
Sri Sri Radha Damodar (Sigatoka, Fiji)

ISKCON Founder Acarya

His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada

His Holiness Vedavyasapriya Swami Maharaja Dearest Srila Prabhupada, Please accept my humble obeisances. I offer my false ego at your lotus feet so you may kick me so hard that it may fall far and dropped smashed. On this Rama Navami day in Srimad Bhagavatam class by my god brother, HH BV Nrasimha maharaj on SB 1:3:22, I received a big jolt by your purport that no one can change the order of The Lord Who has manifested reality by His internal potency. Not even Ravana could finish his stair case for anyone to go to heaven without proper qualifications. I was thinking preaching does require some calculated risk. How ever such risk must be calculated under full protection of the principles set in by Guru, Sadhu and Shastra so that the order of the Lord cannot be violated.. But seeing failure all around caused by uncalculated risk called deviation or transgracing the order of the Lord, I have become very much alarmed. Many examples started appearing before me like the demons who are envious of the Lord and His devotees, violated His order and got equvivalent smashing. The non devotee but liberated Jnanis, fall ungraceously from Brahmajyoti because violating the order of the Lord by dirty intelligence against taking shelter of the Lord’s lotus feet. Mayavadis are always smashed by their own perverted knowledge of becoming god themselves which itself constitutes violation in the order of the Lord. So what to speak of Ritvik vadis who manufacture meanings in the expressed desire of your divine grace? Similarly a lowly like me, who has so far failed to please you also gives a shrivering chill to my false ego telling me I must be violating the order of the Lord. Therefore on this holy appearance day of your divine grace, I pray humbly to you the representative of Lord Sri Krishna that please smash my false ego and lift me up. Your Servant, Vedavyasapriya Swami

Vyasa Puja Offerings 2011

To His Holiness Vedavyasapriya Swami Maharaja

Gita Kirti Devi Dasi & Gurusmarna Devi Dasi – Sigatoka, Fiji

nama om visnu-padaya krishna -presthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine

"I offer my respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Pra hup a,

who is very dear to Lord Kṛṣṇa, having taken shelter of His lotus feet."

namas te sarasvati deve gaura-vani-pracarine


"Our respectful obeisances are unto you, O spiritual master, servant of Sarasvati Gosvami. You

are kindly preaching the message of Lord Caitanyadeva and delivering the Western countries,

which are filled with impersonalism and voidism."

nama om visnu-padaya krishna -presthaya bhu-tale

srimate tamal krishna goswamin iti namine

"I offer my respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace Tamal Krishna Goswami Gurudeva, who

is very dear to Lord Kṛṣṇa, having taken shelter of His lotus feet."

nama om visnu-padaya Krishna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate vedvyasapriya swami iti namine

"I offer my respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace Vedvyasapriya Swami Mahara j, who is

very dear to Lord Krishna, having taken shelter of His lotus feet."

(jaya) sri-krishna -caitanya prabhu nityananda

sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda

"I offer my respectful obeisances to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabh, Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Advaita

Prabhu, Sri Gadadhara Prabhu, and Srivasa Prabhu."

hare krsna, hare kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa, hare hare

hare rama, hare rama, r ma rama, hare hare

Sri Vaisnava Pranama

vancha-kalpatarubhyas ca krpa-sindhubya ca

patitanam pavanebhyo vaisnavebhyo namo-namah

Dearest Maharaj,

Please accept our most humble obeisance unto your lotus feet. Thank you so much for being so

inspirational in our spiritual life. We cannot mention how much we appreciate your guidance

and assistance that you have given us since the departure of our beloved spiritual master, His

Holiness Tamal Krishna Goswami. Thank you once again. Without your divine grace's help we

could not have completed this temple in sigatoke thank you thank you Maharaj.

On this most auspicious day we pray unto the lotus feet of Sri Nrsimhadeva to protect you

always and grant you a very long long life so that we dont get bereft of your divine association.

Maharaj, we know that you are not a ordinary soul like us so please forgive us for any of our

offences if we have treated you ordinarily.

Maharaj, indeed you are very dear to Srila Prabhupada so please always shower your mercy

upon us so that we can run the temple smoothly and be of some service to you, guru and


Yours fallen daughters,

Gita Kirti Devi Dasi

Gurusmarna Devi Dasi

(Sigatoka, Fiji Yatra)

Lavangalata Devi dasi

oà ajïäna-timirändhasya jïänäïjana-çaläkayä cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai çré-gurave namaù I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, who has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the darkness of ignorance, with the torchlight of knowledge. nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale çrémate vedavyäsapriya svämin iti nämine I offer my respectful obeisances unto Çréla Vedavyäsapriya Svämi who is very dear to Lord Kåñëa, having taken shelter at His lotus feet.

Dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Çréla Pabhupäda. All glories to Çré Çré Rädhä-Çyämasundara.

I am indebted to you for rescuing me from countless millions of years in the samsara of birth and death in this material world, so I try to render a little service to you in such a way as to please you. But I find that from devotional service it is I who am the beneficiary. So then I think that the best way to try to repay your mercy to me is to try to do a little preaching in order to assist you to recover more of us fallen conditioned souls. My efforts are very small and insignificant, and I think probably very ineffectual. And the also I realize that my insignificant efforts to do some preaching encourage me to study and meditate on Çréla Pabhupäda’s books and those of other previous acäryas, and so again I find that it is I who am the beneficiary because I am furthering my realization in devotional service. It is all very inconceivable. It reminds me when reading Sri Båhad Bhägavatamåta towards the end was a statement that ultimately Lord Kåñëa alone awards pure prema-bhakti to His devotees, and then when they surrender to Him utterly He feels indebted to them for their surrender and unable to repay them.

Çré Caitanya-caritämåta Antya 20.37 “prema-dhana vinä vyartha daridra jévana ’däsa’ kari’ vetana more deha prema-dhana”

TRANSLATION “Without love of Godhead, my life is useless. Therefore I pray that You (you) accept me as Your (your) servant and give me the salary of ecstatic love of God.”

Sincerely trying to be your willing and humble servant, Lavangalata Devi dasi

Nalini Devi Dasi, Madhava, Radharani and Rajvidya Das

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya

caksur unmiltam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

nama om vishnu-padaya

krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

shrimate Vedavyasa priya

swami iti namine

Respected Srila Gurudeva,

Brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva

Guru-krsna prasade paya bhakti lata bija (CC.Madhya lila 19.151)

Srila Prabhupada elaborates: It is the transcendental knowledge received from a pure devotee

that awakens our latent love for Krsna. The methods, rules and regulations by which one is

perfectly trained in devotional service constitute the bhakti lata bija.

We have been wandering for many births from once species to another in the darkest of

ignorance. Even after attaining this rare human birth we are still in the same condition, under

the spell of the three modes of material nature. You, the direct representative of the Supreme

Lord, awaken within us the latent love for Krsna. Expertly you are nurturing the bhakti lata bija

within us. You are so merciful to us conditioned souls that you have permitted us to worship Sri

Sri Radha Symanasundara. You have bestowed upon us the dear most deities of Baa. Though we

are not worthy or qualified to accept them, it is only by your mercy we are able to worship

them. We thank you millions and millions of times for your special mercy towards us.

Karnadhar Ivapare, bhagvan para darsakah (SB. 1.13.40)

You are the captain of a ship in a great ocean and you can direct us to our destination

Your divine appearance is on this auspicious day of Pavitropana dvadasi, the festival of Jhulan

yatra. You have descended to this material world sacrificing such a great festival, simply to

elevate fallen souls and take us back to our eternal destination. This is your great mercy towards


Vyasa puja is the day when we disciples reaffirm our commitments and give an account of

following your instructions. We are such wretched, fallen souls that we ignore your instructions.

You instructed us to understand the mood of Guru (VP 2008 Auckland). Then again you

instructed us personally the instructions of Narada Muni to Yudhistira Maharaj regarding

detachment. We are still learning how to detach from material enjoyments.

Once in reply to a devotees question you boldly explained that you did not have any direct

association with Srila Prabhupada. Nevertheless, you are dedicated to following his instructions.

In your love for Srila Prabhupada and your disciples you do not care for the bodily discomforts.

You travel such long distances sometimes driving 18 hours yourself! Recently we realised the

extent of this discomfort when Nalini was ill. At that time we specially thought of you and how

you always go through bodily discomfort.

We pray sincerely on this auspicious day to Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundara for your good health

and long life.

Lastly, we repeat the prayer of Narottama Das Thakur:

Prati janme kori asa caranera dhuli, Narottama koro daya apanara boli

We desire the dust of your holy feet in every birth we may take.

Please consider us yours and be kind upon us.

Your fallen servants, Nalini Devi Dasi, Madhava, Radharani and Rajvidya Das

Janardhan Das

Nama om visnu-padaya krsna-Presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate Vedvyaspriya- Swamin iti namine

Please accept our Dandavat Pranam at your lotus feet again and again on this auspicious day of

your Vyasa Punja.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you Srila Gurudev.

Dear Guru Maharaj, we would like to heartily thank you for your fatherly support, guidance and

instruction to set Prayaag in Gurukul at Haridham Vrindavan. He is now very well settled and

happy. Without your mercy this was not possible for Prayaag’s better spiritual advancement. It

also gives us an opportunity and good excuse to visit Vrindavan more often. And thank you for

your permission to serve Sri Sri Radha shyam Sundarji while I was there in July this year.

We believe our selves to be very fortunate to have a spiritual master like you. We can’t wait to

have your darshan again in September when you come to Brisbane. You are so merciful and full

of compassion and without you Guru Maharaj we can’t see our selves progressing any further in

Krishna Consciousness. We always ask for a favour throughout the year but today on your Vyasa

Punja day, we beg for an opportunity to serve you not only as our respected Guru but as our

beloved father. Once again thank you for accepting us ignorant fallen souls as your disciples

despite of our sinful and materialistic nature and thoughts.

We humbly request on this occasion for your blessings and mercy that we will always remain in

your service and association.

Your servants

Janardan Das, Radhapriya Dasi, Kishan, Prayaag and Shyama.

Sarvasakshi Das

Nama om visnu-padaya krsna-Presthaya bhu-tale

Srimate Vedvyaspriya- Swamin iti namine

Hare Krsna Guru Mahraja,

Please accept my humble dandwat pranams. Maharaj you have showered a causeless mercy

upon this insignificant soul. I remember when you were residing at Indore, and I arranged a

college preaching at Prestige college, but due to some issues they didn’t allow us, then I came to

you for informing you about the cancellation of the programme, but your face was not raged

and there were no signs of sorrow. His Holiness you replied very politely that now you will spend

your entire valuable time on us. And this incident reminds me of the Bhagvad-Gita sloka

“bramha bhootah prasanna atma na shochati na kankshti”

Your Servent

Sarvasakshi Das

Apamnidhi Das

Namo om vishnupadaya krishan preshthay bhootale

shrimate Vedvyasay swamine iti namine

Hare krishna , guru maharaja, please accept my dandwat pranama, i remember

the causeless mercy of you, you are like all pervading , you exists

everywhere especially in our heart, when i was desiring to get initiated by

you in shridham vrindavana, but then a news of your coming to indore came to

me, we went there to take you from vrindavana, But then you refused and by

your mercy i got initiated there, this incident shows that you are always

with me ,

Your Servent

Apamnidhi das

Mahojvala Gopi Devi Dasi, USA.

Dear Maharaj,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to all the Fiji Vaisnav Community!!

On this most auspicious day of Your Holiness’s 67 th VYASA PUJA, I beg to offer you my

obeisances unlimited times.

As Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has said,In the millions of clusters of universes, among the

countless jivas, I am one of the very few fortunate souls to come in contact with your grace.

Pushed by your unlimited compassion to reclaim the suffering souls, you are travelling far and

wide. It was a stunning experience for me to see you always consciously reminding yourself of

this reality ,” I am not this body.”You fill your day, back to back with devotional service and in

the little moments in between, you are fixed in realizing the self.

One day I would like to visit Fiji and see the glory of Fiji by your hard work to please Srila


Srila prabhupada writes in the purport of Bhagavad-gita 2.54, “ As there are symptoms for each

and every man, in terms of his particular situation, similarly one who is Krishna conscious has his

particular nature- talking, walking, thinking, feeling etc.” Every word, every action of yours is

inspiring us. My mind is not developed, am not situated in self-realization and so I am unable to

see your true glory. Yet your actions are so candid and piercing that it appeals even to me – the

fallen and dull-headed.I pray to Lord Narasimhadeva for your, good health and long life.

Your servant,

Mahojvala Gopi Devi Dasi


Bhanu Das

Hare krishna!

All glories to you!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my humble obeisances!

Happy appearance day Dear Guru Maharaj! You came to this world to deliver us. We are

growing up in bhakti yoga by drinking the milk of your unlimited mercy ocean. We are always in

your lotus feet. Always need to your mercy,

your servant,

Bhanu das.

Sajeev Sadasivan Girija & Sadasivan

Chirakkal House, Guruvayur, Kerala.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All Glories to His Holiness Vedavyasapriya Swami Maharaj.

Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance’s at your Lotus feet. I know I am not at all qualified to

glorify such an exalted devotee like you. But I have made a delicate, insignificant and a last

minute attempt to do so. Kindly forgive my shortcomings, as you have blessed me and my

family with your Mercy and Compassion. On this auspicious occasion, I beg your blessings to be

able to continue chanting Hare Krishna.

Maharaj, it is indeed so inspiring and wonderful to see you in Guruvayur. This is the first time a

sanyasi visiting our house.By Ur association we are able to get spiritual knowledge. We are very

fortunate to have the association of your s a Spiritual Master like you. It was a great pleasure to

travel with you to See SreePadmanbha Swami, Sri Adikesava and associate with other devotees

in Trivandrum. We are looking forward to be with you again.

Maharaj, please direct and guide us so that we can be of some worthwhile service to make our

lives more meaningful and help us in our purification. I would also like to take this opportunity

to thank HG Mahojvala Mataji for giving us all the necessary support and advice to help us

advance in Krishna Consciousness.

Your Servants.

Sajeev Sadasivan Girija & Sadasivan .

Chirakkal House, Guruvayur, Kerala.

Kishore and Mala Shandil

Dearest Maharaj ji

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. We wish you a very happy

birthday. This day is indeed is a blessed day when a great soul like your self have appeared on

this earth with Srila Prabhupada’s message, which is so potent to deliver all the suffering souls.

Maharaj, we vividly remember the early days when we started knowing each other and the

meetings you used to have with our family. It touched our hearts, how much care and concern

you had for us. On each of your visit you would make an effort to come see us and bless and

bless our house by giving your divine association. You still are being so merciful to give us time

till now. Whenever you are either here in Australia, while we were in Fiji you would come to ask

of our welfare. We would like to thank you very much for this kindness.

Maharaj, seeing your compassion and the fatherly love towards us, we are definitely positive

that by your mercy, the love of Godhead will awaken in our hearts and we will also be able to

chant the name of Sri Krishna without offense and make this life sublime.

Maharaj, we pray on his auspicious day; please continue to guide us and bless us, as we are

really suffering in Maya, are so arrogant at times that we fail to realise what is the truth. Thank

you for guiding Nila Madhava into the path of bhakti.

We pray to Srimati Radharani and Lord Krishna to bless you with a long health life, so that we

continue to get your mercy in the form of your association.

Yours Humble servants,

Kishore and Mala Shandil (Nila Madhava’s Parents )

Shivneil and Rayneil

Bhaktin Menaka Kulanthavelu, Malaysia

Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my sincere obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

My heart sings with joy and gratitude for your being! I am most thankful for the being able to

take shelter under you.

I can recall you words from our conservation in December “ I will bring you to Fiji and we will

take it from there”. Here I am in Fiji, having the opportunity to be with you on your appearance


I have no words to express my gratitude to you, all that I know is that I am blessed to have you

in my life. I am so unqualified and unfortunate, that it is only by your mercy I am able to serve


Many times I have felt so far away from you, when I needed you most. What fills in the

separation is listening to your kirtans. Please guide me and instruct me so that I can serve your

lotus feet as I am longing for your words. All that I could ever ask for is to become your humble

servant and daughter to be able to serve you.

Your aspiring servant,

Menaka Kulanthavelu

Neela Madhava das

Dearest Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my most humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories unto your

Holiness on this day of your divine merciful appearance day to deliver fallen souls like myself.

Gurudeva, every year when I sit down to write his special homage to glorify your services to Srila

Prabhupada and how you have changed our lives, I just am unable to comprehend what to


Gurudeva, I was wonderstruck when I first read this class Bhagavad Gita Class of His Divine

Grace Srila Prabhupada some time ago and again it was rekindled in my memory when I started

thinking what should I write to pay my homage unto HDG Srila Prabhupada and my dear

Spiritual Master on his appearance day.

Devotee: Prabhupada, I heard it said that the spiritual master will always come back until his

devotees, his disciples, have achieved God realization. Can you explain that?

Prabhupada: Yes. But don’t try to take advantage of it. (laughter) Don’t try to give trouble to

your spiritual master like that. Finish your business in this life. That is especially meant for those

who are slack. His devotee, his disciple should be serious in serving spiritual master. If he is

intelligent he should know that “Why should I act in such a way that my spiritual master has to

take the trouble to reclaim me again? Let my business be finished in this life.” That should be the

right way of thinking. Not that, “Oh I am sure my spiritual master will come, let me do all

nonsense.” No. So if you have got any, I mean to say, affection for the spiritual master, then you

should finish your business in this life so that he may not come again to reclaim you. Is that all

right? Don’t take advantage of this business. Rather, be serious to finish your business. That is a


Bhagavad-gita 6.46-47

Los Angeles, February 21, 1969

Gurudeva, this statement shows the eternal relationship between the Guru and the disciple. I

know I have committed so many nonsense and unlimited sinful activities and knowingly or

unknowing.I beg at your lotus feet to forgive me of all my offenses at your lotus feet and bless

so that I am able to finish this business, as Srila Prabhupada has rightly said and do not commit

any further nonsense and enter into nitya lila of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath.

I wish you a very happy appearance day and pray to Sri Sri Radha Gopinath to give you a long

healthy life to preach the glories to the Holy Names in every town and village.

I humbly apologise for not being able to be present in your service, I miss those wonderful times

when I was with you Srila Gurudeva.I hope to get your association in Sydney.

Yours insignificant Servant

Neela Madhava das

Radhakanta Das Suva, Fiji

Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisance’s at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All

glories to Srila Gurudeva

I’m overtly excited that this year we are celebrating your Vyasa-Puja in Fiji. It has been seven

years for me since my Harinaam diksha and I count on the prospects of my advancement since

then. On the recollection of the conditions of my second initiation, I’m saddened that I have not

been able to keep up to your expectations and aspirations from me. The laxity and lack of

participation in spiritual activities in the temple has been due to my personal lack of enthusiasm,

my failure to imbibe your teachings and guidance, disregard of your instructions and foolishly

seeking pleasure and satisfaction from the meaningless worldly affairs.

Having stated the bitter truth about my lunatic demeanors, I still maintain my vows,

commitment and courage to fight the ever increasing pressure from the material perplexities of

this age. If it was not for a personality like you who exhibits not only divine qualities but touches

individual lives with concerted efforts to save them from the fire of material temperament,

illusion and hypocrisy, my family and myself would have been heavily engrossed in the complete

darkness of Kali.

Srila Gurudeva, you are deeply rooted in our hearts, your instructions and motivating comments

are always with us. It has become the driving force towards spirituality in today’s age of

technology, materialism and socialism. You have so deeply gone in my heart, that any activity I

do regardless of its nature of spirituality – you are always there to remind me of Krsna.

On your Vyasa Puja, I offer my homages to you for transforming my life from darkest ignorance

into blissful Krishna Consciousness and glorify you to other spiritualists. I would be failing

continuously if it wasn’t for your strong love, care and genuine teachings from scriptures to

make me realize the ultimate purpose of life. Although I haven’t risen to the platform you have

desired, I will surely go there one day since I have a strong dedicated and advanced spiritual

master like you who has the magic touch for his disciples. I’m trying and I will work hard to

realize your dreams of full Krishna Consciousness within my family. That will be my ultimate

perfection that you first instructed by your email – make your life sublime in Krishna

Consciousness and become the source of salvation to your family.

Your Servant serving as your son,

Radhakanta Das

Suva, Fiji.

Shantanu Das, Swardhunya Devi Dasi, Sanchari Devi Dasi, Satchit Anand Das,


Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Dear Gurudev

Many many returns on the auspicious day of Your appearance.

I pray to Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundar to give us many more years to serve you on this auspicious


It’s like every year this auspicious day comes and I realize that as our relationship is getting

older, it feels deeper and deeper. Since the time I met you I always wanted to stay connected

to you a. but now after so many years I just realized that most important thing is to understand

your mood and follow your orders . While I’m following your orders at every step your guidance

is your presence.

I have never felt so connected with you before even though I was always physically connected. I

m really very grateful to you for giving me this precious chance to learn and study in the Dham.

Therefore every moment I beg your mercy so that I can understand the importance of all the

Goswamis and meditate on Their teachings.

Please Gurudev only you can, with your mercy take me out of this material jail and take me back

to the Supreme Lord.

Please Gurudev give me the shelter of Your Lotus Feet and Give me Your mercy.

Seeking your blessings

In your Humble Service,

Shantanu Das

Swardhunya Devi Dasi

Sanchari Devi Dasi

Satchit Anand Das

Shivaradhya Das & Ragamargi Devi Dasi

Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances and all glories to Srila prabhupada.

All glories all glories to your humbleself.

I want to wish you all the best on this most auspicious day of your appeariance day.

Thank you so much for all the help you give us all the time.

I don’t think I can ever pay you back.Whenever you visit us it is always delighting experiances.

I am always looking forward to have your associations.

Please bless us. Hare Krishna,

Your servants,

Shivaradhya Das & Ragamargi Devi Dasi

Vrindavanchandra Das, Vrindapriya Devi Dasi, Vasu, Nandaki, Canberra,


Hare Krsna Dearest Guru Maharaj

Please accept our humble obeisances at your lotus feet

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Sri Radha Syamasundar

We pray for your good health so that you may continue to please Srila Prabhupada in preaching

the glories of Lord Krishna and also that we may continue to have more opportunities to serve


Guru Maharaj It is only by pleasing you that we can develop attraction for hearing about Krsna.

At the very least we wish to chant our japa nicely with full attention without offenses as our

commitment to you.

We know we have a long way to go in pleasing you by humble and sincere service but we pray

that this is always the goal of our life.

We pray to Sri Sri Radha Syamasundar that we may serve you nicely and that They may improve

your health.

Trying to please you in this lifetime by following in the footsteps of your sincere servants,

Your servants

Vrindavanchandra Das

Vrindapriya Devi Dasi



Pinakin Das, Devesh, Devaki, Mohana Devi Dasi, Brisbane, Australia

nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

shrimate Vedavyasa Priya svamin iti namine

Dear Srila Gurudev,

Please accept our humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All

glories to Sri Sri Nitai Sachidanandan.

guru vaisnava bhagavan tinera smarana

tinera smarane haya vighna-vinazana

anayase haya nija vanchita purana

(I meditate on the Guru, the Vaishnavas and the Lord. By remembering them, all obstacles are

destroyed and one quickly attains the fulfilment of all desires. (CC 1.1.20-21))

Srila Gurudev, though we feel indebted to you for taking us into the ranks and leading us to the

Lord, we feel more indebted to Lord Krishna as it was only by His mercy that we came to find

you as our Guru.

Today, it is that time of the year when we have to put deep thoughts into writing homage to

glorify our spiritual master, who has been so kind to have accepted fallen souls like us, in the

army of Lord Chaitanya with the objective of spreading the glories of the holy name of Lord Sri


Materially conditioned souls like us are unable to glorify the numerous qualities that you have,

but this time there is one thought that keeps coming to my mind over and over again, which has

really touched us. Every time we call upon you in person or via emails. The first thing you always

say is “how can I serve you?” This only affirms our belief that all your endeavours are focussed

for the benefit of fallen souls like us. You are indeed a true servant of the Lord and definitely

very dear to Him.

Srila Gurudev, it is by the mercy and blessings you have showered on us, that Devesh and

Devaki are growing up well in a Krishna Conscious atmosphere and learning about the pastimes

of the Lord.

On this most auspicious day of your Vyas Puja, we thank you again and again for your mercy and

for protectively carrying us across the ocean of nescience and allowing us to be as part of

Krishna’s spiritual family. We sincerely beg you for your causeless blessings and mercy so that

we may be able to serve the mission of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Srila Prabhupada, the millions of

Vaishnavas and last but not the least your Lotus feet.

We offer our dandvat at your Lotus feet, and pray for your blessings to serve you eternally and

also to pray to you to guide us eternally on the path of Krishna Consciousness.

Please forgive us for the millions of offences committed by us both knowingly and unknowingly.

Your most fallen servants

Devesh, Devaki, Mohana Devi Dasi and Pinakin Das

Kardamuni Das & Madhu Malti Devi Dasi

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisances to your lotus feet on this auspicious day of your 67th

Birthday. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to Nitai Gaurang and all glories to Shri Shri

Radha Shyamsundar. All glories to Shri Shri Radha Damodar Temple at Sigatoka, Fiji.

We have known you since 1982. Initially, we did not have any knowledge whatsoever, but with

your kindness, patience, eagerness, and loving care, you continued to visit us. In every visit you

gave us, little by little, instruction and we continued to understand, little by little, from your vast

ocean full of knowledge. Since then we’ve been able to do partial or imperfect devotional

service to Nitai Gaurang and Bal Krishna.

Due to your kind nature, how can we forget that you have brought us to where we are now

from the hellish situation of this material life.

Last year in April 2010, I was very gravely sick, due to the side effects of medicine. During that

time I called you and you said twice, “Krishna will protect you. Krishna will protect you.” He did,

and ultimately I was okay. That moment of conversation is an unforgettable memory.

Today, on this auspicious day, our prayer for you is, “Please Radha and Krishna, let Him live a

longer life so that by His association we always can stay in transcendental mode and continue

the devotional service to Nitai Garuang and Bal Krishna.”

One more request to our Guru Maharaj is, please keep us as your disciples even after 1000

births but please keep us as your dasanudas until we reach the right destination of Golok


Last but not least, you’ve always been by our side, even if you were physically far from us. Our

only regret is that, we could not serve you the way we should.

Sincerely remain to be the servant of your servant,

Kardamuni Das & Madhu Malti Devi Dasi

Stuti Priya Das, Lalsamayi Devi Dasi, Mayuri Krishna Dasi.

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakayacaksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

Nama Om Visnupadaya Krsna presthaya bhutale Srimate Vedavyasa Priya Swamin iti namine.

Nama Om Visnupadaya Krsna presthaya bhutale Srimate Bhaktivedanta Swamin iti namine

Namaste Sarasvate Deve Gaura Vani Pracarine Nirvisesa sunyavadi pascatya desa tarine

Hare Krsna Srila Gurudeva,

Only with your causeless mercy we have gathered here to glorify You, We offer our most

respectful and humble dandavat pranams at the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to HDG

Jagad-Guru, Srila Prabhupada and all glories to your loving divine appearance day.

We can’t imagine how fortunate we are all today, our sastras very nicely tell us that the real

Vyasa Puja is to surrender oneself completely at the lotus feet of Guru and Gauranga. Since you

came into our lives all our lamentation and disappoints have gone far away. Day by day with

your causeless mercy we are marching forward in our devotional service with confidence never

for a moment looking back in doubts. But the moment you will release your hands we will move

back into the darkness of the samasara so please hold onto us tightly Srila Gurudev.

On the most auspicious of your divine appearance day, from the Nitai book distribution team

(Sydney) like to offer our service to Srila Gurudev, book distributed for the six month in 2011,

Srimad Bhagavad Gita 85 books, Srimad Bhagavatam 3 sets, small books 108 and 2000 packets

of mahaprasadam. This is all happen only by your mercy Sirla Gurudev.

We will like to carry out your order without fail but we seek your blessing for that and please

keep showers your mercy on condition soul like us. Please instill in our hearts a drop of servitor

mood which you have for HDG. We pray from core of our hear to Sri Sri Radha Damodar to keep

you in good health and happiness in assist in HDG mission.

Srila Gurudeva devotees and well wishers from Sydney have kindly asked me to convey their

koti koti dandavat pranama onto your divine lotus feet on this auspicious occasion.

Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!

Srila Guru-Maharaj vyasa-puja Mahotsav ki jaya!

Your most insignificant servants,

Stuti Priya Das

Lalsamayi Devi Dasi

Mayuri Krishna Dasi

Janeshvar Dasa, Prema Tarangini Devi Dasi, Keerthan Jwalesh, Devesh Jwalesh,

Melbourne Australia

Hare Krsna To Our Beloved Guru Maharaj

Nama Om Vishnu Padaya Krsna Preshtaya Bhutale

Srimate Vedavyasa Priya Swami Iti Namine

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances onto Your Lotus Feet Maharaj

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada

All Glories To You On Your Holy Appearance Day

Dear Srila Gurudeva

This year is the most auspicious in our life just because of your causeless mercy; you have given

us shelter and accepted us to be one of your servants. We sincerely beg Krsna to give us all the

strength to render sincere service unto you, unto our God Family, unto Melbourne Mahaprabhu

Mandir and all the Devotees and our God Family.

We were on the pinnacle of our anxiety when Asitaradhya prabhu informed that our initiation is

going to be on Radhashtami Day. Not understanding the significance, we just followed the

instructions given to us. Indeed it was the blessings of Sri Sri Radha vallabha, Sri Sri GauraNithai

and Sri Sri Jagannath Baladeva Subhadra devi and by the mercy of your divine grace and all the

devotees we are under your shelter. Our Sincere Thanks to our mentors HG Anirudha prabhu,

HG Achintya Rupa Mataji, Asitaradhya prabhu, HG Jagannath Ram Das prabhu, HG Keshava

prabhu, HG Nityananda Priya prabhu and all the devotees for their valuable guidance and


I was really amazed by your determination of spreading the Holy name of the Lord when you

started the evening class at 5pm and continued singing and chanting till 8pm. Your tireless

travelling plans in spite of your health condition are beyond our imagination. I learnt a great

lesson how important is to spend rest of our life in spreading Krsna Consciousness and serve

Spiritual Master.

You showered your mercy when you invited Gaura Nithai Deities and named them Nithai

Gaurachandra. As you have instructed, I am begging you to give us strength to serve them and

take care of them like our children.

By divine arrangements; we had the opportunity to serve you personally at our residence when

you stayed one night. It was a great coincidence having both my Spiritual Father and Maternal

Father together. Sincere Thanks for your association and instructions given. Your compassion

and care towards every one is exceptionally admirable. Please Accept our sincere thanks from

the bottom of our hearts for all that you have given to us Maharaj.

By your mercy, Derrimut Bhakti Vriksha is progressing very well. I beg Krsna and all assembled

devotees to give us strength and intelligence to continue to serve you and spread Sri Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu’s mission of Nama sankirtana and spreading Krsna Consciousness.

Please bless all the assembled devotees, our God Family and Derrimut Bhaktivriksha to cherish

the love of God head on the day of your auspicious appearance day

Your humble servants

Janeshvar Dasa and Prema Tarangini Devi Dasi

Keerthan Jwalesh and Devesh Jwalesh

Melbourne Australia

Ranganath Das & Niyati Devi Dasi, Canberra, Australia

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you and Srila Prabhupada.

We apologise that this year we are not able to attend the Vyasa Puja celebration in Sigatoka,

Fiji. Actually we wanted Vrindavan Chandra to have a chance to be part of this glorious day.

We are sure that the celebration in Sigatoka will be magnanimous.

Reflecting back on the last 12 months, we have always felt your special blessings upon us.

Thank you for naming our newly born grandson as Nandaki. We are very grateful to you for

giving us an opportunity to serve Radha Shyamsundar in Vrindavan. There is so much for us to

learn from you and from our senior god brothers and god sisters like Lavanglata mata ji. We

thank Their Lordships for sending you as a guru since without your mercy and guidance we

would not be where we are today. We have a long way to go in terms of becoming a good

disciple and devotee but we are making efforts and with your blessings and guidance, we are

confident that we will be able to improve our services to our Radha Shyamsundar at home and

to Jagannath Baladev and Subhadra at the temple. We would also like to see a proper temple

built here in Canberra but don’t know how this mammoth task will be completed. We derive a

great deal of inspiration from your Sigatoka temple project but it still seems an impossible task

sometimes. We simply pray for your continued guidance and blessings so this human birth is

appropriately utilized in serving the vaisnavas and dear Lord Krishna.

We are very happy that Vikku is keen to spend a couple of months in Vrindavan to perform

sankirtan with the 24 Hr Kirtan party. Thank you for blessings and inspiration in this regard.

Actually our whole family is indebted to you for daily engaging us in the service of Radha

Shyamsundar at home. Your spiritual love and care is felt amongst devotees throughout the

world. You are continuously guiding all of us your personal examples. Even though you have

health problems you take Srila Prabhupada’s instruction to heart, and continue to preach and

travel around the world at a rate which would be impossible for people like us to do.

On this most auspicious day of your vyasa puja, we wish for you to continue travelling as you are

now, so that we may receive your mercy when you visit us in Canberra. We pray to Lord

Nrsimhadeva that He always protects your health.

We are looking forward to your association and the privilege to serve you when you come to

Australia in September.

Your aspiring servants,

Niyati devi dasi & Ranganath das

Canberra, Australia

Jayananda Das, Vrindavan

saàsära-dävänala-léòha-lokaträëäya käruëya-ghanäghanatvam präptasya kalyäëa-guëärëavasya vande guroù çré-caraëäravindam

jaya oà parampriya my gracious spiritual master His Holiness Vedavyäsapriya Svämé Mahäräja;

Please accept my most respectful obeisances and profound warm greetings on the auspicious occasion of your 67th Vyäsapuja day, the 11th August 2011.

All glories to my most spirited and merciful spiritual master,

All glories to His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada,

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

All glories to Sri Sri Rädhä-Shyämasundara

I literally struggle to find suitable words to express true serene feelings in my heart on this occasion.

Your constant preaching assignments all over the world without a trace of fatigue, despite unfavourable health and physical aging, is beyond description. Unflinchingly it is a special mercy and benediction of Lord Krsna on a realized soul like your Holiness.

I am fortunate to be at your lotus feet as your insignificant disciple.

oà ajïäna-timirändhasya jïänäïjana-çaläkayä cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai çré-gurave namaù


Guru carano mein sat-sat pranäm

Your most humble servant Always unto your lotus feet Jayananda Das

Asitaradhya Dasa & Shyampriya Devi Dasi

Namah Om Visnupadaya Krsna presthaya bhutale

Srimati Vedavyasapriya Swamin iti namine

Dear Gurudeva

Please accept our humble obeisances at your lotus feet on this auspicious day.

We are indeed delighted to to be back in Sigatoka again to celebrate the appearence day of Your

Divine Grace. Your untiring marathon efforts behind manifestation of the majestic temple in

Sigatoka has indeed put you on the worldmap. We were proud to read the article in Back to

Godhead magazine – which it is said is read by Lord Brahma as well. There could not have been

a better place for this Vyasapooja.

After initiating us into Gayatri mantras you gave us 2 instructions – to preach and to teach Krsna

Consciousness. Last year, you personally inaugurarted Bhakti Sastri program to be conducted

from our home. We are facilitating the course to 22 enthusiastic students. We are thankful to

HG Aniruddha Prabhu and HG Acintyarupa Mataji for their support and approval. HG Atul Krsna

Prabhu is our mentor tutor in the skills of facilitation and HG Keshava Prabhu bestows the

nectarian Bhagavatam instructions through Bhakti Vaibhava course. So by the mercy of Your

Holiness and respected senior vaishnavas, we are engaged in the service of Srila Prabhupada ,

Sri Sri Radha Vallabha and their wonderful devotees.

Gurumaharaja, Your personal touch in the lives of your disciples, is beyond compare. Last year

after finishing Jaipur Yatra, we could return back to Vrindavan only at 1.00 am at night and you

personally cooked & served hot dal-dhokli – a famous gujarati dish. You personally came over

from Delhi just to meet my brother from Mumbai and instructed him in chanting Hare Krsna

Maha Mantra was very very touching.

Please bless me , Shyampriya and Sheel to become more and more sincere & serious in our BG

& SMB studies, chanting,deity worship & preaching. We pray to Krsna & look forward to

manifestation of His Srinathji form next year.

Gurumaharaja & all assembled vaisnavas, we propose to conduct Sri Vyasapooja 68 in

Melbourne next year. Last year we proposed and lost to HG Gitakirti Mataji without any fight.

So this time we propose again and expect to win without a fight ! All are cordially invited.

Melbourne 68 ki jaya.

Your humble servants

Asitaradhya Dasa & Shyampriya Devi Dasi

Amit & Archana Bhamare Wellington, New Zealand

Namah om Vishnupaday Krishnapresthay Bhutale Shrimate Vedavyaspriya swamin iti namine Namah om Vishnupaday Krishnapresthay Bhutale Shrimate Bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine Namaste Saraswate Deve Gaurvani pracharine Nirvishesha shunyavadi pashchatya desh tarine! Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhapada & to you.

On this auspicious occasion of your Vyas puja day, we pray to the Supreme Lord that He gives you good health & a long life so that we get more & more opportunity to serve you. We were fortunate enough to get your association in Vrindavana last year where you showed us by your own example how a devotee should behave. You were very compassionate, forgiving, enthusiastic, humble and always ready to serve. Please allow us to share one of our experiences.

When we asked you about which temples we should go for darshan, you immediately said that you’ll take us around to the main temples in Vrindavan. I volunteered for driving the car but you smiled and asked whether I have experience of driving in Vrindavan and very soon I realized why you were asking that question. Vrindavan has very small lanes with small gutters (which can fit the tyres of the car) on both sides of the road. On top of that there was some road work going on so they had dug the road everywhere. It was becoming so difficult for you as well to drive in those conditions but you were continuously explaining to us about the importance of the temples, ignoring the inconveniences. Finally we realized that we are doing an offence by taking service from you instead of serving you. When we told you so, you said, "Don't you consider me a devotee? If I am a devotee, I have to serve others." This really touched our hearts. We learnt an important lesson in a practical way of how a devotee should always be serving others. We hope & pray that we get at least 1% of this serving attitude from you.

We know we have done so many offenses towards you and we pray at your lotus feet for forgiveness. We are looking forward to the opportunity to serve you in September in Wellington. Your servants, Amit & Archana Bhamare Wellington, New Zealand

Janaki, Germany

Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please permit me to honour you today on this special occasion of your Vyasa Puja.

I feel quite fortunate to be associated with you because you are one of the few confidential

servant of the Lord.

You are very special to Lord Krishna because of your ever-increasing glorification of Him to His


Because of your purity your spiritual master is constantly showering his blessings upon you and

fallen souls

coming in contact with you can easily become purified. Your classes on the Vedic Scriptures are

always sweet and

inspiring and it purifies the minds of the listeners.

Your sincerity and endeavour to serve your spiritual master is manifested by your 24 hours

engagement in

Krishna Conscious and I hope you will live to celebrate many more Vysaya Puja in the future and

to deliver many

fallen souls.

I was fortunate to distribute Mahaprasdam to the fallen souls after coming in contact with you

in 2008. It will be

three years since I am doing this service. I also started a cow protection donation to Iskcon


I am sorry that I cannot be present for your celebration but you will be on my mind on this

auspicious day. I wish you

all good wishes and best health in the mission of Srila Prabhupada.

Your aspiring disciple,

Janaki from Germany

Jyotirmai Devi Dasi, Prakash Das, Aditi Dasi, Amrit Das Hare Krishna Guru maharaj, Please accept my Humble obeisances at your lotus feet on most auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja Celebration. All Glories to you and Srila Prabhupad. nama om vishnu padaya krishna presthaya bhutale Srimate Vedavyaspriya Swamin iti namine. nama om vishnu padaya krishna presthaya bhutale Srimate Bhaktivedant Svamin iti namine namas te Sarasvate deve gauravani pracarine nirvisesa sunyavadi pascatya desa tarine. On this auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja i, my family wish you a very happy Vyas puja. We pray to Radha Girdhari, Jaganathjiand Gaurnitia to keep you in a good health. I thank to Radha Girdhari to select you as my Spiritual Master. I request you to spend more time in Auckland. I remember when i emailed you wishing to go to Gururvau temple as i was going to Kerela for my childrens treatment. and asked you to bless us. In return u emailed me to go and have a good darshan, meet Radhambika mataji and have a safe treament as that treament had lots of risks involved. By your mercy we had safe treatment and good darshan of krishna in Gururvau. But Guru maharaj please forgive me as i couldn't meet Radhambika mataji as one lady told me that mataji has just arrived for Pondicherry and she is very tired by her journey. So i didnt feel right to go and disturb her. please forgive my this offense Guru maharaj as i couldn't follow your instruction to meet Radhambika mataji. But in future definitly will follow your instruction. Hare krishna Guru Maharaj and Happy Vyasa Puja. Your Humble Servent Jyotirmai Devi Dasi Prakash Das Aditi Dasi Amrit Das

Cid Vaibhava Das and Lajjavati Devi Dasi, Auckland, New Zealand

Hare Krishna Guru Maharajji,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to your esteemed self.

It is said that the guru knows the disciple better than the disciple himself and the guru knows

what is best for him. You had said that you wanted us to take Brahman initiation and only then

worship Lord Sri Balaji. While we felt we were totally unqualified and unready, you insisted.

Dear Guru Maharaj, I am so glad you did. We are so happy that you installed the Lord’s

wonderful form at our home and taught us how to worship Him. We do not worship Him well.

Even then the Lord is so kind - the happiness He gives us is immeasurable. With your causeless

mercy we have received the Lord and are able to see Him and do what little we can for Him


We look forward to associating with you again when you come to Auckland.

Please accept our humble obeisances again and again.

Your servants,

Cid Vaibhava Das and Lajjavati Devi Dasi

Medhavi das, Jayshri Devi dasi and Bhakta Nilesh

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet

All glories to SrilaPrabhupada

All glories to your vyasa puja celebrations

We are unqualified and fallen beings yet you continue to shower your mercy upon us by visiting

us every year. You do everything possible to uplift your us although we are not worthy of

anything. This year you provided us the brahminical initiation. This provided us an opportunity

to participate in the temple opening function of Sigatoka in Fiji and we were able to see

personally the sacrifice made by the Guru Smarnamataji and Gita Kirtimataji in getting such a

beautiful temple for Sri SriRadhaDamodar. We also saw your meticulous attention to detail in

dressing up the deities and the altar for the occasion. This provided us with a lot of inspiration

and thoughts as to how we are to offer everything that we have in the service of Guru and


Last year at the Vyasa Puja celebrations you declared that PNG will be the first in setting up a

temple amongst your disciples. We don’t know what you foresaw but we are entirely

dependent on your mercy and Krishna’s mercy for a temple to be established in PNG. You sent

us Radha Krishna deities for the purpose of setting up a temple in PNG even though there was

no set plans. We are so fallen that we are still struggling to find a suitable place for them. In the

course of our struggle we think of SrilaPrabhupada who at that age established 108 temples and

our dear Gurudev who is continuing to install Sri SriRadhaShyamSundar wherever he goes.

During our stay in Vrindavan we saw your commitment in serving Sri SriRadhaShyamsundar and

how you took great pains to see that they are served in the best possible manner. We could see

how you would select the right paraphernalia, in instructing devotees how to prepare bhoga for

their Lordships and in ensuring the right standards are maintained at the temple.

Maharaj by your words and actions you continue to show us how to live our lives in Krishna

consciousness. We are amazed at your energy levels even at this age and the endeavours that

you undertake to spread Krishna Consciousness whilst we struggle even in chanting the 16

rounds everyday.

You came into our lives 6 years ago and told us who is Supreme Absolute Truth. You thought us

the Bhagvan aspect of the Supreme Absolute Truth when we were making anyone and

everyone Bhagvan. Above all you gave us the Holy Name, which is the only saving grace amidst

all difficulties. But for you our life would have been a disaster.You are so patient and tolerant in

your preaching, yet you are firm and never compromise on the philosophy. Your realisations are

powerful. Your discourses are heavy to fallen souls like us. We have to hear three or four times

to even understand it. In your recent lecture on Ramayana, you brought out that Hanumanji is a

portion of the portion because he ate a small grain of the sweet rice offering from His mother

Anjana’s hands. In yet another discourse on the appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva, you clearly

thought us how a devotee is always fearless because he is totally surrendered. It is only by your

lectures that we are able to understand such truths. In whatever you say or do, Gurudev you

always teach us not to falsely identify ourselves with the body, associate with devotees and

perform devotional service under the guidance of a guru. We are ever dependent on your

lectures and SrilaPrabhupada’s books. They remain our only sadhu sanga living in this tiny far off


You have said always that the disciple should understand the mood of the spiritual master and

act accordingly. We are not sure if we have taken up our activities accordingly but please forgive

us if we have made any mistakes.

Please shower your mercy upon us under all circumstances and think of us if there is any

opportunity for service.

Your most insignificant servants

Medhavi das, Jayshri Devi dasi and Bhakta Nilesh

Radhika Rani Devi Dasi

Namah Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Presthaya Bhutale

Srimate Veda Vyasa Priya Swami Iti Namine

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance unto your lotus feet on this divine occasion of your


Dear gurudev, you have been so merciful by providing and making me realise Krishna Prema.

You have always showered your mercy on a fallen soul like me by your continuous guidance.

Gurudev, you have given me a wonderful gift of Krishna consciousness which has no price in

this whole world but it is affordable by all, I’m very grateful that you have shown me this

amazing path of doing Krishna bhakti, devotional service and devotee association.

Dear Guru Maharaj, All those little and precious time I spent in your association, are still as fresh

in my mind as it happened yesterday and I hold this memories close to my heart. All the time

when you taught us Krishna kirtan, cooking of Krishna prasadam and the beautiful stories of

Krishna’s pastimes you told us when we went to see the construction site of the new Sigatoka


Dearest Gurudev, whatever I have written is not enough to praise and glorify you. It is very

inspiring to see how you have shown us to take the mission of Srila Prabhupada. I promise you

on giving my full effort and support to assist Srila Prabhupada’s mission on your command.

Dear Gurudev, I pray to Lord Sri Krishna, to always keep me in the service of your lotus feet.

Your most fallen daughter,

Radhika Rani Devi Dasi

Sharatchandra Das

Nama Om Vishnu-Padaya

Krishna-Preshthaya Bhu-tale

Shrimate Vedavyasapriya Swami iti Namine

Dearest Srila Gurudeva

Please accept my most humble obeisance’s unto the dust of your exalted lotus feet.

All glories to dear Gurudeva, who is always engaged in the Service of Srila Prabhupada in

expanding Chaitaniya Mahaprabhu’s Mercy to a vast extent….!!EVERY TOWN AND EVERY


Oh dear gurudev your mercy seemed to be boundless when you did the honor of accepting me

as your disciple, though I am totally unqualified and unworthy. I would like to thank you a

myriad time for the most beautiful benediction I ever got.

Due to my insanity, I somehow or the other have ended up in this ocean of material existence,

which is full of misery. This I had no idea of before I joined Iskcon. But just due a moment’s

association with faithful servants of Srila Prabhupada and his ever glorious books, the mirror of

illusion in my heart was pierced and an inclination for spiritual life sprouted.

With fatherly affection you gave me shelter at your divine lotus feet. This alone itself is more

than liberation for me. The feeling of being in the hands of an expert person who is very dear to

Lord Sri Krishna makes me feel that my end of material suffering is near and going back to

Godhead is guaranteed. The invariable constant flow of your love is always inspiring us to chant

more and more.

The banner of your glories flies so high in our Iskcon movement. Your self-willing all surprisingly

beautiful, stupendous, amazing and outstanding service that you render to Iskcon to please Srila

Prabhupada is celebrative and inspiring. My taking birth in this life is sure to be a success as I

am most blessed to have a spiritual master like you.

Oh my sweet Gurudev, I know for sure that none of my words can really very purely glorify you.

But only if I am constantly engaged with my whole heart in advancing in Krishna Consciousness

and preaching the glories of the holy name to whatever extent I can.

Oh gurudev with time I have now realized the duty of a disciple. It is to become a perfect

assistant in assisting you to serve Srila Prabbhupada. I am nothing and have no caliber in me

and am fully dependent on your mercy and sweet will.

I desire nothing but to serve as an instrument of your holy hands.

May you always be ever victorious.

You most fallen son

Sharatchandra Das

Shyama Sakhi Devi Dasi & Prana Sakhi Devi Dasi, Cairns, Australia

Dearest Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our most humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhuda and to

your divine grace on this most auspicious day of your Vyasa-Puja celebration.

It has been our greatest fortune to have your divine association year after year at our obscure

hometown, Cairns. We pray to Krishna that you continue bestowing your mercy upon us. We

cannot imagine our lives without your guidance and protection. Thank you for giving us the

opportunity to learn from you in such an intimate and exclusive environment. It has been only

through you mercy that we are now aspiring to instate Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar and Sri Sita

Rama Laxman and Hanuman-ji deities in our home temple.

We ask you for your blessings that we become stronger in our devotional service and help to

spread the sublime knowledge of Krishna consciousness.

Your fallen servants,

Shyama Sakhi Devi Dasi & Prana Sakhi Devi Dasi

Suci Srava Das, Subhankari Devi Dasi, Bhavani

Nama om Visnupadaya Krsna presthaya bhutale srimate Vedavyasapriya swamin iti namine

Nama om Visnupadaya Krsna presthaya bhutale srimate Bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine

Namaste sarasvate deve gaura vani pracarine Nirvisesa sunyavadi pascatya desa tarine

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya

caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri guruve namah

Dear Gurumaharaja,

Please accept our most humble and respectable obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet. All

glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to You on this auspicious day of your Vyasapuja.

Gurumaharaja, writing an offering is always difficult for me because my realizations are very

limited and I myself feel unfortunate, unqualified and the most fallen soul to write an offering

about you who is to be honoured as much as the Supreme Lord, because you are the most

confidentioal servitor of the Lord. While writing offering we were thinking how important is

Guru in ones life. Guru is the only one who can revive our lost relationship with Supreme Father.

Without having a Guru one does not understand who Krsna is? Without Krsna life is nothing or

meaningless. We cannot even imagine how our lives would be today, if you have not appeared

in our life. You always reside in our heart and you are our father and wellwisher. When we

visited Vrindhavan and Mayapur, though you were so busy with Sigatoka construction and GBC

meeting still you took time and arranged everything for us. You also instructed us to see the

important places due to our time limit. Even though our trip was very short we enjoyed every

movement with you Guru Maharaja. Thank you very much for everything.

We pray to Lord Narasimhadev to keep you in good health and give more strength so that your

preaching will continue and guide all the fallen souls to the right path and fulfil Srila

Prabhupada’s mission.

Srila Gurudeva please bless our Bhakti Vruksha members so that they also take the shelter of


Srila Gurudev please forgive us if we committed any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly.

Your humble servants

Suci Srava Das

Subhankari Devi Dasi


Vaikuntheshwar Balaji Dasa, Padmavati Devi Dasi

nama om visn - sna-prest -tale

-svamin iti namine

nama om visn - sna-prest -tale

-svamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve gaura-van - e

ni - - - -tarine

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj,

S .

It was January of this year that we visited You in Vrindavan, India where You had just arrived the

day before from abroad. You must have been very tired due to your journey but you took care

of us by providing us with living accommodations and going out with us that evening to do some

shopping of worship paraphernalia. You also made sure that we had darshan of Sri Sri Radha

Damodar before They were put to rest for the evening. The next day You wanted us to attend

the installation of Gaura Nitai deities at one of our Godbrothers from Australia who had just

built a new house in Vrindavan. You officiated the ceremony and made sure that everything

was done correctly according to the Shastras. We took advantage of the occasion to associate

with other devotees who had come to witness the occasion.

On another subject, Maharaj we feel unqualified for our second initiation but with Your

blessings and mercy from Your Holiness and Lord Krishna we find ourselves very fortunate to

have taken shelter of Your lotus feet. With Your blessings we pray to Lord Krishna that we may

make good strides in achieving the goal of life, that of serving Krishna in Golok Vrindavan.

On this auspicious day of Your appearance we pray to Krsna that He may grant You a long

healthy life so that You are able to spread Krishna consciousness all over the world for years to

come. Also, may Krsna grant good health to Your benevolent mother, Baa who had to go

through so many hardships related to her health.

Hare Krishna Mharaj.

Your lowly servants,

Vaikuntheshwar Balaji Dasa & Padmavati Devi Dasi

Vibhavari Devi Dasi, Canberra, Australia

Dearest Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances on this most auspicious day of your appearance.

All Glories to You and Your Service!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are doing well and have been in good health throughout your many travels. You are

always enthusiastically preaching the glories of the Lord all over the world! Your commitment

and dedication to serving Srila Prabhupada’s mission is contagiously inspiring to everyone that

meets You!

On 22nd August 2010 I had my initiation by your mercy. Just before my initiation one of my

family member died and Krishna put me to test if I was stronger to get initiated. I was in dilema

wether to get initiated or to postpone, I have discussed with temple president Ranganath

Prabhu who gave me courage and supported to have my initiation. With the blessings and

mercy of Guru Maharaj and Nrisimha Kavacha which Guru Maharaj gave me to recite once a day

I crossed over the difficult time

Since then I also drastic change in my chanting and increase my round more than 16times each

day and recitation of Nrisimha Kavacham and more determined in my devotion to Krishna.

Now I feel stronger connection to You, Srila Prabhupada, the Deities, and the devotees. I am so

fortunate to be your deciple and so blessed to have you as my Guru. You are always there with

me, when ever I am in difficulty. My husband now started chanting Maha Mantra and more

supportive than before.

I continue to seek Your shelter by listening to Your lectures and hearing Your realizations. Each

day when I hear your sankirtan CD I feel close and connected to You when I hear Your voice.

I am very excited that I will be visiting Sigatoke -Fiji on your Vyasa Puja on 11th August 2011that

will be performed and I have given an opportunity to write small offerings on this occsasion and

I can’t wait to see You!

Happy Appearance Day! Tons of Love!

Your most insignificant servant,

Vibhavari Devi Dasi


Arcan Siddhi Devi Dasi, Bhimsen Das, Nadiya Rani, Brihat-Sloka, Suva, Fiji

Namah on Vishnu padaya krsna prasthaya bhutale shrimate Veda Vyas Priya Swami itinamine

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisance in the dust of your divine lotus feet, on this most blessed

and auspicious day of your vyasa-puja.

Srila Gurudeva, you are the ocean of mercy and friend of all fallen souls. Please be merciful unto

me and my family and give us shelter at your lotus feet. We miss so much your physical

presence but know that your presence is always with us, in our minds, in our heart.

We have full faith in you and will try to follow your instructions to the very best. Please forgive

my offenses, and allow me to follow your guided foot steps to the path of bhakti back to home

back to godhead.

Begging to remain your servant,

Arcan Siddhi Devi Dasi, Bhimsen Das, Nadiya Rani, Brihat-Sloka

Janeshvar Dasa and Prema Tarangini Devi Dasi, Keerthan Jwalesh and Devesh

Jwalesh, Melbourne Australia

Hare Krsna To Our Beloved Guru Maharaj

Nama Om Vishnu Padaya Krsna Preshtaya Bhutale

Srimate Vedavyasa Priya Swami Iti Namine

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances onto Your Lotus Feet Maharaj

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada

All Glories To You On Your Holy Appearance Day

Dear Srila Gurudeva

This year is the most auspicious in our life just because of your causeless mercy; you have given

us shelter and accepted us to be one of your servants. We sincerely beg Krsna to give us all the

strength to render sincere service unto you, unto our God Family, unto Melbourne Mahaprabhu

Mandir and all the Devotees and our God Family.

We were on the pinnacle of our anxiety when Asitaradhya prabhu informed that our initiation is

going to be on Radhashtami Day. Not understanding the significance, we just followed the

instructions given to us. Indeed it was the blessings of Sri Sri Radha vallabha, Sri Sri GauraNithai

and Sri Sri Jagannath Baladeva Subhadra devi and by the mercy of your divine grace and all the

devotees we are under your shelter. Our Sincere Thanks to our mentors HG Anirudha prabhu,

HG Achintya Rupa Mataji, Asitaradhya prabhu, HG Jagannath Ram Das prabhu, HG Keshava

prabhu, HG Nityananda Priya prabhu and all the devotees for their valuable guidance and


I was really amazed by your determination of spreading the Holy name of the Lord when you

started the evening class at 5pm and continued singing and chanting till 8pm. Your tireless

travelling plans in spite of your health condition are beyond our imagination. I learnt a great

lesson how important is to spend rest of our life in spreading Krsna Consciousness and serve

Spiritual Master.

You showered your mercy when you invited Gaura Nithai Deities and named them Nithai

Gaurachandra. As you have instructed, I am begging you to give us strength to serve them and

take care of them like our children.

By divine arrangements; we had the opportunity to serve you personally at our residence when

you stayed one night. It was a great coincidence having both my Spiritual Father and Maternal

Father together. Sincere Thanks for your association and instructions given. Your compassion

and care towards every one is exceptionally admirable. Please Accept our sincere thanks from

the bottom of our hearts for all that you have given to us Maharaj.

By your mercy, Derrimut Bhakti Vriksha is progressing very well. I beg Krsna and all assembled

devotees to give us strength and intelligence to continue to serve you and spread Sri Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu’s mission of Nama sankirtana and spreading Krsna Consciousness.

Please bless all the assembled devotees, our God Family and Derrimut Bhaktivriksha to cherish

the love of God head on the day of your auspicious appearance day

Hare Krsna

Your humble servants

Janeshvar Dasa and Prema Tarangini Devi Dasi

Keerthan Jwalesh and Devesh Jwalesh

Melbourne Australia


Nama om visu -padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale,

Srimate veda vyasa priya swami iti namine

Nama om visu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale,

Srimate bhaktivedanata swamini iti namine

All glories to srila gurudeva.All glories to srila pradhupada.

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept our dandavat pranam at your lotus feet on the most glorious day of your vyasa


We were so fortunate to have your darshan and some associations with you in sigatoka temple

especially on the day of our arrival in Fiji, also in opening ceremony to hear your lecture.

Unfortunately we did not make it this year to attend your vyasa puja in fiji but we are waiting

for your arrival here in New Zealand once again this year maharaj to have your darshan.

We had an opportunity to meet your divine’s grace every year and desperately looking for your

blessing and mercy.

We are very fortunate to have you as our spiritual master and on this auspicious day we will

meet again all your disciples in an attempt to offer you special worship, praise, increased

devotion and resolutions to follow your instructions.




Your servants,

Kamalkant das

Sarvang sundari sangeet devi dasi

Krish dasa

Radhika dasi

Lalita Sundari Devi Dasi

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya

caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate veda vyasa priya svamin iti namine

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta svamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisance’s unto You on this auspicious occasion of Your Vyasa

Puja 2011. All glories to his Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Sri Sri Gauranga!

Krsna says in Srimad Bhagavatam (11.17.27): one should understand the spiritual master to be

as good as I am he descends to deliver the fallen conditioned souls – souls who have come here

to the material world with a motive of enjoyment by the mind and five organs of sense

perception. He appears before us to reveal the light of the Vedas and to bestow upon us the

blessings of full-fledged freedom.

The Guru is the representative of Lord Sri Krsna, and only by the mercy of the spiritual master

one receives the benediction of Lord Krsna, without it one cannot make any advancement.

I would like to express my gratitude to You Guru Maharaj for all your guidance, I know that I

need not ever feel alone for my GuruDev is always there instructing me either directly or

indirectly so that I make some advancement and become more serious about making spiritual

progress in this lifetime.

“sri-guro parmananda premananda phala-prada

Vrajananda-pradananda-sevayam ma niyojaya”.

“My dear Spiritual master, who gives the fruit of highest bliss-the bliss of love of Godhead -

please engage me in the blissful service of Sri Krsna, who bestows bliss upon the land of Vraja”

Thank you for letting my family and I be a part of your special project; the Triumphant Opening

of the Radha Damodhara temple in Sigatoka, Fiji – it was truly a blessing to have that association

with You Gurudev. I look forward to associating with You in September when You grace us with

Your presence again. I pray to their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Govind ji to bestow you with good

health and a happy long life, so that you may continue Your preaching efforts.

Your fallen servant

Lalita Sundari Devi Dasi

Navin Nirada Das, Suva, Fiji

Om ajana-timirandhasya jnanajana-salakaya

Caksur unmilitam yena-tasmai Sri- Guruve namah

Nama Om visnu paday krsna presthya bhu-tale

Srimate Vedavyasapriya- Swamin iti namine

Dearest Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisance unto your divine lotus feet which are always engaged in the

service of Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to this divine occasion, the appearance day of my spiritual master.

All glories to Srila Gurudev and all glories to jagat guru Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to Sri Sri Radha Damodar.

Guru Maharaj, like a nervous child on his first day of school. I am attempting for the first time to

glorify your divine grace on the most auspicious event of my life. Before I begin my offering I

would like to recite a famous vaishnav prayer by Srila Vishvanath Cakravarti Thakura which is

usually sung during the mangal arti.

Yasya prasadad bhagvat- prasado

Yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto pi

Dhayan stuvams tasya yasya tir-sandhyam

Vande guroh sri-caranaravindam

By the mercy of the spiritual master one receives the benediction of Krishna-without the grace

of the spiritual master, one cannot make any advancement. Therefore I should always

remember and praise the spiritual master. At least three times a day I should I should offer my

respectful obeisance unto the lotus feet to my spiritual master.

As HH Bhakti Vikash Swami states that ‘’no one can become self realized simply reading books.

Getting extracted from maya’s clutches is not easy. It is a path on which tests and difficulties are

certain. No one can enter the kingdom of god on their own strength alone. THEREFORE ALL THE


ACCEPT THE SHELTER OF A BONAFIDE SPRITUAL MASTER.” Further as stated in the SB 11.3.21 “a

bona-fide guru is endowed with two special qualities”.1) He is well-versed in authentic

scriptures and 2) Has realisation of divinity thus Gurudev I really found this qualities present in


Guru Maharaj even though I attempt to glorify you on this auspicious day will not be enough

with this limited brain. Maharaj, when I remember those lovely moments shared with you few

years back in Rakiraki and last year during the Sigatoka temple opening. Those moments were

the most breathtaking moments of my life which I will never forget. Gurudev, you are the

perfect captain and we are the passengers in your ship which will depart from this material

world and arrive to Krishna dhama. Maharaj by holding your hands it is for certain that we can

go back to godhead.

I still remember when I was schooling few years back and you came to one of the residence in

Rakiraki and I was so fortunate that I met you. When I saw you Maharaj you asked me am I

chanting. I was quite for a minute and then I replied slowly noohhh. Then you told me the story

of the great devotee Prahalad Maharaj when he used to chant and preach Krishna

Consciousness from his very early age and you encourage me to take up the chanting also. I

promised you to chant two rounds daily. Oh dear Gurudev at that time I was living like a dog’s

life, I did not knew much about the spiritual life and the importance of the spiritual master in

one’s devotion life.

Thus I needed a genuine spiritual master who can steer me on the path of Krsna consciousness.

By your mercy you accepted this idiotic son as your disciple.

Gurudev, last year during my initiation you asked me am I doing book distribution. I replied no

and you told me to take guidance from the senior devotees. You even gave me my name after

the greatest book distributor to date. From that day I decided to take this as my service to you

and Srila Prabhupada and by your kripa we were able to distribute hundreds of books in Suva

and Rakiraki areas. I know Maharaj that this was not possible if your blessing was not upon us.

Guru Maharaj, you are the backbone of my devotion life so please keep guiding me as I’ am the

most fallen disciple of yours which seeks yours blessing to prosper in Krishna consciousness.

Guru Maharaj, there are many admirable qualities which I personally see in you but the most

inspiring for me is that you can sing kirtans and preach Krishna conscious whole day and night.

Devotees become lost in ecstasy when you start on to sing the maha mantra and other vaisanav

kirtans during your 2007 yatra, where you sang the whole Vaishnava songbook in less than 4

hours, devotees were so astonished.

Even in such an old age you are taking Prabhupada’s mission as your heart and soul. Devoid of

caring much of your health you are travelling all over the globe to preach Krishna conscious only

to help the fallen souls of kaliyug like me to go back to Godhead. Gurudeva, forgive for all my

offences if I did knowingly or unknowingly and bless me so that I can keep myself away from


Finally, I would sincerely pray to Lord Nrishimha Deva that he always take special care of your

health and protect you so that you may continue visiting Fiji and helping in Prabhupada’s


HH Vedavyasapriya Swami ji ki Jai!!!

HH Vedavyasapriya Swami 67th Vyasa Puja ki Jai!!!

Srila Prabhupada ki jai!!!

Begging to become your servant,

Navin Nirada Das

Suva, Fiji

Rasparayan das, Chandranana devi dasi, Roneel, Priti, Sandhya,


Nama Om Vishnu padaya Krishna presthaya bhutale

Srimate Vedavyasapriya Swami iti namine

Dear Maharaj ji

Please accept our humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

We all wish you a very happy and enjoyable Vyasapuja. May Sri Sri Radha Damodara bless you

with many years of good health, and happy and enjoyable Krishna Consciousness activities.

We thank you for your kindness, caring, guidance, associations and blessing upon this family.

We always enjoy your association especially the extended one we had last year in Sigatoka.

Many happy returns of the day, Maharaj.

Your servants

Rasparayan das, Chandranana devi dasi,

Roneel, Priti, Sandhya, Bhaskar and little Eshana Radha.

Bhaktin Sheetal Mani

Most Respected Guru Maharaja,

On this auspicious day of your divine appearance, please accept my humble obeisance in the

dust of your lotus feet. All glories unto Srila Prabhupada!

Your unalloyed devotion for Srila Prabhupada is evident in everything you do. Your complete

surrender to Srila Prabhupada is beyond compare. In all your lectures you always quote Srila

Prabhupada and convey the most complex and confidential messages in such a simple language

so that even fools like me can understand.

Everytime I have met or seen you, the effulgence emanating from you attracts me immensely. It

also confirms that you are not from this world but have descended from the spiritual world to

deliver fallen souls.

I was very fortunate to observe an initiation ceremony in Suva, where you were giving initiation.

I realized during the fire sacrifice what it means to be accepted by a guru and how much mercy a

guru bestows upon the fallen souls of this world.

In my present materially conditioned position, my heart is full of lust, envy, anger, greed and

false ego and I am totally unqualified to even desire to become your aspiring servant. I only pray

to Lord Krishna and you to please bestow your mercy on me and give me shelter at your lotus

feet. Please bestow your mercy so that I can associate with the devotees and spread this great


Aspiring to become your servant,

Bhaktin Sheetal Mani

Sri Radha Vallabha Dasa & Krishna Priya Devi Dasi

nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate vedavyasa priya - swamin iti namine

nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta- swamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine

nirvisesa-sunyavadi- pascatya-desa-tarine

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

By my good fortune and mercy of Krishna I got a such a loving and caring guru like you in my

life, I was wondering in this world with full of ignorance and by your mercy I got light of

knowledge which destroyed darkness and made me a human being.

I consider myself very fortunate as I got your good association and opportunity to serve you for

one month last year, during my travel with you I found that people very soon get attracted to

you for the excellent qualities you possess, you are always loving and caring and treat everyone

as your own family member and guide them in their spiritual path.

In Chaitanya caritamrita (Madhya Lela 22.65)

These great devotees, who have absolute faith in Krishna and their spiritual master, are


śāstra-yuktye sunipuṇa, dṛḍha-śraddhā yāṅra

’uttama-adhikārī’ sei tāraye saṁsāra

“One who is expert in logic and argument, and the revealed scriptures and who has firm faith in

Krishna is classified as a topmost devotee. He can deliver the whole world”.

With your purity and love and dedication for your guru srila prabhupada and his movement you

are travelling all over the world for preaching and delivering many many people.

In the course of my travel with you I have also found out that you have special love for the

people of FIJI, you once mentioned to me that you consider Fiji to be your second home after

holy Dham Vrindavan, I truly believe that the people of this land are blessed, and I want to thank

you for engaging me at the service of SRI SRI RADHA DAMADOR which is one of your dream

project coming to reality with your dedication and also arranged my marriage

with Krishna Priya Devi Dasi and personally attended for the ceremony taking all the

inconvenience to bless us. Krishna recently has taken my father back to him leaving me fully

under your shelter.

Gurudev on your divine appearance day, I beg at your lotus feet for your mercy on us so that we

can engage in your service and make our lives meaningful. And please forgive us for any

offences committed through body, words or mind.

Your servants

Sri Radha Vallabha Dasa & Krishna Priya Devi Dasi

Ujjvala Rasajna Devi Dasi

Dear Maharaj,

I heard from Srila Prabhupad that Krishna sends a guru when we call and cry out for Him. That is

how He sent you to me to show that He listens to our prayers and reciprocates gracefully to our

efforts to get closer to Him.

Maharaj, I am so fortunate to get Prabhupada through you. You are so humble that you make

yourself so transparent that I see only Prabhupad and Krishna in your instructions. I owe a great

deal to you as you patiently and tolerantly guide me and restore my eternal relationship with Sri

Sri Radha and Krishna. I cant thank you enough for making some time for me and driving all the

way to NC to give me the Diksa. That Diksa means sooo much to me in this life time which I was

ardently and earnestly waiting for I would take that as special mercy from you and Radha

Golokananda. Thankyou for your kindness.

Not just me but our whole family owes a lot and is grateful to you for being such an exemplary

Vaishnava and teaching the same to us.

Humble Pranams to you.

Ujjvala Rasajna Devi Dasi

Dhanasekhar, Padmavathi, Ashritha, Varsha, Krishna Chaitanya

Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna prestaya bhutale

Srimate VedaVyasapriya swamin ite namine

Nama om Vishnu padaya Krishna Prestaya bhutale

Srimate Bhakti Vedatanta swamin ite namine

Namaste Sarawathi deve gouravani pracharine

Nirvisesha sunya vadi paschatya desa tarine

Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept our humble obeisance at your lotus feet on your most auspicious appearance day.

It’s our misfortune that we could not personally present there to experience the pleasure of

participating and associating with your divine self and other god family on this great occasion.

It was yet another year that has simply passed in its typical way amidst miseries of material life

with only a great few moments of your divine association in your trip last September to

Melbourne and our family trip to Brindavan in October. It was a great opportunity for us to

experience your love and kind generosity in taking care of us as spiritual father. We were really

moved by your concerned to see that we are safe and comfortable throughout our trip to

Brindavan. We are grateful for the love and affection you have shared to our kids Ashritha,

Varsha and Krishna Chaitanya in that trip talking, caring, feeding and even personally carrying

them to give them a dip at Manasee Ganaga. We have thoroughly experienced the love and

affection of a spiritual father towards his spiritual children in that trip of personal association.

But, I am misfortunate that I could not serve you properly in that rare private association rather,

got your selfless service in taking us personally to Govardhan parikrama, shopping and arranging

our transport amidst your busy schedules of intense and tireless efforts for Singatoka temple.

Even though, we, Melbourne god family were disappointed about your vyasa pooja being

cancelled in Melbourne against our hopes, I personally rejoiced about the decision of your vyasa

pooja celebrations at Singatoka temple…a definite and most suitable place to be held. We can

certainly feel the kind of divine relationship that you have with temple of your dreams and

Geetha Keerthi sisters and other wonderful devotees in Fiji. Sometimes I feel, we should have

avail this opportunity to learn how to serve you with that kind of love of devotees in Fiji by

personally witnessing and associating with them. While greatly appreciating their unflinching

love and affection for you, I would like to request all those wonderful Fiji devotees with folded

hands to keep in mind about your diet requirements too. I am hopeful to be pardoned about

this suggestion to such sincere and loving devotees my being at the most unqualified capacity.

In fact, I have no qualification to even offer this offering on the most auspicious occasion of your

vyasa pooja in any capacity and I wonder if I get one even in future. Because of the

contamination that our hearts contain make me feel that I am the most unqualified even to

praise your generous love and compassion in accepting us with your shelter. But, as per

scriptures, with great devotee’s mercy even the most unqualified becomes eligible to perform

devotional service. One morning, I was asked by a senior devotee in Melbourne Maha pabhu’s

Mandir amidst my Srila prabhupada’s dressing service “who your Guru Maharaj is?” I gladly

answered His Holiness Vedavyasa Priya Swami Maharaj and moved on. But my curiosity made

me ask him in private why he asked me interrupting my service. He simply said “your Guru

Maharaj will be very much pleased”. I wanted ask that prabhuji many things but I don’t want to

ask details whatever he mean to be. I am worried, that my further query about that comment

has potential to ruin my devotional service in the form of pride. But at the same time that

incident has opened the ray of hope that I can also serve and satisfy my Guru Maharaj. That was

the most satisfying day of my life and I had realized the mercy of your divine shelter which really

made this most unqualified to be confident of being your servant and will be eager to satisfy you

and Krishna directly or indirectly at every opportunity of my own capacity whether it is big or

small. So please bless us on this most auspicious occasion of your appearance day and give me

that strength (to fight against Maya), vigor (to keep focused and motivated), determination (to

be always sincere) and ability (to perform my devotional service diligently) to be successful in

our devotional service to satisfy you and Krishna.

With gratitude and love,





Krishna Chaitanya

Neelmani Devi Dasi, Suva, Fiji

Nama om vishnu padaya krrishna prasthaya bhutale

srimate vedvyasapriya swami itinamine

All glories to Srila Prabupada

My humble obeisances to you Gurudeva. I feel very fortunate to have found you and now I am

able to understand the love and devotion to Krsna.

Happy vyasapuja Gurudev

Your servant

Neelmani Devi Dasi

Yashoda Devi Dasi, Suva, Fiji.

Nama om vishnu padaya krrishna prasthaya bhutale

srimate vedvyasapriya swami itinamine

All glories to Srila Prabupada.

My humble obeisances to you Gurudev. By satisfying our spitual master Krishna becomes

satisfied so I pray for his mercy.

A very happy vyasapuja Gurudeva.

Your servant

Yashoda Devi Dasi

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