Page 1: Spring 2015 Transfer Student Pre-registration guide


Your handbook for a successful transition before orientation.

Page 2: Spring 2015 Transfer Student Pre-registration guide

Welcome to VCU’s School of Business! We are excited that you will be joining us for classes in January! This handbook will guide you through the steps to register for classes before you attend orientation. Registration begins on Monday, December 1 at 9:00 AM. You should register on or around this date in order to have the most options for your course schedule. Advisors will be available by phone to answer your registration questions Monday, December 1 – Thursday, December 4 from 1 pm – 2pm. Call 804-828-3710. You can also email [email protected] for assistance. After registering for classes, you must attend Orientation on one of the following days to confirm your spring schedule: December 15 or 16, or January 7 or 8. At Orientation you will meet with an academic advisor to discuss any amendments that need to be made to your spring schedule. Be sure to bring an UNOFFICIAL COPY OF YOUR TRANSCRIPT with you to your advising meeting. It is still important for you to submit your final transcript from the fall semester to the VCU Transfer Center. Everyone associated with the School of Business program looks forward to welcoming and meeting you in the months ahead!

Contact [email protected] if you encounter problems. You may need overrides to register

for your classes.

Page 3: Spring 2015 Transfer Student Pre-registration guide

5 STEPS TO VCU Business

Step 1 – Set up your eID and password

Step 2 – Review your transfer credits in DegreeWorks and choose classes to take in


o Take Math Placement Test if necessary (see page 5 for more details)

o Any classes you are taking at your current institution will not show on

DegreeWorks until you complete them and transfer them to VCU. These credits

will be applied to VCU upon submission of your final transcripts.

Step 3 – REGISTER for your classes!

Step 4 – Attend Orientation and discuss your schedule with an advisor.

Step 5 – Start classes @ VCU Business on Monday, January 12Monday, January 12!

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Step 1 - eID and Password Information


Your eID is not your student or employee number (also known as your V-number, vID, or Banner number). Your eID is an alphanumeric set of characters that is usually a combination of your last name and initials. The eID followed by usually represents your VCU email address.

SAMPLE eID: rodneyram SAMPLE email: [email protected]

eID Finder and Setup of First Password

If you do not know what your eID is or need to setup your first eID password, you can

use the eID Finder website at

Write down your eID and

password on your Registration Worksheet.

Make sure you memorize or

bring these with you to Orientation!

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Step 2 – View Transfer Credits in DegreeWorks

and Choose Classes

DegreeWorks is a tool you can use to see the degree requirements you have fulfilled and which courses you have remaining. All transfer credits you have applied to your degree will appear here. Any classes you are currently in at your current institution will not show on DegreeWorks until you complete them and transfer them to VCU. Transfer students need to review this document carefully, and take note of any inconsistencies or missing credits. If you notice an error with your DegreeWorks statement, please tell the advisor at your orientation advising session so he or she may investigate. How to view DegreeWorks

1. Go to the VCU homepage:

2. Roll over Students.

3. Click MyVCU.

4. Enter ‘Your eID’ and password,

then click LOGIN

5. Click the eServices/VCU Self

Service (top right-hand corner)

6. Click ‘Student’ tab

7. Click on DegreeWorks

8. Click DegreeWorks again

This is what DegreeWorks will look like. It will show you your major, everyone starts as Business Foundation; your intended major if you selected one (in this example it’s Information Systems); your current gpa; and it will show you how many credits you have earned or have transferred in.

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When you scroll down, you can also see the course name on the left, the course number in the middle, and you can see that it was a transfer credit because the course is marked with a TR. You can also see what the course was called at your institution. Once you register for classes at VCU, they will be highlighted in blue.

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Select the appropriate Math class

All VCU Business students must pass Math through Calculus. If you have not yet completed Calculus, you must register for the next math course in the sequence of classes listed below.

If you are not transferring in any Mathematics courses, you will be required to take the VCU Mathematics Placement Exam online to determine for which Math class you should register. The purpose of the Mathematics Placement Exam is to determine the appropriate level of math you should start taking at VCU. The Mathematics Placement Exam does not give you credit for a math class, nor does it satisfy or exempt you from any math course your major or school requires of you for graduation.

Please click here to log in to the Math Placement Exam:

Once you have completed the exam, you will be given a score, which will let you know which Math course to register for:

Transfer credit or Math Placement Exam score

Class Number Course Title

MATH 001 MATH 141 “stretch” Algebra with Applications (course covers same content as MATH 141, but meets more often for increased contact with instructor)

MATH 131/141 MATH 141 Algebra with Applications

MATH 151 MATH 151 or SCMA 171

Precalculus Math Applications for Business

MATH 200 MATH 200 or SCMA 212

Calculus with Analytic Geometry Differential Calc & Optimization

Write down the Math class you will register for on your registration worksheet:

MATH 141 or MATH 141 “stretch” MATH 151 or SCMA 171 MATH 200 or SCMA 212


Students are required to

register for INFO 162 Introduction to Spreadsheets

prior to or during the same semester as registering for

SCMA 171



Most majors in the School of Business take

SCMA 171 and 212. Take MATH 151 and

200 if you are interested in Finance, Risk

Management, Financial Technology, or

thinking of changing from Business to an

Engineering or Science degree, declaring a

double major, or are a pre-health student

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Select the appropriate UNIV class

All students at VCU are required to complete a three course writing sequence: UNIV 111& 112 Focused Inquiry I & II and UNIV 200 Inquiry and the Craft of Argument. If you completed two semesters of composition (ENG111 and ENG112 at a Virginia Community College with a grade of “C” or higher), you have completed your UNIV requirement here at VCU. You completed 6 credits of composition at your previous institution and you will receive 6 transfer credits here at VCU. You will be waived out of UNIV 111. You will see the following courses listed on your DegreeWorks statement:

If you only completed one composition course at your previous institution (ENG111 at VCCS), you will be waived from UNIV 111, will be given credit for UNIV 112 and will be required to complete UNIV 200 at VCU:

If you did not take any English composition courses at your previous institution, you will be required to complete UNIV 111, 112 and 200:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you start taking

classes at VCU, you may NOT return to the community college to complete

English composition classes.

Write down the UNIV class you will register for on your registration worksheet:

UNIV 111 UNIV 112 UNIV 200

NONE- UNIV COMPLETED (UNIV classes can be found in the University

College subject)

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Select the appropriate Accounting

and Economics Classes

ACCT (Accounting) – Do you have transfer credit for both ACCT 203 and ACCT 204? If not, please register for the appropriate class in the sequence starting with ACCT 203 if you have not transferred either course. Please note that you must earn a grade of C or better in ACCT 203 in order to progress into ACCT 204.

VCCS Students – ACC 211 transfers as ACCT 203 and ACC 212 transfers as ACCT 204. If you took both of these classes at your Community College and received a C or higher, you have completed your accounting requirement:

ECON (Economics) – Do you have transfer credit for both ECON 210 Microeconomics and ECON 211 Macroeconomics? If not, please register for the appropriate class in the sequence starting with ECON 210 Microeconomics if you have not transferred either course.

VCCS Students – ECO 201 transfers as ECON 211 (please note the sequence difference). We do microeconomics first and VCCS does macroeconomics first. ECO 202 transfers as ECON 210. Please be careful when registering for ECON that you do not repeat a course you have already taken. Also, if you completed both ECO 201 and 202 and received a C or higher, you have completed your economics requirement:

Write down the ACCOUNTING AND ECONOMICS classes you will register for on your registration worksheet:

ACCT 203 OR ACCT 204


Page 10: Spring 2015 Transfer Student Pre-registration guide

Select the appropriate additional

Business Foundation Requirements

As a part of Business Foundation, students are required to take BUSN 201-202, Foundations of Business I & II and BUSN 225 Winning Presentations.

BUSN 201-202 Foundations of Business I & II – Do you have transfer credit for both BUSN 201 and BUSN 202? If not, you’ll need to register for the appropriate class in the sequence starting with BUSN 201. BUSN 201 will next be offered in Summer 2015.

UNIV 112 is a prerequisite for BUSN 201. If you have transfer credit for UNIV 112, you

are eligible to register for BUSN 201.

VCCS Students – BUS 100 transfers as BUSN 201 and BUSN 202. If you took this classes at your Community College and received a C or higher, you have completed your Foundations of Business requirement.

BUSN 225 Winning Presentations – Do you have transfer credit for BUSN 225, or a Speech class? If you have a Speech class that is not allocated as BUSN 225, please email [email protected] to have the course reallocated. If you have not taken a speech class, you will register for this course in the spring semester. VCCS Students – If you took one of these classes at your Community College and received a C or higher, you have completed the BUSN 225 requirement:

CST 100/105/110/126/200

or SPD 100/110/126/200

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Select any Additional Classes

The Business Foundation program consists of 63 credits, which include the UNIV, ECON,

ACCT, BUSN, and MATH classes discussed previously.

You must complete at least one course in EACH of the following areas: Humanities/Fine Arts,

Social/Behavioral Sciences and Natural/Physical Sciences. If you have already taken a course

that you feel should have fulfilled this requirement, please email [email protected] to ask an

advisor to review your transfer credits. Please specify which course you feel should fulfill the


Page 12: Spring 2015 Transfer Student Pre-registration guide

NOTE: the General Education requirement is waived for students entering with a General Education

Certificate or Associates of Arts or Sciences (NOT Associates of Applied Sciences). If you have already

earned your Certificate or Associates degree, you will see the following in DegreeWorks – note, you still

must earn a minimum of 63 credits in the area and complete UNIV 111, UNIV 112, and UNIV 200.

Next, please check your DegreeWorks to see if you require any Electives to bring your total

number of credits in the foundation area to a minimum of 63. Please note: You are only allowed

up to 2 additional INFO 16X credits, for a total of 6 credits and a limit of 4 physical education


All School of Business students must take the following four 1 credit courses: INFO 160 INFO

161, 162, and 165. International Management Majors and Marketing Majors should take INFO

166 instead of INFO 165

In addition, students are expected to register for INFO 162 Digital Literacy: Spreadsheet Skills I

in the same semester that they register for SCMA 171.

*The INFO160, INFO 161, and INFO 162 Knowledge Equivalency Tests (KET) are test-out options that provides an alternate to taking the INFO160, INFO 161, and INFO 162 courses. This option is ideal for students who feel they have a good mastery on the concepts taught in INFO160, INFO 161, and INFO 162 and can pass the KET without taking the course.

If you are interested in taking the KET click here for more information.

Do you need to complete General Education requirements? If yes, please see the next page for a list of suggested classes, and write these down on your Registration Worksheet.

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Additional University Core courses All students at VCU are required to take at least one course in EACH of the following areas: Humanities/Fine Arts, Social/Behavioral Sciences and Natural/Physical Sciences Natural/Physical Sciences BIOL 101 – Biological Concepts BIOL/ENVS 103 – Environmental Science CHEM 110 – Chemistry and Society ENVS 201 – Earth System Science FRSC 202 – Crime and Science INSC 201 – Energy! (Prereq – Statistics/Math 141) PHYS 103 – Elementary Astronomy PHYS 215 – Science, Technology and Society Social Behavioral Sciences ANTH/INTL 103 – Introduction to Anthropology ECON 101/INTL 102 – Introduction to Political Economy HUMS 300 – Great Questions of the Social Sciences INTL 101 – Human Societies and Globalization POLI 103 – US Government POLI/INTL 105 – International Relations PSYC 101 – Introduction to Psychology SCTS 200 – Science in Society: Values, Ethics & Politics

SLWK 200 -- Building a Just Society SOCY 101 – General Sociology UNIV 211 – Food for Thought UNIV 222 – Pseudoscience GSWS 201 – Introduction to Women’s Studies Humanities/Fine Arts AFAM 111 -- Introduction to Africana Studies ENGL 215 – Textual Analysis (UNIV 112) HIST 201 – The Art of Historical Detection: HUMS 250 – Reading Film (UNIV 111) MASC/INTL 151 – Global Communications PHIL 201 – Critical Thinking about Moral Problems (UNIV 112) PHIL 250 – Thinking about Thinking RELS 108 – Human Spirituality UNIV 213- The Truth About Lying UNIV 217 – Finding Your Voice in Contemporary Society (UNIV 112) UNIV 299 – What’s the Big Idea? WRLD/INTL 203 – Cultural Texts and Contexts: WRLD 230 – Introduction to World Cinema

Suggested Business General Education Electives Any of the following: AFAM, ANTH, ANTZ, ARTH, BIOL, BIOZ, CHEM, CHEZ, CRJS, DANC, ENGL, ENVS, FRSC, FRSZ, GEOG, GEOZ, HIST, INNO, INSC, INTL (except INTL 493), MASC, MATH, PHIL, PHYS, PHYZ, POLI, PSYC (except PSYC 214), RELS, SOCS, SOCY, USRP OR WRLD course Any foreign language course Any honors-designated course taught outside of the School of Business Any of the following UNIV courses: UNIV 211 Food for Thought UNIV 213 The Truth about Lying UNIV 217 Finding Your Voice in Contemporary Society UNIV 222 Pseudoscience UNIV 299 What’s the Big Idea?

Foreign Languages are a great way to earn General Education Elective credit AND prepare for

Study Abroad! VCU offers courses in Arabic, Chinese,

French, German, Hindi, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Russian,

Spanish and Zulu through the School of World Studies.

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Review Course Descriptions and pre-requisite information online at: ADDITIONAL COURSE OPTIONS If you have completed all of your General Education requirements and Foundation classes, and

need additional courses to bring your schedule to full-time, you may consider registering for the

following courses based on your major:

Advanced Business course selection for particular majors:

* Denotes that you will need an override for a course, please email [email protected]

for an override in order to register for this course


MKTG 301 Marketing Principles

SCMA 301 Business Statistics I

o Pre-req is calculus

MGMT 310*

SCMA 325 Organizational Communication*


SCMA 323 Legal Environment of Business

ACCT 303 Intermediate Accounting I*

ACCT 306 Cost Accounting*

ACCT 405 Tax Accounting*


SCMA 323 Legal Environment of Business

ECON 300 Contemporary Issues in Economics*

ECON 301 Microeconomic Theory*


SCMA 302 Business Statistics II

SCMA 323 Legal Environment of Business

FIRE 311 Financial Management* (prerequisite Calculus – SCMA 212 or MATH 151)

MANAGEMENT MAJORS: All concentrations can take:

SCMA 323 Legal Environment of Business

MGMT 319 Organizational Behavior*

SCMA 302 Business Statistics II

MGMT 331 Human Resource Management* (pre-req SCMA 301)

Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management can also take o MGMT 321 Intro to Entrepreneurship*

Page 15: Spring 2015 Transfer Student Pre-registration guide


SCMA 323 Legal Environment of Business

SCMA 302 Business Statistics II

MGMT 331 Human Resource Management* (pre-req SCMA 301) MARKETING MAJORS (all tracks):

SCMA 323 Legal Environment of Business

MKTG 301 Marketing Principles

MGMT 319 Organizational Behavior*


FIRE 305 Principles of Real Estate

FIRE 311 Financial Management* (prerequisite Calculus – SCMA 212 or MATH 151)


FIRE 311 Financial Management* (prerequisite Calculus – SCMA 212 or MATH 151)

SCMA 302 Business Statistics II


INFO 202 Intro to E-Business Technology (Pre -req: INFO 160)

MATH 211 (prerequisite Calculus – SCMA 212 or MATH 151)

INFO 323 Ethical, Social, and Legal Issues in Information Systems*

Write down the Upper Level Business courses (if any) you would like to register

for on your registration worksheet.

DON’T FORGET: email [email protected] if you encounter problems or if you need overrides for

upper-level classes.

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Registration Worksheet eID: Password:

1. Gather all registration materials prior to logging onto MyVCU’s registration system, including your eID, password, and completed registration worksheet below. 2. Go to the VCU homepage: Roll over Students. Click on myVCU. 3. Logon using your eID and password. Follow the directions if you have not set up your eID and password. 4. Click on eServices (upper left hand corner) 5. Click the Student Tab. Click Registration link. Click “Add or Drop Classes.” 6. Select the term you wish to search and click “Submit” (e.g., Spring 2015). 7. Click “Class Search” 8. Select the “Subject” and click “Course Search” 9. Select the course number for the course in which you are interested. 10. Scroll down to find the appropriate class time, then click the check box located to the left of the CRN #. Scroll down and click the “Register” button. (If there is a “C” instead of a box, that

class is closed and you must find a different section)

You are now registered for the class. If there are any issues, i.e., a time conflict, the system will let you know via a message.

M = Monday T=Tuesday W=Wednesday R=Thursday F=Friday Total: 15 credits

CRN (5 digits)

Department Course No. Section Course Title Credits Days/Times Room Number

13959 MGMT 171 001 Math, if needed


10004 ACCT 203 002 Accounting, if needed


12002 ECON 210 001 Economics, if needed


20207 UNIV 111 002 University Writing, if



INFO’s, BUSN’s, electives,

Advanced Core classes


Page 17: Spring 2015 Transfer Student Pre-registration guide

Step 3 - Register for classes on


Register yourself for your spring semester classes using the Registration Worksheet on the

previous page.


Major Restriction

You will receive this message if you register for an upper level business course because you

are still a business foundation student. Please email [email protected] to request an


Class Conflict

You have already registered for this course. Check your student schedule in eServices to view

the courses you have already registered for.

Time Conflict

You have already registered for another course that meets at the same day/time. Pre-Requisite Not Satisfied

You have not satisfied the pre-requisite. If you are currently enrolled in any pre-requisite

coursework at your current institution, you will require pre-requisite overrides to register. In this

event, please send an email to [email protected] with the following information:


Student ID number (V Number)

Course number and title for the course that you are trying to register for

Course number and title for the course that you are currently registered in, that meets

the prerequisite


December 1, 9:00 am: Pre-registration for new transfer students opens.

o Don’t forget to register for your Orientation date!

December 1 – December 4 (1 pm – 2pm): Advisors will be available by phone to

answer your registration questions. Call 804-828-3710.

December 15, December 16, January 7 or January 8: Meet with an advisor to

review your schedule at orientation.

December 20, 2014 – January 4, 2015: VCU will be closed for winter break.

Monday, January 12: Spring 2015 classes start

Sunday, January 18 (at 11:59pm): Last day to make adjustments to your spring

2015 schedule

Page 18: Spring 2015 Transfer Student Pre-registration guide

Step 4 - Attend Orientation

All students are required to attend Orientation prior to starting classes in the spring semester to confirm course selection. At Orientation, your academic advisors will

Welcome you to the School of Business!

Highlight program requirements

Introduce you to resources around campus and in the School of Business

Prepare you for academic success at VCU

Meet with you one-on-one to answer your questions and review your schedule.


You must register to attend the School of Business Transfer Student Orientation held on one of the following days:



January 7 or 8

Click Here to Register for New Student Orientation

Step 5 – Start Classes @ VCU

Business on Monday, January 12!

Page 19: Spring 2015 Transfer Student Pre-registration guide

Questions for your orientation

advising meeting

Please feel free to use this space to write any questions and/or concerns you would like addressed during your orientation advising session:















Page 20: Spring 2015 Transfer Student Pre-registration guide

Welcome to Richmond!!

Interested in getting involved in the city of Richmond?

-Check out Carytown has tons of great shopping and dining! -Check out Maymont Park offers wonderful gardens and walking trails and is a great picnic destination. -Check out Enjoy the river by visiting Belle Isle and walking one of the scenic trails. -Check out

Learn about Richmond’s rich Civil War history during a tour of Hollywood Cemetery. -Check out Fun Facts about Richmond Richmond finished as the 10th best city for overall small business friendliness in the country, earning an A grade, by, June 2014. Richmond named one of the top 10 big cities to live and work, by Credit Donkey, December 2013. Richmond named a 'Hot U.S. City' for Jobs and Culture, by the Daily Beast, July 2013.

Richmond named one of "10 Up And Coming Cities for Entrepreneurs" by, September 2013. *Statistics courtesy of the Greater Richmond Partnership.

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