Page 1: Strong performance - RTL Group · programme at the end of 2008. One-time charges in connection with this restructuring, amounting to EUR 18 million, impacted RTL Nederland’s EBITA,


Peter Kloeppel on the“mega election year”The Netherlands

Zeg’ns AAA:a comeback after 16 years


Groupe M6 publishes itsresults for the year 2008Belgium

RTL Digital is innovating

Strong performancein a challenging yearGerhard Zeiler on RTL Group’s results 2008

week 11

12 March 2009

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Strong performancen a challenging year

week 11

COVER:Gerhard Zeiler, CEO of RTL Group.

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Luxembourg - 12 March 2009

On 12 March, RTL Group announced itsaudited results for the fiscal year 2008. TheGroup’s operating result (EBITA – EarningsBefore Interest, Taxes and Amortisation) excee-ded EUR 900 million for the first time andincreased by 2 per cent to EUR 916 million –despite a tougher economic climate. Grouprevenue increased by 1.2 per cent to EUR5,774 million (2007: EUR 5,707 million).Adjusted for portfolio changes and at constantexchange rates, underlying revenue was up 2.6per cent.

In particular, strong performances atMediengruppe RTL Deutschland andFremantleMedia contributed to the increase inprofits. The reported EBITA margin improved to15.9 per cent (2007: 15.7 per cent), the highestever.

Net profit attributable to RTL Group sharehol-ders decreased to EUR 194 million (2007: EUR563 million), mainly due to an impairment ofgoodwill of the UK TV activities amounting toEUR 337 million. This impairment is primarily aresult of the significant worsening in the UKadvertising market conditions, which the com-pany has experienced since September 2008.

In Germany, RTL Group’s profit centre had itsbest year ever. EBITA rose 25.6 per cent andMediengruppe RTL Deutschland significantlystrengthened its leading position in the GermanTV advertising market. Although audience

ratings in 2008 were markedly influenced bythe European football championship and theOlympic Summer Games in Beijing, as bothevents were televised by the public broadcas-ters ARD and ZDF, Mediengruppe RTLDeutschland remained the clear market leaderin the key 14 to 49 target group. The flagshipchannel RTL Television continued to be thenumber one among young viewers, by a largemargin and for the 16th consecutive year.

“RTL Group is a healthycompany – profitable,debt-free, with strongcash flows” RTL Group increased revenue and EBITA, for theseventh consecutive year. Backstage spoke toGerhard Zeiler, CEO of RTL Group, about thecompany’s performance in 2008 and the outlookfor 2009.

Gerhard Zeiler, CEO of RTL Group

Elmar Heggen, CFO of RTL Group

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RTL Group’s worldwide production armFremantleMedia reported growing revenue andEBITA figures for the fifth consecutive year.EBITA increased significantly by 18.3 per cent,mainly driven by higher earnings fromFremantleMedia North America.

In France, Groupe M6 reported stable revenuedespite a significant slowdown of the country’sTV advertising market, while the company’sEBITA was impacted by a major programmeinvestment for the 2008 European footballchampionship. M6 was the only major terres-trial channel with stable audience figures inprime time, benefiting from the record audien-ces watching the Euro 2008 broadcasts. In thedigital arena, the group’s free DTT channel W9continued its rapid audience and revenuegrowth and generated positive EBITA for thefirst time. As a result, the family of channelsstrategy has paid off for Groupe M6: despiteaccelerated audience fragmentation, the com-bined total audience share of M6 and W9actually increased year on year.

RTL Nederland implemented a restructuringprogramme at the end of 2008. One-timecharges in connection with this restructuring,amounting to EUR 18 million, impactedRTL Nederland’s EBITA, which was down 17.6per cent in total.

Backstage spoke to RTL Group’s CEO GerhardZeiler about the company’s performance in2008, its strategy and its outlook for 2009.

Many media companies and broadcastersreported lower revenue and operatingresults during the last weeks. How is thestate of RTL Group?In spite of increasingly difficult advertisingmarkets in Europe, in 2008 RTL Group increa-sed its revenue and operating result for theseventh year running. In particular, strong per-formances at Mediengruppe RTL Deutschlandand FremantleMedia contributed to the increa-se in profits.

RTL Group is a healthy company – profitable,debt-free, with strong cash flows. We have abroad-based setup, and we’re active in manycountries and business areas. This is the resultof the hard work of our creative and passiona-te employees and of our excellent managementteam which knows the needs of our business.

In view of an increasingly difficult economy, onething still holds true: television is and willremain the leading medium. Television deliversgreat value, for our viewers and for our adverti-sers. While the structure of RTL Group’sbusiness model remains intact, there is a needto continuously optimise our operations,increasing efficiencies and reviewing costsacross the board.

Gerhard Zeiler and Elmar Heggen during an Operations Management Committee meeting

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And what does this mean for RTL Group’sshareholders?Our first priority remains to create value for allour shareholders.

Based on the 2008 results and the cashposition, we propose a total dividend of EUR3.50 per share – consisting of an ordinary divi-dend of EUR 1.40 and an extraordinary divi-dend of EUR 2.10. I am very proud that we areable to pay our shareholders a significant divi-dend of more than EUR 500 million – and still,we’re not only debt-free, but we’ll also continueto have a significant positive net cash position.

If this proposal is accepted at the AnnualGeneral Meeting next month, it would meanthat we have returned EUR 1.8 billion over thelast three years to our shareholders.

What were the major strategic achieve-ments in 2008, especially with regard to theaccelerated digitalisation of the mediabusiness?First of all: our position of strength is the resultof our strategy, which is based on strict invest-ment criteria.

The digital world offers RTL Group, as both acontent company and a brand company, manyopportunities for new business models. TheGroup has defined clear priorities for the digitalworld: the first is to develop our strong familiesof TV channels into multi-platform families. Wecall this ‘moving with our audiences’. Thesecond is to make further online investments inall areas with high growth potential that com-plement the company’s core business.

In 2008, we significantly stepped up our onlineactivities with targeted acquisitions and invest-ments. RTL Group has built up comprehensivecatch-up TV services in its major marketsGermany, France, the Netherlands and the UK.In total, our online platforms across Europeregistered more than 500 million video streamsin 2008, which delivered professionally produ-ced content – from highlight clips to completeepisodes of shows and series – to our viewers.

What about geographic expansion – is thisstill on the agenda?In 2008, the leading European entertainmentnetwork again grew larger: RTL Group enteredthe Greek market by acquiring a 66.6 per centmajority shareholding in Alpha Media Group.With currently 45 TV channels in 11 Europeancountries, RTL Group has a very well-balancedportfolio as a TV broadcasting company.

Of course, we’ll continue looking at opportuni-ties, in various countries – this is our everydaybusiness. However, at times like this, theinvestment criteria are stricter and we arestaying cautious. If there should be interestinginvestment opportunities – at decent pricesand which fit to our strategy – we are well posi-tioned to go for them.

Turning to the current economic situation –what is RTL Group’s outlook for 2009?We are, without any doubt, operating in a verychallenging time and are experiencing asubstantial slowdown in advertising bookings.We will respond to this by focusing on our corebusiness, and by reviewing all costs andstructures. This will result in a significantlylower cost base in all of our operations.

Given the current state of the advertising mar-kets, and the very short-term bookings cycle, itis impossible to give reliable full-yearguidance. But it has to be expected that theprofitability level will be down compared to2008.

Nevertheless, due to the strength of our variousbusinesses, our balance sheet and the diversi-ty of our portfolio, we are confident that we willovercome the challenges facing us.


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Peter Kloeppel onthe “mega election year” Germany has numerous elections coming upthis year. In the latest issue of Journalistmagazine, Peter Kloeppel discusses howRTL Television plans to position itself inthe political coverage.Germany - 6 March 2009

In the “mega election year” of 2009, Germanswill be asked to cast their ballots more thanonce: not only are the European electionscoming up, Germany also has local elections,regional elections (for the state parliaments)and federal elections in September. PeterKloeppel, Editor-in-chief of RTL Television,declares: “We want to make the elections moreof a topic in all our programmes – but not justby asking: what’s happening today? The idea isto clarify the issues that are preoccupying peo-ple, and to answer as many of the viewers’questions as possible, especially the onesabout the long-term implications of currentevents.”

For instance, starting in August there will be sixweeks during which coverage will focus on aspecific topic each week, such as the economy,crime, education and integration. In addition,there will be reports from the election bus withwhich RTL Television will be on tour throughoutGermany. Peter Kloeppel: “We don’t just wantto ask the politicians in Berlin, but bring themtogether with the people who are affected bypolitical decisions.”

Kloeppel feels that interesting, comprehensiblecoverage of the elections is particularly impor-tant. “It is part of our duty as journalists that wethink about how to present politics in such away that it appears as interesting to viewers asit actually is.”

In the lead-up to the European elections inJune, Kloeppel plans to provide extensivecoverage in cooperation with other RTL Groupchannels. In this way, he says, other viewpointsbeyond the German perspective can be pre-sented as well.


Peter Kloeppel, Editor-in-chief of RTL Television

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Delighted by growing usageThe news portal has now a greater reach on the Internet than almost allthe major German newspapers.Germany - 11 March 2009

In the past, the most popular Internet news siteswere usually online offshoots of major newspa-pers and magazines. But recently people areincreasingly noticing one excellent news site,which has become one of the busiest on theInternet – but which is published by a televisionchannel:, now in its tenth year, isenjoying an ever-increasing level of popularity.

Last year, the news channel’s online offeringbecame the number four most highly traffickedGerman news site (by monthly visits) for the firsttime, according to the Information Communityto Determine the Reach of Advertising Media(IVW) survey. In addition to the continuousincrease in the number of page impressions andvisits, N-TV is also expecting an increase in thenumber of unique users for the fourth quarter of2008 – the Association of Online Research(AGOF) figures will be published shortly.

“We have one of the most extensive and mostup-to-the-minute news offerings on the net,”said N-TV COO Julian Weiss at the end of 2008in an interview with the industry “The reach of is greaterthan that of almost every major newspaper’sonline offer. is the only online news siteowned by a commercial TV channel that is upthere with the major players.”

For example, in 2008 recorded 16.2million visits per month, according to the IVWanalysis, putting it ahead of the SüddeutscheZeitung and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.The competitor’s site,, scored an avera-ge 3.6 million visits per month, according to theIVW. Ahead of in 2008 were the newssites, with an average 90.9 millionvisits, with 19.7 million visits with 18.5 million. increased its number of page impres-sions from an average 107.5 million per monthin 2007 to a good 121 million in 2008 – anincrease of 12.6 per cent. The website delivereda peak performance last October when itscoverage of the US elections and the economiccrisis caused the number of visits to shoot up to21 million for the month, while the number ofindividual page views rose to 141 million. Thecompany believes the financial crisis hasgenerally boosted interest in news, especiallybusiness news. This is evidenced among otherthings in the very gratifying development of itsinvestment site, launched inautumn 2007, which it says has seen fastergrowth than any of its competitor. continued to develop well in the newyear, with the number of visits in January gro-wing 20 per cent year on year to 19.1 million.Page impressions hit 141.1 million – a six percent year-on-year increase and an all-time high.In February, numbers dropped to 18.1 millionvisits and 132.9 million page impressions, main-ly due to the month being three days shorter.

The 40-strong editorial team in Berlinhas big plans for the 2009 jubilee year. After thenews channel’s recent overhaul of its mobileportal,, Weiss says N-TV’s onlinepresence will be given a facelift in May. The aimis to present the news content in a more user-friendly, structured and fresher way. Amongother things, there will be an even wider selec-tion of high-quality video content from the TVcolleagues in Cologne. The revamp will be pro-moted with an advertising campaign, leading toeven more growth – in other words, more usersand more revenues.


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Protection of minorson the joins the FreiwilligeSelbstkontrolle Multimedia-Diensteanbieter insigning a code of conduct governing the protec-tion of minors and privacy in social networks.Germany - 12 March 2009 has joined with other majorGerman network operators under theFreiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia-Diensteanbieter (FSM) umbrella to developextensive and consistent industry standards forthe protection of minors and of personal infor-mation in social networks.

Among other things, the voluntary declarationincludes a commitment to comprehensive pri-vacy setting options for users, a way to submitcomplaints about violations against the rules ofthe community directly, the option of “ignoring”

other users, and building users’ awareness ofthese options through clear advisories withinthe platform.

Fabian Jager (26), one of the two ManagingDirectors of, comments:“Our involvement in the FSM to protectminors is very important to us and anexpression of the responsibility we feel toour 5.8 million members. The ongoing evalua-tion of the code of conduct will also allow us toadapt future developments in the protection ofminors to the needs of our users.”


Patrick Ohler and Fabien Jager, Managing Directors and founders of

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Groupe M6 publishes itsresults for the year 2008For the year 2008, Groupe M6 reportsnear-stable consolidated revenues, while netprofit declined by 17.9 per cent due tothe worldwide economic downturn.France - 11 March 2009

In 2008, Groupe M6’s consolidated revenueswere almost stable at EUR 1,354.9 million(down 0.1 per cent). The current operatingresult (EBITA) amounted to EUR 194.0 million,down 17.8 per cent, reflecting the decline inchannel M6’s contribution due to the cost ofthe Euro 2008 broadcast rights. Excludingsports events, the cost of programming andother operating expenses were well undercontrol, reflecting the Group’s ability to adaptitself to a economic environment that began todeteriorate in the second half of 2008.

Digital channels confirmed their role as growthdrivers, with a strong increase in EBITAcontribution to EUR 18.9 million vs. EUR0.3 million in 2007. W9 reported itsfirst profitable year.

Groupe M6’s net profit amountedto EUR 138.4 million, down 17.9per cent.

No one excludedThursday 12 March marks the National Hearing Day in France. In 2008, with morethan 8,000 hours of programmes close-captioned on M6 and W9, the accessibility ofprogrammes for everyone is a priority for Groupe M6.France - 12 March 2009

Groupe M6 is pursuing its policy of programmeaccessibility for the deaf and the hard of hea-ring this year by close-captioning every type ofprogramme being offered to its audiences:drama, cartoons, news, magazines, musicshows, video clips and football matches.

A total of more than 8,000 hours of program-mes were close-captioned in 2008. This inclu-ded 4,110 hours for the M6 channel (51 percent of its programmes) and 4,000 hours for the

thematic channel W9 (45 per cent of itsprogrammes). All programmes on M6 will beclose-captioned by 2010.

This year, the new production departmentlaunched in mid-December will make it possi-ble to generalise close-captioning on allchannels in the group and increase accessibili-ty of programmes on Paris Première, Téva andthe three music channels (M6 Music Hits, M6Music Club and M6 Music Black).


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Web-TV in a wholenew qualityMySpace and Grundy UFA are going live with anew Web series called Wir sind größer als Gott.Germany - 9 March 2009

Wir sind größer als Gott (We Are Bigger ThanGod) is MySpace Germany’s third videocontent production designed specifically forthe Internet; Grundy UFA has led the market infictional TV production for year with various for-mats such as Gute Zeiten – Schlechte Zeiten,and has already celebrated some Web TV suc-cesses as well. The ten-part series will be onli-ne starting 7 April 2009 – new episodes (webi-sodes) will be posted Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The new Web seriestells the story of twomoderately talentedrockers who want tomake it big.Unfortunately, noone is interested intheir music. So thetwo take an old res-taurant and turn itinto a club to givethemselves a stage.It would have been agood idea – if ithadn’t been hat-ched by two totallosers.

A banner campaign with a casting call for aguest role in the new Web-TV comedy hasalready been launched on MySpace.Starting 16 March, all bands onMySpace can enter to win a year’sworth of rehearsal-room snacks. Andas of 7 April, exclusive bonuscontent and outtakes will be onview in the Mars Planets partnercommunity.


Grundy UFA’s new web series at MySpace

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A comeback after 16 yearsOn 7 March, Zeg’ns AAA – one of Holland’s most popular comedy programmes ever –returned to the screens after 16 years, and promptly attracted more than two millionviewers on RTL 4The Netherlands - 10 March 2009

A lot has happened at Dr. Van der Ploeg’spractice during the last 16 years. On Saturdaythe first of 13 new episodes was shown on RTL4. The sequel not only delighted former fans; itwas also very popular with the demographic ofshoppers aged 20 to 49. The first episode ofthe comedy series achieved an excellentmarket share of 35 per cent, making Zeg’nsAAA (Say ‘Aah’) the most-watched show of theevening.

“Comedy has returned to RTL 4,” says ErlandGaljaard, RTL 4 Programme Director. “Thecomeback of Zeg’ns AAA was a success. I’mparticularly pleased that we have succeeded incapturing a new, young audience.” Anotherpopular show, Ik Hou Van Holland, followedZeg’ns AAA, attracting a Saturday eveningaudience of 1.5 million viewers.


Zeg’ns AAA returning to screens after 16 years

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RTL Matin embarkson a poster advertisingcampaignWith some four million listeners tuning in everyday, RTL Matin is the most-listened-to morningprogramme in France. RTL Radio has decided tounderpin its success with a national postercampaign.France - 6 March 2009

Branded “La matinale la plus écoutée” (themorning programme the most listened to), thiscampaign consists of seven posters showca-sing six personalities of RTL Matin. Each of thefirst six posters shows one of the well-knownspeakers of the popular morning slot. They arephotographs taken in everyday situations in thestudios of RTL Radio, a means of adding atouch of spontaneousness and of establishingproximity with the audience.

The seventh picture depicts the journalists andhumorists having breakfast together on the ter-race of a Paris Café. This is to show that thesuccess of the morning programme is to beattributed to a dedicated work team and asound team spirit.

The campaign was revealed to the public onMonday 2 March. The nationwide poster cam-paign will allow the French people to have a

look at it on the street during one month. InParis, the posters can also be seen on thebacksides of buses. This new campaign of theradio station will be complemented by a mediaplan and will also be taken up by the nationalpress – both by daily and weekly publications –as well as by the regional daily press, during theentire month of March.


RTL Matin’s editorial team

*Source : Médiamétrie, 126 000, LàV 7H-9h30, Novembre-Décembre 2008,13 ans et +, AC, PDA et QHM.

- P



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120x176 duhamel.indd 1 2/03/09 11:43:05Elizabeth Martichoux, presenter of the news at 8:00, Pascale Clark, presenter of La revue de la presse et du Net at 8:20,Vincent Parizot, presenter of RTL Matin, Alain Duhamel, presenter of Le fait politique at 7:45,

Jean Michel Aphatie, presenter of L’invité de RTL at 7:50, Laurent Gerra presenting his “billet d’humour” at 8:50

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Following the adventuresof Nouvelle StarBroadcast on Wednesday night in prime time onPlug RTL, the French talent show Nouvelle Starcan also be watched live on its official Belgianweb site. Belgium - 9 March 2009

This year, with,RTL Digital is focusing on interactivity by offe-ring Internet users the possibility of chattingwith other fans or with friends while watchingthe programme live on the web site.

Fans of Nouvelle Star can also watch videosexclusively devoted to the contestants, pre-selections, behind the scenes and the judgesas well as all the auditions, the “unforgettables”and the best televised performances.


The team of Nouvelle Star (from left to right): Lio, Sinclair,André Manoukian, Virginie Guilhaume and Philippe Manœuvre

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Innovative newsIn French-speaking Belgium, news web is offering Internet users a verypractical new service. “L’info en vidéo”.Belgium - 9 March 2009

“L’info en vidéo” is presented as a rolling bandat the top of the screen on the site.The new heading appears on every page on thesite, making it easy to watch the latest newsreports. These short video clips deliver theessential points of the news, whether serious orof a lighter nature, in about 10 seconds.

Updated regularly, this new service is sure toplease anyone who wants to scan the news ina minimal amount of time and discover the bestimages of the moment. These images comefrom RTL-TVI teams in the field and fromaround the world. More than ever,’sambition is to deliver clear news and multime-dia (text, photos, sound, videos) with the possi-bility of commentary.


“L’info en vidéo” on

Screenshot of

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Behind the scenesof Belgian politicsBel RTL invites its listeners to wander the mazeof a parliamentary assembly in the company ofan editorial journalist from Bel RTL.Belgium - 11 March 2009

What purpose does a parliamentary assemblyserve? How do our members of parliamentwork? Anyone who ponders these questionsand would like to follow journalists as they pro-duce their news reports during the coverage ofthe 2009 elections can go to the radio station’sweb site and register. They may be one of fivewinners drawn, with one listener for each par-

liament. Belgium counts no fewer than fiveparliaments: Brussels, Walloon, German-spea-king, Flemish and that of the French-speakingcommunity.

The five listeners selected will be invited to givetheir reactions on Bel RTL Soir, the radio’sevening news magazine.


Belgian parliament in Brussels

Making pedestriansa prioritySpain’s biggest campaign to improve road safetyis celebrating its first anniversary. In the yearahead, the focus of the campaign will lie on thesafety of pedestrians in road traffic.Belgium - 11 March 2009

Grupo Antena 3 looks back with some pride onthe first year of its traffic safety campaign‘Ponle Freno’, during which numerous projectswere successfully implemented. And althoughthe number of traffic deaths dropped by 560 to2181 last year – a 20 per cent decline – thedeclared goal of the Ponle Freno campaign isstill to bring this figure down to zero.

40 per cent of urban traffic fatalities werepedestrians, which makes them one of themost vulnerable groups in road traffic. As partof its mission to change this state of affairs,Ponle Freno launched the “PlataformaCiudadana” (Citizens Platform), which createsan online connection between citizens and the

various Ponle Freno projects and partners.To this end, Ponle Freno has establisheda presence on a wide range of platformsincluding YouTube, Twitter, Facebook,etc. The campaign is also advocatingthat all the money from traffic fines beused for research, aid to victims, andpushing for amendments to Spain’s roadtraffic regulations.

Fundación Antena 3 will step up its involvementin Ponle Freno Junior next year, a campaign tointensify theoretical and practical traffic educa-tion in schools. Also planned is a second edi-tion of the Premios Ponle Freno traffic safetyaward, which made its debut in January 2009.

Press conference on the occasion of Ponle Freno’s first anniversary

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Young and urbanLast year, the family of radio stations in France (RTL, RTL 2 and Fun Radio) applied for afrequency for Radio 128, a digital station that will be devoted to new French talent andproduction. Radio 128’s Web site has just been put online.France - 10 March 2009

Partnership for musicMusic videos and specials by Universal Music are now available on the video clipportal - 6 March 2009

When women lay down the law…On Saturday 7 March, M6 launched its new US series, Women’s Murder Club, basedon the bestsellers by James Patterson, attracting 2.7 million viewers – a marketshare of 24.4 per cent in the target group of housewives under 50.France - 6 March 2009

Their books do the talking On 8 March, best-selling novelists Anna Gavalda and Fred Vargas had an appointment withRTL Radio France, giving one of their rare interviews.France - 11 March 2009

Poker Face in India Another first for FremantleMedia Asia and for the Indian television landscape: Poker Facelaunched on 2 March 2009 on India’s newest channel Real.The Netherlands - 4 March 2009

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt glitter on W9With 1.4 million viewers, the film Mr & Mrs Smith broadcast on Monday night inprime time allowed W9 to register the absolute highest DTT audience rating.France - 11 March 2009

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New Managing Directorin IndonesiaSingapore - 10 March 2009

FremantleMedia Asia has announced theappointment of Carl Zuzarte as the ManagingDirector of FremantleMedia Indonesia.

Before joining FremantleMedia, Zuzarte wasthe Head of MTV Content and Creative forViacom Brand Solutions and MTV SoutheastAsia. He worked extensively with clients acrossthe Asia Pacific region to create and implementmulti-platform branded campaigns while hemanaged the international MTV Southeast Asiafeed. Prior to his last role at MTV, Zuzarte wasExecutive Producer for On-Air Promos atDiscovery Networks Asia. He steered the deve-lopment of all aspects of channel branding,promotion and creative services for the factualnetworks (Discovery Channel and DiscoveryScience) for the Asia Pacific markets.

Carl Zuzarte will be based in FremantleMedia’sIndonesian office and report to Patrick Schult,CEO of FremantleMedia Asia, based inSingapore.


Carl Zuzarte

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