Page 1: ST. JAMES · 2019-09-19 · Yakkia Comminey Natalie Johnson A. Feliece Griffin Anthony Canapa Shirley Morris Shila Conway If you would like to add a family member to our prayer list,

Sunday 8 a.m. (Community Choir) & 11a.m. (Gospel Choir)

Reconciliation (Confessions): By Appointment Please call the office

Parish Pastoral Council…….…………Meets 2nd Wednesdays at 6:45pm Finance Council.……………………….....…….2nd Wednesday at 5:30pm Choir……………………………….…..Practice each Thursday at 6:59pm Women’s Auxiliary.......……….…...2nd Sunday following 11:00am Mass Knights of Columbus………….………………3rd Saturday at 11:30 am Knights of Peter Claver……………………………4th Saturday at 9:30am Knights of Peter Claver-4th Degree………………. 4th Saturday at 12pm Gracious Ladies-4th Degree…….…………………1st Saturday at 11 am Ladies’ Auxiliary of Peter Claver...…………........3rd Sunday at 12:45pm Spiritual Enrichment Committee..1st Saturday every other month 10am Sandwich Making Ministry……….1st & 3rd Sunday following 8am Mass Free Lunch for Neighbors...……………………Wednesdays at 10:30am (sponsored by the KPC and Ladies Aux) Nevadans for the Common Good (Interfaith)……….4th Thursday at 5:30pm

Special Events .......................................................... Revival in February Gospel/Jazz Brunch 3rd Sunday in October

Not Listed: Bible Study Group, Outreach, Liturgy Committee, Junior Knights and Daughters of Peter Claver. Please see bulletin for dates and time.


Wedding Information – Please contact the office 6 months in advance and before any dates are considered.

***************************************** Baptismal Information – Please contact the

office 3 months in advance and before any dates are considered.

Rev. James Michael Jankowski Shared Pastor with St. John Neumann

Rev. Lijo Abraham, O.SS.T. Shared Parochial Vicar with St. John Neumann

Deacon James Marek

Office Staff

Faith Formation Director Arsenia Eagan

Administrative Assistant Birdie Ray

Business Manager Pam Hunter

Custodian Arnel Biares

Director of Music Susan Briare

Parish Office:

1920 N. Martin Luther King Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89106 Ph: (702) 648-6606 Fax: (702) 648-0352 Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Monday– Thursday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am -11:00 am

Office is closed on Fridays and Saturdays




“BUILDING FOR GOD’S GLORY” Ministries and Organizations


May 20, 2018


Page 2: ST. JAMES · 2019-09-19 · Yakkia Comminey Natalie Johnson A. Feliece Griffin Anthony Canapa Shirley Morris Shila Conway If you would like to add a family member to our prayer list,

Yakkia Comminey Natalie Johnson A. Feliece Griffin Anthony Canapa Shirley Morris Shila Conway

If you would like to add a family member to our prayer list, you may do so by contacting the parish.

~~ Sunday, May 20, 2018 ~~ ~ Pentecost Sunday ~

St. James needs to collect $ 7,500.00 each week

in order to meet our operating expenses. Please help us meet this goal

May 13, 2018

Second Collection - Catholic Communication/ Catholic University: $431.00 Ordinary Offering $ 5,501.23 Land: $ 512.00 Outreach/Poor: $ 65.00 Religious/Gift Shop: $ 162.00 Flowers $ 75.00

May God Bless your generosity

Please don’t forget to include your envelope number on your offering contributions. Thank you


Rooted in the Catholic Faith, in order to build up the reign of God, the mission of St. James the Apostle Catholic Church is to live out the message of Jesus Christ by worshipping God by serving the world.

Reminder: If you would like to use your debit/credit card for your weekly offering, please stop by the church office. You can also set up automatic deposits from your bank to the church.

Please consider including your St. James family when planning your will.


Fifty days after Easter Sunday we celebrate the fulfillment of all God’s promises in the feast of Pente-cost, a feast that has sometimes been called the birth-day of the church. One last time we are reminded that we Christians have received the Holy Spirit, not for our own benefit, but to enable us to follow our Chris-tian vocation. The centerpiece of the scriptures for Pentecost is the account in Acts of the Apostles of the sending of the Holy Spirit to the disciples. The other readings for this Sunday help us to understand what it means to live out our Christian vocation. Paul’s letter shows us the gifts and fruits that the Holy Spirit gives to us. John’s Gospel reminds us that Jesus has sent all his disciples to share his forgiveness and peace, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

New Members to the St. James Community

If you are a new member and have officially registered here at St. James Catholic Church, you are still required to attend a new members’ meeting. Meetings are scheduled the second Sunday of each month after the 11:00 am Mass. The next scheduled meeting is June 10, 2018, with Robert Bass. If you have any questions, contact the parish office at 702-648-6606.

St. James Land Status Initial Loan: $375,783.88

Monthly Payment of $3,788.75 (began Dec. 2012) Est. Balance as of April 30, 2018: $196,807.75

Page 3: ST. JAMES · 2019-09-19 · Yakkia Comminey Natalie Johnson A. Feliece Griffin Anthony Canapa Shirley Morris Shila Conway If you would like to add a family member to our prayer list,

May 20, 2018 St. James the Apostle Church Page 3

“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit” — 1 Corinthians 12:4

May 20, 2018

8:00 am: First Communicants 11:00 am: Josy “Star” Vasquez (birthday) and

people of the parish

Sunday: May 20, 2018 PENTECOST SUNDAY Mass ~ 8:00 am (First Communion Mass) Mass ~ 11:00 am Confirmation Classes ~ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm KPC Ladies Auxiliary Mtg. ~ 12:45 pm Thursday: May 24, 2018 Bible Study Group ~ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Gospel Choir Practice ~ 6:59 pm Saturday: May 26, 2018 Confirmation Practice ~ 10:00 am

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jamess 3:13-18; Psalm 19:8-10, 15; Mark 9:14-29 Tuesday: James 4:1-10; Psalm 55:7-11a, 23; Mark 9:30-37 Wednesday: James 4:13-17; Psalm 49:2-3, 6-11; Mark 9:38-40 Thursday: James 5:1-6; Psalm 49:14-20; Mark 9:41-50 Friday: James 5:9-12; Psalm 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mark 10:1-12 Saturday: James 5:13-20; Psalm 141:1-3, 8; Mark 10:13-16 Sunday: Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40; Psalm 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22; Romans 8:14-17; Matthew 28:16-20

Why Register In the Church Many people attend Mass here at our church, but are not registered parishioners. It is important to be registered and use your offering enve-lopes so that if you ever request a letter, whether it’s for being a godparent, sponsor, marriage, confirmation, tax statement or any other purpose, we can check our records and see that you attend Mass here. This would also benefit you if you would like to have your child enrolled in next year’s Reli-gious Education Program. If you are not registered in the church, we can-not issue or sign any type of letter stating that you are a member of the parish, even if you attend Mass here. If you would like to register and re-ceive offering envelopes, you must complete our registration form. You may also use the parishioner’s updated form (green) located on the church lobby shelf for any changes to your address, email or phone number. If you have any questions, please contact the office.

Reminder to all parishioners: please make certain you lock your vehicle before entering the church building.

WORLD YOUTH DAY - PANAMA 2019 Attention youth 18-35 Pope Francis has invited you to come join him in Panama January 27th, 2019 for World Youth Day! The Diocese of Las Vegas is sponsoring a trip to World Youth Day from January 21st through January 28th, 2019. The cost of the trip is $3,000. Join other young adults from around the world in this once in a lifetime experience. Questions can be directed to Fr. Gene Kinney at 702-642-1154.

Parish Pastoral Council Vacancy

Parish Pastoral Council has an opening on the council. Please pick up information from the office or call Brenda Dumas for more information.

Parish Finance Council Vacancy We are seeking eligible volunteer candidates to be appointed to the St. James Finance Council. If you have a desire to serve on our finance council, please submit a resume addressing your experiences, background and reason why you would like to be on our council. Please submit resume to Pamela Hunter our Business Manager no later than June 7, 2018.

The Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus are hosting a Wine and Cheese Tast-ing Event on 8 June 2018 at St James. Festivities start at 6pm. There will be music, cheese, fun, wine basket raffles, food, our world renowned ring toss, and of course wine. Cost is still only $10 in advance or $12 at the door. Tickets go on sale 3 June after morning masses. Come out for an entertaining night of fellowship and relaxation!

Lobby Bulletin Board and Information Shelf Please do not place any materials on the lobby bulletin board or the information shelf unless approved by the pastor.

Page 4: ST. JAMES · 2019-09-19 · Yakkia Comminey Natalie Johnson A. Feliece Griffin Anthony Canapa Shirley Morris Shila Conway If you would like to add a family member to our prayer list,

May 20, 2018 St. James the Apostle Church Page 4


The Faith Formation Office hours:

Tuesdays and Wednesdays ~ 9:00 am -3:00 pm Thursdays ~ 1:00 pm -7:00 pm


If you want to receive the Sacraments of Baptism or Holy Mat-rimony, contact Ms. Eagan, the Director of Faith Formation, for information on requirements and preparation.


Month of May May 02: Rhonda Hooper May 03: Tyrell Bass May 04: Robert Marshall, Angela Harvey May 05: Theresa Usigbe May 07: Nancy Czulewicz May 08: Rhonda Royal, Danielle Villano May 10: Charles Okeke, Anniv: Charles & Betty Allen May 12: Naeem Langston, Jr. May 14: Mary Schirling, Bobbye Boxx May 15: Elizabeth Chimal-Arellano, Raymond Newell Anniv: John & Janet Holmberg May 17: Maria Angela May 18: Mike Rippa May 20: Mary Thrower May 22: Steven Nwogbe May 23: Dan Skrenes, Michelle Okeke May 24: Pauline Evans, Dorothy McComb, Clarke Barte, Sr. May 25: Josy “Star” Vasquez May 29: Virginia Castaneda, Elyza Chimal-Arellano May 28: Ina Dorman, Walt Evans May 31: Stacey Scott-Cherry If your birthday or anniversary date is missing and you are a registered parishioner, please contact the church office.

May Calendar

20 - First Communion Mass - 8:00am 20 - Confirmation Classes - 1:00pm 26 - Practice for Confirmation Mass - 10:00am 27 - Confirmation Mass - 11:00am

75th Anniversary Memory Book St. James Memory Books are still available. If you would like to purchase one ($50), please stop by the Gift Shop after Mass Thank you for your continuing support.

Sacrament of First Eucharist

Today, 5 of our young people received the Sacrament of First Eucharist. Please pray for these recipients of the Eucharist as they continue their journey of faith:

Asani Ceaser Emeka Ceaser Saulo Gutierrez Yailen Pamplona London Reininger

Graduating Class of 2018

Are you graduating from 8th grade, high school or college this year? Then we invite you to take part in our special recognition of graduates at the masses on Sunday, June 3rd. We would like to acknowledge your achievements and give you a special blessing. If you are a registered parishioner here at St. James and want to be included in this honor, you MUST stop be the church office to add your name to the list by Sunday, May 27th. If you have any questions, contact Ms. Eagan, the Director of Faith Formation, at 702-648-6606.

"HOPE GROWS HERE" - Las Vegas Catholic Diocesan Conference - 2018

On September 7th and 8th, 2018, the Diocese of Las Vegas will once again have a conference. This year's conference will be held at the South Point Hotel & Casino. This exciting and spiritual event is an opportunity to connect with our brothers and sisters from all across the Diocese. There will be inspirational speakers, presenters sharing with us information to help deepen our understanding and practice of the faith, exhibitors showing us the latest books, videos, and other materi-als concerning our Catholic religion, as well as, worship and prayer services with lively music.

Registration for this event has begun. Stop by our table out in the gathering space following mass to get more information.

If you register by June 1st the fee is $65 From June 2 - July 15 the fee is $75 From July 16 to the conference day it's $85, so get your registration in early.

Our goal is to have at least 50 parishioners from St. James at-tending this conference. We hope we will reach this goal so that everyone will know that at St. James the Apostle, "HOPE GROWS HERE."

Victim Advocacy Number If you believe you are a victim of sexual and/or physically abused, please call our 24-hotline at 702-235-7723.

Sacrament of Confirmation

On Sunday, May 27th, 13 youth and 2 adults will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at our 11:00am Mass. Our newly installed Bishop George Leo Thomas will be administer-ing this sacrament to the confirmation candidates.

St. James, please pray for these candidates, who have been pre-paring for this important step in their faith formation:

Nicholas Barbin Joelle Joosten Roberto Castro Sophia Joosten Damien Garcia Courtney Lewis Alexis Gourrier Uche Nwokike Jalen Gourrier Richard Ong Josue Gutierrez Germana Rappa Jeremy Joosten Josephine Vasquez Ian Wakayu

Page 5: ST. JAMES · 2019-09-19 · Yakkia Comminey Natalie Johnson A. Feliece Griffin Anthony Canapa Shirley Morris Shila Conway If you would like to add a family member to our prayer list,

May 20, 2018 St. James the Apostle Church Page 5

St. James Community Please be respectful of our Sanctuary.

Gum chewing in church is not acceptable. Please do not remove gum from your mouth and leave it on the seat. It is unsanitary and costly to remove from the chairs. Also, do not bring food or any drinks (other than water); and please do not leave water bottles and other debris in the church. We want all to keep in mind the reverence of God’s House. Careful attention should be given to appropriate attire at all

Light a Candle, Say a Prayer, Support your Church - Did you know we have a special reserved area for prayer in our church? It's our little Blessed Sacrament chapel, and it's located in the Northwest corner of the church. There, we reserve some consecrated hosts - the Body of Christ - in the tabernacle (that is why we have a candle burning in that area). In addition to im-ages of Mary and Joseph and Jesus, we also have a panel of votive candles. A strong tradition among Christians since the beginning of the Church is to light a candle, while saying a prayer for a loved one or for a special intention. The lighted candle represents Christ, the Light of the World, who brings light and life into our lives. Donations are made when lighting a candle. So, take a moment after mass sometime, to visit Our Lord in the chapel, and Light a Candle, Say a Prayer, and Sup-port your Church!

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL (PPC) Committee Liaison/Assignments

Fr. Jim Jankowski - Pastor Brenda Dumas - PPC Chair - Evangelization

Lavonne Lewis - PPC V.Chair Stewardship & Parish Life Vincent Barte, Jr. - PPC Secretary/Communications

Dwight Dorman - Parish Life Vacancy- Christian Formation

Stacey Hunter - Social Justice & Community Engagement Linda Culliver - Communications

Robert Shack - Liturgy David Bechtel - Communications

Fr. Lijo Abraham ( Advisor) D. James Marek (Advisor non-voting) Pamela Hunter (Advisor (non-voting)

Bishop Thomas invites you to join in the celebration of the ordination to priesthood of transitional deacon Miguel Cor-ral. The celebration will take place Thursday May 31, be-ginning at 6pm, at Guardian Angel Cathedral. There will be a light reception following the ordination mass, in Anderson Hall. Deacon Miguel is from the parish of St. Bridget, and has also served in other parishes in the Diocese of Las Ve-gas throughout his journey toward priesthood, including St. Anne, St. Christopher, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Eliza-beth Ann Seton; he also served at Catholic Charities. Fr. Miguel's first mass following his ordination will be Fri-day June 1, at 5pm at St. Anne. Fr. Miguel will also be presiding in English at St. Francis of Assisi - Mass of Thanksgiving, Sunday, June 3rd at 11:30 am. All are welcome!

Catholic Stewardship Appeal (CSA)

St. James the Apostle’s 2018 assessment is $37,342.00. We received pledges in the amount of $20,620 from 48 parishion-ers and have payments of $9,355.00. We are encouraging our 300 registered households to participate in making this a suc-cessful “Love your neighbor as yourself” appeal.

“No gift is too small and no gift is too large!” Thank you for your prayers and continuous support in meet-ing these pledges and our obligation to the Diocese.

St. John Neumann

TIMELESS TONYS A Broadway Musical Showcase

Saturday, May 26 at 6pm

Featuring talents from St. John Neumann, St. James the Apostle & St. Francis of Assisi

Light sacks and refreshments will be served

Doors open at 5:30 pm $10 Adults, $5 Children 10 and under Ticket sales available online or

in person this weekend and next weekend.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Like in the gospel today, sometimes our minds need to be opened to know what God has done for us, and what he wants for us in our marriage. Deepen your communication, strengthen your relationship, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. To apply online, and for weekend dates visit or call 702-589-0068

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