Page 1: St. Paul Catholic Center...resume meetings every Tuesday evening on Sept. 24 from 7:15-8:30pm downstairs in the Stephens Room. All are welcome! Bring your bible or borrow one of ours!

St. Paul Catholic Center

The Newman Center at

Indiana University

September 8, 2019 • 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

1413 E. 17th Street Bloomington IN 47408 Office Hours Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-4:30pm (Closed from 1-2pm) Friday-Saturday: Closed Sunday: 8am-1pm Phone: (812) 339-5561

Weekend Mass Times

• Saturday 4:30pm (No Mass or confession when IU Home Football Game)

• Korean Mass at 6pm on the 1st & 3rd Saturday

Sunday • 8:30am, 10:30am, 5:30pm

& 9pm • Misa en Español 12:30pm Daily Mass

• Mon.– Saturday 12 15pm • Mon., Wed., Fri. 5:30pm • Tues., Thurs. 9pm Reconciliation

• Mon. –Thurs. 45 minutes before Mass

• Saturday & Sunday, 30 minutes before Mass

Celebrating Our 50th Year ~1969-2019

Page 2: St. Paul Catholic Center...resume meetings every Tuesday evening on Sept. 24 from 7:15-8:30pm downstairs in the Stephens Room. All are welcome! Bring your bible or borrow one of ours!

September 8, 2019 2

A Note from Fr. Patrick

Parish Conversations One of the challenges of working in such a diverse parish is unity. There are so many good things we can do in small groups or on our own, but, for us as a community, we should endeavor to walk and work together. If we aren’t moving and working together, we can get in each other’s way. If we are pulling together, there is no limit to what we can do. This vital unity ensures the opportunity for all to flourish and to grow into a missionary disciple of Jesus Christ. Moreover, it puts the good of the individual in the service of the community. Jesus himself shows us this in his life, death, and resurrection. The creator of the universe lowering himself to serve so as to draw all to himself totally.

The example of Jesus should also remind us the proclamation of the Gospel and the building up of the Kingdom impels us to put service ahead of being served, to put the highest good (often the difficult good) ahead of the lower, easier good. If we come, we must put all of our chips on the table, we must trust each other, and, most of all, we must put our faith in the Holy Spirit and the Church.

As we endeavor to walk forward together, I want to invite everyone in our community to a series of conversations on the ministry of St. Paul Catholic Center on September 30, October 28, and December 2 from 7:00-9:00 pm.

Though we are still working out the exact format of these conversations, these conversations will be a chance for resident and student parishioners to share their hopes and dreams for our ministry, to listen to each other, and to start conversations which will, God willing, lead us forward together. A Dominican Ministry

This summer we friars took a few days to discuss what it means for us to be Dominicans working in a diocesan-model parish. Honestly, this is a big challenge for us. On the one hand, Dominican life calls us to prayer, community, study, and ministry. On the other hand, parish and campus ministry can be all-consuming.

During our time away, we reflected upon St. Thomas Aquinas’ motto for the Order: contemplata aliis tradere (“to give to others what has been contemplated”). As friars, this means we see ministry and preaching as the fruit of an intentional life of prayer, study, and community. As a result, we have made a commitment to live our Dominican regular life more intentionally in the trust it will lead to more fruitful ministry.

For us Dominicans, this means a greater commitment to common prayer, prioritizing community meals and recreation, and greater dedication to silence and sacred study.

There are two slight changes we have made in response. First, the parish offices will be closed for lunch Monday through Thursday from 1-2 pm so that we all have a common lunch hour. Second, all of the priests will take Friday as their day off to coincide with the parish offices being closed.

Faithfully your brother in Christ, Fr. Patrick Hyde, OP

New Procedure for our Gluten-Intolerant Parishioners Starting on the weekend of September 21-22, you will no longer have to get your low-gluten hosts out of the refrigerator. During communion, simply go to the main celebrant, who will have a pyx with consecrated low gluten hosts attached to the regular ciborium. The celebrant will use his left hand to give you communion, to avoid cross-contamination with the regular hosts. If you have any questions about the new procedure, please contact Fr. Reginald: [email protected]

Page 3: St. Paul Catholic Center...resume meetings every Tuesday evening on Sept. 24 from 7:15-8:30pm downstairs in the Stephens Room. All are welcome! Bring your bible or borrow one of ours!


Mass Times and Intentions

Weekend Masses September 7-8

Saturday 4:30pm IU FOOTBALL—NO MASS

Sunday 8:30am Ramona & Raymond Shiffer 10:30am Johnny Popp (Spanish) 12:30pm 5:30pm Adam Eades 9:00pm St. Paul Parishioners

Weekday Masses September 9-14

Monday 12:15pm Brittany & Family 5:30pm Bobbi Pungatore

Tuesday 12:15pm Pat Babcock 9:00pm St. Paul Parishioners

Wednesday 12:15pm Thomas Politza & Special Intention for Roman Politza 5:30pm Raymond Francis Bouver

Thursday 12:15pm Pat Babcock 9:00pm St. Paul Parishioners

Friday 12:15pm St. Paul Parishioners 5:30pm Peggy Miller

Saturday 12:15pm IU FOOTBALL—NO MASS

Weekend Masses September 14-15

Saturday 4:30pm IU FOOTBALL—NO MASS

Sunday 8:30am St. Paul Parishioners 10:30am Young-Ja Park (Spanish) 12:30pm 5:30pm Harry V. Klein 9:00pm

Weekday Masses September 16-21

Monday 12:15pm St, Paul Parishioners 5:30pm Hue Nguyen

Tuesday 12:15pm Raymond Francis Bouvier 9:00pm St. Paul Parishioners

Wednesday 12:15pm St. Paul Parishioners 5:30pm Rosalie Cuffari

Thursday 12:15pm Steven Montgomery 9:00pm St. Paul Parishioners

Friday 12:15pm St. Paul Parishioners 5:30pm John Waitinas

Saturday 12:15pm IU FOOTBALL—NO MASS

September 8, 2019

Worship Prayers for the Sick of Our Parish

Names of the sick will be listed for four weeks at a time. If you wish for a name to remain on the list longer, please contact the parish office at 812-339-5561 or [email protected]

Grace DeVeau, Kathryn Faith Marszalek, Bob Wilmoth, Ed Jenkinson, Rachael Tamaran, Jana Gilbertson, Janet Richart, The Stone family, Jerome Dorsey, Tracey Neumann, Zach Simon, Jacqueline Danner, Ok-Kyu Park, Dick Lubbenhusen, Ed Dolan, Jeannie Bower, Jim Johnson, Lacy Lenahan, Al Diamond, Fatima Enari, Dave Perney, Kate Suarez, Dietlinde Hassel, John Thomas, Mary Gajewski, Kimberly East, Jeffrey Riesmeyer, Emily Bloksum, Brian Dougherty, Juliana Brody, Tori King, Jean Wagner, Debbie Colvard, Pat Babcock.

Pray for them, and for all who are elderly, infirm, and homebound.

Please use the candles provided by St. Paul ONLY. Store bought or homemade candles create a serious fire hazard. Thank you.

Becoming Catholic Learn More This Weekend!

Are you—or someone you know—interested in learning more about our Catholic faith?

Visit our “Becoming Catholic/RCIA” infor-mation table after all Masses this Sunday! Learn more about our Becoming Catholic/Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process here at St. Paul.

We help people experience the beauty, truth and goodness of our Catholic faith!

Our weekly Becoming Catholic/RCIA “no obliga-tion” class sessions are held each Wednesday when IU is in session from 7-8:15pm in the North and South meeting rooms downstairs. Our first session starts this Wednesday, September 11!

Our Becoming Catholic/RCIA process is for those not baptized, or baptized in a non-Catholic Christian tradition. It’s also for those who were baptized Catholic but have not yet received Confirmation and First Communion.

Simply put, our Becoming Catholic/RCIA sessions offer a place to ask questions, seek understanding, and explore Catholic spirituality in community, deepening our relationship with Jesus Christ.

To learn more or sign up, stop by our information table, contact us through at [email protected], or visit the “Becoming Catholic” web page on our parish website,

Page 4: St. Paul Catholic Center...resume meetings every Tuesday evening on Sept. 24 from 7:15-8:30pm downstairs in the Stephens Room. All are welcome! Bring your bible or borrow one of ours!

September 8, 2019 4

Parish News

This Coming Week

Monday, September 9

• St. Paul’s Shawls, 6-8pm, Stephens Room

• Grad Students/Young Adults, 7-9pm, S. Meeting Room Tuesday, September 10 Wednesday, September 11

• RCIA Class, 7-8:30pm, N. & S. Meeting Rooms Thursday, September 12

• Women’s Prayer Group, 9:30-11:30am, N. Mtg. Room Friday, September 13 Saturday, September 14—Home Football Game. No Mass Sunday, September 15

• Boy Scout Popcorn Sales, following Masses, Gathering Space

• Faith Formation Classes, 9:30-10:30am, Downstairs

• Children’s Liturgy of the Word, during 10:30am Mass, Downstairs

• Student Supper, following 5:30pm Mass, Higgins Hall

Bible Study

Adult Bible Study is taking a little break but will resume meetings every Tuesday evening on Sept. 24 from 7:15-8:30pm downstairs in the Stephens Room. All are welcome! Bring your bible or borrow one of ours!

Women’s Bible Study

Ladies of the parish are invited to attend our weekly Women’s Bible Study. We meet every Thursday downstairs in the North Meeting Room.

9:30am: Conversation and Fellowship 10am: Bible Study Lesson 11:30am: Conclude with prayer

We are beginning the study of Luke using the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible series. All are welcome!

Teen Spirituality & Confirmation Information Sunday, Sept. 22, 4-5:15pm

The Confirmation Parent/Student session is open to ALL PARENTS. Themes and suggestions for encouraging the spirituality of a teen-ager will be shared. The information can be helpful for all parents of teens regardless of your role in St. Paul’s Confirmation process. We will meet downstairs in the North and South Meeting Rooms.

The session will be directed to the parents, but teens are more than welcome. Please contact Bridget McIntyre, [email protected], with any questions.

St. Paul Choir CABARET

Friday, Sept. 20 at 7pm! Save the Date!!

Join us we wrap up our 50th Anniversary with a series of celebrations! On Saturday, November 9, please join us for the 4:30pm Mass which will be said for all parishioners, past and present, then come on downstairs for a pitch in dinner. Please bring your favorite dish to share! Wednesday, November 13, plan to come to church at 7pm to hear internationally known Catholic Speaker Chris Stefanick “ReBoot” our faith! Reception follows. On Sunday, November 17 we’ll wrap thing up with a 10am Mass (note the time! No 8:30, 10:30 or 12:30 Masses that day) and a FREE PANCAKE BRUNCH downstairs!

Page 5: St. Paul Catholic Center...resume meetings every Tuesday evening on Sept. 24 from 7:15-8:30pm downstairs in the Stephens Room. All are welcome! Bring your bible or borrow one of ours!

5 September 8, 2019

St. Paul welcomes you! Thank you for trusting our community for the faith formation of your children and teens. Whatever stage of parenting that you might be experiencing, know that you are supported and respected. Your act of faith to “show up” and then to grow deeper into your relationship with Christ with your family is an example of faith for our whole St. Paul community. Thank you!

Religious Education for Children

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children, 3 – 7 years, are invited to experience the Sunday gospel in a developmentally appropriate way. Sundays during 10:30 Mass.

Faith Formation with Families

Families with children in Kindergarten to 8th grade meet every other Sunday to share conversation about the Sun-day readings, applicable church teachings, and prayer together in small groups. Most 2nd & 4th Sundays from 9:30 – 10:30 am. Continental breakfast provided.

Faith Formation with Catechists Children in Kindergarten to 8th grade meet every other Sunday in classes by grade level with volunteer cate-chists. Children learn the Sunday readings, applicable church teachings, and build community through activities and prayer. Most 1st & 3rd Sundays from 9:3010:25 am.

Religious Education for Teens

Confirmation Preparation 9th and 10th grade students gather once a month for sessions over a two-year period. Preparation includes an an-nual retreat, small group theological reflection, regular volunteer experiences and relationship with a sponsor. Sundays, 4:00 – 5:15 pm.

Teen Spirituality and Confirmation Information

All parents of teens are welcome to gain insight and tools to best support the spiritual development of your teen. This will also serve as the information for Confirmation. Sunday, September 22nd, 4:00 – 5:15 pm

Families in Service

Afternoons at Jill’s House Families plan a thematic experience for residents at Jill’s House that will include story, crafts, song, cooking, or other creative expressions that foster community. Sundays, October 20, November 17, and December 15.

Serve at Sunday Supper Families prepare and serve Sunday Supper for IU students. November 10th and February 8th, 3 – 8 pm (hour


Family Events Coming Up

Reboot, Wednesday, November 13 @ 7 pm

Advent Feast, Sunday, December 1 @ 11:30 – 1:30 pm

Christmas Pageant & Children’s Choir, December 24 @ 5:30 Mass

Please contact Bridget McIntyre with any questions, concerns or affirmations. Her door is always open for longer conversations about parenting and faith develop-ment ment for families. 812-339-5561 x 222 [email protected].


Page 6: St. Paul Catholic Center...resume meetings every Tuesday evening on Sept. 24 from 7:15-8:30pm downstairs in the Stephens Room. All are welcome! Bring your bible or borrow one of ours!

September 8, 2019 6

Pastoral Staff all emails are Administrator/Director of Campus Ministry, Fr. Patrick Hyde, O.P.….……......................…..……...pastor

Assoc. Pastor, Fr. Reginald Wolford, O.P...…......frreginald

Assoc. Pastor, Fr. Dennis Woerter, O.P.................frdennis

Senior Priest in Residence, Fr. Justus Pokrzewinski, O.P.

Deacon, Ron Reimer...........................................deaconron

Administrator of Religious Education, Bridget McIntyre....................................................bmcintyre

Music Ministry, Tim Gregson.................................tgregson

Resource Staff all emails are

Secretary/Bulletin Editor, Valli Youngs…………...vyoungs

Development/Stewardship Director, Tara Doyon……………………………………………....tdoyon

Business Office Manager, Mark Wozniak...........mwozniak

Office Assistant, Mary Reilly.........………..………….mreilly

Building Manager, Lee Chapman........................lchapman

Sacristan/Housekeeping, Jennifer Pipher................jpipher FOCUS Missionaries email

Team Director, Gabe McHaffie...................gabriel.mchaffie

Outreach Ministry Marianne Warthan & Deacon Ron Reimer

Parish/Community News

Parking Woes No More!

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of IU, we have been granted permission to use the new parking lot across the street from St. Paul for Sunday Mass parking! Please remember; this is for Sunday ONLY, and we are NEVER permitted to park in the IUPD parking lot.

Skate Party Sept. 21

Strap on a pair or skates for good exercise for a good cause!

Head to Western Skateland Sat-urday, Sept. 21 from 9-11:30pm and skate to support the Catholic Charities Bloomington Mental Health Scholarship Fund!

DJ, Photo Booth, and Food by BBQ Soul!

$6 entry fee and $2 for skate rental!

Western Skateland is located at 930 West 17th St. in Bloomington.

From Death to New Life

Please pray for the repose of the soul of

James Smith

Brother of Carl Smith, Parishioner

Recent Baptisms

Olivia Marshall

Dylan Gallegos Pineda

Welcome, Olivia and Dylan, and God bless your families

Page 7: St. Paul Catholic Center...resume meetings every Tuesday evening on Sept. 24 from 7:15-8:30pm downstairs in the Stephens Room. All are welcome! Bring your bible or borrow one of ours!


Forming Disciples Spreading the Gospel Building Community

• The Montreal Expos become the first baseball team to be established outside of the United

States. • Richard Nixon becomes President of the United States. • Woodstock attracts more than 350,000 rock n roll fans. • The Beatles perform together for the last time on the roof of Apple Records. • Seiko sells the first quartz watch. • The very first U.S. troop withdrawals are made from Vietnam. • St. Paul Catholic Center is dedicated on January 12, 1969

ORDER OF THE MASS Sunday, September 8, 2019

Gathering Hymn Gather #839 | “As We Gather At Your Table” Gloria Gather #230 Psalm from Psalm 68 Gospel Acclamation Gather #231 Preparation Hymn Gather #801 | “Take Up Your Cross” Eucharistic Acclamations Gather #233, 236, 237, 238 Communion Hymn Gather #782 | “Only This I Want” Sending Hymn Gather #881 | “Lift High the Cross”

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