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System Login Quick Reference v1.0 Revision Date January 15, 2014

Creator: Archie Crabtree

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Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................3

System Login ...............................................................................................................................................................3

1. Startup ........................................................................................................................................................3

2. ASD Login / Setup .......................................................................................................................................3

3. Sprint System Login ....................................................................................................................................5

4. Launch Sprint Production ...........................................................................................................................6

5. Xenapp Login ..............................................................................................................................................6

6. Launch Citrix ...............................................................................................................................................7

8. ..................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

9. ..................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

10. ................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

11. ................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

12. ................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

13. ................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

14. ................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

15. ................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

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In preparation for implementing a more streamlined process for handling the service desk caseload, it has been

identified that there is some confusion around what login procedure to use when logging in to your various

production environments and tools. This guide provides the complete login process, in the correct sequence that

should be followed by all CSP’s when logging in to service Sprint Customers. This is a complete login process laid

out in the exact way that the CSP should login to all of the systems:

System Login 1. Startup - To begin your system should be completely powered off. Insert the Arise Secured Desktop

(ASD) USB Thumb drive into the USB port on your computer, the best one to use is closest to your

Ethernet connection, whether you are using a laptop or a desktop PC. Turn your computer on. If the PC

and SDE USB are working correctly the pc will boot into Ubuntu, a form of Linux, which loads as the

operating system on your PC.

Note: If the PC booted into Windows it is because the USB key is not being read by the boot process. To

remedy this the boot order in your system BIOS must be modified to boot from the USB (as opposed to

booting from your hard drive). If you are experiencing difficulties booting contact Arise Technical

support for assistance. You can also refer to the ASD White Glove Deck provided to you during your

white glove session.

ASD White Glove Deck

2. ASD Login / Setup - Once Ubuntu loads as the operating system you will be presented with a login


Tip: If you see the below screen, this means that you are successful logging into the ASD, there is no

need to choose an “option” just let the ASD boot automatically:

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ASD Login / Setup Continued…….

3. Once you get the login screen, enter the User ID of ACP and password of arise2012 and click login. The

system will open on the ASD desktop. This desktop provides:

a. Firefox icon used to launch Firefox for accessing the VPN, and related client systems

b. Calculator Icon – this is a basic calculator function

c. “Wrench” Icon - This Icon is used to access system settings, sound, screen (display setup), etc…

d. Network Connection Lock – you will NOT see this at startup, this will be discussed later.

4. Display Resolution check – If this is your first time logging into the ASD system, or if you have

made recent changes to the monitor that you use on your PC, please click on the wrench Icon

at the bottom of the ASD tool bar. Once the Gnome control comes up, click on the

display option. And make a note of the resolution that your display is set at, this will be

discussed later. It should say something like:

“1024 X 768 (4:3)”

NOTE: Please take this opportunity to “browse” around the Gnome controls and get a feel for

all of the awesome features that are available for the ASD, also if you have any questions as to

whether or not your system meets the Arise workstation requirements, you can use the option

within the gnome controls to run a check on your system.

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ASD Login / Setup Continued…….

Once your systems check is complete, if you still have questions, please click on the Firefox

browser icon, and login to the Arise Portal and visit AVA (Arise Virtual Assistant) for help.

Sprint System Login

1. Firefox browser Launch – Once you are successfully logged in to the ASD, you will then click on

the Firefox browser Icon (the blue circle with the red “fox” wrapped around the bottom).

You will then see the Arise portal come up. You will NOT login to the portal at this time.

2. VPN Login - Change the address to in the address bar to and press Enter. The host

checker will run, and then the login prompt for the VPN will display as shown below. At this point you

will enter the same username and password that you use for the Arise Virtual Solutions, Inc. portal.

And click Sign in.

NOTE: Please be sure that you are aware of any popups that you may see during the

login process.

Java Add On – When the

JAVA add-on appears

please make sure to

remove the check mark

from “Disable” and select

“Restart Later.” If this is

not done correctly, you

will get a security error

when trying to log into

the VPN.

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Sprint System Login Continued…….

Once the VPN connection is established a popup windows will display in the upper left hand corner of

the screen this is the Network Connect session dialogue.

Minimize the window to the bottom of the screen, this

screen must not be closed, or else you will not be able to

continue with the login process.

As the VPN is connecting, acknowledge any security

warnings that may appear. If there are any issues

connecting (i.e. getting errors such as “internet cannot

display the webpage”), please refer to the question and

answer section later in this document.

4. Launch Sprint Production / Citrix - Once logged into the VPN you will click once on Sprint Citrix

(Production) as shown below:

5. Xenapp Login – The screen shown will open. Enter your Citrix login credentials. The User ID you will

use is in the form

SPR<Username>. The

username is your portal ID

(i.e SPRjdoe where jdoe is

your Arise Portal User ID)

and the password will be

Arise123. Do not attempt

to change this password.

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Sprint System Login Continued…….

6. Launch Citrix - Once the XenApp login process completes. The screen shown will open. From this

screen you can launch all of your client systems, adjust settings, etc…

7. Adjust Citrix Settings – Now that you are logged into citrix, one of the most important items to be

able to service successfully, is to set your citrix settings to the best possible settings according to

that monitor and / or your resolution settings are. Please follow the below process to ensure this is

setup correctly.

NOTE: There is not a “one size fits all” setting for this client that will work, it is in your best interest to

read through the rules for all setting options, and test to find the best one that offers the optimal

performance within the Sprint Citrix environment (the behavior will differ once you are out of


A. Open the settings within Citrix (above)

B. The below window will appear, there is no need to change any of the settings on this screen other

than the ones discussed in the next few steps. Next you will then click on the “user experience”

option at the bottom. Note: it is normal for the citrix window to “grey out” for a few seconds while

the settings are launching, please be patient and allow it to load.

C. Percentage of screen 80% – The basic, and most common setting is the percentage of screen setting,

if you set your citrix to this setting and it does not offer the optimal experience, and you see that

Icare and/or CST are freezing, please test the additional options discussed.

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Sprint System Login Continued…….

D. Custom Dimensions – One thing that has been seen in testing with different systems, if your monitor

resolution is 1024 X 768 (ASD Login / Setup Step 4) or smaller, you may get better performance by

setting your screen to match your display. You will notice that the information in the custom size

boxes can be changed once you have set the drop down to “custom dimensions”

E. Percentage of Screen 70% - It has been found that for CSP’s using larger monitors, and duel

monitors, using the 70% may offer better performance for Icare and CST. Again set and test if the

best option. Additionally, you may need to check this setting each and every time that you login to

the ASD to service.

F. Once you have set your user experience to the desired setting please click on the Save in the lower

right corner. You can then continue on to the next step.

8. Now that you have setup your ASD, and your citrix, it is time to open your Sprint systems, the login for

the next step is you’re assigned ADID and the password that was provided to you. (First time users).

A. First, we will open Icare. From the Citrix screen where you see the Avaya Icon, and the Sprint Citrix

Icon, please click on the Sprint Citrix Icon . (The window below can take up to 2-3 minutes

to launch)

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Sprint System Login Continued…….

B. Note: The window that opens will look like the one below, the important thing to remember is that

you are now in an environment that is “window within a window”. The window that is labelled

“sprint Citrix” can be maximized to take up your entire desktop. (Upper left). Now it is time to start

launching Icare, and CST. Click “OK” on the Proprietary screen.

C. You will now login to the Sprint Citrix Realm. Use your ADID and password provided to you. Once

logged in you will see the screen below, next, click on the Icare Icon, you will only click on the Icare

Icon to open your sprint systems, and there is no need to click on the CST Icon. The process of

opening can take sometimes up to 3-4 minutes depending on your internet connection speed. It

may look like the tool is not loading, just allow the process to load

TIP: If you left click and “hold” the top blue bar of any of the windows within the Sprint Citrix window,

you can drag them. Remember you may have to drag slowly, to allow the system to process. Also, you

can resize any of these windows by grabbing any of the edges with a left click.

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Sprint System Login Continued…….

D. The “CM Landing” window below is what you will use to launch Icare, CST, Compass. Once you see

this window you may need to pull the scroll Bar on the bottom of the window and scroll right to see

the Icare link.

E. Once you click on the Icare from CM Landing, you can close the “launch window” once you see the

Amdocs loading page.

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Sprint System Login Continued…….

F. Once Icare completely opens up, you screen will look like the one below. You will then be able 1)

click on the “maximize/restore down” button, and resize the window, 2) click on the “CM Landing”

window to bring it back to the front and 3) type CST in the address bar of the CM landing window.

Remember: Desktop / Screen management is one of the Keys being able to service Sprint successfully.

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Sprint System Login Continued…….

G. Once you have your Icare and CST open your screen should look something like the screen shot

below. This is your Base window, I do NOT recommend that you minimize this window at any time

while servicing. You should be able to use your “Right Click” on the Firefox Icon to bring any window

up in front that you need.

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Sprint System Login Continued…….

H. Next it is time to open Avaya, 1) Right click on the Firefox button, 2) click on the Citrix XenApp to

bring it back up and 3) click on the Avaya Icon.

I. Avaya is another application that may take a couple of minutes to load, this is also another “window

within a window, Avaya and Knowlagent will load within this Citrix window.

1) The first screens that will appear are the change screen, you must have 91 in front of your

service phone number, if the number is correct click “OK”. If the number is not correct, then

change the number and click “Change” then OK on the confirmation screen

2) Click “OK” on the startknowdev.vbs screen to allow your Knowlagent to load.

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Sprint System Login Continued…….

3) Once your Knowlagent loads, if you are not automatically logged in the username and

password is the same, which is your ADID (The same thing that you used for Sprint Citrix). If

you are not successful at logging in, or you get an error, please access Live Support thru the

Arise Virtual Solutions, Inc. Portal once logged in you will access AVA (Arise Virtual Assistant,

we will discuss later in this document). Now minimize Knowlagent and go to the next step.

J. It is time to get your extension that you will use to put in Softphone.

1) On Avaya click file, then station logout

2) Once Avaya logs out, then click File station login, In the screen that comes up you will need

to write down the

extension. And click

login at the bottom.

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Sprint System Login Continued…….

3) Once you are logged into the first stage of Avaya, now lets resize the Avaya “window” so

that it doesn’t take up your entire screen and complete the desktop setup. 1) There is a

small white triangle in the bottom right corner of the Avaya IP agent window, if you “grab” it

with your left mouse button and drag it up diagonally, you will be able to shrink the outside

window to match the size of the avaya window.

Tip: The setup that you see above is recommended , however, YOU only know how YOU

can be successful, and the the time that you put into knowing how to manage your

screens will provide beneficial to the way that you service your customers. Take the time

to create a seamless process of logging in and setting up your screens, and follow the

same process every time.

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[Grab your reader’s

Sprint System Login Continued…….

K. Now we will connect your Avaya to your service phone number. Following the next few steps is

critical. Click on the “Login” button on Avaya, do not change the information in this login window,

click login again. Once your service phone rings, pick it up and leave the line open, or “off Hook”.

You will hear 3 beeps and open line noise. Your avaya will then goto AUX. If you experience any

other type of issue please see technical support thru the Arise Virtual Solutions, Inc. portal.

L. It is now time to login to the softphone, click on Icare to bring it to the front, then click on the phone

Icon in the upper left corner of Icare. You will get a screen that looks like the one below.

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M. Once you have the login screen up, the login information definitions are below, once you enter the

logins, you will click OK on softphone and then click available, you will then be ready to take calls:

A) Agent ID – 7 digit number located in parenthesis in the top bar of Avaya, starts with a 30XXXXX.

B) Password – Always the last 4 digits of your Agent ID.

C) Extension – This is the number that you wrote down during the Avaya login process.

Arise Virtual Solutions, Inc. Portal / Chat room Login

1. Now that you are ready to take calls, you need to login to the Arise Portal to access the Arise Chat

rooms. Please right click on the Firefox Icon, and click on the Network SSL link to bring the VPN link page

up and login to the portal.

2. Once logged in to the portal, you will click on “Servicing” in the left hand column.

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Arise Portal login continued …..

3. Once the servicing drop down appears, please click on the Sprint Sub menu, you will then be able to see

the Arise Chat room. You will then enter the chat room that is designated to you.

Congratulations!!!! You are now ready to service the Sprint Wireless

client. Please refer to the below sheets with some additional

troubleshooting that you can do as a self-service before going to Live

technical support.

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