
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sheryl Calton, Principal

Mary Kay Wallace, DRE

Felicitas Palacios, Coordinator of Faith Formation (Spanish)

J P Rodriguez, Director of Parish Social Ministry

Alice Layton, Business Manager


Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

824 Main St., Pasadena, Tx 77506—Phone 713-473-9484—Fax—713-473-2731—

Masses for Sunday: Saturday Vigil—5:30pm in English—7pm in Español;

Sunday 8 & 10:00am in English; 12:00 mediodia, 1:30 & 7pm en Español

Weekday Liturgy: Monday 8am thru Saturday 8am in English;

Tuesday, Wednesday & 1st Friday, 7pm en Español

Holy Day Liturgy: Vigil 7pm in English; Feast 8am in English; 7:00pm en Español

Sacrament of Penance: Wednesday 5:30 to 6:30pm; Saturday-3:30 to 5pm

Parish Office Hours: 9am to 5pm

School Office Hours: 8am to 3pm (713-472-5172)

Adoration: Friday from 8:30am until 10pm in the PLC Chapel

Pastoral Staff: Rev. Joseph Doran, Pastor

Rev. Ricardo Lazo, Parochial Vicar

Deacon Heath Hampton

Deacon Celestino Perez

Deacon Dan Seiler

In case of an emergency needing a priest, please call 713-397-7451 (bi-lingual) or 832-651-7329 (English only).

This bulletin can be

viewed at:

Youth Group— Get your costumes ready! The youth group will be hosting a Halloween party on Friday, October 28 in the

cafeteria from 7-9 p.m. All high school teens are invited to come in your best dressed, and most appropriate costumes. We will be

playing games, and have a pumpkin painting competition! For more information, contact the Youth Minister, Christian

Sanchez, [email protected].

Upcoming Events:

October 29: Dodge for the Cause, Halloween Dodge ball tournament. Each team must consist of 6-8 players and cost $10 per person to

join. The tournament will be held in the St. Pius gym with registration starting at 8 a.m. Teams are encouraged to wear appropriate

costumes, and have fun!

October 30: The youth group will be hosting a coat drive on Sunday, October 30 during all morning masses. We will be donating the

coats to those in need. We will be accepting coats of all sizes. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Free hot chocolate will be

served to those who donate!

The Women’s Club will be having a Bake Sale on Sunday, October 23rd

after all the Masses (or until they run out of goodies). So plan to stop by and

purchase a goodie or 2 and help support their efforts. All proceeds toward St. Pius

V Projects.



All proceeds for St. Pius V projects. Schedule includes all Fall, Winter & Spring trips:

Thursday, November 10 — Monthly meeting. 10:00 AM, Room 10, St. Pius V School. Decide on Christmas project.

Nov. date TBA — Compile Christmas Boxes for Seamen’s Center. Begin collecting items for boxes.

Tuesday, Nov. 15 Tour National Museum of Funeral History with lunch at Potato Patch. Leave St. Pius at 9:15 AM.

Thursday, Dec. 8 —Monthly mtg and Christmas Party at Golden Corral. 10:30 AM. (Note time) Bring a $5.00 gift to share.

Thursday, January 12 - Monthly meeting 10:00 AM, Room 10, St. Pius V School.

Sunday, January 15—Corporate Communion Sunday Mass at 8:00 AM for deceased members of our Women’s Club.

Thursday, March 23-Tour Galveston’s Grand 1894 Opera House, lunch in Galveston. Leave St. Pius at 9:15 AM.


St. Pius V Catholic Church and School Sunday, November 6, 2016 —11:00 am to 5:00 pm

Preparations are underway for our Fall Festival. It is being head up by the parents of our school children. Raffle tickets

are being printed and will be available after each Mass in the next couple of weeks. Let’s join together as a community

and have a successful festival. We are now accepting donations to help reduce festival expenses. You may bring to the

school or parish office.

Items needed: Sodas (Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Diet drinks as well)

Bottled water, Napkins, Paper Plates, Spoons, forks, knifes)

We are also asking for volunteers to help set-up, work the food and game booths, take down & clean up.

Festival de Otoño Domingo, 6 de Noviembre 2016—11:00 am a 5:00 pm

Se ha empezado preparaciones para nuestro Festival de Otoño. Se esta organizando por medio de los padres de nuestra

escuela a beneficio de la escuela y la parroquia. Boletos para la rifa se están imprimiendo y estarán disponible después de

las Misas en las próximas semanas. Unámonos como comunidad para tener un festival exitoso. Estamos aceptando dona-

ciones para reducir los gastos del festival. Ud. puede traer las donaciones a la oficina de la iglesia.

Se están aceptando: Bebidas, aguas, servilletas y cubiertos.

Se ocupa voluntarios para colocar los puestos, trabajar los puestos, desmantar y limpieza.

St. Pius V Catholic Church October 23, 2016

St. Pius V Catholic Church and School Fall Festival

Sunday, November 6, 2016

11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

We will have the following attractions:



Live Bands


Games for children and adults

Silent Auction

Live Auction

Variety of Booths

Come join us for an amazing festival!

Festival will be held on the School Grounds


Prize drawing at 5:00 p.m.

1st Prize: $2,000.00 Gift Card

2nd Prize: $1,000.00 Gift Card

3rd Prize: 43" LED HD TV, valued at $375.00

4th Prize: iPad, valued at $350.00

5th Prize: Custom Beverage Cooler, value $250.00

6th Prize: $250.00 Gift Card

7th Prize: $100.00 Gift Card

8th Prize: $100.00 Gift Card

Raffle Ticket Price

$5.00 each or

5 tickets for $20.00

Mark your Calendar now

Save the Date!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Scripture Study in English—m e e t s o n T H U R S D A Y EVENINGS at 7pm in the Parish Life Center Living room...Join us any time.


Our Parish Goal is $60,000.

As of 10/13/16 we have: Amount pledged: $

Amount paid: $ Please make your pledge today &

PLEASE make checks out to:


St. Pius V Catholic Church October 23, 2016

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Find the Missal (Ordinary of the Mass) at 150 in Oramos Cantando/We Pray in Song

First Reading SIR 35:12-14, 16-18

The LORD is a God of justice, who knows no favorites. Though not unduly partial toward the weak, yet he hears the cry of the

oppressed. The Lord is not deaf to the wail of the orphan, nor to the widow when she pours out her complaint. The one who serves God

willingly is heard; his petition reaches the heavens. The prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds; it does not rest till it reaches its goal, nor

will it withdraw till the Most High responds, judges justly and affirms the right, and the Lord will not delay.

Responsorial Psalm PS 34 R. The Lord hears the cry of the poor

Second Reading 2 TM 4:6-8, 16-18

Beloved: I am already being poured out like a libation, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have competed well; I have finished the

race; I have kept the faith. From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me, which the Lord, the just judge, will award to me on that

day, and not only to me, but to all who have longed for his appearance. At my first defense no one appeared on my behalf, but everyone

deserted me. May it not be held against them! But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength, so that through me the proclamation might

be completed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was rescued from the lion's mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil threat

and will bring me safe to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Gospel LK 18:9-14

Jesus addressed this parable to those who were convinced of their own righteousness and despised everyone else. “Two people went up

to the temple area to pray; one was a Pharisee and the other was a tax collector. The Pharisee took up his position and spoke this prayer

to himself, ‘O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity -- greedy, dishonest, adulterous -- or even like this tax collector. I

fast twice a week, and I pay tithes on my whole income.’ But the tax collector stood off at a distance and would not even raise his eyes to

heaven but beat his breast and prayed, ‘O God, be merciful to me a sinner.’ I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former; for

whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”

El Misal (Ordinario de la Misa) esta en Oramos Cantando/We Pray in Song a Partir de 150

Primera lectura Eclesiástico (Sirácide) 35, 12-17. 20-22 El Señor es un juez que no se deja impresionar por apariencias. No menosprecia a nadie por ser pobre y escucha las súplicas del

oprimido. No desoye los gritos angustiosos del huérfano ni las quejas insistentes de la viuda. Quien sirve a Dios con todo su corazón es

oído y su plegaria llega hasta el cielo. La oración del humilde atraviesa las nubes, y mientras él no obtiene lo que pide, permanece sin

descanso y no desiste, hasta que el Altísimo lo atiende y el justo juez le hace justicia.

Salmo Responsorial Salmo 33 R. El Señor no está lejos de sus fieles.

Segunda lectura 2 Tm 4, 6-8. 16-18

Querido hermano: Para mí ha llegado la hora del sacrificio y se acerca el momento de mi partida. He luchado bien en el combate, he

corrido hasta la meta, he perseverado en la fe. Ahora sólo espero la corona merecida, con la que el Señor, justo juez, me premiará en

aquel día, y no solamente a mí, sino a todos aquellos que esperan con amor su glorioso advenimiento. La primera vez que me defendí

ante el tribunal, nadie me ayudó. Todos me abandonaron. Que no se les tome en cuenta. Pero el Señor estuvo a mi lado y me dio fuerzas

para que, por mi medio, se proclamara claramente el mensaje de salvación y lo oyeran todos los paganos. Y fui librado de las fauces del

león. El Señor me seguirá librando de todos los peligros y me llevará salvo a su Reino celestial. A él la gloria por los siglos de los siglos.


Evangelio Lc 18, 9-14

En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo esta parábola sobre algunos que s tenían por justos y despreciaban a los demás: "Dos hombres subieron al

templo para orar: uno era fariseo y el otro, publicano. El fariseo, erguido, oraba así en su interior: 'Dios mío, te doy gracias porque no soy

como los demás hombres: ladrones, injustos y adúlteros; tampoco soy como ese publicano. Ayuno dos veces por semana y pago el

diezmo de todas mis ganancias'. El publicano, en cambio, se quedó lejos y no se atrevía a levantar los ojos al cielo. Lo único que hacía

era golpearse el pecho, diciendo: 'Dios mío, apiádate de mí, que soy un pecador'. Pues bien, yo les aseguro que éste bajó a su casa

justificado y aquél no; porque todo el que se enaltece será humillado y el que se humilla será enaltecido".

St. Pius V Catholic Church October 23, 2016

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Living our faith… Parish Social Ministry

Bishop’s Novena for our elections: Bearing in mind our nation's challenges and the particularly urgent need for wise, moral,

civic leadership in addressing them, the Call to Prayer will be adapted Friday, September 9, 2016 – Friday, November 11,

2016 to highlight certain time-sensitive matters of national concern.

On Friday, September 9, the intention highlighted the National Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities (we prayed for

peace on Sunday, Sept. 11). The focus for the remaining nine weeks will be on the upcoming elections (It’s never too late to


In addition to the current invitation to fast on Fridays, participants are encouraged to pray one Our Father, Hail Mary, and

Glory Be for the week's intention and for our civic leaders and upcoming elections.

Viviendo nuestra fe… Ministerio Social Parroquial Novena de los Obispos para las elecciones: Teniendo en cuenta los desafíos de nuestro país y la necesidad particularmente

urgente para el liderazgo sabio, moral, cívica para hacer frente a ellos, el llamado a la oración será adaptado del viernes, 9 de

septiembre de, 2016 al viernes, 11 de noviembre de, 2016 para resaltar ciertos asuntos sensibles al tiempo de preocupación


El viernes, 9 de septiembre, la intención destacó el Día nacional de Oración por la Paz en Nuestras Comunidades (nosotros

la tuvimos el domingo, 11 de septiembre). El enfoco de las nueve semanas restantes estará en las próximas elecciones (nunca

es tarde para participar en la oración).

Además de la invitación actual de ayunar los viernes, se anima a los participantes a rezar un Padre Nuestro, Ave María y

Gloria de la intención de la semana y para nuestros líderes cívicos y próximas elecciones.

Ministros Eucarísticos

Tendremos un día de reflexión para los ministros de la eucaristía en noviembre. Revisen el anuncio en el boletín


Oct. 30: Celebrate Priesthood Sunday! This is the day set aside to celebrate and extend our thanks and prayers to the

priests who serve our Archdiocese in so many ways. We invite you to give the priests you know a simple thank you on this

day, or offer a spiritual bouquet (the offering of rosaries, Masses or Holy Hours). For more ideas and suggestions for this

day, please go to Please pray for vocations and for priests on this day, Oct. 30.

El 30 de octubre es el Domingo para celebrar el Sacerdocio. Dejamos este domingo para celebrar y extender nuestra

gratitud y oraciones para los sacerdotes que sirven a nuestra arquidiócesis en muchas maneras. Les pedimos que les

demuestren su agradecimiento ese día con un simple “gracias” u ofreciendo un ramo espiritual (ofreciendo un rosario, una

Misa, o una Hora Santa) para los sacerdotes que usted conozca. Para más ideas o sugerencias para este día, por favor visite Por favor rece por las vocaciones y por los sacerdotes este día, 30 de octubre.

November is just around the corner and the Mass schedule for All Saints

and All Souls days will change.

The schedule for All Saints, Tuesday, Nov 1st will be:

8am English, 12 noon Spanish, 5:30pm English; 7pm Spanish

The schedule for All Souls, Wednesday, Nov 2nd will be:

6am Spanish, 8am English, 12pm English, 7pm Spanish

Mass Intention Schedule for this Week

Saturday, October 22—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Adilia Bustamante † 5:30 p.m. — Allene Price † 7:00 p.m. — Presider’s Intention Sunday, October 23—30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00a.m. — Eugene Menger † 10:00a.m. — Adilia Bustamante † 12:00p.m. — For the People of the Parish 1:30p.m. — Presider’s Intention 7:00 p.m. — Olga Pena Rodriguez † Monday, October 24—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Mae Hays † Tuesday, October 25—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Mae Hays † 7:00 p.m. — Presider’s Intention Wednesday, October 26—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Quentin Blake † 7:00 p.m. — Maria de los Angeles Cedillo † Thursday, October 27—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Joe & Mary Vasquez, Anniversary Friday, October 28—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — James John † Saturday, October 29—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Maggie Hernandez † 5:30 p.m. — Francis A. Harrison † 7:00 p.m. — Presider’s Intention

Pray for Peace ~ & Remember in your Prayers — Recuerda en sus oraciones Dominic Leong, Betty Finn, Linda Seiler, Steve Watts, Anastacio Gutierrez, M/M Elimon, Olga Nino, Delfina Gonzalez, Darlene &

William Cruse, J P Rodriguez, Mary Alice Rendon, Jhon Schexnider, Laura Redford, Valentino Henson, Alice Engler, Bob Titus, Martin

Rodriguez, Jr., Sr. Mary Ann, Santa Montelongo, Mary Kelly McHaney, Guadalupe Gonzales, Irma Pedraza, Eva Olivarez, Mary Lou

Coss, Roland Buenteo, Veronica Smith, David Hanan, Irma Pedraza, Eva Olivarez, Melissa Sisti, Celia Galvan, Mallory Garza, Jennifer

Benton, Enrique Hinostroza, Jose Solis, Shirley Tisdial, Debbie & Tommy Edwards, Raymond Romero, Juan & Dora Meraz, Anastacio

Gutierrez, Clarissa Arguellos, Angelo Alexander Torres, Mrs Arriaga, Kathryn Whitfield, Lenora Rivera, Joyce Gholson, Al Clausen,

Aurora Yanez, Kathy Ballock, Joe Wallace, Juan Ledesma, Beasley Family, Helen Segal, Gary Smith, Patty Jones, Heidi White, Terry

Green, Maria Balboa, Dr. David Morales, Donna Hawkins, Tristan E Dockoll, John Carnan, Mary P Castillo, Manuel Tellez, Mike

Wagner, Viola Gonzalez, Daoud Forouzan, Mike Wagner, Maria Freeman, Diane Edwards, Lorraine Dow, Matt C Hammer, John

Reitmeyer, James Alexander Bentley, Alex Velasquez, Cindy Linares

For Repose of the soul of

(Please notify the church office when someone can be removed from the list) (The lower portion of names from this list have been have been printed out and placed in the book

for prayers behind the Tabernacle.)

Readings for the week of 10/24/16

Monday: Eph 4: 32-5; 8; Lk 13: 10-17

Tuesday: Eph 6: 1-9; Lk 13: 22-30

Wednesday: Eph 6: 1-9; Lk 13: 22-30

Thursday: Eph 6: 10-20; Lk 13: 31-35

Friday: Eph 2: 19-22; Lk 6: 12-16

Saturday: Phil 1: 18b-26; Lk 14: 1,7-11

Sunday: Wis 11: 22-12:2; Thes 1:11-2:2; Lk 19: 1-10

St. Pius V Young Adults: We will be meeting every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm (location to be an-nounced). We welcome young adults from the ages of 18 to 30 years old, single or married to join us. For more info or ques-tions you can follow the facebook page St. Puis V Young Adult Ministry or contact 832-339-7570 for more information.

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Pius V Catholic Church October 23, 2016

Faith Commitment Contribution Weekly Contributions for church Support

Weekend of 10/16/16

Total Collection $10,739.00 $ 1,882.00

Budgeted 1st Collection: $12,000.00

Upcoming 2nd Collections:

Oct 23 — Propagation of the Faith Oct 30 — Retired Priests (New Archdiocesan) Nov 6 —Parish Social Ministry Nov 13—Property fund Nov 20—Campaign for Human Development

$ 1201.00

$ 672.00

$ 1787.00

$ 2149.00

$ 2123.00

$ 1558.00

$ 1249.00








$ 262.00

$ 137.00

$ 257.00

$ 317.00

$ 423.00

$ 382.00

$ 104.00

Mass time Collection Property Fund

Flowers this weekend are donated In loving memory of Adilia Bustamante

By her family

St. Pius V Catholic Church October 23, 2016

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Faith Formation (FF) Office (CCE) 713-473-9484 Oficina de Formación de Fe (catecismo) Mary Kay Wallace (x 317) –[email protected];

Felícitas Palacios (x 304) – [email protected]; — Office Hours: 9 am – 2 pm, Mon. – Thurs. Please make an appointment with Mary Kay in the Faith Formation Office.

IMPORTANT Dates – LAST Parent Meeting of the year for 1st Confession & 1st

Communion: Tues. 10/18, 7 pm (Room 7/8)

– Sacred & Safe Class: Wed., Thurs., Sun. & Mon., 10/19, 20,

23 & 24

– Mon. 10/31: There will be NO 7 pm Faith Formation


– Bring canned goods to class for the Annual Food Collec-

tion: Sun., Mon., Wed. & Thurs. 11/6, 7, 9 & 10

Fechas IMPORTANTES – ÚLTIMA junta de padres del año para preparación sacramental:

Martes 18 de Oct., 7 pm (la Iglesia)

– Clase de Sagrado & Seguro: Miérc., Jueves, Dom y Lunes -- el

19, 20, 23 & 24 de Oct.

– Lunes 31 de Oct.: NO habran clases de Formacion de Fe a la 7pm.

– Favor de llevar a clase alimentos enlatados para la Colecta anual

de Comida: Dom., Lunes, Miérc. y Jueves

-- el 6, 7, 9 & 10 de Nov.

CHANGE coming to Faith Formation sessions! Parents, want to earn your Community Service Hours quickly? Give 2 ½ hours as a class time coordinator for one month (4 or 5

sessions, depending on the calendar) for 12 or 15 service hours of this year’s required 18 hours.

Sessions are scheduled for Sun. 8:30 – Sun. 10:15 am – and 7 pm on Mon., Wed. & Thurs. 7 pm. You can serve at the time your

child attends, and get acquainted with other St. Pius V parents at the same time. Training provided, including VIRTUS. Contact

Mary Kay at your earliest convenience at the parish office, or e-mail above.

Love History? Love our Church? Eighth Grade on Mon. pm is BURSTING at the seams, and the year’s

theme of Church history will help you feel at home right away! God is calling adults willing to help Jr. High

students develop their faith – are YOU the person for this ministry?? – Training and support provided; VIRTUS

training required. Call the office, or come talk to Mary Kay. – We are also accepting parents or adults willing to

serve as Catechist Assistants at all levels. You will make a difference for the children (and for the teacher!) as you

learn about your faith.

Parents – A reminder: You will each be asked to assist ONE TIME in a class on the day your child attends, to comply with the

national requirement that we have 2 adults in every class. To help in a class more than one time, VIRTUS training is required

for St. Pius V to be in compliance.

Padres de familia – Un recordatorio: Si necesita, vamos a contactarles para asistir una vez en una clase el dia de la clase

de su hijo, para ayudarnos a conformarnos al mandato de los obispos americanos para proteger nuestros niños. Necesita el

entrenamiento VIRTUS para ayudar en una clase mas que una vez.

ADULTS – Deepen and energize your faith!!

Save the Date: 2017 National Catholic Bible Conference — Theme: “Discipleship: Taking the Word to Heart”

Sacred Scripture reminds us to "be doers of the word, and not hearers only" (James 1:22): We are called to take the Word of God

to heart and live it out in our own lives – to be disciples. At the 2017 National Catholic Bible Conference, discover what it means

to be a faithful disciple; learn how to follow Christ in your everyday life; and experience the blessings that God has in store for

those who love him.

* Fri. & Sat. 5-5 & 6, 8 am–4 pm — St. John Vianney Church (625 Nottingham Oaks Trail, Houston 77079)

* Register on-line at

* Early registration (by Oct. 31): $165 — Regular registration (begins Nov. 1): $180

For more details, phone 1-888-842-2853 OR e-mail: [email protected]

Registration – Children’s Faith Formation for the Year 2016-17

Please make an appointment with Mary Kay in the

Faith Formation Office. Fee: $65 for 1st child, $10/each additional child; plus a

$10 late fee after Sept. 30

Registración del Año 2016-17 para las Clases de Formación de Fe para niños

Favor de pedir una cita con Felicitas o Mary Kay en

la Oficina de Formación de Fe.

Cuota: $65 para 1o niño, $10/cada niño adicional; más

$10 pago tarde (cuota del día) después de Sept.

St. Pius V Catholic Church October 23, 2016

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends,

Our church building is our parish home and the sacred space in which we encounter Our Lord. Our Art and

Environment Team give of their time each week to beautify the church with flowers and banners. Our Maintenance

Team works with outside experts to keep all of the equipment, the lights, and the air conditioning functioning. Our

custodians do the heavy cleaning Sunday night. Let us do our part, which is everyone’s part, to keep the church tidy

and pleasing. We need you to help us put things in order after every Mass.

Please take care to keep our restrooms clean and tidy. Please also teach your children to do the same. If you find a

mess that someone else has left, let one of the ushers or the priests know about it.

Take your bulletin with you when you leave the pew. If you don’t want to take it home, put it back in one of the wall

racks. Take any trash or loose papers with you. Put the hymnals back in the racks or neatly on the pew.

Please help us to keep this holy space a welcoming and inviting place.

Our Fall Festival is around the corner. Please return your raffle tickets this Sunday or next. You can place them in the

basket during any collection or return to the parish or school offices. We look forward to having fun and good food

with you on November 6.

As we come to the end of this month of Mary, let us ask her intercession with her Son for the life of our parish.

Fr. Joe


Queridos amigos,

Nuestra iglesia es nuestra casa parroquial y espacio sagrado en lo cual nos encontramos con nuestro Señor. Nuestro

equipo de Arte y Medio Ambiente dan de su tiempo cada semana para embellecer la iglesia con flores y banderas.

Nuestro equipo de mantenimiento trabaja con expertos externos para mantener todos los equipos, las luces y el aire

acondicionado. Nuestros conserjes limpian toda la iglesia los domingos por la noche. Hagamos nuestra parte, que es

parte de todos, a mantener la iglesia ordenado y agradable. Necesitamos que nos ayude a poner las cosas en orden

después de cada misa.

Por favor, tenga cuidado de mantener nuestros baños limpios y ordenados. Por favor, también enseñar a sus hijos a

hacer lo mismo. Si encuentra desorden que alguien ha dejado, deja saber a uno de los ujieres o los sacerdotes.

Tome su boletín con usted cuando salga de la banca. Si no desea llevar a casa, poner de nuevo en uno de los bastidores

cerca de las puertas. Tome con usted cualquier basura o papeles sueltos. Ponga los himnarios en los bastidores o

cuidadosamente en el banco.

Por favor ayudarnos a mantener este espacio sagrado como un lugar acogedor y atractivo.

Nuestro festival de otoño está a la vuelta. Por favor, devuelva sus boletos para el sorteo este domingo o siguiente.

Usted puede colocarlos en la canasta durante cualquier colecta o devolverlos a las oficinas de la parroquia o la escuela.

Esperamos disfrutar las comidas y las actividades con ustedes el 6 de noviembre.

Al llegar al final de este mes de María, pidamos su intercesión ante su Hijo para la vida de nuestra parroquia.

P. Joe

Día de trabajo en San Pio – El clima está cambiando

así que es tiempo de programar un día de trabajo en el

jardín el sábado, 29 de octubre, de las 8 a 2 de la tarde.

Traiga sus guantes de jardín y palas si quiere ayudar –

pueden venir durante esas horas – nos quedaremos

trabajando el tiempo que usted guste donar. Otra vez,

estaremos apodando las rosas, árboles, y arbustos, etc.

Limpiando algunas áreas – tal vez plantando unas flores


Vengan, por favor, si puede….

Workday at St Pius—The weather is starting to cool

down a bit so a workday is scheduled for Saturday,

October 29th, from 8am until 2pm. If you would like

to help, bring your garden tools and gloves—you can

come any time during those hours—we are open to

whatever time you can donate. Once again, we will be

trimming back roses, trees, shrubs etc., weeding and

clearing out some areas—maybe even planting some

colorful flowers.

Please join us if you can…….

St. Pius V Catholic Church October 23, 2016

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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