Page 1: Strategies for Using Rubrics as a Form of Assessment

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Page 2: Strategies for Using Rubrics as a Form of Assessment

Strategies for Using Rubrics as a Form of Assessment2012-2013 GTA Academy

January 22, 2013

Michelle Rodems, Ph.D.

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Without talking to anyone, and without looking at what anyone else is doing, please draw a cat.

When you have completed the assignment, please look up.

Now, without talking to anyone, and without looking at what anyone else is doing, please grade the drawing of the cat you have been given.

When you have completed grading, please look up.

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Realistic or cartoon? Face or body?By itself or in context? Other criteria?


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A “scoring guide that makes explicit expected qualities of performance on a rating scale” (Steves, & Levi, 2005).

Provide timely feedback

Prepare students to use detailed feedback

Encourage critical thinking

Facilitate communication with others

Help refine teaching methods

Promotes self-reglated and independent learning

Can save time

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Kinds of Rubrics

Analytic Identify and assess

components of a finished product

Provides specific information about performance on multiple dimensions so that performance can be assessed across more than one scale

Allows for separate scale assessment


Assess student work as a whole.

A broad, overall, general assessment of the entirety of a process.

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Breaking It Down

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Holistic Rubric

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Scoring Guide Rubric

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3-Level Rubric

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4-Level Rubric

Critical Thinking Rubric Assignment Description: The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your critical thinking abilities when addressing an engineering problem that was encountered in the “real world.” 100-93 (A) 92-81 (B) 80-73 (C) 72-0 (D, F) Purpose And Questions (10%)

Clearly identifies the purpose including all complexities of relevant questions. 10--- 9.3 Points

Clearly identifies the purpose including some complexities of relevant questions. 9.2---8.1 Points

Identifies the purpose including irrelevant and/or insufficient questions. 8---7.3 Points

Unclear purpose that does not includes questions. 7.2---0 Points

Information (20%)

Accurate, complete information that is supported by relevant evidence. 20--- 18.6 Points

Accurate, mostly complete information that is supported by evidence. 18.4---16.2 Points

Accurate but incomplete information that is not supported by evidence. 16---14.6 Points

Inaccurate, incomplete information that is not supported by evidence. 14.4---0 Points

Assumptions and Point of View (20%)

Complete, fair presentation of all relevant assumptions and points of view. 20--- 18.6 Points

Complete, fair presentation of some relevant assumptions and points of view. 18.4---16.2 Points

Simplistic presentation that ignores relevant assumptions and points of view. 16---14.6 Points

Incomplete presentation that ignores relevant assumptions and points of view. 14.4---0 Points

Implications and Consequences (50%)

Clearly articulates significant, logical implications and consequences based on relevant evidence. 50---46.5 Points

Clearly articulates some implications and consequences based on evidence. 46---40.5 Points

Articulates insignificant or illogical implications and consequences that are not supported by evidence. 40-36.5 Points

Fails to recognize or generates invalid implications and consequences based on irrelevant evidence. 36---0 Points

Descriptive Title Task Description

Scale Descriptors



Dimension Descriptions

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Faculty Rubric Speed-Review

At each table, one of the faculty members will talk about a rubric they have used.

You will spend 5 minutes at each table.

As you discuss the rubrics, consider the following questions:

Why was a rubric used as an assessment method?

What are the pros and cons of using a rubric?

As a group, we’ll discuss these questions.

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Table Rubric Speed-Review

Review the rubric at each table.

You will spend 5 minutes at each table.

As you discuss the rubrics, consider the following questions:

Why do you think this rubric used as an assessment method?

What are the pros and cons of using a rubric in this case?

As a group, we’ll discuss these questions.

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Creating in Stages

Reflecting: What do we want, why we created the assignment, what happened the last time we gave it, what are our expectations?

Listing: Details of the assignment and learning objectives we hope to see accomplished.

Grouping and Labeling: Organize 1 & 2, grouping similar expectations into what will likely become rubric dimensions

Applications: Apply the dimensions from Stage 3 to final form of rubric using template.

(Michelle’s addition: consider kind of rubric, weight of categories if applicable, points assigned if applicable)

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Grading Rubrics

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Performance Anchors

Providing detailed, formative feedback

Individualized, flexible formative feedback

Conveying summative feedback

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“The Cat” Rubric

As a table, using your template, create a rubric for “The Cat” exercise in whatever way you imagine it.

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Sharing Your Rubrics

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Just a Few Notes

Share with students!!Use for yourselfCreate a meta-rubric to

determine quality of your rubrics

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Lessons Learned

Many thanks to Drs. Cathy Bays and Sharon Kerrick for sharing parts of their presentations.

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Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education:

Disciplinary and competency rubrics:

My Delicious Site:

Stevens, D. D., & Levi, A. J. (2005). Introductions to rubrics: An assessment tool to save grading time, convey effective feedback and promote student learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

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