Page 1: STEM Academy Key Club | May 2012 Newsletter

May 2012

Volume 1|Issue 2

STEM Academy | Key Club

Division 3 South

Region 7

CNH District


Page 2: STEM Academy Key Club | May 2012 Newsletter
Page 3: STEM Academy Key Club | May 2012 Newsletter


President’s Message…......4 - 5

Upcoming Events…………6 - 7

Past Events……………..….8 - 9

Officer Recognition……10 - 11

Member Recognition…12 - 13

Officer Contacts……….14 - 15

Upcoming Events…………6 - 7

Past Events……………..….8 - 9

Officer Recognition……10 - 11

Member Recognition…12 - 13

Officer Contacts……….14 - 15

Past Events……………..….8 - 9

Contacts……….14 - 15

Officer Recognition……10 - 11

Member Recognition…12 - 13

Officer Contacts……….14 - 15

Member Recognition…12 - 13

Officer Contacts……….14 - 15

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President John Paul

@ May DCM

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Hey, It’s your President JP, and

this is crazy, but here’s my message,

so read it maybe! Just Kidding! Hello STEM Key

Clubbers! I would like to start off to say that I really

appreciate every single one of you and that I love

every single one of you because of your service as key

clubbers and the time you have dedicated on serving others. In

this month’s DCM if you did not know, we were awarded as Club of

the Month! When we received this award I felt so happy and

accomplished to where I knew that we as a club, can be successful this

upcoming year. We would have not received this award without all of

your hard work and dedication in service. I would like to thank all of you

and I hope we can continue on doing more community service and

volunteering throughout this year. It feels great achieving such an

award knowing that our club was recently recognized and charted

just last year. It gives us the push we need to thrive to do better

and to do more as a club. I am hoping that throughout this

year we can aim for more hours of service and strive for a

spirit of serving others like it’s our second nature. My

goal and my challenge to all of you is to attend

more Key Club & Volunteer events. We as our

own club can make a difference in the

world by doing our own part. Thank

you my lovely members. Let’s

have a great YEAR!

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Prepare meals for those who

have HIV/AIDS or other

diseases. These meals are

made and prepared by mostly

volunteers. The meals are there

to nourish the body of those

who have a weaker immune

system and such.

Ronald McDonald House is a

charity house that provides

parents and families a

place to stay where

hotel expenses

are too high.

These houses are

near by the hospital,

to ensure that the family is

always near their sons or

daughters. Volunteers clean the

facility, help serve food, and also

interact with the children living inside

the house.

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JUNE 3, 2012:

Project Angel Food

JUNE 4, 2012:

Ronald McDonald

House Kiwanis Dinner

JUNE 9, 2012:

Officer Training Conference

JUNE 24, 2012:

Project Angel Food

JUNE 17, 2012:

Project Angel Food

JUNE 10, 2012:

Project Angel Food

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PAST Events “When I arrived at the Verdugo Mountains

10k Trail Run and Hike with a few friends, we

checked in and received volunteer shirts. We

were then split into groups of two and were

given different jobs. Our first job was to

transport bananas from a building to the

tents and set up the tables. Then we went to

the finish line to set bottles and cups of water

for the runners. Once the bottles and cups of

water were set up we got ready to record

the runners times as they finished. After the

race we helped pack the chairs and tables

in the truck. This was my very first service

project. I met a few new people. Overall I

had a great time.”

- Mark Santiago

On May 7, I volunteered in the Verdugo 10k Hike/Run with Division 3 South. I got there

pretty early, around 6:40 AM; once I signed in, I was to help the runners/hikers who were

registering late to fill in a scantron with their names and information. It was nice of them to

say thank you to me after helping them, it made me feel good, especially since I filled in the

scantron for some of them since they couldn’t see the letters on the scantron. After I helped

the runners/hikers register late, I helped move the tents to a different location, or put them

away; when I was putting about to put one of the tents away, my hand got stuck in between,

and I got a cut on my hand. I went to the medical tent, and they gave me a bandaid and then

I went back to volunteer. At first I was just standing there doing nothing, but then when I heard

that they need about 5 people near the finish line, I went there. I was cheering the runners/hikers

at first, but then I saw that a few key clubbers were giving out water, and I went to help out and

a lot of people said thank you after I gave them a water bottle. After all the water bottles were

gone, I was cheering on the runners once again and after they told us that we could go back

down, we did. Once we got down, we were there talking for a while and then we took a group

picture. Then I went to sign out, but before I left, me and other key clubbers, helped put the chairs,

tables, and tents into the back of a truck. All in all, it was a fun event and I met new people, not

just in D3S but also in D3N.

- Marvin Santiago

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“Members of my club have begun volunteering at

Project Angel Food in the middle of May. Project Angel

Food is an organization where volunteers serve food to

people who have AIDS/HIV, cancer, and other life-

threatening illnesses. For my experience in volunteering

at Project Angel Food, you always have to be careful

and clean. We would always have to make sure we

wash our hands and follow procedures before working

in the kitchen. We would help out cook, cut, set up, and

prepare the food. There are expert chef’s who are in

charge during the whole day who delegates and

teaches the volunteers how to do certain things. I have

learned how to cut onions in a faster and efficient way,

and learned how to prepare other sorts of food in

different ways. Project Angel Food is a really good

organization and I really like volunteering there because

I help out people who are in need and I also get my

own benefits by learning how to cook and prepare


- JP Rigonan


“On the Tree People volunteer service, which had

taken place on May 19 at Sawyer St. and Hayworth

Ave, we had cared for the local trees through

clearing weeds around the tree, remulching them,

and watering them. Through this process this ensured

the tree had no issues with expanding its roots as well

as helped the tree retain the water the water that

was given as well as provided insulation. The tree

caring process had been repeated and done to the

trees along the street we were working on. Aside

from the volunteer work, there were benefits such as

food being provided for the volunteers throughout

the time we had been working.”

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With the month of May ending, our officer of the

month is none other than our very very very enthusiastic

and energetic, John Paul Mateo Rigonan. From being well

known throughout STEM Academy, he has managed to spark other

students’ interest into Key Club. His popularity amongst his peers

increased the membership and attendees in our weekly meetings. We

even ran out of copies of the agenda and had them share with one

another. He also got our meetings alive and running by the constant

icebreakers we play in our weekly meetings after we have finished the

old and new business in the agenda. John Paul, not only does this to

make our meetings fun, but he also provides incentives and prizes for

members. For example, for one, he gave out chocolates to those who

did the “How Do You Feel?!” cheer. John Paul actually got everyone to

cheer along with him. In addition to his dedication to the inclusiveness

he demonstrates, he has provided our club with many service projects in

the month of May. Surprisingly a few more service projects than what

we’ve had in the month of April, which was a lot more than we usually

have. With the many service projects he’s given our members and he

fundraisers he organized that is currently taking place, STEM Academy

was awarded the Club of the Month for April! This was all from his

great effort that he brought in the club. Just shortly after getting

our Key Club chartered just three months ago, we’ve

received such an award in our division. Thus, from his

strong leadership, love for service, and

commitment, John Paul is awarded the

officer of the month.

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MARK Santiago

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For the month of May, the member of the

month, is a senior, Mark Santiago. Mark

Santiago, has been a Key Club member

since the start of this year, however, he

barely started getting active at the

beginning of this 2012 – 2013 Key Club term.

Mark Santiago recently he became very

active this very month. He’s been attending

weekly meetings and asking many

questions about the many of the service

projects our club offered. Though as a

senior and in the verge of graduating in less

than a month, he does not stop to attend

the events he can participate in. He’s

slowly breaking out of his shyness barrier

and started to meet other Key Clubbers

from other school in our divisions. He’s also

been attending the past Division events

and meetings. Overall, he’s in the top five

people with the highest service hours.

Briefly, this member of the month

recognition for May, goes to Mark Santiago

as he rightfully deserves such an award for

stepping up and dedicating himself as a




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jprigonan @


veniel13 @


OFFICER Contacts


JayPee Rigonan

Vice President:

Veniel Espanol

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Jasmine Cruz







Samuel Gonzalez


Marvin Santiago

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THANK YOU for reading!

Howl with SERVICE!

The ERA of the

Wolves has begun!

a Kiwanis-family member


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