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BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN LEVEL 06 Module Code OUGD303 Outcomes 1



Name: Ceara Elliot

Blog Address:


A Print based investigation of type and image with a focus on promotion and publicity material.

I want to explore areas of design disciplines that focus in promotion of events/products. I also want to design for a variety of different print formats (preferably 2D outcomes), exploring the combination of layout, type and image in a unique, simple but also creative way.I like producing designs that are different, I feel Graphic Design is a chance to explore how type and image can sit together in ways that are creative, I feel that what’s I like to communicate within my work. Including interesting type and layout with considered imagery, I feel is a way of designing that I want to be an expert at.

I like to have a reason for the way in which I have designed, therefore, I consider my design directions are backed up with a strong concept. I like to combine the effect of randomness with a systematic approach.

I have a large interest in the culture sector; I enjoy working alongside film, music and literature. I feel with the culture sector there is plenty of room to break the rules slightly, and I like working from a story/plot and developing a concept that then works with design, from the specific topic.

I feel my work is fairly versatile, in terms of design ‘styles’, I feel I am quite flexible. My interests in design vary from purely type driven, to only image. However, what restricts me is how I approach the briefs. I like to produce work that derives from a variety of different medias (photography, type and layout, type and image, illustration), however, all driven from a creative, interesting message.

I rarely consider limitations when designing, I am fond of perfection and finishing within my designs and would like to extend these skills further throughout FMP. I feel publications are a good way to explore and then demonstrate these ways of feeling a product.

As for posters/large scale prints, they should be highly successful from their concept.

Simple designs that are supported mainly by the reason behind the design.

Subjects / Themes

SubjectsCulture sector – Film promotional material (poster formats, supporting publications)Music – art to express the music itself (through various forms e.g album covers, identity etc)Art – producing branding & identity for low key exhibitions, the introducing of artistsLiterature – exploring poetry using interactive, appropriate type, image and layoutCulture – different countries/languages Themes-The relationship and appropriateness of the combination of type, image and layout-Less is more (the idea of a strong concept backed up with simple design work)- Contemporary type and layout, introducing new ways of reading/writing for design- Using imagery to demonstrate message, combined with appropriate language

Design Disciplines / Creative Development

-Publishing- Promoting- Imagery with type and layout- stock/finishing- design for promoting and event/product

I want to design primarily for print, and also preferably 2D (excluding complex packaging, web design, information graphics, design for motion). I like exploring new ways of type and layout, whilst exploring how imagery can sit alongside this, effectively.

When distributing work, I will mainly produce for print based products, however proposals will be made when considering my designs being stretched across web, screen and other forms of promotion (art direction- large projection, design for outdoors, crafting)

Practical Skills / Workshops – what, why and when?

Skills I want to developPrint preparation – I have realised over the last couple of years, I have printed expensive prints and then realised mistakes once printed. I want to prep more before I print out final products, to test their effectiveness and also to ensure perfection of the final outcome.

Software- I feel I need to strengthen my skills within Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. I know the basics, and don’t feel I need to know the software to an expert

level. However, I do want to develop my knowledge of the software, knowing the cheats, skills and shortcuts to enable me to design quickly and also the best I can. They offer so much, I don’t want to miss out.

Time management/decision making – The issue of decision making crops up in my evaluation after every module hand in. For FMP I want to really avoid it, I want to make design decisions quicker to make room for adjustments that will most definitely occur throughout. This way I can develop the brief as far as I can. Time management relates to a lot of issues, including product photography. I want to leave myself enough time to photograph my final products effectively, I feel this is a very important aspect of summarising my projects, and will also go on my website etc…

Image obtainment – I want to source images that are original and appropriate. Perhaps include my own photography, or collaborate with photographers. If I want to explore illustration, I want to be less impatient and spend more time. I feel I have the skills to produce interesting illustration but because of my time management I feel I need to rush…which I shouldn’t.

Contemporary and old fashioned design – I want to research into old and new trends, and use them both when creating my designs. I want to be more free when designing, and not feel I should stick to current ‘trends’ with all my designs.

Knowledge of production – I want to learn more about production methods, mainly to do with the manual feed/finshing aspects. I use digital print a lot, but would like to maybe consider using screen print more, and looking more into the use of foil blocking/spot varnish.

Skills I want to obtain

Time management – Although this was mentioned in the section above, I feel I am good at keeping up to date with my work. I don’t like leaving everything until the last minute, but I tend to hestitate with my design decisions.

Contextual research – I enjoy looking at blogs researching into designs that already exist. I feel it helps me develop brief, sustain a solid interest within design and grow my knowledge and own, original style. I also feel it broadens my design library, maintaining the knowledge of a variety of designs that originate from not just graphic design.

Other interests – I very much enjoy relating my designs to aspects like, film, language, music, nature. These are my own interests I have and I feel it’s refreshing to include this into my designs.

Colour – I really like including colour in my work, I feel I am quite open to trying new colours and don’t like to stick to using the same colours. I feel my knowledge for applying colour greatens as I progress through this course.

Brief 1: Poem Book Deadline

Rationale: “Produce a publication containing my poetry, with complimentary imagery alongside carefully considered type and layout”. This brief aims to help me explore the use of interesting type and layout, with a variety of imagery that supports it. I want to work on producing a publication that will be printed to a high standard, that may also include finishes.

Brief 2: Japan Art Deadline

Rationale: “Produce the promotional material and branding for a Japanese Art Exhibition” This brief enables me to explore the use of type and image alongside a unique layout that all derive from a simple, yet effective concept. I want to focus more on the design and concept, as appose to the products and production methods.

Brief 3: Film Poster Deadline

Rationale: “Produce a series of film posters for either existing films or made up films”. I want this brief to be a chance for me to really develop my Photoshop skills. I also want to produce some really bold and professional looking film posters that will be useful in my portfolio and also help my aspects of a possible career. I want to use the skills of combining imagery and layering on effective type. Also combining taglines that work well.

Brief 4: Language & Branding? Deadline

Rationale: I want to explore different languages through the use of type and layout. I will do this either through a small publication or perhaps an exhibiton and it’s supporting material? Perhaps I could produce the branding and identity for a French/german independent shop?

Brief 5: Collection of short briefs Deadline

Rationale:I want to produce a series of Little White Lies briefs that take a different approach to the magazine, I want to explore them stemming away from the use of their classic,

illustrative approach.

Branding and identity for a photographer?

\\\\\\\\Contextual references / Designers / Studios / Companies (specific)

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Visit to Empire Design Deadline

DetailsOver the summer I had a weeks work experience at a film marketing company, I am hopefully going again over my Easter holidays so I can learn more about how the company works and also perhaps try to have some of my questions answered.










MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES – (include publication date and details)

ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls),, (photography) (handwritten effect)

OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences)

ACTION PLAN – use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief.Brief What do you need to do? Deadlin












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