
Paul Klee

St Thomas a Becket Primary School

Creative Learning at Home 2

Creative Learning at Home 2

As we are still spending time at home with our families, we have

updated the creative learning activities. There are some related to year groups, but

anyone can do them.

All the activities will require you to use your imagination, talents and skills.

Remember they can be completed in any order.

It would be lovely to see your fabulous work, so keep your work in a

journal/scrapbook and if you are able to, take photographs for the Art Gallery on

the school blog.

Get creating and enjoy!

1 Year 3: Light and Shadows

Use drawing pencils to create a tonal chart.

Try using different colours…

Draw a picture of a piece of fruit. Use your pencil to add shading

and tone. Think about where the light is coming from...

Make a shadow puppet.

Draw your shape onto card (an old cereal box will do),

cut it out and stick it to a straw or a stick (ask an adult

to help).

Use your puppets to tell a story.

Hold them up near a blank wall…where does the light

need to be to create the shadow?

Andy Goldsworthy.

Find out about Andy Goldsworthy, what kind of

artist is he? What materials does he use? Take a

look at these ice and snow sculptures he created.

What will happen to them...?

2 Year 4: States of Matter

All materials have a molecular structure.

Have a go at making or drawing molecular


You can use pencils, pens, paint or any bits

you have at home.

Take a photo for the school blog.

Here are some examples…

Heat can change the state of some materials.

Create a heat picture using any art materials you have.


Year 5: Living Things 3

Life Cycles

Draw or paint the life cycle of an animal or insect.

Or, draw your own life cycle so far showing the

changes overtime. Use any art materials you have…

Draw a plant in detail.

Use pencils to create an observational drawing of a

house plant. Don’t worry if you don’t have a house

plant – use an image from the internet.

If you need help, there are lots of YouTube clips, just

remember to use the internet safely.

Christopher Marley

This artist uses beetles and butterflies to create symmetrical art works which he

then photographs.

Try creating your own version by drawing insects in a symmetrical pattern.

Think about what different colours you could use and what pattern you could

make. Send us a photo for the art gallery on the school blog.

Try creating your own heart art…

4 Year 6: The Heart Jim Dine – Pop Artist

This artist has focused on the heart for a lot of his art work.

Create your own picture of the heart in his Pop Art style. Heart Poetry

Write a poem about the heart. Use the heart

shape in the middle and write your sentences

around it – keep to the shape of the heart!

Kandinsky style… Or, a single heart like this one

also by Jim Dine.

Using tin foil, create sculptures inspired by the artist Giacometti.

Just twist into long pipes and wrap them around each other to create figures and


If you need some help, take a look at these sites… (spider) (figures)

Tin Foil Sculptures


Piet Mondrian designs 6

Using felt tip pens,

colouring pencils, paint

or even shading with

writing pencils, create

your own Mondrian


It was World Bee Day recently.

It is really important that we keep bees safe.

Do you know why? Find out if you’re not sure.

Can you draw or paint your own

image of a bee?

7 Bees

Look outside, what can you see?

Sketch, draw or paint what you can see

from your window… trees, cars, buildings?

… or draw and paint from

your imagination.

Room with a view 8

Friedensreich Hundertwasser used bright colours

and spirals in his art.

Use colouring pencils or felt tip pens to create

your own version of ‘Lollipops’. What colours will

you use?...

Visit these sites to find out more about him and his art.


Hundertwasser: Lollipops 9

The artist David Hockney has created

images of the spring


This art is created using

an app on a tablet.

Can you use paint or

colouring pencils to create your own spring art?

Send us photos of your creation.

David Hockney: Spring Art 10

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