
SSttrraaddbbrrookkee......aa tthhrriivviinngg

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SSttrraaddbbrrookkee PPaarriisshh CCoouunncciill


Defined by its physical boundaries,

Stradbroke is an unchanging


Defined by its people, it is a

positive, flexible, vibrant and

constantly developing


Welcome to Stradbroke

Who makes up our Community ?

• Everyone who lives in the Parish

• Everyone who visits the Parish :

� To Work

� To Play

� To be educated

� To socialise

� To holiday

� To spend leisure time

� To use village facilities and sevices

• Everyone who runs a business in the Parish

• Everyone who shops in the Parish

How does “The Parish” communicate with its community and the

wider world?

• Through the parish magazine “The Stradbroke Monthly”

o This is produced under the auspices of the Parish Council and is

produced every month except January.

o 740 copies are produced each month, each copy has 32 A4 pages

– a total of 23,680 pages are printed month

o It is self financing and returns a small surplus which is fed back

into community activities (pays for website, contrbutes towards

potential funding of youth activities)

o It succeeds through the combined efforts of some 40 highly

committed volunteers every month (at least one of whom is

always a Parish Councillor)

o “The Diary” page keeps everyone up to date with what is

happening that month

How does “The Parish” communicate with its community and

the wider world?

• Through the “Village Website” (

o The current website is in its fourth version and has moved away

from the old style static information site to an individual base,

interactive site

o In April 2010

� It had over 240 members and 15 group members

� In that month there were 3,129 visits from 1,720 unique

users who viewed 23,444 pages

� Those 3,129 visits came from 50 countries/territories

around the world

o It is run and managed by volunteers (at least one of whom is

always a Parish Councillor)

Running costs are met by the Parish Council

How does “The Parish” communicate with its community and the wider


• Through the “Radio Stradbroke on the Village Website”

o The website runs its own internet Radio Station which now has a regular

Sunday slot as well as covering outside broadcast events in the village such as

special village cricket team matches, the Jazz and Real Ale festival and putting

on special charity events such as “music marathons”

o It has attracted a lot of interest worldwide and projects the community and

its activities beyond it’s parish boundary

o It has its own Group Member page on the Village Website which contains

“podcasts” and vidoes of some of Radio Stradbroke’s previous events

How does “The Parish” communicate with its community and the wider


• Through Parish Council meetings

o The Parish Council meets every second Monday of the month

o There is an Open Public session at the startof every meeting

o Residents are encouraged to raise matters with any of the councillors for them to

raise for discussion at the meeting

o Committees are set up to cover all the important aspects of Parish life and activities

and those committees report back at each monthly meeting

o Parish Councillors voluntarily resolve problems raised by residents where they can, to

ensure prompt resolution (eg broken slabs on war memorial before Remembrance

Service, Ditch clearing where necessary, cutting back trees where appropriate-eg

Tennis Courts)

o All meetings are minuted and made available in hard copy at the Library or on The

Parish Council page of the Village website.

o A precis of each meeting is printed in “The Stradbroke Monthly” under the heading

“The Parish Pump !”

o There is an Annual Parish Meeting each spring where the past years activities and

actions are discussed and all village groups are invited to report on their year.

How does “The Parish” communicate with its community and the wider


• Through Parish Notice Boards

o The Parish Council Board is located at the crossroads in the heart of the


o The Walks Notice board is on the garden wall of Church House

o The MSDC Board is next to the Bowling Green opposite the Community


o The Community Centre Board is ... outside the Community Centre

o There are public use Boards in the centre of the village outside

� The Old Builders Yard, Church Street

� Town House

o There are Boards in shops, particularly the

Post Office and Spar Shop

Who do the Parish residents need to communicate


• Relevant businesses both in and out of the Parish o The Stradbroke Monthly carries adverts relevant to

the needs of the community

� Priority is given to Stradbroke based


� Non Stradbroke based businesses are

included if useful for the community

o Adverts are designed for new businesses to help

them get started(no cost)

• With each other through, social groups, sports

clubs, schools and activities o Activities and events are reported each month and

publicised in “The Stradbroke Monthly”

What are the sports groups, social groups, clubs

and activities ?


Stradbroke Youth FC

Stradbroke Cricket Club

Badminton Club

White Hart Bowls Club

Stradbroke and District Bowls Club

Tennis Club

Table Tennis Club

Swimming Pool

What are the sports groups, social groups,

clubs and activities ?


Contact Club

Stradbroke Cinema

Cameo Lunch group

Youth Club

Womens Institute

Friends of All Saints Church

Stradbroke Local History Group

Eye and Stradbroke Family History Group

Baptist Church Coffee mornings

Royal British Legion


Girl Guides (new group hoping to start this year)

What are the sports groups, social groups, clubs and activities ?

SUPPORT GROUPS Good Neighbours

First Responders


Baptist Church

EVENTS Country Fair

Village Games

Intervillage Sports

Open Gardens

Stradbroke Art Show

Stradbroke Flower Show

Regular charity events

Stradbroke Local History Slideshow “The Village Archive” (Mar and Nov)

What are the sports groups, social groups, clubs and activities ?

FITNESS ACTIVITIES Organised walks along Stradbroke’s footpaths

Fitness and activity trail at Recreation Ground

Permissive path to cemetary

Westhall open space – football and childrens play area

Recreation Ground - football and cricket pitches

Swimming Pool – organised activities

Gymnasium development (due to open Oct 2010)

Childrens Play area at the Community Centre

What are the sports groups, social groups, clubs and activities ?


Mobile Dental Surgery

First Responders

EDUCATION Stradbroke Pre School

Stradbroke Primary School

Stradbroke Business and Enterprise College (IT area can be hired)

Stradbroke Library (has IT and gives 1-1 training)

Sure Start for young children

WEA classes every year

Advanced Italian classes – Volunteer group


Local Police and Community Police Officer have office space

in village Police have an open meeting time in the Library

every month for residents to discuss any issues or concerns.

The village Fire Station is manned by retained fire fighters

all of whom live and work in the village and are on

constant availability.

The Stradbroke team of First Responders provides rapid

response to medical emergencies if called in by the

Ambulance Service

What facilities exist to enable the clubs and groups to function ?

The Community Centre Regular upgrades to building and facilities,this year:

New Kitchen

Resurfacing of the hall floor

Power supplies to enable Mobile Dental service to operate

WiFi access being installed

New signage

Improved marking out of car park spaces for greater efficiency

New storage facilities and extension before committee

What facilities exist to enable the clubs and groups to function ?

The Recreation ground Sports field drainage installed

Fitness track opened with outdoor fitness equipment

New pitch allocated for youth football

New storage facilities for ground care equipment

Grass cutting done by Cricket club (Pc pay CC - keeps money within village)

What facilities exist to enable the clubs and groups to function ?

Westhall Open Space

New goal nets for football

The Court House Library activities and free access and

guidance to IT equipment

IT, one on one training courses

Youth Club room

Parish Magazine production

room (printer etc)

SBEC (hiring of facilities) IT classrooms

Sports Hall

Football pitches

IT Centre

What is the parish support structure that enables all this to


The formal “backbone” is the Parish Council

Monthly meetings

Committees covering



Burial, Churchyard and Footpath

Recreational Facilities

Community Centre (2 councillors represent the Parish Council as CC trustees)

Street Cleaner

Addressing and resolving issues and problems

Strategic Planning (include Parish Plan)

Added formal “backbone” comes from the Stradbroke Charitable Trust

They manage the residue from charitable trusts going back to the 1600s

They manage new charitable bequests (e.g Reg Elvin)

Manage income from renting the surgery to the local GP practice

Make improvements to the facilities at the Medical Centre

Maintain the gardens at the Medical Centre

From their income and capital they have provided this year:

Financial support for the new Stradbroke Youth football club

Help to the Bowls Club for their water supply pipes

The development of the Fitness Track (Elvin bequest used for this)

Installation of outdoor fitness equipment around the track

Work on the Community Centre

Substantial donation towards the cost of the playing field drainage

The real “backbone” is the volunteer.

Without volunteers none of the support structure would exist.

They are at the heart of everything that is done in the parish.

The individuals who form the committees that run the facilities, the clubs and the


Parish Councillors

Trustees of the Stradbroke Charitable Trust

The Tree Warden

The Footpath Warden

The Street Cleaner (“paid” volunteer, equipment provided by the Parish Council)

Individuals who take on tasks to enhance the village

Litter picking

Cutting verges

Trimming hedges

Identifying and reporting problems to be dealt with

Maintaining the War Memorial garden

Winding the Church Clock

and the many other minor tasks that make a difference

...and Local Businesses who

Provide advertising space for events

Sponsor and support clubs and groups

Provide at cost help for “things that need doing”

The users who are the residents (and visitors) who willingly and positively

Support community activities and events

Support local businesses

Play for the sports teams

Give generously for our charity events

Stradbroke is :

A thriving and positive community...

A diverse mix of ages, backgrounds,

circumstances and interests...

Self supporting through the generosity of the

community as a whole...

Understanding of its past but always looking to

its future

The people of Stradbroke make

Stradbroke what it is...

The people who live here are at the heart of

everything that is done in the community...

We are

the community

Notes and contact details

Produced by

Stradbroke Parish Council


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