Page 1: SQLCAT: Addressing Security and Compliance Issues with SQL Server 2008

SQLCAT: Addressing Security and Compliance Issues

Il-Sung Lee, Denny Lee, Ayad Shammout

Page 2: SQLCAT: Addressing Security and Compliance Issues with SQL Server 2008

SQL Server Customer Advisory Team (SQLCAT)• Works on the largest, most complex SQL Server projects worldwide

• MySpace - 4.4 million concurrent users at peak time, 8 billion friend relationships, 34

billion e-mails, 1 PetaByte store, scale-out using SSB and SOA

• Bwin – Most popular European online gaming site – 30000 database transactions /

second, motto: “Failure is not an option”; 100 TB total storage

• Korea Telecom - Largest telco in Korea serves 26 million customers; 3 TB Data


• Drives product requirements back into SQL Server from our customers and ISVs

• Shares deep technical content with SQL Server community



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SQL Server Design Win Program

• Target the most challenging and innovative SQL Server


• 10+ TB DW, 3k/tran/s OLTP, Large 500GB+ Cubes, Competitive

migrations, Complex deployments, Server Consolidation (1000+)

• Invest in large scale, referenceable SQL Server projects

across the world

• Provide SQLCAT technical & project experience

• Conduct architecture and design reviews covering performance,

operation, scalability and availability

• Offer use of HW lab in Redmond with direct access to SQL Server

development team

• Work with Marketing Team Developing PR

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SQLCAT and SQL CSS Invite You…

ROOM 611

• To the SQL Server Clinic where the most experienced SQL Server experts in the world will be waiting to talk with you.• Bring your toughest Questions / Challenges to the experts who have seen it all• Architect and Design your future applications with experts who have done it before with some of the largest, most complex systems in the world• Or just stop in to say hello!

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• Introduction to Compliance

• Payment Credit Industry Compliance


• Health Information Portability and

Accountability Act Compliance Showcase

• Application of SQL Server to fulfill HIPAA compliance scenarios

• Enacted at CareGroup Healthcare

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Introduction to ComplianceAddressing Security and Compliance Issues

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Importance of Compliance

• Widely cited within the academic

community, 87% of the US

population is uniquely identifiable

by the three attributes of zip

code, birth date, and gender

(Sweeney, 2002)

• Sweeney was able to identify the

medical records of Gov William

Weld (MA) by joining masked

medical data and a voter’s list.



Voted Date

EthnicityVisit DateDiagnosisProcedureMedicationTotal Charge




*based on Sweeney L, k-Anonymity: A model for protecting privacy, International Journal on Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, 10(5), 2002, 557-570

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What is Compliance? (GRC)

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GRC Example

Loss from theft,

vandalism and

injury to personnel

Review entrance

and guard logs,

tapes and news


Locked door, guard,

camera, badges and


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Compliance Requirements

IT Control SO








ID Management

Separation of Duties


Key Management


Control Testing

Policy Management

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Payment Credit Industry (PCI) Guidance

Addressing Security and Compliance Issues

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• I am not a QSA (Qualified Security Assessor)

• But I will provide guidance and best practice on

PCI DSS Compliance.

• No feature

deep dive

• More detailed

info available

in this


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Overview of the PCI DSS

• Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover, and JCB created the PCI

Security Standards Council in Dec. 2004 and released the PCI Data

Security Standard v1

• Created “to help facilitate the broad adoption of consistent data

security measures on a global basis” for enhancing payment account

data security

• Applies to any business that stores, processes, or transmits Primary

Account Number (PAN)

• Requires annual compliance audit

• Noncompliance leads to levy of significant fines.

• Latest version is 1.2.1,


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PCI Objectives and Requirements

Build and Maintain a Secure Network

• Requirement 1: Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data

• Requirement 2: Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters

Protect Cardholder Data

• Requirement 3: Protect stored cardholder data

• Requirement 4: Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public networks

Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program

• Requirement 5: Use and regularly update anti-virus software

• Requirement 6: Develop and maintain secure systems and applications

Implement Strong Access Control Measures

• Requirement 7: Restrict access to cardholder data by business need-to-know

• Requirement 8: Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access

• Requirement 9: Restrict physical access to cardholder data

Regularly Monitor and Test Networks

• Requirement 10: Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data

• Requirement 11: Regularly test security systems and processes

Maintain an Information Security Policy

• Requirement 12: Maintain a policy that addresses information security

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SQL Server 2008 Compliance Toolbox






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Req 2: Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system pwds and other security params

• No default passwords in SQL Server

• Features/services Off-by-Default

• E.g., protocols, CLR, dbmail, XPcmdshell

• BUILTIN/Administrators are not sysadmin

• sa account is not enabled in Windows

Auth mode

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Req 3: Protect stored cardholder data

• Enable Transparent Data Encryption on

databases containing credit card data

• Periodic key rotation – at least once a year

• EKM for split-key ownership

• HSM administrator different from db_owner and sysadmin

• Key management without EKM permissible

• No single user with access to both dbbackup and certificate backup files

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Req 4: Encrypt transmission of cardholder

data across open, public networks • Full support for TLS/SSL

• Can be set server-wide or on a per connection basis.

• Enable for all connections transmitting cardholder data






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Req 7: Restrict access to cardholder data by

business need-to-know• Limit inclusion in sysadmin

• Windows authentication

• BUILTIN/Administrators are not sysadmin

• Using principals of least privilege

• Role-based access

• Instance and database permissions

• Signed modules

• Disable sa login

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Req 8: Assign a unique ID to each person

with computer access• SQL Server uses Windows SIDs for Windows

users and groups

• SQL Logins use GUID for generating SID

• Enable Windows password policy support

• Set to change password on next logon

• Enforce 90 day password expiration

• Do not use a single login for application

connections (or any shared accounts in

general); applies to sa – disable!

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Req 10: Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data

• SQL Server Audit to monitor data access

• Granular auditing of tables

• Audit trail must be retained for 1 year

• Log should be protected from SQL users/DBA

• Configure Audit to shutdown on failure

• Change Data Capture to record committed

changes to data

• Policy-based Management to monitor server

settings and detect changes

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Audit Settings

• At a minimum, Audit:

• Login success and failures

• Changes to server configurations, encryption keys,

logins, server level permissions, databases

• CREATE/DELETE/ALTER of schema objects


tables containing cardholder data

• Changes to Audit configuration

• Enable the CDC against any table containing

cardholder data

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Achieving PCI Compliance

• With careful planning, proper organizational

procedures, and process controls, PCI

compliance with SQL Server 2008 attainable

• TDE, Audit, PBM and other 2008 features are

all useful tools in achieving compliance

• Take time to read the whitepaper


• Consult a PCI Qualified Security Assessor

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Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) Case Study

Addressing Security and Compliance Issues

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Business Drivers

• Avoiding disruptions in patient care

• Improving patient and staff access to medical records

and other vital information

• Complying with HIPAA regulations

• Maintaining privacy of medical information

• Its Expensive To Be Careless!

o Direct Costs – Customers lost, Revenue, Legal, Audit Fees

o Indirect Losses – Reputation

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The Challenges

Protecting the privacy and integrity of

patient medical records

Monitoring database access and capturing

access information for compliance and

audit purposes

Who accessed which databases, when and


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What we can and can’t do

We can ….

Enforce account/password policy

Define strong policies and procedures

We can’t …..

Enforce audit log in every vendor application

Determine who is doing what and when

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How we are providing for data integrity and security

Database classifications (AAA vs. AA)

Have policies and procedures for data access authorization

Online HIPAA and Security employee training

Automatically terminate data access when employees leave

Create scripts to collect data and user access details

Implement our Centralized Audit Solution on SQL Server 2008

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Implementing IT Control with SQL Server 2008

• Securing the Platform

• Controlling Identity and Separation of Duties

• Encrypting Database Data

• Auditing Sensitive Information

• Using Policy-Based Management to Define,

Deploy and Validate Policy

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Securing the Platform

• Limit number of users have access to SQL Server

• Minimize surface area of attack by limiting running services,

installing only the software needed, disable unnecessary

ports and configuring the firewall

• Install latest OS/SQL service packs and security patches

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Controlling Identity and Separation of Duties

• Limit who can access the database and grant the least


• Use Windows Authentication

• Use Policy-Based Management to validate security policies

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Encrypting Database Data

• Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

• Protecting sensitive data

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Auditing Sensitive Information

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Auditing…in actionHIPAA Case Study

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Using Policy-Based Management to Define, Deploy and Validate Policy

SQLAudit Central Server

Server 1

Server 2

Server nPolicy Extract

Extract Policy Data

Obtain Server List

Load Policy Data



Extract Logs to


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Enterprise Policy Management Framework

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• Spend less time on regulatory compliance

• Automate compliance and IT security controls

• Proactively measure and remediate deficiencies to sustain the control environment

• Embrace best practices and build policies and processes

• Reduce the impact of a breach by providing Analysis and Alerts of malicious or suspicious activity.

• Complete audit log

Page 39: SQLCAT: Addressing Security and Compliance Issues with SQL Server 2008

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