  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


    Dr. Kenneth Clark

    FRIT 8530

    Applications of Instructional Technology

    y! "ynn C. Doyle

    #eorgia $outhern %ni&ersity

    'uly ()* +00,

  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


    Lesson Topic: Narrative Elements of a Story Grade level: 4th Grade

    Length of lesson: 3 Weeks TEA!E": L#NN $%#LE

    Stage & ' $esired "es(lts

    )nformation Literacy Standard &:The stu-ent ho is infor/ation literate accessesinfor/ation efficiently an- effecti&ely. The stu-ent ho is infor/ation literate recognies

    that ha&ing goo- infor/ation is central to /eeting the opportunities an- challenges of

    -ay1to1-ay li&ing. That stu-ent knos hen to seek infor/ation eyon- his or herpersonal knole-ge* ho to fra/e 2uestions that ill lea- to the appropriate infor/ation*

    an- here to seek that infor/ation. The stu-ent knos ho to structure a search across a

    &ariety of sources an- for/ats to locate the est infor/ation to /eet a particular nee-.

    ontent Standard*s+: ELA4"&1The stu-ent -e/onstrates co/prehension an- shose&i-ence of a arrante- an- responsile eplanation of a &ariety of literary an-

    infor/ational tets.

    ,or literary te-ts. the st(dent identifies the characteristics of vario(s genres and

    prod(ces evidence of reading that:

    a. I-entifies an- analyes the ele/ents of plot* character* an- setting in stories rea-.

    . 4akes u-g/ents an- inferences aout setting* characters* an- e&ents an- supports

    the/ ith elaorating an- con&incing e&i-ence fro/ the tet.

    c. I-entifies the/es an- lessons in folktales* tall tales* an- fales.

    -. I-entifies an- uses knole-ge of co//on graphic features 6e.g.* charts* /aps*

    -iagra/s* illustrations.

    e. I-entifies an- uses knole-ge of co//on organiational structures 6e.g.*

    chronological or-er* /ain i-eas an- -etails* 7 su//ariing

    /nderstanding *s+0goals:

    St(dents 1ill (nderstand: There are /any parts of a story.

    6Facet (

    9o an- hy characters act the

    ay they -o. 6Facet (

    The -ecisions an- actions of

    characters re&eal their personalities.

    6Facet :

    The i/pact the the/e has on the

    /eaning of a story. 6Facet +

    ;o /atter ho ig or s/all a

    Essential 2(estion*s+:

    9o -o literary ele/ents help /eun-erstan- a storyretest.

    Check for possile an- proale /isconceptions y ha&ing stu-ents share their

    ansers ith the class to oth acti&ities.

    @&aluate stu-ents knole-ge an- rea-ing co/prehension skills y a-/inistering

    the "iterary @le/ents Eui.

  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


    )ntrod(cing 6racticing the Lesson:

    The lesson ill egin y intro-ucing the -efinitions of the literary ele/ents on the

    pro/ethean oar- ith the teacher create- &i-eo >o-cast on narrati&e ele/ents

    6Character* $etting* 7 >lot . During the >o-cast a short story ill e presente-*

    an- the stu-ents ill ork in their groups to fin- the character* setting* 7 plot ofthe story. ?e ill -iscuss their ansers hen finishe-. $tu-ents ill e assigne-

    a -ay for the net + eeks to co/e to the co/puter to re&ie the >o-cast an-click on the e site for etra practice on the literary ele/ents of a story.

    $kill Car- (A on the ;arrati&e @le/ents of a $toryill then e intro-uce- on a

    flipchart an- the character* setting* 7 plot ill e re&iee-.

    $tu-ents ill then e aske- to co/plete the graphic organier $kill Car- (B on the

    ;arrati&e @le/ents of a $tory1Character* $etting* 7 >lot. $tu-ents ill share their

    ansers ith the class.

    $tu-ents ill e intro-uce- to the literary ele/ents -efinitions of

    ConflictResolution on the pro/ethean oar- ith the teacher create- &i-eo

    >o-cast. During the >o-cast a short story ill e presente-* an- the stu-ents ill

    ork in their groups to fin- the character* setting* plot* conflict* 7 resolution ofthe story. ?e ill -iscuss their ansers hen finishe-. $tu-ents ill e assigne-

    a -ay for the net + eeks to co/e to the co/puter to re&ie the >o-cast an-

    click on the e site for etra practice on the literary ele/ents of a story.

    $kill Car- 3A on the ;arrati&e @le/ents of a $toryill then e intro-uce- on a

    flipchart an- the conflictresolution ill e re&iee-.

    $tu-ents ill then e aske- to co/plete the graphic organier $kill Car- 3B on the

    ;arrati&e @le/ents of a $tory1ConflictResolution. $tu-ents ill share theiransers ith the class. $tu-ents ill rea- The @/peror an- the Kite an- create*

    -esign* an- lael a kite ith the literary ele/ents of the story. A /o-el ill e

    pro&i-e- for the stu-ents to go y in creating their kite.

    $tu-ents ill choose a teacher appro&e- ook to create the perfect san-ich ookreport. $tu-ents ill e gi&en the Ruric or Alternate Ruricto gui-e the/ ith

    the re2uire/ents of the ook report.

    $tu-ents ill rea- The #ar-ener an- ork in groups to co/plete a graphic

    organier literary /ap on the co/puter fro/http! The teacher ill /o-el the

    graphic organier ith an ea/ple fro/ the ?e site on the pro/ethean oar-.

    The teacher ill also /onitor stu-ents progress hile orking on the co/puters.

    "eflecting. "evie1ing. Self7Eval(ating:

    $tu-ents ill use a $u//aryorAlternati&e $u//arygraphic organier to

    su//arie their stories to help the/ un-erstan- the plot of the story.

    $tu-ents ill use a graphic organierto co/plete the literary ele/ents of a story

    efore orking on their kites* ook reports* an- literary /ap on the co/puter.

    The teacher ill allo stu-ents to share their literary /aps in s/all groups an-

    ill ha&e class/ates offer fee-ack as ell as the teacher.

    $kill Car- )Aill e intro-uce- to re&ie the all of the literary ele/ents.

    $tu-ents ill co/plete$kill Car- )Ban- ill -iscuss their ansers ith the

    teacher in s/all groups.

    $tu-ents ill ork on the focus skill re&ie sheets1 on the narrati&e ele/ents.

  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


    The teacher ill allo stu-ents to share their literary /aps in s/all groups an-

    ill ha&e class/ates offer fee-ack as ell as the teacher.

    The teacher ill ork in s/all groups to -iscuss an- re&ie an- -iscuss stu-ents

    responses to the focus skill re&ie sheets (: 7 30 on the narrati&e ele/ents.

    The teacher ill ork in s/all groups to -iscuss an- re&ie the story /ap graphic


    The teacher ill ork in s/all groups to -iscuss an- re&ie the su//ariing

    graphic organiers.

    The teacher ill pro&i-e a /o-el of the kite as a gui-e for stu-ents to follo in

    creating* -esigning* an- laeling their kites ith the literary ele/ents of a story.

    The teacher ill pro&i-e the san-ich ook report ruric for stu-ents to self1

    e&aluate their on san-ich ook report an- also ha&e a class/ate use the ruric

    as ell to e&aluate their ook report to pro&i-e fee-ack for each other.

    $ifferentiated Learning:

    $lo Rea-ers1

    #i&e eten-e- ti/e on assign/ents.

    >eer rea-ing

    "isten to the stories on tape

    Cooperati&e groups

    Attention Deficit Disor-er1

    Assign/ents are roken -on into s/aller assign/ents.

    >eer tutoring

    @ten-e- ti/e on assign/ents

    $lo "earners1

    The inclusion teacher an- regular e-ucation teacher ill ork together an- -eci-e

    hich assign/ents the stu-ents can e inclu-e- in the hole group acti&ities an-

    hich acti&ities the stu-ents ill nee- to e pulle- into the s/all group setting for

    instruction. These stu-ents ruric /ay nee- to e a-uste- so that their ookreport inclu-e only the literary ele/ents taught an- not inclu-e to other aspects

    in their ook report.

    A-&ance- "earners1

    $tu-ents ill e ale to go onto the rea-ing ?e sites to rea- stories fro/http!



    an- anser the 2uestions on the narrati&e ele/ents of a story.

    $ee the folloing calen-ar for -aily sche-ule of acti&ities
  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


    Fro/! ?iggins* #rant an- '. 4c Tighe. 6(,,8. Understanding by Design* Association for $uper&ision an

    Curriculu/ De&elop/ent I$B; G 018)(+013(318 6ppk

  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530



    Week %ne:=onday T(esday Wednesday Th(rsday ,riday


    Activity 1Intro-uce the unit* stan-ar-s*

    an- tasks.

    1#i&e pretest.

    1Intro-uce literary ele/ents of

    character* setting* 7 plot

    -uring the teacher create-


    1$tu-ents ill ork in groups

    to fin- the character* setting*

    7 plot to the short story on the

    pro/ethean oar- -uring the

    teacher create- >o-cast.

    1Discuss their ansers alou-.

    1$tu-ents ill co/plete $kill

    Car- (B on character* setting*

    7 plot.

    1Re&ie character* setting*

    plot an- intro-uce the conflict

    an- resolution -uring the

    teacher create- >o-cast.

    1$tu-ents ill ork in groups

    to fin- the character* setting*

    plot* conflict* 7 resolution to

    the short story on the

    pro/ethean oar- -uring the

    teacher create- >o-cast.

    1Discuss their ansers alou-.

    1$tu-ents ill co/plete $kill

    Car- 3B on


    1$tu-ents ill rea- The

    #ar-ener an- co/plete a story

    /ap inclu-ing all of the

    literary ele/ents of the story.

    1$tu-ents ill use the graphic

    organier to su//arie the


    1$tu-ents ill use their story

    /ap to ork ith a partner to

    co/plete a graphic organier

    on character* setting* or plot.

    1$tu-ents ill continue

    orking on their story /ap to

    ork ith a partner to

    co/plete a graphic organier

    on character* setting* or plot.

    1$tu-ents ill share th

    story /aps ith the cla

    1$tu-ents ill rea- pag

    :8 to re&ie the narrat

    ele/ents1character*setting* 7 plot* 7 ill

    co/plete the test prep

    2uestions on page :,.

    They ill -iscuss their

    ansers ith their

    neighors. The teache

    ill then go o&er the

    2uestions an- anser a

    2uestions that /ay aris

    1Co/plete the focus sk

    orksheet (: on the

    narrati&e ele/ents.


  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


    omp(terla3Activity 1Daily assigne- co/puter ti/e

    to re&ie the >o-cast an-

    etra practice fro/ the e

    site pro&i-e- on the >o-cast.

    1Daily assigne- co/puter ti/e

    to re&ie the >o-cast an-

    etra practice fro/ the e

    site pro&i-e- on the >o-cast.

    1$tu-ents ill use the ?e site


    ele/entsan- choose a graphic

    organier to co/plete. They

    ill print their graphic

    organier out to share it ith

    the class.

    1Daily assigne- co/puter ti/e

    to re&ie the >o-cast an-

    etra practice fro/ the e

    site pro&i-e- on the >o-cast.

    $tu-ents ill continue to use

    the ?e site

    http!.rea-ritethin choose a graphic

    organier to co/plete. They

    ill print their graphic

    organier out to share it ith

    the class.

    1Daily assigne- co/puter ti/e

    to re&ie the >o-cast an-

    etra practice fro/ the e

    site pro&i-e- on the >o-cast.

    1Daily assigne- co/pu

    ti/e to re&ie the >o-

    an- etra practice fro/

    the e site pro&i-e- o

    the >o-cast.

    Week T1o:

    =onday T(esday Wednesday Th(rsday ,riday


    ctivity 1Rea- The @/peror an- the


    1$tu-ents ill use the graphic

    organier to su//arie the


    1$tu-ents ill egin choosingan- rea-ing a teacher

    appro&e- ook to co/plete a

    san-ich ook report.

    1$tu-ents ill co/plete a

    story /ap inclu-ing all of the

    literary ele/ents of the story.

    1$tu-ents ill egin choosing

    an- rea-ing a teacher

    appro&e- ook to co/plete a

    san-ich ook report.

    $tu-ents ill use their story

    /ap to ork ith a partner to

    co/plete a graphic organier

    on character* setting* or plot.

    1$tu-ents ill egin choosing

    an- rea-ing a teacher

    appro&e- ook to co/plete asan-ich ook report.

    $tu-ents ill continue

    orking on their story /ap to

    ork ith a partner to

    co/plete a graphic organier

    on character* setting* or plot.

    1$tu-ents ill rea- a teacher

    appro&e- ook to co/plete asan-ich ook report.

    1$tu-ents ill share th

    story /aps ith the cla

    1$tu-ents ill rea- pag

    +0: to re&ie the

    narrati&e ele/ents1

    character* setting* 7 pl

    7 ill co/plete the te

    prep 2uestions on pag+05. They ill -iscus

    their ansers ith thei

    neighors. The teache

    ill then go o&er the

    2uestions an- anser a

    2uestions that /ay aris

    1$tu-ents ill rea- a

    teacher appro&e- ook

    co/plete a san-ich


    1#i&e "iterary @le/en


  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


    omp(terla3Activity 1Daily assigne- co/puter ti/e

    to re&ie the >o-cast an-

    etra practice fro/ the e

    site pro&i-e- on the >o-cast.

    1Daily assigne- co/puter ti/e

    to re&ie the >o-cast an-

    etra practice fro/ the e

    site pro&i-e- on the >o-cast.

    1$tu-ents ill use the ?e site


    ele/entsan- choose a graphic

    organier to co/plete. They

    ill print their graphic

    organier out to share it ith

    the class.

    1Daily assigne- co/puter ti/e

    to re&ie the >o-cast an-

    etra practice fro/ the e

    site pro&i-e- on the >o-cast.

    1$tu-ents ill use the ?e site


    ele/entsan- choose a graphic

    organier to co/plete. They

    ill print their graphic

    organier out to share it ith

    the class.

    1Daily assigne- co/puter ti/e

    to re&ie the >o-cast an-

    etra practice fro/ the e

    site pro&i-e- on the >o-cast.

    1Daily assigne- co/pu

    ti/e to re&ie the >o-

    an- etra practice fro/

    the e site pro&i-e- o

    the >o-cast.

    Week Three

    =onday T(esday Wednesday Th(rsday ,riday


    ctivity 1Re&ie the literary ele/ents

    of a story ith skill car- )A.

    $tu-ents ill co/plete )B an-

    -iscuss their ansers in s/all

    groups ith the teacher.

    1The teacher ill pro&i-e a

    /o-el of the kite that inclu-es

    the literary ele/ents. The

    stu-ents ill create* -esign*

    an- lael the kite ith the

    literary ele/ents fro/ the

    story The @/peror an- the


    1$tu-ents ill continue to rea-

    a teacher appro&e- ook an-

    egin orking on a story /ap

    of their ook.

    1The stu-ents ill continue to

    create* -esign* an- lael the

    kite ith the literary ele/ents

    fro/ The story The @/peror

    an- the Kite.

    1$tu-ents ill continue to rea-

    a teacher appro&e- ook* ork

    on a story /ap of their ook*

    an- egin orking on their

    ook report.

    1The stu-ents ill co/plete

    their kite ith the literary

    ele/ents fro/ the story The

    @/peror an- the Kite.

    1$tu-ents ill continue

    orking on their ook report.

    1The stu-ents ill share their

    kite ith the literary ele/ents

    fro/ the story The @/peror

    an- the Kite.

    1$tu-ents ill continue

    orking on their ook report

    an- ha&e a class/ate use their

    ruric to /ake sure they ha&e

    all of the ele/ents nee-e- for

    full cre-it on their ook report.

    1Co/plete the focus sk

    orksheet 30 on the

    narrati&e ele/ents.

    1$tu-ents ill continu

    orking on their ook

    report an- ha&e a

    class/ate use their ru

    to /ake sure they ha&e

    of the ele/ents nee-e-

    full cre-it on their oo


    1Book reports are -ue.

  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


    omp(terla3Activity 1@nrich/ent Acti&ity!

    $tu-ents ill e ale to go

    onto the rea-ing ?e site to

    rea- stories fro/ the folloing








    an- anser the 2uestions on

    the narrati&e ele/ents of a


    1@nrich/ent Acti&ity!

    $tu-ents ill e ale to go

    onto the rea-ing ?e site to

    rea- stories fro/ the folloing








    an- anser the 2uestions on

    the narrati&e ele/ents of a


    1@nrich/ent Acti&ity!

    $tu-ents ill e ale to go

    onto the rea-ing ?e site to

    rea- stories fro/ the folloing








    an- anser the 2uestions on

    the narrati&e ele/ents of a


    1@nrich/ent Acti&ity!

    $tu-ents ill e ale to go

    onto the rea-ing ?e site to

    rea- stories fro/ the folloing








    an- anser the 2uestions on

    the narrati&e ele/ents of a


    1@nrich/ent Acti&ity!

    $tu-ents ill e ale t

    onto the rea-ing ?e s

    to rea- stories fro/ th

    folloing sites







    an- anser the 2uestio

    on the narrati&e ele/e

    of a story.

  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


    Literary Elements 6re7Test


    (. Which literary term *1ord+ refers to the prolem or str(ggle that starts the

    action in a story?




    cli/a+. Which literary term refers to *is ao(t+ the people in a story?





    3. Which literary term refers to that part of a story in 1hich the prolem or str(ggle is solved?




    all of the ao&e

    :. Which literary term refers to the message ao(t life a story relays to *gives+ the reader?





    5. Which literary term refers to the time and place in 1hich the action of a story takes place?





    =. Which literary term refers to the action or se8(ence *order+ of events in a story?




  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530





  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530



  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530



  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530



  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


    T " % 6 ! ) E S


  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


    ;ARRATIJ@ @"@4@;T$

    $kill Re/in-er

    The narrati&e ele/ents of a story inclu-e characters* setting* an- plot.

    The plot generally contains a prole/* steps taken to sol&e the prole/*

    an- a resolution. The prole/* or conflict* is /ost often foun- at the

    eginning of a story. The steps taken to sol&e the prole/ are

    generally foun- in the /i--le of the story* an- the resolution is

    usually foun- at the en-.

    > Rea- the paragraph.

    Tina canHt fin- her cat* ?hiskers. 9er frien- Kate co/es to

    the -oor. Tina asks Kate to help her look for ?hiskers. They look

    un-er the e-. They look un-er the couch an- in the catHs e-.

    Finally* the girls gi&e up an- sit on TinaHs e-. 'ust then* TinaHs cat

    u/pe- off the e-. 9e ha- een sleeping on TinaHs e- in her pile

    of stuffe- ani/als.


    >role/1$ol&ing $teps!



  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


    ternative Sand1ich @ook "eport "(ric St(dent Name >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ate>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    ategory 4 3 5 &

    Title0A(thor 6age Title of ook an- authors

    na/e are ritten correctly

    Title of ook an authors

    na/e are ritten itherrors

    @ither title of ook or

    authors na/e are ritten6only one

    There is no title of ook an-

    authors page



    *,acet &+

    Inclu-es narrati&eele/ents6character* setting*

    plot1%n-erstan-s that there are

    /any parts of a story.1Discusses ho an- hycharacters act the ay they-o.

    Inclu-es only + narrati&eele/ents6character* setting*

    plot1%n-erstan-s that there are

    /any parts of a story.1Discusses ho an- hycharacters act the ay they-o.

    Inclu-es only ( narrati&eele/ent

    ;o narrati&e ele/ents inclu-e-


    *,acets 3. 4+

    Inclu-es ell rittensu//ary to inclu-e

    organiation* se2uence ofinfor/ation* an-or

    co/plete sentences 7inclu-es the folloing

    aspects!1Discusses ho the-ecisions an- actions of

    the characters re&eal theirpersonalities.1Discuss hy it isi/portant for the /aincharacter to sa&e her


    Inclu-es ell rittensu//ary to inclu-e so/e

    organiation* se2uence ofinfor/ation* an-or so/e

    co/plete sentences 7inclu-es so/e of thefolloing aspects!

    1Discusses ho the-ecisions an- actions of

    the characters re&eal theirpersonalities.1Discuss hy it isi/portant for the /aincharacter to sa&e her


    Inclu-es su//ary ith/ini/al organiation*

    se2uence* an-or feco/plete sentences 7-oes

    not inclu-e any of thefolloing aspects!

    1Discusses ho the-ecisions an- actions ofthe characters re&eal their

    personalities.1Discuss hy it isi/portant for the /aincharacter to sa&e her


    Contains no organiation* se2uence*an-or co/plete sentences

    Spelling ;o spelling errors Fe spelling @rrors $e&eral spelling errors @cessi&e spelling errors to cause-ifficulty in rea-ing the ook report

    Grammar ;o capitaliation an-orpunctuation errors

    Fe capitaliation an-orpunctuation errors

    $e&eral capitaliationan-or punctuation errors

    @cessi&e capitaliation an-orpunctuation errors

    Timeliness Turne- in on ti/e ( -ay late + -ays late 3 -ays late


  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


    Alternative S(mmary Graphic %rganier

  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530



    Literature Summarizing

    Characters (Who)

    Setting (Where?)





  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


    ;a/e $kills Assess/ent

    L)TE"A"# "ES6%NSE AN$ ANAL#S)S: Literary Elements 2(i

    Rea- the passages. Fill in the anser circle in front of the correct anser for each 2uestion.

    'i//y as feeling sa-. ?hen he got ho/e fro/ school* he calle- for his -og* $pike* toco/e play ith hi/* ust as he -i- e&ery -ay after school. This ti/e* though* $pike -i- not


    I think you -og /ay e gone*L 4other sai-. I sa hi/ chasing a cat earlier to-ay. I

    calle- for hi/ to co/e ack* ut he kept on running after the cat. I ha&ent seen hi/ since.L?hat are e going to -o

  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530


  • 8/11/2019 Standard 1Doyle_Technology Integration Unit-FRIT8530



    Cheney %$D +=8 "earning* 6+008. Retrie&e- 'uly ((* +008* fro/http!$

    9arcourt Trophies >ulishers. Retrie&e- 'uly ((* +008* fro/


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