
525 3 Consumer Behavior16518&20 9:30-10:50am MW Ulkumen

530 3New Product


16527 6:30-9:30pm H Vincent

16528 9-11:50am Sat. Vincent

533 3 Branding Strategy16530 6:30-9:30pm M Strauss

536 3 Pricing Strategies16524&31 6:30-9:30pm M Dutta

543 3Market Demand and

Sales Forecasting

16532&34 12:30-1:50pm MW Siddarth

16533&35 3:30-4:50pm MW Siddarth

555 3 Marketing Channels16536 11-12:20pm MW Frazier

556 3 Internet Marketing16525&38 5-6:20pm TH Malik

16539&40 6:30-9:30pm T Malik

560 3 Marketing Strategy16541&43 6:30-9:30pm W Badame

566 3 Marketing Analytics

16542&45 11-12:20pm TTH Ukanwa

16522&44 6:30-9:30pm H Ukanwa

16546 3:30-4:50pm TTH Ukanwa

567 3Marketing Metrics for

Business Decisions 16548 12:30-1:50pm TTH Puranam

580 3 Fostering Creativity 16550 2-4:50pm T Priester

16552 6:30-9:30pm T Priester


Strategic Marketing in

the Creative Industries 16568 5-6:20pm MW Nunes



Geographic Information

Systems (GIS)

Applications in Marketing

Strategy 16569 6:30-9:30pm W Burgos/Wellman



MKT 525Consumer Behavior

You Should Take This Class If you:• Want to understand mental processes and decisions along the customer journey that affect the company

(e.g., attention to messages, categorization of new product offerings, attitude towards the product offering, search and information acquisition, etc.

• Want to understand research tools that allow marketers to analyze of these processes (e.g., Zmat, perceptual map, sorting tasks, etc.)

• Want to how to develop tools and interventions with the goal of changing consumer behavior (e.g., nudges, choice architecture, persuasion tools, etc.)

• Want to pursue a career as Customer Experience Manager, Consumer Insights Managers, Experience Consulting, Product Manager, Customer Engagement Manager; Customer Strategy Manager, Customer Marketing Manager

Course Description:Any business begins and ends with the consumer — from recognizing needs to ensuring post-purchase satisfaction. Without a consumer, there is no company!! In this course, you will enhance your understanding of how and why people consider, choose, use, and evaluate goods and services. While all of us are consumers, our intuitions about our own behavior as well as that of others’ are often vastly inaccurate. In this class, we will base our discussion on empirical insights and theories developed in marketing and other behavioral sciences to better predict how consumers will respond to different marketing activities.

Instructor: Gulden Ulkumen


MKT 530New Product Development

You Should Take This Class If you:

• Want to learn design thinking and qualitative research approaches that harness the voice of the customer to create innovative products and services

• Need to learn how to test and refine new product concepts to reduce their risk of failure• Wish to understand the psychology behind new product adoption• Want to develop useful sales forecasts and sensitivity analysis of customer markets• Plan to develop a robust marketing plan for a new product in a team-based setting, that

ultimately gets reviewed by senior decision makers at leading companies

Course Description:In this course, you will learn how to identify new product and service opportunities and how to generate new concepts. You will also learn how to test customer reactions to these new products concepts, predict demand, and reduce the risk of failure (because more than 80% of new product launches fail). A variety of cases and examples of new product development programs will be analyzed in a several different companies and industries. You will also develop and test a new product or service idea in a semester-long, hands-on group project.

Instructor: Larry Vincent

Brand Managers

Chief Marketing Officers

Product Managers

A great course for future…


MKT 533Brand Strategy

Instructor: Sasha Strauss

You should take this class if you:• Know that business ideas need strategic communication to achieve growth goals• Want to influence a global workforce by synchronizing their voices• Exist at the intersection of creative thinking and business strategy• Understand that short-term marketing actions must be informed by long-term behaviors• Believe that B2B organizations also require internal and external identities, just like consumer brands

Course Description:Work through the research, strategy, design, and activation stages of brand strategy. Spend the semester studying a brand’s consumers, competitors, and more, and use each assignment to build a capstone presentation for your final – a deck perfect for job interviews and brand careers to come! This class moves fast, has powerful guest speakers, and is taught by a brand strategy consulting firm CEO/Founder.

Operations Markets Expertise Solutions Awards

Sales &


NOT THE BRAND. expression of the brand.

NOT THE BRAND. guides the brand.

NOT THE BRAND. influences the brand.





InnovationPersonal Brand

Fortune 50Experience



IRVisual Vocab



Global VPArchitecture


Sr. HRPersonality

SVP SalesPositioning



Relevant Careers




Instructor: Shantanu Dutta

You Should Take This Class If you:• Want to learn about pricing strategies to extract the value for products and services you create. • McKinsey study found that 1% increase in price in Fortune 1000 companies increased profits by

12.3%• Want to learn and apply analytical skills for pricing using data for B2B companies like Google and

Amazon and also CPG companies. Hands on experience using regression and cluster analysis.• Want to understand the current pricing strategy for B2C, B2B, Pharmaceutical and Services

companies like Netflix, Amazon Cloud and Uber. • Algorithmic bias and inclusive pricing challenges• Want to pursue a career as product manager, sales and marketing, consulting in different industries

like CPG, B2B, Pharmaceuticals and Technology,

Course Description:The course will introduce you to the most current strategy, applications, and trends in pricing. Students completing the course will have the skills to use data and build pricing models to increase firm profitability. Understand the link between pricing and the overall go to market strategy.

MKT 536Pricing Strategies

Sales and Marketing

Business Analyst


MKT 543Marketing Demand and Sales Forecasting

You Should Take This Class If you:• Want to learn quantitative techniques and analytical tools that provide insight into

the nature of consumer demand and its response to changes in the marketing mix. • Want to apply these methods to improve forecast accuracy and gain a better

understanding of customers and markets. • Want to develop a framework to make more effective marketing decisions.

Course Description:This course will familiarize you with several advanced, quantitatively oriented marketing tools that enhance demand forecasting ability and marketing decision-making. I will provide extensive experience in using these tools through computer exercises (i.e., dirtying your hands with the data). Most of the analysis will require you to use spreadsheet-based tools such as regression analysis and Solver.

Instructor: S. Siddarth


MKT 555Marketing Channels

You Should Take This Class If you:• Want to learn basic principles of organizing and managing marketing distribution channels • Want to apply these principles to actual firm situations • Wish to learn, analyze, evaluate, and make decisions relating to distribution channel


Course Description:MKT 555 focuses on managerial decision making. That is, what decisions managers must make in organizing and managing channels of distribution. The class is designed for any MBA, whatever the emphasis. It is most pertinent to marketing majors and aspiring business owners.

Instructor: Gary Frazier


Instructor: Nikhil Malik

You Should Take This Class If you:• Want to develop a digital strategy across SEO, Ads and Social media.• Want to segment and target customers using big data, data mining and data analytics.• Want to create Machine Learning tools on Python.• Want to critically analyze customer adoption, interpretability and trust in digital tool.• Want an introduction to components of Web 3.0 – Blockchains, Cryptocurrencies, and

decentralized apps in Marketing.

Course Description:Internet facilitates search, communication, ads and sales powered by Web pages, Search Engines and Ad Tech. This massive activity on the internet generates large amounts of customer data. In this course, we will understand how a marketer should optimize for search engines and Ad targeting using Big-Data mining tools. We will develop Machine Learning tools in class using Python, purposely meant for use by customers. A key component of the course is to scrutinize – If customers correctly interpret and trust these tools? Is the adoption equitable and if not does it exacerbate current inequalities? What are the consequences of large platform like Amazon, Google, Airbnb, Robinhood and Zillow giving their customers access to powerful digital tools?

MKT 556Internet Marketing


MKT 560Marketing Strategy

You Should Take This Class If you:• Desire to become a marketing strategist, consultant or marketing manager;• Want to create imaginative and effective marketing strategies that meet or exceed revenue,

profitability, market share and global and local customer relationship and marketing management objectives;

• Want to experience how marketing executives from high profile companies, such as Amazon, Coty, H-E-B Food and Drug, Riot Games, Salesforce, Uber and The Walt Disney Studios, have developed and implemented marketing strategies that have increased their sales and profitability and achieved sustainable, competitive advantages.

Course Description:The development and execution of successful marketing strategies are essential to capitalize on opportunities and resolve issues that challenge a variety of domestic and global business spanning multiple industries. This course is designed for students who are now seeking to expand their knowledge and capabilities in the more advanced discipline of marketing strategy and apply marketing strategy tools and frameworks in the development of a marketing strategic plan.

Instructor: Diane Badame


Instructor: Kalinda Ukanwa

MKT 566Marketing Analytics

You Should Take This Class If you:Are interested in making intelligent and critical use of marketing data?Students will enhance his/her marketability as • Marketing/Business Analyst • Consultant or Market Strategist • Brand or Product Manager

Course Description: This course is aimed at familiarizing students with data-driven marketing strategies. The class takes a very hands-on approach with a combination of lectures, cases, and exercises. Student will be able to enhance his/her marketability as a marketing/business analyst, as well as his/her competency to interact with and manage a marketing/business analytics team.

Brand/Product Manager


MKT 567Marketing Metrics for Business Decisions

You Should Take This Class If you:• Want to apply, develop and interpret Marketing Metrics through case studies, data sets, in class

exercises and industry speakers• Want to develop data visualization analysis techniques (in Tableau) to build metrics and

dashboards • Want to examine the link between Marketing Metrics and the Sales and Finance functions

Course Description:Most entry and mid-level jobs where the student will translate reports/metrics to a business narrative/decision. It should prove useful to both Marketers and Consultants.

Instructor: Dinesh Puranam


MKT 580Fostering Creativity

You Should Take This Class If you:• Are interested in developing your personal creativity and your ability to see and solve problems? • Are you interested in exploring activities and exercises outside of your comfort zone? • Wish to understand yourself better in order to improve your ability to succeed.

Course Description:To help provide information on whether you should take the class, I provide a synopsis of the course written by a former student in response to other students asking her to describe the course: ”I can honestly tell you the Fostering Creativity class has made the biggest impact on me of any class I’ve taken at Marshall. I would take it again if I could. It helped me learn to handle anxiety and go with the flow instead of getting worked up about things in my personal and professional life that are out of my control. The class pushes you out of your comfort zone to do things you’ve told yourself you’re incapable of, so I am now much more willing to at least try things that formerly would have scared the bejeezus out of me. I learned that if I set my mind to it, there really isn’t anything I can’t do. It was a huge confidence builder. You learn a lot about yourself and why you act/react the way you do and by understanding where it comes from, you can change it. And for the business school mindset, it was a great networking class. Our class got very close because you’re having emotional experiences just about every class session and bonding over those emotions. There isn’t a syllabus (step 1 of learning to go with the flow) and there’s lots of ambiguity around activities so it is hard to decide ahead of time whether you’ll enjoy it. But I promise you, go into it with an open mind and a desire to change your life for the better, and it will be the best class you take at Marshall.”

Instructor: Joseph Priester

Insert Job Name Here


MKT 599Strategic Marketing in the Creative Industries

Instructor: Joseph Nunes

You Should Take This Class If you:• Love movies, television, music, art, theater, dance, fashion, theme parks, video games and other

creative endeavors.• Wonder how tastes are formed, superstars are made, the corporate culture at Netflix is

different, style trickles down and up, and what constitutes the worst song ever and why.• Want to pursue a career in one of the Creative Industries, which includes film, television, music,

the performing arts (e.g., theater, dance), fashion, theme parks, video games, and more. • Are interested in how the digital transformation and globalization are affecting these industries.

Course Description:Strategic Marketing in the Creative Industries focuses on challenges for managers in the creative industries, defined as industries that produces goods and services that provide artistic, cultural, and/or entertainment value to consumers. The course aims to provide a deep understanding of what are effective marketing strategies in the creative industries, and to impart conceptual frameworks and practical insights that can aid managers (or future managers) in those industries.


MKT 599Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Applications in Marketing Strategy

You should take this class if you desire to learn more about how to:• Develop predictive models that support data-driven decision-making in Marketing using Geographic Info. Systems data.• Create a data-driven Marketing Plan that leverages location analytics.• Develop and execute digital marketing (geo-targeted) plans based on spatial thinking and GIS data analytics.• Segment consumers using GIS data to develop highly targeted marketing strategies.• Address specific marketing challenges by leveraging location analytics as part of the STP (segmentation, targeting, and

positioning) process across a variety of industries.

Course Description:This course offers an introduction to the fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems and location analytics as they relate to decision-making in Marketing Strategy. This course will be taught as a lab-based class, where students will experiment hands-on with GIS software to address specific marketing challenges. Students will learn the fundamentals of spatial thinking, and will also explore specific applications of GIS platforms such as ESRI Tapestry and ArcGIS Business Analyst. This course will also cover how GIS data are gathered, predictive modeling for marketing decision-making using GIS data, and the relationship between digital/mobile marketing, social media, and GIS models. Students will have many opportunities to discuss real-world marketing applications of GIS data at various multi-national firms.

Course Deliverables• Labs (in-class, in teams)• Cases• Midterm Exam• Final presentations (in teams)

Instructors: Miriam Burgos and Beth Wellman

Brand/Product Manager

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