
the new generat ion of winnerssponsored by

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Stroßnbuach 2017


Index Version 2, 01/06/2017

Austria eXtreme Triathlon, 24th of June 2017 „It will change your life!“

We are part of the new generation .......................................................................................................

Welcome ............................................................................................................................................ 26

On the previous day ........................................................................................................................... 27

How to get to Altarm-Thondorf ......................................................................................................... 28

General overview of the startarea ..................................................................................................... 29

Swimming distance (3,8 km) ............................................................................................. 30

Biking distance (186,6 km) ................................................................................................ 31

Section I: (Start to 22,5 km) ............................................................................................................... 32

Section II: (22,5 to 33,7 km) ............................................................................................................... 33

Section III: (33,7 to 48,6 km) .............................................................................................................. 34

Section IV: (48,6 to 71,4 km) .............................................................................................................. 35

Section V: (71,4 to 93,2 km) ............................................................................................................... 36

Section VI: (93,2 to 109,9 km) ............................................................................................................ 37

Section VII: (109,9 to 125,3 km) ......................................................................................................... 38

Section VIII: (125,3 to 149,4 km) ........................................................................................................ 39

Section IX: (149,4 to 154,5 km) .......................................................................................................... 40

Section X: (154,5 to 176,6 km) ........................................................................................................... 41

Section XI: (176,6 to 186,6 km) .......................................................................................................... 42

Running distance (43,6 km) ................................................................................... 43 Section I: (Start to 3,7 km) ................................................................................................................. 44

Section II: (3,7 to 4,5 km) ................................................................................................................... 45

Section III: (4,5 to 10,3 km) ................................................................................................................ 46

Information for supporter .................................................................................................................. 47

Section IV: (10,3 to 13,1 km) .............................................................................................................. 48

Information for supporter .................................................................................................................. 49

Section V: (13,1 to 15,7 km) ............................................................................................................... 50

Section VI: (15,7 to 21 km) ................................................................................................................. 51

Information for supporter .................................................................................................................. 52

Section VII: (21 to 24,4 km) ................................................................................................................ 53

Section VIII: (24,4 to 28 km) ............................................................................................................... 54

Information for supporter .................................................................................................................. 55

Section IX: (28 to 33,3 km) ................................................................................................................. 56

Section X: (33,3 to 36,5 km) ............................................................................................................... 57

Section XI: (36,5 to 39,6 km) .............................................................................................................. 58

Section XII: (39,6 to 43,6 km) ............................................................................................................. 59


Explanations about swimming-, biking- and running distance ............................................................. 60

GPS-Tracking-System ................................................................................................................ 62

The process in summary ........................................................................................................... 63

Austria eXtreme Triathlon 2017 Organisation............................................................................ 65

Partnerships ............................................................................................................................. 66

Thanks to all ............................................................................................................................. 69

History ..................................................................................................................................... 70


Marcelo Arruda Brazil

To finish it with a big smile!

Marcelo Arruda Brazil


Matteo Annovazzi Italy


I’m Matteo and I’m one of the organizers of Icon.Last Year we did our first edition and we hope this year to improve our race!Last year I did Celtman(finished in 4th position) and I won Stonebrixiaman; Will be a pleasure for me do your race and will be a new challenge for me!

Matteo Annovazzi Italy



Aristotle Cajucom Filipino Alveo ALI

After party!

Aristotle Cajucom Filipino Alveo ALI


Ziemowit Sobieraj Polish Piranha Tri Club/Dublin

To have wonderful adventure :)

Ziemowit Sobieraj Polish Piranha Tri Club/Dublin


Michael Strasser Austria LTC-Seewinkel

#live what you love #beat yesterday #be thankful #have fun

Michael Strasser Austria LTC-Seewinkel

Starter 2017


Carl Börjesson Sweden

AXA Sports Club

I‘m a Swedish guy, 31 years old looking forward to a new xtri adventure with my fantastic international team, Luc from Luxembourg and Florian from Switzerland. As an athlete, my main interest is longer triathlons in challenging and beautiful surroundings, taking me to new interesting places. Swissman, Celtman, StoneBrixiaman, Embrunman and Haute Route have been the most fun so far.

Carl Börjesson Sweden

AXA Sports Club


Christoph Spindler Austria


Christoph Spindler Austria



Marius Horatiu Bob Romania Velocity X Sports

I love endurance, I love going beyond the psychical limits, I love nature, that‘s why I choose races like autxtri. To demonstrate once again to myself that I am alive, I can and nothing is impossible.Short sentences:1. If the mind can believe it, the body can achieve it.2. Swim, bike, run: an all day long fun.3. My heart and my mind will carry my body when my limbs are too weak.

Marius Horatiu Bob Romania Velocity X Sports


Caroline Rakowitz Austria ATUS Judenburg Tri/P3 Tri Team

Life has a beautiful, crazy designAnd time seemed to sayForget the world and all its weightHere I just wanna sayAmazing day

Caroline Rakowitz Austria ATUS Judenburg Tri/P3 Tri Team


Haitao Sun China Bejing Elite Triathlon Club


Haitao Sun China Bejing Elite Triathlon Club


Claudia Müller Austria

Greisdorfer Wurzelhupfer Claudia Müller -Sonnenschein -Kinderbetreuerin mit � Herz u Fan des Austria Extreme Triathlon .

Claudia Müller Austria

Greisdorfer Wurzelhupfer


Ricarda Braun Germany

Ich suche stets neue Herausforderungen. Ich laufe Ultramarathons, habe die Challenge in Roth und den Zugspitz Ultratrail gefinished.Letzten Sommer war ich mit meinen Freundinnen dann in der Dachsteinregion beim MTBen, als eine Freundin die Streckenmarkierungen vom Austria Extreme Triathlon entdeckte und zu mir sagte „Hey Ricci, das wäre doch was für dich!“Zuhause habe ich dann gegoogelt, um was es sich dabei handelt und sofort war ich begeistert. Dann habe ich mich um einen Startplatz beworben und jetzt bin ich dabei!!!

Auf was ich mich da nun eingelassen habe...wer weiß!? Eine Mischung aus Angst und Vorfreude empfinde ich, wenn ich an den 24.6.2017 denke.

Ricarda Braun Germany


Victor Adraste France TRI+9

Crazy experiences become unforgettable.

Victor Adraste France TRI+9


Thomas Schwald Austria

Vom Extrem-Radfahren zum meinem ersten und gleich einem Extrem-Triathlon: Kraulen lerne ich gerade in einem Schwimmkurs und beim Laufen habe ich auch noch einiges nachzuholen. Mein Ziel: bis zum Zielschluss ins Ziel zu kommen.

Thomas Schwald Austria


Carsten Kjær Denmark Hjortshøj triklub

I have been interested in triathlon since 1995 and run my first Ironman in 1999. I like to challenge myself in the extreme, and loves the training and preparations for the race.My motto is: Pain is just a state of mind :-)

Carsten Kjær Denmark Hjortshøj triklub


Jürgen Fais Germany

Triathlon Nonstop Köln

„Kriminologe mit Ausdauer und Biss….Ankommen reicht“Finisher u.a:11x IronmanSwiss IrontrailUTMBAlpenx100

Jürgen Fais Germany

Triathlon Nonstop Köln


Mike Kraft Germany

Ich selbst bin Triathlet mit 2 Ironman Hawaii, Ultra-Läufer (u.a. MdS, Jungle, Trans-Alpin, Yukon Arctic Ultra) und ehemaliger Extrembergsteiger (u.a. Mt. Everest). Solange meine Knochen und Muskeln es noch mitmachen, werde ich an Veranstaltungen, wie Ihr sieorganisiert teilnehmen. Freue mich auf Juni und Euch kennenzulernen.

Mike Kraft Germany


Bruno Weiss Germany

Ich möchte auch zu den „New generation of winners“ gehören.Das Ziel in der erlaubten Zeit zu erreichen - das wäre ein absoluter Wahnsinn.Freue mich schon auf die Herausforderung.

Bruno Weiss Germany


Andre Verstappen Netherlands

There are no mountains in my country. So it‘s hard to train for this kind of event. But I‘m looking foreward to this challenge. Hopefully I get the finisher shirt. That‘s all I want!!!!

Andre Verstappen Netherlands


Oliver Lozano-Brück Spain Bayana Triatlon

„The biggest sport challenge I have faced in a wonderful place“

Oliver Lozano-Brück Spain Bayana Triatlon


Dimitrov Smorodinnikov Russia

To see the finishline before it‘s getting dark.

Dimitrov Smorodinnikov Russia


Margaret Skeen South Africa

Adventure :-)

Margaret Skeen South Africa


Markus Vodenik Austria Car-Life Tri Team

Markus Vodenik Austria Car-Life Tri Team


Toni Ribas Katalanish CN MATARó

I like sports. As a practitioner and as a spectator. Triathlon hooked me. And since then, I have learned many more things that are not purely sport. Combined with nature, triathlon has given me the opportunity to enjoy of beautiful, exciting and spectacular moments. So my challenge is to finish Austrix before the last light ofday disappears.

Toni Ribas Katalanish CN MATARó


Gábor Toth Hungary Hopefully I‘m fit enough for this kind of event! I‘ll train

hard to reach the finish line and get the finisher shirt! That‘s all I want!

Gábor Toth Hungary


Hubert Specht Austria

Freue mich meine Wunschnummer bekommen zu haben - Danke autXtri TeamUnd ich hoffe natürlich, dass es ein gutes Ohmen ist und ich finishen werde. Ein schöneres Geburtstagsgeschenk kann es nicht geben!

Hubert Specht Austria


Timothy Wolvetang Netherlands

Timothy Wolvetang - Cruising on pain patrol by day - riding the pain train by night.

Timothy Wolvetang Netherlands


Nicolai Sorensen Denmark FitnessDK Tri

Having done 7 Ironmans it‘s time for a new challenge. My girlfriend is from Graz - Liebenau, and her family still lives there only 200m from the start line, so choosing this race was an easy pick!

Nicolai Sorensen Denmark FitnessDK Tri


Christian Chalupa Austria

Nach zwei Hawaii Starts 2007 und 2010 suche ich wieder die ultimative Herausforderung beim Austria eXtreme Triathlon. Hoffe nach vier Jahren Wettkampfpause wieder an meine Grenzen gehen zu können und einen unvergesslichen Tag erleben zu dürfen.

Christian Chalupa Austria


Mario Kummer Austria Pewag Racing Team

Ich bin Mario Kummer meine Startnummer ist 40 und mache seit 17 Jahren Triathlon. Mittlerweile habe ich schon 25 Ironman bzw LD absolviert. Letztes Jahr bin ich dann auf eure Veranstaltung gestoßen und habe mir gedacht das wäre eine neue Herausforderung für mich.

Mario Kummer Austria Pewag Racing Team


Kristina Roth Germany

ASV Köln Triathlon Ich freue mich schon wahnsinnig auf das Rennen meines Lebens.

Kristina Roth Germany

ASV Köln Triathlon


Hugo Schwarz Austria

LTC Hurtig&Flink

Ich freue mich schon auf eine neue Herausforderung im Team mit meinem Supporter Gerald, gemeinsam bei einem der schönsten und härtesten Triathlons der Welt mit dabei sein zu dürfen!Mein Ziel: Überleben und zu den wenigen gehören die sich „The new generation of winners“ nennen dürfen.

Hugo Schwarz Austria

LTC Hurtig&Flink


Richard Parker Great Britain I am a postman in the north of England and have

been doing extreme triathlons and ultra runs these last two years this will be my first abroad.

Richard Parker Great Britain


Dirk Obermöller Germany TriCologne e.V.

Hab mich riesig über meine Auslosung zu eurem tollen Wettkampf gefreut. Nach mehreren Langdistanzen bei denen die Zeit im Vordergrund steht hab ich mich seit drei Jahren auf schöne und außergewöhnliche Veranstaltungen in den Alpen verlegt. Angefangen mit einer einwöchigen Alpenquerung auf dem Mtb über den Ötztaler Radmarathon hin zum Austria eXtreme. Hier reizt mich neben der sportlichen Herausforderung besonders die familiäre Atmosphäre sowie der Team Gedanke eurer Veranstaltung.

Dirk Obermöller Germany TriCologne e.V.


Andreas Höher Germany ATSV Kirchseeon

„Servus beieinander,ich bin der Höher Anderl aus Oberbayern und habe eine Riesenfreude an Triathlons, die in den Bergen stattfinden. Letztes Jahr haben mein super Support-Team und ich die All-Xtreme Serie mit dem Norse-, Swiss- und Celtman erreicht...und jetzt freue ich mich tierisch auf den Austria eXtreme...Sportler-Herz was willst Du mehr. Wann geht´s endlich los und wir können ins Wasser hupfen?“

Andreas Höher Germany ATSV Kirchseeon


Franz Waldmann Austria

Um den Sieg werde ich nicht kämpfen :-)Aber ich werde alles geben, um am nächsten Tag das Finisher Shirt ausgehändigt zu bekommen!

Franz Waldmann Austria


Bernhard Rubik Austria TriArrows

Mein Motto: Das Leben ist schön! Von einfach war nie die Rede.

Bernhard Rubik Austria TriArrows


Pierre Yves Guislain France Halluin Triathlon

I am fond of extreme triathlon because it is a real opportunity to see wonderfull landscape and people who share the same passionThis triathlon will be special as I will finish it for my friend Denis who should have been with me and unfortunately cannot due to an unexpected cancer.

Pierre Yves Guislain France Halluin Triathlon


Manfred Mazgan Austria IGN Triteam Therme Nova Köflach

„Wir betreiben seit 13 Jahren miteinander Sport und haben zusammen mehr als zwanzig Langdistanzen und einige andere sportliche Verrücktheiten am Buckel. Auf den 24. Juni freuen wir uns, um an diesem Tag eine Menge Spaß zu haben. Die Freude am Sport steht im Vordergrund. Im nächsten Jahr drehen wir den Spieß um und ich mache den Betreuer für Petra.“

Manfred Mazgan Austria IGN Triteam Therme Nova Köflach


Alcino Costa Gomes Oliveira


Not an athlete, i am quite a ordinary person that every year tries a novel and adventurous ordeal. A demanding race that i do not in a hurry, but to enjoy and test myself - and deserve a fine botle of wine in the end.

Alcino Costa Gomes Oliveira



Dietmar Konrad Austria

Clubyourway Kraft und Energie schöpfe ich aus der Natur und meiner Arbeit mit dem Element Holz.

Dietmar Konrad Austria



Tobias Giesser Switzerland

Ehrgeiziger Athlet mit leicht selbstzerstörerischen Neigungen freut sich zusammen mit seinem unschätzbaren Supporter-Team auf einen harten, unbestechlichen und unvergesslichen Tag inmitten eines internationalen Athletenfelds und bedankt sich im Vorfeld beim autXtri-OK für die Organisation sowie seinen Liebsten für die wert- und verständnisvolle Unterstützung.

Tobias Giesser Switzerland


Ivan Vachulka Slovakia

I just want to survive this great event!

Ivan Vachulka Slovakia


Thomas Schaupensteiner Austria Team Schaupi

Bin ein ruhiger Familienmensch, der mit 46 Jahren noch immer was dazulernen will, in allen Bereichen.Man lernt nie aus.Sportlich möchte ich spüren,wann der Kopf mehr arbeitet als die Muskeln

Thomas Schaupensteiner Austria Team Schaupi


Iztok Deželak Slovenia

MTB Trbovlje

One Life, One Chance!

Iztok Deželak Slovenia

MTB Trbovlje


Kay Riegelhof Germany

Als ob mich meine 4 Jungs im Alter zwischen 5 und 10 Jahren nicht schon genug auf Trab halten würden, suche ich nach immer neuen Grenzen und Abenteuern. Dank der Unterstützung meiner Frau finde ich diese im Triathlonsport. Den Austria Extreme Triathlon zu finishen ist ein Traum und Ziel zugleich. Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf die Herausforderung Mensch und Natur in seiner ursprünglichen Form. Let´s do it !

Kay Riegelhof Germany


Mario Santoni Italy

I love to swimm - love to bike - love to run - love austriaAnd I really love to finisch at the AUSTRIA EXTREME TRIATHLON

Mario Santoni Italy


Wouter Coussement Belgium

I have a passion for sports, it‘s been a part of my life in all ways. Work hard, play hard!

Wouter Coussement Belgium


Matthias Knauff Germany LT Starlight Team Essen Nach ein paar „normalen“ Langdistanzen reizt

mich die Herausforderung im Team und einer faszinierenden Landschaft zu bestehen.

Matthias Knauff Germany LT Starlight Team Essen


Andreas Kocsis Hungary

It‘s going to be my first extreme Triathlon - I don‘t now what to expect!Just to finisch woult be great!

Andreas Kocsis Hungary


André Hauser Austria

IGN Triteam Therme Nova Köflach

Das beste Organisationsteam wieder zu sehen und das“Zielbier“

André Hauser Austria

IGN Triteam Therme Nova Köflach


Norbert Lüftenegger Austria

Ich liebe besondere Herausforderungen und suche ständig neue Abenteuer. Die persönlichen Grenzen austesten und mit Leidenschaft das Unvorstellbare wagen. Das größe Geschenk ist sich mit Gleichgesinnte in der Natur bewegen zu können und immer neue Wege zu ergründen. Ich freue mich sehr auf die malerischen österreichischen Alpen mit ihren sehr anspruchsvollen Berge.

Norbert Lüftenegger Austria


Marcin Buchla Polish GT RAT

Marcin Buchla Polish GT RAT


Jacques Delpierre Belgium Life is gift ! dont waste it

Live it with passion as much as y ou canNever give up.

Jacques Delpierre Belgium


Robert Wagner Austria

LV Falsche Hasen „Auf der Suche nach Herausforderungen und auf der Suche nach mir selbst.“

Robert Wagner Austria

LV Falsche Hasen


Carles Moreu Spain


I use two spent my vacations hiking mountains, or travelling around the world.As a Triathlete, I began 3 years ago with the Barcelona Ironman 70.3. The thing what really motivates me is to find new challenges anywhere.Since my first Marathon on January 2014 in Barcelona, I am looking for new running and Triathlon experiences, being the Ultrafiord 2016 the best experience I have had until now.

Carles Moreu Spain



Bucky Beyer Australia

To complete my second Xtreem triathlon after Noresman last year and my 8th Ironman


Bucky Beyer Australia


Csaba Bogdan Romania

Let‘s see , when I was really young i played some water polo here in my hometown Cluj-Napoca . I always liked to be around sports so i kinda did all at an amateur level . I started running 5 years ago more seriously, I ran half marathons and matarhons immediately the year after . Than I met some guys whom I became friends with and they introduced me to amateur triathlon.. immediately after the first triathlon I tried a half Ironman and 2 years ago I competed at 2 IronMan‘s .

Csaba Bogdan Romania


Kevin Kleinburger Germany ich freue mich riesig auf diesen tollen Event. Habe

nur positives gehört und möchte es in vollen Zügen genießen und natürlich auch finishen!

Kevin Kleinburger Germany


Vasil Dinev Bulgaria

I am married, we have three cildren, three litle boys Boris ans Samuel - 5years old and Ivaylo - 3years old. I am ultramarathonrunner, finished Lavaredo ultra 120, Tryavna Ultra 141, Persenk Ultra 161, Vitosha 100 and many more. My favorite race is bigger from 100km. I am General manager of Hyundai center Burgas. Burgas is the fourth largest city in Bulgaria, located on the Black Sea Coast, at the eastern border of the European Union.

Vasil Dinev Bulgaria


Sebatian Paul Austria

Ich möchte gemeinsam mit meinem Team diesen Triathlon genießen. Wenn die Tagesverfassung passt, sollte das Finishen möglich sein.

Sebatian Paul Austria


Michael Karner Austria Tri Team Obergrafendorf

* Ich mag kein kaltes Wasser, keine Berge und schon gar keine Kühe ---- daher ist der Extreme perfekt für mich.* Mit den Ironman Rennen steht immer die Zeit im Vordergrund, beim Extreme nur das Durchkommen.* Neue Grenzen kann man nur durch Extremes ausloten, daher diese Herausforderung !


Michael Karner Austria Tri Team Obergrafendorf


Maximilien Vuylsteke France ASMSE TRI 42

„Maximilien VUYLSTEKE 31 years. Passionate by the sport challenge, I wish to give my best and to pursue my „Iron adventure“ after the Evergreen, Inferno, Icon Livigno (...) triathlon races. Have fun!“


Maximilien Vuylsteke France ASMSE TRI 42


Ching-Chyi Yang Taiwan Bejing Elites Triclub

. I am an architect ‚chase to struggle and chase to live“.


Ching-Chyi Yang Taiwan Bejing Elites Triclub


Robert Steindal Norway

FloraCK Comfort and stability in everydaylife, discomfort and adventures in Austria, thank you!

Robert Steindal Norway



Allesandro Garni Italy

I want to enjoy this great event. And to finish - of course!

Allesandro Garni Italy

116 Ein bisschen verrückt schadet nicht....wenn ab heute alles gut läuft, wird der Austria eXtreme meine 6. Langdistanz in 2017 sein! Bin gerade in Taupo, NZ um am Samstag Nr. 2 dieses Jahr zu absolvieren. A bissl was geht immer noch.... Ich habe mit 14 Jahren (also vor 33 Jahren) meinen ersten Triathlon gemacht und freue mich seitdem darüber, einige Menschen (Familie und Freunde) in meinem Umfeld mit diesem Virus infiziert zu haben.


Arthur Mohr Germany WSV Bad Tölz

Freu mich beim Austria Extrem Triathlon zusammen mit meiner Supporterin dabei sein zu dürfen - sicherlich ein Meileinstein auf meinem persönlichen Triathlon Weg. Ich mag abwechslungsreiches Training, das ich gern auf meine Wettkämpfe übertrage. Deswegen ist die Zeit reif um meine Grenzen neu auszuloten.

Arthur Mohr Germany WSV Bad Tölz


Nick Mansley Great Britain Cambridge Triathlon

I am Nick from Cambridge in England, a long way from any proper hills to train on. The race is my birthday treat to myself. So far I have finished every race I have started (Norseman, Celtman, Icon, Brutal, the X, Zofingen etc.) despite hypothermia, crashing and losing a pedal, buckled wheels and heatstroke and I hope this will be an uneventful and beautiful journey ��.

Nick Mansley Great Britain Cambridge Triathlon

Stephan Bormann Germany La Carrera TriTeam Rothsee.


Rok Lindtner Slovenia

I‘ve been a triathlete for many years, always enjoying most the running part. I love fast runs, on the other hand as a sincere nature lover I‘m more and more on the trial side of the running world. As it comes to thee swim component of race, I feel the strongest version of myself. Not an adrenalin addict, but always in the mood for a good (extreme) race!

Rok Lindtner Slovenia


Michael Pauli Switzerland

3athlon Bern/Crossfit TST 311 Nach Gigathlon und Swissman folgt die fast schon logische Teilnahme am Austriaman. Schliesslich gilt: An extreme-triathlon a year, keeps the doctor away ; )

Michael Pauli Switzerland

3athlon Bern/Crossfit TST 311


Philipp Tanneff Bulgaria Levski Bulgaria

Es werde veruckt sein. Alles gutte �


Philipp Tanneff Bulgaria Levski Bulgaria


Klaus Erlinghagen Germany

Von den Höhen der Berge herausgefordert. Von der Natur magisch angezogen. Außerhalb der Komfortzone zu Hause: Bereit für die Qual.


Klaus Erlinghagen Germany


Cristian Bertolani Italy Newmotorbike Triathlon

1) Doing normal things, you‘ll get normal results ...2) I would rather be unhappy that small and suffer rather than get bored ...3) In everything you do, believe it! Put passion, love, enthusiasm and determination and this cocktail will guide you to success!

Cristian Bertolani Italy Newmotorbike Triathlon


Bjørn Tveitan Norway

Runar Triathlon

I am 53years young and looking forward to seeing your beatiful country. Especially from the bike and on the run. Hopefully in nice weather and my body being in good shape. I managed to finish Norseman 2016 and I‘m hoping to finish at the top of Dachstein.

Bjørn Tveitan Norway

Runar Triathlon


Giuseppe Paganelli Italy

I love to face the most extreme challenges. I believe that Austria extreme triathlon both the place and the right way to prove it to myself. I also know that the staff will do everything to put myself in the best position to be able to prove it.

Giuseppe Paganelli Italy


Svetoslav Kazakov Bulgaria Arzus

My father always told me „Fatigue Is All In The Mind“ and sometime this is my only secret


Svetoslav Kazakov Bulgaria Arzus


Wolfgang Landerl Austria Trirun Linz

Der Winter geht zu Ende und ich freue mich jetzt wieder aufs Rad.Nach einigen „normalen“ Langdistanztriathlons in den letzten zehn Jahren, habe ich beschlossen, eine neue Herausforderung zu suchen und bin beim Austria eXtrem Triathlon fündig geworden.


Wolfgang Landerl Austria Trirun Linz


Markus Luhr Germany Team Erdinger



Markus Luhr Germany Team Erdinger


Petra Hrapkova Slovakia


adventurous, curious & optimistic.

Petra Hrapkova Slovakia



Anders Glümer Denmark Glümer Tri

„I want to have the experience of seeing some of Europes most magnificent places in combination with my passion triathlon.In 2015 I did my first Extreme triathlon. I participated and completed Celtman. It was the greatest sports experience I ever had!!!! In 2016 I made it to the finish line in Swissman and Icon Extreme Triathlon. The atmosphere before, during and after these races, between the athletes, organizers and supporters are unique. The nature is epic.On top of that I get to share these great moments with some of the people that means the most to me. Also giving them an experience for life. This year my kids will be part of my support team :-)“

Anders Glümer Denmark Glümer Tri


Sean Sandiford South Africa

I‘m born and bread South African who enjoys challenging myself and seeing the world.The Austrian Extreme is an amazing opportunity to explore Austria while doing a sport I enjoy.I‘m really looking forward to being part of this experience.


Sean Sandiford South Africa


Ian Symonds Great Britain

I‘ve been taking part in triathlons for the past 10 years, from sprint triathlons to Extreme Ironman. I enjoy a variety of endurance events including running marathons and long distance open water swimming 16km. I‘m keep myself mainly by attending my local crossfit gym on my way to work.


Ian Symonds Great Britain


Gonzalez Pusquet Spain

Time does not matter. To finish is my challence.

Gonzalez Pusquet Spain


Mirko Querfeld Germany

Team Erdinger Alkoholfrei Getreu meinem Lebensmotto: “Träume leben und nicht das Leben verträumen“, freue ich mich auf ein ganz besonderes Abenteuer im Sommer 2017 – den Austria eXtreme Triathlon.

Mirko Querfeld Germany

Team Erdinger Alkoholfrei


Andries van Eeden South Africa


My name is Andries and I live for this type of stuff. Convinced one of my best friends to join me as my second. I am all about life experiences and having shitloads of fun!!! I have been known to get a bit crazy at the afterparties!!! Brace yourself cause South Africa is coming at you!!!

Andries van Eeden South Africa



Francisco José López Spain Bichos Runners

First IM finisher


Francisco José López Spain Bichos Runners


Richard Hjerpe Sweden

I‘m a health-orienteded, recreational triathlete motivated by going further, harder and higher evey year. Me and my family of four live in a small industrial town in the center of Sweden where I work as a district heating engineer. When I‘m not doing the „swim, bike, run, eat, sleep, repeat“- routine, I‘m most often found in the kitchen or in front of our fireplace reading a good book.


Richard Hjerpe Sweden






Jose Pablo Garcia Abelenda


Jose Pablo Garcia Abelenda



Kurt Gangl Austria

Ich komme mit meiner Familie und diese wird mich sicherlich gut betreuen. Mit dieser Unterstützung sollte das Erreichen der Ziellinie kein Problem sein.

Kurt Gangl Austria


Zoltan Rózsa Hungary

I‘m looking foreward to this great challange! I see myself at the finishline! Hopefully!

Zoltan Rózsa Hungary


Alexander Kühn Austria Wienerwald Schnecken

You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore“ (Andre Gide)


Alexander Kühn Austria Wienerwald Schnecken


Horst Kleffmüller Germany

Bei uns im Norden von Deutschland gibt es keine Berge. Also hoffe ich die Berge von Österreich bezwingen zu können.Und ich freue mich auf die schöne Landschaft und hoffe etwas davon genießen zu können. Zumindest vor und nach dem Rennen!


Horst Kleffmüller Germany


Matthias Leffers Germany

LLG80 Nordpark Koeln 80% Kopf 20% Schuhe !! Wie mein Trainingspartner Jürgen (32) schon gesagt hat: Hauptsache durchkommen !!

Matthias Leffers Germany

LLG80 Nordpark Koeln


Florin Stoicescu Romania

To be one of the memories that I will think about , when I will be in my last days of my life ....

Florin Stoicescu Romania


Hannu Tuomainen Finland Helsinki Triathlon

I have done lot of different sports during my life, started with cross-country skiing, then followed javelin, track and field, basketball etc. Cycling in mountains is also great even though it is very very hard. Unfortunately we do not have real mountains in Finland, therefore the Alps are one of my favourite places. Let‘s try to finish Austriaextreme in June!�


Hannu Tuomainen Finland Helsinki Triathlon


Adam Wooldridge South Africa Dinamic

Find the other side after some dark places


Adam Wooldridge South Africa Dinamic


Modest Vengust Slovenia TK Telemach

Triathlon is beautiful. Mountain trails are beautiful. A perfect combination!


Modest Vengust Slovenia TK Telemach


Vegard Bitnes Norway

WSV Ramsau am Dachstein

„Ein Profi Athlet muss Herausforderungen nehmen, wie sie kommen. Nichts ist unmöglich, nur das Unmögliche dauert etwas länger! „Das ist das Motto eines jeden Trainer. Ebenso wichtig ist der Grundsatz, dass ein Läufer seinen Geist kontrollieren kann und nie der Körper den Kopf. Es mag einfach klingen, ist es nicht, aber kann trainiert werden…»Ich liebe Herausforderungen und werde versuchen den 3. eXtreme Triathlon zu machen. Als Trainer der österreichischen Biathletinnen ist es meine Pflicht etwas Extremes zu machen.

Vegard Bitnes Norway

WSV Ramsau am Dachstein


Rupert Haas Austria

Hoffentlich komme ich in den richtigen „Flow-Zustand“. Dann ist alles möglich!!!!

Rupert Haas Austria


Ralph Seidl Austria

Heimvorteil habe ich keinen - den bei uns im Burgenland gibt‘s auch nicht vergleichbare Berge. Der Sölkpass bereitet mir Sorgen. Wenn der überwunden ist - sollte der Rest auch zu schaffen sein. Freue mich schon auf den Event!


Ralph Seidl Austria


Nicolaj Bayerbach Germany Meine Freunde beschreiben mich als:

Sportbegeisterter Mensch, Perfektionist und ein Genie in manchen Bereichen:)

Nicolaj Bayerbach Germany


Aurelian Cotuna Romania Ironbeat Fitness Winning isn‘t everything, but wanting to win is.

Giving up is always an option, but it is not my choice.I accept failure, but I can‘t accept not trying.

Aurelian Cotuna Romania Ironbeat Fitness


Kiatniyom Theepprasan Thai


My leg was broken 3 years ago. I took 2 Ironman race after that but I couldn‘ t completed. Since October 2016 I tried to come back to race again by starting from marathon. I completed 3 marathon since last October 2016. Now, it is good time for me to the World‘s tough triathlon. „I couldn‘t live without challenge“

Kiatniyom Theepprasan Thai



Steve Lamb Great Britain

Love triathlonLove AustriaLove to finish (hopefully)

Steve Lamb Great Britain


Christopher Westphal Germany Triathlon Team Eltville

We love the sportWe love the mountains and natureWe love the challengeWe love teamwork and friendly peopleWe love all in one day – autxtri !


Christopher Westphal Germany Triathlon Team Eltville


Jarosław Kocur Poland 3DVSN Happy father with passion to mountains. Working at

coal mine in Poland. Loves long distances and poppy seed cake :)


Jarosław Kocur Poland 3DVSN


Janos Gerhat Hungary Kecskemti Elso Sor Triatlon Klub

„If farther you go outside, the more you get farther inside“23 years ago I made the first Ironman...I made more than twenty...including double and triple irons :-)


Janos Gerhat Hungary Kecskemti Elso Sor Triatlon Klub


Welcome to the 3rd Austria eXtreme Triathlon 2017

Motto for the Austria eXtreme Triathlon 2017: „It will change your life!" The 3rd eXtreme Triathlon expects you on the 24th of June, 2017 here in

Austria. The available „Stroßnbuach“ should be supporter and companion for this breathtaking route: information, hints and suggestions about the route, the transition area, parking spaces, standpipes, dangerous spots and food supply. On the 24th of June it´s neither abouth the time nor about the final ranking, it´s all about the athletic challenge in the middle of the green heart of Austria. You will start in the south of Graz (353 meter above the sea level) and you will end your day at the valley station of the Dachstein (1.702 meter above the sea level); in between there are +5.800 meter altitude difference. During the briefing we offer you a modern ambiente and on the date of the race we offer you the origin of the Triathlon with its simpleness and roughness. Within the 3rd Austria eXtreme Triathlon 2017 we expect from the athletes and also from the coaches a respectful and fair cooperation, a regardful treatment of the nature and in case of an emergency the self-evident assistance vis à vis every other athlete or coach. Austria eXtreme Triathlon wishes all participants an emotional, exciting, amicable and full of team spirit and especially accident free Triathlon.

Welcome to the 3rd Austria eXtreme Triathlon 2017, the new generation of winners!

(President, Maria Schwarz)


On the previous day

Check-in at sports hall Josef-Greger-Sportanlage-Feldkirchen bei Graz: 23rd June 2017, 04:00 p.m. GPS Data: 47°00'44.3"N 15°26'50.6"E

Address: Josef-Greger-Sportanlage, Mühlweg 30, A-8073 Feldkirchen bei Graz The handing out of the numbers is opened from 04:00 p.m.! Athletes and supporters have to show an identity card. The briefing starts at 05:00 p.m. and is a must for all athletes and their supporters!

Chargeable Bike-Service-Station

between 03:00 p.m. till 05:00 p.m. Company Knapp Andreas, +43 664 522 80 63

At the check-in you will get:

Number Bathing cap Vest for trackers (loan- 20€ deposit!) Water bottle Deposit bag Tag for your coach`s vehicle Tag for the bike Wristband for the athlete and the coach Roadbook print


How to get to Altarm-Thondorf

GPS Data: 47°00'49.4"N 15°27'54.5"E

Coming from Graz you´ll reach the meeting point at the start going along the Conrad-von-Hötzendorf-Straße (UPC Soccer Stadium). At the traffic light turn left and at the next traffic light turn right into the Liebenauer Hauptstraße (Kirchbacher Straße B 73). Follow the street for about 4 kilometres southward. After the motorway bridge (passing Magna-Steyr on the left) turn right at the traffic light. Then follow the Kanalweg for about 750 metres. Coming from Vienna/SK/CZ/H on the motorway A2 towards Graz get off at the interchange 179-traffic junction Graz-Ost/Puchwerk/Hausmannstätten, keep left and take the exit Hausmannstätten. At the roundabout take the 1st exit Kirchbach/Gössendorf/Grambach B73 and follow the street till the next traffic light. At the crossing go straight and follow the Kanalweg towards Altarm-Thondorf for about 750m. Coming from D/I/SLO on the motorway A2 towards Vienna take exit Hausmannstätten. Take the 1st exit Kirchbach/Gössendorf/Grambach and turn right into B73. Follow the B73 till the traffic light. At the crossing go straight and follow the Kanalweg towards Altarm-Thondorf for about 750m.


General overview of the startarea

GPS Data: 47°00'49.4"N 15°27'54.5"E

The start area Altarm-Thondorf is open from 03:15 a.m. on the 24th of June, 2017. When entering the start area crew members will write your number on the right back of your hand, at the same time you get your GPS Tracking System you always have to carry with you. Vehicles can be parked along the street. Please, keep the gateway free! Now you can prepare your transition area. Wheel suspensions for the bikes are there. ATTENTION: The transition area is not under supervision! Each athlete/supporter is responsible for his own equipment. Changing clothes for the finish area Due to logistic reasons only the official bags can be dispensed at the deposit service between 03:15 a.m. till 04:30 a.m. at the entrance of the start area! ATTENTION: No fluid and articles of value are allowed to be in the bag. The organiser doesn`t assume liability for lost and broken objects! 04:10 a.m. Check-in for the swimming start under the motorway bridge (marked). We walk together to the swimming start (about 200m). The check in for the swimming start has to take place exactly on time! 04:30 a.m. Start of the 3rd Austria eXtreme Triathlon 2017 Either we start from land or water will be decided on the day of the race (depends on the water current!).


Swimming distance (3,8 km)

Cut-off-time for the swimming: 07:00 a.m. GPS Data: 47°00'58.1"N 15°27'33.3"E Start is on the left shore upstream. After about 200m there will be a buoy which you will have to pass with your left shoulder next to it. Then you follow the right shore for about 2 kilometres downstream.After the buoy you have to change to the other shore of the river. Then you have to swim for about 1,6 kilometres upstream on the left shore. The right shoulder always points to the shore. After 3,8 kilometres you leave the water at the Altarm-Thondorf. The temperature of the water (between 10° and 17° Celsius) will be announced at the briefing. The river Mur can have different colours: greenish, clear to brownish, earthy and sandy after heavy rainfall. ATTENTION: Swimming along the shore edge, overhanging branches may cause serious injury! Following rules are effective for the whole swimming distance:

You have to wear a wetsuit.

GPS Tracking System with vest.

Austria eXtreme Triathlon bathing cap has to be worn visibly.

Wetsocks are allowed.

Floatation devices are forbidden.

Expected time of arrival of the first athlete around 05:20 a.m.


Biking distance (186,6 km, about 3.900 altitude difference)

Cut-off-time for the biking: 05:00 p.m. Following rules are effective for the whole biking distance:

Road traffic regulations (StVO).

Helmet obligation.

GPS Tracker has always to be at the athlete.

Changing the bike is forbidden.

Slipstream riding is not allowed (fairness 4 sport).

During the race only movement by muscular strength is allowed.

Number must be seen from behind.

General overview

© by Flo H.


Biking distance Section I: Start to 22,5 km

Altarm-Thondorf, 332m above the sea level Start eastwards: after about 750m turn right at the traffic light km 1,9 turn right, take the direction to Fernitz km 6 turn right at the crossing, take the direction to Kalsdorf roundabout, take the direction to Kalsdorf cross the bridge across the river Mur and follow the street km 8,5 roundabout, take the direction to Unterpremstätten km 9,5 roundabout, take the direction to Unterpremstätten cycle through Laa, Bierbaum and Unterpremstätten km 14,5 roundabout, take the direction to Graz km 15,9 turn left, take the direction to Lieboch/Köflach km 19,3 roundabout, take the direction to Voitsberg km 20 toilet on the right side cycle through Lieboch


Biking distance Section II: 22,5 to 33,7 km

B70 km 22,5 cycle through Schadendorf km 23 view of the Gaberl follow the B70 km 27,5 roundabout, take the direction to Köflach km 30 cycle through Sankt Johann ob Hohenburg km 31,9 roundabout, take the direction to Klein Gaisfeld follow Klein Gaisfelderstraße km 33,7 turn left, Klein Gaisfelderstraße (inn Lackner) !ATTENTION! km 34,5 roundabout, then keep the 1st exit right (Klein Gaisfeld)


Biking distance Section III: 33,7 to 48,6 km

km 33,7 Gasthof (inn) Lackner Klein Gaisfelderstraße -> Gasselberg Bergweg km 35,1 roundabout, take the 2nd exit, turn right !ATTENTION! Take exit, keep right through a bridge to Teigitsch Straße, Gaisfeld km 44 stay on the right side along L346 km 48 turn right at the STOP sign, B70 km 48,3 at traffic light turn left in direction B77 Maria Lankowitz km 48,6 follow B77 in direction Gaberl


Biking distance Section IV: 48,6 to 71,4 km

follow the B77 km 52,8 inn km 52,8 keep left, take the direction to Gaberl km 54,5 parking area on the right side km 58,6 inn km 61,6 cycle through Salla km 61,8 parking area on the right side, Gasthof (inn) Schrotter km 66 standpipe and parking area on the left side km 68 standpipe and parking area on the left side km 70,1 standpipe on the right side km 71,4 Check Point Gaberl, 1551m above the sea level, parking area on the left GPS Data: 47°06'27.2"N 14°55'00.6"E

Expected time of arrival of the first athlete around 08:00 a.m.

Chargeable Bike-Service-Station between 08:00 a.m. till 10:00 a.m. Company Knapp Andreas, +43 664 522 80 63

km 71,4 inn follow the B77 !ATTENTION! steep and winding descent


Biking distance Section V: 71,4 to 93,2 km

follow the B77 km 81,7 parking area on the right side km 83,6 parking area on the right side !ATTENTION! steep and winding descent km 85,6 parking area on the right side km 86,6 turn right, take the direction to Pichling B78 Cycle through Möbersdorf km 88,3 STOP sign, keep left, take the direction to Zeltweg km 88,4 turn right, take the direction to Neufisching km 89,3 STOP sign, keep right, take the direction to Zeltweg L537 follow the L537 Zeltweg, take the direction to Bahnhofstraße km 91,1 railroad crossing km 91,3 traffic light, go straight on km 91,8 roundabout, take the direction to Judenburg km 93,2 roundabout, follow the B78, take the direction to Scheifling


Biking distance Section VI: 93,2 to 109,9 km

Cycle through Aichdorf km 94,5 turn right, take the direction to Fohnsdorf/Pöls L536 km 96,9 railroad crossing Cycle through Fohnsdorf km 97 follow the street, take the direction to Pöls km 97,1 supermarket MERKUR L503 follow Rattenberger Straße km 102,8 parking area on the left side km 104,8 turn right, take the direction to Lachtal L533 km 109,3 parking area on the right side km 109,9 turn right at the STOP sign, take the direction to Liezen B114


Biking distance Section VII: 109,9 to 125,3 km

B114 km 112,5turn left to Römerstraße km 114 Check Point Oberzeiring, 933m above the sea level, parking area GPS Data: 47°15'09.3"N 14°29'28.9"E

Expected time of arrival of the first athlete around 09:00 a.m. km 114 turn left to Hocheggerstraße km 114,3 supermarket SPAR follow L 514 km 125 Gellsee on the right side


Biking distance Section VIII: 125,3 to 149,4 km

L514 !ATTENTION! dangerous descent km 132,9 turn right, take the direction to Oberwölz B75 km 136,7 parking area on the right side, view Burg Rothenfels Cycle through Oberwölz km 138,4 supermarket ADEG km 141 inn km 146,5, Schönberg 1093m above the sea level !ATTENTION! dangerous descent km 149 Sankt Peter am Kammersberg km 149,4 supermarket SPAR km 149,4 turn right, take the direction to Murau


Biking distance Section IX: 149,4 to 154,5 km

follow the L501 km 152,8 cycle through Baiersdorf km 153,1 inn km 153,2 standpipe km 154,5 Check Point Entry Sölkpass, 882m above the sea level, parking area GPS Data: 47°16'19.2"N 14°04'47.0"E

Expected time of arrival of the first athlete around 10:30 a.m.

Chargeable Bike-Service-Station between 11:00 a.m. till 02:30 p.m. Company Knapp Andreas, +43 664 522 80 63


Biking distance Section X: 154,5 to 176,6 km

L704 ! ATTENTION! on this section you will have to cross many cattle grids (slip hazard!) ! ATTENTION! bad road conditions km 167,8 Sölkpass,1790m above the sea level km 168 toilet on the left side !ATTENTION!dangerous descent km 169,7 standpipe on the right side km 175,2 inn km 176,6 St.Nikolai im Sölktal


Biking distance Section XI: 176,6 to 186,6 km

Cut-off-time for the biking: 05:00 p.m. follow the L704 km 186,6 transition area Run on the left side, 901m above the sea level parking area on the left side !ATTENTION! two way traffic when parking

Expected time of arrival of the first athlete around 11:50 a.m.


Running distance (43,6 km, about 1.900 altitude difference)

Cut-off-time for the running up to the Silberkarklamm: 08:00 p.m. Cut-off-time for the running up to the Glös-Alm: 10:15 p.m. Finish-deadline: 00:00 a.m.

Following rules are effective for the whole running distance: Road traffic regulations (StVO).

GPS Tracker has always to be at the athlete. It is forbidden to use walking sticks. Your coach has to leave the transition area immediately. Number must be seen from the front. Hydration pack is recommended. From Silberkarklamm you have to run with your registered supporter.


Running distance Section I: Start to 3,7 km

Start across the Staumauer Großsölk, then keep right km 1,9 keep right km 2,1 keep left km 2,5 pass the house on the left side into the Strubschlucht, towards Kleinsölk km 3,7 Kleinsölkerstraße keep right and follow the street

!ATTENTION! in Moosheim (km 10,3) a coaching is possible


Running distance Section II: 3,7 to 4,5 km

km 3,8 standpipe on the right side follow the street km 4,5 at the Sölker Marmorwerk follow the street L726


Running distance Section III: 4,5 to 10,3 km

km 6,7 turn left into Habnerweg, Milchweg cross the farmyard km 7 turn left into Gelsenbergweg km 8 Gelsenbergstraße I km 8,7 keep right-Gelsenbergstraße II km 9,3 turn left into Grieshoferweg, take the direction to Moosheim km 10,3 keep right during Moosheim, turn left into Landlgasse !ATTENTION! in Pruggern (km 12,6) a coaching is possible


Information for supporter:

GPS Data: 47°25'34.7"N 13°54'01.8"E

km 10,8 suggestion for a possible meeting with the athlet

Train Station Moosheim Michaelerberg A-8962 Michaelerberg-Pruggern


Running distance Section IV: 10,3 to 13,1 km

Landlgasse km 10,8 turn left km 11,1 cross the street, then follow the street km 11,6 along Begleit Straße go straight ahead, then follow the railway track towards Pruggern Pruggern, 680m above the sea level km 12,6 turn right municipal office, parking area follow the street cross the railway tracks-Pruggern, Pruggernbergweg km 13,1 left L712, cross the bridge, then keep left along the river Enns Kaiser Fani Weg !ATTENTION! in Aich (km 17,9) a coaching is possible


Information for supporter:

GPS Data: 47°25'23.2"N 13°52'35.9"E

km 12,6 suggestion for a possible meeting with the athlet Gemeinde Michaelerberg-Pruggern Pruggern 96 A-8965 Michaelerberg-Pruggern


Running distance Section V: 13,1 to 15,7 km

upstream along the river Enns km 15,7 cross the street upstream along the river Enns, take the direction to Aich


Running distance Section VI: 15,7 to 21 km

km 17,9 Check Point Aich, 700m above the sea level

Expected time of arrival of the first athlete around 01:25 p.m. Parking areas on both river banks when leaving the Check Point turn right towards village square km 18,1 turn left towards Steinackerweg follow Steinackerweg km 18,8 keep left and follow Steinackerweg km 20,6 turn left at the crossing, towards Weißenbach km 20,8 turn right, towards Hoalaweg km 21 turn right then turn right again into Passeckweg follow the path !ATTENTION! at Silberkarklamm (km 27,8) a coaching is possible


Information for supporter:

GPS Data: 47°25'15.9"N 13°49'16.9"E

km 17,9 suggestion for a possible meeting with the athlet parking area Aich 22 A-8966 Aich


Running distance Section VII: 21 to 24,4 km

follow Passeckweg km 23,3 follow Weissenbacherweg, towards Gasthof Burgstaller km 24,4 family Burgstaller, 912m above the sea level

Expected time of arrival of the first athlete around 02:10 p.m. follow Rössingweg


Running distance Section VIII: 24,4 to 28 km

Cut-off-time for the running up to the Silberkarklamm: 08:00 p.m. follow Rössingweg km 27,1 turn right, towards Silberkarklamm this section is only open on the race day - private! standpipe on the right side km 27,6 Check Point Silberkarklamm, 1010m above the sea level

Expected time of arrival of the first athlete around 02:30 p.m. !ATTENTION! From this point you have to run with your supporter

The supporter´s vehicle has to be parked on the parking area of Lodenwalker!

follow the road signs westwards km 28 cross the farmyard Jausenstation: Fliegenpilz, 1030m above the sea level follow Gabäckerweg

!ATTENTION! From this point you obligatory have to carry with you:

Hydration pack (minimum 1 litre fluid)


Emergency blanket



Information for supporter:

GPS Data: 47°25'46.6"N 13°43'12.2"E

Here is your supporter parking area! Parking area LWS – LodenWalkerSport Rössing 122 A-8972 Ramsau am Dachstein

Every hour a bus will take you from the valley station Dachstein to the parking

area Lodenwalker.

650 m by foot to Checkpoint Silberkarklamm


Running distance Section IX: 28 to 33,3 km

km 29,8 state road L725 km 30,3 turn right, towards Angererweg standpipe on the right side cross the old farmhouse, stay on the road follow Angererweg follow Panoramaweg km 31,3 pass Haus „Maria“, keep right into Feistritzerweg keep left into Hochfellnerweg km 32 keep right into Gruberweg !ATTENTION! grazing cattle km 32,4 Gruberwirt km 32,5 turn right and then pass „Sporthof Austria“ km 32,7 turn left into Stierergrabenweg, „Biohotel Ramsauhof“ wooden door on the right side, follow the path westwards km 33,3 street crossing (Mayerhoferweg) - pass the farm


Running distance Section X: 33,3 to 36,5 km

km 33,4 cross Friedhofstraße and keep right upwards turn left and run through the farm area follow the path km 34,1 pass „Ramsbergerhof“ !ATTENTION! passage forbidden run on towards Pernerweg km 34,4 follow the path rightwards towards Gasthof „Edelbrunn“ km 35,5 Gasthof „Edelbrunn“, 1333m above the sea level follow the path-towards „Dachsteinhaus“ km 36,3 Dachsteinhaus, 1440m above the sea level km 36,5 turn left into Schlitzenalmweg-towards Glösalm


Running distance Section XI: 36,5 to 39,6 km

Cut-off-time for the running up to the Glös-Alm: 10:15 p.m. follow the path on the alp km 38,8 turn left towards Glösalm km 39,1 street crossing Check Point Glösalm, 1510m above the sea level

Expected time of arrival of the first athlete around 03:50 p.m.

follow the path, towards Neustadtalm km 39,6 keep right upwards, towards Südwandhütte


Running distance Section XII: 39,6 to 43,6 km

km 40,5 keep left, towards Südwandhütte cross the stony figures keep left towards, direction Südwandhütte stay on the path km 42 Check Point Südwandhütte, 1910m above the sea level

Expected time of arrival of the first athlete around 04:20 p.m.

follow the direction to valley station Dachstein km 43,6 finish line at valley station Dachstein, 1702m above the sea level Duty of the GPS Tracking System!

Expected time of arrival of the first athlete around 04:30 p.m. Every hour a bus will take you from the valley station Dachstein to the parking

area Lodenwalker.


Explanations about swimming-, biking- and running distance Swimming distance: The swimming part takes place in the river Mur, the main river of Styria, which flows through Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary and represents at some parts also the border between these four countries. The water quality is quality grade two. If an athlete gives up, the organisation team has to be informed at least over the phone on the hotline number +43 664 587 00 01 and the GPS Tracking System has to be delivered to the nearest checkpoint!

Biking distance: When it comes to overcoming of altitude difference, the biking distance is the most difficult part of the Triathlon. Take care, you have to pace yourself and choose a suitable speed. Gaberl When having reached the „Gaberl“, a former Roman road, you can see the Dachstein for the first time. Now it goes down steeply. Lachtal When having reached the „Schönberg“, you get rewarded by the beautiful view of the scenery. The „Burg Rothenfels“ in the „Wölzertal“ is one among the few medieval castles which kept its former look. Sölkpass The „Sölkpass“ with its slopes between 8 to 12% rises in front of you now. It connects the valley of the river Enns in the North with the upper part of the river Mur in the South and thereby crosses the „Schladminger Tauern“. When having reached the „Sölkpass“ you are 1790 metres above the sea level. For all the efforts you have taken you will get rewarded with a beautiful descent to the valley. „Warning, dangerous descent!“ Checkpoint At each Check Point you are obligated to get into contact with a member of the crew! Hotline +43 664 587 00 01 If an athlete gives up, the organisation team (crew) has to be informed at least over the phone on the hotline number + 43 664 587 00 01 and the GPS Tracking System has to be delivered to the nearest checkpoint!


Running distance:

Sölksperre At the terrific „Sölksperre“ you get off from your bike and you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and nature there. Here the running distance starts. Strubschlucht You run towards the „Strubschlucht“ which seperates the „Klein- from the „Großsölktal“. Over the centuries the brook has lifted marble veins which can perfectly be seen there. Michaelerberg-Pruggern/Aich After about nine kilometres you will reach Michaelerberg-Pruggern. This community occured as an autonomous authority in 1850. Silberkarklamm The „Silberkarklamm“ is a romantic whitewater ravine in the heart of the „Dachstein“. In the 15th century silver got won there. Wild nature with lovely alpine flora escorts you along the waterfalls towards the „Silberkarhütte“. Lodenwalker Since 1434 fine suits, fancy dresses, jackets, coats, socks and accessories as well as hard wearing sports- and winter clothes made of pure new wool have been produced there. Throughout the whole year you can visit this company on weekdays. Here is your supporter parking area. Ramsau am Dachstein „Ramsau am Dachstein“ is the biggest Styrian touristy community with its well wooded and sunny open tableland directed to the South. The village is a dispersed habitat along the „Dachstein-Südseite (south side)“ with a lovely nature reserve on three levels. Ramsau-Türlwand: An open alpine meadow directed to the South with lots of hiking trails leading to the „Dachstein“ refuges. On top of the „Dachstein“ you will find the „Dachstein-Skywalk“ and from here you have a great view around the mountains and valleys. Südwandhütte The Dachsteinsüdwandhütte is located at the foot of the Dachstein south walls to 1.910 meters above sea level.

Shortest rise above comfortable walk from the cablecar in about 35 minutes walk,

beautiful hiking trails back to the parking.

Magnificent views from the terrace! Here you can enjoy local food and drinks.

Base for hut walks, all climbing and climbing trails in the Dachstein area .

Overnight stay in the room or warehouse with telephone appointment


GPS Tracking System – This tracker that you will find at our homepage will accompany you from the swim start until the finish line and gives your friends, family, supporter and fans the unique opportunity to follow you in real-time. (within a 1-minute time interval) Hotline +43 664 587 00 01 If an athlete gives up, the organisation team (crew) has to be informed at least over the phone on the hotline number +43 664 587 00 01 and the GPS Tracking System has to be delivered to the nearest checkpoint! Tips for accomodation Nearby the start:

Nearby the finishing line:


The process in summary: Briefing (Friday, 23rd of June 2017) Josef-Greger-Sportanlage-Feldkirchen bei Graz Address: Josef-Greger-Sportanlage, Mühlweg 30, 8073 Feldkirchen bei Graz (GPS-Data: 47°00'44.3"N 15°26'50.6"E ) The handing out of the number starts at 04:00 p.m.! Athletes and supporter have to show an identity card. The briefing takes place at 05:00 p.m. and is obligatory for the athletes and the coaches! Day of the race (Saturday, 24th of June 2017) The start area Altarm-Thondorf is open from 03:15 a.m. on the 24th of June, 2017. When entering the start area crew members will write your number on the right back of your hand also GPS. Vehicles can get parked along the street. Please, keep the gateway free! Now you can prepare your transition area. Wheel suspensions for the bikes are there. ATTENTION: The transition area is not under supervision! Each athlete/supporter is responsible for his own equipment. ATTENTION: Each athlete is responsible for his own equipment, the club Austria eXtreme Triatlon doesn´t assume any liability! The protection of the environment is a big topic for us. We want you to respect it. If you act inquitiously, the whole team gets disqualified. 04:10 a.m. Check-in for the swimming start under the motorway bridge (marked). We walk together to the swimming start (about 200m). The check in for the swimming start has to take place exactly on time!

04:30 a.m. Start of the 3rd Austria eXtreme Triathlon 2017 Either we start from land or water will be decided on the day of the race (depends on the water current!) If an athlete gives up, the organisation team (crew) has to be informed at least over the phone on the hotline number +43 664 587 00 01 and the GPS Tracking System has to be delivered to the nearest checkpoint! Changing clothes for the finish area Due to logistic reasons only the official bags can be dispensed at the deposit service between 03:15 a.m. till 04:30 a.m. at the entrance of the start area! ATTENTION: No fluid and articles of value are allowed to be in the bag. The organiser doesn´t assume liability for lost and broken objects!


Award ceremony (Sunday, 25th of June 2017) On the 25th of June, 2017 all athletes and their supporter get invited for a brunch at the Ramsauer event-hall by the club-Austria eXtreme Triathlon. During this brunch (09:00 a.m. till 12:00 a.m.) the handing over of the winners`shirts is going to take place. For lack of space it could become quite narrow or better said „quite familiar“. Afterwards we are going to take a photo of all the winners! Brunch On the homepage (service-„registration for the brunch“) you can register other people for the brunch (€25 per additional person) till the 15th of June, 2017. At a later date further requests can`t be taken because of organisational reasons. In order to be prepared perfectly for the 3rd Austria eXtreme Triathlon 2017, athletes as well as supporter should study the „Haundbuach“ and the „Stroßnbuach“ intensively. Shared training runs are important in order to get used to each other.Only a good team will cross the finishing line together.

Austria eXtreme Triathlon: „The new generation of winners“


Austria eXtreme Triathlon 2017 Organisation



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Positionsanalyse- Andreas Knapp

NEW - Bike support offered @ Austria eXteme Triathlon provided by

On Friday, we offer a Quick-Check to make sure your bike is ready for the challange. (Offered for

30€ excl. changed spare parts.) If you’re are travelling from abroad we offer a special service to

you. We’ll take care of bike assembling and deconstruction after the race and re-packing your

bike in your flight case. (If you book it separately 60€ each, as a set 100€) Mail: [email protected]


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Thanks to all:

The Austria eXtreme Triathlon wouldn´t be possible without the generous support of many kind

people. We would like to thank the sponsors, mayors, landowners, innkeepers, the fire brigade,

the police and all the fans along the route!

Dear Volunteers, it's due to your helping hand that the Austria eXtreme Triathlon becomes

reality! Thank you very much for your time, your energy, your enthusiasm and for settling all

those small problems between start and finish.

Your OK-Team: Maria, Hugo, Joachim, Andreas, Erich, Bruno, Kathrin, Patrick

Impressum: Verein Austria eXtreme Triathlon Lendplatz 34 A-8020 Graz E-Mail: [email protected] Rechtliche Hinweise: ZVR-Zahl 206118759 © Copyright 2017 by Verein Austria eXtreme Triathlon / designed by Crossmedia Design



the new generation of winners

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