
SummaryA major obstacle in performing real-world engineering simulations is how to retain the geometric fidelity of your product without unduly affecting simu-lation throughput. As model complexity increases, engineers may spend a majority of their time performing man-ual and repetitive tasks, such as:

• Cleaning and defeaturing dirty or incomplete computer-aided design (CAD) geometry

• Combining CAD models originating from various sources using multiple tools

• Preparing scripts to handle updating of design variants

Benefits• Easily integrate with existing design

processes by importing geometry from most leading CAD and PLM software

• Drive design modifications from the CAD or STAR-CCM+ environment with direct geometry transfer and bi-direc-tional associativity

• Easily create, modify and prepare geometry using the STAR-CCM+ inte-grated CAD modeler

• Combine CAD originating from vari-ous sources in a single STAR-CCM+ model

• Save engineering time with automatic geometry cleanup using surface wrapping

STAR-CCM+ geometry handling

Facilitate design processes by straightforwardly creating, modifying and preparing geometry

From geometry to solution: thermal simulation of an LED light bulb.

Eliminating these bottlenecks is critical so that engineers can spend their valu-able time doing what they do best: innovating.

STAR-CCM+ offers the solutionSTAR-CCM+ software helps you maxi-mize your productivity with robust and automated workflows that ensure complex geometries are ready to mesh in record time. The single integrated user interface facilitates geometry handling, including:

• Geometry creation: Efficiently create complex models using components from various sources, including exter-nal CAD packages as well as the STAR-CCM+ integrated CAD modeler, 3D-CAD

• Geometry preparation: Easily clean up geometry with tools, including auto-matic defeaturing in 3D-CAD, manual surface repair and surface wrapping

• Design exploration: Seamlessly parameterize and automate design changes enabled by the single inte-grated user interface and repeatable CAD-to-solution processes in STAR-CCM+


Geometry modification in STAR-CCM+ of the front wing of a race car.

3D scan to CFD on a street luge. (Courtesy: Creaform)

Siemens PLM

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© 2016 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. Siemens and the Siemens logo are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Autodesk and Inventor are registered trade-marks of Autodesk, Inc. CATIA and SOLIDWORKS are registered trademarks of Dassault Systèmes or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. PTC and Creo are trademarks or registered trademarks of PTC Inc. Windows is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Other logos, trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks belong to their respective holders.58517-A5 9/16 F

Surface-wrapped model of complex offshore-platform geometry.

Surface-wrapped model of a car engine bay. (Courtesy: Hyundai Motor Company)

Thermal control module design using STAR-CCM+.

Geometry creation• CAD-Exchange: Import native and

neutral formats using the Windows® operating system or Linux operating system, including files from CATIA® V5 software, NX™ software, Parasolid® software, PTC® Creo® software, Autodesk® Inventor® software; and standard CAD exchange formats, such as Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES), Standard for the Exchange of Product model data (STEP), STereoLithography (STL) and German Automotive Industry Association – surface data interface (VDA-FS)

• CAD-Clients:

> Direct geometry, reference data and coordinate system transfer and updates from CAD to STAR-CCM+ without intermediate CAD files

> Bi-directional connectivity to CAD/product lifecycle management (PLM) tools with access to, and modification of, design parameters in STAR-CCM+

> Remote execution for transfer of files on Windows and Linux from STAR-CCM+ to your CAD machine and vice versa

• 3D-CAD: Parametric, feature-based solid and surface modeling tool

> Create, modify and defeature native and imported CAD models

> Combine imported models with components created in 3D-CAD

Geometry preparation• Surface wrapping: Fully automatic

wrapping with projection to underly-ing CAD to provide a clean, closed surface ready for volume meshing

• Manual surface repair: Comprehensive manual repair tool for preparation of imported tessellated geometries

• Pipelined mesh operations:

> Extensive set of operations for geom-etry preparation, including Booleans, surface wrapping and multipart imprinting

> User-defined pipeline for operations

> Pipelined approach allows for auto-matic preparation of geometries irrespective of their sources

Design explorationDesign exploration with STAR-CCM+ is seamless and efficient due to:

• A robust and repeatable workflow from geometry to solution, eliminat-ing manual intervention

• A single integrated user interface, enabling easy setup of design param-eters and execution of design studies

• Fully automatic surface wrapping for handling of dirty geometries during design changes

• Bi-directional connectivity with native CAD through CAD-Clients, enabling design changes from either CAD or STAR-CCM+

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