
Budget Meeting – Tuesday, Nov. 10, 7:00 PM – Comsewogue Public Library

Sterling Woods Newsletter Volume 13 #6 October 2015

“Season of Inconvenience” is almost overOur long series of improvements is nearing

completion. The re-done walkways, new driveways,

and major roadway repairs are complete. All of the

work has gone extremely well and each phase was

completed ahead of schedule.

The major phase of work left is the “crack-sealing”,

double seal-coating and re-striping of the roadway and

parking areas. We will advise every one of the

scheduling and specifics of that work in the next week

or two.

The Board, once again, would like to thank all

homeowners for your patience and cooperation.

Reminder… …Parking Rules Back In Effect

Now that the bulk of the projects is complete, we would like to remind everyone that our

parking rules are once again in effect.

There is no overnight parking on Gettysburg Drive and the mail pick-up area is to be used only

for the few minutes needed to get the mail.


Now… Now…


Sterling Woods Newsletter page 2

Call Camco The best way to insure a proper response to a question or problem Call Camco

Road Paving to Start October 19 There are two remaining phases to our

improvement projects. The next phase involves

additional repairs and patches to the roadway and

parking areas. All homeowners will be notified as to

the timing of this work, which will involve minimal


The final phase involves three parts:

“Crack sealing” using special equipment and

rubberized compound

Applying two coats of seal coating with a

commercial sealer

Restriping all parking and roadway lines

This work is scheduled for October 19 – 24

(weather permitting) and will involve dividing

Gettysburg Drive into three sections as shown in the

diagram. Each section will be closed for two days

beginning at 7:45 AM the morning of the first day until

4 PM of the second day, and, during this time, the

roadway and parking areas must be clear. The rain date

is Monday, October 26. If rain cancels the work in any

of the three sections, that section will be done on the

rain date.

Units Closed Rain Date

Section 1 Units 29 – 33 and 50 – 61 7:45 AM Mon, Oct 19 to 4 PM Tue, Oct 20 Mon, Oct 26

Section 2 Units 17 – 28 and 34 – 45 7:45 AM Wed, Oct 21 to 4 PM Thurs, Oct 22 Mon, Oct 26

Section 3 Units 1 – 16 and 46 – 49 7:45 AM Fri, Oct 23 to 4 PM Sat, Oct 24 Mon, Oct 26

Pertinent Information and Suggestions:

If rain cancels the work in any of the three sections,

that section will be done on the rain date.

Sprinklers will be turned off for the week.

There will be no mail delivery on Friday, Oct. 23. We

have requested to be the last delivery on Saturday, Oct. 24.

There will be no garbage pick-up on Tuesday,

October 20.

You may not drive on a closed roadway section

during the two days that it is closed.

Street parking on Gettysburg Drive will be

permitted during this project, however, not in the

section that is closed.

If your household has more than one or two cars, it

would be appreciated if you keep any unused car(s)

in the garage and/or on the driveway for both days

that your section is closed. This will free up more

spaces elsewhere on property.

If you are willing and able to park farther from your

unit or even off property during this work, that

would greatly help.

This, of necessity, will be the most inconvenient

phase of our projects and the board continues to be

appreciative of your patience, cooperation, and

support. We believe that the results have and will be

worth it as we finish this “season of inconvenience”.

We will provide further details as we get closer to

October 19. Keep your entire household informed.

Section 2 – Units 17 – 28 and 34 – 45

Closed Wed, Oct 21 to 4 PM Thurs, Oct 22

Section 1 – Units 29 – 33 and 50 – 61

Closed Mon, Oct 19 to 4 PM Tue, Oct 20

Section 3 – Units 1 – 16 and 46 – 49 Closed Fri, Oct 23 to 4 PM Sat, Oct 24

Sterling Woods Newsletter page 3


Courtesy is the Key The ability to get through all of our improvement

projects with minimum inconvenience has only been

possible because of the patience, cooperation and

courtesy of homeowners toward each other.

Let’s continue that spirit going forward and keep

the following in mind:

Use of you garage and driveway frees up more

parking spaces. It is inconsiderate to park all

of your cars in spaces while not using your

garage and driveway for any of your vehicles.

Consider leaving the space next to your

neighbor’s unit for their use.

If you have more than the usual one or two

cars and especially if those cars are not used

every day, consider parking the extra cars in

parking spaces that are a short walk from your

unit and that are usually available.

Once again, we would like to point out that there is

ample parking for our Community’s needs if everyone

is considerate of their neighbors. Please discuss this

with everyone in your household.

Gettysburg Drive Dump? The photo on the right shows what was collected one afternoon from

the north most parking area on the west side of Gettysburg Drive.

Apparently, one or more people decided to clean out their cars and decided

to dump their garbage in the parking area. This is not the first time that

this has happened. Garbage has been collected from this area, from the

next parking area on the west side, and from the parking area near the

mailboxes. All homeowners are to monitor their family members and

guests and make sure that the slobs clean up after themselves.

Annual Inspection A qualified technician from General Security will

check all of the fire, smoke, and carbon monoxide

detectors in your home including those in the basement

and in the garage. General insures that all systems

comply with local codes and NFPA72 requirements.

The date for the annual fire alarm inspection will be

scheduled for some time in December.

Note that in the Town of Brookhaven, all homes

are required to have digital carbon monoxide detectors

installed by August 2021. Therefore, when yours

malfunctions, make sure that you replace it with a

digital detector. Because neighboring townships do

not yet have this law in place, hardware stores, Home

Depot, and Lowe’s still carry non-digital detectors. Be

sure to purchase the correct model.

New Plantings During this past

summer, boxwoods that

match those behind the

gazebo and the sitting wall

in the Commons and

seasonal flowers were

planted at the entrance.

The new look is more

formal and manicured and

allows for better lighting

of the Sterling Woods

signs. As a bonus, the

prior plantings (golden

mops) were transplanted

to fill in some sparse areas

on the berm.

Annual Budget Meeting The Annual Budget Meeting will be held at the

Comsewogue Library on Tuesday, November 10 at

7:00 PM. At this meeting, we will review this past

year’s budget and present the new budget. Other

issues of interest to the Community will also be

discussed. The Board asks that you “Hold the

Date” and plan to attend this important meeting.

Coffee and cake will be served.

Sterling Woods Newsletter page 4

Call Camco The best way to insure a proper response to a question or problem Call Camco

The Little Gray Building Have you ever wondered what happens when you

flush your toilet? Well, since it affects Sterling

Woods’s bottom line, you need to know. First, all of

the waste from your toilets, sinks, showers, washing

machine, and dishwasher travel down the pipes in your

home, out to sewer lines in the street to the pump

house. From there it is pumped under Route 112 and

then south to the sewerage treatment plant owned by

Sagamore Hills.

Water and Sewage Treatment Enterprises, also

known as W.A.S.T.E. Inc., manages our pump house

and cleans it. The Board met with Dick Crescenzo, the

owner of W.A.S.T.E Inc., who explained what should

and should not be flushed down the toilet. Okay, this

topic is a little sensitive but needs to be discussed

because it costs us money.

What to flush down the

toilet: This is simple. The

three things that you should

flush down the toilet are

TPPP – toilet paper, poop,

and pee. There is no more

need to get any more

complicated. That is all that

should go down the toilet.

What not to flush down the toilet: Easy –

anything that is not one of the three items listed above.

To be more specific, do not flush tissues, napkins,

paper towels nor any other type of paper except toilet

paper. They just do not disintegrate the way toilet

paper does. Do not flush baby wipes, flushable wipes,

cleaning wipes, swifter sheets, dust cloths, flushable

1 The Hot Wheels variety

diapers, tampons, condoms, cotton balls, cotton swabs,

latex gloves, dental floss, plastic sheets, food, hair,

pharmaceuticals, gold fish, nor gold Cadillacs.1 The

list can go on, but you get the idea.

What not to put down the sink drain: While the

sink drain is an easy way to get rid of unwanted liquid

waste, liquids that contain fat are a problem. You

should not dispose of cooking oil, fats, butter,

margarine, lard, greasy sauces, gravy, nor fatty dairy

products. Of course, you know that poisons such as

paint, chemicals, and non-organic cleaning products

should not go down the sink. These, along with food

products, grease and oil, should be put into containers

and tossed into the garbage. All of the grease products

that have been tossed into the sewer system form

fatbergs and clog the system.

Unfortunately, a few weeks ago, the Suffolk Dept. of

Public Works alerted us about an emergency situation.

Our sewer pipe had a leak and our sewage spilled out onto

Route 112. After that was cleaned up and the pipe was

patched, we learned that more repairs are needed. When

this occurs, W.A.S.T.E. will bring in a tank truck to hold

our waste while they shut down the pump station and

repair the broken sections of our pipe on the west side of

Route 112. This should happen without affecting anyone.

4 Round-to-its Now is the time to get around to winterizing your

home before the first snowflake falls. These winter

weather preparations will help to keep your home safe and

just might save you a few bucks.

Clean it: Call your furnace service company and set up

an appointment to have the furnace cleaned and the filters

changed before it has to be used to heat your home. Note

that many service companies prefer to service your

central air-conditioning unit at the same time.

Store it: Store the items on your patio inside or

carefully secure these items on the patio so that they

do not blow around during possible winter storms.

Make sure that you have extra batteries on hand, spare

blankets in the closet and plenty of ice melting

compound. CALCIUM CHLORIDE is the ONLY

product to be used since it will not damage the pavers.

Seal it: Keep out the cold air by caulking any openings

around windows, doors, and vents. Drain hoses and

put them away for the winter. Turn off the outside

water faucets, drain them, and leave them open.

Sterling Woods Newsletter page 5

Call Camco The best way to insure a proper response to a question or problem Call Camco

Replace it: Replace the batteries in the smoke

detectors and carbon monoxide detectors on the

day you turn the clocks back on Sunday, Nov. 1 at

2:00 AM. Check the batteries in your flashlights

and replace if necessary.

Last Chance for Recycling The last two special recycling events scheduled by the

Town of Brookhaven for the year are as follows:

Saturday, Oct 10 Saturday, Oct 17

Setauket Fire Department William Floyd Middle School

394 Nicolls Rd. East Setauket

630 Moriches Middle Island Rd Moriches

9 AM – 1 PM 9 AM – 1 PM

e-Waste, Paper, Drugs e-Waste, Paper

An e-waste recycling company will provide safe

processing and recycling of electronic items including

televisions, PCs, cell phones, PDAs, copiers, printers,

CD ROMs, projectors, circuit boards, etc. You can

watch the crew shred your no longer needed personal

papers. Your unused drugs and outdated pills and

tablets will be safely discarded so that they do not enter

the underground aquifer.

This needs to be repeated! This article was in last month’s issue, but,

unfortunately, the problems still exist. Please discuss

this with all driving members of your household.

During the past month, there have been a few near

misses in Sterling Woods and residents have been


Speeding – our speed limit is 15 mph.

Not stopping at the stop signs

Parking at crazy angles at the mailbox pavilion and not

parking perpendicular to the curb

Failing to look both ways when backing out of the

driveway or a parking space

At 15 mph, it only takes 1 minute and 20 seconds to

drive the entire length of Gettysburg Drive. Therefore,

it should take at most 40 seconds to reach your home

from the entrance. So why speed? Please check your

ego, machismo, distracted driving, or whatever it is, at

home or outside Sterling Woods and drive safely around

Gettysburg Drive. There are children on bikes and

walkers of all ages who might not be attentive to your

speeding car – especially as you drive around the curves

and they are not able to see you.

Celebrate Autumn There are many local events available for all of us

to enjoy in addition to trips to the wineries or the

pumpkin fields out east. Last weekend, the traffic to

the East End was a nightmare in both directions. Below

are just some of the local weekend events.

PJ Farmer's Market: Every Sunday through November 1, 9 AM – 1 PM in the parking lot between The Frigate and Tommy’s Place. Here is a chance to buy from local producers.

3rd Annual LEGO Building Contest & Exhibit: Now through Oct 18, (10:00 AM - 05:00 PM) at the Ward Melville Heritage Organization Educational & Cultural Center, Stony Brook Village Center, Main St., Stony Brook. Visit for more information. Exhibit admission is $4/adult and $2/child. While in Stony Brook, enjoy the 25th Annual Scarecrow Competition.

21st Annual Spirits Tour: October 17 @ 4:30 PM - 9:00 PM. Visit with the ‘ghosts’ of past citizens at the Caroline Church and the Presbyterian Church cemeteries in Setauket, NY. See for more info, reservations, and tickets ($10 child, $10 - $25 adult).

Lecture: Italy and the Holocaust: Monday, October 19 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, Vincent Marmorale will speak on the topic, Italy and the Holocaust, at the Setauket Neighborhood House, 95 Main Street, Setauket, NY. Free and open to the public.

8th Annual “A Taste of Port Jefferson”: Saturday, October 24th, 12 PM – 4 PM; $40 in advance, $50 at the door; 21 and over. One day only – taste from over 35 local restaurants, desserts, wine, and beer! You must go with an empty stomach and designated driver. Be prepared to feel full from the delicious foods! View photos of last year’s event and purchase your tickets online at

The best way to insure a proper response to a question

or problem is to call Camco, 476-2100 ext. 206.

Important Contact Information

Sterling Woods Condominium,

62 Gettysburg Drive

Rich Ciotta, President, 331-2197

[email protected]

45 Gettysburg Drive

Jeff Napoleon, Vice

President/Treasurer 473-5617

[email protected]

2 Gettysburg Drive

Patricia Hanham, Sec. 476-5979

[email protected]

33 Gettysburg Drive

Long Island Coverage 435-3200

(Condominium Insurance –

call for the insurance

certificate if your mortgage

company needs it.)

Maggio’s M & P Carting Service


Camco Management

Carol Fishberg, Prop. Mngr

476-2100 ext. 206

[email protected]

For correspondence or

payments without coupon:

Sterling Woods Condo.

c/o Camco Services, Inc.

PO Box 990,

Port Jeff Station, NY 11776 For payments with coupon:

Sterling Woods Condo.

PO Box 5802

Hicksville, NY 11802

After Hours Emergency

Number: 476-2100, press1 and

then1 again (weeknights 5 pm

to 8 am and 24 hours Saturday,

Sunday and holidays)

Back issues of the newsletter are available on Sterling Woods’


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