Page 1: State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu ... · 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008 TENDER REFERENCE NO. PROJECTS/GEO/2/2019, DATED 17.09.2020 Request

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (SIPCOT) 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008


Request for Proposal for Selection of Consultant for GIS Mapping & Preparation of Geo Database for SIPCOT New Land Banks in Tamil Nadu

Responses /Clarifications to the Pre BID Queries – Dated: 01.10.2020

Page 1 of 12

Sl. No.

Reference & Contents of the RFP Queries received from the prospective bidders

through email/letter SIPCOT Response /


1. 3. Qualification Criteria (Page No.5)

d) The Single Bidder/ any one of the Consortium Partner

should have experience in large scale mapping at 1:500 scale (including data capture, vectorization, ortho- rectification and

production) using UAV& Structure From Motion (SFM) Photogrammetric involving an area of at least 5,000 Acres cumulatively in the last 5 years for Central / State Government departments/ Organizations’/ Agencies/ Urban Local Bodies /

Smart City Works/ Public Sector Undertaking projects in India. The bidder should enclose the work orders /project completion certificates provided by the client indicating scope of work,

scale of mapping& area covered under the projects as a supportive document.

The drone/ UAV survey is an evolving technology, hence restricting experience of large scale mapping only to UAV shall make limited participation of bidders with less experience in map making process. Also the scope of project is to prepare large scale map including land records, is necessary that service provider should have Land Parcel Mapping (LPM) experience with large scale using any of the geospatial technology. Also 1: 1000 map scale can be considered as large scale mapping. Considering the above information, and for wider participation of bidders with professional map making experience and knowledge about parcel mapping with land records, Hence, requested to amend as below, “The Single Bidder any one of the Consortium Partner should have experience in large scale mapping at 1:1000 scale or better (including data capture, vectorization, ortho-rectification and production) using UAV& Structure From Motion (SFM) Photogrammetric/ Aerial Photography/ DGPS/ ETS/ very high resolution Satellite data + DGPS based Survey involving an area of at least 5,000 Acres cumulatively in the last 5 years”

RFP conditions shall prevail

2. 2. SCOPE OF WORK (Page No.1) 2.1 GIS Mapping & preparation of Geo database

a) Data collection and desk study of land Cadastral maps,

Village layout maps, land records and relevant data for the

28nos. of indicative industrial land banks

We understand that SIPCOT shall provide Cadastral maps, Village layout maps, and relevant data for 28 nos of preparation of Geo database maps, land records and relevant industrial banks to successful bidder. Please Confirm

SIPCOT will show the Area Of Interest (AOI). The Cadastral maps are to be collected from Concerned Government Department. SIPCOT shall provide necessary support.

3. 17. Award of contract. We understand that all 28 Nos. of Indicative Industrial land Banks shall be awarded a single/multiple work order at one time to successful bidder for effective planning, mobilization, data acquisition and processing activities. Please confirm.

Refer to the Clause 17(b) of the RFP

Page 2: State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu ... · 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008 TENDER REFERENCE NO. PROJECTS/GEO/2/2019, DATED 17.09.2020 Request

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (SIPCOT) 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008


Request for Proposal for Selection of Consultant for GIS Mapping & Preparation of Geo Database for SIPCOT New Land Banks in Tamil Nadu

Responses /Clarifications to the Pre BID Queries – Dated: 01.10.2020

Page 2 of 12

Sl. No.

Reference & Contents of the RFP Queries received from the prospective bidders

through email/letter SIPCOT Response /


4. 3. Qualification Criteria (Page No.5) d) The Single Bidder/ any one of the Consortium Partner should have experience in large scale mapping at 1:500 scale (including data capture, vectorization, ortho- rectification and production) using UAV& Structure From Motion (SFM) Photogrammetric involving an area of at least 5,000 Acres cumulatively in the last 5 years for Central / State Government departments/ Organizations’/ Agencies/ Urban Local Bodies / Smart City Works/ Public Sector Undertaking projects in India. The bidder should enclose the work orders /project completion certificates provided by the client indicating scope of work, scale of mapping& area covered under the projects as a supportive document.

Preparation of large scale mapping on 1:250 scale using Very high resolution satellite data with detailed DGPS survey consisting plot / parcel wise property mapping should also be considered as qualifying criteria. Request to kindly confirm

As per the RFP, 1:500 is the required scale. Proof for having executed higher resolution data 1:250 can be enclosed in the proposal for validation as per Clause 3(d) of the RFP.

5. 3. Qualification Criteria (Page No.4) b) The Single Bidder/ any one of the Consortium Partner should have successfully completed GIS based land Information System projects using Drone Survey in cadastral scale involving an area of at least 10,000 Acres cumulatively in the last 5 years for Central / State Government departments/ Government organizations/ Government agencies/ Urban Local Bodies / Smart City SPV/ Public Sector Undertaking projects in India. The bidder should enclose the work orders and project completion certificates provided by the client indicating scope of work, scale of mapping& area covered under the projects as a supportive document.

Request to Modify / Accept that any Bidder of the Consortium should have successfully completed GIS based land Information System projects using Drone Survey in cadastral scale involving an area of at least 5,000 Acres cumulatively in the last 5 years for Central / State Government departments/ Government organizations/ Government agencies/ Urban Local Bodies / Smart City SPV/ Public Sector Undertaking projects in India.

RFP conditions shall prevail

6. 3. Qualification Criteria (Page No.4) a) ii) In case of consortium of bidders: o Consortium of Bids are allowed with maximum of two

partners o One of the partners shall be designated as Prime Bidder

and such partner shall be a registered legal entity in India and should be in existence for more than 5years.

Since Consortium Bids are allowed, we would like to know if qualification of Consortium partner will be combined together to evaluate the Qualification criteria.

RFP conditions shall prevail. Qualification should not be combined.

Page 3: State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu ... · 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008 TENDER REFERENCE NO. PROJECTS/GEO/2/2019, DATED 17.09.2020 Request

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (SIPCOT) 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008


Request for Proposal for Selection of Consultant for GIS Mapping & Preparation of Geo Database for SIPCOT New Land Banks in Tamil Nadu

Responses /Clarifications to the Pre BID Queries – Dated: 01.10.2020

Page 3 of 12

Sl. No.

Reference & Contents of the RFP Queries received from the prospective bidders

through email/letter SIPCOT Response /


o Other partners of the Consortium should be a registered

legal entity in India and should be in existence for more than 3years.

o No partner of the Consortium should bid individually or be a partner of another consortium.

o The Consortium partners individually should submit the documentary evidence from appropriate Authority. If the documentary evidence is not in English, then notarized English translation should be submitted.

o The original Consortium Agreement / Letter of intent should be submitted. The Consortium Agreement / Letter of intent shall contain statement that all partners of the consortium shall be liable jointly and severally for the execution of the contract in accordance with the contract terms.

7. 23. PAYMENT TERMS (Page No.12) Since payment terms are very stringent and we need to invest huge amount considering this is mostly a survey-oriented project. We would like to request SIPCOT to make payments for individual Industrial AOI as per the given payment milestone.

RFP conditions shall prevail

8. 3. Qualification Criteria (Page No.5) e) The Single/Prime Bidder of the consortium should have the average annual turnover of minimum Rs.5 Crores in last three financial years (i.e. 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19). The certificate from the Statutory Auditor to be enclosed.

Request you to change the Average annual turnover to 4 Crores.

RFP conditions shall prevail

9. 12. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (Page No.8) Exemption of EMD & Document cost Please Exempt the EMD and Bid processing fee for the MSME

Registered companies.

RFP conditions shall prevail

Page 4: State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu ... · 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008 TENDER REFERENCE NO. PROJECTS/GEO/2/2019, DATED 17.09.2020 Request

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (SIPCOT) 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008


Request for Proposal for Selection of Consultant for GIS Mapping & Preparation of Geo Database for SIPCOT New Land Banks in Tamil Nadu

Responses /Clarifications to the Pre BID Queries – Dated: 01.10.2020

Page 4 of 12

Sl. No.

Reference & Contents of the RFP Queries received from the prospective bidders

through email/letter SIPCOT Response /


10. 2. SCOPE OF WORK (Page No.1) 2.1 GIS Mapping & preparation of Geo database a) Data collection and desk study of land Cadastral maps, Village layout maps, land records and relevant data for the 28nos. of indicative industrial land banks

Is Cadastral data, land records and relevant data in soft copy or

hardcopy format, if partially available what is the percent availability?

SIPCOT will show the Area Of Interest (AOI). The Cadastral maps are to be collected from Concerned Government Department. SIPCOT shall provide necessary support.

11. 2. SCOPE OF WORK (Page No.1) 2.1 GIS Mapping & preparation of Geo database b) Establishment of sufficient Primary Ground Control Points (GCPs) using DGPS with reference to the Survey of India GCPs in all Industrial Land banks.

How many Primary Ground Control Points required?

Based on the Topography of the site area the DGPS survey needs to be conducted and 2 or more PBM should be constructed.

12. 2. SCOPE OF WORK (Page No.1) 2.1 GIS Mapping & preparation of Geo database b) Establishment of sufficient Primary Ground Control Points (GCPs) using DGPS with reference to the Survey of India GCPs in all Industrial Land banks.

How many Survey of India bench marks are available? Is it in the

required AOI, if not where is it in reference to the AOI?

Survey of India points are spread throughout the State and one or two might be available in the nearby the site area. The bidder has to collect it from SOI and used as base reference to our AOI by standard survey procedure.

13. 2. SCOPE OF WORK (Page No.1) 2.1 GIS Mapping & preparation of Geo database c) Preparation of drone flight plan including with suitable numbers of Ground Control Points (GCP), for the generation of Ortho-images, DEM& Contours .Aerial survey through execution of drone flight over the Areas of Interest (AOI) i.e., proposed Industrial Land banks and capture the GCP and generation of ortho-image, Contour and DEMs through implementation of photogrammetric processing of the aerial images.

What is contour interval required?

The contour intervals should be 0.5 meters or less.

14. 2. SCOPE OF WORK (Page No.1) 2.1 GIS Mapping & preparation of Geo database

Does any portion of AOI fall into Non-Fly zone or restricted area?


Page 5: State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu ... · 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008 TENDER REFERENCE NO. PROJECTS/GEO/2/2019, DATED 17.09.2020 Request

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (SIPCOT) 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008


Request for Proposal for Selection of Consultant for GIS Mapping & Preparation of Geo Database for SIPCOT New Land Banks in Tamil Nadu

Responses /Clarifications to the Pre BID Queries – Dated: 01.10.2020

Page 5 of 12

Sl. No.

Reference & Contents of the RFP Queries received from the prospective bidders

through email/letter SIPCOT Response /


c) Preparation of drone flight plan including with suitable numbers of Ground Control Points (GCP), for the generation of Ortho-images, DEM& Contours .Aerial survey through execution of drone flight over the Areas of Interest (AOI) i.e., proposed Industrial Land banks and capture the GCP and generation of ortho-image, Contour and DEMs through implementation of photogrammetric processing of the aerial images.

15. 2. SCOPE OF WORK (Page No.1) 2.1 GIS Mapping & preparation of Geo database c) Preparation of drone flight plan including with suitable numbers of Ground Control Points (GCP), for the generation of Ortho-images, DEM & Contours. Aerial survey through execution of drone flight over the Areas of Interest (AOI) i.e., proposed Industrial Land banks and capture the GCP and generation of ortho-image, Contour and DEMs through implementation of photogrammetric processing of the aerial images.

Where can we find the list of area of interest and their coverage area?

Refer to Corrigendum-1 for the list of area of interest, corresponding coverage area and officer in-charge for AOI.

16. 3. Qualification Criteria (Page No.5) c) The Single Bidder/ any one of the Consortium Partner should have completed DGPS survey & mapping involving an area of at least 5,000 Acres cumulatively in the last 5 years for Central / State Government departments/ Government organizations/ Government agencies/ Urban Local Bodies / Smart City SPV/ Public Sector Undertaking projects in India. The bidder should enclose the work orders and project completion certificates provided by the client indicating scope of work, scale of mapping& area covered under the projects as a supportive document.

Instead of DGPS Survey & Mapping, please amend that to GIS Mapping with use of DGPS Survey and ground truthing work order in India for Govt. of India / any State Govt. Organization/ Public Sector Undertakings in last 5 years.

RFP conditions shall prevail

17. 3. Qualification Criteria (Page No.5) d) The Single Bidder/ any one of the Consortium Partner should have experience in large scale mapping at 1:500 scale (including data capture, vectorization, ortho- rectification and

Should be amended to the Single Bidder/ any one of the Consortium Partner should have experience in large scale mapping at 1:500 scale or from images/ orthophotos of 8 cm or better resolution images (including data capture, vectorization, ortho- rectification and production)

RFP conditions shall prevail

Page 6: State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu ... · 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008 TENDER REFERENCE NO. PROJECTS/GEO/2/2019, DATED 17.09.2020 Request

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (SIPCOT) 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008


Request for Proposal for Selection of Consultant for GIS Mapping & Preparation of Geo Database for SIPCOT New Land Banks in Tamil Nadu

Responses /Clarifications to the Pre BID Queries – Dated: 01.10.2020

Page 6 of 12

Sl. No.

Reference & Contents of the RFP Queries received from the prospective bidders

through email/letter SIPCOT Response /


production) using UAV& Structure From Motion (SFM) Photogrammetric involving an area of at least 5,000 Acres cumulatively in the last 5 years for Central / State Government departments/ Government organizations/ Government agencies/ Urban Local Bodies / Smart City SPV/ Public Sector Undertaking projects in India. The bidder should enclose the work orders and project completion certificates provided by the client indicating scope of work, scale of mapping& area covered under the projects as a supportive document.

using UAV, Aerial, HRSI & Structure from Motion (SFM) Photogrammetry involving an area of at least 5,000 Acres cumulatively in the last 5 years for Central / State Government departments/ Government organizations/ Government agencies/ Urban Local Bodies / Smart City SPV/ Public Sector Undertaking projects in India.

18. 6. PURCHASE OF TENDER DOCUMENTS (Page No.6) The tender document shall be obtained from State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited, 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Salai, Egmore, Chennai 600 008 on payment of Rs. 17700 payable in the form of Demand Draft drawn on any Indian Nationalized/ Scheduled Commercial Bank in favour of “SIPCOT Ltd.” payable at Chennai or it can be downloaded from at free of cost. For the downloaded tender document, the bidder need not enclose the tender document cost but should give a declaration for not having tampered the Tender document downloaded (as per Annexure X). The tender document can be purchased on all working days from 17.09.2020 to 02.10.2020 12.00 noon during office hours.

Please allow Exemption in payment of Tender Fee for those who are registered under MSME under Public Procurement Policy for MSEs Order, 2012, notified under section 11 of MSMED Act, 2006.

RFP conditions shall prevail. The agency can download the RFP document at free of cost from Fee is not required for online download of tenders.

19. 11. SUBMISSION OF TENDER IN TOW COVER SYSTEM (Page No.7) e) Tenders should be dropped only in the tender box kept at “State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited, 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Salai, Egmore, Chennai 600 008”

on or before 3.00 PM of 05.10.2020”. Tenders will not be received by hand.

The pre bid meeting is on 26.09.2020 and the last date of submission for bid is 07.10.2020. In consideration with pre bid responses, the time for bid submission is too less. Requesting you to extend the bid submission date for at least 10 days.

Please refer Corrigendum-1

Page 7: State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu ... · 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008 TENDER REFERENCE NO. PROJECTS/GEO/2/2019, DATED 17.09.2020 Request

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (SIPCOT) 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008


Request for Proposal for Selection of Consultant for GIS Mapping & Preparation of Geo Database for SIPCOT New Land Banks in Tamil Nadu

Responses /Clarifications to the Pre BID Queries – Dated: 01.10.2020

Page 7 of 12

Sl. No.

Reference & Contents of the RFP Queries received from the prospective bidders

through email/letter SIPCOT Response /


20. 12. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (Page No.8) a) The Tender should be accompanied by an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) to the value ofRs.1,82,000/- (Rupees One Laky Eighty two Thousand Only) in the form of a Demand Draft only drawn on any Indian Nationalized/Scheduled Commercial Bank in favor of “SIPCOT Ltd.”, payable at Chennai. The EMD in any other form will not be accepted. The Earnest Money Deposit will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders.

Please allow Exemption in payment of EMD for those who are registered under MSME under Public Procurement Policy for MSEs Order, 2012, notified under section 11 of MSMED Act, 2006.

RFP conditions shall prevail

21. 23. PAYMENT TERMS (Page No.12) Sl. No.

Key Activities/ Milestones Payment (% of total fee)

1 Drone survey, Cadastral level data



2 Submission of ground verified Geo-



3 Submission of draft maps on Existing SIPCOT GIS platform consisting of attribute data from surveys and complete GIS mapping digitalization of data finalization, and compatibility integration with SIPCOT data base and post technical support of web GIS portal with E-governance, draft presentation to SIPCOT committee


To ensure the Agencies are paid on time based on the deliverables, we request you to amend the conditions with “Once a milestone/Final deliverables is completed, the Agency shall submit the requisite deliverables as specified in this Contract. The Client shall release the requisite payment upon acceptance of the deliverables. However, if the Client fails to intimate acceptance of the deliverables or its objections thereto, within 30 days of receipt of it, the Client shall release the payment to the Agency without further delay.

RFP conditions shall prevail

Page 8: State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu ... · 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008 TENDER REFERENCE NO. PROJECTS/GEO/2/2019, DATED 17.09.2020 Request

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (SIPCOT) 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008


Request for Proposal for Selection of Consultant for GIS Mapping & Preparation of Geo Database for SIPCOT New Land Banks in Tamil Nadu

Responses /Clarifications to the Pre BID Queries – Dated: 01.10.2020

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Sl. No.

Reference & Contents of the RFP Queries received from the prospective bidders

through email/letter SIPCOT Response /


4 Approval from the SIPCOT Authority 40%

5 After completion of post technical

support period


TOTAL 100%

22. 23. PAYMENT TERMS (Page No.12) Sl. No.

Key Activities/ Milestones Payment (% of total fee)

1 Drone survey, Cadastral level data



2 Submission of ground verified Geo-



3 Submission of draft maps on Existing SIPCOT GIS platform consisting of attribute data from surveys and complete GIS mapping digitalization of data finalization, and compatibility integration with SIPCOT data base and post technical support of web GIS portal with E-governance, draft presentation to SIPCOT committee


4 Approval from the SIPCOT Authority 40%

5 After completion of post technical

support period


TOTAL 100%

The payment terms provided in the RFQ is not viable considering the activities and other deliverables. Since the Project needs to be delivered in time and with high quality, we suggest the following payment terms to be considered for smooth and successful implementation: We request you to kindly provide an advance of 10% for mobilization and deployment of resources.

RFP conditions shall prevail

23. Scope of the Work (Page No.1) 2.1 GIS Mapping & preparation of Geo database a) Data collection and desk study of land Cadastral maps, Village layout maps, land records and relevant data for the 28 nos. of indicative industrial land banks

1. Approximately How many Cadastral Map sheets to be collected? 2. What will be the approximate observation time for collecting GCPs for (Primary and Secondary Control Points)?

1. SIPCOT will show the Area Of Interest (AOI). The Cadastral maps are to be collected from Concerned Government Department.

Page 9: State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu ... · 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008 TENDER REFERENCE NO. PROJECTS/GEO/2/2019, DATED 17.09.2020 Request

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (SIPCOT) 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008


Request for Proposal for Selection of Consultant for GIS Mapping & Preparation of Geo Database for SIPCOT New Land Banks in Tamil Nadu

Responses /Clarifications to the Pre BID Queries – Dated: 01.10.2020

Page 9 of 12

Sl. No.

Reference & Contents of the RFP Queries received from the prospective bidders

through email/letter SIPCOT Response /


b) Establishment of sufficient Primary Ground Control Points (GCPs) using DGPS with reference to the Survey of India GCPs in all Industrial Land banks

SIPCOT shall provide necessary support. 2. The Observation time is 4 hours for primary points, but it may vary with the distance from site area. For secondary points observation time is 25 to 45 minutes or until the accuracy is achieved in Centimeter level.

24. 3. Qualification Criteria (Page No.4) b) The Single Bidder/ any one of the Consortium Partner should have successfully completed GIS based land Information System projects using Drone Survey in cadastral scale involving an area of at least 10,000 Acres cumulatively in the last 5 years for Central / State Government departments/ Government organizations/ Government agencies/ Urban Local Bodies / Smart City SPV/ Public Sector Undertaking projects in India. The bidder should enclose the work orders and project completion certificates provided by the client indicating scope of work, scale of mapping& area covered under the projects as a supportive document.

This clause seems to be very strict and specific which may restrict participation of agencies. We request the authority to kindly relax this clause as “The Agency or consortium should have successfully Completed Land Information System for any Govt. or Private Companies and should have cadastral survey and mapping experience of 10,000 Acres.”

RFP conditions shall prevail

25. 3. Qualification Criteria (Page No.5) m) The Single Bidder/ any one of the Consortium Partner should have full-fledged permanent office in Chennai. The bidder should furnish Chennai Office Address (or) the bidder should give an undertaking to setup office at Chennai within 15 days from the date of issue of LoA, if selected.

We request the authority to make it 30 days from the date of LOA, if selected.

RFP conditions shall prevail

26. 12. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (Page No.8) 1. We are a NSIC & MSME Certified Organization for Software Development, GIS Services, Mapping Services. Please allow us to participate with exemption

RFP conditions shall prevail

Page 10: State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu ... · 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008 TENDER REFERENCE NO. PROJECTS/GEO/2/2019, DATED 17.09.2020 Request

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (SIPCOT) 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008


Request for Proposal for Selection of Consultant for GIS Mapping & Preparation of Geo Database for SIPCOT New Land Banks in Tamil Nadu

Responses /Clarifications to the Pre BID Queries – Dated: 01.10.2020

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Sl. No.

Reference & Contents of the RFP Queries received from the prospective bidders

through email/letter SIPCOT Response /


2. We understand that No Hardware/Internet connection/Storage /server/ SMS Gateway providing is vendor’s responsibility. It is fully responsibility of the client.

3. Office space and lodging of the on-site deployed manpower shall be arranged by the Client.

4. We understand, No payment gateway procurement/integration is included in the present scope.

27. 11.Submission of tender in two cover system page 7 Looking at the tender scope and preparation of quality bid document, we would request the authority to kindly extend the bid submission date at least by more 10 working days.

Please refer Corrigendum-1

28. 3. Qualification Criteria (Page No.4) a) i) The Single bidder should be a registered legal entity in India and should be in the business for more than 5 years. Enclose the documentary evidence.

Kindly suggest us if we are allowed to bid for the project.

Refer to the RFP qualification criteria.

29. 2. SCOPE OF WORK (Page No.2) 2.1 GIS Mapping & preparation of Geo database

h) Ground verification of land use of the land bank areas and collection of photographs/ attribute data etc.

It is not explicitly mentioned what all photographs are to be collected and what all attribute data are required from the field, kindly clarify/provide the list of attributes.

The project is a land bank data collection and Information system through high resolution drone survey technology. The attributes should be collected accordingly. Refer table on Page 21 of RFP as guidance.

30. 3. Qualification Criteria (Page No.5) j) The Single Bidder/ any one of the Consortium Partner should have valid ISO 9001:2008/2015 Quality certification for GIS Services (GIS, GPS & Remote Sensing). Copy of the same to be submitted.

Is it a mandatory requirement? Yes

31. 3. Qualification Criteria (Page No.5) k) The Single Bidder/ any one of the Consortium Partner should have valid ISO 27001:2013 Quality certification for Information Security Management System. Copy of the same to be submitted.

Is it a mandatory requirement? Yes

Page 11: State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu ... · 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008 TENDER REFERENCE NO. PROJECTS/GEO/2/2019, DATED 17.09.2020 Request

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (SIPCOT) 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008


Request for Proposal for Selection of Consultant for GIS Mapping & Preparation of Geo Database for SIPCOT New Land Banks in Tamil Nadu

Responses /Clarifications to the Pre BID Queries – Dated: 01.10.2020

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Sl. No.

Reference & Contents of the RFP Queries received from the prospective bidders

through email/letter SIPCOT Response /


32. 23. PAYMENT TERMS (Page No.12) Sl. No.

Key Activities/ Milestones Payment (% of total fee)

1 Drone survey, Cadastral level data



2 Submission of ground verified Geo-



3 Submission of draft maps on Existing SIPCOT GIS platform consisting of attribute data from surveys and complete GIS mapping digitalization of data finalization, and compatibility integration with SIPCOT data base and post technical support of web GIS portal with E-governance, draft presentation to SIPCOT committee


4 Approval from the SIPCOT Authority 40% 5 After completion of post technical

support period


TOTAL 100%

Kindly clarify if the payments will be released after the drone data is submitted, OR, the first installment requires geo-referencing and digitization of the cadastral maps too?? The latter would be a time taking task hence a clarification is warranted.

The first payment shall be made after completion of drone survey and digitization of Cadastral level data.

33. 3. Qualification Criteria (Page No.4) b) The Single Bidder/ any one of the Consortium Partner should have successfully completed GIS based land Information System projects using Drone Survey in cadastral scale involving an area of at least 10,000 Acres cumulatively in the last 5 years for Central / State Government departments/ Government organizations/ Government agencies/ Urban Local Bodies / Smart City SPV/ Public Sector Undertaking projects in India. The bidder should enclose the work orders and project

Request you to Consider the undergoing projects also into consideration for Qualification Criteria and also make the cumulative area to 5000 Acres.

RFP conditions shall prevail

Page 12: State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu ... · 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008 TENDER REFERENCE NO. PROJECTS/GEO/2/2019, DATED 17.09.2020 Request

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (SIPCOT) 19-A, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008


Request for Proposal for Selection of Consultant for GIS Mapping & Preparation of Geo Database for SIPCOT New Land Banks in Tamil Nadu

Responses /Clarifications to the Pre BID Queries – Dated: 01.10.2020

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Sl. No.

Reference & Contents of the RFP Queries received from the prospective bidders

through email/letter SIPCOT Response /


completion certificates provided by the client indicating scope of work, scale of mapping& area covered under the projects as a supportive document.


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