Download - Stress management


Subject: School Management



Define the term of Stress


“Stress is person’s psychological response to an external or internal stimulus.”

Stress Management


“Stress and stress management is a very personal, or subjective thing. It is based on your personality, experience, and what has worked in the past.”


Stress is a general term applied to various mental and physiological pressure experienced or felt by people in their lives. Some stress is normal even useful. Stress can help if you need to work hard or react quickly. But if stress too long, it can have bad effects.

Causes of stress in any organization

The following causes can create stress in any organization for the management.

– Communication gap between students and teachers.

– Not good behavior of teachers with their colleagues and students.

– Syllabus completion on time.

– No punctuality observed of school timing as well as periods of class.


– Complaints from parents regarding studies / performance.

– Lack of knowledge of teachers.

– In appropriate language of teachers with students.

– Shortage of staff/teachers which cause of work burden on management.

– Lack of communication between teachers and management


– No paying salary to teachers/staff well in time.

– Improper evaluation of students.

– Improper maintaining the discipline in class rooms.

– Lack of attention to the weak students.

– Weak performance and less result can create the stress for school management.

Role of school manager in managing stress

Managers of any organization have a dual perspective of stress. They need to be aware of their own stress level, as well as those of their colleagues.

– Managers can take active steps to minimize undesirable stress in themselves and their subordinates.

– Clarifying task assignments, responsibilities, authority and criteria for performance evaluation.

– Clarifying goals to meet the higher level of performance.

– Managers can encourage employees to search for more information when they are given unfamiliar task, or when they are uncertain of their roles.

– Incorporate time management techniques, as well as time schedule for completion of projects.

– The role of management becomes one of maintaining and appropriate level of stress by providing and optimal/favorable environment by doing good jobs/tasks such as performance planning interpersonal skills training.


– Stress reduction workshops.

– Provide support to staff related to all aspects of stress management elements.

– Time to time monitoring the performance of all teachers and students.

Whenever an employ of an educational organization go through a stress he has to face a lot of problems. But if he manages to overcome his /her stress a lot of things come in his benefit

Benefits Of Rectifying or Minimizes Stress:

Easy to achieve goals:

The goals set by the stress facing person may disrupt. If he minimizes the stress, the way towards achieving goals become more smoother.

Self confidence:

Rectifying the stress issue boost up the self confidence of an employ in result of which his/her performance increases.


Efficiency increases:

The efficiency of stress managing person increases, when he comes out of the situation of stress.

Task oriented working:

When an employ is working under stress he may disturbed from the task given. Being successful in managing stress his working become task oriented.


Good books in school manager

By managing stress one benefit comes in the favor of an employ that he comes in good books in school manager.

Feel free

The employ of an educational organization feel a sense of freedom and happiness due managing his stress

Negatives or disadvantages of stress

Physical fatigue

Stress may cause different practices which may cause physical fatigue to the employ in result of which his performance may decreases.

Negative attitude

Under stress employ may undergo the negative attitudes towards his or her work, co-worker or students


Shaken confidence

The employ confidence may decreases by working under stress.

Clashes with colleagues or management

Stress may increases negative thinking and fatigue which changes an employ attitude and he behaves angrily and rudely.

Job fired

Stress may decreases efficiency and put a lot of negativities for an employ which result in the loose of his job.

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