Page 1: Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan for Parsons Green ... · they are going to go about it as part of their IDL work. Pupils engage in PLP conversations. Roles of responsibility

Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan for Parsons Green Primary School

The Parsons Green community acts as a guiding light to lead the children towards becoming successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.

Standards and Quality Report for session: 2014-15

Improvement Plan for session: 2015-16

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Table of contents

Section Section title Page

Standards and quality report 1 The school in context (short introductory paragraph)

2 School’s self evaluation

Improvement plan

3 Key areas for school improvement

4 Cluster improvement plan

5 Summary of evaluations against key indicators

Standards and Quality Report 1. The school in context 2. Parsons Green is co-educational, non-denominational primary school administered by City of Edinburgh Education Department. It serves the residents of the North-East Neighbourhood, in the Willowbrae area of the city. Our associated primary schools are Duddingston, Brunstane, The Royal High Primary and Towerbank and our secondary school is Portobello High School. The Headteacher had been in post for 7 years and following some time in a dual Headship role between March and December 2014 he left to take up another post. The Depute Headteacher was in the Acting HT post since March 2014 until the appointment of a new Headteacher at

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the beginning of May 2015. In the past year there were 12 classes and a 30/30 nursery, with the Support for Learning teacher seconded one day a week to the Dyslexia service. There have been specialist teachers for PE, French, Science and cello in the last year. The support staff comprises of a school administrator and business manager. There is a clerical assistant and 6 class/pupil based learning assistants. The Parents’ Council has had another very successful year. There is an After School Care club catering for pupils from P1-P7. The current school roll is 328 (388 with Nursery). There is a nursery, which caters for 30 children in the morning and 30 in the afternoon. 13 classes have been organised for the coming session with two composites at P5/6 and P6/7.

2. School’s self evaluation 1.1 Improvements in performance

Standards of attainment over time

Levels of attainment remain at a good or very good standard for the majority of learners. Effective tracking systems have been ensuring that children in the nursery class and in the primary school are continuing to make progress from prior levels of attainment. The majority of learners are achieving secure at Early and First levels in P1 and P4 with a significant improvement at the P4 stage in maths/numeracy.. Most learners are making good progress from prior levels of attainment in mathematics and numeracy although this still remains an area for focus as the lower middle groups across the school fall below the national distribution curve. However attainment in the average/higher than average groups is higher than the national distribution curve. Nursery pupils have been effectively tracked using the City of Edinburgh Literacy and Numeracy trackers.

Overall quality of learners’ achievement

Data collected from assessments e.g. Writing, confirm good progress in children’s writing and the use of Literacy Checklists ensure consistency in moderating levels across the school. Assessment and tracking of pupils has been further developed this session through PLP’s which monitor coverage of, and progress through, CfE levels. The continued focus this year on effective target setting and discussion of learning through regular pupil/teacher reviews of PLP’s has enabled children to be much more aware of how they are progressing and how they can measure their own skill development and identify next steps, parents are involved in this process. This needs to continue to be built on. Nursery pre-school pupils completed profiles of learning demonstrating that most pupils are achieving within the level with some pupils working beyond the Early level in literacy.

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Impact of the school improvement plan

Progress in meeting targets in the school’s improvement plan for session 2014-15 has been effectively monitored through regular reviews at meetings with staff and staff evaluations. A focus on moderation of literacy has had a positive impact on attainment results in this area. A focus on better behaviour, better learning has involved all staff in increasing awareness of strategies to support positive behavior in the class and playground.

Levels of attainment remain at a good standard for the majority of learners.

Nursery: the focus on developing responsive planning involving children has begun to have a positive impact in the quality of conversations involving pupils and parents in their learning. Upgrading resources to improve the nursery environment has had a positive impact in engagement with learners in their environment where they can now self-select resources, feedback from parents has been positive.

What are we going to do next? Bring data together, from range of assessment information for all pupils in order to see holistic view of literacy /numeracy to track attainment over time for different cohorts such as EAL, LAAC, gender etc. Match with breadth, challenge and application evidence from teachers from make/say/write/do evidence to continue to track CfE levels effectively Plan for assessment opportunities using significant aspects to track progress Establish Wow Work Week snapshot of learning jotter twice a year to monitor progression through the Broad General Education (BGE) Establish JASS for P6/7 and set up system to track and celebrate opportunities for wider achievement on a regular basis (Golden Book) Ensure consistency across school with Roles of Responsibility to widen opportunity for all including committees for Rights Respecting and Eco groups.

Set up Pupil Parliament (focused on different aspects of SIP) with opportunities for pupils to feed their views through focus groups and pupil council.

Focus on numeracy and maths with SEAL training for whole school and maths moderation to ensure consistency of teacher judgement to raise attainment in maths.

Nursery: introduce e-journals to track E’s and O’s/significant aspects of learning and learners’ experience with parents. Introduce 1 page summary tracking for Literacy/Numeracy/HWB to summarise the e-journal info for transition of latest and best information to P1.

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2.1 - Learners’ Experiences Learners are motivated, eager participants in their learning.

Our learners in the nursery and across the school are motivated and participate in their learning. They are involved in their own learning and development and show increasing skills as learners. Pupils have input into their learning through finding out what they know, what they want to learn and how they are going to go about it as part of their IDL work. Pupils engage in PLP conversations. Roles of responsibility have been offered through a variety of class and school roles such as, milk monitors, Pupil Council (Parsy Reps), leading in assemblies, Parsy Pals, reading buddies; there are a variety of clubs available for children to experience a broad general education including a school choir. Nursery: introduction of floorbooks to capture responsive planning with pupils and involving parents is involving and engaging pupils in their learning.

Learners make good progress in their learning.

The majority of learners continue to make good progress in their learning. 96% of parents feel the school helps their child to be more confident. 86% of parents feel the school sets suitable targets for their child’s learning and 85.86% of parents feel their child is making good progress in relation to those targets. 80% of pupils agree that they find it easy to complete school work by themselves. Moderation of literacy (with all staff, including Nursery) demonstrated increased confidence in teacher judgements about learners’ progress and the use of significant aspects of learning is beginning to help learners to identify suitable next steps.

Learners know their views are sought and acted upon. They feel valued.

Pupils take part in conversations about their learning through Personal Learning Planning. Pupil views are listened to through the Parsy Reps (Pupil Council) who make decisions affecting the pupils such as fundraising activities, being proactive in making the school a better place, selecting questions for the HT interviews. Most pupils feel their teacher cares about them (88.7%), they feel they are treated fairly (88.7%) and pupils feel their views are listened to (85.2%) Nursery: responsive planning includes the tree display, with parents invited to leave comments with their children to help strengthen the link between learning at home and school.

Learners feel safe, nurtured, healthy, achieving, active, included, respected.

97% of parents felt their child feels safe at school. 89.2% of pupils feel safe at school. 92.3% of pupils feel happy with who they are. 69.2% of pupils feel they are encouraged to take part in after school activities. 93.81% of parents feel their child is treated fairly at school. Weekly assemblies are opportunities to highlight successes; achievement notice board showcase achievements, special events and class work. The P7 pupils campaign to be elected as house captain were very successful with some members contributing to the Parent Council meeting and all pupils having a say in the selection criteria for the new Headteacher.

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What are we going to do next? Set up Wow Work Week snapshot learning jotters – to track learning logs, work I’m proud of, overviews of learning to show learning journey (twice per year) Review PLP system for setting targets and reviewing targets within learning conversation Set up JASS for P6/7 for wider achievement – incorporate P5-7 in Interest Groups to link Skills for learning, life and work Use SHANARRI – child-friendly wheels to teach the HWB indicators and track pupils learning through HWB Set up Pupil Parliament to capture wider views and committees for Rights Respecting Schools. Begin P7 Parsy Press Pack rota to contribute to Week in 60 seconds at assembly Staff to do CSCC training to understand what promotes positive mental health and wellbeing for learning Focus on Learning for Sustainability and widen experience of the Broad General Education through development of the Ethos & Life of the School through the MADD about Tanzania project (global citizenship), outdoor learning and learning about Rights Seek further opportunities through the Creative Arts and Learning team to support quality learner experiences e.g. P7 mock court project, P5 working with the artist Twig, STEM Primary Engineer Project Nursery: develop floorbook planning- introduce ‘Talking Tubs’ and 3D mind-mapping to involve learners, introduce e-journals

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5.3 - Meeting Learning Needs Tasks, activities and resources

Teachers have been working on developing planning that matches learning needs. Teachers have started to explore the potential of On track with Learning through this year to match activities to learning needs. A focus on SEAL at P1 and P2 and developing resources to support learning at these stages has supported learners, now being rolled into P3. Literacy Rich supports a strong foundation at P1 and P2 for literacy with Literacy Evolve being used from P4-7. Teejay is the main resource for maths/numeracy with the City of Edinburgh Mental Agility Guidelines being used currently from P4 onwards to support pupils in using a variety of strategies. Espresso and Education City are both used to enhance learning and teaching in an interactive way. Nursery have begun to take on floor book planning. Nursery investment in more suitable resources (at child height) and storage is enabling learners to self-select items and develop their independence and choice about resources for different tasks and activities.

Identification of learning needs

86% of parents feel that staff really know their child as an individual and support them well. Pupils’ needs are identified and met within the nursery/school. Systems are in place to make referrals to health professionals for support with Speech and Language or Occupational Therapy etc as required. EAL staff complete profiles to assess what support pupils require. Systems are in place to transfer information to allow pupils to be effectively supported. P1 baseline testing helps to identify pupils who are above and below expected levels and who may require additional support or challenge. Teachers/Nursery staff may approach the SfL teacher during the year to indicate that there may be a barrier to learning. GIRFEC forms are filled in by teaching/support staff to identify areas of additional need or concern.

The roles of teachers and specialist staff

SfL teacher has had a secondment to the Dyslexia team one day per week over the year. She has delivered a CAT session to staff to upskill their knowledge and approaches to making their classroom dyslexia friendly. Specialist staff such as the Educational Psychologist, EAL teacher, Bilingual Support Assistant (Polish), VTSS/HOTS, have all been supporting the learning within the school either through guidance, strategies, consultative or direct work with pupils. PSA’s are deployed to support particular areas of need, either particular pupils with identified need or groups of pupils e.g. with specific literacy work such as reading or spelling support. The PE Specialist is effectively used to support with motor skills development and is trained in Better Movers, Better Thinkers.

Meeting and implementing the requirements of legislation

Pupils requiring a Health Care Plan or IEP are reviewed regularly. Pupil identified in nursery as requiring additional support for transition to primary has been identified and appropriate adjustments made for access such as additional hand rails, painting of edges of steps to support a visual impairment. Pupils requiring Child Planning Meetings are identified and all relevant specialist staff invited.

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Nursery: The annual report for the Care Commission is up to date and all requirements specified are being addressed (removable covers for the radiators to enable them to be cleaned). Early Years staff are registered with either GTCS or SSSC.

What are we going to do next? Prioritise effective differentiation, pace and challenge to raise the attainment of all and in particular for the highest 10%, low average groups and lowest 20% AifL strategies such as using effective learning intentions (use Shirley Clarke book) Identify opportunities for peer shared classroom practice to enhance consistency in appropriate differentiation, pace and challenge Train staff in Confident Staff, Confident Children Set up lowest 20% tracking system in the school gathering Pathway1/2 information Use information gathered from variety of sources including classwork, informal assessments, CfE levels, standardised assessments, spelling tests etc to ensure pupils are achieving appropriately Arrange calendar for Child Planning Meetings Nursery: arrange sharing classroom practice opportunities

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5.1 The Curriculum

The rationale and design of the curriculum

Our curriculum has a clear rationale based on our vision statement, school aims and all of the Building the Curriculum documents. In the Nursery this includes ‘Building the Ambition’ and Child at the Centre. The strategic curricular framework was unpicked by staff and looked at to determine areas of strength and areas for development. As a result clear aspects of curriculum require further work to determine progression and coherence e.g. HWB. Further embedding of the use of significant aspects for assessment, real life contexts for learning, outdoor learning and use of the local area have been identified. Booklets to support make/say/write/do approaches across the curriculum have been developed and are in use for all staff. The understanding of the totality of the Curriculum i.e. Ethos & Life of the School and Opportunities for Personal Achievement need to be made explicit throughout the school. Overview Plans for parents were shared x3 over the course of the year outlining the 8 curricular areas and key learning within them.

The development of the curriculum School shows such as Shrek by P7, Viking drama by P4, the drama group play, Holyrood Park Archeology visit, Pizza Express visit, visiting theatre shows and other excursions allow children rich learning opportunities to develop a range of talents and interests. Literacy was a focus for the past year with effective moderation of levels across the cluster providing teaching staff with more confidence in their understanding and reporting of CfE levels. Greater consistency with assessing written work, use of literacy checklists to support learning and teaching. E’s and O’s are effectively tracked. Staff have been continuing to deliver the curriculum mainly through discrete subjects or topics – understanding of the totality of the curriculum is inconsistent across the school although opportunities for pupils to be recognised and opportunities for achievement are established.

Programmes and courses

Delivery of literacy outcomes continues to be a strength across the school with a robust programme and progression in place and 6 opportunities for assessing a variety of genre across the year, well established. Use of Literacy Evolve with P4-7 is ensuring an active and engaging approach to learning. Literacy Rich at P1 and P2, SEAL at P1 and P2 are continuing to provide a good foundation for learning at the Early and into First levels. Teejay maths is the core maths resource. Science was delivered in the past year with the support of a specialist teacher for P3-7. The PE specialist is continuing to provide progression in activities from P1-7. On Track with Learning training has provided support for unpicking other curricular areas and use of their ‘intended learning’ is helping the understanding of progression across the levels. There is a lack of confidence with teaching music and some aspects of PE (cluster PE initiative focussing on Fitness for P7 staff as part of transition work, Gymnastics and Dance)

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Transition was an area of improvement for the cluster over the past year with P7 enjoying a STEM based opportunity at PHS where they had to problem solve with peers. They also participated in a Museum in a Day activity with Brunstane P7 pupils taking part in tasks based around WW2. These activities strengthened links across P7 staff and pupils and pupils reported feeling more ready for high school as a result. These will be developed for next year. Transition for nursery to P1 was effective with all pupils enrolled for P1 at Parsons Green being invited, almost all chose to take part in events: a play morning exploring different areas of the playground with peers from different nurseries, an induction talk for parents and a morning in their new classrooms meeting the teacher helped prepare the pupils. Nursery: reports/profiles/trackers and E’s and O’s coverage were passed onto P1 teachers in all schools that pupils transferred to.

What are we going to do next? Develop the Overview of Learning for parents to demonstrate the totality of the curriculum across the 4 contexts for learning and capture the significant aspects for learning, from Nursery to P7. Whole school SEAL training including Nursery staff, PSA’s, P4-7 and additional specialist P1-3 training in order to continue roll out. Review and develop Programme and Progression of skills and learning across HWB Using review of Curriculum Design with staff – formulate a clear rationale for the curriculum delivery at Parsons Green Introduce the ‘Ethos & Life of the School’ aspect of curriculum delivery through Learning for Sustainability – RRSA, Outdoor Learning, Global (through Tanzanian link), Eco across a vertical grouping project involving the whole school Introduce a MADD creative approach to learning for term 1 across the school: MADD about Tanzania Music CPD – to introduce whole school programme for music (using ABC Creative resource) Moderation of Maths across the school from Early to 2nd level: Time outcomes with Cluster Nursery: moderation of Early Level maths, time outcomes, developing Outdoor Learning across the curriculum, introducing SEAL approach to numeracy, developing understanding of the ‘totality of the curriculum’ through overview of learning for parents monthly, HWB progression and programme

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5.9 Improvement through self-evaluation

Commitment to self-evaluation

Staff, parents and pupils in all areas of the school have been involved in self-evaluation activities. All staff, parents and pupils completed questionnaires and evaluations. Staff completed evaluations of different CAT, in-service and training opportunities throughout the year. Staff evaluated the delivery of the curriculum against the strategic curriculum overview. All of these questionnaires and evaluations have been analysed. All staff have had the opportunity to have a PRD and to engage in CPD appropriate to their interest/needs of the school.

Management of self-evaluation

The following questionnaires have been conducted and analysed: Pupil Anti-bullying survey Nov 2014. Pupil wellbeing questionnaire in April 2015. Parents and pupils engaged in questionnaires specific to HT recruitment. Non-teaching staff and teaching staff completed questionnaires in May. Parents and Carers questionnaire from March 13-14 stated overall 84.4% were happy with the school. In June 2015 92% of parents stated, overall I am happy with the school. Nursery parents asked via questionnaire about new self-registration system, all bar one prefer new simplified system. All of the above results, along with a high/low impact analysis with staff and focus group questions from pupils informed the self-evaluation picture. A timetable of activities throughout the year needs to be devised to capture information on an ongoing basis. (Including information from Shared Classroom Experience, pupil learning forum, pupil parliament, pupil focus groups.)

School improvement Key themes/areas feedback from parents:

Playground development

Physical activity (outwith 2hr in school time but within recommended daily hour)

Clean drinking water in the school

Develop outdoor learning/use of local area

Improve communication Key themes/areas from pupils:

Playground development

Outdoor learning

Clean drinking water in the school

Key themes from staff:

HWB, SEAL/ Maths

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Pedagogy – AifL

Ethos and Life of school/Learning for Sustainability – RRSA, OL, Eco, Global link Nursery: e-journals, developing floorbook responsive planning, developing robust self-evaluation practice

What are we going to do next? Organise timetable for Self-evaluation to take place throughout the year involving a balance between questionnaires/surveys/Sharing Classroom Practice/Evaluations of CAT and training opportunities Use data gathered to continue to inform next steps on a termly reviewed basis, including Nursery Pupil Parliament tie in with reviewing areas of the SIP throughout the year: what is going well/what will make it even better? For Our School/ HWB/ Numeracy and Maths/ Our learning/ Rights Respecting School/ Outdoor learning & play Improve school website Establish effective e-mail communication with weekly newsletter Grounds for Learning training in Loose Play to develop Play experience/develop outdoor learning Play and Move group set up through Parent Council to develop shared understanding and improve opportunities for play and movement Approach the Facilities Manager for solution to clean drinking water following removal of water fountains Nursery: develop time table for self-evaluation throughout the year. Arrange monthly self-evaluation checklists to be focus of Wednesday staff meetings using the Building the Ambition, CIRCLE nursery literacy/numeracy rich environment tools

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Improvement Plan

3. Key areas for school improvement

Priority 1 – Learning & Teaching Overall Responsibility



1.1, 2.1, 5.3, 5.1

Outcome A Impact on learners:

Pupils have high quality and consistent learning experiences at the appropriate level of challenge and pace for learning

Attainment of highest 10% remains high, needs of lowest 20% are effectively met enabling continued improvement, with lower middle groups effectively challenged and supported to improve attainment

Staff shared expertise enhances learning outcomes for pupils

Opportunities for and quality of outdoor learning will be increased and improved

Continued development of pedagogical toolkit developing AifL strategies to enhance the learning experience

Pupils, staff and parents will have a clearer understanding of the totality of the curriculum as experienced through the 4 contexts for learning including Ethos & Life of the school, Opportunities for Personal Achievement and Inter-Disciplinary Learning

Tasks By Whom Resources Timescale Progress/evaluation of task

Improving Pedagogy:

Continue to develop approaches to AifL, focus on

Learning Intentions, Starts to lessons, involving

children in planning and effective talk partners

Learning Intention to be clearly visible in class and in

planning, children know/can talk about the purpose of


Challenge activities developed with open ended

activities for pupils to demonstrate understanding

Task, Activity and Resources matched to meet

learners needs with appropriate differentiation, pace

and challenge


CAT x2 Outstanding Formative Assessment by Shirley Clarke – book purchased for each stage Establish Sharing Classroom Practice timetable for peer support

May 2016

Pupil Learning Forum

Introduce the Pupil Parliament, Pupil Learning Forum and other roles of responsibility to widen opportunities and lead learning


Pupil Learning Forum – develop from the Pupil Council with Ms Ross, identify dates monthly: lead learning in the school

May 2016

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identify dates for pupil parliament and learning forum meetings

evaluate pupil parliament and learning forum’s impact through discussion with staff and feedback from children

Facilitate the Pupil learning forum in writing a pupil version of the school’s learning and teaching policy

Involve pupil learning forum and Pupil parliament in school evaluation calendar

Pupil learning forum to do assembly and lead Pupil Parliament on Our Learning/Growth Mindset

Pupil Parliament x6 through year: Our School, HWB, Maths, Our Learning, Play and one tbc

Totality of the Curriculum

Adapt the overview of planning sheet for parents to include Ethos & Life, Personal achievement and IDL and use x3 across the year

Include pupils views in planning

Develop use of floorbook approach to planning

Introduce ‘talking tubs’ and 3D mindmapping to focus planning

Ensure planned learning opportunities take account of

7 principles of curriculum design – Personalisation

and choice, Relevance, Coherence, Challenge and

enjoyment, Breadth, Depth, Progression


Curriculum overview Significant aspects for learning CAT session on floorbook planning

June 2016


Using the website audit, re-design and re-launch the website as a tool to share information about learning & teaching, curriculum etc with parents and the wider community

Identify a suitable website designer to ensure compliance with council guidelines for good websites

HT Cost involved in re-design Dec 2015

Outcome B Impact on Learners:

Pupils’ level of attainment within Curriculum for Excellence is clearly identified to aid measurement of progress

Learners’ progress is tracked in literacy, numeracy and HWB and next steps identified at earliest point

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Learners make progress consistent with their ability

Pupils will experience more involvement in planning next steps in their learning

Pupils’ attainment and skills for lifelong learning will be improved

Pupils will have opportunities to reflect on their learning, their achievements and next steps

Tracking Attainment & Achievement – Lowest 20%, Highest 10%, lower middle targeted pupils

Discuss cohorts of groups at liaison feedback meetings to ensure

o appropriate pace through learning o sufficient challenge within learning o appropriate differentiation within learning

Identify resources, support, next steps as appropriate, particularly to target the lower middle groups of learners

Introduce Wow, Work Week jotter to track progression through BGE for all, x2 twice per year

Improve PLP system to bring the learners’ journey together in a holistic way to help them understand themselves as learners and the totality of their learning

Introduce system to track and monitor wider achievement in order to bring together the holistic picture of a child’s learning journey and progress


Current PLP system Jotters – order Timetable for liaison meetings with each stage Questionnaires Focus groups

June 2016

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Priority 2 – Curriculum Development- HWB, Maths, Exp Arts Overall Responsibility



5.1, 2.1. 5.3 Outcome A

Impact on learners:

improved quality of experiences, understanding and engagement with learning

Pupils will experience a progression in their learning in HWB, Maths and Exp Art (Music)

Staff will have a clear understanding of experiences and outcomes to be covered at each level to ensure pupils are developed to their full potential

Pupils’ attainment will improve

Pupils’ academic and social skills will be improved

Pupils will experience a more cohesive programme through the use of interdisciplinary planners and linked planning

Pupils will experience more personalisation, choice and enjoyment in their learning

Teachers will have the opportunity to experience high quality professional exchange across the cluster to enhance practice through professional dialogue

Tasks By Whom Resources Timescale Progress/evaluation of task


Undertake SEAL training for the whole staff

Key staff to attend follow up CPD sessions on SEAL practices

Use SEAL approaches in P1, P2 and P3 as key driver of numeracy and throughout school where appropriate.

Evaluate progress and share good practice through staff SGP sessions

Maths moderation with cluster – see cluster plan

Use significant aspects to assess in maths

Continue to work on developing automaticity from work with Peter Shannon

Daily, short opportunities for mental maths, use ‘Bright Starts’ to maximise time on learning

All staff Whole school training in SEAL: In-service day –August Nursery, PSA’s, P4-7, SfL, SLT P1,2,3 – specific CPD identified to support roll-out of programme New SEAL champion additional sessions x8 Maths moderation – see cluster plan

May 2016


Audit current HWB programme and progression, identify gaps

All staff CfE HWB E’s and O’s Significant aspects for learning CEC HWB Responsibility of all document

May 2016

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Look at CEC responsibility of all resource and implement on 3 yr cycle if appropriate

Develop format for pupils to track themselves using SHANARRI – age appropriately

Look at curricular links to HWB and establish framework for key aspects of learning using the significant aspects for learning

Establish links to rights across learning

Link with Play and Move group in seeking pupil views about play and movement

Look at current resources being used and consider others: e.g. CCK, Emotion Talks resources, BBC dvd ‘Emotions’ 6 progs etc

Exp Arts – Music

Whole school training with ABC Creative Music programme to encourage consistent approach to music

Programme and progression of skills through online resource

Raise profile of music through MADD Tanzanian project


ABC Creative Music CPD and in –school support days

May 2016

Staff to be invited to complete Confident Staff, Confident Children CPD course (from PRD priorities) Following the staff course, identify anyone keen to be trained to deliver the parent version: Raising Children with Confidence

Optional staff CPD – open to all HT

Pattie Santileces to support the training 8 2xhr training sessions identified on Tuesday twilight – open to cluster schools Training due for RCwC (parent version) in January2016 x3days Plan to run parent course in Spring 2016

Dec 2015

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Priority 3 – Learning for Sustainability Overall Responsibility



2.1, 5.1

Outcome Impact on Learners:

Pupils, Staff and Parents will be more aware that Learning for Sustainability includes Eco, Global Citizenship, Rights and Outdoor Learning and is delivering the curriculum through the Ethos & Life of the school and offering opportunities for Personal Achievement

Parents will have further opportunities to develop partnership through development groups, e.g. Play and Move

Staff and pupils will be more emotionally aware and have opportunities to become more confident individuals, successful learners, responsible citizens and effective contributors

Pupils, staff and parents will embrace the opportunity to engage with a partner school in Tanzania to enhance learning for all

Tasks By Whom Resources Timescale Progress/evaluation of task

Outdoor Learning

Further embed outdoor learning through including it in planning

Review outdoor learning planning at forward plan feedback sessions

Outdoor learning coordinator to attend CPD and disseminate information to staff

Develop creativity and play through planning high quality learning experiences outdoors

Involve pupils in developing creative play outdoors

Play and Move group set up through Parent Council to support developments and help parents engage with play/movement, develop remit for group, arrange meeting dates

Pupils involved with their viewpoints about play and movement as part of their learning outdoors

All staff Loose Play training from Grounds for Learning – Tues Oct in-service am including parents from parent council CAT session Further resources may be identified following initial training session

June 2016

Rights Respecting Schools

Introduce the UNCRC across the school through class lessons and assemblies

introduce tagging of wall displays with appropriate RRS article

HT to lead Sign-up to RRSA scheme through UNICEF - £200 to register Access website with resources Order UNICEF resources

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reference rights during assemblies and other school activities

set up steering group/committee

audit current knowledge through focus groups of pupils

create action plan

apply to RRSA scheme through UNICEF

Time for Rights First Step to Rights Rights booklets Needs/Wants cards CAT session


launch our Tanzanian link to Sambarini Primary with a whole school MADD project about Tanzania

identify parents, staff and others with links to the community who have been to Tanzania and can offer talks, artefacts etc

display work around school to share learning

identify assembly to share learning

work with Mike Knox and Twende Pamoja project to identify curriculum links and opportunities for sharing curricular learning with our partner school

invite Eileen Forrest, DHT at RHPS to come and lead an assembly

begin to develop global citizenship aspect of the curriculum

review MADD project and consider a vertical grouping project to bring learning for sustainability together

All staff Identify resources to support learning Identify key contacts among cluster of schools involved with the project

Dec 2015


audit where Eco group has got to, re-establish committee/steering group, involve pupils from P3-7 to lead

Establish effective action plans and share throughout the school

Continue with monitoring systems for litter

Identify next steps for completing action plans in order to apply for award

DHT to lead Eco resources from website June 2016

Page 20: Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan for Parsons Green ... · they are going to go about it as part of their IDL work. Pupils engage in PLP conversations. Roles of responsibility


4. Cluster Improvement Plan –see below

Priority 1 – Overall Responsibility



Impact on learners

Tasks By Whom Resources Timescale Progress/evaluation of task

Page 21: Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan for Parsons Green ... · they are going to go about it as part of their IDL work. Pupils engage in PLP conversations. Roles of responsibility

Priority 5 – Nursery Overall Responsibility

DHT, Nursery Staff


1.1, 2.1, 5.1, 5.3, 5.9

Outcome Impact on Learners

Learners will be more engaged

Parents will be able to see progress through the Early Level and have a greater understanding of the Learners’ Experience

Pupils will have more ownership of learning through seeing their voice reflected in the floorbook approach

Improvements will be made on sound evaluation of data gathered through a range of sources, e.g. from Sharing Practice, surveys, questionnaires and feedback

Tasks By Whom Resources Timescale Progress/evaluation of task

Tracking and Monitoring through Early level and communicating with parents

e-journal training

familiarisation with ipad, taking photos and videos

learn how to track and monitor with e-journal, nursery teacher/DHT to be able to see overview of E’s and O’s coverage

aim for consistent posting of activities – e.g. once a week

visit other nurseries to see in practice

ensure parents must sign-up to confidentiality and data-security before being allowed access to their child’s data –run a parent workshop to launch

strict adherence to all data security policy and ensure everyone is clear about expectations, do’s and don’ts

Nursery team DHT

4x ipads (bought by Parent Council) CPD session

February 2016

Floorbook Planning

develop responsive floorbook planning

introduce ‘Talking Tubs’ and 3D mind-mapping to involve learners

Visit other nurseries to view good practice –Greengables, Juniper Green, Duddingston

Nursery team Floorbook training Suitable objects for talking tubs to build up resources to aid this approach

May 2016

Self-Evaluation Nursery Team DHT

May 2016

Page 22: Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan for Parsons Green ... · they are going to go about it as part of their IDL work. Pupils engage in PLP conversations. Roles of responsibility

develop time table for self-evaluation throughout the year

Arrange monthly self-evaluation checklists to be focus of Wednesday staff meetings using the Building the Ambition, CIRCLE nursery literacy/numeracy rich environment tools

Devise regular opportunities for parents to give feedback through questionnaires and surveys

5. Summary of evaluations against key indicators

Evaluation key:

Level 6 Excellent Outstanding or sector leading

Level 5 Very Good Major strengths

Level 4 Good Important strengths with areas for improvement

Level 3 Satisfactory Strengths just outweigh weaknesses

Level 2 Weak Important weaknesses

Level 1 Unsatisfactory Major weaknesses



1.1 2.1 5.3 5.3 5.9

Improvements in performance Learners’ experiences Meeting learners’ needs The curriculum Improvement through self evaluation

4 4 3 3 4

Page 23: Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan for Parsons Green ... · they are going to go about it as part of their IDL work. Pupils engage in PLP conversations. Roles of responsibility

Cluster Improvement Plan: Session 2015-2016

Priority 1 – To further develop a shared quality standard in Numeracy Overall Responsibility:

QIs 1.1, 2.1, 5.1, 5.3, 5.9

Outcome and impact for learners

Tasks By Whom Resources Timescale Progress/Update

Lead cluster assessment coordinator meet cluster reps to agree plan for cluster moderation in Numeracy

Lead: Stephanie McCart [Towerbank] Cluster Numeracy reps: PHS: Carol Livingston DPS: Kelly Inch RHPS: Irene Clark Parsons Green: Helen McRobert Brunstane: Kevin McKenzie

Staff Time

Meet Spring term 2015

Lead Cluster Assessment Coordinator to plan format of CAT session.

Lead: Stephanie McCart Staff Time

Meet mid-August 2015

Numeracy Moderation Launch

Stephanie McCart and Cluster Coordinator Cluster reps

Staff Time

Day: Friday Date: 11.09.2015 Venue: Portobello High Time: 1.30 – 3.30pm

Page 24: Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan for Parsons Green ... · they are going to go about it as part of their IDL work. Pupils engage in PLP conversations. Roles of responsibility

All primary staff meet to share Numeracy moderation

All teaching staff HTs & DHTs

Staff Venue Brunstane Primary School

Day: Wednesday Date: 06.01.16 Venue: Brunstane PS Time: 9-12 Noon

Cluster Numeracy Reps meet to evaluate Numeracy moderation

Cluster Numeracy reps led by Stephanie McCart

Staff Pulled together by June 2016

Page 25: Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan for Parsons Green ... · they are going to go about it as part of their IDL work. Pupils engage in PLP conversations. Roles of responsibility

Priority 2 – To further develop inclusion through cluster learning opportunities Overall Responsibility:

Karen Morris

QIs 1.1, 2.1, 5.1, 5.3, 5.9

Outcome and impact for learners

Tasks By Whom Resources Timescale Progress/Update

To consider opportunities

which continue to provide

transition opportunities for

P7 pupils

Coordinate exact date and

identify P7 leaders and lead


Karen Morris

Cluster HTs

‘Getting to know each

other’ Team Building/ Problem

Solving/ Rights Respecting type

activities to be agreed at first

HT cluster meeting in new




Thursday 29th

October 2015

Portobello High School hall booked

To consider opportunities

which provide sharing

learning through transition.

To include links with

technology, maths and

sciences and the World of

Work/Lifelong Learning.

Coordinate exact date and

identify P7 leaders and lead


Cluster HTs

Karen Morris STEM Speed dating event

morning and afternoon events

split across schools/groups



16th March


Portobello High School hall booked

E mailed Stem last term, waiting for confirmation

Page 26: Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan for Parsons Green ... · they are going to go about it as part of their IDL work. Pupils engage in PLP conversations. Roles of responsibility

Summary of evaluations against key indicators Primary School (September 2012)

Evaluation key:

Level 6 Excellent Outstanding or sector leading

Level 5 Very Good Major strengths

Level 4 Good Important strengths with areas for improvement

Level 3 Satisfactory Strengths just outweigh weaknesses

Level 2 Weak Important weaknesses

Level 1 Unsatisfactory Major weaknesses

Primary School Evaluation

1.1 Improvements in Performance 4

2.1 Learners’ experience 4

5.3 Meeting learners’ needs 4

Nursery Class

1.1 Improvements in Performance

2.1 Learners’ experience

5.3 Meeting learners’ needs

School and Nursery Class

5.1 The Curriculum 4

5.9 Improvement through self-evaluation 4

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