  • Tags: Anthony Poland Renee Pittman M. Remote Brain Target ing You Are Not My Big Brother

    Covert Technological Murder Organized Stalking Gang Stalking Community Harassment Cointelpro Workplace Mobbing

    Mind Control Neighborhood Watch Program Vigilantees COINTELPRO Ted Gunderson FBI Surveillance

    Community Oriented Policing Byrne Project Neighborhood Watch Groups Nazi tact ics covert terrorism community terrorism

    corrupt ion police state surveillance state targeted individuals electronic harassment TI VOICE

    (GSH) GangStalkingHelp.Org - Community Through the Wall Surveillance System

    Gang Stalking is too pervasive to exist undetected by state, local and federal police, yet government entities such as the DOJremain silent on this nationwide community injustice. In an affidavit by the late Ted Gunderson (Deceased 2011) formerhead of the Los Angeles FBI office, Mr. Gunderson alleged that gang stalking is a widespread government-supportedconspiracy, structured like the FBIs COINTELPRO, police Red Squads, and East Germanys Stasi tactics renewed. Trustedfederal governmental protective agencies/executives/employees are violating the rights of Americans in ways that are criminalusing community spies, slandering targeted individuals, extreme harassment, covert audio and video surveillance, illegal entryinto a target's home, and even reports of poisoning of food, and chaos manipulated utter destruction of lives and families.

    Gang Stalking is about deception and secrecy in communities. Unspeakable acts, once illegal, are legitimized by the"Warrantless Spy Program, War on Terrorism, See Something, Say Something, Community Oriented Policing, andNeighborhood Watch like Groups run amok, unmonitored, and funded by Congressional programs such as the ByrneFormula Grant. Gang stalking by private intelligence/security firms, lawless federal agencies, and local community policingvigilante groups, are pushing people over the edge to suicide or worse, must be exposed and morally challenged!

    Anthony Poland, Editor of discusses community organized stalking in rural America & proactivesolutions for targeted individuals and also the role of the Ultra Wide Band Radar see through the wall tracking andsurveillance system which connects a mobilized community effort.

    NOTE:Those using me as a test subject 100% are tampering with guests, with 10 years of sobriety, hoping to discredit me.

    Broadcast in Current Events

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