
St Michael and All Angels Catholic Church 437, Dunsbury Way, Leigh Park, Havant, Hampshire, PO9 5BD, 023 9248 4323

Portsmouth Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust Registered Charity No 246871 Fáilte! Bienvenue! Witajcie! Merhba! Mabuhay! Bienvenidos! Benvenuto! Croeso! Welcome to all!

The Scriptures for 26th May 2019, the Sixth Sunday of Easter: the gift of peace The Proper for the Sixth Sunday of Easter is on pages 273-276 of the Parish Mass Book.

Prayer of the Church: Week 2

A big issue for the early Church was how much of the Law and traditions of Moses should be imposed on Gentile converts. This reading tells us how the problem was solved. (Acts 15:1-2.22-29)

We are given a majestic picture of the new Jerusalem, the heavenly Church of the future, when God’s kingdom will come in all its glory. (Revelation 21:10-14.22-23)

We hear another part of Jesus’ farewell discourse at the Last Supper. It is dominated by the thought of his imminent departure. (John 14:23-29)

The Ascension of the Lord, Giotto di Bondone, 1266-1337

This Thursday we celebrate the solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, a Holyday of Obligation. Mass will be at 6.30 pm.

Ordination dates for your diaries On Saturday 20th July at 11 am in St John’s Cathedral Bishop Philip Egan will ordain to the Sacred

Priesthood Deacons Mohanraj Edward and Johnpromise Umeozuru. Both of these good men are well known in our own Parish from their various visits and both would be very glad to have you celebrate

the occasion with them. On the next day, Sunday 21st July at 2 pm, also at our Cathedral, Bishop Philip ordains our own Nick O’ Neill, Larry Murawski and others to the permanent diaconate.

Tea & Chat Group meet Thursday 30th May at 2 pm. All welcome. (Money for Ladywell retreat please.)

Our Diocesan Vocation Seeker Group meets monthly, on the First Friday at Sacred Heart Church, Fareham, 7 – 9 pm, for food, prayer,

reflection & friendship. For information: [email protected]

Saturday 25th May, St Bede the Venerable 6 pm Vigil Mass for the intentions of the people

26th May, Sixth Sunday of Easter 10 am Mass Joseph Brian Devereux RIP

Monday 27th May, St Augustine of Canterbury 10 am Mass Jan and Jana’s intentions

Tuesday 28th May, 6th Week of Easter 10 am Mass for vocations to the priesthood

Wednesday 29th May, 6th Week of Easter Canon Gerard is on Diocesan Training today. 10.30 am Exposition until 3.30 pm

Thursday 30th May, The Ascension of the Lord Holyday of Obligation 6.30 pm Mass for the intentions of the Parish

Friday 31st May, Visitation of Mary 6.30 pm Mass for the intentions of Nicola O’Neill 7 pm Prayer Vigil for Nicola

Saturday 1st June, St Justin 10 am Malankara Rite Mass 5 pm Reconciliation 6 pm Mass Nicola O’Neill on her birthday

Sunday 2nd June, Seventh Sunday of Easter 10 am Mass George & Zoyah Riley’s intentions

Welcome: Fr Franco Mastromauro Mccj, a Comboni Missionary preaches at our Masses this weekend and appeals for the missions. Next weekend Canons Jeremy and Gerard ‘swap’ pulpits.

Please pray for Paul Chong and all who are sick or in particular need.

Alpha in the afternoons Our meetings are taking a short break, resuming on Wednesday 5th June.

Confirmation 2020 A Confirmation preparation course based on the Youth Alpha programme for all the Pastoral Area Parishes begins in October. Anyone wishing to celebrate the Sacrament next year is invited to apply. If you are 13 years or older or entering Year 9 or above this September please apply personally to Canon Gerard by hand-written letter before 30th August, explaining why Confirmation is important to you. Sessions begin on Friday 18th October, continuing weekly on Friday evenings at least until Easter, school holidays excepted. The Confirmation date is yet to be set. We will let you know when we can.

St Thomas More School Summer Fair Saturday 22nd June 12 noon – 3 pm

Prayer Vigil for Nicola: please help us pray! Next Friday, 31st May, at 7 pm, we will pray before

the Blessed Sacrament for an hour for Nicola O’Neill, who is very unwell just now. It happens to be the

vigil of Nicola’s birthday! Please come along to pray for her and for her family and for those who are

working for Nicola’s healing.

Praying with others Clare Simpson, of the Diocesan Healing Advisory Group, writes for all those involved with prayer ministry in any way: Our wish is that everyone who currently prays with another needs to go on our short training course to be able to continue in this ministry. We have organised two initial dates: Friday 14th June 10.30 am – 3 pm, at St. Bede’s Basingstoke & Saturday 22nd June 2 pm - 6.30 pm at St. Peter’s Winchester. Please book: [email protected] If you cannot attend either date please email: [email protected] and Clare can organise more training in the Autumn.

Safeguarding Local Training Calendar

Saturday 8th June Vulnerable Adult awareness 10 am – 12.30 pm St Philip Howard Church Hall, Bishopsfield Road,

Fareham PO14 1ND

Child Protection awareness 1.30 – 4 pm St Philip Howard Church Hall, Bishopsfield Road,

Fareham PO14 1ND

To book a place please email or call Soraya Ciccarone, [email protected]

023 92 816396 / 023 92 836511

Cutters Cookies are very grateful that you helped them sell out last Sunday. They raised £48 for Faith in Football, helping Goanese orphans.

Parish Priest Canon Gerard Flynn, The Presbytery, 83, Bramdean

Drive, Leigh Park, Hants, PO9 4RR [email protected]

Leadership Team Chris Bates, Denise Dalaba, Ellen McCarthy, Nick

O’Neill, Ben Sadler, Canon Gerard

Parish Secretary Ellen McCarthy [email protected]


Safeguarding Team Judy Stringer, Janet Ménage, Jo Cannell, Kath Sadler,

Jennie Larkin 023 9241 0052

Lectio Divina 7.30 pm Wednesdays Jan Salvesen-Sawh, 0784 656 3935

Seven Stanzas at Easter John Updike Make no mistake: if he rose at all It was as His body; If the cell’s dissolution did not reverse, the molecule reknit, The amino acids rekindle, The Church will fall. It was not as the flowers, Each soft spring recurrent; It was not as His Spirit in the mouths and fuddled eyes of the Eleven apostles; It was as His flesh; ours. The same hinged thumbs and toes The same valved heart That-pierced-died, withered, paused, and then regathered Out of enduring Might New strength to enclose. Let us not mock God with metaphor, Analogy, sidestepping, transcendence, Making of the event a parable, a sign painted in the faded Credulity of earlier ages: Let us walk through the door. The stone is rolled back, not papier-mâché, Not a stone in a story, But the vast rock of materiality that in the slow grinding of Time will eclipse for each of us The wide light of day. And if we have an angel at the tomb, Make it a real angel, Weighty with Max Planck’s quanta, vivid with hair, opaque in The dawn light, robed in real linen Spun on a definite loom. Let us not seek to make it less monstrous, For our own convenience, our own sense of beauty, Lest, awakened in one unthinkable hour, we are embarrassed By the miracle, And crushed by remonstrance. Canon Gerard quoted this poem in last Sunday’s homily. It takes a while to give of its riches so if you have time to read it aloud a few times please be assured that it is wonderful Easter reflection.

Flores de Mayo 2019

It was a real joy to celebrate for the first time at St

Michael’s a traditional Filipino devotion last Sunday. We welcomed guests from Portsmouth and Southampton, as well as many of our own

parishioners, both Filipino and from other lands too. The prayer and procession were followed by a great party and it was immediately decided that we hope

to do this again next May!


A May Prayer to Mary O blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our most gentle Queen and Mother, look down in mercy upon England thy Dowry and upon us all who greatly hope

and trust in thee. By thee it was that Jesus our Saviour and our hope was given unto the world; and

He has given thee to us that we might hope still more. Plead for us thy children, whom thou didst

receive and accept at the foot of the Cross, O sorrowful Mother. Intercede for our separated

brethren, that with us in the one true fold they may be united to the supreme Shepherd, the Vicar of thy

Son. Pray for us all, dear Mother, that by faith fruitful in good works we may all deserve to see and praise

God, together with thee, in our heavenly home. Amen.

Mass in the Malankara Rite will be celebrated here on Saturday 1st June by Fr Thomas Madukumootil. Everyone is welcome. The Malankara Catholic Church is of the oriental Catholic rite, based in Kerala, India, belonging to Antiochian liturgical family formed by the reunion movement with the Universal Catholic Church by the Malankara Orthodox bishop Mar Ivanios in 1930. The Church is in full communion with the Pope and the worldwide Catholic Church. It consists of about half million faithful all across India and different parts of the world. His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos is the current major Archbishop. St John’s Syro Malankara Catholic mission celebrates the Holy Liturgy every first Saturday of the month for the Malankara Catholic faithful living around


Pentecost Sunday, 9th June, Tongues of Flame! Celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit, on a day when one group of our children make their First Holy Communion and a new member of the Church is received into full Communion, you are invited to come to Mass in your national dress and use your native language to write and say bidding prayers and to pray the Lord’s Prayer. Please do join in to give us a sense of the truly Universal Church! Please let Canon Gerard know if you are able to be part of this.

Baptised and Sent:

The Church of Christ on Mission in the World

is the theme chosen by Pope Francis for the

Extraordinary Mission Month. Fr Kevin Hughes MHM

of Red Box fame will give a presentation about Pope

Francis’ initiative on Tuesday 18th June at 7.30 pm in

the St. Colman’s Parish Hall, St Colman’s Avenue,

Portsmouth PO6 2JJ All are welcome. 023 92376151

[email protected]

Don Bosco Camp Fr Mark Hogan leads a camp for secondary school age boys at St. Cassian’s, Kintbury, from Sunday 28th July to Saturday 3rd August. There are sport, outings, competitions and fun & games ensuring that boys have a fantastic time! This is within the context of the celebration of the Catholic Faith, including daily Mass and morning prayer. The cost is £210 (part bursaries may be available on application). To find out more please contact Angela Mulkerns on 07764 761006 or email [email protected]

A crucifix (1’4’’ high) is available for free: call Martin on 023 92476012.

Race Night Our thanks to Pat & Trevor Nee who organised a very happy event for us on 17th May and raised £297 for our funds. There was talk of a re-run sometime soon; it was such fun!

St Michael’s Summer Fair, Saturday 6th July at 11 am Would you be able to donate any of the following please: nearly new, toys, bottles of wine, cakes,

homemade produce, plants and prizes for the raffle?

Mass intentions If you want a Mass celebrated for a particular intention please let Canon Gerard know. Any donation for parish funds is gratefully received.

Prayer for Vocations

Loving God, you love me and you know me better than I know myself. Give me the grace to live out your call to me in this life and to rejoice with you forever in the next. We make this prayer through

Christ our Lord, Amen Please join the Diocesan Vocations Prayer Network:

Canon Gerard edits our newsletter a week in advance and welcomes items at:

[email protected]

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