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DELL Reference Configurat ion forMicrosof t® SQL Server® 2008 FastTrack Data Warehouse

A Dell Technical Configuration Guide

Database Solutions Engineering

Dell Product Group

Anthony Fernandez

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 © 2010 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduct ion of t his material in any manner whatsoever wit hout

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April 2011

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Executive Summary ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............. ....... 3 Introduction ............ ............. ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ... 3 

Audience and Scope .................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ........ 3 Microsoft Fast Track Data Warehouse Overview ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 

Reference Architecture ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .. 4 Recommendations and Best Practices ...... .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... 5 

Database Availability ........ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .... 5 Internal Storage ................ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .. 8 Internal PCIe I/ O Channel .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 9 Database Sett ings ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .... 9 Storage Sett ings .................. ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 9 Storage Cache Configuration....... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 11 High Performance Tier (Turbo Mode) Configurati on ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Multipathing Options and Settings .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . 14 Microsoft MPIO ..... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 14 

Performance Characteristics ....................................................................................... 15 Baseline Hardware Validation ................................................................................... 15 

Conclusion ................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ......... 18 References ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ..... 19 


Table 1.   Reference Architecture List ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 4 Table 2.   PowerEdge R710 Configuration Details .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 


Figure 1.   Fast Track Reference Architecture ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Figure 2.   Reference Architecture .. ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... 6 Figure 3.   High Capacity Configuration ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 6 Figure 4.   Reference Architecture with Clustering ................................................... 7 Figure 5.   Minimum Memory Configurat ion with 8GB DIMMs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 Figure 6.   Internal Storage Configuration ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 8 Figure 7.   HBA Slot Placement. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... . 9 Figure 8.   Dell PowerVault MD3220 Chassis .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 10 Figure 9.   Disk Group Layout... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .... 10 Figure 10.   Storage Controller Disk Group Assignment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 Figure 11.   Storage Cache Sett ings ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 12 

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Figure 12.   Large Cache Block Size Sett ing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 Figure 13.   Cabling Diagram Configuration .......................................................... 13 Figure 14.   Cascading MD3220 wit h Expansion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 14 Figure 15.   Microsoft MPIO Sett ings ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 Figure 16.   Synthetic I/ O Rate Reads from Cache .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 Figure 17.   Synthet ic I/ O Rate Reads from Hard Disks .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 17 

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Executive SummaryData warehouses provide the foundation for business intell igence systems, such as the analysis and

report ing services that are cr it ical to enabling an organization to scan through very large amounts of

data as eff iciently as possible. Data warehouse conf igurations typically suff er f rom design principles

that were originall y intended for online transacti on processing systems (OLTP). As the amount of data

grows, so do scan times that affect the overall time required to gather critical information.

Dell and Microsoft have coll aborated to provide a set of guidel ines and design principles called Fast

Track Data Warehouse 3.0 Reference Guide t o help customers design and implement balanced

configurati ons specif ical ly for Microsoft SQL Server Data Warehouse databases with the goal of

providing a hardware-balanced approach and predict able out-of -box performance.

In addit ion, Dell provides services designed to help customers impl ement complete Business

Intel li gence Solut ions uti li zing reference archit ectures that have been thoroughly t ested and validated

by Dell and Microsoft .

This whit e paper describes the architecture design principles to achieve a balanced configurat ion f or

Dell™PowerEdge™R710 and Dell PowerVault™MD3220 Direct Att ached 6GBps SAS storage. Thisconfi gurat ion is opt imized for 4TB of compressed user capacit y wi th capabil it ies to expand up to 19TB

wit h Dell PowerVault MD1220 arrays. If off ers a high availabili t y configuration wit h Microsoft Cluster

Service for environments that require maximum availabili ty.

IntroductionThis white paper describes a reference archit ecture implementation of a Microsoft ® SQL Server® Fast

Track Data Warehouse 3.0 Reference Guide ut ilizing Dell PowerEdge R710 servers and Dell PowerVault

MD3220 Direct Att ached 6GBps SAS storage. The goal of the Microsoft Fast Track program is to def ine a

methodology to build a balanced and opt imized hardware and soft ware confi gurat ion specif icall y for

SQL Server Data Warehouse deployments.

Ut il izing a building block approach, a Microsoft Fast Track solut ion off ers a cost effective and proven

plat form t hat has been tested and optimized to of fer customers a faster way to deploy and configure a

data warehouse infrast ruct ure. A data warehouse is the cent ral component i n a business int ell igence

solut ion that stores large quanti t ies of data and information. As data continues to grow at a fast pace,

optimizing data retr ieval i s crucial for organizations to maintain service level agreements (SLAs).

Microsoft Fast Track provides a framework t hat allows customers to select a reference archit ecture

that has been designed with those principals in mind that best fit their needs, the amount of data, and

their performance requirements.

Audience and ScopeThis white paper is int ended for customers, partners, solut ion archit ects, storage administ rators, and

database administrators who are evaluating, planning, or deploying a balanced data warehouse

solut ion. The scope is limi ted to t he main reposit ory of data or data warehouse and the balanced

confi gurat ion t hereof. Other systems that ut il ize t he data warehouse as a source of data, such as

analysis and report ing services, are not within t he scope.

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Microsoft Fast Track Data Warehouse OverviewThe Microsoft Fast Track Data Warehouse ini t iat ive provides a framework t o build and deploy a

balanced configuration for a SQL Server data warehouse. The initiative provides guidelines and best

practices to configure soft ware and hardware to achieve optimal cost and performance. Microsoft Fast

Track uti l izes a building block approach focused on balanced configurati ons that have been tested and

validated for data warehouse workloads which are large sequenti al in nature.

Reference ArchitectureTable 1 li sts recommended hardware t hat has been tested and selected for a balanced configuration to

deploy a Microsoft SQL Server Fast Track Data Warehouse. This ref erence conf igurat ion focuses on a

configurat ion that includes one PowerEdge R710 server wi th two Dell PowerVault MD3220 DAS SAS

storage arrays for a capacity range of 4TB to 8TB of compressed data (3:1 ratio).

Table 1. Reference Archit ectur e List

Ser ver CPU CPU


SAN Data Drive





CapacityPowerEdge R710 (2) Intel® Xeon® 

X5680 3.33GHz12 (2) Dell


(40) 146GB15K 6Gbps


Figure 1 shows the hardware components that comprise the data warehouse solut ion.

Figure 1. Fast Track Reference Archi tectur e

Table 2. PowerEdge R710 Configurat ion Details

Base Solution ID 1407335.1

Highly Avail able Solut ion ID 1407293.1

Dell PowerEdge R710

Dell PowerVault MD3220

Dell PowerVault MD3220

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High Capacity Solution ID 1407392.1

Server PowerEdge R710

CPU (2) Six-Core Int el® Xeon® X5680 3.33GHz 12MB cache,6.4GT/ s Intel QPI, turbo

Number of Cores 12

Logical Processors Enabled. (24 Logical Cores)

Memory 96GB RAM (12x8GB RDIMMS @1333MHz)PCI-E Slot s Two PCIe Gen2 x8 slots (Slots 3,4)

Internal Storage Cont rol ler PERC6/ I or H700 512MB/ 1GB Cache

Internal Dri ves (2) 143GB 6Gpbs SAS 15K HDD (Operat ing System)(6) Various sizes can be conf igured f or addit ional st orage st aging space.

Network Adapters Two embedded Broadcom 5709C dual-port GigabitEthernet adapters (four ports total)

Remote Management iDRAC6 Ent erprise

Network Swi t ch Dell PowerConnect 55XX Series

Storage Adaptor (2) Dell SAS6 Host Bus Adapt ors

Storage (2) Dell PowerVault MD3220

(2) Dell PowerVault MD1220 opt ional expansion unit

Recommendat ions and Best Pract icesThis section detail s the recommendat ions and best pr acti ces for implementing a high-perf orming Fast

Track dat a warehouse on the lat est PowerEdge R710 server and Dell PowerVault MD3220 Direct

At tached SAS storage enclosure. In t his section, t he hardware-based optimizat ions are given preference

compared to t he soft ware and database parameters.

Dat abase Avail abili t y 

Based on business requirements, it may be necessary t o have a highly rel iable and avail able dat abase

confi gurat ion with high perf ormance for data warehousing. Redundancy is implemented at every layer

to provide network and I/ O path redundancy. In addit ion, t his configurat ion provides the flexibil it y to

add clustered nodes with Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS) t o provide server redundancy for datacenters that require highly available configurations.

The complet e Dell SQL Server Fast Track Reference Archit ecture may be represented as in Figure 2 f or

single-node configurations.

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Figure 2. Reference Archit ectur e

For Data Warehouse environments that require larger capacit ies, t wo opt ions can be implemented.

One option is to maintain higher rotational speed drives of 15K and add an expansion enclosures to

create addit ional disk groups depicted in Figure 3 below. Another opt ion is to implement slower

rotational speed drives of 10K with larger capacities of 300GB and 600GB. Careful evaluation and

test ing is required t o ensure bandwidth is maintained at consistent levels.

Figure 3. High Capacit y Configuration

Redundant Dell PowerConnect 55xx Switches for Publi c and Pri vate LAN access. 

Dell PowerEdge R710 wit h

redundant components.  

Dell PowerVault MD3220 Direct Att ached SAS Arrays with MD1220 expansion enclosures 

User Capacit y: 11TB Max Capacit y: 19TB 

Dell PowerVault MD3220 Direct At tached SAS Arra s 

Redundant Dell PowerConnect 55xx Swit ches for Publi c and Private LAN access. 

Dell PowerEdge R710 with

redundant components.  

User Capacit y: 4TB Max Capacit y: 8TB 

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The Fast Track archit ecture wi th high availabil ity Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS) is depicted in Figure

4 below.

Figure 4. Reference Archit ecture wit h Clustering

Figure 4 above shows an act ive-passive SQL Server confi guration using Microsoft clustering technology.

Microsoft cluster ing enables the passive database node to host the database service if t he primary

database server (t he act ive node) fails or is taken off line for maint enance. This conf iguration provides

a highly available conf iguration at t he database, network, and storage layers.


Server select ion for Fast Track implementat ions is based on the principals for buil ding a balancedsystem from the storage to t he server. Given the mult icore capabili t ies of t oday’s servers, a start ing

point to build a balanced configuration is based on the maximum consumption rate (MCR) a system can


The PowerEdge R710 server is a dense 2U server wi th dual-socket Int el® Xeon® 5500 and 5600 series

quad- and six-core processors, Int el 5520 I/ O Hub (IOH) wi t h QuickPath architecture, up to 18 DIMMS or

288GB of DDR3 memory capacit y, DIMM thermal sensors, PCI Express Generat ion 2, and t wo dual -port

embedded Gigabit Ethernet controllers for uplink connectivity.


This configurati on describes balanced performance for t he PowerEdge R710 server wi th the Intel® 

Xeon® 5600 Series X5680 3.33GHz six-core processors.

This configurat ion was tested with Logical Processors enabled. Logical Processors provide an addit ional

hyper-t hreaded core for each processor core. This conf iguration is running with 24 total logical


Using a 300MB per second per core of page-compressed data to determine the MCR of t he 12-core

system, the PowerEdge R710 server yields an MCR of 3.6GB/ s. The MCR provides a start ing point to

determine the bandwidth f rom the storage to maximize the CPU capacit y. This methodology helps

Redundant Dell PowerConnect 55xx Swit ches for Publi c and Private LAN access. 

Dell PowerVault MD3220 Direct Attached SAS Arrays 

Dell PowerEdge R710

with redundant


configured wi th

Microsoft Cluster

Service (MSCS). Passive Node Act ive Node 

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define a watermark of performance when designing a balanced configurat ion f ree of bot t lenecks

throughout the data path; for example, storage spindles, storage cont rol lers, St orage HBAs, CPUs and

memory. Refer to the Microsoft  Fast Track Data Warehouse 3.0 Reference Guide 


Memory sizing for a Fast Track Data Warehouse configurati on depends on the workload characterist ics

of data access. Microsoft recommends the minimum amount of memory for this confi gurati on of 4GB ofRAM per logical core. For a 24-core system, 96GB RAM can be confi gured with twelve 8GB DIMMs

running optimized at 1333MHz. Figure 5 below show the memory populat ion per socket.

Figure 5. Minimum Memory Configurat ion wi th 8GB DIMMs

The above figure shows the DIMM slot s used to populate highl ighted. For 8GB DIMMS, two memory

modules per channel ie; [A1,A2,A3] and [A4,A5,A6] for CPU 1 support up to 1333MHz speeds.

Internal St orage 

Customers have a choice t o select f rom t wo t ypes of chassis for t he PowerEdge R710 server, with up toeight 2.5” 6Gbps SAS dri ves.

Figure 6 shows both chassis configured wi th the fi rst t wo drives in a RAID 1 conf iguration for operating

system installation. The remaining drives are used for staging or for backup space and can be ordered

wit h larger capacit ies. Depending on the space required, customers can configure t he drives in t he

following two configurations.

Figure 6. Internal Storage Configurat ion

*Space configured with RAID5 or other RAID types can be configured depending on space or performance requirements.

Space Configured

Operati ng System:(2) 15K 143GB Drives: 143GB

Staging/Backup:(6) 10K 600GB Drives: 1.6TB*(6) 10K 300GB Drives: 800TB*

(6) 15K 143GB Drives: 400GB*

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It is recommended to uti li ze the PERC/ i or PERC H700 int ernal storage controll er. This controll er

provides int ernal hardware RAID capabili t ies (0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50, and 60) and mixed RAID configurations;

for example, RAID 1 for operat ing system drives and RAID5 or RAID10 for staging/ backup.

For confi gurat ions in which RAID 1 is suff ici ent f or t he staging/ backup area, t he SAS6/ iR or H200 offers

RAID 0 and RAID 1 capabil it ies. Note that the SAS6/ i and H200 only off ers a maximum of t wo RAID 1


Int ernal PCIe I/O Channel 

Fast Track conf igurat ion ut ilizes two 6Gbps SAS HBAs. The PowerEdge R710 server planar provides two

x16 PCI Express connector slots. Riser 1 and Riser 2 provide x4 and x8 PCI Express connectors. The HBAs

should be placed on slots 3 and 4 to take advantage of PCIe Gen 2 x8 speeds.

Planar slot specifications:

•  Two x4 PCIe Gen2 slot full height wit h x4 physical connector (Slot 1 & 2)

•  Two x8 PCIe Gen2 slot s full height with x8 physical connector (Slot s 3 & 4)

•  One x4 PCIe Gen1 slot for dedicated storage control ler card (PERC 6/ i or SAS6/ iR) —connect ed

to the IOH

Figure 7 below shows the back of the chassis to demonst rat e the physical HBA placement. Each slot isident if ied by a number labeled on the chassis


Dat abase Set t ings 

Microsoft provides configurati on guidel ines and best pract ices for deploying a data warehouse using the

Fast Track approach. This configurati on includes minimum indexing, t able parti t ioning, and table

compression considerat ions. The major database set t ings that would enable t he SQL Server database to

be optimized for a sequent ial database workload may include the fol lowing database startup


•   –E : Increases the number of extends allocated t o a database table

•   –T1117: Ensures the even growt h of all f il es in t he fi le group

For t he complete configurati on guidelines, see the Microsoft  Fast Track Data Warehouse 3.0 Reference 

Guide listed in the References section of this white paper.

St orage Set t ings 

The storage configurat ion plays a major role in the database perf ormance. This section discusses

storage Disk Groups, Vir tual Disks and data fi le layout, HBA cabling, and Mult ipat h I/ O configurati on.

Figure 7. HBA Slot Placement

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The Fast Track Reference Configurat ion Guide  3.0 provides guidelines for creating RAID configurations

and storage virt ual disks on an external storage array. In addit ion, t he dist ributi on of t he storage

virt ual disks between the storage processors of t he array plays a signif icant role in del ivering the

optimum output out of t he array.

Figure 7 shows the f ront and back of t he PowerVault MD3220 chassis.

Figure 8. Dell Power Vault MD3220 Chassis

Figure 8 above shows the f ront and rear of the Dell PowerVault MD3220 storage array. The MD3220 is

confi gured wit h redundant active/ active control lers and power supplies.

Figure 9 below shows the physical disk group layout across both storage arrays. Each disk group is

composed of groups of five hard drives configured as (4+1) RAID 5 groups. Microsoft specifies utilizing

RAID1/ 0 mir rored sets for dat abase data and RAID 1 for log f il es.

To at tain a bett er balance across storage cont roll ers, we have t ested this configurat ion wi th (4+1) RAID

5 Disk Groups. This confi gurati on result s in f our data disk groups per array where we can assign t wo

disk groups per control ler. Configuring the disk groups with RAID 1/ 0 result s in 3 data disk groups on

the first controller and 2 data disk groups in t he second cont roll er. Configuring data disk groups in

RAID 1/ 0 is opt imi zes data loading wit h reduced capacit ies.

Note: RAID 5 may intr oduce a wri te performance impact f or envir onments that require maximum

load times. Depending on the amount of data change and load windows, careful evaluation is

requi red t o ensure pr oper service level agreement s (SLA’s) are met .

Figure 9. Disk Group Layout

LOGData1 Data2 Hot

SparesData3  Data4 



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A Virt ual Disk (VD) is configured for each RAID disk group and ut ili zes the enti re disk group capacit y.

This configurati on wit h RAID 5 yields four VDs, assigned two per storage controll er as shown by lines

connecting each VD to t he storage control ler representi ng control ler ownership of the VD.

Figure 10. Storage Controller Disk Group Assignment

The f igure above depict s a logical representation of disk group assignment t o each storage control ler .In environments where log f il e is heavily used, i t would be recommended to use RAID 1/ 0 disk groups

for data, and assign more hard drives to the log fi le disk group eit her wit h internal storage or via an

expansion enclosure as shown by the high capacity Fast Track configurati on.

St orage Cache Confi gurat ion 

The Dell PowerVault storage array has 2GB of cache per control ler , totaling 4GB of cache. Some

performance gains may be achieved by configuring 100%of cache to writes during data load windows.

Temporary fi les may also benef it from storage cache configurati on. However, since tempdb files share

the same spindles wit h database f iles, it is recommended to increase the available memory t o allow

sorts to happen in memory as opposed to disk which may affect the overall performance.

Figure 11 below shows the Cache Sett ings propert ies window accessed through the Dell Modular DiskStorage Management (MDSM) Cli ent . Depending on the workload, it is recommended to test a

combination of Cache settings to obtain maximum performance. As a first step, during Fast Track

evaluat ion, reading small amount of data from cache to obtain the maximum consumption rate or

(MCR), val idates against bot t lenecks that may have been int roduced during deployment and

configurati on. Refer to the Microsoft Fast Track Data Warehouse Reference Guide 3.0 for test

procedure specifi cs li sted in t he Reference Section of t his white paper.

Cont roller 0 Cont roller 1

LOG Data1  Data2  Hot

Spares Data3  Data4 

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Figure 11. Storage Cache Set t ings

For large sequenti al scans it is recommended to disable dynamic cache read prefetch set t ing on each of

the data disks. This set t ing might impose an overhead in some cases. Workload test ing is advised.

For large sequenti al workloads, Dell recommends increasing the Control ler Cache Block size t o 32KB for

optimal performance. Figure 12 below shows the Storage Array Cache Set t ings.

Figure 12. Large Cache Block Size Set t ing

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High Perf ormance Tier (T urbo Mode) Confi gurat ion 

The Dell PowerVault MD3220 is enabled with a premium feature called High Performance Tier also

known as Turbo Mode. This li censed feature is enabled by default for Microsoft SQL Fast Track

confi gurat ions to maximize performance. This feature enables increased bandwidt h capabili t ies for

high data t ransfer workloads. Ot her premium features can be included depending on customer needs

such as Snapshot Vir tual Disk and Vir tual Disk Copy which are opt ional.

Figure 13 above shows the cabling diagram from a single server. Each server HBA port connects to each

Port 0 on each control ler . In confi gurati ons with Microsoft Cluster Server, t he second cluster node HBA

ports att ach to Port 1 in a simi lar f ashion.

Expansion unit s can easily be cascaded behind the MD3220 ut il izing the Dell PowerVault MD1220storage as shown in Figure 14 below.

Figure 13. Cabling Diagram Configurat ion

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Figure 14. Cascading MD3220 wi th Expansion

Note: This confi gurat ion only expands the capacity of t he balanced Fast Track configurat ion.

Depending on the workload and processor ut il izati on, no addit ional bandwidth may be realized by

adding an expansion enclosure.

Mult ipat hing Opt ions and Sett ings 

Microsof t MPIO 

Microsoft references MPIO as the mult ipat hing solut ion for Fast Track implementations as a fully-int egrated solut ion for external storage connect ivi ty. In addit ion, Dell Mult ipath Device Specifi c Module

(DSM) easily installs through the Dell Resource DVD included wi th the PowerVault MD3220 Storage.

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Figure 15. Micr osoft MPIO Sett ings

Microsoft recommends the use of the default Least Queue Depth funct ion as the prefer red load

balancing policy. The Figure 15 above shows the disk propert ies and select ions to enable t he set t ing.

Ensure t hat t here a single Act ive/ Opt imized path to the disk and the second as Standby. This ensures

that large I/ O’ s are not divided into smaller segments to send on each act ive path.

Perf ormance Character isticsThis section detail s the performance characteristi cs of t his configurati on fol lowing Microsoft Fast Track

guidel ines. The f irst step is to validate the hardware wit h a synthet ic block level IO workload to ensure

the hardware has been properly configured and the components are performing to t heir maximum

li sted capacit ies. The second step is to vali date the system by loading a defined workload on SQL

Server t o ensure that access to data is performed as eff icient ly as possible for t he given hardware

confi gurat ion and capacit y.

Baseline Hardware Validation 

This step validates aggregate bandwidt h and establishes a baseline of t he system and vali dates the

components ratings to their listed capabilities. It is a synthetic this test and is performed with a blocklevel IO tool such as SQLIO. The first hardware vali dation test is reading 512KB sequentiall y f rom


Refer to the Microsoft Fast Track Data Warehouse Reference Guide 3.0 for test procedure specifics

li sted in t he Reference Secti on of this whit e paper.

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Figure 16. Synthet ic I/O Rate Reads from Cache

The second validation reads from hard disk utilizing a large file of 25GB in size to avoid cache access to

determine the maximum baseline of reading f rom disk.

SAS6 HBA 2860MB/ s 



1,430MB/ s 



1,430MB/ s 


 1  2  HS

 3  4 

Windows Server

SQL Server


2860MB/ s


0 1,430MB/ s 


1 1,430MB/ s 


 1  2  HS

 3  4 



Aggregat e Cache

Synthet ic IO Rate

MB/ s: 5720 CPU 6Core 

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Figure 17. Synthet ic I/O Rate Reads from Hard Disks

The figure above shows a sustained rat e achieved for t his configurati on of 547MB/ s per RAID 5 disk

group. Note: For workloads that require large amount of load new data in the least amount of t ime, it

is recommended to conf igured the storage wit h (2+2) RAID 1/ 0 disk groups.

SAS6 HBA 2188MB/ s 



1,094MB/ s 



1,094MB/ s 


 1  2  HS

 3  4 

4+1 R5 Disk Group

Synthet ic IO Rate MB/ s: 547

Windows Server

SQL Server


2188MB/ s


0 1,094MB/ s 


1 1,094MB/ s 


 1  2  HS

 3  4 



Aggregat e Disk

Synthet ic IO Rate

MB/ s:4376 CPU 6Core 

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ConclusionMicrosoft SQL Server Fast Track Archit ecture presents a balanced configurati on of processor core and

disk performance capabili t ies, opt imized for a sequent ial workload. Dell , as an eff icient hardware

partner, adds value to the confi gurat ion by providing the best practi ces and recommendations at all

the hardware layers. Following these recommendations helps to ensure a completely balanced

confi gurat ion wit h opt imized performance specifi cally designed for sequenti al workloads. In addit ion,Dell provides special ized services to help customers implement Data Warehouses and Business

Intell igence Solut ions.

To summarize, Dell / Microsoft Fast Track Reference Archit ecture provides the fol lowing value addit ions

and advantages, along wit h a powerful, high-performing conf iguration:

•  Best practices at all hardware and soft ware layers

•  Tested and validated conf iguration wit h proven methodology

•  High availabil it y at every level of t he Fast Track conf iguration

•  Complet e Planning and Deployment Services

Dell and Microsoft together provide expertise at the hardware and soft ware layers to design and buil dbalanced reference architectures for Fast Track Data Warehouse deployments, ensuring bet ter out-of-

box performance.

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Dell SQL Server Solut ions .com/ sql 

Dell .com/ services 

Dell Support .com/ support  

Dell Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing .com/ BI 

Microsoft Fast Track Data Warehouse and Configurat ion Guide Inf ormat ion .com/ fast t rack 

An Int roduct ion t o Fast Track Data Warehouse Archit ect ures 

htt p:/ / .com/ en-us/ library/ dd459146.aspx 

Int roduction to New Data Warehouse Scalabil i t y Features in SQL Server 2008  

htt p:/ / .com/ en-us/ li brary/ cc278097(SQL.100).aspx 

Best Practices for Data Warehousing wit h SQL Server 2008 

htt p:/ / .com/ library/ cc719165.aspx 

Dell PowerVault MD3220 Storage Array Documentat ion 

http:/ / support support / edocs/ systems/ md3200/ en/ index.htm 

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