Page 1: Stage 1 Learning from Home Unit Week 3 Term 2 · Stage 1 Learning from Home Unit Week 3 Term 2 Essential Tasks Monday Library Lesson Tuesday Writing – The Hole in the Fence Wednesday

Stage 1 Learning from Home Unit Week 3 Term 2

Essential Tasks

Monday Library Lesson

Tuesday Writing – The Hole in the Fence

Wednesday Reading a short story and answering the questions

Thursday Mathematics – Making Equal Groups

Friday Music Lesson – Cloze Passage

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Library Lesson – Essential Task

The Terrible Plop by Ursula Dubosarksy

Please log onto Storybox library as per instructions

Username: jamo20 Password: jamo20

In the search bar type in plop and press enter

Hover the cursor over the book The Terrible Plop and click the Play

button. Watch and listen carefully to the story.

Things to do after you have listened to the story:

Choose at least one.

- Tell someone which is your favourite illustration or part of the story and why.

- Complete a story map to show the narrative features of the story (orientation, complication, resolution).

- Identify uses of onomatopoeia, alliteration, rhyme and repetition in the story.

- A round, red apple’ List the adjectives used throughout the story. - Draw a map of the story, showing the location of the lake, the apple

tree, the bear’s sunning chair and the route taken by the animals in running away from the terrible plop.

- Create finger puppets to retell the story in your own words.

- Generate your own list of words that rhyme with plop. - Draw a picture that shows an example of onomatopoeia ie bang,

whoosh, buzz etc

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1. Watch the introduction videos on Seesaw for your new words for Unit 13.

If you are using the paper copy, please find them at the end of the week’s unit.

2. Look, cover, write, check your list words. Do three activities from your spelling conventions book Unit 13.

Writing - Sentence of the Day

View the modelled writing lesson on Seesaw showing you how to write a simple sentence with a subject, object and verb.

Example: My dog barks at the postman.

Make sure you use:

• A capital letter at the start of the sentence. • Neat finger spaces. • A full stop at the end of the sentence.

Year 1: Write 3 simple sentences.

Year 2: Write 5 simple sentences.

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Activity on Seesaw: Reading - Say Hello to Cardboard Box!

Before Reading: Identifying the Author’s Purpose Use the title, the layout and the images to identify the author’s reason for writing this text. Share your thoughts with someone at home. During Reading: Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion When you read this advertisement, think about whether the cardboard box is really the best toy ever. Do you think that is true? After Reading: Reflecting What would you use this cardboard box for? How many uses can you think of?

Write or record your answers to these questions and post it on Seesaw.


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These activities can be completed here or on Seesaw.

Year 1-

Year 2-

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Personal Development

Learning Intention: We are learning how we can be the same and different to others.

Success Criteria:

1. I can say how people are the same and different.

2. I can independently draw 2 characters from the story and label how they are the same and different.

Read the story ‘Whoever You Are’ Mem Fox or watch on Youtube: Read by Nana Kate’s Corner:

Show your child/children a red apple and a green apple. Ask them to describe what they see. Then peel and cut both the apples in half and child describes what they see again. Highlight that even though the apples looked different on the outside, they were the same on the inside. What made the apples different? What made them the same?

- How were people in the story the same?

- How were they different?

In your book you can draw the characters and label pictures showing how the characters are the same and different. Take a photo and upload it to Seesaw or send the photo to our

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school email address with your teachers name and your class. This will then be sent on to your teacher.

Physical Education:

Masterclass Monday - Overarm throw: Follow the link below:


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Writing - The Hole in the Fence - Example on Seesaw – ESSENTIAL TASK

Pretend you are this little boy and you can hear and see an amazing world through the

hole in the fence.


Learning Intention: We are learning to write a description.

1. Draw what you can see through the fence. This is your plan for your writing.

2. Write a description of what you can see through the hole. Think about if you can

see any people, animals, imaginary creatures and where the imaginary world is.

- What does it look like?

- What can you hear?

- What can you smell?

- How does the world make you feel? Scared or excited?

Success Criteria:

● I can use adjectives (describing words) to make my writing more interesting.

● I can write in full sentences that make sense.

● I can describe using my senses (looks like, sounds like, smells like)

● I can write at least 6 sentences (Year 2)

● I can write at least 4 sentences (Year 1)

3. Take a photo of your plan and your writing and post it on Seesaw.


1. Look, cover, write, check your spelling words.

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2. Pyramid writing. Year 1: at least 8 words Year 2: at least 12 words


1. Read two books using Sunshine Online. If you do not have access to technology, read a

book from home. Try reading to a pet, a family member or a soft toy. You can even read

aloud and record yourself to post it on Seesaw to your teacher! Make sure the camera is

pointing to the book so we can see what you’re reading.

Username: jamops Password: happy

2. Listen to a story on Storybox Online.

Username: jamo20 Password: jamo20


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Roll 2 dice and subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Have a competition

with a family member and see who is faster.

This activity can be completed here or on Seesaw.

Geography - Going Places (activity available on Seesaw with voice instructions)

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Right now, going places is a little tricky because of the pandemic. Before the pandemic, it was much easier to go to different places. We could go to school, go to the shops, go to a friend's house, go on holidays. Have a think about some of your favourite places to go before we needed to stay home. Some people found it difficult to go places before the pandemic. Look at the picture, and talk with someone at home about how money, distance and weather may affect being able to visit places.

There are some children who have to do their schooling at home every day because they live too far away from a school, how would you feel about that now that we have done it for a couple of weeks? Complete the PMI table for the question: What would it be like to do school lessons at home all the time?

Physical Education: Tricky Tuesday: Juggling

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You will find this activity fun but tricky. Keep trying and you will get better.

Follow the link below:


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Fairy Tale Writing - Settings (on Seesaw)

Learning Intention: I can write a description of a fairy tale setting. So far, we have looked at a couple of fairy tales and created our own fairy tale character. The next important step to creating a fairy tale, is the setting. Let's look at the example picture of a setting. Can you pick the fairy tale it belongs to? What type of characters would you find there? What might happen in that setting? What magical things might we find?

On the example I have written descriptive words around it, just like we did for our character. Pick ONE of the following settings and write your own descriptive words or phrases around that setting. Think about what character might go there and what magical things might happen in the setting you picked. Success Criteria: I can write more than three descriptive words or phrases about the setting. I can think about how characters might belong in a setting. I can think of magical things that could happen in a setting.

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1. Complete 3 activities in your Spelling Conventions book.

2. Write some silly sentences for your spelling words!

Year 1: Choose 5 words. Year 2: Choose 10 words

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Handwriting: Practise correct letter formation of the letter Pp.

1. Write 10 lower-case and 10 upper-case letters.

2. Think of as many words as you can that start with the letter ‘Pp’ and

write/draw them.

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1. Watch the clip about writing a simple statement.

2. Year 2: Write 5 simple statements using adjectives to describe the subject, verb or


Year 1: Write 3 simple statements using adjectives to describe the subject, verb or


Example: My cranky dog barks at the postman.

Cranky is the adjective describing the dog.

Make sure you use:

- A capital letter at the start of the sentence.

- Neat finger spaces.

- A full stop at the end of the sentence.

Mathematics – ESSENTIAL TASK

Number- Choose a 2-digit number. How many tens and ones? Show 4 ways you can make

this number by using addition, subtraction, groups, etc. You can use a number line to help


E.g. 56 = 5 tens 6 ones

35 + 21 = 56 100 – 44 = 56 7 groups of 8 = 56

Mass- Complete the following activity on Seesaw. Remember the heavier side goes down.

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Click on the link below to play a fun mass game:

Science/STEM Collect as many of the following objects as you can: a piece of aluminium foil, a piece of plastic cling wrap, a straw, a piece of paper, a piece of wool or string, a toothpick or skewer, a plastic bag, a tissue, a pipe cleaner. Test each object to see if the object is strong enough to be pulled without breaking? Make a list of the objects that broke and those that didn’t. Discuss your results with your parent/carer, e.g. Why do you think certain objects broke but others didn’t? Physical Education - Workout Wednesday: Just follow the actions in this workout. Use the link below.

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Draw your own setting for the character you drew last week. You can use the posters

from yesterday for ideas.

Write a description of your setting underneath, then take a photo for us to see!


Please read the following short story with your child. Then, have them answer the

questions about the story to check their understanding of the story. They can write down

their answers or record themselves saying the answers and post it to Seesaw.

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Complete this activity here or on Seesaw.

Draw the other half of the picture.

Art We all know how much Mrs Young loves alpacas! Have a go at following the steps for this directed drawing and post a picture of the finished artwork in your Seesaw journal. You can use whatever art materials you have available at home!

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Physical Education - Tik Tok Thursday

Watch the moves carefully and practise, practise. Have fun and laugh out loud!

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Handwriting: Practise correct letter formation of the letter Vv.

1. Write 10 lower-case and 10 upper-case letters.

2. Think of as many words as you can that start with the letter ‘Vv’ and write/draw


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1. Read two books using Sunshine Online. If you do not have access to technology, read a

book from home. Try reading to a pet, a family member or a soft toy. You can even read

aloud and record yourself to post it on Seesaw to your teacher! Make sure the camera is

pointing to the book so we can see what you’re reading.

Username: jamops Password: happy

2. Listen to a story on Storybox Online.

Username: jamo20 Password: jamo20


1. Finish Unit 13 in your Spelling Conventions book.

2. Look, cover, write and check your words.


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Mathematics – ESSENTIAL TASK

Gather up some of your toys and divide them up into equal groups of your choosing. Take

a picture and post it on Seesaw. Remember to write what you have made in the picture,

e.g. 3 groups of 4.

Sam has 24 animals. He wants to divide them into 3 equal groups. How many animals will be in

each group?

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S1 Music Lesson Week 3 – ESSENTIAL TASK

Listening and Appreciating Music

Dear Stage One parents and students,

Today we will watch a video of an orchestra performing, and answer some questions

on a worksheet about it.

Step 1: Watch the introduction video:

Step 2: Watch the orchestra video:

Step 3: Complete the worksheet.

I have attached a word-processor file. Please follow the instructions in this and

complete it. If you aren’t sure of the answers, you can go to this page and press

“show answers” to get the solution for the first section.

If you have any questions or if you would like to take a photo of your work and

upload it to your Seesaw classroom, I will happily respond to you!

Thank you and good luck,

Mrs. T

Music Worksheet

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Radetzky March

Orchestral music composed by Johann Strauss

Replace the red lines with the red words below.

dynamics encore conductor percussion

brass orchestra string snare drum

This video shows a performance by a large ____________ in a concert hall.

They are performing an _________, which is an extra piece of music that is often

performed at the end of a concert program.

At the very beginning of the piece, we hear the _____________, a member of the

____________ section.

In this video, we see the ____________ direct the audience clapping, as well as

the orchestra. He indicates to the audience how loudly or softly to clap, as well as

how to keep in time.

How loud or soft the music is, is called the ___________.

At the front of the stage is the _______ section.

Sitting in a row towards the back is the _______ section.

Besides in this video, where else have you heard a march being played?

Do you think the audience in this performance enjoyed the concert? Why, or why


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Sight Words Year 1 Year 2

is bed most

you fed best

that shed chest

it beg crust

he leg empty

was peg dirty

are sixty

day plenty

from or

with food

house form

game class

school grass

behind snake




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Stage 1

Bonus Brain Boosters –


With Mrs Reynolds

Week 3 Term 2

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Can you remember what alliteration is?

Alliteration hunt!

Look through your books at home, online ebooks through our library or Sunshine Online to find some examples of alliteration.

Share your favourite example with someone.

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Tongue Twisters

Do you know any tongue twisters? Practise saying them three times out loud. Challenge someone to a

tongue twister contest!

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Tongue Twisters

Create your own tongue twister using alliteration. Use these images forideas on what to write your tongue twister about. You could write themdown or even record yourself saying them to share them with us!

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

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‘Alphabats – Alliteration’ on ABCYa

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Game: T.O.A.S

Think Of A Sentence

1. Write down four letters eg TOAS2. Each letter needs to be the start of a word in the sentence BUT the

sentence MUST be grammatically correct (must make sense) eg

The octopus ate seaweed

Your sentence can be funny or silly but it must make sense.

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