  • Structural and Crane Load Design CriteriaFor Steel Building Systems

    Structural and Crane Load Design CriteriaFor Steel Building SystemsCSSBI B15A 10October 2010

    Canadian Sheet SteelBuilding Institute652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2ACambridge, Ontario N3H 4V6Tel.: (519) 650-1285Fax: (519)

    C a n a d i a n S h e e t S t e e l B u i l d i n g I n s t i t u t e

    CSSBI B15A 10October 2010

  • Structural and Crane Load Design Criteria For Steel Building Systems

    One of the objects of the CSSBI and its members is the development of standards that promotesafety, performance and good practice.This bulletin is published as a guide for designers,specifiers and users of Steel Building Systems (SBS) and as a reference for building code officialsand other authorities.

    The material presented herein has been prepared for the general information of the reader andcare has been taken to ensure that this Bulletin is a reasonable interpretation of the applicablecode requirements.While the material is believed to be technically correct and in accordancewith recognized practice at the time of publication, it does not obviate the need to determine itssuitability for a given situation. Neither the CANADIAN SHEET STEEL BUILDING INSTITUTE nor itsMembers warrant or assume liability for the suitability of this bulletin for any general or particularapplication.

    Buildings Incorporating Steel Building Systems: Responsibilities of the Parties Involved,CSSBI B8-06,Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute, Cambridge, ON

    Crane Supporting Steel Structures: Design Guide, 2nd Edition, Canadian Institute of SteelConstruction,Markham,ON, 2009

    National Building Code of Canada 2005, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON


    All rights reserved.This publication, nor any part thereof,may be reproduced in anyform without theWritten permission of the publisher.

    ISBN 978-1-895535-62-4


    Reference Documents

  • CSSBIII B15A-10

    NBC 2005 Structural and Crane Load Design Criteria For Steel Building Systems

    The objective of this bulletin is to present the structural and crane loading requirements in aformat that is easy to understand. The structural loads are taken from the 2005 National BuildingCode of Canada. The focus is on Steel Building Systems, however, the loading criteria areapplicable to most low rise building construction.

    The National Building Code of Canada is a model document used by the provinces and territoriesof Canada in the preparation of their own building codes, which are the governing legislation forbuilding construction. For specific designs, the loading criteria presented in this Bulletin shouldbe checked against the requirements of the applicable building code.

    A. STRUCTURAL LOADS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    A1: Live Loads due to Use and Occupancy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A2: Mezzanine Live Loads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A3: Collateral and Dead Loads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    B. CRANE LOAD DESIGN CRITERIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    B1: Crane Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2B2: Crane Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4B3: Top Running Cranes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4B4: Deflections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B5: Crane Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B6: Loads on Frames. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B7: Load Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6B8: Crane Beam Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7B9: Load Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7B10: Crane Beam Corbels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8B11: Crane Load Design Criteria Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


    Table of Contents


  • CSSBI1 B15A-10

    NBC 2005 Structural and Crane Load Design Criteria For Steel Building Systems

    The National Building Code of Canada outlines the minimum loads for which a building is to bedesigned to support. These loads are categorized as: Live, Dead and Environmental (snow, windand earthquake).

    A1: Live Loads due to Use and OccupancyLive Loads are the expected variable loads on the building structure due to the intended use andoccupancy. Crane loads and the pressure of liquids in containers are considered as Live Loads.The National Building Code of Canada specifies a minimum magnitude of Live Loads to cover theeffect of ordinary load concentrations that may occur on the element being considered.

    On roof surfaces, the minimum Live Load of 1 kPa (0.8 kPa for buildings in the Low Importance Category) represents the load during construction. Post construction, this load represents,maintenance workers and their equipment. On interior surfaces such as elevated floors, the Live Loadis specified based on the occupancy or usage of the area(e.g. assembly areas, storage areas or libraries).For loads on surfaces not specifically defined in the National Building Code of Canada the designer ofthe structure (as defined in CSSBI B8) is responsible for defining the applicable load.

    Examples of Live Load based on use and occupancy are:

    Arenas, Churches, Gymnasia, other areas of similar use 4.8 kPa

    Fixed seating Churches and Theaters, Classrooms 2.4 kPa

    Equipment areas and service rooms 3.6 kPa

    A2: Mezzanine Live LoadsMezzanine means an intermediate floor assembly between the floor and ceiling of any room orstorey and includes an interior balcony. (Ref. NBCC-05,, Division A)

    Live Loads on mezzanines are based on the use and occupancy of the area. Where there is acorridor on the mezzanine floor the design load shall be the intended use of the room beingserved by the corridor. Where a mezzanine is to have multiple uses the design Live Load will bethe greater load of the intended uses.

    A3: Collateral and Dead LoadsDead Load consists of the accumulation of the permanent self weight and collateral loads. Permanentweight is the sum of the self weight of the structural elements and all the weight of other materialelements that would always exist throughout the life of the structure (e.g. insulation and lights).

    Collateral load is the weight of any additional loads that may be in specific parts of the building, butmay not be in all of the building (e.g. sprinklers, air handling units and other mechanical units). Listedbelow are several items or materials that would typically be considered as collateral loads

    Sprinklers 0.24 kPa

    Light ductwork 0.15 kPa

    Acoustic ceiling tiles 0.10 kPa

    Light aggregate plaster ceiling 0.19 kPa

    Common glass window and framing 0.38 kPa

    Glass Skylights and framing 0.58 kPa

    A. Structural Loads


  • CSSBI2 B15A-10

    NBC 2005 Structural and Crane Load Design Criteria For Steel Building Systems

    When designing the structural members for uplift loads (i.e. roof sheets, purlins and frames), thecounter acting collateral loads are not included in the design.The collateral load is included whenthey act in the same direction as the dead load.

    B1: Crane TypesSteel Building Systems can support several different types of crane systems when required.Thetypical crane types are Top Running, Under Hung and Jib cranes and are usually electric powered.Cranes can be provided in several styles based on the required capacity, span and service class.

    Top Running cranes are supported by the crane bridge end trucks bearing on rails that aresupported on top of their crane beams.These cranes have the greatest variation in capacity, spanand service class and usually span the full width of the framing supports.

    Under Hung cranes are supported by using a suspension type support which is connected to thebottom of a frame.The crane wheels are supported from the bottom flange of the crane beamswhich act as a crane rail and usually only span a portion of the column to column span of thestructure.They are usually a small capacity of crane.


    B. Crane Load Design Criteria

    Figure B1:Top Running Crane

  • CSSBI3 B15A-10

    NBC 2005 Structural and Crane Load Design Criteria For Steel Building Systems

    Jib cranes are specialty cranes for a specificlocation and utility. They consist of a fixed lengthhorizontal boom that can rotate about thesupporting column. They are commonly used inareas of staged production to transfer work fromstation to station. Jib cranes are usually attachedto a column flange allowing a rotation of morethan 180 degrees. Considering the rotation ofthe load, Bi-axial bending usually governs thedesign of the supporting column.


    Figure B2: Under Hung Crane

    Figure B3: Jib Crane

  • CSSBI4 B15A-10

    NBC 2005 Structural and Crane Load Design Criteria For Steel Building Systems

    B2: Crane ServiceCranes are classified based on their frequency of operation called a Duty Cycle varying from ClassA to F. A Class A crane is for more infrequently used moderate cranes and a Class F is for a heavyduty continuous severe service.The service of the crane is based on the quantity of partial andfull lifts during a specified period of operation and does not limit the capacity of the crane.

    Cranes that are usually supported by SBS buildings are often top running cranes of Class C. SBSbuildings that support cranes greater than C must be evaluated based on the additionalrequirements set forth by the CISC Crane-Supporting Steel Structures: Design Guide.

    B3:Top Running CranesTop running cranes are the most common type of crane that a SBS building can be designed tosupport.The capacity of the crane is based on the magnitude of the Lifted Load.The Lifted Load,Span and Service define the crane member sizes, girder type and configuration. Single Girdercranes with a capacity of 10 tons usually span up to 50.Double Girder cranes with a capacity of 25tons usually span up to 65. Box Girder cranes usually are required on longer spans.

    The function of a crane is to move the lifted load horizontally and longitudinally in the building.The lifted load is usually supported with a hook, which is cabled to a hoist. The hoist is supportedby a trolley which moves the horizontally along the crane bridge.The crane bridge is connectedto a number of crane trucks at each end depending on the capacity and span.The crane truckscan have 2, 4 or 8 wheels based on the capacity of the crane.The wheels ride along a crane railwhich is supported by runway beams.The sketch in Figure B4 illustrates the basic cranecomponents and some of the defined distances.

    The crane span is defined as the horizontal distance from center to center of the crane wheelsupports.The horizontal crane coverage is defined as the crane span less the left side hookapproach and right side hook approach. Side clearances are measured from the center of thesupporting rail to the face of the supporting column and are required for operation, safety, andwheel maintenance.


    Figure B4 Crane Components and Definitions

  • CSSBI5 B15A-10

    NBC 2005 Structural and Crane Load Design Criteria For Steel Building Systems

    The hook height is the distance from the datum to the highest position of the hook.The cranemust be able to travel within the building avoiding obstructions in the building such as lights,equipment and the structural framing.The vertical clearance is measured from the top of thecrane rail to the underside of the structure.This clearance is based on the size of the crane bridge,location of the hoist and trolley, rail and a safety allowance.

    B4: DeflectionsServiceability requirements of the crane system and crane supporting structural system areoutlined in the CSA-S16 Design of Steel Structures. Unfactored crane loads without impact areused to calculate the deflections. The permissible vertical deflection limit for runway beams isL/600 for class A, B, and C cranes, L/800 for class D, and L/1000 for classes E and F.The permissiblehorizontal deflection limit of runway beams is L/400.The permissible lateral deflection of thecrane supporting structural system is based on unfactored crane loads, or unfactored 1 in 10wind loads, and shall not exceed 50mm for cab operated cranes.The permissible lateral deflectionof the structure is CH/240 for class A, B and C cranes, and CH/400 for class D, E and F cranes, whereCH is measured from the base to the top of the crane rail. There is an exception for framessupporting pendant-operated cranes, which has a limit of CH/100.L is the center to centredistance between crane runway beam supports.

    B5: Crane DataCrane Data for the design of crane systems is to be provided by the manufacturer of the crane tothe designer of the crane supporting system. Listed below is the minimum required craneinformation to be used in the design of crane supporting systems.

    Quantity of Cranes

    New or Existing Crane

    Capacity (tons or tonnes)



    Power source (hand geared or electric)

    Total weight of crane, weight of trolley and hoist

    MaximumWheel load

    Spacing, Diameter and Number of wheels

    Vertical and Horizontal clearances

    Hook approach

    Special impact factors or serviceability requirements

    B6: Loads on FramesThe sketch in Figure B5 shows the cross section of a steel building system with the associatedcrane loads.The sketch in Figure B6 shows the longitudinal loads applied to the building by thecrane.


    (without impact)

  • CSSBI6 B15A-10

    NBC 2005 Structural and Crane Load Design Criteria For Steel Building Systems

    B7: Load DirectionsThe vertical crane live loads are applied to the top of the rail at the centerline of the crane beams.The weight of the crane beam is applied at the top of the corbel bracket.The vertical loads areapplied eccentric to the supporting frame column when a corbel attached to the column is used.The horizontal and longitudinal crane loads are considered as live loads.They are applied at thetop of the crane rail as illustrated in Figure B7.


    Figure B5 - Building Section Showing Loads

    Figure B6 Building Longitudinal Loads

  • CSSBI7 B15A-10

    NBC 2005 Structural and Crane Load Design Criteria For Steel Building Systems

    B8: Crane Beam LoadsThe design of the Crane Beam is to include all the loads imposed on the beam, which include theself weight of the beam, rail, all accessories, the loads induced from the crane and the lifted load.The design of the crane runway beams is to include the impact factor. The Impact Factor isapplied to the lifted load and the weight of the crane including the trolley and hoist. For example,an electrically operated crane has an impact factor of 1.25; whereas pendant operated craneshave an impact factor of 1.10.

    Crane beams are usually designed as simple span beams. Structural analysis of the beam isrequired to determine the location of the maximum design moments and shears due to thecrane traveling along the length of the crane beam.

    B9: Load combinationsLoad combinations are specified in the National Building Code of Canada. The crane loads areconsidered to be live loads.

    Consideration of the magnitude and direction of the crane must be taken into account whenloading the frame. One combination is to include the maximum vertical loads on one side of thebridge with the horizontal loads going in one direction and then a combination with thehorizontals going in the opposite direction. Frames should always be designed with themaximum load on one side and the minimum load on the other.

    Multiple cranes can impact the quantity of load combinations greatly, especially for multi-spanframes. For vertical loads, all combinations of maximum/minimum loads for each crane must bechecked; all cranes are loaded simultaneously. This is not necessary for lateral and longitudinalloads, since there is a very low probability of multiple cranes imposing full lateral (or longitudinal)loads at the same time. Similarly, the vertical impact load is not required for all cranessimultaneously. Refer to the CISC Crane-Supported Steel Structure Design Guide for suggested loadcombinations for various situations.


    Figure B7 Building Crane Loads

    Note: Impact factor also applies for crane beam connection, fatigue check requirement for stress reversal on top flange, tension flange and welds at stiffeners.

  • CSSBI8 B15A-10

    NBC 2005 Structural and Crane Load Design Criteria For Steel Building Systems

    B10: Crane Beam CorbelsThe design of the crane runway beam supporting corbel is to include the impact factor andfatigue loading. The design of the crane beam corbel is to include all the loads imposed on thecorbel from the crane beam. Simple span crane beams impose loads in one direction. Continuouscrane beam design causes stress reversals on the corbel.

    B11: Crane Load Design Criteria Example

    Building Size: 30m clear span building x 42m long x 9m high

    7 - 6m bays

    Crane Data: 1 new 10 tonne, Class C, electric operated crane

    Crane span: to be determined

    Crane weight: 11500 Kg

    Trolley weight: 630 Kg

    Hoist weight: combined with trolley

    Maximum wheel load: 81.3 KN (without impact)

    Number of wheels: 2 per end truck

    Wheel spacing: 4980 mm

    Vertical clearance: 1295 mm

    Horizontal clearance: 203 mm

    Crane approach: 1016 mm

    Crane is electrically operated, and is not pendant operated

    Code specified serviceability requirements

    Determine the Crane Span:The crane span is the building width, less the structure depth, less the horizontal clearances, andis illustrated in Figure B8.

    Building Width = BWD = 30000 mm

    Assumed Frame Width = AFWD = 1070 mm

    Horizontal Clearance = HCD = 203 mm

    Crane span = SPD = BWD 2 (AFWD + HCD)SPD = 30000 2(1072 + 203) = 27450 mm


  • CSSBI9 B15A-10

    NBC 2005 Structural and Crane Load Design Criteria For Steel Building Systems

    Calculate the Crane Loads:Lifted Crane Load = LCL = 10 tonnes = 97.90 KNCraneWeight = CW = 112.87 KNTrolley and Hoist Weight = THW = 6.19 KN

    When the lifted load is hoisted and is as far to the left as physically possible, it is at the closestposition to the left support.This is equal to the crane approach.The crane approach is the smallerdistance of the left or right side approach.

    Crane Approach = CAD = 1016 mmThe Maximum Load Factor for this span based on the side approach isMXLF = (SPD CAD) /SPD = (27450 1016 )/ 27450 = 0.96

    The Minimum Load Factor for this span based on the side approach isMNLF = 1 MXLF = 1 0.96 = 0.04

    There are 2 wheels per truck and 2 trucks per crane for a total of 4 wheels for this crane.Wheels per Truck = TrW = 2Total number of Wheels = TTrW = 4

    The calculatedWheel Loads are:MaximumWheel Load = MXWL = CW/TTrW + MXLF ( THW + LCL ) / TrW

    MXWL = 112.87 / 4 + 0.96 ( 6.19 + 97.90 ) / 2 = 78.18 KN

    MinimumWheel Load = MNWL=CW/ TTrW + MNLF ( THW + LCL ) / TrWMNWL = 112.87 / 4 + 0.04 ( 6.19 + 97.90 ) / 2 = 30.30 KN

    The sum of all wheel loads is 2 ( 78.18) + 2 ( 30.30) = 216.96 KNCheck the sum of the lifted load + the crane, trolley and hoist weight.

    112.87 + 6.19 + 97.90 = 216.96 KN


    Figure B8 Crane Span

  • CSSBI10 B15A-10

    NBC 2005 Structural and Crane Load Design Criteria For Steel Building Systems

    The maximum load of the crane on any one frame will be when a crane wheel is directly in linewith the frame centerline as illustrated in Figure B9.

    The distance between frames is the bay size, BAYD = 6000 mmThe Wheel Spacing = WSD = 4980 mmTruck Wheel Factor = TWF = ( 2 WSD/ BAYD)

    = 2 4980/6000 = 1.17

    Vertical Frame Load:Maximum Live Load:

    MXVFL = MXWL * TWF = 78.18 * 1.17 = 91.47 KNMinimum Live Load:

    MNVFL = MNWL * TWF = 30.30 * 1.17 = 35.45 KN

    Assume the crane beam, rail and accessories weighs 7 KN per 6m bay

    Horizontal Load:The horizontal load is 20% of the sum of the lifted load, weight of the trolley and hoist weightapplied at the top of the rail and is equally divided between each side of the crane.

    The horizontal load will then be distributed to each frame proportional to the relative stiffnessand support conditions.

    CLHL = CRHL = ( 0.20 ( THW + LCL ) /2 ) TWF= ( 0.20 ( 6.19 + 97.90 ) /2 ) 1.17 = 12.18 KN

    Longitudinal Load:The longitudinal load is to be 10% of the maximum wheel load (on driving wheels) at the top of the rail.

    CLLL = CRLL = 0.10 ( Maximum Wheel Load ) * Number of Wheels= 0.10 ( 81.3 ) * 2 = 16.26 KN


    Figure B9 Configuration Causing Maximum Crane Load on a Frame

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