Page 1: SSc4.1_Sample Shuttle Bus Narrative

SSc4.1 Alternative Transportation: Public Transportation Access Sample Shuttle Service Narrative This project requires an alternative compliance narrative because there are not 2 bus lines within ¼ mile or 1 light rail station within ½ mile of the project site. The shuttle bus to the light rail station should fulfill the credit requirements. The project site is located in close proximity to a light rail station (0.71 miles to Lincoln Station) as well as a single public bus line (< 0.25 miles). The light rail station connects to downtown Denver and the bus line provides service to nearby services and entertainment. To meet the intent of this credit, the hotel will provide shuttle services to the light rail station with a schedule of service that will be available “on-demand” and extended to both hotel guests, and hotel employees for all shifts. The site vicinity plan below highlights the location of the light rail station and bus line.

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