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STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) NO. 20 1 Nov 2004 SUBJECT: PELLET RIFLE TEAMS LEAGUE COMPETITION 1. Reference: National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules


a. To establish policies and procedures for conducting the JROTC rifle marksmanship program (Pellet Rifle Team Competition) in the Mobile County Public School System.

b. To provide an opportunity for cadet to expand their classroom knowledge through practical application in competitive events.


This SOP prescribes the organization, membership, rules, schedules, safety procedures and awards used in the pellet rifle marksmanship competition program.


This SOP applies to all JROTC units, cadets, and instructor personnel. Deviations are not authorized unless hereafter published in changes to this SOP.


a. Each JROTC unit is encouraged to organize a team b. MCPSS Pellet Rifle Team League Completion will consist of:

1. Divisional Matches (APPENDIX A) 2. Stanley Herrin, Major Kuhn Memorial and Basic Championship

Matches (APPENDIX B) c. Pellet rifle team match firing will be conducted in accordance with rules

set forth in this SOP. Any rules not covered in this SOP will comply with the National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules (current edition.)

d. All rifle team members must attend annual Air Rifle Safety Training and each team member must pass the Safety Test annually.

e. DAI office will publish annual firing schedule and match bulletins. f. DAI office will clarify and resolve questions regarding any aspect of



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a. Any cadet participating in JROTC who is recognized as registered student by the school, formally enrolled in the JROTC program, and has the rifle team coach approval, is eligible to participate as a member of the varsity rifle team.

b. Teams will consist of five eligible cadets who are formally enrolled in the JROTC program.

c. A JROTC unit may have a maximum of three teams (i.e. Fifteen eligible cadets of five members per team.)

d. Each JROTC shooting team will submit a roster of all competing shooters prior to the first match of each school year. This roster will include name and LET level (1,2,3,4. etc…) Failure to submit this list will result in disqualification. New shooters may be added to the list prior to their first participation with that school.

e. Rifle team members may be dismissed from the team for violating local school policies and procedures and other justifiable reasons as determined by the SAI.


a. Rifle team members must meet the “No Pass No Play” requirement

established by the MCPSS. b. A cadet, transferring to another school, if formally enrolled at the new

school, may be picked up as an eligible member and compete with his/her new school’s rifle team. The transfer will not affect the individual’s previous competitive scores. Under NO circumstances will he/she be permitted to continue as a member of the old school rifle team.


a. Rifle:

1. Must be caliber 4.5 mms (.177) 2. All other specifications will be as written in National

Standard Three Position Rifle Rules, Section 4.2 b. Sights:

1. Sporter Air Rifle: Only sights manufactured for and sold with Sporter Air Rifles are permitted. Sights not manufactured specifically for Sporter Air Rifles are not permitted.

2. Precision Air Rifle (National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules, Section 4.5) applies.

c. Shooting Kits – will not be used. Ref: National Standard Three

Position Air Rifle Rules Section 4.7.4

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d. Shooting Mats – Ref: National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules

Section 4.7.5

e. Shooting Jackets – only standard cloth shooting jackets will be used

f. No shooting trousers will be used.

g. Shoes – National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules 4.3.2 Exception – issued combat boots may be worn.

h. Shooting Gloves – National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules


i. Slings – 853 or 1853 pellet rifle competitor will use the issued cloth sling (black.) When using a weapon of greater accuracy the cloth sling or a sling described in National Standard Three Position Air Rifles Rules Section 4.3.3 may be used.

j. Stocks:

1. Precision Air Rifle: National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules, Section 4.4.6 applies.

2. Sporter Air Rifle: The stock must meet the specifications in

paragraph 4.2.3 of National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules.

k. Kneeling Roll – National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules

Section 4.7.2 Rolled up shooting mats may not be used.


1. All other equipment rules will be in conformity with the National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rule Book.

2. All devices or equipment which may facilitate shooting and which are

not mentioned in these rules, or which are contrary to the SPIRIT of these rules and regulations, are forbidden.

3. Distractions to the shooters will be kept to a minimum during

competition. Only one assistant will be permitted to remain on the coaching line with the head rifle coach during competition firing. Other non-shooters will remain well to the rear of the shooting line, behind the ready line designated by the Match Director.


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a. If a shooter violates any rule as stated in this SOP or National

Standard Three Position Rule Book the following will apply: 1. First Violation – their score will not count toward the team

score for that match and they may not participate in the next match.

2. Second Violation – Any shooter violating any rules in this

SOP or the NRA Rule Book on two occasions will be ineligible for the remaining scheduled matches.

3. Any shooter who is declared ineligible a second time will

be permanently barred from participating in the JROTC rifle team competition.

11. TARGETS: NRA (AR 5/10) official 10 meters air rifle targets will be used

(provided by the DAI office.)


a. Training Ammunition (Pellet Cal 177) will be issued by the DAI’s office for the conduct of practice. Match pellets issued by the DAI’s office will not be used in practice. Schools may use match pellets practice if purchased by the school or an individual.

b. Match grade pellets will be issued by the DAI’s office for use during the


c. Only those match grade pellets issued by the DAI’s office will be used during competition. No privately or school purchased pellets will be allowed.

13. FIRING POSITIONS: See National Standard Three Position Air Rifle

Rules Section 5.1

a. PRONE – See Section 5.1.1 b. KNEELING – See Section 5.1.3 (Elbow must be supported by the

knee) c. STANDING – See Section 5.1.2 (NO sling or palm rest authorized

for this position) d. Substituting Position – See Section 5.1.4

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14. AWARDS: See appropriate paragraphs in Appendices A, and B DONALD J. CRABTREE LTC, USA Retired Director of Army Instruction Appendices: A. Divisional: Rules and Procedures B. Stanley Herrin, Major Kuhn Memorial and Basic Championship: Rules and Procedures C. JROTC Air Rifle Safety On an Off The Range D. Range Safety Test E. Range Requirements

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Appendix A


RULES AND PROCEDURES 1. PURPOSE: To establish rules and procedures to be followed in conducting the

Divisional matches within the scope of the Pellet Rifle Team League Competition. 2. REFERENCES:

a. SOP 20 b. Student Handbook for Junior Position Air Rifle (NG publication), printed by

the American Legion.

c. National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules, current year. 3. GENERAL: a. Local High School Ranges:

(1) Divisional matches may be fired at local high school ranges in accordance with the annual firing schedule published by the DAI office. (2) SAI, HOME TEAM is responsible for scheduling firing date/time with visiting team(s) (notify the DAI when match is to be fired.) (3) Matches NOT fired within the designated time allotted will be forfeited. (4) Unless prevented by weather or unforeseen circumstances, the Divisional Pellet Rifle Competition will consist of three competitive matches per semester. If three matches are not feasible or possible, the DAI will rule on the number of matches required to make a competitive school year. (5) The DAI office will provide match targets and ammunition. All other required shooting equipment is a school responsibility to provide.

b. Bryant High School Range:

(1) DAI’s office will publish schedule for firing dates/times. (2) Three competitive matches per semester will comprise this


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(3) The DAI office will provide match targets and ammunition. All other required shooting equipment is a school responsibility to provide.

4. TEAM COMPOSITION: a. Three (3) teams authorized. Five (5) firers each team.

b. Team members may be interchanged between teams for competitive purposes, but may compete on ONLY ONE TEAM during any match. THE INTENT OF THIS RULE IS NOT FOR ENTIRE TEAMS TO BE INTERCHANGED (i.e., A-TEAM BECOMES B-TEAM, etc)

c. Prior to each match, the coach will designate by squadding on the official

score sheet the five (5) team members to fire. Once firing begins, NO substitutions are allowed.

5. COURSE OF FIRE: Thirty -(30) record shots – ten (10) each in prone, kneeling, and standing positions. Prone position must be fired first the other positions follow in any order. 6. TIME LIMIT: Ten (15) minutes PRONE Five (5) minutes Change o f Position Fifteen (15) minutes KNEELING Five (5) minutes Change of position Twenty (20) minutes STANDING Sixty (60) minutes Total time (To include sighting and fouling shots; (timing will be continuous once first round is fired!) 7. SCORING:

a. Weapon: The use of an air rifle other than those approved by the National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rule Section 4.2.8 will cause a handicap to be placed on the shooter. This handicap will be based on the total score as shown below:

Handicap is applicable to all Divisional, Basic, Stanley Herrin and Major Kuhn Matches: SCORE HANDICAP 230 – 240 Loss of 4 points 241 – 250 Loss of 6 points 251 – 265 Loss of 8 points 266+ Loss of 10 points

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b. Alma Bryant High School Range:

(1) Four (4) of the five (5) firers’ scores will count for each team match (low firing members score will be dropped.)

(2) All official scoring will be done by the Statistician ONLY (Schools

are to designate two cadets trained in proper scoring techniques to assist in scoring.)

(3) Challenging of a shot(s) is allowed ONLY after the coach has

determined that a selected shot needs to be re-scored. (Team coach will circle and initial the shot.)

(4) An exception to National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules

Section 7.13.3 is “Coaches will circle misplaced sighting shots and initial them, otherwise, they will be counted as a record shot.”

(5) The value of excess (more than 10) shots and cross fires shots will

not increase the score of a competitor. National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules Section 7.13.8 will be adhered to when scoring excess and cross fired shots.

(6) Scored targets and a copy of the score sheet will be returned to the

participating team.

(7) The DAI will prepare a match bulletin at the conclusion of the match.

c. Local High School Rangers:

(1) Four (4) of the five (5) firers’ scores will count for each team match (Low firing members score dropped.)

(2) Match fired targets will NOT, REPEAT NOT, be scored, plugged, or

any attempt made to score any official match target by the cadet firing the target(s).

(3) Match fired targets WILL NOT BE plugged unless witnessed by all

coaches after the match is concluded.

(4) All official scoring will be done ONLY BY CADETS OR INSTRUCTORS under the supervision of the team coaches. (Schools are to designate two cadets trained in proper scoring techniques to assist in scoring at each match.) No school personnel will score their own targets.

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(5) Challenging of a shot(s) is allowed ONLY after the coach has

determined that a selected shot needs to be re-scored. (Team coach will circle and initial the shot.)

(6) An exception to National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules

Section 7.13.3 and 7.13.7 is: “Coaches will circle misplaced sighting shots initial them, otherwise, they will be counted as record shot”

(7) Two coaches will authenticate the score sheet, after verifying each

shot on the targets (The coach of the team that fired the targets and coach of cadet scoring the targets.)

(8) Scored targets and a copy of the score sheet will be returned to the

participating team.

(9) One authenticated copy of the score sheet will be provided to the DAI.

(10) The DAI will prepare a match bulletin at the conclusion of each

match. 8. MATCH OFFICIALS: NO ONE will be involved in officiating a match in

any capacity unless he/she is a cadet or instructor. a. Alma Bryant High School Range: (1) Match Director: DAI or DAI representative. (2) Scorer: Team Coaches (with cadet assistant) (3) Chief Range Officer: Rifle team coach of host school.

(4) Safety Officer: Each rifle team coach. Actively supervises his assigned firing points.

All weapons will be cleared on direction of range officer prior to any person going down range and prior to firers departing the firing line. 9. AWARDS: a. TEAM: (1) All eligible members will receive ribbon N-3-7.

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(2) Trophies/Plaques will be awarded to top teams (number of places to be determined by number of teams entered.) Normally, four (4) team trophies will be awarded. (3) All members of trophy winning teams will receive ribbon N-3-14.

b. INDIVIDUAL: (1) Trophies/Plaques to top ten (10) firers. (2) Ribbon N-2-3 to top ten (10) firers.

(3) Medal to High single match score. (4) Medal to High STANDING match score.

(5) Medal to High KNEELING match score.

(6) Medal to High PRONE match score.

10. FEES:

a. Registration fees (when required) will be paid at least fourteen (14) days prior to the first rifle team competition. The annual fee for each school will be ten dollars ($10.00) for the first team, and five dollars for an additional team entered. A maximum of two teams may be entered per school. b. Fees once paid are considered “obligated” towards purchase of awards and will not be refunded. Fees should be paid by check and made payable to Army JROTC, Mobile County Public Schools.

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RULES AND PROCEDURES 1. PURPOSE: To establish rules and procedures to be followed in conducting the Stanley Herrin/Major Kuhn Memorial matches within the scope of the Pellet Rifle Team League Competition. 2. REFERENCES: a. SOP 20.

b. National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules, current year. c. Student Handbook for Junior Position Air Rifle, printed by the American

Legion. 3. GENERAL:

a. The Stanley Herrin Memorial, Major Kuhn Memorial and Basic Championship Matches will be fired at Bryant High School Range in accordance with the schedule published by the DAI office. b. The Stanley Herrin Memorial, Major Kuhn Matches will be by INVITATION

ONLY (Limited to the top twenty (20) individual firers at the conclusion of divisional competition). This will be an individual competition only

c. The Basic Championship Match will be by INVITATION ONLY (Limited to the top ten (10) individual firers at the conclusion of divisional competition) This will be an individual competition only.

d. The DAI office will provide match targets and ammunition. All other required shooting equipment is a school responsibility.

4. COURSE OF FIRE: The match will be a 33 foot “single” match, i.e., 10 rounds in each position; prone, kneeling, and standing. 5. TIME LIMIT: 15 minutes - PRONE 5 minutes - change position 15 minutes - KNEELING 5 minutes - change position 20 minutes - STANDING 60 minutes - TOTAL TIME to include sighting and fouling shots (time will be continuous after 1st round is fired) 6. SCORING:

a. Match fired targets will NOT, REPEAT NOT, be scored, plugged, or any attempt made to score any official match target by participants.

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b. All scoring will be done by Statistician. (Schools are to designate two cadets trained in proper scoring techniques to assist in scoring). c. Challenging of a shot(s) is allowed ONLY after the coach has determined that a selected shot needs to be re-scored. (Team coach will circle and initial the shot.) d. An exception to National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules Section 9.8 is: “Coaches will circle misplaced sighting shots and initial them; otherwise, they will be counted as a record shot.” e. The DAI will prepare a match bulletin at the conclusion of the match.

7. MATCH OFFICIALS: NO ONE will be involved in officiating a match in any capacity unless he/she is a cadet or instructor. a. Match Director: DAI or DAI representative b. Scorer: Statistician (with cadet assistance) c. Chief Range Officer: To be designated d. Safety Officer: Each rifle team coach Actively supervises his assigned firing points. All weapons will be cleared on direction of range officer prior to any person going down range and prior to firers departing the firing line. 8. STANLEY HERRIN/MAJOR KUHN AWARDS: INDIVIDUAL: (1) Trophies/Plaques to top five (5) firers. (2) Ribbon N-3-15 to top five (5) firers. (3) Medal to HIGH PRONE match score (4) Medal to HIGH KNEELING match score. (5) Medal to HIGH STANDING match score. 9. BASIC CHAMPIONSHIP AWARDS: INDIVIDUAL: (1) Trophies/Plaques to top three (3) firers. (2) Ribbon N-3-15 to top three (3) firers. (3) Medal to HIGH PRONE match score (4) Medal to HIGH KNEELING match score. (5) Medal to HIGH STANDING match score.

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Appendix C

JROTC AIR RIFLE SAFETY ON AND OFF THE RANGE 1. PURPOSE: Safety is and must be the number one concern of all those who take part in the JROTC marksmanship program. The purpose of this SOP is to outline general safety rules and specific safety procedures that must be followed by everyone on the firing line or range 2. REFERENCE ROTCM 145-4-2MST 3. GENERAL a. Air rifle safety is the first and most serious aspect of marksmanship that each shooter must learn. Shooting accidents can be prevented by educating all people who come in contact with air rifles and by treating all guns with respect and concern. Even experienced shooters must be reminded of safety rules periodically and of their responsibilities on and off the range. b. Safety can never be overemphasized when handling air rifles of any kind. Therefore, everyone should always be very conscious of the conditions or situations that may result in an accident at a firing range.

c. The rules of safety can be divided into three groups:

• General safety rules which apply to any situation in which air rifles may be present.

• Specific rules that apply when on the range behind the firing line.

• Specific rules that apply when on the firing line.

4. GENERAL SAFETY RULES: The major consideration in the operation of a rifle range is SAFETY. Safety will be stressed throughout Marksmanship Training and given close supervision during dry or live firing. No range firing will be conducted unless a JROTC instructor is physically present on the range and in charge of firing. The general safety rules that may apply to any situation include:

a. Cadets must have parental permission on file for training and a signed school field trip form on hand for competition.

b. Cadets must pass a written safety test prior to engaging marksmanship training with air rifles.

c. Cadets may not handle an air rifle without an instructor present. This includes issuing, dry firing, and firing. An instructor will supervise the cleaning of air rifles.

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d. Treat every air rifle as if it were loaded. When picking up or accepting an air rifle, check to see if it is loaded. Take no one’s word for this; always check it yourself.

e. When handling an air rifle, always point the barrel in a safe direction, in other words,

away from people. This is usually downrange or up toward the sky or ceiling.

f. Never point an air rifle at another person.

g. Know the air rifle before you handle it. Get detailed instructions before you handle an air rifle that is new to you.

h. Store pellets separately from air rifles.

i. Smoking is not permitted during any phase of JROTC marksmanship training.

5. SPECIFIC SAFETY RULES FOR BEHIND THE FIRING LINE The specific rules to be followed on the range behind the firing line include: a) Keep the rifle cleared at all times. An air rifle is cleared when the bolt is open, the chamber

cleared, and the safety locked. b) When handling a rifle, keep the muzzle pointed up in the air and downrange. c) Do not do any aiming, dry firing, repair work, or positioning behind the firing line. d) Draw pellet according to range rules. Cadets who help in issuing pellet, if allowed by school

rules, must be under the constant supervision of an instructor. e) When called to the ready line, ensure the safety is on and the bolt is open. f) Any person who observes an unsafe condition or act must give the command “cease fire.”

Also, that person must report the unsafe condition or act to the Range Officer or the instructor in charge of the range and/or help to correct the unsafe condition or act.

g) Do not run or engage in horseplay. h) The person or instructor in charge of the range must ensure that all range regulations and

rules are fully understood and observed by all shooters. 6. SPECIFIC SAFETY RULES FOR ON THE FIRING LINE The specific rules and precautions to be observed on the firing line include:

a. Personal belongings such as books, book bags, gym bags, etc., will not be allowed on the firing line during firing.

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b. Inspect pellet to ensure that it is clean, undamaged, and of the proper caliber.

c. When being issued an air rifle, ensure that it is clear, the safety is on, and the bolt is open;

keep the muzzle pointed in the air and downrange at all times.

d. Pump and load rifles only on the command of the Range Officer or instructor in charge of the range. Always keep fingers away from the trigger when pumping/cocking an air rifle.

e. Load pellet only on the command of the JROTC instructor in charge of the range.

f. Always fire at the target assigned to you.

g. Once firing has started, no one will approach the firing line without permission.

h. After firing, remain in position until the rifle is cleared and you have received permission

to leave the firing line. In training and many rifle matches, shooters must remain in position until the firing line is clear.

i. After firing, each shooter (while still in the firing position) must open the bolt, inspect the

chamber, and lock the safety.

j. No one will go forward of the firing line before the firing line is cleared by the JROTC instructor in charge of the range.

k. Shooters will not be allowed to score their targets until told to do so by the JROTC

instructor in charge of the range, and this will not be done until all rifles have been cleared and placed in front of them. While checking/scoring the targets, all shooters will remain at their targets until told to return to the firing line.

l. Any person who observes an unsafe condition or act must give the command “cease

fire.” Also, that person must report the unsafe condition or act to an instructor in charge of the range and/or help to correct the unsafe condition or act.

m. Upon hearing the command “cease fire,” shooters must immediately stop firing, put the

safety on, open the bolt, and put the rifle down with the muzzle pointing toward the targets. Those shooters who have pellets remaining on the loading block must wait until the firing line is clear and the command to commence firing is given before they are permitted to fire those pellets.

n. Follow all range or match standard operating procedures (SOPs).

o. The instructor in charge of the range must ensure that all range regulations and rules are

fully understood and observed by all shooters. 7. IMMEDIATE ACTION PROCEDURES IN CASE OF A MALFUNCTION

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A malfunction occurs when the trigger is squeezed and the firing mechanism is engaged, but the pellet is not fired. In the event of a malfunction, take the appropriate steps needed to clear the air rifle and attempt to fire on the next try. Known as immediate action, these are the procedures to be taken in the event of a malfunction. IMMEDIATE ACTION PROCEDURES FOR AN AIR RIFLE The immediate action procedures for an air rifle are as follows:

a. The shooter leaves the bolt closed, engages the safety, and informs the coach/assistant of the malfunction.

b. The coach or assistant raises his or her hand and asks for the person or instructor in charge of the range or range officer.

c. The range officer or instructor in charge of the range takes the necessary action.

8. COACHING AND SAFETY The following list underscores the duties of coaches on the firing line.

a. Coaches ensure that all equipment for a firing point (such as the shooting mat, kneeling roll, etc.) is available and that the air rifle is in proper working condition.

b. Coaches will issue the pellets for the shooter and place the loading block/container in an area convenient to the shooter.

c. Coaches observe the shooter’s position to ensure the shooter has assumed a proper,

stable, and legal firing position.

d. Coaches watch for and correct any safety violations and announce, “Cease fire” if they observe a safety violation that cannot be immediately corrected.

e. Coaches ensure that the shooter engages the safety and clears the air rifle when instructed

by the instructor in charge of the range.

f. Coaches assist the shooter, as necessary, in determining sight adjustments and applying those corrections to the rear sight.

g. Coaches observe that the shooter does not exceed the number of pumps for that particular


h. Prior to conducting firing insures permission is on file or on hand for each cadet. 9. OFFICER/NCO CONDUCTING FIRING (RANGE OFFICER)

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a. Prior to conducting firing be thoroughly familiar with the above safety requirements.

b. Rifle bolts are to be kept open at all times except during actual firing.

c. Prior to firing conduct a safety review with cadets.

d. Senior cadet officers may assist the Range Officer after they have been given a detailed explanation of their duties.

e. Insure all entrances to the range, except entrances that are at the rear of the firing line are


f. Only one firing order plus the coaches will occupy the firing line at any one time. All other personnel will remain to the rear of the firing line.

g. Pellet is issued only on command of the range officer when the firing order is in position

and the range is cleared for firing.

h. No air rifle will be loaded or fired except on command.

i. The Range Officer will check all air rifles or instructor in charge to insure the rifle is clear prior to allowing anyone forward of the firing line or allowing a rifle to be moved from the firing line.

j. On the command “cease firing” given by anyone, all shooters will make their air rifle safe

by opening the bolt placing the air rifle on safe and lying the air rifle down.

k. Allow no one forward of the firing line except on command.

l. No air rifle is removed from the firing line without expressed permission of the range officer.

m. Follow the firing commands listed below in conducting firing when firing order is in

place and ready to fire:

1) Announce two times loud and clear – “Is anyone down range”. When range is clear.

2) Coaches distribute pellets.

3) Announce course or position and number of pellets to be fired.

4) One pellet load.

5) Ready on the right, ready on the left – commence firing.

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6) At the conclusion of firing the Range Officer announce “Cease firing” – each shooter immediately opens the bolt and removes any pellet from the receiver. The Range Officer will inspect each air rifle making sure each has been cleared. When the range is cleared the Range Officer will announce, “ The range is clear.”

7) Go forward and pick up targets – put up new targets.

8) Allow no horseplay on the range at any time.

9) Upon completion of firing, secure rifles.

10) Secure all unused pellets.

11) Do not allow any student to fire on the range that demonstrates as inability to safely

handle the rifle.

12) No student will leave the range with pellets in his possession.

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Appendix D

Range Safety Test

Section One Directions. Write a short paragraph to each of the following: 1. When may anyone on the range call “cease fire”?

2. Describe what you are to do if you have a malfunction.

3. Explain how to clear your air rifle.

4. Explain what you do if “cease fire” is called while you are on the range.

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Section 2 Directions. Column A provides examples of safety rules and Column B lists the three categories of rules. Match the category with the appropriate safety rule by placing its letter in the space provided to the left of Column A. (Notes: You will have to use the choices in Column B more than once and there may be more than one correct response for at least one of the following safety rules.) Column A Column B 1. Do not run or engage in horseplay on the range. a. General Safety Rule 2. Load pellets only on the command of the b. Specific Safety Rule Behind person or instructor in charge of the range the Firing Line 3. Treat every weapon as if it were loaded. c. Specific Safety Rule On the Firing Line 4. Do not do any aiming, dry firing, repair work, or positioning on the range 5. Upon hearing the command “cease fire,” shooters must immediately stop firing, put the safety on, open the bolt, and put the rifle down with the muzzle pointing toward the targets 6. Know the air rifle before you handle it 7. Pump and load rifles on the command of the person or instructor in charge of the range 8. Draw pellets according to range rules 9. Any person who observes an unsafe act or condition should give the command “cease fire” 10. Store pellets separately from air rifles

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Appendix E


A. Space Requirements

(1) The distance from the firing line to the target must be a minimum of 33 feet. (2) Firing points: Since the precision air rifle is designed to utilize existing facilities (i.e.,

classrooms, gym), the available width will be the determining factor in the number and spacing of firing points. The optimum width per firing point should be four and one half feet.

(3) Generally, the space requirements for the precision air rifle should be as a minimum 10

feet wide by 45 feet long. B. Flooring: If the range is a basement or on the ground floor of a separate building, flooring

may be of any type other than loose rock or gravel. Thickness of construction material used to support floors of rooms located above ground will provide adequate protection to prevent passage of a .177 caliber pellet.

C. Walls: Walls of concrete, brick or stone are considered excellent. For frame walls, the combined thickness of the various wood parts, exterior sheathing and siding, and interior wall covering, will not be less than one-half inches along the firing line. Gypsum board, cloth partition, of plaster normally will not stop a pellet and should be protected or augmented with wood of at least one-fourth inches of thickness. D. Windows: When a facility being used for precision air rifle firing contains window

Openings, they must as a minimum be protected by one-fourth inch plywood or equivalent material in such a manner as to preclude a pellet from striking the glass.

E. Doors: All door opening beyond the firing line must contain a means of securing from the

inside during all firing.

F. Baffling: To ensure maximum safety, from ricochets all exposed pipes, conduits, metal Beams, columns, and lights must be protected by material to stop the pellet or as a minimum, preclude ricochets and prevent damage or injury to personnel.

G. Backstops: Adequate material must be provided for a backstop behind the target. It is

recommended that plywood one-fourth inch thick be used behind the issued pellet traps to prevent stray rounds from striking the wall.

H. Portable Bullet Traps: Small bore portable bullet traps available through support installations are considered adequate without modifications when used for the precision air

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rifle firing only. Care must be taken to ensure that an adequate backstop is provided as defined in paragraph G above.

I. Warnings: A sign with the following warning must be conspicuously posted near the firing





J. Prohibited Weapons and Ammunition: Weapons and ammunition other than those

Requiring the .177 caliber pellet is specifically prohibited for use on precision air rifle range facilities in the Mobile City School System.

HEALTH PROTECTION mn K. Hearing: The sounds generated by precision air rifle firing are not considered hazardous to hearing, therefore ear protection devices are not required to be worn. L. Ventilation: Normal ventilation within the facility where .177 caliber pellets are being fired is adequate, as negligible quantities of lead particles are present.

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