Page 1: Story board Evaluation

Evaluating My Storyboard

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Why Use It?

Well, a storyboard is a graphical representation of the camera shots you would use in your film sequence that are then put together and then connected to make a ‘narrative flow’.

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How Has It Helped Me?

The creation of this storyboard has really helped me understand on how certain shot types and lighting techniques would work in specific environments as well visualizing what shots would and wouldn’t work.

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Narrative & Star Image

Within our storyboard we then started to construct costume ideas. We came to the conclusion that the band member would wear surgeon outfits. This being rather alternative and ‘indie’ which relates to the our band image.

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Importance Of Annotating?

I feel putting annotations on our storyboard was vital as it gives a viewer/reader that extra bit of information that can’t be described within the picture that has been drawn.

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What Went Well?

I feel that the best part of the process of storyboarding was getting the timings of each shots exactly in time to our selected song which made the finishing it much easier.

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When our storyboards were finished we as a group decided to create an animatic, a digital video of our storyboard cut together with the music to see if our ideas work or not.

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