

St. Paul Lutheran Church P.O. Box 245, Yorktown, Texas 78164

Office: 361-564-2135 e-mail: [email protected]

9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Radio Broadcast

1490 AM or 92.1 FM

Pastor: Tim W. Muehlbrad - 361-564-2335

Intern: Hans Tolpingrud

ST. PAUL LUTHERAN MISSION STATEMENT: Empowered by the Holy Spirit to make Christ known;

As we love one another, serve our neighbor, and grow in our

Faith through studying God’s Word and

Worshipping God.


Health and the Social Concerns Committee

will hold a Flu Shot clinic Thursday,

October 6, 2016 from 3:00 p.m. until 6:00

p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.


"But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather

than men." Acts 5:29

The story is told of an old man and his young grandson who

lived in a poor village. The only thing they owned was one small

donkey. Early one morning the old man, the grandson and the

donkey began walking toward the next village. They hadn't gone

far when a passerby called out, "It's foolish to walk when you could

be riding the donkey." So the old man climbed on the donkey and

they went on. The next person they passed commented, "Look at

that heartless old man, riding while the young child has to walk."

The man got off the donkey and lifted his grandson onto the

donkey's back. Someone else was then heard to say, "Look at that

young punk, he is young and strong and there is poor old grandfather

walking while he rides." The grandfather didn't want people to think

badly of his grandson, so they both rode for a while. The very last

person they passed said, "Look at those cruel and lazy people,

burdening that poor little animal with all that weight. The donkey

ought to have a chance to ride." So, they tied the donkey to a pole

and carried him between the two. Soon they came to a foot bridge

across a deep gorge. As they were crossing, the donkey looked

down and panicked. He shook the pole loose and fell over the edge

into the deep gorge. The moral of this story is if you try to please

everyone, you will loose your donkey.

One of life's hard lessons is that we can never please

everybody. Even if we have learned that lesson, many of us still try

to please the majority, when the truth of the matter is that we are

only to try to please God.

The seasons will soon be changing again, school has already

starting and the holiday season will be here before we know it. Our

activities shift gears from vacations and summer activities to the


activities of the fall and winter. How many of the things that we do

will be to please God? On the other hand, how many of these things

will be just to please people including ourselves?

It is time to remember, to recognize that God is everywhere

that we are. The God who created us, who gives us daily breath is

the God who can truly show us how to live and love. So everyday

and in every way let's make a commitment first and foremost in all

that we do to please and obey God rather than people.

Your Pastor,

Tim W Muehlbrad

The first thing I want to say is very big THANK YOU

to everyone! I was overwhelmed by the warm

reception I received coming here last month. I have a

shelf covered in welcome cards, and it really means a

lot to me to have been received so warmly here. I

continue looking forward to praying and living and worshiping

through this next year together.

The Sacramental Life (Part 2)

As a fallen creation we are no longer living in the pattern that God

ordained for us in our creation. Instead of the living fruitfully in


God’s plan so that we may participate in the divine life that we were

designed for, we find ourselves, now, in a very different relationship

to God. The fall removed us from God’s sacramental blessing and

as a result we have become subject to sin and death. But the

establishment of sacramental practice—primarily communion and

baptism—in the church is meant to reveal something of God to us.

The first thing that we can learn is that the existence of these

practices, their very presence in the church, is a sign of God’s

continuing covenant with us.

After the fall, after we had become subject to sin and death, God did

not abandon us. Instead, through scripture, we see God continually

interacting with His people and seeking their restoration to Him. The

administration and regular participation in the sacraments is a

continuous process in the life of the Church. And it is through the

promise of God’s grace attached to the sacraments that we can build

up our understanding of God’s continually loving nature and His

desire to care for us. God never stopped loving and caring about His

creation, and because His creation had become fallen and could not

become righteous or justified to Him by their own power, He acted

graciously in our world, bestowing to us that gift of His grace

through the means of the sacraments.

That we may come to the table and be brought to the font are sure

signs of God’s love and blessing. And the historic claim of the

Church is that, more than signs, in these events the blessing of God

is being imparted to us. In these things, we are truly encountering

God. He did not abandon creation, rather He created these things

which creation may participate in despite their fallen nature. He has

given us, His fallen creatures, these sure methods by which we are

being made full members of His kingdom, sure methods by which

we may be fed with His righteousness and our sins may be forgiven.

Vicar Hans


Council Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2016

Treasurer’s Report John made a motion to approve

the July report after corrections were made to the line

item for benevolence, and to approve the August report

as presented, motion passed.

Stewardship – Checks to: Keep Yorktown Beautiful, The Learning

Garden, Yorktown EMS & Yorktown Fire Department, for the

proceeds from the BBQ, have been made with each organization

receiving $2,558.38.

Youth – The lock-in has been postponed for additional planning.

Social Concerns – Beverly reported that four persons were helped

in August with water bills, food cards and gasoline. In addition

we are still helping one person with transportation to Victoria for

medical care. YAM has received city approval of the building

plans and construction has begun. There will be a ground

breaking event soon and hoped representatives from St Paul

would be present. A motion was approved to host a Flu Shot

Clinic in the Fellowship Hall during the month of October.

Property – Out of the 6 companies contacted for the parking lot

expansion, only 1 has given a price which is $38,143 for labor,

fill dirt and rebar. Concrete would be an additional $50,000 to

$60,000 for a 10,898 sq. ft. addition. “Do Not Walk On Grass”

signs have been found and placed as needed to keep the grass

looking vibrant. D TYL Electric Company has repaired the outlet

by the bench in front of the Church and the light over the

basement door. The light on the tower will be repaired on another

trip with a request to replace with LED for less maintenance.

Training for the Security System went well.

Parish Education – Rally Day was a great success and well

attended. Pastor Tim is playing the guitar for Sunday School

openings while the K-8th grade students sing fun worship and

praise songs. Vicar Hans is teaching the 5th – 8th grade students.

Grandparents joined the classes Sept 11th with refreshments

served. K-2nd grade parents will be invited to join their children


in Sunday School during the month of October and more

intergenerational opportunities are planned for the future.

C.E.M.– The Learning Garden has received a 3 star rating from TRS

which will award each teacher a $150 stipend and the center will

receive $2,000 which will be used to purchase needed equipment.

CPR Training will be held on October 1 at 8 a.m. there are a few

spots open if anyone is interested. Enrollment is currently at 49

children. Congregation members are invited to join The

Learning Garden for their daily Chapel Services at 9:00 a.m. or

on Wednesday at 10 a.m.

Christian Life – There were about 40 in attendance for the

Grandparent’s Day pot luck. The committee is currently

planning the Fall Festival to be held October 30.

Evangelism – After more discussion concerning members that have

not attended worship services recently, it was decided to go with

the decision at last month’s meeting which was to contact the

people that have not attended for up to a year and invite them


Vicar Hans – During August Vicar Hans participated in 7 worship

services, 4 nursing home/hospital visits, 2 Sunday School

classes, 1 Sunday School meeting, a New Members visit and 1

Professional meeting. Vicar Hans will be out of the office

Monday, Sept 19 – Thurs. Sept. 22 as he has been asked to preach

at a Pastor’s gathering.

Pastor’s Report – During August, Pastor participated in 7 worship

services, 7 home visits, 5 education events, 6 Church Meetings

& Events and attended the NALC Convocation and Theological

Conference. Concerning the acquisition of a Youth Director –

Goliad is still interested and Runge may also be interested in

joining with us in hiring someone for this position. The first step

would be to identify the needs and goals to be accomplished by

having a group consisting of Pastor Tim, Vicar Hans, Rebecca

Innocenti, Beverly Bruns and possibly a Sunday School teacher

and/or students working together to decide on goals, then work

on what we have and expand on that as opportunities arise. The

NALC has a full time Youth Director so resources are available.


Would like to have something in place for discussion at the

Annual Meeting in January.

Old Business – a.) Discussed covered drive thru with decision to

ask Lori Kneese to draw up a plan to extend the walkway from

the Ed Bldg to a point in the street where cars could pick up

passengers. b.) Budget – have ready by November. c.) Youth

– see Pastor’s report. d.) Parking lot see Property Report. e.)

Tree at cemetery – Sandra Heil, Jay Heil & Bill Klaevemann met

with attorney James Crain concerning St Paul Lutheran’s

obligations concerning the tree causing conflict between two

parties. Mr. Crain will check the codes concerning cemeteries,

however, as custodians of the cemetery, St. Paul should has the

right to prune the tree. We will await the attorney’s

recommendation. f.) The nominating committee has been

notified and are working on nominations for all offices that need


New Business – a.) A motion was approved to allow the Chamber

of Commerce use of the facilities during the parade of Western

Days 2016. b.) Scott & Laurie Stevenson were unanimously

approved as new members c.) A motion was approved to move

the meeting time for council meeting to 7 p.m. on the second

Tuesday of the month.

Note: a full copy of the minutes may be obtained

from the church office.

2016 Council Members Bill Klaevemann – President – 649-2753

Dorothy Mayfield – Secretary 550-9136

Rebecca Innocenti - Parish Ed – 649-6163

John Frels-Stewardship – 550-7382

Christopher Gohmert – Worship – 579-8803

Linda Hurta -Christian Life - 564-2363

Wayne Smith – Property – 564-3742

Beverly Feller -Social Concerns - 564-2873

Beverly Bruns – Youth – 564-9115

Lois Kelch – Evangelism/Outreach – 361-401-0150


The South Texas Mission District of the NALC Convocation will be held on October 8, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church in Seguin. Anyone is welcome to attend this business meeting of our local congregations. If you wish to go please contact Pastor Muehlbrad.

The Learning Garden would like to acknowledge and express appreciation for your generous gift. It means a lot to all of us to be included in receiving some of the proceeds

from the Chicken BBQ. Your donation will be used to purchase books and some furniture that is needed. Thank you so much for your generous support of The Learning Garden. Respectfully, Tracie Fielding, Director ~ The Learning Garden


Income 259,257.81 30,946.69

Expenses (216,218.99) (26,846.52)

NET 43,038.82 4,100.17


Income 47,473.36 3,151.95

Expense (61,084.23) (9,000.08)

NET (13,610.87) (5,848.13)



October 4, 2016

Group Time Study Leader Hostess

FAITH 9:00 a.m. Beverly Bruns Kathie Fehner

GRACE 9:00 a.m. Linda Hurta Luellen Smiley

JOY 2:30 p.m. Ann Adix Meeting Room


Everyone is invited to join together for

Fun Games


Food & Fellowship

St. Paul’s 2nd Annual Fall Festival

October 30, 2016 in the Fellowship Hall following the Worship Service

Lunch will be provided and on the menu will be:

Pork Loin, Potatoes, Stuffed Cabbage, Green Beans & Rolls.

(Desserts will be welcomed)

Needed are baked goods for the cake walk & volunteers to help

with the games and clean up following the event.

(Sign-up sheets will be available)

We look forward to seeing you all there at this event.


Do you have a child in grade K-2nd? If so,

please plan to join them during the Sunday

School hour each week during the month of

October. Each of your children will be excited

to have a parent by their side while encountering

heroes and villains like Gideon, Samson, Ruth,

Samuel, Saul, David, and Goliath! Join them in singing; join them

in their adventure through the Bible! They will look forward to

seeing you in Sunday School!

The NALC's Holy Families! Initiative is coming in 2017! In honor

of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation (1517 AD - 2017 AD),

Sola Publishing, through a generous grant from the Thrivent

Foundation, is producing numerous resources for families and

congregations to use as discipleship tools. Daily family prayer

resources, parent pages, and family faith formation materials are

available at (You read that right. DOT

co, NOT com.) Sola Publishing will also offer parents'

video/discussion series and Reformation Bible studies on Martin

and Katie Luther's family. More adult Bible studies, dramas, youth

resources, and materials for children will become available

throughout the year as a way to equip us to live as Holy

Families! Join the celebration!

Find ways to encourage discussion and extend

what's been learned during each week's Sunday

School lesson by visiting:


May God richly bless your families with Holy Lives!


To the Staff, and Parishioners of St Paul

Lutheran Church

We want to take this opportunity to thank you

for inviting us to your church and allowing us

to display the hand carved Olive Wood

carvings from the Holy Land.

We really enjoyed being there and hope you and your members

enjoyed having us. Again we want to thank you and your people for

your kind hospitality and continued support. We look forward to

seeing you again in the future.

Faithfully, Mr. Rida Rishmawi

Tony Abuaita

Bethlehem Christian Families

8729 Deepwood Ln.

Fort Worth, TX 76123

Phone: 817-361-9636

P.S. Here is the Testimony of the pastor from a recent Pilgrimage.

Thank you for being such wonderful hosts

Please Join us on a life changing Pilgrimage to the Holy Land visit us at:

He’s Everywhere

A mother asked her little boy to please get the broom from the back

porch. “But it’s dark out there!” he protested.

“Don’t be scared,” Mom said. “Jesus is out there. He’ll take care of

you.” When the child looked skeptical, his mother continued, “Jesus

is everywhere. You’ll be safe.”

After a moment, the boy went to the back door and cracked it open.

Peering into the dark, he called, “Jesus, if you’re out there, will you

please hand me the broom?”


None of us lives for oneself, and no

one dies for oneself. For if we live,

we live for the Lord, and if we die,

we die for the Lord; so then, whether

we live or die, we are the Lord's. -

Romans 14:7-8

One of the greatest acts of stewardship an individual can make is

establishing an estate plan. Everyone should have an estate plan

comprising either a will or a trust. A will is a legal document that

allows you to control how your assets are distributed after your

lifetime. Without a will, the probate court will decide who acquires

your assets upon your death. Typically, the court will divide your

assets between your surviving spouse and children, or your blood

relatives. The court will not provide for any charitable contributions

you may have intended.

A trust allows you to control how your assets are distributed both

during and after your lifetime. Establishing a trust requires that you

transfer ownership of your assets to the name of the trust. Since the

trust owns the assets, there is nothing for the courts to control when

you die. This is beneficial since, unlike a will, you avoid all the

costs, delays and publicity of the probate process.

Most importantly, an estate plan allows you to determine how

and to whom the gifts God has bestowed on you will be distributed

when you can no longer serve as your own steward.

If you are planning on giving to a charity, please consider St.

Paul Lutheran Church as part of your estate plan. A gift to the

church or the church endowment fund is a wonderful way to thank

God for all the gifts he has bestowed upon you to be a good steward

with. For questions about wills or trusts, contact an estate planning




Enjoy the fun & fellowship of being members of

the Lord’s family by joining with members of St.

Paul in coming events this year. Sharing a meal

with other Christians gives nourishment to the

soul as well as the body.

Christian Life Fellowship Events

Please make plans to join us in the following

upcoming events.

Date Event Food

Oct 30th Reformation Sunday

(Fall Festival)

Roasted Pork Tenderloin,

Stuffed Cabbage, Cheesy

Potatoes, Green Beans &


(Please bring a Dessert)

Nov. 13th



Pot Luck

**Bring Your favorite

Item to Share***

Dec. 11th Christmas Program Catered Meal

Dec. 18th Christmas Caroling Soup, corn bread & hot


Please post on your refrigerator.

** times when we would like for you to bring an item***


OCTOBER 2016- Seasons of Wholeness Message “…the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the

nations.” Revelation 22:2

Medications are used to maintain a certain

level of health, prevent an illness, or cure a physical

condition. For example when your doctor orders a

drug for blood pressure or diabetes, a specific level of

that drug needs to be in your system to attain the desired outcome.

Therefore in order to reap the most benefit, it is important to

understand why you need the medication, how to take it, how to

store it, and what to expect from it.

“…give her medicine. Perhaps she can be healed.” Jeremiah


Understand the medications that are prescribed for you. It is very

import to know why your doctor has prescribed them and how they

are supposed to improve your health. Ask the doctor when you

should take them, what side affects you might experience, what you

should do if you miss a dose, and how long the course of mediation

should last. According to the World Health Organization only

around 50% of people typically follow their doctor’s orders when it

comes to taking prescription drugs—and the rates are lower for

certain medical conditions. Only 43% of patients take their

medicine as prescribed to treat acute asthma. Between 40%-70%

follow the doctor’s orders for depression medication. Just 51% of

patients take the prescribed doses of high blood pressure medicine.

Remembering to take your medicine is the key to compliance.

Medicines will be effective only when taken as prescribed by your


“Today I have given you the choice between life and death,

between blessings and curses.” Deuteronomy 30:19

When taking mediations do not be afraid to ask questions because

the more you know, the more compliant you will be with your

treatment. Please be sure to inform your physicians of any over-the

–counter or herbal supplements that you are taking. These non-

prescription items may be helpful but can change the effectiveness

of many medications because of the way they interact. They can


cause excessive medication levels, block medication absorption, and

in the case of aspirin, will interfere with the body’s ability to clot.

For example, Coumadin, Prozac, Verapamil, and some anti-

inflammatory drugs are affected by supplements, vitamins, or herbal

preparations and teas. Without full disclosure, you may not be

receiving the correct medication for your condition and could even

be harming your health. So in order to receive the most benefit,

inform your doctor of everything that you are taking.

“…a time to keep and a time to throw away.” Ecclesiastes 3:6

Most everyone at some point has medication in their cupboard that

they no longer take or which is expired. Proper disposal is important

to ensure that no one takes the medication unintentionally or

illegally and to protect the environment. One way is to take the

medication and mix with kitty litter or sawdust (or any material that

absorbs the dissolved medication and makes it less appealing for

pets or children to eat). Then place in a sealed plastic bag before

tossing in the trash. Remove and destroy ALL identifying personal

information (prescription label) from the container of the medicine.

Talk to your pharmacist as they are medication experts on the team

of health, and are available to guide you on how to properly dispose

of unused medications. Following these simple steps can help

protect your family and community, minimize a potential negative

impact on the environment, and prevent the illegal diversion of


Recent environmental impact studies report that this could be having

adverse impact on the environment. Talk with your pharmacist.

Lastly, check with your local sheriff’s office for their community

drug “take back” program that centrally gathers medication for

safe disposal. These methods prevent our water supply from being


“You heard their cries for help and saved them. They put their

trust in you and were never disappointed. Psalm 22:5

Generic medications can provide great savings but are they as

effective as the brand name meds? According to the Food and Drug

Administration, before generics can be sold, they must go through a

rigorous examination in order to show they are as effective as their


brand name counterparts. This includes proof that the product

provides the same amount of active ingredient in the same

timeframe as the brand name med; though it must be different in

shape, color, and other characteristics that do not impact the drug’s

effectiveness. Since the generic has not research or development

costs, the company can provide it at a much lower price. Next time

you receive a prescription, ask your doctor whether a generic is

available for substitution and if it would work for you.

Medications are to be helpful nor hurtful. Learn as much as you can

to get the greatest benefit from them.


Your Wesley Nurse

Kathy Frels, BSNRN Reference:

Merila, N & Slutz (2009) Seasons of Wholeness Monthly themes and programming for faith

community ministry. Volume VI International Parish Nurse Resource Center; St. Louis MO.


As they were united in marriage September 24, 2016




Sunday, October 2, 2016 – 20th Sunday after Pentecost

Opening Hymn: “The Church of Christ, in Every Age” LBW #433

First Lesson: Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4

Psalm: Psalm 37:1-9

Second Lesson: 1 Timothy 1:1-14

Gospel: Luke 17:5-10

Hymn of the Day: “My Faith Looks Up to Thee” LBW #479

Communion Hymns: (1)“Praise and Thanksgiving” #409 (2)

“You are the Way” #464 (3) “If You But Trust in god to Guide

You” #453

Closing Hymn: “Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow” LBW


Sunday, October 9, 2016 – 21st Sunday after Pentecost

Gathering Hymn: “When Morning Gilds the Skies” LBW #546

Hymn: “Come, Thou Almighty King” LBW #522

First Lesson: 2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c

Psalm: Psalm 111

Second Lesson: 2 Timothy 2:8-15

Gospel: Luke 17:11-19

Hymn of the Day: “O Master, Let Me Walk with You” LBW #492

Closing Hymn: “Oh, For A Thousand Tongues to Sing” LBW #559

Sunday, October 16, 2016 – 22nd Sunday after Pentecost Opening Hymn: “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less” LBW #294

First Lesson: Genesis 32:22-31

Psalm: Psalm 121

Second Lesson: 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5

Gospel: Luke 18:1-8

Hymn of the Day: “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” LBW #320

Communion Hymns: (1) “Just As I Am” #296 (2) “Jesus, the Very

Thought of You” #316 (3) “Let us Break Bread Together” #212

Closing Hymn: “Abide with Me” LBW #272


Sunday, October 23, 2016 – 23rd Sunday after Pentecost

Gathering Hymn: “Guide Me Ever Great Redeemer” LBW #343

Hymn: “Amazing Grace” LBW #448

First Lesson: Jerimiah 14:7-10, 19-22

Psalm: Psalm 84:1-7

Second Lesson: 2 Timothy 4:6-9, 16-18

Gospel: Luke 18:9-14

Hymn of the Day: “I Love to Tell the Story” LBW #390

Closing Hymn: “How Great Thou Art” LBW #532

Sunday, October 30, 2016 – Reformation Sunday

Opening Hymn: “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” LBW #229

First Lesson: Jerimiah 31:31-34

Psalm: Psalm 46

Second Lesson: Romans 3:19-28

Gospel: John 8:31-36

Hymn of the Day: “Rock of Ages” LBW #327

Communion Hymns: (1) “Oh, that the Lord Would Guide My

Ways” #480 (2) “O Living Bread from Heaven” #197 (3) “I Lay

My Sins on Jesus” #305

Closing Hymn: “Beautiful Savior” LBW #518

In memory of Megan Noelle Gohlke – Building,

Allen Joyce Baker Glen & Judy Henze

In memory of Inez Hahn – Building, Ralph & Dianne Balko

In memory of Eddie Heldt – Building, Beth K Sievers

In memory of Lucille & Dalton Hoefling – Building

Ava & Al Spell and Ellen Bargmann

In memory of Bobby Maschalek – Building, Helen Breed

In memory of G.G. Mueller – C.E.M., Alvin & Mallie Stanchos

In memory of Joe Schwab – Building, Lorene Koopmann

In memory of William & Lillie Urban – Building

Ava & Al Spell and Ellen Bargmann

*Gifts in memory and in honor of are as of September 22, 2016





















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