Page 1: Stewardship - Church of The Apostles · 2015. 10. 28. · From the Stewardship Minister “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory


CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES 170 Fairview Avenue

Coventry, Rhode Island 02816

for 2016for 2016for 2016

Page 2: Stewardship - Church of The Apostles · 2015. 10. 28. · From the Stewardship Minister “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory

Our Mission

is to Obey,

Follow and

Bear Witness to

Jesus Christ.

Church of The Apostles is a member of the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference.

CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES Evangelical Anglican

Page 3: Stewardship - Church of The Apostles · 2015. 10. 28. · From the Stewardship Minister “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory

Stewardship Sunday


Church of The Apostles

The Twenty-fifth Sunday

after Pentecost

November 15, 2015

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist


10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist

“Ascribe to the LORD you families of the peoples;

ascribe to the LORD honor and power.

Ascribe to the LORD the honor due his Name,

bring offerings and come into his courts.”

(Psalm 96:7-8)

Page 4: Stewardship - Church of The Apostles · 2015. 10. 28. · From the Stewardship Minister “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory

From the Stewardship Minister

“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your

good works and give glory to your Father

who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

Each year we are blessed by members of our church who give

testimony of their growth in their journey with Jesus Christ.

While some speak of a life that sees God at work throughout

each day, others saw the hand of God throughout a particularly

difficult challenge. “Taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed

is the man who takes refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8).

Some will give their testimonies orally, while others prefer to

share their testimonies through the written word. On behalf of

the Elders, Deacons, and members of the Congregation, I

would like to thank all those who were willing to share a very

personal part of their lives. “In your hearts honor Christ the Lord

as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who

asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with

gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15).

While we focus our thoughts and prayers on stewardship each

year at this time, it is a time to look into our hearts, not only to

look back on the past year to see if hearts and minds have

grown closer to our Lord and Savior, but it is also an

opportunity to plan for the future. Does your light shine?

Does your light shine before others so that they may see your good

works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven? Kindle the

light of Christ that shines within you and let it shine brightly

for the world to see!

May you know the peace of God,

Deacon Deb Adams

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The Biblical Tithe and

Church of The Apostles

“Who am I, and what is my people,

that we should be able thus to offer willingly?

For all things come from you,

and of your own have we given you.”

(1 Chronicles 29:14)

The Constitution and Bylaws of Church of The Apostles states

the following about tithing: “...members are expected to

affirm this Congregation’s belief in the tithe—the cheerful

giving of ten percent of one’s income—as the generally

received Biblical norm and the traditional standard of

Christian giving...” [Article V.1].

How close do you come to giving what the apostles taught

the earliest Christians to offer to the one holy, catholic and

apostolic Church? If you are not yet tithing, or have never

even considered working toward the goal of doing so, why

not pray about the issue of your own Christian stewardship

and ask God to guide you in the Holy Spirit as you make

your pledge to his holy Church for 2016.

Consider these words of Saint Paul in your discernment

process: “I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the

mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy

and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not

be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing

of your minds, that you may discern what is the will of God—

what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:1-2).

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Testimonies of the faithful ...

STEWARDSHIP for me is the

unfolding of God’s plan in my

life. I savor how our Lord

works His will in my day-to-day

affairs when I trust in His

righteous and loving nature. He

is always in control and always

right. He is awesome! I don’t

always expect to understand my

Creator’s actions, but I can have

faith that our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ will pull me

through my most perplexing

problems with the

blessings he has given

me. Not to rely on

myself, but to trust

completely in the

power and guidance of

His Holy Spirit to

manage the essence of

my being—this is

stewardship to me.

Although there may be times

when it is difficult to embrace

His plan in my own life and

mind, God is always right—all

the time!

It has been my experience that

Church of The Apostles

educates and promotes these

teachings through the Bible and

its Gospel. I sincerely want to

say, Thank you!

—John Munko

DURING the past six months

of my husband Jim’s health

crisis, I have learned to rely

solely on God and his mercy for

my strength and sustenance.

While I always put my faith in

Him, I learned just how heavily

I needed to lean on Him when I

seemed to have nothing else.

When Jim went into the

hospital with signs of fatigue

and confusion, I prayed. When

his heart stopped and

the doctors needed to

put in a pacemaker, I

signed the paperwork

and prayed. When

they told me on the

same day they found

cancer in his windpipe

and he needed to go

on a respirator in

order to survive, I signed the

paperwork and prayed. When

he needed a spinal tap, I signed

the paperwork and prayed.

When fluid in his lungs built up

and he needed a drain inserted, I

signed the paperwork and


When Jim was delirious and I

was ready to give up hope, God

showed me the way–- he had

Jim pray. Although he was

barely speaking most of the

time, there were times when he

“I have learned to rely solely on God and

his mercy for my strength

and sustenance.”

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looked at me and said things

like, “God is Good” or “God

created the world.” Those were

the times I knew God was with

me – and with Jim – and was

sending me a message not to

give up hope.

When Jim needed

chemotherapy, I signed the

paperwork and I prayed. While

the doctors treated him for

pneumonia, I signed the

paperwork and prayed. When I

got tired, my Faith family held

me on their shoulders and

continued to pray with me and

for me and for Jim. I arrived

home every night to their

messages, cards and notes and

knew they were all praying with

me for a miracle.

When Jim’s condition was

finally diagnosed, I thanked

God and prayed. When the

medication did not seem to be

working and the doctors

suggested I take Jim off “full

code” and “let whatever was

going to happen, happen” I did

not sign the paperwork and I

prayed. After ten long days,

improvement began and my Jim

began to emerge. I was so

thankful I had put my faith in

the right place.

I hope never to have to call on

the Lord again for the type of

help He gave me during Jim’s

illness. While he had the best

doctors working with him,

every doctor we see uses the

word “miracle” in our

conversations; one has even

nicknamed Jim “Lazarus.”

They had given up hope for him

and were trying to convince me

of the same. I’m so thankful I

had another resource to call

upon and to continue to call

upon and give glory to!

—Linda Quinn


The secular definition: A

wonderful happening that is

contrary to or independent of

the known laws of nature.

The Christian definition: A

work of God’s own hands or of

his Son Jesus Christ or of his

disciples. The beauty of life

itself. Example: A new born

child into the world.

Miracles are all around us. They

happen every day, including

right here, before our eyes at

Church of The Apostles. Look

at our own Joan Clarke and Jim

Quinn and the healing graces

they have experienced in their

lives. Even I have seen miracles

in my life. Many miracles of

God have come through others,

such as Mother Teresa. She, in

her giving to many others, was

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You see, his whole life is based

on everyday miracles that are

right before our eyes. We take

all this for granted. Have faith

in our Lord Jesus Christ. For

he is always there, in our hearts,

our roads, skies and oceans–

always there, a miracle in itself!

His passion and death have

changed our lives and our world

in herself a miracle from God.

So many miracles happen every

moment right before our eyes

that we don’t always see them.

Be patient, the Lord is there!

This is the story of a young

native Indian boy named later in

this prayer. This is his miracle.

O Great Spirit,

whose voice I hear in the winds,

and whose breath gives life to all the world,

Hear me!

I am small and weak,

I need your strength and wisdom.

Let me walk in beauty,

and make my eyes ever behold

the red and purple sunset.

Make may hands respect the things you have made

and my ears sharp to hear your voice.

Make me wise so that I may understand

the things you have taught my people.

Let me learn the lessons

you have hidden in every leaf and rock.

I seek strength,

not to be greater than my brother,

but to fight my greatest enemy– myself.

Make me always ready to come to you

with clean hands and straight eyes.

So when life fades, as the fading sunset,

my spirit may come to you without shame.

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forever. The greatest miracle of


Remember each day when you

kneel and pray to the Lord Jesus

Christ– each day is a miracle.

One of my greatest miracles

from Christ was his giving my

wife and family to me, a lost


My God bless you all, my

brothers and sisters—a miracle

so beautiful itself.

—Al Freniere

GOD has changed our lives for

the better by working through

others who give their time,

talent, and treasure so we can

see why God expects us to do

the same. By helping and giving

in God’s Name we pray that

others can see what he can do.

—Jeff & Norma Stomberg

“FOR I THINK that God has

exhibited us apostles as last of all,

like men sentenced to death,

because we have become a

spectacle to the world, to angels,

and to men. We are fools for

Christ’s sake, but you are wise in

Christ. We are weak, but you are

strong. You are held in honor,

but we in disrepute.

To the

present hour we hunger and thirst,

we are poorly dressed and buffeted

and homeless, and we labor,

working with our own hands.

When reviled, we bless; when

persecuted, we endure; when

slandered, we entreat. We have

become, and are still, like the

scum of the world, the refuse of all

things. I do not write these things

to make you ashamed, but to

admonish you as my beloved

children. For though you have

countless guides in Christ, you do

not have many fathers. For I

became your father in Christ Jesus

through the gospel. I urge you,

then, be imitators of me”

(1 Corinthians 4:9-16)

Stewardship is sharing what

God has blessed us with. We

are his apostles and we are put

on display as ambassadors for all

the world to see what life is like

with Christ as our focal point.

We are to be his imitators and

lead others to share their gifts

with one another in order to

spread God’s Word.

—Erin Mead

THROUGH the good and bad

times of my life, Our blessed

Lord is always by my side to see

me through life. I thank and

praise his holy Name!

With God’s Love,

—Dorothy Addy

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Testimony continues ...

THE first thing we tend to

think about when we talk of

stewardship is our money. And,

certainly, God is clear in

Scripture about His views on

our financial stewardship. We

could also think in terms of

being good stewards of our

talents. And, again, this is

certainly encouraged by the

Scriptures. Some are blessed

with abundant wealth and

others with great talent,

so that what we have to

steward may vary. But

recently, I’ve been

thinking about another

area of stewardship. In

this area we are all equal.

I am speaking of the

stewardship of our time.

We are all given the same

measure of time each day. So

what should stewardship of our

time look like? I think there are

five areas in which we can

devote time to God: Bible

reading, Bible study, prayer,

fellowship, and worship. We

need to be good stewards of our

time so that we can do all these

things. The following are my

thoughts about how to be good

stewards of our time.

Reading the Bible takes time. I

get up a little earlier in the

morning for Bible reading. I’m

using a through-the-Scriptures-

in-one-year Bible. It has an Old

Testament reading, a New

Testament reading, and

selections from Psalms and

Proverbs each day. I’ve also

tried a plan that takes you

through the New Testament in

a month. There are lots of

options, including many

varieties of devotional books

that provide a short reading

with some inspirational


For Bible study, I

attend the women’s

Saturday morning Bible

Study that meets twice

a month, as well as

participating in a long

term evening Bible

study that covers a book of the

Bible systematically. I also have

a friend who keeps me

accountable for working on

memorizing key verses from the


For prayer, I try to make it to

the Wednesday Evening Prayer

service. It is important to pray

together as the Church.

Wednesday night provides an

opportunity for that as well as

the bonus of fellowship. For

my personal prayer time I have

“For my

personal prayer

time I have

established cues

to help remind

me to pray.”

Page 11: Stewardship - Church of The Apostles · 2015. 10. 28. · From the Stewardship Minister “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory

established cues to help remind

me to pray. I wear some

birthstone rings as a prompt.

My children’s birthstones

remind me to pray for each of

them each day. My mother’s

birthstone reminds me to pray

for my siblings and extended

family. And my birthstone

reminds me to pray for myself!

When I see my rings it reminds

me to pray.

Allowing time for fellowship is

also a part of being a good

steward. I try to stay for the

Sunday Brunch as an

opportunity to mix and mingle

a bit. It takes time to plan and

prepare a dish to bring, but the

rewards of the relationships that

get built by sharing a meal are

well worth the time. I also

attend Adult Education for the

same reason. Aside from the

good teaching there is the

benefit of sharing common

thought that we can then

fellowship around.

We also need to steward our

time for worship. Of course we

all should participate in a

Sunday morning service of

worship. But God is pleased

with our personal worship any

time. I’ve put reminders around

my house such as little framed

Bible verses or Christian

symbols to prompt me to

worship. When I see these

things my heart turns to God

and I worship Him. I also let

the beauty of nature prompt me

to worship.

The ideas I’ve shared here are

just suggestions. Perhaps you

are already doing many of these

things or other things to be a

good steward of your time.

Whatever you do, I think the

most important thing is to be

intentional in how you steward

your time. “Therefore be careful

how you walk, not as unwise men

but as wise, making the most of

your time, because the days are

evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16).

To God be the Glory.

—Barbara Miller

“In the morning, LORD,

you hear my voice;

early in the morning

I make my appeal

and watch

for you.” (Psalm 5:3)

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Stewards of Creation

God created the world, but entrusts it to

human beings. Caring and cultivating the

world includes appreciation for the beauty

and wonder of creation; the protection and

preservation of the environment; the respect

for human life, from conception to natural

death; the development of the world through

human effort.

“Behold, to the LORD your God

belong heaven and the heaven of heavens,

the earth with all that is in it.” (Deuteronomy 10:14)


“God must’ve stayed up all night

to make such a beautiful morning!”

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The Book of Malachi was composed by an anonymous writer shortly

before Nehemiah’s arrival in Jerusalem (455 B.C.). Because of the

sharp reproaches he was leveling against the priests and rulers of the

people, the author probably wished to conceal his identity. To do

this he made a proper name out of the Hebrew expression “My

Messenger” (Malachi), which occurs in 1:1 and 3:1. The historical

value of the prophecy is considerable in that it gives us a picture of

life in the Jewish community after the Babylonian exile and between

the period of Haggai and the reform measures of Ezra and Nehemiah.

It is likely that the author’s criticism of abuses and religious

indifference in the community prepared the way for these necessary


In the first chapter, the writer points to the sorry return that the

people make for the LORD’s divine love. The priests, who should

have been leaders, dishonored God with their polluted and blemished

sacrifices. The prophet makes a strong statement about offerings that

do not glorify God. “When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that

not evil? And when you offer those that are lame or sick, is that not evil?

Present that to your governor; will he accept you or show you favor? says

the LORD of host.” (Malachi 1:8). In his book Crazy Love:

Overwhelmed by a Relentless God, author Francis Chan refers to this

practice as “Offering Leftovers.” Chan writes:

God wants our best, deserves our best, and demands our best.

From the beginning of time, He has been clear that some

offerings are acceptable to Him and others are not (see

Genesis 4:5).

For years I gave God leftovers and felt no shame. I simply

took my eyes off Scripture and instead compared myself to

others. The bones I threw to God had more meat on them

than the bones others threw, so I figured I was doing fine.

The priests of Malachi’s day thought their sacrifices were

sufficient. They had spotless animals but chose to keep those

for themselves and give their less desirable animals to God.

They assumed God was pleased because they had sacrificed


Wisdom from the Scriptures

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The prophet is clear that God was not pleased! “I have no pleasure in

you, says the LORD of hosts, and I will not accept an offering from your

hand” (Malachi 1:10).

In chapter three the writer returns to the subject of Israel’s

begrudging offerings. In the earlier reprimand, Malachi was

concerned with the priests’ failure to make sufficient offerings. Here

he addresses the people and points to their adversities as being a result

of their own behavior, a behavior that he equates to “robbing God.”

From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my

statutes and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return

to you, says the LORD of hosts. But you say, “How shall we

return?” Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. But you

say, “How have we robbed you?” In your tithes and

contributions. You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing

me, the whole nation of you. Bring the full tithe into the

storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put

me to the test, says the LORD of hosts, if I will not open the

windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing

until there is no more need. I will rebuke the devourer for you, so

that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil, and your vine in the

field shall not fail to bear, says the LORD of hosts. Then all

nations will call you blessed, for you will be a land of delight, says

the LORD of hosts. (Malachi 3:7-10)

The author challenges the people to conscientious tithing. Bring the

full tithe: not the leftovers; not what we think we can afford; not our

excuses of too busy or too many expenses or not enough income; and

not begrudgingly. A pure offering, one steeped in prayer and given

to the glory of God, is the one that will be rewarded with divine


To this end Malachi prophesies that the day of the LORD is coming,

when God will appear—“the sun of righteousness” (4:2), measuring out

rewards and punishments and purifying the nation in the furnace of

judgment. He will create a new order in which the ultimate triumph

of good is inevitable.

Barbara Bickerstaff

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Stewardship of time, talent and treasure is chiefly a way to deepen our life in Christ,

not a way to increase our giving, although living out the Biblical principles

of stewardship always results in both.

"For the Son of Man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

(Mark 10:45)

God has taught us that we cannot love without giving and that giving includes

our time, talent, and treasure. If we give ourselves to God and

let the Lord Jesus use our talents to serve others,

we will be amazed by the results. Not only will our lives be changed

but so will the lives of others.

"So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men,

and especially to those who are of the household of faith."

(Galatians 6:10)

Thoughts to ponder ...

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Stewards of Vocation

Jesus calls his disciples to a new way of life — the

Christian way of life. He calls us individually, by

name. Each of us, whether we be minister, clerk,

teacher, nurse, mother, father, or child, has a

personal vocation. God intends each of us to play a

unique role in carrying out his divine plan. It is our

challenge to discern God’s call (our vocation) and

respond generously to this call.

“Come to me,

all who labor and are heavy laden,

and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

“FYI: There are a ton of people down there

thanking you that it is Friday!!!”

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A Statement of Leadership

At the Church Council meeting held on this past

October 15th, our Congregation’s leadership

collectively made their pledges to the work of

ministry here at Church of The Apostles for the year

2016. Ten members of the leadership team (two

Elders, five Deacons, two Ecclesiastical

Dignitaries, and the Treasurer) pledged as follows:

Total pledges for 2016: $84,040.00

This is an average of $8,404.00 or

$161.62 per week for each member.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly hosts; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Thomas Ken (1637-1711)

“This is the LORD’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.”

(Psalm 118:23)

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Tithes & Offerings

Tithes are the regular, proportional (10%) giving

from our income as an expression of our thanks for God’s daily care and provision,

and are used for the regular operating expenses

of the church.

Offerings are the occasional extra-ordinary gifts

which people give above their tithes as they are moved by God to give,

and are used for extra-ordinary expenses, whether for the needs of the church,

or for the needs of others.

Tithes are a matter of discipline, that is, having

a plan for what you need to do, and then doing what you have planned.

Offerings are ‘over the top’ gifts, that is,

doing what you are free to do however you want to do it and doing it with joyful abandon.

“He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly,

and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”

(2 Corinthians 9:6)

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Stewards of the Church

Stewards of God’s gifts are not passive beneficiaries.

Stewards of the church play an active role in the

mission of the church: bringing lost souls to the

saving power of Jesus Christ. Being a good steward

means being generous with our time, talent, and


“As each has received a gift,

use it to serve one another,

as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (1 Peter 4:10)

On the lighter side...

“I think they’ve been talking about

tithes and offerings!”

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Stewardship Sunday

“From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required;

and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded.”

(Luke 12:48)

On Sunday, November 15th, Congregants will be asked to

make a financial pledge, as well as a commitment of their time

and talent, toward the work of the ministry of Church of The

Apostles for the year 2016. Pledges should be made after

prayerful consideration. Church members are asked to take the

pledge cards that you will receive in the mail with you to

worship on November 15th and bring them to the holy Table

at an especially appointed time during the 8:00 a.m. or 10:30

a.m. celebrations of the Holy Eucharist, so that as a community

of faith we may “present [ourselves] as a living sacrifice, holy and

acceptable to God which is [our] spiritual worship” (Romans 12:1).

Please continue to pray for the mission of Church of The Apostles

as we jointly prepare to make a commitment of our time,

talent, and treasure to God for the year 2016. For we are the

Lord’s people: “servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of

God” (1 Corinthians 4:1), a people called “to work, pray, and give

for the spread of the kingdom of God” [Bylaws, Article V.1].

“Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and make good your vows to the Most High.”

(Psalm 50:14)

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Insight into Giving

A Daily Bible Reading Plan for Stewardship

“Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15)

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

DAY 1 • God’s first gifts to us Genesis 2:7; 1:29-30; 3:21

DAY 2 • The first recorded tithe Genesis 14:17-20

DAY 3 • The joy of giving 1 Chronicles 29:1-18

DAY 4 • The reward of obedience Isaiah 55:1-2

DAY 5 • The reward of giving Malachi 3:6-10

DAY 6 • The servants choice Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13-15

DAY 7 • The freedom of giving Matthew 6:25-26; Luke 12:22-31

DAY 8 • The disappointed man Mark 10:18-25

DAY 9 • The generous women Mark 12:41-44

DAY 10 • The dishonest gift Acts 5:1-10

DAY 11 • Putting things into perspective 1 Timothy 6:6-10

DAY 12 • Regular, planned, proportionate 1 Corinthians 16:1-2

DAY 13 • God gives...we give...God gives 2 Corinthians 9:6-10

DAY 14 • Let us thank God! 2 Corinthians 9:10-15

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CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES Evangelical Anglican

170 Fairview Avenue Coventry, Rhode Island 02816

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Church Office: (401) 821-7609

website: • email: [email protected]

The Holy Eucharist Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 12:00 noon Sunday Brunch Sunday 12 noon Evening Prayer Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Morning Prayer Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m.

Church Staff

Church Administrator Erin Mead Communications Officer Barbara Bickerstaff Director of Christian Education Linda Jones Youth Mentoring Coordinator Rebecca Galloway Health and Wellness Minister Sharon Galloway, RN Organist and Music Director Marianne Salisbury Assistant Organist Shyanne Slinko Sacristy Minister Barbara Battey Sexton Mike Edwards Treasurer Bob Bickerstaff Clerk Joan Clarke

Board of Elders

The Rev. Rob Geoffrey 943-4661 The Rev. Mark Tellier 580-6199 The Rev. Blessing Jacobs 588-0006 The Rev. Chad W. Tvenstrup (Licensed Presbyter)

The Rev. Conrad Ruppert (Elder Emeritus) The Rev. Mark Galloway (Bishop-retired)

Ecclesiastical Dignitaries

Lady Linda Greco 228-3060 Lady Sue Pillsbury 884-2947

Board of Servants

Archdeacon Bill Sexton Congregational Care Minister 726-4549 Deacon Tom Bourn Servant Evangelism Minister 294-4186 Deacon Kathy Kettle Outreach Minister 573-0773 Deacon Deb Adams Stewardship Minister 828-7998 Deacon Doug Stomberg Buildings and Grounds Minister 397-5508

Deacon Emerita Cathy Morgan

Page 24: Stewardship - Church of The Apostles · 2015. 10. 28. · From the Stewardship Minister “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory

Church of The Apostles 170 Fairview Avenue Coventry, Rhode Island 02816

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