Page 1: St. Cornelius Church RCIA · St. Cornelius Church RCIA Becoming Catholic ♦ Interested in Becoming Catholic? ♦ Want to receive Bapsm? Confirma on? Eucharist? ♦ Know anyone who

St. Cornelius Church RCIA Becoming Catholic

♦ Interested in Becoming Catholic? ♦ Want to receive

Bap sm? Confirma on? Eucharist?

♦ Know anyone who does? ♦ Do you have any ques ons

about what it means to be Catholic?

If so, call the Rectory at (562) 421-8966 or email

[email protected] for more informa on.

Classes meet on Tuesday evenings, 7 –9 pm in the

small hall beginning September 13.

5500 E. Wardlow Rd. Long Beach , CA 90808 Phone: 562-421-8966 Fax: 562-421-5096

Page 2: St. Cornelius Church RCIA · St. Cornelius Church RCIA Becoming Catholic ♦ Interested in Becoming Catholic? ♦ Want to receive Bapsm? Confirma on? Eucharist? ♦ Know anyone who


I hate sin. Not enough to stop do-ing it, try as I might, but I truly hate it. The older I get, the more I recog-nize sin as persistent foolishness, darkness and nothingness that pulls me away from God, whispers false promises in my ears about new pleasures, asks, “Why not?” or as-sures me, “You deserve it!” With the purported author of Psalm 51, King David, I can say with honesty that “I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.” And I know now, with the psalmist, that “against you, you alone, have I sinned, and done what is evil in your sight” because every sin against another of God’s creatures or God’s crea on is an act that draws me away from God’s love and the joy that God has prepared for me. I might not be the foremost sin-ner. The author of 1 Timothy, tradi-

onally ascribed to the apostle Paul, claims that tle, saying that he “was formerly a blasphemer, a persecu-tor, and a man of violence” and, in-deed, “first” among sinners. But that’s the point, is it not? When we are caught up in sin, or are coming down from the false high of sin, we feel that we are the worst of sinners, knowing be er what we ought to do but s ll doing it. This can lead not just to proper repentance and con-fession, but some mes to a sense of worthlessness and self-recrimina on. Who are we to de-serve God’s love? Why would God want me, of all people? This is why it is important to

stress that God cares for us at every point in our lives. Even if we feel we are not worthy of forgiveness, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the foremost.” It is “for that very rea-son,” Paul says, that “I received mer-cy, so that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display the ut-most pa ence, making me an exam-ple to those who would come to be-lieve in him for eternal life.” If the foremost sinner received mercy, you can, too. In fact, come and get it now. God wants our repentance, not to demand obeisance but because we were created out of being for being, not out of nothingness for nothing-ness. God’s desire for us is for our true nature and des ny to be real-ized. We see this when the Israelites out of Egypt quickly turn from their savior and the commandments given them to a golden calf. God tells Moses his wrath is burning “hot against them.” Moses, though, im-plores God and says, “Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, your servants” and the promises of de-scendants and the land. In response, “the Lord changed his mind about the disaster that he planned to bring on his people.” As much as God hates sin, God loves us even more. This is why mercy, not punishment, is the gi that God offers us over and over. This is not just an offer si ng on a back shelf somewhere. This offer was brought to us by God’s son, who

came to seek us out and offer us the gi prepared for us. The set of so-called lost parables in Luke begins with an account of grumbling on the part of the religious experts of Jesus’ day because he was ea ng with tax collectors and sinners. It is in re-sponse to these complaints that Je-sus tells three stories of a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son. They are so well known that we have to exer-cise care that their grit and ground-edness in everyday life not get lost: God seeks out sinners in whatever muck he finds us in. God rejoices over us when we are found. Listen to the endings of the three lost parables: “There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents,” Jesus says, “than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance”; “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents”; “But we had to celebrate and rejoice, be-cause this brother of yours was dead and has come to life; he was lost and has been found.” As much as sin stalks us, when I look back at my life I see how many mercies and graces there have been, how God has been picking me up every me I fell and dus ng me off. God keeps standing us up and telling us to turn away from sin and come home, for now is the me to share in God’s joy.

God’s Joy “Against you, you alone, have I sinned, and done what is evil in your sight”

By: John W. Martens


Siempre Adelante, Fr. Mike

Page 3: St. Cornelius Church RCIA · St. Cornelius Church RCIA Becoming Catholic ♦ Interested in Becoming Catholic? ♦ Want to receive Bapsm? Confirma on? Eucharist? ♦ Know anyone who

WEEKEND MASSES Saturday, September 17 5:00 p.m. Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector: Fritzi Osenbrunner Sunday, September 18 8:00 a.m. Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector: Michele Bradley 10:00 a.m. Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector: Bert Howard 12 noon Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector Darlene Boucher 5:00 p.m. Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector: Mon Bigelow


MASS INTENTIONS † = Indicates Deceased Sunday, September 11 8:00 a.m. Phyliss Norr—Birthday †Rosemary McCarthy 10:00 a.m. Margaret Magner Danna Bill Klenk—Birthday Kim Frankart 12:00 noon The Parents of Parfait Voundi Mr. & Mrs. Voundi 5:00 p.m. Margaret Magner Danna People of St. Cornelius Monday, September 12 8:00 a.m. †Ron Woirhaye Lori 5:00 p.m. The Ghaly Family Robert & Rosalie Lynch Tuesday, September 13 8:00 a.m. Phylliss Norr †Desmond Barlow 5:00 p.m. Michelle Ghaly †Rita Ann Coyle Wednesday, September 14 8:00 a.m. Pat Moore 5:00 p.m. Bill & Esther Mcdonald †Tita Lupita Diaz Thursday, September 15 8:00 a.m †Kirk Engel †Amalia Acasta 5:00 p.m. Kris na Murray Friday, September 16 8:15 a.m. Nancy Hayes James Michael Ansiaux 5:00 p.m. Karen Connolly (Birthday) †James Reinard †Arsenia Runas Saturday, September 17 8:00 a.m. Gregory Kelly Chris Leon †Robert H. Foley 5:00 p.m. Helen Duff (Birthday) †Carl Schurz Sunday, September 18 8:00 a.m. Phyliss Norr (Birthday) People of St. Cornelius 10:00 a.m. †Richard Frankart †Nieves Achiles 12:00 noon The Sanchez Family Joseph Nnengue The Jorda Family 5:00 p.m. Margaret Magner Danna †Timothy Card

TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Just look at the Cross The common theme of today's readings is forgiveness. The Gospel is one familiar to us all, and Paul in the sec-ond reading highlights his story of receiving God's mer-cy. But the first reading might cause us to wonder if God was always so forgiving. God and Moses come across like a couple of parents deciding whether they should punish their children. One, the Lord, points out how bad Israel has been. The other, Moses, points out how good God is, in the promise to make them a great na on. The important point is that God relented and forgave the people. In each case, great sins are forgiv-en--not because the people deserved it, but because they were loved. My favorite line in the second reading is "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sin-ners" (1Timothy 1:15)--not to find the wealthiest peo-ple to build his kingdom, or the nicest, or the holiest; he came to save sinners. The Pharisees and scribes did not get this. That was one of the reasons they wanted to kill Jesus. And yet, when they did just that, Jesus' death on the cross brought forgiveness for us all. Remember the story in Genesis 18, of Abraham bargaining with God not to destroy Sodom if he could find a few good peo-ple? Maybe he should have "reminded" God of that divine mercy instead of hoping to find enough good people to spare the town. Some mes we can't believe that God would love us so much as to forgive any sin. Just look at the cross if you need a reminder. Tom Schmidt, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co

Page 4: St. Cornelius Church RCIA · St. Cornelius Church RCIA Becoming Catholic ♦ Interested in Becoming Catholic? ♦ Want to receive Bapsm? Confirma on? Eucharist? ♦ Know anyone who



CONNECTING THE DOTS Spirituality Book Club Our book selec on for October 20 will be “Where the Hell Is God?” by Richard Leonard S.J., available in paperback on Amazon. Come join us for discus-sion at The Duffy’s home, the 3rd Thursday of the month, except September, we're on vaca on. Call Norma at (562)429-1094 or Deacon Rich Boucher for more informa on. All are welcome.

FAITH AND FICTION St. Cornelius Book Discussion Group The next mee ng of the book club will be held on Monday September 19th, at 7:30 pm in the school library. The book we will be discussing is “The Shoe-maker’s Wife” by Adriana Trigiani. We meet on the third Monday of every month, except December. You are welcome to join us. For further informa on, call Katy Ellis at 607-1100.

PRAYER LIST As many of you may have no ced our prayer list con nues to grow. O en mes family members and friends call us to ask that we pray for individuals during a trying health issue. Most of the me they do not call back to let us know if the person is well. Some have been returned to health, others may have returned to the Lord. Please contact the Rectory if your loved ones can be removed from the Prayer List. Always remember that at each and every Mass we pray for those who are ill, names known and unknown. God always hears our prayers.

Helen Whitwell Ellen Bollinger Mar n Metz Alexis Teodosio Andrea Boyles Donna Williams Sarah Irvine Maureen Walsh Michelle Stevens Lori Garcia David Wheeler Adam & Carla Mars Mary Larkin Harper Deaton Niko Greco Michelle Carranza Olivia Alvillar Sandee Bradley Marge Hengehold D.J. Barwick Albert Howard Olivia Howard Bob Early Peggy Hasse Dolores Lounsbury Jennifer Carey Marta L. Rodriguez Julienne Aoga Danny Castaneda Jeff Newon Eric Fairchild Barbara Bain Gabriela Paradiso Monica Frank Juan Carlos Andrade Arlene DeWalt Martha Burris Jenni Rojas Frances Boudreau Lee Hicks Irene Brauer

Silailai Tamasoa Christopher Cathart Jerry Siler Henry Sarnecki Helen Walsh Kevin Allan Fernando Rodriguez Larry Gaudy Kimberly Fregoso Ed Chandler Lourdes Coranda Frances Athey Mary Collins Kit Gonzalez Jeffrey Jorda Trisha Ward Joan Aimerito Ed & Peggy Pen s Rosa Claudia Lopez Jason Rosier Rick Briggs John Herrera Clara Milena Jimenez Catherine Warrens Melanie Liu Dean Cheney Sio Patolo Brandon McKenzie Kasiano Alai Patricia Wolfe Margaret Haskins Samuel McCarthy Jim Alder Martha Montes Ferdie Ann Melinda Harne Roxanne Lindsey Rafael Carigma Mark Carigma Travis Melnick Veronica Tolliver

Sherill S llwell Judy Klenk Ed Barwick Todd Johnson Jonathan Kolp Tiffany Poblete Frank Novak Mark Chacarian Liz Smith Richard LaPorte Venus Butler Robert Dougherty Jenny Rivas Denise Pearson Michelle Lopez Andy Witherspoon Jean Wells Zulena Grajeda Karen Gingras Connie Cooper Angelina Alvarez Patricia Moore Natalie Bordeaux Alvin York Terri Roach Alfred Baca Erin Longhofer Brian Longhofer Karen Maguire Samantha Mesa Dave Koegel Jack Alva Cooper Chris Leon Gregory Kelly Robert DuPont

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK For The Sick Who Have Asked To Be Remembered In Prayer:

WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY St. Cornelius Wednesday night Bible Study We have started back again for September with the Gos-pel of Luke. You are invited to join us on Wednesdays, from 7-8:45 pm in the Holy Family Room. For more in-forma on, course materials or to sign up please contact Erick or Barbara Fischer at (562) 425-5542 or e-mail, [email protected]

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP The loss of a loved one is a universal human experi-ence. However, our emo onal response to our loss is highly individualis c and can vary in intensity and dura on. If you have experienced the loss of a loved one either through death or divorce you are welcomed to a end a six week psycho-educa onal Bereavement Support Group, beginning:

Monday, September 19th at 7:00 PM

in the Chapel (west of rectory) Come and draw upon the mutual support and spir-itual strength of others and learn valuable coping techniques. If you wish to a end or would like more informa on, please call Nancy Himes (562) 928-2474.

Page 5: St. Cornelius Church RCIA · St. Cornelius Church RCIA Becoming Catholic ♦ Interested in Becoming Catholic? ♦ Want to receive Bapsm? Confirma on? Eucharist? ♦ Know anyone who


SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Did you know? Teach kids how to iden fy bullying Bullying is an unfortunate problem in schools across the country, and no ma er how nice or friendly your children are, they are going to run across bullies. Whether your children are vic m-ized by a bully or not, they should be aware of the classic signs of bullying—teasing, pushing, shoving, violence or threats of any kind, and more. While bullying does not always escalate to physical touching or violence, your children should be able to iden fy touches that they are uncomfortable with, and should know where to go to report is-sues. For more informa on, visit: h ps://

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Registra on con nues through October 1st! Con nuing and new students pick up 2016/17 informa on in the Religious Educa on office. Registra on packets for new students may be picked up or printed from the parish website:

Important dates: Meet and Greet: Sunday, October 2, 2016, 11:00AM (a er the 10AM mass) meet with the teachers at coffee and donuts in the Pavilion. Junior High Classes: Tuesday, October 4, 2016 through May 16, 2017 Elementary Classes: Thursday, October 6, 2016 through May 18, 2017 Early Childhood Classes: Sunday, October 9, 2016 through May 21, 2017, During 10:00AM mass

Cateche cal Sunday This year, the Church will celebrate Cateche cal Sunday on September 18, 2016 and will focus on the theme "Prayer: The Faith Prayed." Those who the Community has designated to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commis-sioned for their ministry. Cateche cal Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Bap sm, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Cateche cal Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. Teachers, Catechists and classroom volunteers will receive a blessing during the 10:00 AM Mass. Please join us for coffee, donuts and fellowship in the Paye e Pa-vilion immediately following mass.


First class for Year 1 begins today September 11, 2016.

First class for Year 2 begins Next Sunday, September 18, 2016.

For more informa on please contact Cristy Hull or Mike Schmidt at (562) 420-7613 or

via email at [email protected]

High school youth group meets every Wednesday from

7-9:00p.m in the Large Hall. Please join us for fun & fellowship.



In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that the shepherd rejoices when he finds one lost sheep. The story tells us that nothing and no one is insignificant to God who is com-

passionate and loving to all. Is there a neighbor or friend of yours who is in temporary need because of a loss of a job or ill-ness? Have them call us at 562-421-8011 for help.

Page 6: St. Cornelius Church RCIA · St. Cornelius Church RCIA Becoming Catholic ♦ Interested in Becoming Catholic? ♦ Want to receive Bapsm? Confirma on? Eucharist? ♦ Know anyone who


RESPECT LIFE NEWS & NOTES Rosary and Mass for Life - Sunday, Oct. 2

beginning at 4:30pm right here at St. Cornelius.

Rachel’s Vineyard - Post Abor on Healing Rachel's Vineyard retreat, this October 7-9, is for

women and men struggling with the emo onal and spiritual pain of abor on. The retreat is designed to help par cipants work through repressed grief and anger in a safe, nonjudgmental se ng and come to acceptance, healing, and hope for the future. Devel-oped in the Roman Catholic Tradi on, it u lizes spir-itual exercises and rituals to help grieve the loss of

unborn children and to accept God’s forgiveness. All inquiries and registra ons are confiden al - 866-2-

RACHEL (866-272-2435)

Pregnant? Need Help? 1-800-712-HELP

Like us on Facebook. Twitter @AudioGirlM Sylvia Aimerito 562-429-1965

PARISH MINISTRIES Altar Servers Mike & Irene More ne 420-4565 Altar Society Nelly Cabutahe 421-8966 Ancient Order Of Hibernians Daniel McGowan 826-6140 Bereavement - Nancy Himes 928-2474 Cub Scouts - Shawn P. Kelly (714) 713-2015 Choir Director - Joe Patolo 421-8966 Cursillo - Frank Diaz 972-6195 Deten on Ministry Sr. Teresa Dougherty 429-0033 EM & Lector Coordinator Michele Bradley 420-6481 Hospital Ministry - Frank Schmidt 225-7571 Italian Catholic Federa on Stephanie Hardy 544-2222 Steve Dipietro 225-9447 Knights of Columbus Victor Magana 420-3214 LB Young Adult Ministry Jason Pillon 716-2608 Music Coordinator - Kathy Clay 420-3894 Parent Board - Laura Goglia 425-7813 People for Others - Jenny Davidoff 420-3425 Project Achieve - Kathy Cabral 429-3835 RCIA—Audrey Hamamoto 421-8966 [email protected] Religious Educa on- Evelyn Padian 420-7613 Respect Life - Sylvia Aimerito 429-1965 Sacred Heart Retreats - Pam Branch 421-9087 St. Vincent de Paul - Claudia Meza 421-8011 Safeguard the Children Mary Brady 425-5541 School - Nancy Hayes, Principal 425-7813 Seniors Group - Rectory Office 421-8966 Serra Club - Richard MacDonald 425-1863 Ushers - Sam McCarthy 594-8212 Wedding Coordinator Silvia Cerna 421-8966 Wedding Rehearsals Chris ne Cramer 421-8966 Youth & Confirma on 420-7613 Cris na Hull & Mike Schmidt

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SODA DRIVE Calling all parishioners! Would you like to be a part of Fiesta and contribute to its success? Your chance is here…..St. Cornelius holds its annual soda drive to collect donated soda that will be sold during Fiesta. So drinks are a major expense during Fiesta and through the generous dona ons of our parish-ioners, we can reduce this opera ng cost and increase the Fiesta’s monetary support to the school. So drink dona ons of cans of Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, 7-Up and other brands: Regular or Diet can be dropped off at the Rectory garage door a er all masses. Parishioner support on this worthy fundraiser is greatly ap-preciated! If you have any ques ons, please contact Fiesta Soda Chairs Tracy Sims (562) 972-7703 or Stacey Morrison (562) 230-1480

MAJOR PRIZE DRAWING FIESTA 2016 Our annual Major Prize Drawing will be held on Sunday, September 25, 2016 at 7pm at Fies-ta! Tickets are only $1.00 and you have the chance to win : 1st Prize - $2,000, 2nd Prize - $1,000, 3rd & 4th Prize - $500, and 5th thru 8th Prizes - $250 . Tickets will not be mailed. Tickets will be available in the pews and entrances at mass, in the school office or at the “Major Prize” booth Fiesta Weekend. Go Fiesta! Go!

CALLING ALL CRAFTERS Fiesta Cra Fair 2016 Commi ee is looking for Cra ers who are interested in selling their wares at the 2016 Fiesta Cra Fair, Sunday, Sept. 25th from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. Cra ers may purchase a single 8 x 8 in-door space by calling the school office. A $45.00 fee is charge for each single space reserved.

ST. CORNELIUS CLASS OF 1973 St. Cornelius Class of 1973 - we are looking for you! We are planning a reunion on Saturday, September 24 in the school's small hall, from 5-10 pm. The Fiesta will be taking place at this me, so this gives you the opportunity to not only connect with classmates, but families/friends that have remained at St. Cornelius. There will be a variety of food and beverages for you to purchase, at the Fiesta, in support of St. Cornelius. Classmates that did not graduate, but a ended class at any me during our 8 years to-gether, are also invited. The reunion is absolutely free of charge, so come join us and bring your spouse or special guest or just come yourself. A splendid me is guaranteed for all. For more informa on please email Pa Orban at [email protected] or Jim Leone at Jhleone"

HOURLY DRAWING BOOTH FIESTA 2016 Gree ngs! In prepara on for this year's upcoming Fiesta and due to the HUGE success of our Hourly drawing booth we kindly request your dona ons of Never Used Gi Cards (cards you’ve been holding on to but never used) or gently used cash! We’ll use the cash to purchase Scrip gi cards which benefit our school two fold! You can send your dona ons of gi cards or cash for Scrip gi cards directly to the school office, or in a separate envelope marked “Hourly Drawing” deposited in the church basket. We thank you for your generosity in suppor ng our school and the children – the future of our par-ish! Please contact Rose Letson (562-755-0862) with any ques ons.

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