Page 1: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church - · St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church ... 5:00 Nicole Catello (Pat Blinn), ... Margaret & Frank

St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church Let us build the City of God!

Our Mission:

By our loving service and works of mercy, we invite every person to know Jesus Christ, present in the Word

and the breaking of the Bread, so that all may accept his gift of salvation.

Nuestro Mission

Por nuestro servicio amoroso y las obras de

misericordia, invitamos a todos a conocer a Jesucristo, presente en la Palabra y en la fracción del pan, a fin de

que todos puedan aceptar su regalo de salvación.

Come pray with us!


Saturday: 5:00pm

Sunday: 7:00, 9:00, 10:30, Noon, & 5:00 PM

Weekdays: 7:00 & 9:00 AM* Saturday 8:00AM

*During School year Tuesday mass is at 8:45AM

Eucharistic Adoration:

Mondays 2:00 - 7:00 PM (except holidays)

First Friday 7:30 - 8:30 PM Holy Hour

Rosary: Daily after 9:00 Mass

Reconciliation: Mon, Wed, Fri: after morning mass

Sat: after 8:00 AM mass and 4:00 - 4:45 PM

St Joseph Rectory Office

45 Church Street Ronkonkoma NY 11779

588-8456 Fax 471-2569

Religious Education

35 Church Street 981-1805

Director: Mrs. Maryanne Trezza

Parish Outreach

2855 Pond Rd 981-6888

Director: Mrs. Anne Kelly

St Joseph School

25 Church Street 588-4760

Principal: Mr. Richard Kuntzler

April 24, 2016 - FifthSunday of Easter


Rev. Michael J Rieder, Pastor

Rev. Gil Lap

Rev. Belevendiram Rathinam (Fr Bala)


Dcn. Michael DeBellis Dcn. Frank Dell’Aglio

Dcn. Michael Devenney Dcn. William Dobbins

Dcn. Joseph Dougherty (retired)

Dcn. Joseph Califano (retired)

Dcn. James Altonji (retired)

Page 2: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church - · St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church ... 5:00 Nicole Catello (Pat Blinn), ... Margaret & Frank

Serving Your Sacramental Needs The Sacrament of Baptism

The Sacrament is celebrated on Sundays at 1:30 PM. Parents, please call the parish office to arrange a meeting with one of our priests or deacons to begin to make arrangements.

The Sacrament of Eucharist See front cover for mass times. If you are sick for an extended period of time or are homebound, please contact the parish office to arrange to have someone bring Communion to you.

The Sacrament of Confirmation School aged children can prepare for this Sacrament by contacting our religious Education office. Adults or older teens who have yet to be Confirmed should contact the Parish Office

The Sacrament of Reconciliation As listed on front cover or call rectory for an

appointment with one of our priests.

The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick This Sacrament is for the living. We celebrate this Sacrament each Spring and Fall for those who are chronically ill, advanced in age, or who are about to undergo surgery or hospitalization. We can arrange the Sacrament at other times by calling the Parish Office..

Emergencies: call the office to ar range a visit from a priest.

Nighttime emergencies (631) 538-7219

The Sacrament of Matrimony Bride or Groom please call the office at least six months before your desired wedding date to begin preparations for marriage. Please make contact with the parish before making other wedding day plans!

The Sacrament of Holy Orders Anyone who is feeling called to service in the church as a priest deacon or in consecrated religious life should contact the parish office to speak to one of the priests or deacons for guidance.

Interested in possibly becoming Catholic? Please contact the rectory to arrange a meeting to discuss your questions. We have regular classes to help people learn about the faith and decide if becoming Catholic is what you and God want for you right now. This whole process of inquiry and potential conversion is called RCIA—The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

We will respect your personal journey with God!

Prayer and Devotion Opportunities

Our Lady of Fatima Devotion Our Lady came to Fatima with a message from God to every man, woman and child. She promised that the whole world would be at peace, and that many souls would go to heaven if her requests were listened to and obeyed.

In response to her requests, the First Saturday of each month is devoted to Our Lady of Fatima. This devotion includes 8:00 AM mass, a novena to Our Lady of Fatima, the Rosary, and the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

All are welcome at this devotion.

Spend Some Time in Prayer Before the

Blessed Sacrament Our church opens at 6:30 AM and remains open throughout the day for anyone who wants to make a prayerful visit. Please come and have some quiet time with God in the midst of our busy (and sometimes loud) world.

We have times set aside when Our Lord, present in the Blessed Sacrament is exposed

on the altar for your prayer.

Monday Exposition and Benediction Every Monday afternoon the Blessed Sacrament is exposed from 2:00 PM until 7:00 PM. This opportunity for prayer ends with Benediction beginning at about 6:45 PM and ending at 7:00 PM

You can come at any time for any length of time to join in this quiet, reflective prayer time.

Make an appointment to spend time with Jesus!

First Friday Holy Hour Every First Friday of the month we have a Holy Hour before the exposed Blessed Sacrament. This communal prayer begins at 7:30 PM and run until 8:30 PM, closing with Benediction.

St Joseph Men’s Prayer Group We meet every Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM in the Church where we pray the Rosary.

Afterward we move to the main vestibule for coffee, donuts and fellowship.

This is a great opportunity to be strengthened in your commitment as a Catholic man just by spending time with others like you!

See you Tuesday!

Page 3: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church - · St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church ... 5:00 Nicole Catello (Pat Blinn), ... Margaret & Frank

Mass Intentions for the Week

Sunday, April 24 (Fifth Sunday of Easter)

7:00 Joseph Onufrak (Loving Wife & Family), Rafael Chiesa

(The Fischer Family)

9:00 Bella Como (St Regis Columbiettes), John Buonauto

(Michael & Koreen DeBellis), Dec’d. Mbrs. of St. Regis


10:30 Juana “Chickie” Devodier (Katherine, Dave, Elina &

Evan), Margaret M. Dellegar (The Vessa Family)

12:00 Vincent Gessner (Loving Wife), Marie Prince (Selina


5:00 Cecile Buckley (John & Valerie Cotugno), Geraldine

Ann Frank (Eileen)

Monday, April 25

7:00 Lawrence Brett (Richard & Dotti Dicciadello), Malcolm

Bernard Brown (The Marchany Family)

9:00 Franklin M. Duarte (Loving Wife), Rose Ricciardi

(Loving Family)

Tuesday, April 26

7:00 John Rieder (Maureen & Kevin Delaney), Carole Baake

(Nicole Gessner)

8:45 Faustina Sciortino (Tony & Jen Garcia & Sam & Marge

Izzo), Regina A. Borrowcough (Loving Family)

Wednesday, April 27

7:00 Gail White (John White), Christopher Day (Thomas &


9:00 Caleb DiLallo & Sylvia Vazquez (Loving Family), John

Rieder (Mary & Lou Scotti)

Thursday, April 28

7:00 Kathleen Goss (The Bottie Family)

9:00 Jack Rieder (The Grieb Family), Doreen Angela Rotondo

(Beth & Steven Rossi)

Friday, April 29

7:00 For the People of the Parish,

9:00 James Bondfandio (The Reilly Family)), Helen

Kwiathouski (Loving Family)

Saturday, April 30

8:00 Kevin Daly (Maureen Alfonso & Family), Maria

Sapienza (Antoinette Ventola)

5:00 Nicole Catello (Pat Blinn), Helen Christopher

(Frank Christopher)

Sunday, May 1 (Sixth Sunday of Easter)

7:00 Cornelius J. Dunleavy (Loving Wife Anne),

Margaret & Frank Paduano & Viola & Jerry Cestare

(The Paduano Family)

9:00 Olga M. Fawcett (Loving Family), Salvatore Bacino

Eppie & Giannako Poulos

10:30 Peter Wrins (Craig Tardo & Family), Loretta Harrigan

Antoinette & Dan Ventola)

12:00 Angelina & Peter Casalino (Loving Family), Anthony

Pieroni (Patty & Jerry Peters)

5:00 Araceli Manalo (Loving Children), Helen Schinffino

(The Dinger Family)

April 24, 2016

Additional Parish and School Contact Information

Parish Website:

School Website:

E-mail addresses

General: [email protected]

Pastor: [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Rel. Ed. Office: [email protected]

Rel. Ed. Director: [email protected]

School: [email protected]

Parish Trustees

Robert Koepper Walter Poggi

Business Manager

Edward Grieb

Music Ministry

Michael Keller, Director

Ann DeBellis, 9:00 Choir

Rectory Hours

Monday thru Friday 9:00 - 5:00 (closed for lunch 12:00 - 1:15)

Saturday 10:00 - 4:00 (closed for lunch 12:00 - 1:15)

Sunday Closed

Page 3

Celebramos la Santa Misa en Español en la parrochia de San Jose

Comenzaremos con una celebración cada mes

Se celebrará la Misa en domingo después del primer sábado de cada mes

a las 1:30 PM en punto!

Las fechas de la celebración de la eucaristía para este próximo año son:

3 de Enero 7 de Febrero

6 de Marzo 3 de Abril

8 de Mayo 5 de Junio

3 de Julio 7 de Agosto

4 de Septiembre 2 de Octubre

6 de Noviembre 4 de Diciembre

Esperamos que podamos celebrar juntos!

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Next Sunday is Catholic Education Sunday

If you are an envelope user, you will notice the envelopes for Catholic Education. There will not be a second collection, but all proceeds from these envelopes will support Catholic Education in St Joseph School and throughout the diocese. The money collected in these offering envelopes next week will be divided between St Joseph School and Tomorrow’s Hope Scholarship program for all Catholic Grammar School students.

Thank you for supporting Catholic Education at St Joseph Parish and School.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am

with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Mt 28: 19,20


Mission Statement

“I come to serve, not to be served.”




AT SS. Philip and James Church,

One Carow Place, St. James, NY.







584-5454) TO RSVP.



We Have a Little Catching Up To Do A few years ago the diocese clarified and updated our regulations regarding mass intentions in parishes. St Joseph Parish has not yet embraced these standards. They will go into effect with the 2017 mass book.

Multiple Intentions at a Single Mass:

The diocesan policy is that we can have two Sunday masses with multiple intentions, each having no more than six intentions. All other masses throughout the week are to have only single intentions.

Prayers for the People of the Parish:

The pastor is obliged to pray for the people of the parish at mass - whether you hear it or not, you are always in Fr Mike’s heart as he presides at mass.

The diocesan policy is that “The people of the Parish” will be an announced intention at one of the Sunday masses (it can be part of the multiple intentions).

Offering for Mass:

The diocesan policy is that the standard offering for a mass intention will be $20.

These policies have been in effect in our diocese for a few years, we are now catching up and making them our policies. They will go into effect with all mass intentions in the 2017 mass book.

Did you hear what Jesus said in today’s Gospel? I give you a new commandment: love one another. Notice that he didn’t say, “I give you a new suggestion.” It is a commandment! How do we do it? He gives us instructions on that too! “As I have loved you, so you

also should love one another.”

How does Jesus love us? With total self gift! It is present in his birth - he became helpless for us. It is present in his ministry - serving the needs of all he encountered. It is present in his gift of the Eucharist and

in his death on the cross - total self gift!

This type of love is always LIFE GIVING! His total self gift led to the new life in the resurrection! We are called to give life to each other in our love for each other!

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Happy Earth Day!

Okay, we’re a little late because Earth Day was Friday, April 22. This is really a celebration of the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Some people think that no one cared about the environment before that. The truth is, this “movement” was the brainchild of Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin. After witnessing the ravages of an oil spill in California and seeing the energy of the anti Vietnam protests, he thought it would be great to get the energy of young people connected to consciousness about pollution and care for the environment.

Now everything is green! The story below may give some of the oldies but goodies a laugh! But as we laugh, let’s remember: we now live in a world where need to be more aware of caring for our earth everyday!

That Green Thing!

Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the older woman, that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment.

The woman apologized and explained, "We didn't have this green thing back in my earlier days."

The clerk responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations."

She was right -- our generation didn't have the green thing in its day. Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled. But we didn't have the green thing back in our day.

Grocery stores bagged our groceries in brown paper bags, that we reused for numerous things, most memorable besides household garbage bags, was the use of brown paper bags as book covers for our school books. This was to ensure that public property, (the books provided for our use by the school) was not defaced by our scribblings. Then we were able to personalize our books. But too bad we didn't do the green thing back then.

We walked up stairs, because we didn't have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. But she was right. We didn't have the green thing in our day.

Back then, we washed the baby's diapers because we didn't have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 220 volts -- wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that young lady is right; we didn't have the green thing back in our day.

Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana .

In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.

Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. But she's right; we didn't have the green thing back then.

We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. But we didn't have the green thing back then.

Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service.

We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest burger joint.

But isn't it sad that the current generation laments how wasteful we older folks were just because we didn't have the green thing back then?

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OUR LITURGY Today’s Scriptures tell of God’s love making all things new. In the first reading from Acts, we hear of the covenantal promise of salvation offered, for the first time, to the Gentiles. In the second reading from Revelation, we are given a new vision of this salvation. In today’s reading from the Gospel of John, we receive a summation of the two great commandments, into one: Love one another as I have

loved you.

Altar Bread & Wine In memory of

John Rieder

Requested by

Linda & Lorraine

Sunday, April 24, 2016 Page 6

Weekly Offering

Fiscal Year Beginning 9/1/2015 - 8/31/16

Sunday April 17, 2016 Offering $18,854 (Includes Electronic Giving of $2,610) Last Year $17,155 Poor Box Last Week 345 *Debt reduction collection $4,306 (April) Total Parish Debt: Interest free loan (balance) 90,000 Addl. accumulated debt $2,918,297 $3,008,297 We are currently paying $7,500 a month toward our debt. We are working with the Diocese on plans for balancing our budget and addressing our larger debt.


Envelope users : Please enter the amount of your donation on the envelope in the space provided. This will be a big

help to us when counting the collection. Also, it is not necessary to tape or staple the envelope closed. Your help

is appreciated.

Thank you and God Bless You Always, Fr. Mike

Respect Life FORGIVENESS and HEALING (not punishment) AFTER ABOR-TION

When a woman who has had an abortion and is deeply remorseful but cannot accept the fact that God has forgiven her –even after re-ceiving absolution in the Sacrament of Reconciliation-and this ina-bility is an obstacle to healing – tells us that such a person is devas-tated by the loss of her child, aware of the seriousness of the sin, and that never has such merciful love been encountered in her rela-tionships with others.

What is abortion? An abortion occurs when the life of a human being ends before birth. Miscarriages are referred to as “spontaneous abortions.” When a preborn child’s life is deliberately taken by an-other human being, that is an “induced abortion.”

Induced abortions are procured in a number of ways. Chemical abor-tions are brought about by medications, most notably the pill called “RU-486,” which can cause an abortion until the seventh week of pregnancy.

Most abortions are procured by mechanical means, by crushing or dismembering the child in the womb. The practice called “partial-birth abortion”-and it is exactly that-which involves suctioning out the brain of a child pulled partially out of the womb, was banned in a 2003 federal law. But other means of late-term abortion, such as saline abortions, are still legal.

There are approximately 1.4 million abortions per year in the Unit-ed States, an average of nearly four thousand every day.

Regardless of what stage of pregnancy at which an abortion is per-formed, there are physical consequences. Decades of medical re-search indicate that induced abortions may be associated with higher incidents of infertility, problems in future pregnancies, and even breast cancer.

Abortion has the same effect, with the added dimension of guilt for one’s role in the death of a child. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, and friends are, sooner than later, confronted with the loss of a child they will never know.

In any of these situations, we all need, above everything, the sure knowledge of God’s love and mercy. When we or those we love are confronting these feelings of grief and guilt, we should know that Christ is ready to welcome us through His Church: through pro-grams such as Project Rachel, and through His presence in the sacra-ments, especially Reconciliation and, once we have been reconciled, the Eucharist.

Welborn, Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. 2003

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PFC Eric Lange, USMC

SGT Deborah Alfieri

SGT Matthew Altonji

SPC Andrew Altonji

CPL Matthew Balestrieri, USMC

TSGT Louis Barletta

LT Michael-Jon Bonacorsa

LCPL John Brown

PFC Justin Browne

LTCOL James Cersosimo CPL Glenn Clacher SPC Thomas E. Corcoran

SPC Jason Crawford

CPT Edward Cuevas

PFC John B Cuneo

CPT Ryan Delaney

TSGT Timothy Dermody

SGT Stephen DiGirolamo

SSGT Tony Elliott

LT Kelly Fletcher

SPC Adam Franciosa

CPT Mark Gillman

CPL RJ Hartmann

MAJ Sean P Kilkenny

CW2 Steven Knight

LCPL William Langdon

SPC Christopher Leone

MAJ Kevin McCue

PVT Thomas B McGinn

SGT Patrick McNally

PFC William Meyer

CPL Brian G Meyer

CPO Gregory Migliore

SGT Glenn Miller

LT Heather Miras

SPC4 George Monica

SPC4 John Monica

SGT Daniel Montville

GYSGT Brian Moran, USMC

LTCOL Gregory Mueller, USMC

LCPL Thomas Napolitano

LCPL Michael Napolitano

LCPL James Neubauer

SGT Brian Pacell

CPT Stephen Bartoszak

PFC Matthew Pandolfi

SFC James Munro Army

CPT Michael Parisi

2LT Anthony Parisi

MAJ Paul E Pinaud

CTR2 Matthew Pistritto

LT David A Rewkowski

SGT Edwin Rivera, II

SGT Anthony M Sbrocco, USMC

SSGT Jason Schiavo LCPL W. Mason Shehan

SSGT Timothy McGoyne

SPC James Stanek EO3 Taylor Taranto

MM3 Gregory Taranto

PFC Greg Terrish

SGT Jason Tulowitzki

SGT John Thomas Vogt

CPL Brandon Waldon

SGT Randolph Weaver

MSTR Robert Casey ILT Richard Lutz SPC Darian L. Clark/Army

SAMN Bill Ried

CPL Michael Casonova

SPEC4 David Cooper

Michael Cristiano LTJG

SGT Brian P. O’Leary

PFC Gregory Caplan

MPS Timothy Caplan

E6PO1 Gerard McGarrity PFC Nicholas Barbieri

LCPL Jim A. Mock

SGT Maj. John A. Krumholz

LCPL Joseph R. DeGroot, USMC

RCT Dustin A. Whitton, USMC

SPC Peter Reilly

SMAN T.J. Waldhauser, US Navy

LCPL Brian Kolarik, USMC

PVT Chris Dorn, Army

SSGT Ray C. Sigman ll

SGT Sean Rainone, USMC

SGT Thomas Lupo

SSGT Mike Hengerle, USMC

Kelly R. Denimarck ENS Navy

SFC James Munro Army

CPL Kristen M. Saporito USMC

Captain Sean Lavigne USAF

LCPL Daniel Pfeifer USMC

MSGT Thomas J. Valentino USAF

CSM Lawrence Doughterty, USArmy

PFC Thomas Conran USArmy

SRA Matthew Maisano USAF

SPJonathan G. Romano USANG

PFC Daniel R. Hayes USMC

PFC Allecia N. Ahearn USMC

Lt. James Ciccarello US ARMY

Sal Evangelista, US ARMY

Nick Vicale SFC ARMY

LCPL Michael A. Davison USMC

CAPT. Glenn Miller

Joseph Scotti E3

Eli Matthew Berg US ARMY

Lt. Bryan C. Koch USCG

Cadet Megan P. Koch

PVT. Kyle Santos

ARMY SPEC. James Lombardo

CADET Chris V. Hackett US ARMY

—REMEMBER THOSE WHO HAVE DIED— Patricia E. Marcello, Remo Stroveglia

our deceased soldiers and all of our deceased relatives and friends. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen

Lynn Abe-Zaid

Chet Alongi & Michael Alongi

Greta & Philip Ambrosio

Ginny Amita

Baby Rocco Caracciola

Karen Balezos

Janet Belz

Jeff Berg

Anthony Bernardo

MaryAnn Bonitz

Steven Bratisax

Lucy Brancaccio

Richard Busick

Carrie Cabral

Bill Cairns

Laura Capuano

Michael & Moises Carbuccia

Priscilla Castelano

Virginia Catalano

Antoinette Cichetti

Louise Cipolla

Martin Condit

Cathy Connolly

Stella Coan

Maureen Crain

Rick Crotta

Joanne DeBellis

Michael DePinto

Barbara DiGirolomo

Rita Diubaldo

Sean Patrick Dixon

Colin Donohue

Bobby Eck

Sharon T. Eichler

Lois & Michael Emma

Donna Evers

Louis Fava

Helen Fenyak

Mary Ferrigno

Robert Filce

John Finnegan

Roseanne Gabriel

Louise Gagliardi

Patricia Geiser

Nick Gerbino

Loretta Gerstner

Joseph Giommetti

Roberta Halinski

Elaine Hill

Neil Holzmann

Richard & Thomas Jankay

Linda Keller

Jimmy Kimberling

Alfred LaRocco

Rachel Laskowski

Melissa Lipani

Grace Loud

Ida Lucivero

Vito Lucivero

Agnes Ludwigson

Baby Dominic Madaris

Andrea Maloney

Sal & Serafina Maraviglia

Carolyn Martins

John Merkle

Carol Meyer

Danielle Michels

Helen Moser

Joseph Nicosia

Joanora O’Donnell

Maria O’Halloran

Joseph Olivieri

Helen Onufrak

Anna Pepe

Barbara Petersen

William Pfister

Dorothy Pistritto

Joan Plouffe

Kathy Purcaro

Nicole Ramaglia

Regina Reilly

Josephine Ripp

Ruby Rivera

Michelle Robinson

Maryann Rossi

Angela Russo

Mary Ann Russo

Theresa Ryan

Ann Sabourin

Norma Salazar

Dawn Saporito

Denise Savage Harper

Ralph Sabatino

Ben Scannella

Krista & Nancy Schramm

Janet Shapiro

Jamie Smith

Michele Smith

Abe Stegman

Angela Stoner

Matthew Swenson

Michael J. Timo Jr.

Orazio & Theresa Troiano

Richard Tizzard

Richard Troiano

Regina & Lloyd Turnier

William Vallar

Margaret Villano

Nicholas Wittreich

Joseph Yasso

Christopher Zoas

Richard Zwirblis

Pray for Our Troops Pray for the Sick

Please note: To keep our prayer list current, we will keep name on list for 3 months.

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Look Again! When the same thing is there over and over it can become part of the background so it becomes easy to ignore.

That’s why we deleted a page from the bulletin. It has been there for too long, but the invitation still matters.

So we have to mention it again but maybe from a slightly different perspective. Electronic Giving helps our parish to plan our budget even when there is a very snowy winter or when parishioners are away on vacation. The truth is, when it snows our collection goes down and we rarely make that money back. Also, many families go away in the summer and miss weekends of making offerings to support our parish.

But with Electronic Giving you can make a regular commitment to the support of our parish even if something gets in the way of your attendance at mass. Honestly, we’d rather see everyone every week but sometimes life gets in the way of that happening.

So why not think about Electronic Giving through Parish Giving? It is easy and convenient:

➤ It lets you have weekly offerings automatically debited from checking account or credit card

➤ No more forgetting to bring the checkbook or having to stop at the ATM on Sunday morning

➤ You choose how much & how often to give, and what payment method to use

➤ You can also choose to make special offertory donations for capital campaigns, special events & holy days, or second collections

➤ Parish Giving is the ONLY program that lets you choose the day of the month that works best for you!

➤ If you use your credit card, you will accumulate bonus miles while making the same offering you made in another way in the past.

All you have to do is go to our parish website and look for the Parish Giving Link. Click on it and follow the instructions.

You can make weekly or monthly offerings. Keep in mind, the exact same opportunities for special collections that are sent out with envelopes are present on the web site. You choose what you want to support and what you want to ignore.

Parish Giving is beneficial to you and to St Joseph Parish for all the reasons mentioned above. Think about it. This is a mutually beneficial way to support your Church!

Come join the Deacons of

the Diocese of Rockville Centre for a Jubilee of

Mercy Holy Hour!

There are three opportunities to join us in prayer:

Thursday April 28, 2016 at 7PM at

St Rosalie in Hampton Bays

Wednesday September 14, 2016 at 7PM at

St Edward the Confessor in Syosset

Wednesday November 16, 2016 at 7PM at St Matthew in Dix Hills

Mark your calendar! Pray with us!

Celebrate the Year of Mercy!

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Joseph A. Weber

Joseph A. Weber Funeral Home, Inc.

Joseph A. Weber, Jr. has been a resident of Lake Ronkonkoma his entire life and has been an active member of the community.

Joseph graduated from St. Joseph Elementary School in 1966 and was an altar boy for St. Joseph R.C. Church. After graduating from St. Joseph he attended LaSalle Military Academy, an Honor School Jr. R.O.T.C. program formally in Oakdale NY and graduated from LaSalle in 1970. After high school, Joseph attended Farleigh Dickerson University in NJ and the American Academy McCallister Institute of Funeral Service in NY.

Joseph has been a funeral director since 1977 and is the owner and manager of Joseph A. Weber Funeral Home, Inc. which was founded by Joseph’s father and has been serving Lake Ronkonkoma and the surrounding communities since 1948.

Additionally, Joseph has held numerous positions in community organizations, including President of the Ronkonkoma Lions Club and is currently President of Lake Ronkonkoma Cemetery Association. Joseph was an avid athlete; playing baseball, basketball, football, ice hockey and bowling and remains a passionate golfer today. Joseph has used his athletic knowledge to coach P.A.L. Hockey, Sachem J.V. Hockey, ran numerous hockey clinics, he coached, sponsored teams and was a board member of Ronkonkoma Little League Baseball.

Joseph was born in Port Jefferson, NY to Joseph A. Weber (of Hauppauge, NY) and Ada Weber (of Portsmouth, VA). Joseph has one brother, Bruce Weber, three children, Joseph A. Weber, III, Jaclyn A. Weber-Cantrell, Esq. and Jeffery A. Weber, and also has two granddaughters, Kailey and Alexis. In his free time, Joseph enjoys golfing, fishing, attending country music concerts and sporting events.

St. Joseph 16th Annual

Golf Outing

Being Held @ Willow Creek Golf & Country Club 1 Clubhouse Court - Mt. Sinai, NY (631) 928-3680

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM BBQ Lunch

1:30 PM Shotgun start (18 holes with Golf Cart)

Golf format: Scramble/Best Ball System

6:00 - 9:00 PM Open Bar, Buffet Dinner

& Presentations

Free Door Prize Give-Away

50/50 Raffle

After Dinner Raffle

Sports Memorabilia Auction


Individual Golf Package $ 200

Golf Foursome $ 800

Dinner Only Per Person $ 100

Sorry, I cannot attend, enclosed is

my tax-deductible contribution of $ ______





4. ___________________________________________

Please assign me to a foursome


Individual Golfer or Foursome Contact Person

Name ________________________________________

Address_ _____________________________________





Check Master Card Visa Amex

Name on card__________________________________

Card # _______________________________________

Expiration Date__ ______________________________


St. Joseph Parish

Mail to:

St. Joseph Golf 45 Church Street Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

Completed forms & payments

can be dropped off at the

Rectory as well.

For further information call:

Brian Sanders at 516-815-1884

Sponsorships also available

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Prayer to Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church Dear Saint Joseph, watch over the Church as you watched over Jesus and Mary.

Help protect and guide us as you did the Holy Family. Kindly keep us ever united in the love of Christ.



Saturday, April 30, 2016 Fr. Carew Hall

immediately following the 5:00pm Mass

We will celebrate with a special dinner. There is no charge for the dinner , but advance reservations are required.

RSVP at 631-588-8456 or Email: [email protected] Please leave your name, phone #, and #of people attending.

Please bring a dessert t to share.

This is a non-alcoholic event.

There will be karaoke at this event.

Jubilee Year of Mercy

“As part of the celebration of this Jubilee Year of Mercy, please consider participating in the Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC. The date of the pilgrimage is Saturday, September 24, 2016. Please contact Deacon Michael Devenney at 631-588-8456 for more infor-mation on this wonderful event and reserve a seat on the bus. Please join us!

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Outreach Resources

Emergency Resources

Response of Suffolk County

Crisis Hotline

631-751-7620 or 631-751-7500 (hotline 24 hrs./7 days)

Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk—VIBS

Domestic/date violence, rape, sexual assault, & elder


631-360-3730 or 631-360-3606 (24 hrs. hotline for domes-

tic violence and rape) or

Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence

631-666-8833 (hotline)

The Retreat

Domestic Violence

631-329-2200 (hotline 24hrs/7 days shelter)

Brighter Tomorrows

Domestic Violence

Hotline (631)395-1800

Islip Hotline

Crisis Hotline: 631-277-4700

Runaway Hotline

631-549-8700, 1-800-621-4000

American Red Cross, Suffolk County Chapter


Child Abuse

1-800-342-3720 (24-Hr.)

HIV and Aids Teen Hotline

1-800-440-TEEN (fri./Sat. 6:30PM to Midnight)

Child Health Plus Information and Referral

1-800-522-5006 (24 Hr.)

Family Resources/Support Groups

Child Care Council of Suffolk


Family Service League of Suffolk County


Hope House Ministries


Islip Town Teen Parent Resource Center


Suffolk County Department of Health Services

Project Hope Mothers’ Group

631-853-3035 (call for locations)

Haven House/Bridges


Alcoholics Anonymous


Gamblers Anonymous


Narcotics Anonymous


Life Center of L.I. - Pregnancy Care


Birthright of Nassau/Suffolk


Al-Anon Suffolk County


[email protected]

Overeaters Anonymous


St. Joseph Parish Outreach Center

e-mail — [email protected] website —

Through your generosity we were able to help more than 137 people throughout the month of March In these tough economic times we are seeing people of increasing need. On their

behalf, we thank you for sharing your own limited resources with your brothers and sisters. "Whenever you did it for the least of my people, you did it for me."

Parish Outreach

Anthony Vito Gonzalez

Colin Gildea Herdina

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Venturing Events In Carew Hall after 5:00 PM Mass

Venturing is open to men and women age 14 through 20 who have graduated from 8th Grade. This year's crew plan

is jam packed with interesting and fun activities here at St. Joseph's and "off-campus" as well.

Come down to our meeting and check it out.

Visit our next meeting:

April 24th Tonight

May 1st

e-mail: [email protected]

phone: Advisor Mike Keller (631) 872-7675

What did you do this weekend?

Cub Scout Pack 272

Boy Scout Troop 272

St. Joseph’s Cub Scout Pack 272 and Boy Scout Troop 272 have fun, exciting, educational, character building pro-grams for boys, age 7 through 17 (first Grade and up).

For more information or to enroll your child, contact Dr. Louis Scotti at 656-8428

or e-mail [email protected].

Pack, Troop, and Crew 272 have

a YEAR-ROUND scouting program.

CYO Sport Programs


Intramural (Coed, ages 4-16): Gene 588-1879

Travel * (Boys) Vinny 543-4100


Girls ([email protected]) Debbie 467-6174

Clinic Division (Coed Grades K-2) Nick 585-7723

Boys Grades 3-12) Vinny 543-4100

Travel* Vinny 543-4100


Boys & Girls, Grades K-8 Jerry 585-4048

Soccer :

Intramural Boys & Girls(ages 3-13) Joe 585-0748

Travel (LIJSL): Rob 721-8831

Softball: Dennis 467-6174

My salvation and my honor depend on God;

He is my mighty rock, my refuge.

Psalm 62:7




PRAY FOR THE SICK ___________________________________

Name of person who is ill _____________________________ _________________________ Person making this request: Relationship to ill person

(Friends can be placed on the silent prayer list only)


__________________________________ Name, Rank and Branch of Service

______________________________ ____________________ Person making this request Relationship to Soldier

(Friends can be placed on the silent prayer list only)

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Courtesy Announcements

Charismatic Prayer Meeting - at Our Lady of the Island Shrine the fourth Wednesday of each month from 7- 9PM. Praise, worship & teaching. Contact the Shrine at 631-325-0661 for info.

Free Food for NY Seniors - The C.S.F.P. funded by USDA NYSDOH, and administered by Catholic Charities is offering free food for 6 to 12 months post partum women, children from

the age of 5 up to their sixth birthday, and seniors age 60 and over, who are income-eligible. Gross monthly income for seniors: Single Senior $1,174 or less or Senior Couple $1,579 or less. For further information, and income guidelines for women & children in Nassau or Suffolk, please call 631-491-4166 or 631-491-4156.

Professional Therapy - provided by NYS licensed therapists, are available to our parish & 148 other parishes. It is provided by the Catholic Counseling Center which is independent of & not controlled or supervised by the parish or diocese. Most insurance policies are honored. For information & appointment, call Dr. Giuliani at 243-2503 or visit our website at

St Joseph Catholic Seniors

Psst! The word is out! St. Joseph Catholic Seniors are seeking new members to join us on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held at the St. Regis Knights of Columbus on Pond Rd. at 11 am. Stop by and be our guest for a cup of coffee or tea or call Arlene at 648-3582 if you have

any questions.

Parish Outreach

Parish Outreach is in dire need of donations of toiletries. Shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, tissues, combs, brushes, toothbrushes, soap, toilet paper. If you can help, please drop off to our Outreach Office

or to the Rectory.




Lets roll up our sleeves. Put on our gloves and knee pads and go to work in our Lord’s gardens. Bring your garden tools and your love for the earth and the beauty it produces. Please join us - We need your help. We have a lot of “Ground” to cover. There are more than 20 gardens that need your TLC. Please know that you can tend your adopted garden at your convenience, morning, noon or evening. If you are interested and want more information, please leave your name and phone number at the rectory and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Thank you, Fran

St. Joseph Garden Ministry

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