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    ST. ANTHONY’S PARISH COMMUNITY 276 Diamond Bridge Avenue Hawthorne, New Jersey 07506

    Rev. Msgr. Raymond J. Kupke, Ph.D...................................Pastor

    Rev. Sylwester Pierzak............................................Parochial Vicar

    Rev. Msgr. Elso C. Introini....................................Pastor Emeritus

    Mr. Gerald Fadlalla…………………..............................……...Deacon

    Mr. Ronnie Gonzalez…………................................…………….Deacon

    Mr. Anthony Bernardine......................................Deacon (Retired)

    Mr. Richard Brudzynski.......................................Deacon (Retired)

    Sr. Colleen Clair F.M.A.........................................School Principal

    Sr. Betty Ann Martinez, F.M.A.........................Rel. Ed. Director

    Ms. Therese Grolly..............................Confirmation Coordinator

    Sunday Masses Saturday......................................................................................5:30 p.m. Sunday...........................................7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m., 12 noon

    Weekday Masses Monday - Saturday.................................................................7:30 a.m.

    Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday.........................................................................4:30 - 5:15 p.m.

    Mr. Craig Jandoli......................................Confirmation Assistant

    Mr. Michael Riedel..................................................Music Director

    Julian Cabling / Liz Newman..………......…....Youth Ministers

    Mrs. Diane Brown.................................................Parish Secretary

    Ms. Mary Ann Martone…...Safe Environment Coordinator/ Parish Secretary

    Mrs. Cathy Clyne...........................................Finance Department

    Mr. William Chaky………..........……Maintenance Supervisor

    Mr. Eugene Morabito.............................................................. Trustee

    Mrs. Barbara Homler...............................................................Trustee

    Phone 973-427-1478

    Fax 973-427-4826


    School 973-423-1818

    Religious Education 973-427-7873

    Upcoming Holy Hour - Eucharistic Adoration Monday, January 18, 2021, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.

    Anointing of the Sick Please call the rectory for a priest to anoint anyone who is dying or seriously ill.

    Baptisms are held on every other Sunday of each month at 1:30 p.m. Please call the rectory.

    M a s s e s

    Served by

    January 3, 2021

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    M A SS INTENTIO NS Sunday, January 3, 2021

    Saturday January 2 5:30 PM John Muth Elaine Gardner

    Sunday January 3 7:00 AM For the People of the Parish

    8:30 AM Chris Woolley Anthony Gallo

    Kevin Duffy For the intention of Msgr. Ray

    10:00 AM Angelo Ritola Frances Koerner

    For the intention of Salesian Benefactors 12:00 PM Helen Kopchik John L. Muth

    Maria Marycz For the intention of the Parish Priests

    Monday January 4 7:30 AM Lena Warner

    Tuesday January 5 7:30 AM Halina Tyjer Frank Papale

    Wednesday January 6 7:30 AM Ann Hughes Salvatore Papale Anna Conte

    Thursday January 7 7:30 AM Stephen Schrammel

    Friday January 8 7:30 AM Owen Lynch

    Saturday January 9 7:30 AM Joseph Kopec The Sanctuary Lamp: honoring the Eucharistic Presence of our Lord in the Tabernacle is burning this week In Loving Memory of Kevin T. Newman

    Bread and Wine: In Loving Memory of Gaspare D’Agati

    Next Weekend Mass Intentions January 9-10, 2021

    Saturday 5:30 PM Susan Joyce Gasper William Ellicott Guido Campana Nick Sciortino Joseph Mikolajczyk

    Sunday 7:00 AM Theresa Begnoche

    8:30 AM Maggio Family (deceased) Marion Bradford Stephen Schrammel

    Fran Koerner 10:00 AM For the Salesian Sisters Benefactors

    Gordon Knepper Gaetana Santo

    Michael Martinelli 12:00 Noon For the People of the Parish Pompeo Galizia

    Domenica Soranno

    Pray for the Sick of Our Parish

    Rich Ambrose, Ralph & Terry Adame and Family, Amy Brenna, Carol Cahion, Phyliss Carlough, Ernie Cole, Mary Colombo, Marge Corley, Michele D’Angelo, Dan DiIenno, Jose Espinosa, Rosa Feliciano, Laura Flanders, Agnes Gallagher, Eddie Gallo, Richard Gallo, Eileen Gazawie, Msgr. Mark Giordani, Mason Giove, Eddie Gonzalez, Sam Hayek, Mary Izzo, Peter Kavanagh, Darlene Kolakovic, Sam Kotoulas, Msgr. Raymond Kupke, James LaBianca, Judy LaGuardia, Lucy Leone, Frank Longo, Gina Love, Carmela Lucas, Robert Maggio Jr., Michael Mahometa, Robert Majewski, Joan Martin, Frank McCarthy, Genny McLean, Joseph McDonald, Monica McDonald, Maria McLaughlin, Baby McKenna, Shirley Melgar, Marie Miller, Helen Monda, Sally Ann Morse, Delfina Montone, Patricia Moore, Julieann Morabito, Sandra & George Morabito, Gail Neumann, Ralph Petrucci, Joan Prusiensky, Baby Lily Ramos, Colleen Read, Maureen Read, Eileen Robinson, Barbara Tilton, Dolores Yarnchuk, Mary Walker, Joseph Woods, Agnes Mariella Zimmer, Gregory Zimmer, Millie Zeralli, Marie Zigarelli, John Zisa.

    Please Note: These names will appear on our list for one month only.

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    The Liturgy at

    St. Anthony’s R.C. Church

    Hawthorne, New Jersey

    Please join in singing the Hymns, Response And Acclamations with your mask on. Thank you.


    PROCESSIONAL HYMN: AS WITH GLADNESS, MEN OF OLD Dix As with gladness men of old Did the guiding star behold, As with joy they hailed its light, Leading onward, beaming bright, So, most gracious Lord, may we Evermore be led to thee.

    As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger-bed, There to bend the knee before Him whom heav’n and earth adore; So may we with willing feet Ever seek the mercy-seat.

    As they offered gifts most rare At that manger rude and bare; So may we with holy joy, Pure and free from sin’s alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ! to thee, our heav’nly King.

    GLORY TO GOD – SUNG: Mass of St. Francis Cabrini Kevin Keil


    R. Lord, ev’ry nation on earth will adore you. PREPARATION HYMN: THE FIRST NOWELL Nowell

    The first Nowell, the angel did say, Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; In fields where they lay keeping their sheep, On a cold winter’s night that was so deep.

    Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Born is the King of Israel.

    And by the light of that same star Three wise men came from country far; To seek for a king was their intent, And to follow the star wherever it went. (R)

    Then entered in those wise men three, Full rev’rently upon the knee, And offered there, in his presence, Their gold and myrrh and frankincense. (R)

    EUCHARISTIC ACCLAMATIONS - SUNG: Mass of Christ the Savior Dan Schutte

    COMMUNION: WE THREE KINGS OF ORIENT ARE Kings of Orient O star of wonder, star of night, Star with royal beauty bright, Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to the perfect light.

    RECESSIONAL: JOY TO THE WORLD Antioch Joy to the world! the Lord is come; Let earth receive her King; Let ev’ry heart prepare him room, And heav’n and nature sing, And heav’n and nature sing, And heav’n, and heav’n and nature sing.

    He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love, And wonders of his love, And wonders, wonders of his love.

    Please take the Parish Bulletin with you at the conclusion of Mass. It contains valuable parish

    information AND we cannot re-use the Bulletins for the next Mass. Thank you!

    The Epiphany of the Lord

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    I remember my summer vacation at my grandparents’ farm, and it was always with great pleasure to look at the starry sky in August at night. The good weather allowed me to see millions of stars in the sky. The Milky Way really looked like the milk spilled up there, in space. This beautiful view moves, delights, and raises questions about its Creator. Gazing at the stars scattered across the black sky is not something for the astronomers only, but it also helps us understand our lives. The stars show the direction. The North Star, for example, always points to the north. It played a particularly important role in the life of sailors who found the direction while sailing through the seas and oceans. She led them safely to their destination port. In our spiritual lives, we follow the Star, the Light that guides us towards heaven, the destination port of our earthly sailing. The prophet Isaiah speaks of this light in the First Reading: “Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you. See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the peoples; but upon you the LORD shines, and over you appears his glory. Nations shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining radiance.”

    This Sunday, the Solemnity of the Epiphany, we celebrate the light revealed by God to the world in Christ. It is the light that leads us to our Creator and Savior. Pope St. John Paul II, in his encyclical “Fides et ratio,” (Faith and Reason) reminds us that there is no contradiction between science and faith. On the contrary, reason leads us to faith in God. Science and faith are two wings on which we rise to the heights of contemplation and reach the port of our destiny, which is blissful communion with God.

    Albert Einstein once said: “Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind. My religion consists of a humble admiration of the limitless superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.” And Charles Darwin, to a student’s question about faith in God, wrote in a letter: “It is impossible to answer your brief question in a few words only, but I don’t know if I could do it even in the longest letter. Let me just say that the main evidence of God’s existence may be the fact that it is impossible to imagine that this wonderful and strange universe, together with people endowed with consciousness, came to be by a mere accident.“

    The Wise Men of the East (also called the Three Kings or the Magi) stared at the sky more often than others. Admiring its beauty, they discovered the almighty power behind it, which they identified with God. More often than others, they reached for books that contained all the wisdom of the world of that time. They did their research, and they did it thoroughly. One day they saw a star in the sky that caught their attention. That star was different, brighter than others. They began to ask about the meaning of this sign. Soon after, they came to the conclusion that it was a sign of the newborn King of the Jews. So they left everything and set out in haste to pay tribute to the Newborn King. The Gospel shows their great zeal and determination. Finally, they reached their destination. They entered the poor house and saw the King of Kings laid in a manger. It was not something they were used to see in royal palaces, but nonetheless, they did not fall into prejudices but fell to the ground and paid him homage and offered costly gifts.

    In those days, the people of the East were vividly convinced that every person has his own star, and it sets the direction of his life and determines his fate. It is hard not to get the impression lives again to see whether we are going in the right direction or maybe going nowhere. There is no reason for us to walk in darkness if the Light is at hand!

    A Few Words From Fr. Sylwester

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    Many thanks to our Art & Environment Committee, with its longtime leader, Frank Abate, for making our church beautifully decorated for Christmas. We come to the Christmas Masses each year and cannot take our eyes off the Nativity scene, trees, poinsettias, wreaths. Everything looks gorgeous, but it is only because we have such a devoted group of people who do this every year (and not only for Christmas!) Frank, in his great humility, always repeats that he is only one of many; they are the TEAM. So thank you, each and everyone, for every hour spent in church to let all our parish family have a wonderful Christmas at St. Anthony’s, again.

    May the Lord reward your hidden work and commitment. Everything for His greater glory!

    With Prayers,

    Father Sylwester

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    Even in northern New Jersey many would not expect the lively links that connect New England (especially upper New England) with French Canada. For example, the current Cardinal Archbishop of Quebec went to grammar school, high school and college in Manchester, New Hampshire (where of course his family were members of St. Anthony Parish). Following the Connecticut River thousands of French Canadians migrated permanently or temporarily to New England. Among them was the saint of this Wednesday, St. Andre Bessette (1845-1937). Becoming an orphan at 12, St. Andre followed members of his family and spent several years as a laborer in Connecticut. At the urging of his parish priest, who recognized his pious nature, he was accepted as a lay brother by the congregation of the Holy Cross at Montreal in 1872. St. Andre’s talents were not highly thought of so he was literally “shown the door”. He became the porter/door keeper of his order’s main Montreal house for the next 40 years. The church has canonized several porters over the years (including the American Franciscan, Solanus Casey, of Detroit). Andre fits the pattern, he used his position to preach the gospel, to take care of the poor and most of all to spread a deep devotion to St. Joseph. From that devotion, developed many miraculous healings and ultimately the largest shrine in the world to St. Joseph, the dramatic Oratory of St. Joseph in Montreal. At his death 83 years ago this Wednesday, more than one million people turned out to venerate the body of Brother Andre. His feast day on Wednesday, in the first days of 2021, reminds us at the beginning of this Year of St. Joseph to follow St. Andre’s constant admonition “go to St. Joseph” in suppliant prayer all through the year.

    I want to extend my condolences and that of Fr. Sylwester and the whole parish to the family and friends of

    Kevin Duffy who was buried from St. Anthony’s this past Monday. Kevin was the long-time head of both

    the Knights of Columbus and Holy Name Society here in the parish and I know that his many brother Knights

    and Holy Name members will miss his leadership. Kevin always reminded us that his family was one of the

    original families that helped to found St. Anthony over a century ago. May he rest in peace and continue to

    keep St. Anthony’s always in his mind and heart from his place of rest.

    Fr. Ray

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    Sunday Offering (12/6/20): $ 10,291.26 Sunday Offering (12/13/20): $ 14,412.26 Sunday Offering (12/20/20): $ 11,879.36 Sunday Offering (12/27/20): $ 1,692.96 (Online Giving) $ 19,321.00 (Envelopes) *

    Total: $21,013.96 * * includes two annual donations ($5,000 & $6,500)

    Access Your Account

    As the year draws to a close and we approach tax season, it is a great time to review your annual donations to St. Anthony Church!

    1. Log in to My Own Church following this link: 2. Enter your Username and Password 3. On the My Own Church Page, click on the “My Offering” tab 4. Just under the tabs on the top left click on “Giving History”

    a. This page allows you to look at your donations by year

    Online Giving and Text to Give

    Please use this link found on our parish website or our Facebook page to register in ParishSOFT Giving and participate in our online giving program:

    Text a donation amount (e.g. 10, 20, 50 etc.) to 973-245-9778 and ParishSOFT Giving will prompt you to enter any required information.

    You can donate to ANY of our parish or national funds by using our online giving platform, such as: Offertory, Christmas Flowers, Christmas, Project Faith, The Beacon, Social Services and many more!

    For assistance, please contact Donna Mallory at 973.557.0858 or [email protected]

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    Christmas at St. Anthony’s

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    Joy to the World!

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    Where to begin? We’re so very grateful to those of you who supported our many outreach

    efforts this past holiday season in so many ways; the donations of gift cards, monetary

    contributions, food, and Giving Tree gifts amid the pandemic were amazing. Our Christmas

    food distribution and the Advent Giving Tree were very successful. I’m especially grateful to Ministry members Arleen and Vic De Pauw for their hands-on work with our food distribution,

    and to the Ministry members who welcomed clients at the garage on distribution day and to

    those who made deliveries. (I’d also like to acknowledge my out-of-town daughter Michelle

    and her family for helping out at the garage that day.) The food distribution was another

    great team effort.

    Special thanks to the McAllister family for another outstanding job with the Giving Tree; they’ve been doing great work for many, many years. And of course we especially appreciated

    the assistance of Diana Connolly and Helen Pasquale, the “elves” who met agency

    representatives picking up the gifts. This year we supported four social service agencies, all located in Paterson: Catholic Family &

    Community Services/Catholic Charities, Oasis, a Haven for Women and Children, the New Jersey Development Corp., and Straight & Narrow, the diocesan-run drug & alcohol rehabilitation facility. We also provided

    assistance to a number of local families in need. Thanks to your overwhelming generosity we were able to distribute well over 800 gifts. Impressive indeed!! I’m especially proud of

    you, our parishioners, for the care and generosity you display again and again,

    and can't thank you enough for all that you do.

    Deacon Jerry

    Many, many thanks to the local business that donated turkeys for Christmas, and to

    St. Anthony’s School, North Haledon UNICO, our parish St. Vincent de Paul Society,

    and the Rectory Office staff for their support.


    The Students of Hawthorne Acting Responsibly and Effectively (S.H.A.R.E.) at Hawthorne High

    School is offering snow removal services to Hawthorne senior citizens at no cost.

    Students will volunteer their time to assist seniors by shoveling their walkways and

    sidewalks after a snow event. Senior citizens can contact the S.H.A.R.E. advisor, Jaclyn Peene, directly at 973-423-6415 x2141 or contact her

    by email at [email protected]

    Need Help with PSEG?

    NJ 211 call specialists can help you find it! If you’re experiencing financial hardships

    and need assistance with utility costs, call 2-1-1; 800-510-3102; or 866-240-1347

    (all three options work).

    NJ 211 specialists will provide you with the location and hours of your local application

    agency, explain how the various home energy assistance programs work,

    check on the status of your application once it has been filed,

    and help you find alternative resources.

    S o c i a l S e r v i c e s


    We continue to distribute food from our parish pantry. If you are in need or know someone

    who is, please call Mary Ann at 973-557-0858. And we’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your very generous donations of food and monetary contributions during this

    time of the pandemic; we can’t thank you enough for your support. If you’d like to make a donation of food, please drop the item(s) in

    one of the boxes in the front (main) vestibule of the church.

    Note well: please do NOT give us any expired or opened items.

    Check the dates on any/all items you plan on donating.

    If items have expired, throw them out; don’t give them to us to dispose of.

    mailto:[email protected]

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    Youth Group

    January 18, 2021 (Monday, 7:30 pm) Holy Hour for Christian Unity

    February 11, 2021 (Thursday, 7:30 pm Our Lady of Lourdes – Holy Hour for the Sick

    March 9, 2021 (Tuesday, 7:30 pm) Lenten Holy Hour

    April 11, 2021 (Sunday, 3:00 pm) Divine Mercy Sunday – Holy Hour of Mercy

    May 17, 2021 (Monday, 7:30 pm) Holy Hour for the Vocations

    June 18, 2021 (Friday, 7:30 pm) The Month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus –

    Holy Hour for the Families

    Epiphany of the lord

    Monthly Holy Hour

    All students in high school are invite to join

    St. Anthony’s Youth Group!

    Youth group is a great way to meet new people and learn more about your faith.

    To stay informed, FOLLOW US on Instagram.

    St. Anthony Parish, Hawthorne, NJ is seeking a Facilities Manager to oversee all aspects of maintenance to insure a safe and efficient physical plant, consisting of a church, school, rectory and convent. Position combines managerial skills (scheduling, coordinating and maintaining the plant and existing building systems), hands-on functions (minor plumbing, electrical, carpentry, and other relevant skills), and physical aspects (manual duties, lifting, and climbing). Black Seal License required and minimum 3 years’ experience. Full Time/Benefit Eligible (40hrs/week, Monday-Friday).

    Please send resume to: [email protected]

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