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Table of Contents

General Manager’s Message

Applying Strategy, Gaining Results





Strategic Action Plan 1 - Governance

Strategic Action Plan 2 - Corporate Services

Strategic Action Plan 3 - Community Services

Strategic Action Plan 4 - Regulatory Services

Strategic Action Plan 5 - Physical & Infrastructure Services

Strategic Action Plan 6 - Technical Services

Planning for sustainable growth, confidence and prosperity

Strategic Plan 2010-15

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The Strategic Plan for the West Coast is the basis for determining our municipality’s Vision, Purpose, Values, Priorities and Actions to be accomplished up to and including 2015. This Plan is based on a collaborative process, in which both Councillors and staff participated. It represents a real effort by Council to reach consensus on the most important issues in our community, now and in the future. In addition Council has considered many priorities and has set some specific goals and objectives to be accomplished by 2015 in this Plan. In the process we have identified the future Goals and the Actions to be accomplished, which will define our budgets and provide for the clear direction and actions to be taken by our staff. This Plan demonstrates Council’s commitment toward building a safe, prosperous and friendly region that provides excellent service to our public, by staff that are motivated to provide the best service in Local Government. The Plan also confronts the issues of the community’s long term sustainability, with actions to both improve and rationalise community assets so they can be enjoyed by future generations. While we realise that priorities may change with time, it is Council’s plan to provide for this process of strategic thinking and acting every five years with the firm belief that the growth of our community will continue to benefit. Sincerely Peter Harder GENERAL MANAGER

General Managers Message

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Applying Strategy, Gaining Results

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Our Purpose & Mission

Our Vision

Our Values

We are here to . . . . . . Benefit the people of the West Coast by

providing quality and valued services to our community.

Our role is to listen to our residents and……

Work in partnership with and provide

leadership within the community,

Identify the broader priorities and services desired by the community within a balanced framework,

Respond efficiently to the expectations of our community through quality, value for money service and

Be creative and progressive in all that we do

We want to be a community that . . . . .

Is proud of who we are and where we live,

Enjoys a quality of life based on

our unique natural heritage,

will plan effectively for our future,

works together for the benefit of

the whole West Coast, and

Constantly identifies and realises opportunities.

We Value. . . . . . .

Being ethical and professional at all times,

Promoting open and effective community consultation, which facilitates discussion, involvement and partnership,

Providing excellence in customer service by ensuring prompt, accurate and effective responses to our customer concerns and

Encouraging quality, innovation and

continuous improvement in the delivery of services to the community.

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Time Frame Responsibility 1. Ensure the needs of the community are met through an integrated approach to policy development and delivery of services.

Ongoing Council 1. Maintain a long-term strategic approach to all of Council’s activities.

Ongoing Council 2. Encourage community participation in Council’s decision-making processes.

Ongoing Council 3. Provide a responsive pro-active organisation willing and able to accept and adapt to change.

Ongoing Council 4. Provide a consistent and professional approach to all decision making.

2. Continually develop a process of communication with the community that allows for ease of information flow in an open, non-threatening way between all parties/stakeholders.

Ongoing General Manager 1. Maintain a community liaison position that works with a variety of community groups across all towns.

Ongoing Council 2. Identify issues that should be reviewed by the community. Ongoing Council 3. Utilise a variety of media including the Western Herald,

Radio and Council’s website.

3. Positively promote Council, its strategic partners and their contribution to the community.

Ongoing Mayor & GM 1. Develop networks with organisations/operators that conduct business on the West Coast.

Ongoing Mayor & GM 2. Develop professional involvement in other organisations, which will assist in building Council’s profile.

Ongoing Mayor & GM 3. Develop strong links between all tiers of Government and represent the views and needs of the West Coast within these forums.

Ongoing Mayor & GM 4. Promote Council through the media including participation in 7XS breakfast show “Mayor on Air”.

Strategic Action Plan 1


Providing leadership to the West Coast community.

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4. Constantly review services to determine ongoing needs and priorities.

Ongoing General Manager 1. Regularly review how “we do our business”. Ongoing General Manager 2. Maintain an awareness of legislative changes and the

impact these changes will have on Council operations. Ongoing General Manager 3. Regularly undertake a review of the staffing structure.

5. Ensure that all asset and infrastructure development and rationalisation complies with statutory requirements and community and economic needs.

Regularly General Manager 1. Minimise life cycle costs for both recurrent activities and capital projects and provides advice to Council on potential asset rationalisation.

When required General Manager 2. Evaluate all major projects and initiatives on a benefit/cost

basis using a balance of financial and community measures.

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Time Frame Responsibility 1. Maintain staff at an optimum level and seek efficiency gains as a basis for improvement in levels of service.

Ongoing Management Team 1. Maintain a long term strategic approach to Council’s staffing structure.

Regularly Management Team 2. Review staffing structure to ensure optimum level of service is provided to the community.

Ongoing Management Team 3. Provide a responsive proactive organisation structure that is able to accept and adapt to change.

Ongoing General Manager 4. Maximise resource sharing opportunities

2. Develop human resource management policies and procedures which incorporate a staff performance appraisal system, professional development programs and flexible employment industrial agreements.

Ongoing General Manager 1. Ensure all staff have the opportunity of a performance appraisal.

Ongoing M Corporate Services 2. Maintain a training calendar which ensures all staff are encouraged to undertake further training opportunities.

June 2010 General Manager 3. Negotiate a new enterprise bargaining agreement, which is focused on identification of efficiencies in Council operations and fair treatment of all staff.

Ongoing Management Team 4. Identify and progress workplace reform initiatives in co-operation with the workforce

3. Ensure quality management principles underpin all business initiatives and decisions.

Ongoing M Corporate Services 1. Develop and review customer service requirements. Ongoing Management Team 2. Incorporate sound financial management in the operation

of all Council activities. June 2011 M Corporate Services 3. Develop a 5-year financial management plan. Ongoing Management Team 4. Maximise external funding and resource assistance for the

benefit of the community.

Strategic Action Plan 2

Corporate Services Maximise Council’s organisational performance and service delivery through positive management, continuous improvement and ongoing review.

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4. Develop key performance indicators, which demonstrate Council’s successes or where there is scope for improvement.

Ongoing General Manager 1. Continue to develop annual goals to be included in Council’s Annual Reporting process.

5. Introduce Risk Management policies and procedures, which are reflective of Council’s needs.

July 2011 Tech Services 1. Update and review Risk Management procedure manual according to best practice.

Ongoing M Corporate Services 2. Develop and maintain safety practices and procedures. October 2010 M Corporate Services 3. Prepare a Workplace Health and Safety Manual in co-

operation with the Health and Safety Committee established.

Annually Tech Services 4. Participate in liability insurer’s annual review of Risk Management procedures and policies, which impacts directly on premiums applied.

Ongoing Finance Officer 5. Constantly monitor Council’s insurance liabilities.

6. Develop high standard information technology strategies.

Ongoing M Corporate Services 1. Constantly monitor changes in information technology ensuring that Council keeps abreast of technological advancements.

Ongoing General Manager 2. Participate in resource sharing arrangement in use of back offices, computer systems and programs.

Ongoing M Corporate Services 3. Provide training for all staff to maximise advancing technology.

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Time Frame Responsibility 1. Provide access to a range of recreational services that increases the wellbeing and quality of life and also meets the needs of the community.

October 2010 Tech Services 1. Undertake a review of all recreational facilities provided within the Municipal Area.

Ongoing Management Team 2. To identify and rationalise community assets in line with community expectations and future sustainability.

Ongoing Works Supervisors 3. Provide sporting facilities and amenities which meet the reasonable needs of the community.

Ongoing Tech Services 4. Encourage recreational participation for all groups within the community.

2. Deliver a range of quality community services that develop and foster a caring community.

As required Community Liaison Off. 1. Provide a conduit from the Council to community organisations and keep them up to date on the Council’s current agenda.

As required Community Liaison Off. 2. Assist community organisations when appropriate with management and financial advice and other support in line with policies adopted by Council from time to time.

As required Community Liaison Off. 3. To work closely with and support community organisations in identifying and realising both short and long term opportunities and resolving community problems.

Ongoing Executive Assistant 4. Maintain a current Welcome Kit to provide to new residents of the West Coast.

3. Support West Coast Health and Community Services to work closely with the community and service co-ordinators and providers to ensure access to a profile and level of service that is consistent with the needs of all West Coast residents.

Ongoing M Community Services 1. Manage the day to day activities and services provided by: Family Support Services Crisis Accommodation Service

Ongoing M Community Services 2. Liaise with all service providers and encourage the expansion/development of programs which are beneficial to the community.

Strategic Action Plan 3

Community Services Deliver a range of quality community services that develop and foster a caring community.

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4. Have in place emergency response action plans and systems for the following:

Ongoing General Manager 1. Flu Clinic Preparation Ongoing General Manager 2. Emergency Management Ongoing General Manager 3. Disaster Recovery

5. Support the West Coast through assisting local community groups to obtain financial grants.

Ongoing Grants Officer 1. Develop a database of all community groups within the West Coast.

Ongoing Grants Officer 2. Promote grants in a variety of ways as they become available.

Ongoing Grants Officer 3. Inform groups via e-mail in a timely manner. Ongoing Grants Officer 4. Facilitate grant writing training.

6. Implement marketing strategies to increase visitation on the West Coast.

Ongoing Tourism Officer. 1. Develop effective relationships with the local tourism businesses.

Ongoing Tourism Officer. 2. Take a pro-active role in future tourism development of the West Coast.

Ongoing Tourism Officer. 3. Expand and enhance the operation of the West Coast Visitor Information Network.

Ongoing Tourism Officer. 4. Work with a variety of organisations to attract events to the West Coast to bolster the tourism shoulder season.

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Time Frame Responsibility

1. Provide an environment, which contributes to the health and safety of the community.

Ongoing Enviro Health Officer 1. To monitor the environmental condition of the region and undertake testing as appropriate.

Ongoing Management Team 2. To ensure that base environmental conditions are not further degraded and to improve infrastructure in areas of high risk.

Ongoing Management Team 3. As recurrent and capital works are programmed and implemented ensure that they are developed to integrate environmental improvements.

2. Ensure that all developments and land and building environments meets all statutory requirements, is complementary to the natural heritage and meets community expectations.

Dec 2010 Planning Officer 1. Implement the new Regional West Coast Planning Scheme together with an education program for developers.

Ongoing General Manager 2. Maintain a Department which is able to deal with all aspects of development issues in a consistent and professional manner.

Ongoing Planning Officer 3. Ensure all developments are in the best interest of the community.

Ongoing General Manager 4. Actively encourage the development of the West Coast area.

Ongoing Planning Officer 5. Provide professional advice on development initiatives in accordance with legislative constraints.

Ongoing General Manager 6. Identify and promote the West Coast’s resource and tourism advantages to potential investors.

Strategic Action Plan 4

Regulatory Services

Maintain and enhance the lifestyle, heritage and West Coast environment whilst adapting for planned community and industry growth.

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3. Be aware of the requirements for Council to monitor the health of its residents in accordance with Public Health guidelines.

Ongoing Enviro Health Officer 1. Identify, monitor and regulate potential and actual health risk issues on the West Coast.

Ongoing Enviro Health Officer 2. Ensure that food premises comply with applicable standards and codes of practice, including monitoring of both food handlers and premises.

As required Enviro Health Officer 3. Enforce the relevant sections of the Public Health Act. As required Enviro Health Officer 4. Limit and endeavour to prevent the occurrence and spread

of infectious and notifiable diseases. As required Enviro Health Officer 5. Evaluate and where appropriate control any infestation or

spread of vermin, rodents or other pests. Ongoing Enviro Health Officer 6. Strive for a more aware and better informed community

by promoting health through information and education. Ongoing Enviro Health Officer 7. To continuously maintain, improve and broaden

knowledge and skills to enable the competent execution of professional and technical duties.

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Time Frame Responsibility

1. Develop a process in cooperation with the community that creates local pride and improves the image and presentation of the towns.

Ongoing Management Team 1. Undertake a community awareness program which encourages residents to take pride in their surroundings.

Ongoing Management Team 2. Review service provision with the community looking for opportunities to reduce wastage whilst improving the level of services.

Ongoing General Manager 3. Expand and promote the new voluntary recycling program for West Coast residents.

2. Optimise the standard of physical infrastructure provision to the community by constructing, operating and maintaining all Council assets efficiently and cost effectively.

Ongoing Works Supervisors 1. Investigate efficiency opportunities in all infrastructure management.

June 2011 Tech Services 2. Develop a footpath & kerb replacement program management system.

Bi Annually Works Manager 3. Conduct a survey of all bridges maintained by Council.

3. Develop a maintenance program, which is underpinned by defined standards and levels of service.

On-going Management Team 1. Develop a five-year rolling works program, which is linked to Council’s financial management capacity.

October 2013 Works Manager 2. Update all transfer stations to new design to reduce fire risk and improve OH&S.

May 2011 Works Manager 3. Develop a maintenance and enhancement program for Council’s parks and reserves.

April 2012 Works Manager 4. Refurbish all 3 pools on the West Coast over a 3 year plan and upgrade to energy efficient heating.

Ongoing Works Manager 5. Relocate and maintain the camping grounds at Lake Burbury and Macquarie Heads.

2014 Works Manager 6. Create one quality playground in each town that will meet Australian standards.

Strategic Action Plan 5

Physical & Infrastructure Services

Ensure that the infrastructure requirements of the West Coast are planned, developed and maintained at an appropriate level, meeting the needs and expectations of our community.

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Time Frame Responsibility

1. Develop an ‘Asset Management Plan’ which details all assets owned and maintained by Council and how these assets will be managed and maintained into the future.

On-going Tech Services 1. Maintain an asset management plan which details all assets owned and maintained by Council.

On-going General Manager 2. Maintain a plant and machinery purchase and replacement program, which maximises the effective utilisation of all plant.

On-going Management Team 3. Introduce life cycle costing principles into the management processes of Council’s assets.

On-going Management Team 4. Ensure that any programs/plans introduced comply with legislative requirements. 2. Enhance the quality of, and ensure value for money and the best use of available resources, in the provision of services to the community.

Annually Management Team 1. Identify assets most in need of maintenance and prioritise programs accordingly

On-going Works Manager 2. Maintain an efficient and effective local State Emergency Service Unit which allows for:

- responding to disasters quickly and efficiently, and - facilitation of a local emergency plan

3. Develop programs for infrastructure development, which takes into account the community’s expectation for improved facilities within resource limitations.

On-going Engineer 1. Review infrastructure needs as part of the development of an Asset Management Plan.

Strategic Action Plan 6

Technical Services To be pro-active in meeting the needs and expectations of the community.

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