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    AT THE



    16TH SEPTEMBER 2015

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    Your Excellency Madame Getrude Mutharika, First

    Lady of the Republic of Malawi

    Right Hounourable Dr. Saulos Claus Chilima, Vice

    President of the Republic of Malawi

    Minister of Education, Science and Technology Dr.

    Emmanuel Fabiano, M.P.

    Secretary For Education, Science And Technology Mrs.

    Lonely Magreta;

    Chairperson of Swiss National Committee for UNICEF,

    Mr. Hans Kunzle;

    UNICEF Country Representative, Mr. Mahimbo


    Member Of Parliament for this Constituency, Hon.

    Joseph Mwanamveka, M.P,

    The Traditional Authority Of This Area T.A. Nkalo;

    Division Manager for Shire Highlands Educatin

    Division, Mr Christopher Naunje

    All Development Partners;

    Members Of The Press;

    Ladies and gentlemen

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    Today, a more perfect vision is completed. It highly

    honours me to come here fulfilling dreams of the people. It

    also deeply humbles me to remember the foundations we

    set for our children. Children are the most precious treasure

    of our future. As a child, this is the place where I came to

    do my primary education at Namanjazi. My teachers gave

    me their best of quality education. I became a Professor.

    Later, I became Minister of Education and I returned one

    day to lay the foundation stone for this Teachers Training

    College. Today, I have returned yet again to say: let us give

    our best of quality education to our children.

    As Government, we are committed to improve the quality

    of education in this country. We are increasing teachers in

    order to reduce teacher-pupil ratio in our primary schools.

    We are set to achieve the qualified teacher-pupil ratio of

    1:60 by 2017. Currently, the qualified teacher pupil ratio is

    at 1 to 78. This is still unacceptable!

    Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, I want us Malawians

    to be a people who raise the flag of our standards very

    high. We deserve the best, and we must aspire to be at our


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    But a nation cannot rise without standing on the shoulders

    of the teacher. As we say, Teaching is the one profession

    that creates other professions. Therefore, we must produce

    the best quality of teachers. This new training college, and

    more to come in Chikhwawa, Mchinji and Rumphi, will

    provide an inspiring environment for producing high

    quality primary teachers. Let us aim high and maintain high


    Government is taking deliberate policy measures to ensure

    high standards in our education system. Education is where

    we begin the making of a nation.

    Recently, Ministry of Education Science and Technology has

    launched the National Education Standards. This will ensure

    that every learner across the country is getting the best

    possible education, regardless of his or her social economic

    status. It should never matter who you are, or where you

    come from, because we all deserve the best of mankind.

    Like other colleges, this training college is part of our

    agenda to create a better life for all. My spirited conviction

    is that government is there to make you the people happy

    in the end. Whether it is through better schools and

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    education, better roads, healthcare, we govern to make us

    see that a better quality of life is possible. And to enable us

    to achieve the best of our potentials! And with high quality

    education; with love for our dear country; with integrity;

    and with hard work, we will rise to the best of our destiny.

    Finally, let me thank Swiss Natcom for the financial support

    you rendered in the construction of this college. We will

    not forget your commitment to our national cause. I also

    thank UNICEF for facilitating the construction of this

    college. We will not forget that you have always laid our

    stepping stones. And to all our friends and development

    partners, I say, it is a good humanitarian cause to support us

    to teach our children.

    I will close my address by dedicating this college to our

    children; so that we may care for it as we care for our

    children. Our pursuit for happiness also lies in what we do

    for our children.

    I now declare Chiradzulu Teachers Training College

    officially opened. And I thank you for your attention.

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    May God bless us all and may He Bless mother Malawi!

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