
Starter Activity (1) List the reasons WHY you like to take part in

your favourite sport. (2) Then brainstorm with your partner to share

ideas, he may have though of a factor that could apply to you.

Starter Activity

Factors that affected my participation in

my favourite sport.

Body Shapes

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson:

(1) All of you will be able to explain somatotype

(2) All of you will be able to recall and explain the three types of somatotype.

(3) Most of you will be able to comfortably place a sportsperson or yourself on a somatotype scale.

Individual Differences There are many

differences in people’s physical shape and size

The following are the main factors which create the individual size of a person:



B--- F--

B--- S---

M----- Girth

A bit of history for you.... This method of identifying

people by their body shape is called SOMATOTYPING

WJ Sheldon devised this method in 1940.

It was adapted by Professor Tanner after he studied sportspeople in the 1960 Olympic Games.


Identifying the three types

Endomorph: Tendency to put on fat Soft roundedness of shape Short tapering limbs Small bones Wide hips

Identifying the three types

mesomorph: High proportion of muscle Large trunk Heavy chest Broad shoulders Narrow hips

Identifying the three types

ectomorph: LeanLarge Fragile Delicate body Small bones Narrow shoulders Narrow hips

Measuring the three types

Each type has a 1-7 score 1 is low and 7 is high. Each person is measured to find their personal

mark. A non-sportsperson may be: 4,3,3 (4-medium endomorphy, 3- low

mesomorphy and 3- low ectomorphy)

Sport attracts extremes

Very few people have extreme examples of body type. Most people have a combination of all three. Sportspeople have more mesomorphic (muscle) and

ectomorphic (thinness) than endomorphic (fatness) A top class sport, however will attract the ebst extremes of

body type to suit that game. Basketball for instance will attract players who are very

tall and thin but with muscle (ectomorph and mesomorph)

Measuring the body: Fat ratio of the body

To do this we use a skin-fold calliper.

Biceps Triceps Supra-iliac Subscapula

Measuring the body: Measuring bones

Measuring bones gives the size of bones in relationship to the muscle and fat levels of the body.

Elbow joint Knee joint

Measuring the body: Measuring muscles

We can measure our muscle girth using a tape measure.

Bicep girth Gastrocnemius girth

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