Page 1: Staff cabinet 20110302 Redesign

Presentation to Staff Cabinet03/02/2011

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• Research into latest website best practices and design trends

• Analysis of web metrics and voice-of-customer data

• Website Steering Committee kickoff retreat

• Taxonomy review and card sorting exercises

• Iterative design process over more than four meetings with Website Steering Committee

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Project Goals

• Simplified homepage with clearer focus and prominent calls to action

• Streamlined navigation

• Improved process for updating homepage content

• More flexibility for unique microsite design while maintaining overall JUF brand


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Strategic objectives of the JUF/JF website

1. Advance JUF brand recognition and enhance the image of JUF in the community.

2. Promote the JUF Campaign and encourage new and/or increased giving.

3. Provide a means of increased interactions between key audiences and JUF, including volunteerism for the Federation and all of its affiliate and beneficiary agencies.

4. Provide easy access to information for Chicago-area Jewish families and individuals who might be in need of service, or are searching for opportunities to participate, including Jewish learning.

5. Provide a centralized place for up-to-date local, national and international Jewish news, action alerts, and Jewish information.

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Current ProposedHomepage

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Current ProposedWrapper

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Current ProposedMicrosite Page

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Navigation and Taxonomy

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Next Steps

• Input and approval from Staff Cabinet

• Complete upgrade of Website Content Management System and migration to new servers (03/18/2011)

• Launch new YLD website (03/31/2011)

• Convert paper prototypes of new homepage into HTML, implement in Website Content Management System

• JUF News, Tweens, new video/podcasts page, improved mobile version, better social media integration, etc.

• Web+DMS integration!

• Launch redesigned (07/05/2011)

• Future phases of Web+DMS integration

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Backup Slides

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Website, May 8, 1999

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Website, May 8, 1999

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Current Website

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Current Website

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