
Striped Boots

Sizes: Sizes: Sizes: Sizes: Newborn, 3 mo, 6 mo, 12 mo

Needles: Needles: Needles: Needles: US 2—2.75mm circular or 4 double point

Yarn: Yarn: Yarn: Yarn: Fingering / 4 ply (14wpi)

Closeknit is a family run business located in Langfang, China. That's right, we live in a city in China that many people in the U.S. have never even heard of. We came to Langfang in 2003 to work with China's special needs orphans. We knit blankets, shawls, soakers, and many other baby items.

These days I design patterns, pick out yarns, and work with several local woman to make closeknit’s products. This is in all my spare time - which is not much after homeschooling/mothering 8 children. Our striped boots have been one of my personal favorites since we designed them several years ago. I finally got around to writing out the pattern so all of you could enjoy it as well. I love how easily they come together, and espe-cially the lack of seaming! Please check out our online store

Terms:Terms:Terms:Terms: K K K K knit P P P P purl RS RS RS RS right side WS WS WS WS wrong side stitch K2togK2togK2togK2tog knit 2 stitches together SSKSSKSSKSSK slip, slip, knit BOBOBOBO bind off A note on striping: A note on striping: A note on striping: A note on striping: When switching between colors, pull color you want to use from underneath current color. This will make sure there are no gaps.

Pattern is written for newborn size with other sizes in parenthesis. Also, I used double point needles so some of my directions may refer to those. LEGLEGLEGLEG Cast on 30 (33,36,39) in main color Join to K in round {K1 round, P1 round} Repeat pattern 9 (9,9,10) times. 18 (18,18,20) total rows. K1 round, P1 round in contrast color K1 round, P1 round in main color

Repeat pattern 3 (3,3,4) times. 30 (30,32,36) total rows. For size 6mo. K1 round, P1 round in contract color. 32 rows total Leave yarn at back of work. You will pick up here later. Slip next 10 (11,12,13) st. onto spare needle. Do not K these st. INSTEPINSTEPINSTEPINSTEP On RSRSRSRS K next 10(11,12, 13) st. in color that continues pattern. (color may differ depending on which size you are making) Turn. On WSWSWSWS K 10 (11,12,13) st. in same color.

Change color. Repeat pattern until 18 (20,22,24) rows are completed. Change color. K2 tog. K6 (7,8,9) K2 tog. 8 (9,10,11) st. total on needle. Turn. K2 tog. K4 (5,6,7) K2 tog. 6(7,8,9) st. total on needle.

20 (22,24,26) rows total. Break Yarn. With the same needle, pick up 2 st. on either side of decrease. 10 (11,12,13) st. total on needle. With spare needle, pick up10(11,12, 13) st. along edge of instep. EDGEEDGEEDGEEDGE

Return to using original yarn. K 30 (33,36,39) st. in pattern color. Pick up another 10(11,12,13) st. along other side of instep. K remaining stitches. 50 (55,60,65) st. total. P1 round.

Continue in pattern, switching colors,

for 6 (8,10.12) more rounds. 8 (10,12, 14) total rows. Break Yarn. SOLESOLESOLESOLE Sole is K In main color Slip next 19 (21,23,25) st. onto spare needle. Do not K these st. Slip next 12 (13,14,15) st. onto working needle. RSRSRSRS K2tog. K8 (9,10,11) st. K2tog. 10 (11,12,13) st. total. Turn. WSWSWSWS K 9 (10,11,12) st. SSK. 10 (11,12,13) st. total. Turn.

Repeat pattern until 5 (6,6,7) st. remain for heel. Place all heel st. onto the same needle. For sole: you should have 10 (11.12,13) st. on needle. K0 (1,0,1)st. K2tog for rest of row. 5(6,6,7)st. total.

Explanation: This can be kind of confusing. Basically, when you are knitting the stitches for the sole you knit the last stitch together with

one from the side. Then you turn and knit the other side, and SSK (or

you can k2tog - I just like the look of SSK better) the last st. with a st.

from the other side. You work this way down the sole until you’ve used up all the side stitches - until 5 (6,6,7) total remain for the edges, then

k2tog to finish off the 10 (11,12,13).

Flip work to inside and

complete with 3 needle BO.

Fold over cuff and tuck in yarn. Finished!

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