Page 1: Staff Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon Jim · Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon


Staff Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon Jim Hill Ext. 395 Mr. Michael Palmer, School Principal Ext. 331 Mrs. Maggie Brennan, Pastoral Care Ext. 311 Mrs. Teri Lesicko Ext. 315 Director of Finances & Development Shannon Gittemeier Ext. 396 Youth Ministry Kimberly Zagorski Ext. 302 Faith Formation Coordinator Ariel Martin Annulments & Counseling Contacts Parish Office 207 Vandalia St. Phone 345-4343 Fax 345-1145 Office Hours Monday thru Thursday 8:30 AM-4:00 PM Friday 8:30AM-3:30PM Parish Center 301 Vandalia School 210 N. Morrison 344-5450 Parish Prayer Line 344-4108

Masses Weekend Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM Weekday Monday Communion Service, 8:15am Tuesday thru Friday. 8:15 AM First Friday Masses 8:15 AM Holy Day Masses Eve of Holyday 5:30 PM Holyday 8:15 AM, 7:00 PM Sacraments Confessions Saturday 3:00-4:00 PM Thursday before First Friday 4:00PM till all are heard Marriage Contact the parish office at least one year beforehand. Baptism

During the liturgy on the Third Sunday at the 10:30 AM Mass or on the Fourth Weekend of the month. Call the Parish Office 345-4343 for registration forms and scheduling.

Baptismal Preparation Classes Baptismal preparation consists of 2 sessions for parents held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in Parish Office and the Thursday before the Baptism in Church. Please call 345-4343 for a reservation.

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SS. Peter Paul Catholic Church &

May 10, 2015 Sixth Sunday of Easter

Page 2: Staff Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon Jim · Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon

Mass Intentions MONDAY, MAY 11 8:15AM COMMUNION SERVICE TUESDAY, MAY 12 8:15AM John Paul Mersinger All School Mass 7:00PM The SS. Peter and Paul School’s 8th Grade Graduates WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 8:15AM Betty McAllister THURSDAY, MAY 14 8:15AM Leroy “ Peanuts” & Cathy Benvenuto on their 60th Wedding Anniversatry FRIDAY, MAY 15 8:15AM Mary Ann Italiano All School Mass SATURDAY, MAY 16 4:30PM Marcella Heim SUNDAY, MAY 17 8:00AM Ann Pacewic 10:30AM The Zaccanti Family

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 2

From the Desk Of Fr. John

Collection for May 3

Envelopes/Loose $ 16,155.00 Capital Campaign 2012 10,161.00 Parish Improvements Diocese 103.00 Holy Cross-Guatemala 523.00 Roof 452.00 Annual Fund 492.00 Angel Fund/Red Bag 218.00 $ 28,104.00

Happy Mother’s Day! We celebrate each of you and the gift of life you have wel-comed into the world. Thank you for the dedication and sacrifice you have shown over the years. You have nurtured us as we have grown and given us an example of love. May the Lord bless you this and every day of your life! There will be a reception after the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses in Morris Hall for Mother’s Day. Please come and enjoy some time with family & friends and a little refreshment! Again…Happy Mother’s Day! Jesus used the image of the vine in last Sunday’s Gospel… ‘I am the vine, you are the branches’. Jesus gave us an insight into the necessity of remaining in him if we were to have life and bear fruit. Remaining or abiding in Jesus who is the unique source of life and fruitfulness is essential to us as disciples. Jesus said… ‘I am the vine, you are the branches…apart from me you can do nothing.’ We hear in Jesus’ instruction that it is essential that we remain in him and he in us if we are to have life. We also hear him clearly express that we are called to do something and not just rest in that relationship with him. We are to be fruitful branches, pruned, and trimmed so that we can bear much fruit. We are to grow as disciples and we are to witness to others the gift of this perfect love so that they will also become disciples and share in his life and love. Each of us has received through our baptism a lifelong vocation to be a disciple…but it isn’t a momentary call…it is every day throughout our life. We must build our lives on the pillars of stewardship…hospitality, prayer, formation & service….and demonstrate that in our lives each day. This Sunday Jesus reminds us of the foundation of our relationship with him. He calls us to remain in his love just as he remains in his Father’s love. Je-sus’ source of the love he has for us is the gift of his Father’s love for him. He loves us with that perfect and infinite love of the Father. Then he teaches us that we are to love as he loves us and as the Father loves him… ‘As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love.’ He calls us to keep his commandments… ‘This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.’ To be his disciples we are to live and demonstrate that per-fect and infinite love of God in all we do. We commit ourselves to that vocation and keep being formed in it our whole lives long. The Church must show forth that love…so that we will bear ‘much fruit’! Generous gift…from the Horstman Trust has generated much excitement in the parish. It helps us see what generosity can accomplish. This is real steward-ship…real discipleship. Generosity in giving and serving promotes community growth and fosters generosity in the hearts and lives of others. It is catching!!! May the Lord bless our parish with that spirit of generosity in all that we do…touching hearts with love and moving us to show love to others. Congratulations…to our 8th Grade Graduates who will celebrate their gradua-tion Mass on Tuesday, May 12th at 7:00 PM. We are proud of their accomplish-ments and the gifts they have brought to our school & parish family. We join them in thanking all who have sacrificed so much for them to attend our SSPP School and those who have helped them to learn and grow in knowledge and faith. May the Lord bless them with the courage and strength they will need to continue living their faith in the midst of so many challenges. Last Day of SSPP School…Friday, May 15th….Next weekend – Red Bag Collection…

This weekend the 2nd collection will be for the Emergency Relief for the victims of the Nepal Earthquake.

Collection for the Emer-gency Relief for the Victims of the Nepal Earthquake A 7.8-maginitude earthquake struck Ne-pal on the morning of April 25 just 50 miles outside of the capital Kathmandu, a densely populated area, toppling build-ings and homes, causing widespread panic, and claiming more than 5000 lives and injuring thousands more. People urgently need basic essentials: food, water and shelter. CRS is providing 10,000 families (50,000 people) with emergency shelter, materials, blankets, water treatment and hygiene kits. Sup-port is needed to provide immediate re-lief to the people of Nepal, please be generous .

Page 3: Staff Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon Jim · Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon

Protecting God’s Children Presen-tation St. Peter & Paul ’s

Church in Collinsville in Morris Hall on Tues., May 11 from 6:30-9:30pm. To register call the parish office at 345-4343.

SS. Peter and Paul School News

Our Nursery is located in the Church basement and is open during the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays. Today, Sunday, May 10 our Nursery will be closed so that our volunteers can spend the day with their families. Next Sunday, May 17 Michelle Webb and Jackie Freeman will be in charge of the Nursery. If you would like to volunteer to take care of the small children during the 10:30am Mass or have any questions please call Betty Greer at 343-0234.


Sixth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 3


Catechists for children in grades K-3rd are needed for our Children’s Liturgy of the Word ministry during the 10:30am Mass. Catechists are scheduled with an Aide, and are scheduled about once every 6 Weeks. Training and Lesson plans are provided. If you are interested in volunteering for this important minis-try please call Carol at 345-7615. Please note that all volunteers must attend the Protecting God’s Children Program, which includes a background check.

Nursery Volunteers Needed We are in need of Volunteers to be in our Nursery watching children during the 10:30am Mass. If you are interested in becoming a Nursery Volunteer, please call Betty Greer at 343-0234. Please note that all volunteers must attend the Protecting God’s Children Pro-gram, which includes a background check.

ADOPT-A-CLASS If you or your company would like to adopt a Class or give a donation to the Library, Art, Chorus, Band Pro-gram, or the Computer Lab at SS. Peter & Paul School. Please contact the school office at 344-5450. You can donate any amount to any teacher. The donation is used spe-cifically by that class or teacher.

To Fontez Mark and Jes-sica Runnalls who are leaving the school board. We do have one opening

if you are interested. To SSPP alumnus, Ian Howard, who placed second in the Illinois State Skills USA contest (electronics tech-nology). To Mrs. Bozzardi for her hard work in preparing our 2nd Grade Students for their First Communion.

SSPP School Kudos

Tues., May 12: 8:15am All School Mass, 8th Grade Graduation during 7:00pm Mass. Wed., May 13: Papa John’s Pizza Night (SSPP School receives 20% of the cost of your order) Fri., May 15: 8:15am All School Mass, Last Day of School early dis-missal at 11:15am. Principal’s Notes: I would like to remind you that all financial obligations need to be met before you can receive the final report cards. That in-cludes tuition, library fines, lunch, etc. Permanent records will not be transferred until all obligations are met. I would once again like to thank all of you who have worked so hard to increase our fundraising their year. A statement letter will be mailed soon. Anyone who has met their goal as of April 30th may begin to fund-raise for next year immediately. If you have not met your goal, you have until May 15th to add to your total. We will be publishing the Chromebook contract on our website and sending it via Fast Direct. The actual contract will be included in the Summer Packet. After your receive the summer packet, you will need to sign and return the contract. We will send a copy with the Chromebook passwords. I want to remind you to return the summer latchkey form as soon as pos-sible. I want to make sure that I have enough staff and materials for the summer. Remember that Totus Tuus and the cooking classes are in-cluded in your fees.

The last PSR Classes for this school year Wednesday, May 13 starting at 6:30pm at Church and then move out-side for end of the year festivities. Congratulations to the 2nd Grade PSR students who made their First Communion last Sunday and a THANK YOU to Mrs. Jean Clancy for her hard work in preparing them.

Coke Rewards Program SSPP is registered in the Coke Rewards program. Search Coke Rewards and register to help or send your collected caps to the office. We will redee3m the points at some time in the near future, hoping to add to our physical education equipment collection.

Sunday, May 17: 10:30AM Allison Farnworth K and 1st 10:30AM Jill Witte and 2nd & 3rd Lauren Wtte

SCHNUCKS E-SCRIP CARD If you don’t have a SCHNUCKS E-Scrip Card contact the school office and they will get one to you. You only have to have them scan it at the time of your checkout-That’s it! Pretty easy, isn’t it?

Page 4: Staff Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon Jim · Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon

PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Lord Jesus, Fill the hearts and minds of your young people with the power of the Holy Spirit, so that with cour-age and generosity they might an-swer your call to serve the church in the priesthood and religious life. Give parents the faith, love and spirit of sacrifice which will inspire them to rejoice when a child of theirs is called to a church vocation. May the intercession of the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, your Holy Family, help us to pray: “Let not my will, but yours be done Amen

Saturday, May 16 4:30PM Lector: Rebecca Boyce and Ed Welle Music: Men’s Choir

Gifts: The Family of Marcella Heim

Servers: Brittany Vojas, Katie Jo and Elena Martz and Alaric Boley will shadow the other servers Comm. Minsts. Sandy & Mike Phil-lips, Liz Dalton, Judy Dunne, Mark Ken-nedy, Dennis Craft, Beverly McDonald, Judi Schutzenhofer, Joy Rick Intention: Marcella Heim Sunday, May 17, 8:00AM Lector: Mary Louise Rauh and Ed Rakowski Music: Roseann and Bob

Gifts: The Family of Ann Pacewic

Servers: Christopher Van de Riet, Abby and Gabby Niebruegge Comm. Minsts: Carolyn Weil, Maria Clark, Jeanne Clancy, Leslie Duff, Audrey Ferris, Eileen Welle, Robert Alvarado Intention: Ann Pacewic

Sunday, May 10, 10:30AM Lectors: Mike and Amy Smith and Family Music: Hausmann / Wiegmann

Gifts: Megan Van de Riet and Family

Servers: Joshua Wobbe, Levi and Preston Weise Comm. Minsts: Terry Falline, Amy Ferguson, Carol & Barry Moore, Chip Awalt, Herman Wenos, Trudy & Joe Strieker, Diane Hill Intention: The Zaccanti Family

AUDITORS FOR SUNDAY May 17: Team # 8: Nolan Von Feldt, Dan Kelley, Terry Lanter, Mike Quain

SERVERS SCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK 8:15am Mon., May 12 through Fri. , May 15 Anna and Paul Falbe and Matthew Falbe will shadow the other servers

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 4

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Who Needs Love? Part of the first reading from Acts that we don’t hear is a vision Peter has, in which

God tells him that all foods are OK to eat; no longer are some unclean. He later realizes that the vision was a sym-bol that all people are “clean,” Gentiles as well as Jews. All are called to have faith in Jesus. Not all of the early Chris-tians understood. The Jewish Christians were shocked that the Holy Spirit would give gifts, such as speaking in tongues, to Gentiles. Especially Gentiles who had not been baptized.

Now the distinction between Gentile and Jewish Christians doesn’t seem very important today. But we still need to follow St. Peter’s example of sharing our faith in Jesus. We seem to be more interested in converting other Christians than in bringing non-Christians to the faith. Does that mean we should drag any non-believers we meet to church on Sunday? Should we brag about how much we love God?

Today’s gospel gives us a hint at what we can do to bring others to Christ. Jesus makes it sound simple: Love one another as I love you. (Jn 15:12) Remember that God’s love for us comes first. That’s why the Gentiles in the first reading received the gifts of the Spirit before they were baptized. The second reading from John tells us that love is not people loving God; it’s that God loved us first, enough to send his Son to die for us. We may think that we have chosen to love and follow Je-sus, but as the gospel tells us, Jesus chose us before we ever chose him. So maybe that part about loving others as Jesus loves us is not so much about being willing to die for those you love. It may just be our willingness to love oth-ers without requiring that they love us first.

How can we do that? I can introduce myself to someone new to the parish that I see in church. I can offer to help the poor without waiting for the pastor to beg. I can be courteous to other drivers, letting them go in front of me in heavy traffic. I can make a priority of seeing what I can do for others, in-stead of what they can do for me. Per-haps part of our daily prayer can be asking God to show us who needs our love today. Tom Schmidt, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Help the Wayne Reichert Family Win a Handicapped

accessible Vehicle that Son Luke Can Ride IN

Most of you are familiar with who the Wayne Reichert family is, they have been active members of our church for many years. Wayne and Lori volunteer in many aspects of our church and school. Wayne and Lori have four sons (Isaac, Jacob, Luke, and Noah), three of these young men are alumni of our school and have been very involved in our parish. This family is seeking your help and by help I mean votes, read on - I recently entered a contest for Luke. May is National Mobility Awareness Month and several sponsors are going together and giving away wheelchair accessible vehicles to those who share a story about their hero. Well, I have sev-eral hero’s in my life but my most pre-cious hero has never been heard-He can't speak. So I felt it's time for those who don't really know Luke to feel the impact he has made on my life and em-bedded my heart with the deepest devo-tion that words or a voice could never really justify. This boy- young man is my HERO. Please click on the link below and you can read his story and vote for him. Please feel free to share this link with any friends and family that could help Luke, via Facebook, Twitter, email, Google+ etc. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for reading this and Luke says thank you too... Have a great day. Thank you, Lori Rei-chert

Page 5: Staff Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon Jim · Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 5

Next Chapter Separated/Divorced

Support Group Next Meeting is Tuesday, May 12

at 7:00pm TOPIC: Singlenss at Corpus Christi

Parish Hall 306 Rasp Street

Shiloh, IL. A wonderful time to enjoy and invest in your own personal growth rather than looking for the answer in other relationships. This is a time to build confidence in yourself where you may choose singleness as a life-style, rather than getting stuck there to avoid another intimate love rela-tionship

Worldwide Marriage Encounter, Belleville/Springfield Encounter In the readings we are commanded to love one another. Jesus tells us in the Gospel that through living in love we will have complete joy! Attend a Marriage Encounter to gain the tools to truly love your spouse more and receive the joy that it can bring. Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on August 7—9. To regis-ter or for more information call 314-469-7317 or go online to

Divine Mercy Study St. Faustina: He who wants to learn true humil-ity should reflect upon the Pas-sion of Jesus. When I meditate upon the Passion of Jesus, I get a clear understanding of many things I could not comprehend before. I want to resemble You, O Jesus, You crucified, tortured, and humiliated. Jesus Imprint upon my heart and soul Your own hu-mility (Diary 267) Join the Divine Mercy Group as they examine the Diary of St. Faustina and pray the Chaplet every first and third Wednesday of each month at 1:00pm in Morris Hall. For more in-formation call Mary Helen at 345-9730.

Share and Care The Share and Care’s Collection for the month of May will be for St. Vin-cent de Paul Food Pantry. Such items as: Toilet Paper, Paper Tow-els, Soap for Dishes and clothes, Tooth Paste, Cleaning Products, Peanut Butter and Jelly (in plastic jars) Spaghetti and Meat Sauce. Please place your items in the Share and Care Baskets located at all the entrances to the Church and put any money in an envelope marked St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry into the collection basket or take it to the par-ish office and we will see that the Food Pantry receive it.


ASSISTANCE Through your generous

support to the Angel Fund/Red Bag Collection you are helping provide financial assistance to a number of school families. These funds enable parents to send their children to SSPP, where they receive a quality Catholic education and have access to an academic program that has excelled at preparing children for their years of education beyond SSPP. Be an angel & give gener-ously to the Angel Fund / Red Bag Collection that will be taken up this month on weekend of May 16 & 17.

Parishioners Information Name Children Address: Phone: Home Cell Email: I understand that the church needs this information for their re-cords and census but would prefer that phone and email not be listed in the parish directory

Page 6: Staff Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon Jim · Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 6

Transportation to Church! From the Office of Pastoral Care If you are in need of transportation to Church please call the Pastoral Care Office and transportation will be ar-ranged for you. Individuals have kindly volunteered to help with this ministry and would be happy to pick you up. Call Maggie at 345-1623.

We welcome all new parishioners to register with our parish, call 345-4343, visit the parish office or visit our new website at [email protected]

The Diocese website is:


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Project Rachel Project Rachel can help women and men heal from the pain of abortion. For assistance please call 1-217-698-4456 or call toll-free at 1-877-722-4355.

PRAYER BLANKET If you would like to give a Prayer Blanket to someone, volunteer to make the Blankets or just want some more information about them call the parish office at 345- 4343.

Mother’s you want your children In-

volved in Totus Tuus!!!

Pick up a registration form when you exit the church, or register on the Parish Website. ( Totus Tuus Sum-

mer Youth Camp will be held Sunday, July 12, 2015 to Friday, July 17, 2015. Cost is $10.00 per participant. For more information contact Kimberly Zagorski at 345-4343, Ext. 302 or 206-8388. Thanks again for all your continued support!!!

A Seamless Garment Commitment to the sacredness of life is a “seamless garment”: opposition to abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia, with concern for peace and social justice, and helping the poor and the most help-less in society. In for one; IN FOR ALL!

Mother’s Day

Reception ALL MOMS, their families,

friends, and all parishion-ers are invited to Morris Hall on Sunday, May 10, after both Masses, to celebrate MOTHER’S DAY. Join your parish family for cake, treats and drinks, and of course the “best friendship any-where”!

Scholarship Available or Post-Abortion Retreat If you are hurting from abortion and would like to attend a post-abortion retreat, scholarships are available, confidentially, by emailing [email protected]. The retreat scholar-ship is given by ‘Teammate of Christ’ program of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit in Mt. Zion, Il.

May is Older Americans Month A celebration of experience wisdom and life is being hosted by St. John’s Community Care in honor of May is Older Americans Month. Bring your friends! All area seniors are welcome To the at St. John United Church of Christ at 11:00am, Friday, May 22. A Complimentary lunch and entertain-ment with special guest appearance by ”Elvis” is planned following the service. RSVP can be made by call-ing 344-5008 by May 18th.

Alzheimer’s Support Group—Collinsville

Tuesday May 12 1:30-3:00pm

Join others dealing with dementia and memory loss at St. John’s Com-munity Care in Collinsville. Sessions are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Complimentary care for loved ones available with reser-vation. Call 344-5008

Family Caregiver Sup-port Group—Collinsville

Wednesday, May 13 5:30—7:00pm

This support group is intended for family caregivers caring for loved ones with any type of disability. Join us at St. John’s Community Care in Collinsville for a light complimentary dinner. Sessions held the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Complimentary care for loved ones is available with a reservation. Call 344-5008.

Page 7: Staff Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon Jim · Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 7

ZIGGY’S WISDOM: Are you “close” to your mother, your family? ZIGGY’S THOUGHTS: By close, I mean that you love them, no mat-ter what, and that you’ve told them that you love them (many times, on-going). Putting past hurts and disap-pointments behind us is the only way for healing and discovering the feel-ing of fulfillment” that each new day has to offer. GO FOR IT!

SSPP Roof Fund As of May 3, 2015 contributions to the Roof Fund have been $322,822.01 and the cost for the Church’s New Roof and Skylights was $396,361.00. We still need the parishioners help to pay off this debt. Please consider making a donation to the Roof Fund.

Susan Jones John Ban, Jr. Josie Schmidt Emma Rossetto Doris Crowell Tom & Carol McDonald Yucco Conwey &Family Eleanor Colombara Elizabeth Denis Kris Bell Brenda Bass Shannon Moore Dorothy Chapman William Costello Deborah Morhaus Mattie Garber Jan Howard Norma Stirnaman Novella Peyla Connie Pine George Gregurec Marvin Rushing Jeannie Egan Mary Sue Holmes Linda & Gary Harvell Anna Kussmann Joseph Giacoletto Kevin Cooley Mary Barattini Irene Barattini Patricia Clark Tom Keck Walt Marvich Albert Hunter Renee White Eileen Fohne Bob Horvath Sandy Ditzler Bobby Heatherly Larry & Becky Stanton Ariel Ann Probst Shirley Greer Johnny Kelley Mark Parker Rick Suria Ron Rampold Roseann & Frank Lahue Wayne White Diane Caputo Mary Kupinski

Pray For the Sick If a member of your family is seri-ously ill, in the hospital, convalescing in a Nursing Home, or Homebound let the parish office know (345-4343) and we will include their name in our prayer list (If you would like someone to be on the prayer list but not in the bulletin call our Parish Prayer Line at 344-4108.)

Ann Van Dyke Rachel Voss Margaret Norwood James Schneider Doris Griness Derek Duval Louise Nepute Michael Garner Debbie Corrigan Patricia Hungate Regina Lange Gail Felis Peggy & Dennis Diaz Dave Schneider Jean & Terry Stinnett Bonnie Keen Leroy “Peanuts” Benvenuto John Maher Joseph Varda Nancy Smith Nan Chitwood Bill Cooley Krissy Luth Dave Naderhoff Denise Thibault Sherry Arbas Charmaine More Bernard Scaturro Susie Lingle Wayne & Shannon Moore Roger Pense Carol McKeon Jacob Van Hook Amy Ferguson Rich & Judi Schutzenhofer David Siegel Ladde Mayer Tammy Whitman Joseph Schraut Jimmy Hoef Virginia Nadler Jordan Woodward Ben Kaiser Janet Pensoneau Andrea Giescking Judy Bouse Gerry McDowell

A Pilgrimage of Peace to the Holy Land You are invited to join us on a once-in-a-lifetime ‘Pilgrimage of Peace to the Holy Land,” 12-days, November 30 to December 11, 2015. Includes visits to Nazareth, Cana, Sea of Gali-lee, Mt. Tabor, Mt. of Beatitudes, Jericho, Jerusalem, Bethlehem & more! Only $2,749 from Chicago plus $475 in airport taxes and $165 in tips. Under the Spiritual Direction of Very Rev. David Hoefler, Vicar General. To download the free color brochure and registration form, visit, or contact Vicki Compton at 217-698-8500 or [email protected]. Space is limited. Reg-ister today!

Diocese of Springfield in Illi-nois Pilgrimage to Partici-

pate in the World Meeting of Families, Papal Visit & Mass

Philadelphia, PA Sept. 22 thru Sept. 28

Cost per person $1,795 (Double occ.)

Package includes: Round-trip Airfare from St. Louis International Airport (including airport taxes & Fuel sur-charges, subject to change), Hotel for 6 nights at Hampton Inn by Hilton, 2 Dinners at Restaurants in Philadelphia area, Breakfast daily at the hotel, As-sistance of a Canterbuty Pilgrimages & Tours Representative while in Phila-delphia, Sight-seeing in Historic Phila-delphia as well as visits to various Shrines. Not included in the cost are WMF Conference Registration Fee & anything not listed above.

Greeters Chatter Our Ministry is one of the most important and self-gratifying Church activities that you’ll ever be part of. Thank you for your commitment. Invite a friend to join us, as we still need a few more smiling faces. Blessings, Herman

Save the Date SS. Peter & Paul

Annual Picnic Friday, June 5 & Saturday, June 6

Please join us for Delicious Food, rides, Games, Raffles, Refreshments, and Musical

Entertainment. Volunteers are needed please contact the


Dessert booth chairs invite parishion-ers to donate their favorite cakes, pies, cookies, brownies, Rice Krispie treats, etc. for the parish picnic sched-uled for Friday and Saturday, June 5-6. Desserts will be in demand since not only will treats be sold, but also, a dessert raffle with three drawings on each day of the picnic will be part of the dessert booth activities. Please bring your desserts to Morris Hall any time after 10 a.m. on Friday, June 5, or after 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 6. Workers are also needed to work at the booth. If you would like to volunteer or have any questions, please call Carol Moore: 345-7615 or Georgia Wilde: 345-7536.

Page 8: Staff Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon Jim · Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon

CURSILLO Enrich Your Spirituality

Spend a weekend engaged with the

Holy Spirit! Think about it…

When was the last time you took three days for just you? No Clock,

No Cell Phone, No Interruptions. Call Deacon Jim 345-8890 ,

Sue 910-7233, Melba 345-0247 or Bob 580-9685

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 8

BE A MAN of the EUCHARIST! If you are interested in joining the Seminarians of the Diocese of Springfield in Il in their journey to become men of the Eucharist call the Office for Vocations at 217-698-8500, Ext. 182 or E-mail: [email protected]

KNIGHTS KNEWS: Mon., May 11: KC Officers Mtg. start-ing at 6:30pm, Collins Club Mtg. starting at 7:30pm Tues., May 12: Wing Ding serving 4:00-7:30pm. Thurs., May 14: BINGO! At the KC Hall starting at 12:00 Noon. Food and Refreshments available Thurs., May 14: Mexican Menu in the Lounge. 4:00pm to 7:30pm Come and Enjoy, Ole! Fri., May 15: KC Fish Fry serving from 4:00-7:30pm Team No. 2

Sun., May 17 KC Breakfast

9:00am 12:30pm Proceeds to Fr. McGivney High School

KC Breakfast at Knights of Columbus Hall Sunday, May 17th 9:00am-12:30pm

This month’s Breakfast proceeds will Support the Fr. McGivney Catholic High School.

Adults $9.00 Children (18-6yrs.) $6.00

Children under 6 Yrs. FREE

Menu includes Scrambled Eggs, Hash Browns, Bacon, Sau-sage, Biscuits & Gravy, Pancakes made to order, Coffee,

Tea, Milk & Juice

Father Son Holiness Ad-venture and Pilgrimage Want to go canoeing, go-carting, play laser-tag, learn about WWII fighter planes and eat at a Brazilian steakhouse? How about visit an ap-parition site of Our Lady or a chapel where many prayers for healing have been answered? The registration deadline is May 31, 2015. Reserve your spot by going to before all the sats are filled up!

SS Peter and Paul Cemetery News You have until the end of May to pick up all the Solar Lights, Statues, Memo-rial Plaques or anything that is not on the headstone, only the vases on the headstone or in the Green Flower Cones may stay. Please check the ceme-tery rules on the west side of the maintenance building. The Cemetery Board thanks you for your cooperation. The Memorial Day Mass will be said on Monday, May 25 at 9:00am in the SS. Peter and Paul Cemetery (if rain it will be in Church a little after 9:00am) The next few weeks there will be special envelopes in the pews for donations to help with the maintenance of our cemetery. The SS. Peter & Paul Cemetery Board very much appreciate your generosity and support

WE received a note on behalf of Fr. Bruce and the Young Catholic Musi-cians thanking us for allowing them to come to our parish and celebrate Mass with our wonderful parishion-ers. They were truly grateful for the hospitality that was given. They expressed many thanks for the generosity of our parishioners for the second collection which totaled al-most $1,000. They complimented us on our beau-tiful church and especially to those who decorated it for Easter.

Page 9: Staff Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon Jim · Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 9

Congratulations to the following SS. Peter and Paul School and PSR Students who made their First Holy Communion

On May 3, 2015 during Mass at 1:00 pm

The First Communion celebration did not happen without the love, care, and support of many people. We owe much gratitude to all of the parents, Mrs. Bozzardi, Mrs. Clancy and Father John. Thesse won-derful, caring people have been preparing the students by teaching them and being a witness to their faith. Many thanks to Bob Bigham and he choir, all of the liturgical ministers who served at the Mass, the photographer and videographer, and to everyone who offered prayers of support for these children.

Gavin Ashford Lyle Biermann Tyler Broyles Eric Denny Amelia Dissette Carlos Doria Jack Floyd Kai Gaither Ava Giovando Jenna Greer Khase Guyton Carter Hayden Ellis Kircher Sophia Koenig

Trevor Koenig Christopher Marchetti Haylie McDonald Charlotte Nicosia Miguel Ortiz Bridget Ramert Logan Ramert Abby Robinson Drew Robinson John Starr Ava Stum Kathryn Szymula Keegan Varacalli Daniel Wilde

Page 10: Staff Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon Jim · Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon

Up Coming Events Fish Fry Collinsville KC Friday Fish Fry, Fried & Baked Cod, Catfish, Shrimp, Slaw, Fries, Spa-ghetti, Hush Puppies, Onion Rings & Pies at the KC Hall. Serving from 4:00-7:30pm. Country Music Legends Show The Highland K. of C. are sponsoring a Tribute to Country Music Legends Show at their Hall in Highland on Friday, May 15 from 7:00to 10:00pm. Music by the Legneds Band featuring Ray Price, Connie Smith, Willie Nelson, Patsy Cline, George Jones and Norville Dollar. Cost. $15.00 in advance, $20.00 at the door. For tickets call Jim at 920-2014 or KC Hall at 654-9049. For the Love of Broadway Once a year, the Shrine of Our Lady of Snows hosts this special event...a spectacular Broadway Revue coupled with a deluxe buffet from our award-winning restaurant. A delightful evening for adults and children.. May 15 & 16: Dinner buffet at 6:30pm, show at 7:30pm. May 17: Bruch Buffet at 1:00pm, show at 2:00pm. All-inclusive package with all-you-can-eat buffet, full length two-act Show, all taxes and gratuities, only $35.00 per Adult, Children (12-5 Yrs) half-price under 5 FREE. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Reservations by May 11. call 409-0015 or email: [email protected] 26th Annual KC Car Show The KC’s of Gillespie, Il you to their 26th Annual KC Car Show at the Gillespie Civic Center in Gillespie, Il. Sunday, May 24. Registration: 8:00am-12:30pm, Professional Judging: 12:30-3:00pm, Trophies presented at 3:30pm (3 per class). $12.00 Registra-tion Fee. Rain or Shine. Attendance prizes provided by Bruckert-Daley Chrysler Jeep & Victory Lane Ford. All inside facilities: Food, refreshments, soda, music air condition-ing, crafts, 50/50 Drawing, Door Prizes. Golf Tournament The Mother of Perpetual Help Booster Club, Golf Tournament will be Saturday, May 30th at Oak Brook Golf Club in Edwardsville. Shotgun start at 1:30pm. Enjoy 18 Holes of Golf, Lunch, Dinner, Door Prizes and an Awards Banquet...all for $75 per player! Sponsorships are also available. Contact Larry Powell at [email protected].

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 10

Please pray for the following men and women who are serving in our armed forces: Capt. Matthew Derfler US Army MSGT. Glen Davis US AF Cpl Larry Tyler USMC MSgt Adam Mercer USAF S/Sgt Britt M. Sherman US Army Capt Michael A. Shah US Army Capt. Jacob Lewis USMC LCPL Juan A. Gonzales USMC Pvt. Monica Gonzalez US Army Fc3 Matthew Wehmeyer US Navy LCPL Michael I. Guide USMC S.Sgt. Daniel Husbands USAF GySgt. Hugh Weise USMC Lt. Joshua A. Reeder US Navy Pfc. Gary Voegtle US Army Maj. Michael W. Meyer, Jr. CW04 Jerry Hunter US Army SSgt. Ben Bohnenstiehl USAF AOM Ed Clark US Navy SrA Mark Kimball USAF MIDN Adam Fischer US Navy SrA David Bednara USAF Col Chuck Heimann US Army AOM Jack Matthews US Navy Col. Ed Hulten US Army CPO Edward Mahoney US Navy AlC Kelly Mahoney USAF Maj. Natalie Walker USMC Sec. Let. Nathen Walker US Navy Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the self-less acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen If you have a family mem-ber in the armed forces and would like to add them to the prayer list please call the Parish Office, 345-4343 and leave their name & branch of service.

If you have a family mem-ber in the hospital and they want Father to visit them call the parish office at 345-4343. The hospitals no longer notify us when members of our parish are in the hospital or Rehab.

Grief Support Program—After Care St. Boniface Parish in Edwardsville, Il invite members of our parish to join them in their Grief Support Program After Care, on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 8:45-9:45am or 5:15-6:15pn in the lower level of the Church. This is a peer support group that is facilitated by Robin Black-Rubenstein, Pastoral Associate at St. Boniface and certified Spiritual Director and Grief Counselor. The group members will join together to pray, reflect and share their personal experiences. This program is free. Please contact Robin at 656-6450 or by email at [email protected] with any questions. It is also recommended that new group members contact Robin before their first group meeting.

King’s House Summer Retreat The King’s House Retreat Center is sponsoring a retreat starting May 15 through May 17 presented by Fr. Joe Nassal, CPPS on Role Models: Mentors for Mission. There are several incidents in the gospels when Jesus encounters people along the way whose faith is so astounding that they become models of discipleships. Some are named, like the blind beggar Bartimaeus or the Roman Centurion Jairus, but most are known only by their faithful witness—the Syro-Phoenician mother who only wanted healing for her daughter, the widow whose mite became a mighty example, and the unnamed woman who anoints Jesus as a gesture of hospitality and hospice. This retreat will explore these minor characters with major impact along with some modern day mentors who motivate and inspire our own journey of faith. For more information or to register for this retreat call 397-0584 or register online at

Page 11: Staff Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon Jim · Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon
Page 12: Staff Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon Jim · Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 300 Deacon

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