

Upper Body Stretches

1. Chin Tuck-Place two fingers on your chin and gently push the chin back into your neck. You should feel the stretch at the upper part of the back of your neck near the base of the skull. Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 5 times.

2. Neck stretch with rotation- Roll your head forward until your chin rests on

your chest. Hold that for ten seconds. Then, roll your head to the left without picking your head up. Roll it until you are staring at your left arm pit. Hold this for ten seconds, and then return to your staring position before rolling your head to the right side.

3. Cross Chest Stretch- This will stretch your upper back near the shoulder

blades. Put your left arm in front of your body and use your right arm to pull the left arm across your body. Hold the left arm near the triceps muscle (the back of your arm). Hold this for ten seconds then switch to the other arm.

4. Penquin - Place your hands near the sides of your lower back with the

palms facing forward. Then, push your elbows forward without rotating your shoulders forward. Hold this for ten seconds.

5. Pectoral Stretch - Place one arm against a wall so that the arm makes a 90-

degree angle at the elbow. Gently lean into the wall while also turning your body away from the wall. Hold for ten seconds then switch arms.

6. Trap Stretch - Place your hands behind your back. Grab your right wrist

with your left hand and pull it gently towards your left hip. At the same time, tilt your head towards your left shoulder. Hold this for ten seconds, then repeat for the other side.

7. Triceps Stretch - Put your left arm over your head and gently push it

backwards with your right arm by applying pressure to the left elbow. Keep your head upright while doing this. Hold this for ten seconds then repeat with the other arm.

8. Biceps Stretch - Reach behind you with your left arm to grab a doorframe, pole, edge of a gate, etc. Point your left thumb down and slowly bend your knees until you feel a stretch in your biceps and front part of your shoulder. Hold for ten seconds then repeat with other arm.

Lower Body Stretches

1. Lower Back Stretch - Lie on your back with both feet on the floor and your knees bent. Raise your left leg to your chest without picking up your hips and hold for 10 seconds then switch to your right leg and repeat. Do this 3 times for each leg.

2. Pretzel - While still on your back with your feet on the floor and knees

bent, cross your left leg over your right and then pick up both legs while you put your hand on its opposite knee. Pull the knees to the opposite shoulder and hold for 5 seconds then relax. Do this 3 times for this leg. Then cross your right left over your left and repeat the process. This helps to stretch your gluteus that can become tight and pull on your iliotibidial band or cause knee pain.

3. Figure Four Stretch - While still on your back with your feet on the floor

and knees bent; place your left ankle at your right knee to create the shape of a four. Gently pick up both legs and pull your right leg towards your chest by holding the right knee at the kneecap. Hold this for ten seconds then repeat for the other leg by putting your right ankle over your left knee to create the figure four shape. This stretches your hips and glutes.

4. Pelvic Stretch - While still on your back with your feet on the floor with knees bent, cross the left leg over the right leg and let your legs fall to the right. Keep both shoulders flat on the floor but turn your head away from your legs. Hold this for ten seconds, then return your legs to the starting position and put your right leg over your left. Then let your legs fall to the right while turning your head away from your legs. Hold this for ten seconds.

5. The Dragon (kinda) - Lie stomach down on the ground and push yourself up using your arms. Keep your hips in contact with the ground and your rear relaxed. Hold this for ten seconds.

6. Groin Stretch - While squatting, spread your knees apart from each other and lean forward onto your elbows until you feel a stretch on the inner part of your leg. Hold for ten seconds.

7. Hip Flexor and Quad Stretch (combined) - Kneel on your left knee with the right leg out in front of you. Raise your left arm to the sky and gently lean it to the right. Hold this for ten seconds. Put your left arm down, and reach behind you to pull your left ankle up to your rear. Hold this for ten seconds. Repeat both stretches with the other leg in front.

8. Hamstring and Adductor Stretch (combined) – Stand in front of something that is about thigh high. Pick up your left leg and place it on that object with your toes pointed forward while keeping the other leg straight. Lean forward into the stretch from your lower back, but do not double over. Hold for ten seconds, and then turn your supporting leg sideways so that you are now side by side with the object in front of you instead of facing it. You should feel a stretch on the inner part of your leg. Hold this for ten seconds. Then, switch to your other leg and repeat the process.

9. Standing Calf Stretch - Lean against a wall or other object and bring your chest forward towards the object. At the same time, put your left leg in front of your right leg so that the front leg is bent and the back one is straight. Feel the stretch in your calf muscle while keeping the heel of the back leg planted on the ground. Hold for ten seconds then repeat with the other leg.

10. Standing Calf Stretch (with knees bent) – Repeat the process for the standing calf stretch except this time allow both knees to be bent while remembering to keep the heel of the back leg planted firmly on the ground. Hold for ten seconds then repeat with the other leg.

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