed pages are extremely important to SEO because they will directly affect your page rank if done incorrectly or poorly. They are all directly related to one another as they are all read by the crawler.

Navigation4. Internal Links- Home, About, Privacy, Sitemap 5. Hyperlinks- Recommended max 100 links, link juice, popularity votes, third party6. SEO Friendly- On-site\Off-site ecommerce SEO

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Alexa Global Rank: Allow site owners to benchmark their sites and give consumers, marketers and advertisers metrics to evaluate websites for media buying, partnerships, and other business opportunities.Alexa's traffic estimates are based on a diverse sample of millions of worldwide internet users using thousands of different types of toolbars and add-ons for Google Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

Google Page Rank: Algorithm used by the Google web search engine to rank websites in their search engine results. A way of measuring the importance of website pages. How it works? counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is.

MozRank represents a link popularity score. It reflects the importance of any given web page on the Internet. Pages earn MozRank by the number and quality of other pages that link to them. The higher the quality of the incoming links, the higher the MozRank.



Percent of Organic Traffic: Organic search results are listings on search engine results pages that appear because of their relevance to the search terms, as opposed to their being advertisements. In contrast, non-organic search results may include pay per click advertising.

Local listing for Google maps: The local listing for Google maps allows users to create and add a business to the world of Google. Allowing consumers to search and view local businesses'. The search tool aids consumers to find helpful information about a company and give them means of contacting them through Gmail.

Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. In the context of search engine optimization keyword density can be used as a factor in determining whether a web page is relevant to a specified keyword or keyword phrase. High Density: The upside of aggressive repetition (in terms of helping boost rank for the core term) is fairly minimal & high keyword density increases the likelihood that the page may get filtered.Low Density (with variation): The upside of greater word variation (in terms of helping boost rank for a wide variety of related words) is significant & lower density on the core terms decreases the risk of the page getting filtered.


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Domain age: Approximate age of a website.Not referring just to how long you have owned a given domain name, but instead how long it has been since Google first indexed that domain, or saw a link to the domain.

Domain Authority: Domain Authority represents the best prediction for how a website will perform in search engine rankings

Page Authority: How well a given webpage is likely to rank in's search resultsMeasured on a 100-point, logarithmic scale. Thus, it's easier to grow your score from 20 to 30 than it would be to grow from 70 to 80


Bounce rate: the percentage of visits that go only one page before exiting a site.Depending how your Google Analytics account is set up, this may include closing the browser, directly typing in a different site’s URL into their browser’s navigation bar, or clicking on a link to one of your social media sites or off-site blog.

Page time: A visit can be as short as a few seconds or as long as several hoursWhen a visitor, say Bob, arrives on your site, Analytics sets several cookies, among them the __utmb cookie. __utmb is set to expire 30 minutes after Bob's last request. When this cookie expires, it is removed from Bob's computer.Each time Bob makes a request (e.g., pageview, event, social interaction, transaction), the expiration of __utmb is reset to 30 mintues.End of page visit is : After 30 minutes of inactivity by the visitor

Daily page views per visitor: Your Pages Per Visitor report is the average number of pages a visitor views with no more than 30 minutes between page requests. Your Average Length of Visit report is the average actual length of time a visitor spends on your site.If you have a high pages-per-visitor count (over 3 to 4), or average length of visit (over 2–3 minutes), it means that readers come to your blog and want to stick around.

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