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I have been living in Germany and working with the YWAM Base here since 2010. During my time here I have staffed 3 DTS’s (discipleship training schools) and served practically around the base. The DTS is made up of two parts, a lecture phase and an outreach phase. The lecture phase is made up of 12 weeks of teaching on different topics such as hearing Gods voice, the father heart of God, the Holy Spirit and many more. Then there is an outreach giving a chance to put into practice everything learnt during the lecture phase, to go into the nations and share the gospel. This year I have been given the chance for the first time to lead the DTS. The DTS I am currently leading is called REVIVE DTS, and I felt God spoke very clearly about this school and what the focus should be on.

Last september, just after I had finished staffing a DTS, I was asking the Lord what was next. I felt God tell me very clearly that He wanted me to lead the next spring school and that He wanted the focus of the school to be on prayer, worship and intimacy with Jesus. God was already stirring up a passion for intimacy at the base and calling us back to our first love. Revive was at that point a group of people leading regular worship times. I felt like God wanted to call the school Revive, as a continuation of what He was already doing and to disciple a generation into living a revived lifestyle, through the place of prayer, worship and intimacy. A generation being revived to bring revival to the nations.



Isaiah. Our youngest student.

The school worshipping during a prayer set.

A field near the base in the evening.

We have 40 students in the school with 20 nations represented. Jamaica, New Zealand, India, Indonesia, America, Canada, England, Ireland, Colombia, Germany, Switzerland. Austria, Holland, Tonga and more. God sent the nations to us to be discipled and sent back out.“From the nations, to the nations”We are currently on our 7th week of teaching on what a paradise relationship with God looks like, Previous to this week so far we have had teaching on the Father Heart of God, Hearing God;s Voice, Sin Repentance and the Cross, the Nature and Character of God, Intimacy with Jesus, and a bible overview. It has been so amazing to see all the students really give everything they have to this school, each other and the teachings. It;s amazing to see 40 young people so passionate and hungry for God, hungry for more of Him and breakthrough in their l ives. It is extremely humbling to be entrusted with all these students and to be used to point them to Jesus. I am learning more and more every single day that I can not do anything in my own strength and it has absolutely nothing to do with me and absolutely everything to do with Jesus, how amazing He is and His commitment to us all.


When we were praying about where to send outreach teams, we felt God was saying to be strategic, because nothing He does is random or without reason. As a community we are believing for revival in Europe, so it made sense to have a team stay in Europe. This team will be going to Greece, Romania and Moldova. We also felt to send a team to Central Asia, so this team will be going to Tajikistan and Kazakstan and the last team will be going to the Philippines. The teams will be for leaving for outreach at the end of June. This year I will not be leading an outreach team, as I am responsible to oversee all the teams and make sure they have a contact person back at the base, as well as preparing for the end of the school and their return. However I am able to do pastoral visits to the teams, and am planning to go to the Philippines in July to spend a few weeks with the team encouraging them and doing ministry with them.

From the nationsto the nations...

“ Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son

and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

It is an honour to see people get excited about who Jesus is and go to the nations with the gospe l . Bu t i n o rde r t o continue to do what I am doing I need your help.

I need both financial and prayer support. Right now I currently get 300 euros a month which is amazing, and God continues to provide but when I see my out goings it’s clear that I am in a position of financial need.

I am looking for supporters who are able to commit to supporting monthly. If you feel led to be a part of what God is doing through supporting me,

Currently at: 300 euros a monthRent: 210Insurance: 40Base fees: 25Phone: 15Food: 80

Supporting another missionary: 20

Every month I am living by faith for most of my food, all my toiletries, all my laundry and showers (we have to pay per shower and per load of washing we do instead of having a big water bill at the end of the month), clothes. At the moment I am not getting enough to cover my basic needs let alone, blessing other missionaries, traveling, outreaches pastoral visits, networking with ministries etc.

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