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Shri D. Bhadra, Scientist C

Bureau of Indian Standards

Eastern Regional Office

18 November 2010

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In the past 3 centuries over 3 million people

have died due to earthquakes and earthquake

related disasters.

The economic losses estimated for the period

1929-1950 are in excess of Rs. 500 billion

2/3 of the earths crust is seismically active,

which means that about 1,000,000,000 people

are living in areas of the world that are prone to


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What do we know?

Earthquakes cannot be prevented nor

accurately predicted.

It is not ground shaking itself that causes life

and economic loss but the collapse or

damage of buildings and infrastructure that

are too “weak” to resist the ground shaking.

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What is Earthquake Engineering?

The application of civil engineering to reduce

life and economic losses due to earthquakes,

(i.e to mitigate seismic risk)

What is Seismic Risk ?

the probability of losses occurring due to

earthquakes within the lifetime of a structure;

these losses can include human lives, social

and economic disruption as well as material


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What earthquake effects

cause damage?

Ground shaking

Surface rupture




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India lies at the northwestern end of the Indo-Australian Plate, which encompasses India, Australia, a major portion of the Indian Ocean and other smaller countries. This plate is colliding against the huge Eurasian plate and going under the Eurasian plate. This process of one tectonic plate getting under another is termed as subduction. When continents converge, large amounts of shortening and thickening takes place like at the Himalayas and the Tibet. Three chief tectonic sub-regions of India are the Himalayas along the North, the plains of the ganges and other rivers and the peninsula.

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Seismic zonation map of a country is a guide to the

seismic status of a region and its susceptibility to

earthquakes. India has been divided into five zones with

respect to severity of earthquakes. Of these, Zone V is

seismically the most active where earthquakes of

magnitude 8 or more could occur. Recent strong motion

observations around the world have revolutionized

thinking on the design of engineering structures, placing

emphasis also on the characteristics of the structures


Seismic zonation map of India

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India has been traditionally vulnerable to natural disasters on

account of its unique geo-climatic conditions.

More than 59% of the landmass is prone to earthquakes of moderates to very high intensity; over 40 million hectares (12% of land) is prone to floods and river erosion; close to 5700 kms out of 7516 kms long coast line, is prone to cyclones and tsunamis; 68% of the cultivable area is vulnerable to drought including the capital of the country. Further, hilly areas are also at risk from landslides and avalanches.

In the decade 1990-2000, an average of about 4344 people lost their lives and about 30 million people were affected by disasters every year.

The loss in terms of private, community and public assets has been astronomical.

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The Government of India has brought into a paradigm shift

in the approach to disaster management. Going beyond

the historical focus on relief and rehabilitation after the

event, the new approach proceeds from the conviction that

development cannot be sustainable unless disaster

mitigation is built into the development process. Another

corner stone of the approach is that mitigation has to be

multi-disciplinary spanning across all sectors of

development. The new policy also emanates from the

belief that investments in mitigation are much more cost

effective than expenditure on relief and rehabilitation.

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After the Indian Ocean Tsunami, the GOI has constituted

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), headed by

the PM, through an Act of Parliament, to spearhead and

implement a holistic and integrated approach to Disaster

Management in India.

The Disaster Management Act 2005 was enacted on 23rd

December 2005. This Act ensures dedicated and exclusive

institutional mechanism at the National, State, District and

Local level.

The National Vision is of a paradigm shift, from the erstwhile

response-centric syndrome to a proactive prevention,

mitigation and preparedness driven approach to Disaster


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In India, the changed policy/approach, however, mandates a

priority to pre-disaster aspects of mitigation, prevention and

preparedness and new institutional mechanisms are being put

in place to address the policy change. The Government of

India has adopted mitigation and prevention as essential

components of the development strategy.

Disaster prevention involves engineering intervention in

buildings and structures to make them strong enough to

withstand the impact of natural hazard or to impose

restrictions on land use so that the exposure of the society to

the hazard situation is avoided or minimized.

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Adobe structures

Limestone and sandstone structures

Timber frame structures

Light-frame structures

Reinforced masonry structures

Reinforced concrete structures

Prestressed structures

Steel structures

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External post-tensioning

Base isolators

Supplementary dampers

Tuned mass dampers

Slosh tank

Active control system

Adhoc addition of structural support/ reinforcement

Connections between buildings and their expansion additions

Exterior concrete columns

Infill shear trusses

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In view of the construction boom and rapid urbanization,

municipal bye-laws are being made technology and user

friendly, so as to safeguard the interests of communities.

These bye-laws are reviewed periodically to identify safety

gaps, from seismic and other hazards and suitable

modifications are being made to align them to revised

building codes. Also, the undesirable professional practices,

that tend to crop up from time to time, need to be addressed

in the bye-laws. The tendency to allow utilization of

unsuitable areas for construction further adds to

vulnerabilities and needs to be guarded against. Similarly,

the existing bye-laws for rural areas are also be attended to

and notified.

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The aim of a mitigation strategy is to reduce losses in the

event of a future occurrence of a hazard.

Structure mitigation may comprise construction of

individual disaster resistant structure like retrofitted or

earthquake-resistant buildings or creation of structure whose

function is primarily disaster protection like flood control

structures, dykes, levees, infiltration dams etc.

Mitigation measures essentially need to be considered in

land use and site planning activities. Construction in

hazardous areas like flood plains or steep soft slopes are

more vulnerable to disasters. Necessary mitigation

measures need to be built into the design and costing of

development projects.

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Mitigation measures on individual structures can be

achieved by design standards, building codes and

performance specifications. Buildings codes, for

achieving stronger engineered structures, are being

formulated in accordance with the vulnerability of

the area and implemented through appropriate

techno-legal measures. Continuous efforts being

made to revise the safety codes and suitably modify

them periodically.

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Indian Standards are formulated through several technical

committees through consensus and involve consultation with

consumers, manufacturers, technologists, R&D organizations

and government officials. In the field of Disaster Mitigation, BIS

has formulated about 200 standards through various technical

Committees. The list of published standards is available on BIS

website: .

In consonance with Government policies for reducing the risk to

the people and to the functioning of the society, the most

effective remedy will be to reduce the vulnerability of the

physical assets by structural measures of safer new construction

and retrofitting the existing unsafe assets for which effective

building Codes have been already developed through the

Bureau of Indian Standards.

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Himalayan-Nagalushai region, Indo-Gangetic plain, Western India and Cutch and Kathiawar regions are

geologically unstable parts of the country and some devastating earthquakes of the world have occurred there. A major part of peninsular India has also been

visited by strong earthquakes, but these were relatively few in number and had considerably lesser intensity. The Seismic Zoning Map of India classifies the country in four seismic zones, having 20.8 percent of land area

in most serve seismic zone V, 17.5 percent land area in next severe seismic zone IV, and 30.8 percent land area in moderate seismic zone III. Thus the country

has about 59 percent area liable to the risk of earthquake damage.

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It has been a long felt need to rationalize the earthquake

resistant design and construction of structures taking into

account seismic data from studies of these earthquakes.

It is to serve this purpose that standards have been

formulated in the field of Design and Construction of

Earthquake Resistant Structures and also in the field of

measurement and tests connected therewith by the

Earthquake Engineering Sectional Committee, CED 39.

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IS 1893:1984 Criteria for

Earthquake Resistant Design of


This standard deals with earthquake resistant design of

structures and is applicable to buildings; elevated

structures; bridges; dams etc. It also gives a map which

divides the country into five seismic zones based on the

seismic intensity.

IS 1893 was initially published in 1962 as

`Recommendations for Earthquake Resistant Design of

Structures’ and then revised in 1966. As a result of

additional seismic data collected in India and further

knowledge and experience gained the standard was

revised in 1970, 1975 and then in 1984.

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IS 1893:1984 Criteria for

Earthquake Resistant Design of

Structures (contnd.) Consequent to the publication of this standard on account of

earthquakes in various parts of the country including that in

Uttar-Kashi and Latur and technological advancement in the

field, the technical committee decided to revise the standard into five parts which deals with different types of structures:

Part 1 : General provisions and Buildings

Part 2 : Liquid retaining Tanks – Elevated and Ground


Part 3 : Bridges and Retaining Walls

Part 4 : Industrial Structures Including Stack Like Structures

Part 5 : Dams and Embankments

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IS 1893(Part 1):2002 `Criteria for Earthquake

Resistant Design of Structures : Part 1

General provisions and Buildings’

This standard contains provisions that are general in nature and applicable to all structures. Also, it contains provisions that are specific to buildings only. It covers general principles and design criteria, combinations, design spectrum, main attributes of buildings, dynamic analysis, apart from seismic zoning map and seismic coefficients of important towns, map showing epicenters, map showing tectonic features and lithological map of India.

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IS 1893(Part 1):2002 `Criteria for Earthquake

Resistant Design of Structures : Part 1 General

provisions and Buildings’ (contnd) Following are the major and important modifications made in this

revision: The seismic zone map is revised with only four zones, instead of five.

Erstwhile Zone I has been merged to Zone II and hence Zone I does not appear in the new zoning; only Zones II, III, IV and V do. The killari area has been included in Zone III and necessary modifications made, keeping in view the probabilistic Hazard Evaluation. The Bellary isolated zone has been removed. The parts of eastern coast area have shown similar hazard to that of the killari area, the level of Zone II has been enhanced to Zone III and connected with Zone III of Godawari Graben area.

This revision adopts the procedure of first calculating the actual force that may be experienced by the structure during the probable maximum earthquake, if it were to remain elastic. Then the concept of response reduction due to ductile deformation or frictional energy dissipation in the cracks is brought into the code explicity, by introducing the `response reduction factor’ in place of the earlier performance factor.

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IS 1893(Part 1):2002 `Criteria for Earthquake

Resistant Design of Structures : Part 1 General

provisions and Buildings’ (contnd) The values of seismic zone factors have been

changed; these now reflect more realistic

values of effective peak ground acceleration

considering Maximum Considered Earthquake

(MCE) and service life of structure in each

seismic zone.

A clause has been introduced to restrict the

use of foundations vulnerable to differential

settlements in severe seismic zones.

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IS 1893(Part 4):2005 `Criteria for

Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures:

Part 4 Industrial Structures Including Stack

Like Structures This standard deals with earthquake resistant design of the

industrial structures (plant and auxiliary structures) including stack-like structures such as process industries, power plants, textile industries, off-shore structures and marine/port/harbour structures.

In addition to the above, stack-like structures covered by this standard are such as transmission and communication towers, chimneys and stack-like structures and silos (including parabolic silos used for urea storage).

The characteristics (intensity, duration, etc) of seismic ground vibrations expected at any location depends upon the magnitude of earthquake, its depth of focus, distance from the epicenter, characteristics of the path through which the seismic waves travel, and the soil strata on which the structure stands.

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IS 1893(Part 4):2005 `Criteria for Earthquake

Resistant Design of Structures: Part 4

Industrial Structures Including Stack Like

Structures (contnd)

The response of a structure to ground vibrations is a function of the nature of foundations, soil, materials, form, size and mode of construction of structures; and the duration and characteristics of ground motion. This standard specifies design forces for structures standing on rocks or soils, which do not settle, liquify or slide due to loss of strength during vibrations.

The design approach adopted in this standard is to ensure that structures possess minimum strength to withstand minor earthquakes which occur frequently, without damage; resist moderate earthquakes without significant structural damage though some non-structural damage may occur; and withstand a major earthquake (MCE) without collapse.

NOTE - Formulation of revised codes for other parts of IS 1893 are in advance stages.

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IS 4326:1993 Earthquake Resistant Design

and Construction of Buildings - Code of


This standard provides guidance in selection of materials, special features of design and construction for earthquake resistant buildings including masonry construction, timber construction, prefabricated construction etc. In this standard, it is intended to cover the specified features of design and construction for earthquake resistance of buildings of conventional types. The general principles to be observed in the construction of such earthquake resistant buildings as specified in this standard are Lightness, Continuity of Construction, avoiding/reinforcing Projecting and suspended parts, Building configuration, strength in various directions, stable foundations, Ductility of structure, Connection to non-structural parts and fire safety of structures.

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IS 4326:1993 Earthquake Resistant Design

and Construction of Buildings - Code of

Practice (contnd)

Special Construction Features like Separation of Adjoining Structures, Crumple Section, Foundation design, Roofs and Floors and Staircases have been elaborated in the standard. It also covers the details pertaining to the type of construction, masonry construction with rectangular masonry units, masonry bearing walls, openings in bearing walls, seismic strengthening arrangements, framing of thin load bearing walls, reinforcing details for hollow block masonry, flooring/roofing with precast components and timber construction.

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IS 13827:1993 Improving Earthquake

Resistance of Earthen Buildings – Guidelines

The guidelines covered in this standard deal with the

design and construction aspects for improving

earthquake resistance of earthen houses, without the

use of stabilizers such as lime, cement, asphalt, etc.

The provisions of this standard are applicable for

seismic zones III, IV and V. No special provisions

are considered necessary in Zone II. However,

considering inherently weak against water and

earthquake, earthen buildings should preferably be

avoided in flood prone, high rainfall areas and

seismic zones IV and V.

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IS 13827:1993 Improving Earthquake

Resistance of Earthen Buildings – Guidelines


It has been recommended that such buildings should be light, single storeyed and of simple rectangular plan. Qualitative tests for the suitability of soil have been suggested.

Guidelines for Block or Adobe Construction, Rammed earth construction, Seismic strengthening of bearing wall buildings, Internal bracing in earthen houses and earthen constructions with wood or cane structures have heen elaborated in this standard.

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IS 13828:1993 Improving Earthquake Resistance

of Low Strength Masonry Buildings – Guidelines

This standard covers the special features of design and construction for improving earthquake resistance of buildings of low-strength masonry.

The provisions of this standard are applicable in all seismic zones. No special provisions are considered necessary for buildings in seismic zone II if cement-sand mortar not leaner than 1:6 is used in masonry and through stones or bonding elements are used in stone walls.

The various provisions of IS 4326:1993 regarding general principles, special construction features, types of construction, categories of buildings and masonry construction with rectangular masonry buildings of low strength dealt with in this standard. There are however certain restrictions, exceptions and additional details which are specifically included herein.

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IS 13920:1993 Ductile Detailing of

Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to

Seismic Forces – Code of Practice

This standard covers the requirements for designing and

detailing of monolithic reinforced concrete buildings so as

to give them adequate toughness and ductility to resist

severe earthquake shocks without collapse.

The provisions for reinforced concrete construction given

in this standard apply specifically to monolithic reinforced

concrete construction. Precast and/or prestressed

concrete members may be used only if they can provide

the same level of ductility as that of a monolithic

reinforced concrete construction during or after an


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IS 13920:1993 Ductile Detailing of

Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to

Seismic Forces – Code of Practice

Provisions on minimum and maximum reinforcement

have been elaborated which includes the requirements

for beams at longitudinal reinforcement in beams at joint

face, splices and anchorage requirements. Provisions

have been included for calculation of design shear force

and for detailing of transverse reinforcement in beams.

Material specifications are indicated for lateral force

resisting elements of frames. The provisions are also

given for detailing of reinforcement in the wall web,

boundary elements, coupling beams, around openings, at

construction joints, and for the development, splicing and

anchorage of reinforcement.

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IS 6922:1973 Criteria for Safety and

Design of Structures Subject to

Underground Blasts This standard deals with the safety of structures

during underground blasting and is applicable to normal structures like buildings, elevated structures, bridges, retaining walls, concrete and masonry dams constructed in materials like brickwork, stone masonry and concrete.

As underground blasting operations have become almost a must for excavation purposes, this standard lays down criteria for safety of such structures from cracking and also specifies the effective accelerations for their design in certain cases.

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IS 4991:1968 Criteria for Blast Resistant

Design of Structures for Explosions Above


This standard covers the criteria for design of structures for blast effects of explosions above ground excluding blast effects of nuclear explosions.

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IS 4967:1968 Recommendations for

Seismic Instrumentation for River

Valley Projects

This standard covers recommendations for

instrumentation for investigation of seismicity,

study of micro tremors and predominant

period of a dam site and permanent

installation of instruments in the dam and

appurtenant structures and in surrounding


These standards endeavor to provide a

guideline in designing and repairing of

buildings under seismic forces.

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SEISMICALLY VULNERABLE ZONES: The mitigation measures take care of the new construction but the

problem of unsafe existing building stock still remain.

Assessment of seismic vulnerability of existing building stock to urban areas would help in disaster mitigation and management by planning mitigations measures before an earthquake, selecting engineered retrofitting schemes for the existing buildings and carrying out rehabilitation following an earthquake. Delhi being the national capital has had the privilege of planned development but the unusual growth of this mega city has set off all the plans. The city is dotted with all kinds of buildings and infrastructural facilities comprising of very good construction to poorly designed and constructed ones. The most challenging task is to evaluate seismic safety of these constructions and take necessary steps for their retrofitting so as to protect them from future earthquakes at a place like Delhi, which is seismically very active.

BIS has formulated guidelines which covers the selection of materials and techniques to be used for repair and seismic strengthening of damaged buildings during earthquakes and retrofitting for upgrading of seismic resistance of existing buildings.

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IS 13935:2009 Repair and Seismic

Strengthening of Buildings – Guidelines

This standard covers the selection of materials and techniques to be used for repair and seismic strengthening of damaged buildings during earthquakes and retrofitting for upgrading of seismic resistance of existing buildings.

The provisions of this standard are applicable for buildings in seismic zones III to V of IS 1893:1984, which are based on damaging seismic intensities VII and more on MSK Scales.

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IS 13935:2009 Repair and Seismic

Strengthening of Buildings – Guidelines

The buildings affected by earthquake may suffer both non-structural and structural damages. This standard lays down guidelines for non-structural/architectural as well as structural repairs, seismic strengthening and seismic retrofitting of existing buildings. Guidelines have been given for selection of materials for repair work such as cement, steel, epoxy resins, epoxy mortar, quick setting cement mortar and special techniques such as shotcrete, mechanical anchorage etc. Seismic Strengthening techniques for the modification of roofs or floors, inserting new walls, strengthening existing walls, masonry arches, random rubble masonry walls, strengthening long walls, strengthening reinforced concrete members and strengthening of foundations have been elaborated in detail.

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OF INDIA 2005 (NBC 2005) takes

into account the various aspects of

Earthquake Resistance Construction

in the Indian Scenario.

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ELSEWHERE IN THE WORLD ISO 22762-1:2010 Elastomeric seismic-protection

isolators -- Part 1: Test methods

ISO 22762-2:2010 Elastomeric seismic-protection isolators -- Part 2: Applications for bridges -- Specifications

ISO 22762-3:2010 Elastomeric seismic-protection isolators -- Part 3: Applications for buildings -- Specifications

ISO 19901-2:2004 Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Specific requirements for offshore structures -- Part 2: Seismic design procedures and criteria

ISO 23469:2005 Bases for design of structures -- Seismic actions for designing geotechnical works

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ISO/TR 25741:2008 Lifts and escalators subject to seismic conditions -- Compilation report

ISO 24314:2006 Structural steels -- Structural steels for building with improved seismic resistance -- Technical delivery conditions

ISO 6258:1985 Nuclear power plants -- Design against seismic hazards

ISO 3010:2001 Basis for design of structures -- Seismic actions on structures

ISO 16134:2006 Earthquake- and subsidence-resistant design of ductile iron pipelines

BS EN 1998-5:2004 Euro code 8. Design of structures for earthquake resistance. Foundations, retaining structures and geotechnical aspects

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CONCLUSION Earthquake construction means implementation of seismic

design to enable building and non-building structures to live through the anticipated earthquake exposure up to the expectations and in compliance with the applicable BUILDING CODES

Design and construction are intimately related. To achieve a good workmanship, detailing of the members and their connections should be, possibly, simple. As any construction in general, earthquake construction is a process that consists of the building, retrofitting or assembling of infrastructure given the construction materials available

Each CONSTRUCTION PROJECT requires a QUALIFIED TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS who understand the basic features of seismic performance of different structures as well as CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT

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Merci Danke


Thank you



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Capacity Building for Earthquake Preparedness

Friday, May 17, 2013 1

Dr. Damodar Maity Civil Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur

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What is Earthquake?

Earthquake- the vibration of the ground

Cause: Due to movement of rocks along a fault

– Rocks under stress accumulate strain energy over time.

– When stress exceeds strength of rocks, the rock breaks.

– Strain energy is released as seismic waves.

– The longer that energy is stored up and is maintained without

release, the more likely that a strong earthquake will occur.

– Continuing adjustment of position results in aftershocks

– Aftershock- tremors that occur as rocks adjust to their new


An earthquake is a sudden violent motion of the earth,

which lasts for a short time, within a very limited region.

Most earthquakes last for less than a minute, but sometimes

shock may last, for as long as 3 to 4 minutes.

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Types of Plate Boundaries • Spreading Zone

- This is an area where two plates are moving apart from

one another

- Example: Mid-Atlantic Ridge

• Transform Fault

- This is where two plates are sliding past each other

- One example is the San Andreas Fault on the coast of

California and Northwestern Mexico

• Subduction Zone

- This is where one plate moves on top of another causing one to be subducted into the mantle where it melts.

- One example is the Western Coast of South America near Chile.

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Worldwide distribution of Earthquakes

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Where Do Earthquakes Occur and How Often?

~80% of all earthquakes occur in the circum-Pacific belt

– most of these result from convergent margin activity

– ~15% occur in the Mediterranean-Asiatic belt

– remaining 5% occur in the interiors of plates and on spreading ridge centers

– more than 1,50,000 quakes strong enough to be felt are recorded each year

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Frequency vs Depths

• 90% of Earthquakes occur within depths less than 100


• Majority of Catastrophic Earthquakes occur within

Depths less than 60-km Deep

– 1964 Alaska EQ ---- 33 km from surface

– 1995 Kobe, Japan--- 20 km from surface

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Magnitude Approximate Number per year 1 7,00,000 2 3,00,000 3 20,000 4 6,000 5 800 6 150 7 50 8 and above 1 in every few years

Magnitude Vs. No. of Earthquakes

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Direct Effects of Earthquakes

• Ground shaking

• Disruption of Utilities

• Damage to personal

items and buildings

• Water table


• Aftershocks

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Indirect Effects of Earthquakes

• Ground failures

• Landslides

• Subsidence (drop in elevation of land due to removal of water)

• Liquefaction (reduction in the strength of saturated soils)

• Tsunamis (tidal waves)

• Flooding

• Fires from electrical difficulties

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Capacity Building for Earthquake Preparedness Priorities for Action:

Make Disaster Risk Reduction a Priority

Identify, Assess and Monitor Risk

(Such as we should have a realistic vulnerability map at the

micro level)

Build a culture of resilience through awareness, education

& training

(eg., peoples’ participation needs to be chalked out as how

people will participate in preparing it.)

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Earthquake Forces

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Capacity Building for Earthquake Preparedness Priorities for Action:

Reduce Risk in Key Sectors

(Public Buildings like hospital, school, transmitter tower,

bridge, nuclear power plant, dam etc. need to be made EQ.


Strengthen Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response

(BIS and NBC codes may be incorporated in the states

depending upon their vulnerability.)

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Capacity Building for Earthquake Preparedness

Strategies for vulnerability reduction before earthquakes

• Development of Earthquake preparedness plans at grass

root level

• Public education on earthquake disasters through

awareness campaigns

• Enhance national capacities for the development and

implementation of a countrywide framework for disaster

risk preparedness, management and mitigation in

education sector

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L - Shape

Shape of House

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(a) Rectangular Plan (L<3B)

(b) I Type Plan with small Projection

(L<3B, B’<B/3)

Fig. 7 Desirable Symmetrical Plans






(a) Rectangular Plan (L>3B)

(b) I Type Plan with Long Projection

(B’> B/3)

Fig. 8 Undesirable Symmetrical Plans






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Fig. 9 Undesirable Unsymmetrical Plans

(a) U Shape Plan

(b) Unsymmetrical Plan

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Fig. 10 Uses of Separation Gaps to Improve Plans


L<3B L<3B

Separation gap

(b) Separation gap for I type block

(Separation gap for

long rectangular block

(c) Separation gap for U shape block (d) Separation gap for unsymmetrical block

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Accurate detailing is important

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Horizontal Band is must

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•Safety measures must be incorporated in all types of


•Existing buildings and bridges needs to be retrofitted.

•Ensuring construction of Earthquake resistant buildings at

the administrative level throughout

•Seismic safety needs to be highlighted in the design itself.

•States can adopt the national codes or make their own

codes specific to the state.

•Fixing of responsibility of adhering to the building codes

and norms.

Strategies for vulnerability reduction before earthquakes

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Danger of Open Ground Storey

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Courtesy: NICEE, NPEEE, IIT Kanpur, BMTPC, New Delhi

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Danger of Open Ground Storey

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Dissemination of the Earthquake

Preparedness Plan:

• Involving of media – both print and electronic in

dissemination of the earthquake preparedness plan

•Advertisements related to disasters prior, during and after

may be given in the media.

•Advertisements over radio, TV and other channels at peak

time of news. These advertisements can be region specific

and disaster specific in different local languages.

•Media needs to be sensitized and made a partner in

Disaster Mitigation.

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•Hospital safety may be given top priority Building and

equipment of Hospitals guidelines framed out by MHA

need to be followed strictly.

•Facility for stock piling of relief material at the district

Headquarters should be created.

•The District Authority should have a protocol to

manage the relief material.

• Assistance of various NGO can be sought.

•Simulation/Mock exercises can be carried out where all

the concerned functionaries will participate and an

assessment of the preparedness can be made.

Strategies for vulnerability reduction before earthquakes

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Capacity Building for Earthquake Preparedness

2. Strategies for vulnerability reduction during earthquakes

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Dos and Donts for Protection

Friday, May 17, 2013

Courtesy: Dept. of Earthquake Engg. IIT Roorkiee Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, New Delhi

Page 73: standardization in earthquake resistant construction


If you are caught indoors at the time of an earthquake: • Keep calm. • Stay away from glass windows, doors, almirahs, mirrors etc. • Stay away from falling plaster, bricks or stones.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Page 74: standardization in earthquake resistant construction


If you are caught indoors at the time of an earthquake: • Get under a table or a sturdy cot so that you are not hurt by falling objects. • Do not rush towards the doors or staircase. They may be broken or jammed.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Page 75: standardization in earthquake resistant construction


If you are outdoors at the time of earthquake: • If open space is available nearby, go there. • Keep away from tall chimneys, buildings, balconies and other projections. • Do not run through streets; hoardings or lamps may fall on you.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Page 76: standardization in earthquake resistant construction


After an earthquake: • Check if you or anyone else is hurt. Use first aid at least on the cuts and bruises. • Keep the streets clear for emergency services. • Switch off all appliances like the refrigerator, TV or radio. • Wear shoes to protect your feet from debris. • A battery operated radio will help you to get important messages. • Be prepared for more shocks. These aftershocks always follow an earthquake. •Turn off the gas.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Page 77: standardization in earthquake resistant construction


Avoid the following in an earthquake: • Do not crowd around damaged areas or buildings. • Do not waste water. It will be needed for fire fighting. • Do not move the seriously hurt people. • Wait for medical help to arrive. • Do not spread rumors. They lead to panic and worsen the situation

Friday, May 17, 2013

Page 78: standardization in earthquake resistant construction



Friday, May 17, 2013

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